Reason 76:
SONY which is an anagram for SION
since in English the "Y" is substituted for an "I".
Of course it
makes sense coming from the company that has introduced the
world too some of its greatest technological gadgets of the
time. As they are already letting it become known they will bee
adjusting the viewers DNA with the new digital upgrades. When
this begins there will be little more one can do to explain
anything to the masses, they simply will not be interested.
will bee dulled out and controlled, embedded with layers of
digitized mental programming.

Reason 77:
Mushrooms along with hallucinogens
Ayahuasca are Gateway Drugs, meaning that once taken they
open the gateway of your soul which is normally kept closed by
An inexperienced person can suffer from several types
of possessions when taking these substances if they are not
trained in the knowledge of out of body experience OOBE. As you
see Dr. Mario lured millions of children into taking
It is said that the true purpose of a Galactic line up, is to
allow ascending and descending too take place. Manny will be
coming and going from this dimension once this happens.
who hold the power of creating realities, which can be done in
the mind, can transfer souls/minds to another reality on a
mental bridge. I know a person who went to India and then Peru
and testified of Yogis being able to take untrained students
into their minds. Then the student was transferred into another
world in which the Yogi was ruler.
Madame Blavatsky did say that
the lower dimensions were ruled by the Buddha’s on the Devachanic planes above us thus placing us in more of an Onion
of Realities, layers of what we call
Planes, Expanses,
Dimensions, and Realms. Since this is the case it would bee wise
for one too seek how-to escape this whole matter altogether or
at least how to go in the positive direction versus the
If you do not make a decision, one will be made for

Reason 78:
Hollywood lets us know one more time
that there are snakes on the Earth Plane. The symbolism is key,
as you can see the Caduceus is being implicated as one of the
I know for a fact that we have now descended 2 dimensions
already. What Leonardo Da Vinci was explaining in his paintings
which are full of sacred geometry is the Human body has a 5 fold
nature. Five senses, 5 fingers on each hand etc.
There is an
actual seam running down the middle of the body showing we are
two five fold sides put together. What is happening now is most
people are operating on 3 senses versus the 5 senses they think
they have. How this occurs is many people think they see but in
fact they are not seeing true reality just illusion, some taste
but they need seasoning to even enjoy the food not to mention
the kind of food they eat for nourishment.
Some would rather
talk thus they don’t hear well, and others touch but don’t feel
the energy of what they are examining. For each person the
mixing and matching is different. The drawback is if we can’t
operate on all five senses not only can we not "unlock" the 6
sense, which is how you feel when all five senses are being used
at their height simultaneously. In addition it takes the six
senses to unlock the 7th and so on.
As explained above the
perception of various dimensions is within the amount of senses
you have. A good example of this is when the 3rd eye is open you
are immediately perceptive of another dimension.
To clarify the statement of many languages being backwards I
will bring forth a few facts: Fact one is that all holy
languages, as they are called, like Arabic, Hebrew, Amharic,
Aramaic, and Sanskrit are written from right to left. English,
Latin, French, and Spanish, also known as the Latin Vulgate, are
all written in the opposite direction from left to right.
reason for this is the direction you read and write plays a
heavy role in the direction your mind is moving since the mind
turns more of a wheel in thought. Also this effects what side of
the brain you predominantly use. Many of the words in these
languages, especially the Vulgates, when looked at backwards or
sounded out the vibration when taken literal gives you the
actual origin of the word and its manifold involvement in the
erosion of the intelligence of the Human race.
AMOR is the word for love in Spanish. AMOR is the son of Venus.
When you look at it backwards it spells ROMA which is of course
ROME. This proves that when you turn the word backwards you
don’t get the opposite meaning you just get more of the meaning.
That is another valuable key to learn. Since letters are truly
Numbers lets say ABC is 123.
No matter how you move the words
around it will still equal 6. In English LOVE comes from JOVE
wife of Jupiter. We can conclude a J is also an L just facing
the other direction.
At times what will be uncovered will be shocking and hard to
believe, if you remain patient and strengthen your courage you
will see that this will become the key to your emancipation and
self empowerment. The system in place redundifies to the lowest
degree, once you are on the trail you will find multiple
The Art of magic itself involves an accurate system
that cannot be altered too much or else it will have no effect.
Much power lies in repetition this is why so many words are
often spelled the same, but each is given a different meaning to
increase its use. For this reason it is easier to spot them once
you know the basic parameters does this make sense, since,
cents, sins?
If you may think for one moment that your mind is not
directional consider for a moment that the eyes see everything
upside down first. They then must flip the image you see before
it sends it to your brain, all of which happens so fast you
never notice.
As we may at times forget we are actually standing
on a globe that rotates and our feet are stuck to it by gravity
less we just float off in space so in fact we are at times
upside down. If we are only using the two eyes as a gauge to
authenticating higher life forms we will remain disappointed at
our discoveries, one must use other abilities in conjunction
with their eyes.
Such as the third eye or
Pineal Gland. Most
have calcified Pineal Glands due mainly to
fluoride intake,
meat, processed starches and artificial sugars. To reverse this,
one will need to ingest good amounts of Gotu Kola, Alfalfa,
Parsley, Wood Betony, and Mugwort.
Gotu Kola is by far the most
effective of all these.

Reason 79:
The eyes are easy to be tricked, in
fact many places in our Matrix have Optical Illusions over them
so you cannot perceive what is really there with you naked eye.
As seen in folklore they often spoke of hidden doorways to other
dimensions. Focus your eyes on the dot in the center of this
Illustration. Now move your head back and forth, notice the
wheels spinning?
Your perception can easily be manipulated by
those who inner-stand the complete body down to the atomic and
cellular levels.

Reason 80:
When looking at Gates like the one
pictured in Reason 66 in Detroit you will never see anything
enter or exit the Gate they remain on a frequency none
detectable by the eye, this is not very hard, they have mastered
invisibility because of the inaccuracy of the two eyes, the
Third Eye however cannot be easily fooled.
Focus on the cross in
the center of the Illustration, you will notice the dots
disappear altogether, if you focus longer they will reappear and
then change color to green.
There are a few things that should become obvious to the
individual about many of the Gods. There Worlds have run far
longer than most can fathom especially since we have a hard time
remembering what we did last Saturday. I call this the war
against the machines except it didn’t involve the Terminator it
was the Terminal they used.
The computer has the feature of a
huge memory bank. I’ve seen computer hard drives into the
Terabytes which is at least 999 Gigabytes. The
Cray 6, a
government computer, has in its memory banks the dial tone of
every phone in the United States. It’s funny that to our ears
when you pick up the phone the tone sounds the same as any other
phone but in fact they are all different.
Part of what is happening to our short term memory, which is
very important because it makes the transfer to our long term
memory, is we store on computers everything we should remember
on our own thus our memory wilts down because it is unused. Even
numbers of our close family members are stored in the phone
memory banks not our personal memory. Now people change numbers
so much it becomes no use in remembering their number.
When we
stop logging numbers and watching them, an entire would of fact
is closed to us. If you could watch the random numbers of the
day your every step would be guided in perfection. Numbers are
what we call the "Master Language" there will always be a 1, 2, 3
in every culture thus it is the strongest language. As you see
in the Kabbalah and the Abjad there exist numeric magical cubes,
boxes that equal the same amount no matter which way you add
In short we lost the battle of the machines on various
levels, this is just one. We must regain the desire to pay
attention to Letters, Numbers, and Names.
This is the actual
exposed program to
the Matrix, you can read it if you can decode

