by Catherine J. Frompovich
January 18, 2015
ActivistPost Website
Catherine retired from researching and writing,
but felt
compelled to write this article.
Catherine J Frompovich (website)
is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in
Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in
Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work
has been published in national and airline magazines since the early
1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with
co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and
holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer
healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.
Catherine's latest book, published October 4, 2013, is
Vaccination Voodoo - What YOU Don't Know About Vaccines |

What a question even to ask!
But - someone, something - perhaps
conspiracies - as many are encouraged by the global media to believe
- truly have brought the planet and humankind out of mediaeval
misery, but equally into profoundly dangerous circumstances.
However, not many who, apparently, are
responsible for Planet Earth, aka
Mother Earth - Gaia, being trashed
before our very eyes, either are fussing up or getting their
respective or collective recognition, and all while continuing to
profit from poisoning our dying planet.
Every day, commonplace humans who live, work, and try to make ends
meet are being blamed for ruining Planet Earth. Why?
We, the 'seeming-low-life' in the elite's minds, are saddled with
being responsible for all the ills that plague the planet, if you
listen to the media. Yet, that deflection is nowhere near fact, in
this writer's opinion.
My reasoning:
Who really is it that,
manufacturers, finances, operates, and mainstreams the
money-making technologies that have been touted and allowed
to run without checks and balances on how they negatively
impact Planet Earth, the environment, and all living matter?
Who controls business and
Aren't moguls such as J.P.
Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew W. Mellon, and John D.
Rockefeller responsible for setting the corporate paradigm
while creating industrial and economic dynasties that, in
essence, have overtaken science, the environment, and
created vested interest lobbying practices that make certain
99% of non-elites comply with their fascist-like quest for
wealth through influencing government?
The industrial age of the robber barons
spawned the current corporate-government-run world, in my opinion.
It was only a matter of time when tycoon money would overtake
science, including eugenics,
as the Rockefellers did and, apparently, influence others, as
per family member
David Rockefeller, who said in
his Memoirs,
...we are part of a secret cabal
working against the best interests of the United States... If
that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
As one who has lived 76 years and
counting, I know much more about life, living, and what the
planet/world and the environment were like prior to the last
twenty-five or so years.
I lived and remember the days of crystal
clear, powder blue skies with fluffy white clouds, not smudged
shadow clouds, apparently 'created' by weather geo-engineers
spraying horrendous toxic chemicals, including viruses, down on all
of Creation.
Those dirty clouds, which contain aluminum-chaff particulates
that can bounce microwaves around to heat the atmosphere and
precipitate weather and probably the
Jet Stream for a
Polar Vortex,
undoubtedly, began as a result of "A Recommended National Program In
Weather Modification" produced by NASA as ICAS Report No. 10a,
November 1966, documented
here and
here for the 97 page report in its entirety.
what really are they spraying in chemtrails?
A scientific
analysis done in California confirms the following elements:
Aluminum (known to cause
Barium salts
Cadium [sic] Cadmium
Desiccated human blood cells
Ethylene dibromide
Mold spores
Polymer fibers
Radio cesium
Sharp titanium shards
Stonthium [sic] Strontium
Submicron particles
Unidentified living bacteria
and many other toxins...
Those types of elements/chemicals/metals
should not be raining down on humans, who breathe their particulates
into our lungs.
Can those chemtrail 'ingredients' be a cause for the
precipitous rise in lung diseases and cancers?
Probably, according to a news release from UC Davis Health System, "Lung doctors expect respiratory diseases will worsen with global
climate change."
However, medical doctors, others who ought to be
concerned, and the U.S. CDC/FDA seemingly aren't doing anything to
stop the aerial spraying that now saturates U.S. skies, but also
encircles the globe! Why?
However, as of January 21, 2015, a
new chemtrail 'recipe' that's
part of the U.S. Air Force's Project Indigo Skyfold (below
video), supposedly includes
radioactive materials, which should make chemtrails invisible!
Chemtrail Pilot Speaks out - Indigo Skyfold
will PIS do to human lungs, eyes, and health in general?
PIS probably will interact with the Jet Stream to create more Polar
Vortex happenings in the lower U.S. states.
Someone's on to what's
going on:
Katharine Hayhoe, a Texas Tech
climate scientist in Lubbock, said the study "provides important
insight into the cascading nature of the effects human
activities are having on the planet." [1]
Yes, Professor Katharine Hayhoe, humans are
Then there's the California drought that's now
entering its fourth year.
Here are dramatic contrast photographs taken July 20, 2011
compared with August 19, 2014 photos.