Reason 80:
The War against the Machines, took
place in the office building, not on the Battlefield.
The real Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is busy at work dismantling
our future. Sources say
the Elite, are considering making him
the next U.S. President.
For the first time that I have seen directly we will reveal what
is at the end of
4th dimension. You may see this as a briefing
since we will all reach a point where we must guide our Spirit
through the Planes. Those that have become masters of astral
travel report that when encountering and passing through 4th
dimension they knew not to stop.
They reported heavy reptilian E.T. activity of a weird unwelcoming kind. Upon reaching the end
of the 4th region their appeared what seemed to be an
Artificially Intelligent computer barrier. Something like a
giant computer that was alive that made a noise as if some type
of giant engine was running within it.
Some would wave this off
as absurd and of course I would to if I didn’t have something
more to ad about another strange sync with this "Ma"chine.
First off we will note on the last Matrix movie it came down to
Neo talking to the
A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) and making
some sort of deal in order to free the people from the Matrix,
but that is just a movie right?
AI is actually an important city
ancient Sumeria this word is pronounced (EYE) like the
all-seeing-eye. The Atlantians were also known as the
which is where the French term Bourgeoisie comes from, they
claim to be descendants of Ancient Atlantians.
A BORG is known
to be part Human part organic technology. If you have read any
Atlantis lure you will see their affinity for first Crystals and
then Technology. We also report for those who had made it to the
point of the Gate, if they could go that far they had no trouble
getting through, it had to open.
I wonder if Bill knows about
that Gate. Oops (Ops)

Reason 81:
This Synchronistic Tarot card is
right on the money featuring as number 17 BORG. 17 is a favorite
Masonic number since 1+7=8. As you see they deal with the double
cube and the cube is evil just like they showed you in the Hell
Raiser Movies.
The Masons sent to the U.S. where charged with
building the new Atlantis. Atlanta Georgia has a Lodge next to
just about every church if not the church itself. You have great
Athena "Athens" right up the road not to mention the
Guide Stones, Dr Malachi York’s Pyramids in Eatonton Georgia,
the Olympic arrival of 1996 and many more things linking Atlanta
as a key location for numerous plans brought forth throughout
history to arrive us at were we are now.
The tree in the middle
of the Garden with Apples is wholly an Atlantean concept, just
like the flood.
The truth is the masses have still been worshipping the same
pagan Gods throughout history clueless to the outcome of such
carelessness for the soul. When we fail to investigate the
eternal destination of our Spirit it is most certain that it
will end up in the hands of the vile, they want it, they known
its value.
This after life is serious, it is this world that is
the Illusion and yet you even see in this world the innocent pay
penalties in which we would think is unfair. This is not about
fair and unfair this is about you taking the training wheels off
and becoming firm about what is your greatest possession rather
than trusting it in the hands of some money loving Guru less
they lead you astray as they have done many.
Did I mention Guru
actually means Jupiter/Amon in Hindi.
Ideas of saving the whole world are obsolete. People are at
various stages of their own personal growth thus in the
beginning you may have to be a little selfish with your time and
attention as you gain new balance. Many are still earth bound
and ideas of even leaving their hometown may seem like too long
of a journey, they cannot be forced to grasp concepts of space.
This book is written for those who feel their future is in the
cosmos and in fact many things will not make sense if a person
is looking to remain on Earth. There is no reason for one to
accept the truth of the future if they want to remain on Earth,
thus they will believe nothing you tell them. These people are
making plans for several years in advance as if they knew of the
We would release their souls.
Many make plans in vain their
highest goals are riddled with limits and they have forgotten
that we are not the body.

Reason 82:
Many people have confused
Spirituality with monetary prosperity in which the two are
almost complete opposites. Consumption is the enemy of
If you notice the main trait we have been given as
Humans is reason, this keeps us from acting like insects and
animals being at times purely instinctual. When one charges
money to give a Seeker knowledge they are in gross error and the
Truth will elude them even if it is in plain view, many will not
believe this.
Their deeds are written thus We will declare them
back faithfully to them on that Day in which it will be too late
to balance. That day comes for everyone at some point it is the
only guarantee in this world.
We shall put a barrier betwixt them so none may cross, on one
side they will see what they forfeited and on the other they can
see what they escaped, contemplate this in wisdom.
Real Gurus travel the Buddhic and Devachanic Planes that many
already inhabit, they are doing the bidding for the Beings who
control the Regions. They’ve promised to serve them during their
initiations. I’m speaking here of the initiated Yogi, Guru,
Lama, etc. as far as the Pastors the Holy Ghost suffices for
them and the Witches have their 13 Covens.
Paranormal feelings
and experiences do not denote that you have reached the True
Path and one should carefully access all of what is happening in
the surroundings when they begin to occur, especially in the
future, they will be widespread as many activate.
Due to the
level of mind control and suppression of thought many
individuals never get the opportunity to truly ponder this stuff
in fear that they may be struck by lightening for offending the
Gods thus they become stuck on the step of what appears to be an
enormous religious Pyramid fully animated. I’ve wanted at times
to feel the charge of lightening so I will present the facts and
you remain as the judge.
It becomes obvious that if the Gods could do something about
this world to make it better they would have done it a long time
ago before many innocent humans and animals have perished many
of whom are now extinct. I feel I am in the position to make
these statements because I have traveled many paths to their
completion somehow escaping the irreversible initiations.
many great men have put it, if you need to be initiated into it,
it cannot be wholesome for the people. Was not our first command
to give freely of what is the best for us to our neighbor who
are like mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers to us? So why
keep a secret from them?
Indeed these men and women have
something that needs to be kept a secret due to its abhorred

Reason 83:
There is an inclination within us
all, no matter how minute, that wishes to be part of something
mystical and elite.
These lechers of life feed upon that
craving that exist within us as a residue of who we really are,
except they distort the image to their favor. A Midget standing
on a giants shoulder can see much further than the Giant however
if the Giant fails to see the Midget below him the Midget will
be trampled beneath his feet. Joining secret societies always
gets one trampled.
The moment you relinquish yourself to such a
hierarchy you are admitting you are in a lowly state, this
places the strong above the weak and this is how they operate.
Most never obtained what they where looking for and even forgot
what that was.

Reason 84:
Their Oath is to keep silent; the
ritual keeps the Oath in place.
As you see above the Pyramid is
full of the Spiritual Leaders, Bankers, Businessmen, and various
others in key places. Joining would place a person on the bottom
of the Pyramid to be crushed. Their capstone has yet to descend,
meaning they are waiting on their God to return to this realm
this will be in 2012, possibly 2010.
It is sad that in the end I found most religious Dogma’s, or
should I say Ma’s Dogs, along with their characters to be
inexplicably linked to a common cause of keeping us ignorant and
under the yoke. At great lengths I wanted to believe the world
was perfect because "God" was perfect and this was the highest
form of teaching.
Then true knowledge rebutted and said we are
the active creation in which the Creator passes knowledge
through, if we can no longer see what is in plain view and use
our senses to react against it, if it be judged harmful to
innocence, then we have forfeited our gift which is the right of
good choice. The Creator is perfect however the creation is
started from a state where it must learn perfection amongst many
other things. Part of the practice is repairing society with the
ability that is bestowed upon us.
One may write, paint, teach,
sculpture, speak, fund, volunteer, and many more things to bring
about perfection that will at least reflect on their own
personal self which is the world, but we cannot sit back and do
nothing, this is insolence.
We have above us now rulers that are killing everything we love
with their filth like oil. Has one sat down lately and thought
about how many family members and close friends we have lost to
this system from all the diameters it takes hold of such as its
medical poisons? They are the real causalities to a silent war
that takes place on the battlefield of Illusion where we
sometimes forget to look around us to see those that have
It is easy to ignore it as long as it wasn’t someone
that you may have known, but when it is your Uncle that gets
called to the meaningless war, your Aunt who dies in the Twin
Tower Ritual, your Sister who gets abducted into a Cult, your
Brother who overdoses, or your Baby who is born deformed due to
the chemicals they gave you as the Mother, then you feel like
doing something, and it is then you will find you are alone.
longer do we rally together I saw a woman speak to a stray dog
and then look at me and say nothing.

Reason 85:
The silent battle still goes on with
oil. The Elite have placed war and disease at the forefront
while the contamination still continues in the background.
Arabs discovered oil looking for water, how ironic, before then
they considered the desert cursed.
After they found the oil they
perceived it as a gift from their God to make them rulers of all
lands especially over their brother Israel thus they suffer from
mental delusion and greed prostrating ritualistically at 90
degrees as if We hear them not knowing the Most High examines
the Heart and the knowledge of man is foolishness on Height.
The night was unforgiving since we could not find wood the fire
did not carry. We lost another to the wolves in the night, a new
child, the world was not deserving of her.
I’m not sure how
much longer we can hold on, as the Older I must lead because I
have escaped death often and although my limbs have long since
given way but I cannot show it. Hopefully we find others who
know this strange land less we perish in it with no story of our
My Pre-Adamic Life
A little old lady that did everything the Bible told her to do
had an issue with God.
Good old Mother Love was praying for the
innocent girl next door to be healed but instead the little girl
got sicker and God forbid, she died. Being a Pastor I was faced
with dealing with this situation. Of course the ones who play
the role as Spiritual leaders are taught to stay on their toes
and have some default answers always ready.
If all else fails a
solemn "It is Gods Will" will suffice but of course you only use
that one in emergencies, creativity is key.
Adding more fluff I came up with
"Everything is by the will of God and He does what
He pleases which will ultimately work out for the good because
everything God does is good", nice one eh?
Since God does both good and evil as it states in the Bible what
can you really do but just hope they haven’t read that one and
come back wanting more answers. Most Christians have never read
the complete Bible thus they lack the big picture.
When they get
into the vicinity of the Pastor it’s seldom question time just
time to shake hands and smile. P"raise" the Lord brother!
would the Lord need to be raised?
Could that be what the final
plan is, to raise their Lord, we will see.

Reason 86:
The Phoenix is used in the Occult
Symbolism due to a hidden story of all the Saviors that have
descended to the Underworld will rise and return.
This is Tammuz, Mithras, Jesus, Quetzacoatl, Horus, Adonis and others...
The American eagle was going to be a Phoenix but this was deemed
too obvious since Europe has always used the Phoenix as its
insignia and they did not want the settlers to know that the
British were silently orchestrating the development of the
Americas. The Phoenix is also the hidden sign of the Phoenicians
who designed much of our corrupted language; this is where we
get the term Phonetics.
I learned default answers that I picked up along the way from
other Ministers that were quite sinister. Of course I had to
learn all these things if I intended to be a good Pastor and
bare fruit. We will skip for now that the Christian God is a
male which is the obvious clue that it isn’t the Most High.
Ultimate Creator being gendered is erroneous seeing that it
would have to be way more than a He or She to create multiple
universes, but we will go with it for now not wanting to begin
digging into history "His Story".
So this God did not find it important to save a family from
grief and increase an old ladies faith. He would rather not heal
the child and leave the old lady hanging on a limb which made no
sense to me. We will examine what happens here more closely as
we take this journey together into the doghouse. I would like to
state that it is clear that only one of two things are
Either the God cannot do it because of lack of power
or it does not want to just wave its hand and remove the problem
for some unknown and strange reason called the W"ill". After
all, the God described in the Bible has so much power it can
just wave its pinky and poof a better world.
The easier route would of course be to heal the child, which
would build the old ladies faith even more, thus possibly
convincing the parents of the sick child to attend church.
But that is often what does not
happen in fact seldom any real miracles anymore, but lots of new
cars, why? My personal favorite was always "God gave me a new car" I would think oh
really did he give you a gas card for that new Hummer to? As you
can see Pastor Bomær just wasn’t cut out to carry the cloth
after awhile and if I hadn’t already made contact with Shekinah
and various other unexplained Beings, by that point I would have
been out the door.
Due to the paranormal experiences I had with
these Beings inside of the church I was able to at least come to
the conclusion that there was still something alive invisibly
orchestrating itself in the church. It wasn’t all Catharsis as
they would like to make you believe, Spirits actually made
So then I learned a valuable lesson which is what looks
Good does not always come from Good.
First off because the language is backwards when you say God you
really say Dog, don’t laugh this is something very serious
"Sirius". Many people have always been curious as to why God’s
Name backwards spells dog. For a moment while carrying the Cross
I tried to make sense of it so I leaned on the notion that the
Dog was God’s opposite because Dogs were very bad.
This made no
sense whatsoever since many Dogs are very kind and plus there
are much more evil things than Dogs described in the Bible like
Demons or the Devil which would be more like Gods opposite. I
could only conclude for awhile that they all begin with D.
Let us just think for a moment, if you where an all intelligent
God and you intended for your Name to always mean good, you
should probably make it something like YAY, that way no matter
if a person pronounced it backwards or forwards they would still
get the same thing, right? Surely the Creator of multiple
universes re-splendid and furnished would know this if his lowly
creation could figure it out.
Not to mention the Creator of
everything cannot be confined within Names, Numbers, Vibrations,
emitted from the human mouth and if it did it would be much too
powerful for us to assimilate and then reproduce.
It would be
worth it to conclude that the Gods, who are separate from the
Most High, know exactly what they are doing down to a quantum