Many researchers contend the California drought is the intended
result of weather geo-engineering, aka chemtrails, plus
microwave activity.
There is speculation that the newer
recipe in Project Indigo Skyfold is designed to drive the California
drought conditions farther east into the mid-section or breadbasket
of the USA.
Where's Congress on this one?
Who formulated Project Indigo
Skyfold and why?
But then, aren't we THE ones
being blamed?
Which human activities are
having effects on the planet?
Weather geoengineering is the
deliberate atmospheric spraying of sky trails, aka
I assure you, in all my life, until relatively recently, I NEVER saw
those tic-tac-toe patterns in the sky, which some contend are
contrails, anywhere in the world that I happened to have been, and
I've traveled quite a bit in my life.
A true atmospheric contrail
dissolves within seconds to a less than a minute behind modern day
jets, as
these photographs verify.
So, are you the reader, or I the writer, or some poor native in the
African jungle, or some monk in Nepal spraying those weather
modification chemtrails? Nope!
Who is, then? I tell readers what I
have learned about that in
This photograph by Awais Imran filed
is indicative of the daily darkly-smudged underside of clouds
facing earth we see anymore, at least in SE Pennsylvania.
Searching the Internet I could not find
old-time, pre-chemtrail, pure-white clouds of my younger years. Are
they gone forever? I sure hope not!
Actually, I must admit that I've always thought back to a time when
a 'curtain of disbelief' descended upon humanity and Earth - the
1950s. The most dramatic events that precipitated out-of-hand
technology were the
two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in 1945. I remember both those
August 1945 days like they were yesterday.
Now, as an older and
hopefully wiser person, I shudder at what men have wrought.
For those who believe in karma or "do
unto others as you would have them do unto you," what can we expect?
Responsible individuals don't mainstream a technology for which they
cannot safely dispose of its waste materials or which have to be
guarded in thick cement for hundreds of thousands of years, or more.
Plus, knowingly 're-invent' and propagate that technology as "Atoms
for Peace".
To put nuclear fission/atomic energy
technologies into proper perspective, this is what Albert Einstein
said about his contribution:
I made one great mistake in my life
- when I signed the letter to President Roosevelt recommending
that atom bombs be made; but there was some justification - the
danger that the Germans would make them. [2]
The World War II years, and immediately
following, were the turning point in the history of humankind's
ascent into technology along with a complicated, but fascinating,
descent into the techno-chemical age from which we cannot extricate
Everything was in technological flux:
There were television sets, antibiotics, and chemicals being
produced from recipes taken from captured German scientists, which
eventually would become concepts for the USA pharmaceutical and
chemical industries.
The role that the U.S. government played in that 'start up' began
Project Paperclip.
And, that role in time only became BIGGER, all-encompassing, and
even global!
Currently, the U.S. Air Force and Navy are at the forefront of
owning the weather as a 'weapon of war'. See
as a Force Multiplier - Owning the Weather in 2025", a
U.S. military publication.
To my way of thinking what I saw in the 1950s, seemed like so many
things were changing very fast and that civilization was on a
fast-track trajectory. One dramatic clue for me, even at that time,
was automobiles.
To illustrate my point,
here is how cars previously to the 1950s looked; while
here is how cars during the 1950s looked!
In retrospect, what I intuitively realized was that technology
apparently was taking over and eventually would be positioned as a
new 'god', probably to replace the 'God' of the
old testament. Or,
maybe 'god' would be science, or science would become the new
Both 'gods' vigorously activated their overwhelming quests
almost like fast-morphing viruses, which eventually turned into
global pandemics of fear, sickness, polluted food, water and air,
and a force-fed media campaign that Nature seemingly doesn't count
anymore - science knows better.
But look what that got us.
One issue as an example: Medicine decried breast feeding babies.
According to Wikipedia,
By the 1950s, the predominant
attitude to breastfeeding was that it was something practiced by
the uneducated and those of lower classes.
The practice was
considered old-fashioned and "a little disgusting" for those who
could not afford infant formula and discouraged by medical
practitioners and media of the time.[19]
Letters and editorials to
Chatelaine from 1945 to as late as 1995 regarding
breastfeeding were predominately negative. [3]
Manufactured baby formula was better
than Mothers' breast milk!