Reason 87:
This is the
Dog Star Sirius A, the
star of Illumination for any Secret Societies including the
Egyptians. They called it Sothis, and its symbol is the 5
pointed Star. There is also Sirius B called pup or
esoterically "Great Five". This is Anubis, 5 was the sacred
number of Atlantis.
As I began to look at a lot of the terminology being used in
certain places it seemed to take me closer to the truth as long
as I was willing to take it literally. Our ability to discern
what is happening is deteriorating because we think everything
is just a coincidence even though there is no such thing. It is
of value to make note of the syncs or déjà vu’s of your life,
also dreams.
This is how the Unseen Ones communicate without
swooping down on you in full flight scarring the crap out of you
which would not accomplish the purpose intended.
Many ask why the Most High does not just come down here and
straighten things out?
We say,
"Shall the Creation ask the
Creator why did you make me this way"?
Some even further claim
that "He" did.
I will venture out for a quick moment to imagine
what the Most High is. This of course is very unwise since I’m
now trying to comprehend such a storehouse of catamount versants
of condescend Aeonic beams, the Wise, with five puny senses and
to add insult to injury I have to use English words, but here it
PURE UNRESTRICTED ENERGY, thus if the Most High arrives
anywhere near our Galaxy well welcome to the next life because
nothing can withstand such force based on common sense, Physics,
and Mathematics.
Anything that has come saying it is the Most High is a Deceiver
and the truth cannot be found with them and their works prove it
along with their words. Notice that when people "Pray" as the
word indicates they actually are saying they are becoming the
victim and are being hunted, that is after all what pray is, so,
Who is the predator, could it be a wolf?
Were the Pastor stands
is called the Pulpit, but what is being pulled into the pit?
They call themselves Saints which is an anagram for
books of power indicate the Most High is inside of you so why do
so many people when they pray imagine that God lives outside of
them, possibly in the sky?
This becomes one of many errors we
make when we channel our energy to make contact.
As it teaches
in religions where chakra systems are at least discussed,
focusing internally and concentrating on certain energy centers
located in your body is one sure way to Enlightenment. Once you
have accomplished that you begin to manipulate the energy
through your Chakras which are the organs of your soul.
activation of the Chakras will bring an individual to clear
unadulterated contact with the Most High.
The real miracle is performed by the one who has trained their
mind to bring about such phenomena without the assistance of an
external Being of invisibility causing the phenomena to take
place. This does take a certain level of dedication that many
have tried to get around. The result of cutting spiritual
corners has always been an even greater setback to ones growth.
There is no easy way because it is not hard, it has just been
made to seem like it is.
Once finally emancipated from being
dependant upon the rules and false impedances of natural growth
you will clearly see our purpose here is to become complete. Not
fused and packed together with followers who posses nothing of
their own creative thoughts and are just reciting like robots
what they learned from those before them that where also
incorrectly being lead about behaving like clones.
On the flip side when a person prays they are in fact
relinquishing their power and beginning a process of Servant and
Master. Our Planetary Ether is saturated with multiple Beings on
various frequencies above what the untrained eye can see. The
ear can detect some of the Beings which will sound like a
ringing in the ear.
These Beings have developed an outer Aura
incasing their body that makes them invisible thus they can
carry out their work on the material realm without notice.
voices are whispers that people imagine as their own thoughts
unless they are Guided. The prayer of the individual which is
often known before the request is even made is taken into
account and a design begins, this is one of the powers of the
All Seeing Eye.
We have way too much evidence linking the Christian faith to
Atlantian, Egyptian, and Sumerian Rites sometimes being directly
plagiarized from the originals.
What I am saying in this case is
if a person does their research, which can be done on the
internet, and they still do not find the above statement to be
true, they could be a victim of mind control which is okay we
can work through that. Let us remember that the secret to mind
control is never letting the person realize they are under its
influence. When the ego is created it will never admit that
something like that could happen, it thinks it is too smart.
Thus a perpetual system is in place keeping you stagnant,
Control, and the Ego/Eagle. Its time that we realize steel
sharpens steel the only person that can fix you is you.
So as
the Book says one should make a "sober" estimate of themselves
everyday to be sure they are not off the path and have not
deluded themselves all puffed up with pride which comes before

Reason 88:
Every part of the physical mind has
been mapped, one will have to work with their spiritual mind to
avoid delusions.
Let us examine why it could be
possible that the term God is more of a hidden term which traces
to the land of Canaan and many other trails. Throughout our
recent history lots of attention has been put on the land of
Canaan. This is the so-called Promise Land of the Hebrews.
literature on Canaan is very non-descriptive as to the people
that originally lived there and this of course is done on
purpose. There religious beliefs, artifacts along with its true
name often remain hidden and obscure. After much Guidance pieces
began to come together.
According to the story when the cursed Cain slew his brother
Able he was marked with a sign so that all who see Cain would
know that he had been marked by God thus they could not destroy
Cain. It should seem odd that although Cain has killed his
brother he is then given a symbol of great protection, just
another one of those Bible concoctions where the true story is
an esoteric mystery embedded with hidden symbolism thus taking
it literally makes no sense.
They do so much of this in the
Bible it’s a wonder the book is legible at this point. Generally
the member is trained heavily in blind faith to counteract the
feelings which occur when continuously uncovering inconstancies.
Enoch son of Cain who wrote more literature relating to the "Fall" for a profound reason noted that this was the double
This cross was used in Gnosticism taught in Gnosis,
Crete. What is also odd is according to the Bible at this point
only 4 people have been created one of which is dead. So Adam
and Eve and Cain are the only people spoke of.
Here is the scripture:
Jehovah set up a sign for
Cain in order that anyone finding him would not strike him.
With that Cain went away from the face of Jehovah and took
up residence in Nod the Land of fugitiveness to the East of
Afterward Cain had intercourse with his wife and she became
pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Then he engaged in
building a city and called the city’s name by the name of
his son Enoch.
Genesis Chapter 4:16-17
Once Cain is evicted it says he left
into the land of Nod, the land of fugitiveness, and he knew a
This mysterious land of Nod I have traced to the land of
Canaan which became Palestine than Israel. In Palestine they
have discovered caves completely excavated by what appears to be
a very advance race for the time that must have been of great
stature according to how the caves were laid out.
Our biblical
story of Abraham also starts off in Ur of Chaldea and Abraham
when leaving Ur enters Canaan where he experiences his first
encounters with the God of the Bible. This is also the reason
the Children of Israel deemed Canaan the land that was promised
to them through the covenants made with Abraham by
had to be fulfilled.
Beside the Bible’s report the record reflects that after the
destruction of Atlantis the few that survived set out on ships.
It goes on to say many of them reached land in the area we now
know as Canaan.
They began rebuilding their Empire warring with
the various people currently inhabiting the land. It goes on to
report that many sailed further into indigenous territories
inhabited by various Indian tribes. Many of these tribes
recorded the arrival of the Atlanteans and report that they
taught them various sciences, mathematics, and of course a new
Being more technologically and spiritually advanced
the natives began to worship them as Gods and knew them as
Feathered Serpents because of the religion they taught and the
appearance of their Deity.
Since there has been so much talk of these serpents we have to
at some moment approach the question, are all serpents and
reptilians evil? I can only answer this as are all men evil?
What follows now is perspective, think of this. If you where
born a lion is it natural for you to behave like a sheep?
Obviously not so we all have different characters that at times
directly oppose the nature of other species. Just as when ants
invade your kitchen because you spilled some sugar, you become
their apocalypse when you wipe out hundreds of them with the
sweep of a clothe, drowning them as you clean the rag watching
them go down the drain.
Many would say this is different they
are not sentient, We would say all things that move are endowed
with the Divine Spark and if you could split it, it will create
an explosion such as you have never seen this was done so you
could marvel at the Creation and them reflect back upon the
I tell you the truth there are high life forms that still call
Earth home, they are interwoven in its fabric, and to separate
from it would be spiritual death to them. Earth is also our
current reference point, if it is removed it is possible our
memories will be disposed of when we reincarnate again. This is
of course if we continue to reincarnate after what happens in
the future.
The best most could hope for is another repeat of
life with no memories in which I’m not really up for. We must
admit Earth life is dangerous after awhile in our current
atmosphere of illusion. It is easy to bring about so many
excesses we not only destroy things around us, but we also bring
about the degradation and degeneration of our Souls.
is not the only thing the soul needs to grow; in fact experience
is a relatively small portion when you consider the Soul can eat
Elements, Essence, and Gaseous things found in the atmospheres.
We must now build a superhighway down the
Path of Truth. Why?
During the invasion of the Anu known also as Ana, life forms
from another constellation called Nibiru came to Tiamat/Earth to
subdue it. Tiamat known as the Dragon fought the Anunnaki who
fought back using highly advanced weapons that ultimately split
Tiamat. This is the story in the Bible of the Dragon fighting
the Angels.
Many of our religions are Anunnaki propaganda. Their
main interest was our natural elements especially the Spirit of
man and woman termed, the Gold. Several situations ensued
amongst these Beings even a mutiny amongst themselves. These
Beings are responsible for the Nephalim stories of the Bible,
they altered a race of what appeared to be then pure spiritual
Beings of various types, into spirit forms incased in flesh in
which they could slave and master over.
There was said to be a few amongst them that did not like the
way humans were being abused and thus they began to teach "their
favorites" the ways of enhancing their bodies by linking them to
their spirit to become as powerful as
the Anunnaki, if not even
more powerful since we had the spirit element in us given by the
Most High.
These mysteries of enhancing the body later became
known as "the Wisdom of the Serpent". The correct term would be
"the Wisdom of the Spirit" who many relate to the serpent
because of its spiraling movement and fiery nature.
As things began to intensify word got back to Anu the leader of
the Anunnaki about the humans and their new abilities. Anu sent
Marduk in a ship which is Planet X to handle Tiamat called the
Great Serpent and her offspring the humans once and for all.
This ship the size of a Planet similar to George Lucas’s Death
Star entered orbit around our Sun as the 12th Planet in the 10th
position from the Sun hence its name
Planet X.
This marked the
last crossing of Nibiru. Marduk used a weapon known in the
Tablets as a Net called also the Net of Indra. This is some type
of atmospheric net that keeps souls trapped on Earth/Tiamat not
allowing them to continue their evolution. Marduk who is Ra set
up the Pyramid systems which I explained above as the first
Ra then became ruler of the Underworld which is the
place where souls go when they remain trapped in the net but
have expired their current physical body thus they are waiting
on a new one, this is re-incarnation, a curse.
You can clearly see the Egyptian God Anubis serves Anu and is
one of them.
The Queen of England, who is the ruler of this
world, has instilled the worship of Ra, Anubis, and the rest of
the Anunnaki pantheism under various Sumerian, Egyptian, and
Hebraic guises. This is why religion is now so limited except
for the few who become high initiates. It is them their duty to
continue to suppress us. They are doing this at the bidding of
their God Anu who they say is returning with Planet X by 2012.
There are many more in high places who also serve Ra such as the
Arabs in Dubai.

Reason 89:
Parliaments are tools for the
Anunnaki, they run mystery schools, governments, and practically
the entire globe.
I have yet to find anyone who opposes this
force. They are supremacist such as the ideas the Talmud
discusses about Gentiles thus if you are not in leagues
with them, you are only a resource that can be abused.
Christianity was hatched to seem as if it opposed all of this
however it was just another plan to keep humans powerless thus
continuing to stall anyone from activating by denying them
information of Chakras.
We will face the Anunnaki in what will
appear to be the first extraterrestrial contact on Earth,
currently it seems Earth will face utter destruction and
enslavement by them, however the Most High holds the key Element
of setting such plans to ruin. You must at least individually
entreat the Most High.
themselves appear to be originally
however, they have blended with various life essences and thus
their appearances vary.
In addition the Anunnaki themselves
seldom interact with humans directly, they use their underlings
who are humans infused with Anunnaki genes and in that state
they are wholly indebted to the Anunnaki and are controlled by
them through a mentally collective cellular connection.
Other names of the Anunnaki and their offspring are Anakim, this
is why Anakin Skywalker is Dark Vader in the Star Wars Series.
They are the Celtic
Tuatha de Danaan Sons Dan or
the Danu.
are offspring and servants of Sumerian E.A. (pronounced Aya).
This is why the new name for our planet is "Ea"rth, three wise
men came from the "Ea"st, and the major Christian celebration is
called "Ea"ster. They are the Sumerian EL, Akkadian ILU,
Babylonian ELLU, and English ELF called by their worshippers the
"Shining Ones" or is it Sinning Ones?
They altered man, a
downgrade, calling them Lulu meaning "mixed one" and
Adapa, "model man" who the Hebrews call Adam.
According to the Sumerian text Tiamat’s seas were full of souls
that could be harvested. This is the hidden meaning behind the
Fisher King and Jesus being called "the Fisher of Men".
Planet X divided Tiamat into two parts she released an ocean of
souls or cosmic essence into the cosmos. The Greek version of
Tiamat was Demeter which is where we get the term
Diameter, the
cutting or dividing a circle in two, or split. This is how we
became separated from our other half.
The Egyptian termed these
two parts the Ka and the Ba. Ka’bah.

Reason 90:
Indara (Jahveh, Jove or
Indara) is seen in this rare Plate,
carrying the Double-Cross/Net. Indara is Cain and plays the role
of Ra/Marduk. Their descendants are a different breed created on
the 8th day from dust, offspring of the ones who beguiled the
pure world.
What self aware spiritual entity would agree to a life of
slavery? I was enlightened and made aware of what is transpiring
and since my eyes have been open, I would rather die on my feet
than live on my knees. The Anunnaki see the Earth bound souls as
slaves, criminals, deviates, prisoners of war, detested social
and racial groups, non-conformist and undesirables.
Code, which later became the Ten Commandments found also in the
Egyptian Book of the Dead became the guidelines issued to this
race of souls to give them rules and conformity. Various plans
have existed to keep us from reaching our real potential through
the Art of Conviction.
Ninhursag the Sumerian Hathor or Isis was called the Great Cow.
Legend says she is the true power behind E.A./Aya.
She was
called the Carpenter, the Coppersmith, and the Lady Potter.
Later her name was changed to Gabriel feminine such as
Gabriella. Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary alerting her of
the birth of the Christ Child Jesus.
In 600 A.D. she visited
Muhammad dictating Koran to him. She is a Seraphim, meaning
serpent of Raphim or Rephaim another
Nephalim Hybrid connection.
Gabriel used the caduceus rod to translate the soul of Christ
along with "the Holy Ghost" into the body of Mary.
It helps to
see this as advanced technology of Spirit insemination.