In the late 1920s,
Alfred Bosworth released Similac (for "similar to
lactation"), and Mead Johnson released Sobee.[9]
Several other formulas were released over the next few decades,
but commercial formulas did not begin to seriously compete
with evaporated milk formulas until the 1950s.
reformulation and concentration of Similac in 1951, and the
introduction (by Mead Johnson) of Enfamil (for "infant meal") in
1959 were accompanied by marketing campaigns that provided
inexpensive formula to hospitals and pediatricians.[9]
By the early 1960s, commercial formulas were more commonly used
than evaporated milk formulas in the United States, which all
but vanished in the 1970s. By the early 1970s, over 75% of
American babies were fed on formulas, almost entirely
commercially produced.[4]
Who profited from changing the
natural way of feeding babies from time immemorial?
Those who manufactured, advertised, and sold baby formula.
advertising campaigns were so intense that mothers actually believed
a snake-oil-like sales-pitch. Again, it was those who were at the
helms of industry and commerce who preyed on both infants and
mothers that deprived babies of their natural right to wholesome
nutrition and immunological conditioning through human breast milk.
Plus, the pharmaceutical industry even produced pills to
stop natural lactation. Back in those years, medical doctors were revered.
If a
doctor said it, it had to be factual.
One classic faux pas the
advertising industry, medical doctors, and cigarette makers
committed was having MDs endorse certain brands of cigarettes, and
tobacco use as not being harmful.
See the following from
Stanford University, plus these
actual advertisements.
So, again, who profited from
pushing tobacco on the consumer?
Manufacturers, advertisers, and those who sold the products!
everyone else who bought into what's been called "tobacco science"
has paid the price ever since with ruined health, inflating
healthcare costs, and government tobacco subsidies for years, which
taxpayers paid for.
So, you see, it's always those at the top who
invent, make, sell, and profit from technological innovations, which
are to blame not those who, unfortunately, buy into their
technological advances, most of which harm us.
Today we have cell phones and their omnipresent
cell towers with their overlooked harms and
Again, who profits, who pollutes, and who suffers?
Returning to after WWII and how technologies were taking off,
especially in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries,
formaldehyde became big time stuff. You could not breathe in
fabric stores, as they were so overwhelmed with formaldehyde fumes.
Carpeting impregnated and made with formaldehyde was another
disaster, and set in motion a new syndrome, which has become known
as Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).
Some houses even were insulated with formaldehyde foam and people
got dramatically sick! Again, technology not thought out correctly
nor applied properly that's made millions for business tycoons but
damaged or killed millions of others.
declared formaldehyde a carcinogen, but it's still being used in
many products.
The current technological advance of fracking for shale gas and
oil has made millionaires out of drillers and landowners, but
has given the environment more problems.
Ground water is poisoned
and polluted so much that running water from kitchen faucets can be
lighted with a match.
Furthermore, earthquakes now are being implicated as
direct effects from fracking.
All the issues I've talked about, plus there are thousands more that
could be included but this article would never end, cause serious
damage to the planet, the environment, and us.
They can cause toxic outgassing, pollution, exploit natural resources, contaminate, and
cause all sorts of health problems, some of which had not been on
modern medicine's radar very long, e.g.,
Morgellon's disease.
Plus, they trash the planet!
I cringe at the thought of a destroyed, once-beautiful
Blue Jewel, Planet Earth.
I'm of the belief that even though we,
the 99%, may not invent nor control all the technology that is
destroying living organisms on earth, we actually are partly to
blame because we have not stood up against government, business,
industry, and others who manipulate us into believing in and
accepting that man-made science is better than Nature, Intelligent
Design, or the natural evolutionary processes.
So, how bad are
things? Take a look at
what's happening in China.
Here are the
11 worst-polluted cities in the USA.
A rather expensive and intricately designed granite monument in
Elbert County, Georgia, USA, may give some insights, or clues, as to
what's going on and that there also IS a concentrated effort afoot
to control Nature and most of all, human beings! It's the
Georgia Guidestones.
There are ten messages, which some refer to
as the new ten commandments.
The first is more than chilling!
Are all the technological 'advances' that, in essence, destructively
interact with Nature, the Planet, and humans a
scientifically-approved, culturally-admired, and government-imposed
'ways and means' to accomplish the Georgia Guidestone's first
"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with
Or half a billion!
Who had the chutzpah and the money to erect such a monument?
That's an imperative question every one of the 7.28 billion [5]
humans on Planet Earth should be mulling over and deciding how to
react to, it would seem to this writer.
We have only Planet Earth to live on physically, so shouldn't we
come to her aid. We must rescue her and ourselves or, truly, we may
be lost forever.
Take a look at Mars!
http://www.usatoday.com/story/weather/2014/09/02/polar-vortex-climate-change/14973047/ [2]
http://www.shmoop.com/albert-einstein/atomic-bomb.html [3]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_and_culture_of_breastfeeding [4]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infant_formula [5]