Reason 91:
The caduceus staff was in fact some
type of Anunnaki technology used to transfer spirits into matter
and manipulate energy through the tuned vibrations of the
Again the level of mind control brought forth here is profound
since we are taught that we are all children of Abraham and we
have all descended from the Twelve Tribes of Israel. For some
this may be true but let us not forget that Abraham had a father
also and while they where all in Ur of the Chaldeas you had
Nubians populating Africa, Asians in the Orient, and various
other races that had never heard of Abraham.
The Bible speaks of
in Genesis, a Man and Woman created on the 6th day in the Image
of God and another set created on the 8th day from dust. The
difference between these two creations was one had
spirit/compassion, while the other was very base. This is the
main drawback of the genetic manipulation.
Many underlings are
of the other race of Adams of whom care more for material
prosperity and could care less about a dying world, helping
children, etc. Still others are now mixed with both. There is
obviously a silent war going on between at least 2 separate
Looking deeper into the
K-9 affiliations to clarify the Dog
itself is a domesticated Wolf so what we are really dealing with
here are Wolves which fits the term, Wolves in Sheep’s clothing.
Sheep’s clothing is a metaphor for a human body.
In Canaan which
has its roots in the words Cain, Canine, K-9, and others relating
to the Canine species there had obviously been some interaction
with the Wolf later domesticated into the Dog. This interaction
can be looked at no different then the Chinese and the Dragon in
which they claim in there ancient tales where their original
To explain many things that have drawn a blank to
most historians it may be necessary to look further into the
true meaning of the Animist involvement in various Nations.
Following the pagan tradition many would leave their young in
the woods around packs of wolves to see if they would take the
baby as their own. Of course this lead to hundreds of babies
being torn apart by packs wolves. It is said some were taken
into the pacts of wolves and the she-wolf would care for them.
It is said at times when seeing these youth full grown in the
forest they had inherited all the traits of the wolf, just as
the shaman follow certain animals around to gain their traits.
This gave birth to the mythology of the
Werewolf or Liken.

Reason 92:
Romulus, where Rome gets its name
from killed his brother Remus. They both were suckled by a
she-wolf who found them abandoned in the wild.
The scriptures say the
Nephalim that roamed the Earth during the
time Humans were created sinned against woman and then began to
sin against the Beasts. What I have more than enough evidence to
prove is that statement meant some type of insemination between
animal and Demi-God that brought forth what we would now call
mythological creatures. In the old days they became revered,
feared and worshipped.
It can be proven that many of these
Beings make up the tales of Ancient Mythology when Centaurs,
Cyclops, Cthulhu, and various other part man/part God/part
animal creatures were roaming about, this was known as the
In addition it states in the ancient text that when
these Creatures died they had Souls thus they did not perish but
roamed upon the face of the Earth and man called them evil
Spirits and they could be evoked.
This is the accounts that can
be found in the
books of Enoch the first man to write about the
God of the Bible and what was taking place during those times.
Interesting enough his books did not make it into publication
and remained in the esoteric circles for hundreds of years.
list of the names of the Fallen Angels located in the books of
Enoch were very important to
the Elite for evocation.

Reason 93:
Some of the offspring of the Nephalim that were reptilian and amphibian hybrids lived much
longer and became kings. This is how the bloodlines began.
intermingling with woman continued in order to spawn successors.
Since the ruling powers have clearly sprang forth from Ancient
Egypt a little Egypt 101 wouldn’t hurt. The Great Pyramids point
to the Sirius Star system more commonly called the Dog Star in
Canis Major. On January 1st Sirius reaches the Meridian Point at
exactly midnight. This is of course the beginning of the
Gregorian Year.
In Egypt this was the most important star, it is
not only the brightest star in the sky it can also be seen from
anywhere in the world which many stars cannot.
The Egyptians called this star the Goddess Sopdet pictured
riding side saddle on a large Dog and at times as an actual Dog.
She is known as the wife of Osiris who is Orion. She was also
known under this same star as Sothis and Sophis which is where
the Greeks got the term Sophia from their channel of
Sophia was the exact equivalent too the Holy Ghost
and Shekinah which is the power Jesus used to bring about
miracles along with the wooded staff passed from Aaron. In the
actual Egyptian text Isis/Sothis is noted giving birth too the
Morning Star Venus. The Morning Star is Jesus of Nazareth.
the Bust of Isis says, I AM Isis I have brought forth the

Reason 94:
Pyramids of Egypt are the portal
to Sirius and also Amenti the Underworld.
Once again Sirius is undedicated by the 5 pointed star. This
would mean all those using the 5 pointed stars are evoking
energy from Sirius which spells the Underworld in the afterlife.
The Atlantians built the Egyptian pyramids as temples and
portals to the Deities worshipped in Atlantis. Atlantis means "Is" daughter of Atlan.
It is a fact that Pantheism can be confusing at times which it
was created to do and since the Egyptians had over 3000 Gods and
Goddesses there was lots of confusion all the time in Egypt.
With the advent of so many people entering Egypt the local Gods
of the Egyptians were always picked up by surrounding tribes who
admired Egypt's successes accrediting it to their patron Good
and thus becoming devout worshippers.
There is a constant
sea-sawing back and forth between Osiris, Horus, Isis, and Ra.
Consider how many servants are in this world versus Masters, the
Gods abound and the Humans are left powerless and made too
serve. These Serpent Dynasties never stopped ruling they simply
branched out and commingled setting up hierarchies and pyramid
systems of control everywhere they could subdue the people by
They roamed/Rome about the land seeking who they could
devour leaving a trail of blood from the Delta to the Americas.

Reason 95:
The various Demigods of Egypt were
of the lineage of ancient Atlantis. Other Deities such as the
African Bes became part of the Pantheism due to the power
accredited to him by worshipers in Africa.
Egypt absorbed all
the powerful Deities throughout the land and thus the people
where wholly dependent upon serving and carrying for the Gods
who often manifested as the royal families. Generally they where
trained in techniques of mental power, then given a rod to
intensify those powers. To the people they had the power of
Everything that is living first examines what it was before, so
it knows what to become next and this can be seen even with
microscopic life forms. This means that if they tell us lies
about what happened in the history of this world, as a race we
face not only heavy mental alteration but also possible
extinction. We are not continuing on our true cycle as I
explained above about descending.
Real Zodiac does give a pretty
accurate layout of your character but we have the ability to
change our ways permanently thus
altering our
DNA, this is the
marvel of the Human race. Considering how long this charade of
playing God has been going on, this may be the first time at
least in this segment that such knowledge of the inner workings
of our society has been placed in our hands.
Not to mention this
is probably the first time a mass of people are at a
comprehension level to at least grasp what is happening. In the
history of man the masses have been powerless with little
The Human mind which I mentioned before is more like a wheel
turning. When we get set into habits it creates a groove in the
brain. Deeper grooves are habits that have been practiced for
longer periods. This is where terms like "stuck in a cycle" or "getting into the groove of things" come from since a cycle can
also be looked at as a wheel.
It has been also observed that it
takes 22 days to make or break a habit, good or bad, which has
the effect of allowing the grooves to flatten back out.
So the
Human mind becomes a record with grooves playing often times the
same vibrational song everyday. The first thing you realize
during astral travel is that you are not the body, you are more
like the Alien on the movie Men In Black that is very small but
powerful sitting in the operations seat of a giant body,
something like an organic Montauk chair.
The other thing you
will notice when you look down upon your body is that obviously
your memory and senses are not contained in your body because
you are still using them.
This is one secret of obtaining Higher Character, even if you
have not astral traveled before, knowing that you are not the
body releases you from the many expectancies of normal life and
gives you another framework, the soul, to build upon. When you
have dreams if you notice the shear detail that is involved in
the environment you realize that we are a lot more than they are
letting on about.
We are capable of doing amazing things. There
is even a part in our mouth that makes 3 different types of
saliva for different situations. It becomes obvious that we are
not in a Ford with the standard parts we have been fashioned
with bells and whistles that we have not even explored.
knowledge of enhancing the body has been held selfishly by the
Elite Alchemist but now we are hacking Morpheus/Orpheus and in a
moment he will tell us everything.
Most are completely unconscious of who they were in former
lives. Sometimes we catch glimpses of it in dreams, often smells
and sounds remind us of something that we remember but cannot
wholly identify. The Sacred Order of the Mary’s in fact had
unlocked the secret of certain essential oils that had the
ability to regress anyone smelling them into memories of their
The loss of collective life memory has everything to do
with how strong your Spirit is when it departs from this world.
We are living in a time where if you look deep enough you can
find most of this information. This is all we need and possibly
all we will get. I see it as useless to keep coming into lives
in which we have no full knowledge of our previous experiences.
The best advice I can give the reader is to begin to work on
growing your Spirit which we will talk about as we go along.
The Elite communicate in
Symbols and Designs which are far more
powerful than words.
These markings are embedded in our
consciousness and serve as triggers for various emotions and
concepts. I will take this time to tell you that you should not
become a warrior when you begin to discover what is going on and
anger or vengeance moves you to combat it directly. You should
always keep your weapons in your mind and not in your hand.
Warrior also means a person who worries/worrier so much once
they figure out how much strength and cunning the other side
possesses that they actually send energy to the negative forces
when they become overwhelmed and behave foolishly.
Remember what we face as a society is something that we all must
confront at some point; one person can not fix this world on
their own but each person can do their part in getting out
information of the Truth. This way those who are still confused
can make up their mind as to which side truly resonates with
them so they can go about it fully and not half heartedly.
whole construct of this Book is not to down any religion race or
belief system. It should be seen as a detailed observation and
not a judgment. In the Book of Revelations it says,
"how I wish
you were hot or cold but you are lukewarm and I shall vomit you
out of my mouth".
This means that individuals should not
straddle the fence, whatever they are going to be they should
get on with it.
This whole activity of truth seeking does
wonders for our complete growth so it should be looked at as
such. Everything that you have experienced will all come to your
aid one way or another when you have purpose. Let everything you
do have purpose.
With this information you now have a chance at saving yourself
and others. The last thing you want to do is become so scared
you no longer want to know anymore. In the unknown you can be
found because you have not yet discovered your true self
obviously because you are not even flying or at least floating
I give this pointer very sternly; fear is indeed the mind
controller. You are stopped at times from learning anything more
because of the internal feeling of death and the lies about what
really happens after death. Many people hold on to their
religious preferences because they feel it will save them in the
end even though they break most of the rules of the religion.
would suffice to know that when you die you go to the place
corresponding to your mentality or frequency hence the term
Judgment or a Judging of the Mental.
Society has been trained to love lure and ceremony thus the
preacher with a "fiery sermon" gets more attention than the
sometimes boring metaphysic who is explaining how the body can
really work the miracle they are so busy ranting about to make
it seem like such a big deal. Individuals will begin to need
their powers in order to survive, that is the pressure placed
upon us in the end of this segment, evolve or face extinction.
Once the mental portal is reopened and the person becomes
minded" again, most of the instructions, activations, and
experiences will happen during sleep. If you where completely
transported from this world never to return, it would take place
in your sleep.
It is unclear what happens to your body here,
some say it continues as if it’s you and behaves just like you
through residual memories action and reaction, people never know
you are really gone?
In Egypt where much of this is amplified we find the Cult of
Isis. Many believe with the masculinity of the Pharaohs the
women played only roles as normal Queens called by them, Ferts.
In all actuality the Egyptian Empire functioned as a Trinity and
the female part of the Trinity became absorbed under Isis. To
maintain it as a Trinity all the other Gods and Goddesses were
summed up under the main ennead. Cleary Osiris-Horus-and Isis
make up the Egyptian Trinity.
Sin, Shamash, and Ishtar make up
the Babylonian.
Isis represented Ninhursag, Nin-Ella, Inanna,
Ishtar, Ma’at, Mare, Mary, Mut, Nephthys, Hathor, Nut, Diana,
Asteroth, Astarte, Aphrodite, Athena, Tuart, Bast, Usertesen,
Ida, Mylitta, Baalath, Anahita, Ashur, Aasith, Kodesh, Sophia,
Sothis, Sodet, Shekina, Magdelina, Europa, Ganeymead and many
This became possible because it was the so-called God "S"
"female energy" that equated to the enlightened portion of
Spiritual training so when an Initiate came in contact with the
actual Spirit of the religion it often personified itself in one
of these Goddesses who all remained under the same umbrella.
This is why even to this day Isis under many forms is worshipped
heavily. Our statue of liberty is a rendition of Isis.
Her main
sign is ($) which is the word ISIS compressed into one symbol.
Some of the countries of their origin are Assyrian Ishtar,
Phoenician Ashtoreth (Astarte), Syrian Atargatis (Derketo),
Babylonian Belit (Mylitta) Arabian Ilat (Al-Ilat). Again their
home is the Asteroid Venus, Sirius, and the Pleiades.
Their species seems to be completely foreign hiding under the
guise of Illuminating Warrior Goddesses. In the ancient text it
says a fragment landed in the river Euphrates shaped like an
egg. Somehow those who interacted with this egg became infused
and infected with its essence. Those infected became the first
communicators of the knowledge and message these Beings brought
to Earth.
These are also the Beings movies like
"the V" and "the
Knowing" are describing. They have an agenda to take over the
world completely and they have major assistance from just about
every main religious and social group. This is due in part to
the powerful role they play in religion.
The natural instinct for man to gravitate toward a "Mother
Goddess" figure comes from the separation of our other half. The
want to interact with this magical feminine Being is played on
and exploited by these imposters, some of whom are responsible
for the initial split or Maya as it is more properly called. In
addition for the woman, since the God "S" is androgynous, he
gives her the Son of the Sun.
She begins to see this as her
husband, protector, and father figure. Most women are deprived
of one or the other if not both in today’s common society. There
is obviously not just one faction doing all this.
You would have
to think, man and woman are a very advanced species it would
take a collaborative effort to keep them in the darkness of what
the true reality is.

Reason 96:
There was a saying "the devil has
many names" I first found that to be untrue when learning
who Satan was. Especially since Satan and Lucifer are actually
two different Beings.
When considering ISIS however it all makes
since, this is how the re-occurring Savior theme exists, and the
key component is always the mother with Immaculate Conception.
Immaculate Conception is really the Deity having some type of
intercourse with the woman producing an offspring. This
offspring then attempts to become ruler of the world in his
father, "the King’s", steed.
Many of the hyperdimensional Beings
want the title "Lord of the Earth", so they never cease these "divine conception stories". This happens now through the royal
families such as Prince William becoming the next King. Their
family history however is riddled with the involvement of
various Forces. They are carrying the "Bloodline" so they most
certainly are not completely human.
I do believe we have
something in our constitution about that, what a joke.
We as Human Beings are utterly ruled over in this dimension, our
needs are extremely meager compared to what we are originally
entitled to and yet those needs are seldom fulfilled. These
Forces also extend into the Dream World and the Afterlife so
there is no rest for the weary. Until they are confronted they
are consistently hatching plans to make an individual believe
none of this is going on, somewhat of a strange zombie phase.
will tell you now you can live every day in such a high state of
energy and these Beings are jealous they cannot do the same,
they are forbidden from it. It has gone asleep in them never to
awaken again because of their corruption. All the blending,
enhancements, and greed for power has made them numb they don’t
even feel alive, they are the undead.
This state I speak of that you can return to is not just the
feeling of everything going well, but the feeling of having the
perfect companion. Something so gratifying that everything
external does not take an inkling of attention from it as if it
does not exist. You become wholly endowed with it spiraling
together forming endless states of ecstasy.
Their most powerful
weapons are their religions, this gives the power to them
directly from our own Souls; it is time they are removed. I’m
not sure if this will take place in large numbers however I am
sure that it does not matter, it is what you do individually
that counts.
There is a lesser light which emanates from below that spawns
countless distorted images, soon they will be placed in Shoel in
which We fixed a door for entrance and none for exit, then the
world will see Freedom, if you but knew. Many looking now will
say "he is joking" but We do not jest.
Now unveiling the Goddess will take place as Madame Blavatsky
claimed to do when she wrote her book Isis Unveiled. She of
course was in no position to do such a thing being fully
initiated herself and remember their oath is to keep silent.
However, they are allowed to push propaganda and disinformation.
Once again the Goddess as we know it
was a play on words.
is actually a symbolic story being told
about Adam and Eve in
the garden with the Serpent. It is known that this story should
not be taken literally but has a much deeper meaning. It started
with this uneasy feeling that there was something that was a big
secret about the word women. You find Omen in the remaining part
of the name meaning a deep hidden meaning.
Eve is the root to
the word evening. The Hebrew version is even weirder since the
name used for Eve in Hebrew, Haveh, actually means
According to the original Zohar, a major root of the creation
story, it makes it clear that the Serpent in the Garden was a
female serpent not a male like it is commonly believed.
or "before Adam" were Masculine Spirit Beings called Sons of the
Sun who took physical form and mated with these women. These
female Serpents known as the race of Namaah and
Lilith, caused
Chief Angels like Aza and Azrael to fall from their post and mix
with them.
The Zohar continues to blame AMALEC as the wicked Seraphim while
Metatron is called literally "The Good Serpent". This is
incredible, it admits Metatron is actually a serpent and goes on
to admit that Enoch became Metatron once he was translated to
heaven thus Enoch was also a Serpent. Several times the tribe of
Shem makes it clear to indicate they are inbred with serpents.
This makes it concrete that the Enochians are linked to the
It says,
"the Priest came forth from the
dead Sophanim who died in labor. The baby was born with the
sign of the Priesthood which was a lustrous (scaly) hide.
The baby had just been brought forth but sat upright
immediately and showed the sign of the Priesthood and they
where struck with terror."
In the many Hebrew texts where it
"He created Man".
To them HE is the feminine
attribute. The Tetragrammaton is Yod-He-Vau-He.
The "Yod/Yah" is
the Masculine fire entering the Feminine "He" birthing the Child
"Vau" "V" and the world will return to "HE", so they believe.
Cohen, Hebrew for priest is an anagram for Enoch.

Reason 97:
Thousands of children every year are
indoctrinated into Animist religions depriving them of their
true potential. One of the most wide spreading religions in the
world, Judaism, still keeps Moses' depiction with horns on his
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life is the same tree from the
Garden the serpent offered the so-called fruit from. This fruit
was signified as an apple which has a pentagram in its center
when cut in half. As said earlier that Pentagram is the symbol
of Isis/Sirius/Sothis and her consorts, also her opposite, when
inverted and they are together not separate which we will
address when it is proper?
Someone once said that if you ask a person for an explanation
and it becomes very confusing it means they do not know
themselves or they are hiding the truth. When asking someone in
India teaching through Hinduism or someone in Judaism teaching
Kabbalah how to increase union with the Most High you are buried
in thousand page Gitas with confusing Sanskrit words or mile
long scrolls of Rabbis with nothing better to do than take one
passage from the Talmud and make a thousand page explanation.
Truly do you believe it is that hard to enhance the spirit? Of
course not these people are placed in the way to make the
journey lengthy and hard. As I said above many have not obtained
what they originally sought, which was freedom.
Now they are
enslaved by the religion and their subconscious wishes to have
company in their misery.

Reason 98:
The Five Pointed Star is not the
symbol of the perfect man it is the star of contact for Sirius
and all the various Beings that make up the Pentagram including
the Inverted. These "feather weights" think the Most High has
left this world never to return, and they are having a
free-for-all. They know not we even watch the All-Seeing-Eye.
Looking through ancient times the Moon was actually not feminine
but masculine. The Moon went by the name Sin and Ah. In so many
ways the God "ES" shows that it is actually an androgynous
Many women become Moon Goddesses to link with more
women that are about healing and tapping into the feminine power
which of course is wonderful. However, I have seen the start and
finish of many of these groups and it almost always leads to
initiations and then if you reach the height of these
organizations like those in Mount "S"hasta or "S"edona just like
ancient "S"aqqarra they go into deeper forms of Yoga like Hatha/Hathor.
Giving the neophyte strange names with false meanings to chant
while opening chakras. Doing things such as imagining thousands
of Buddhas filling their soul. Then they tell you that it’s
really all Hinduism and the power of "Sam"ahdhi and learning to
wield "S"hakti, the serpent energy comes into play heavy with "S"iva.
The person is subtly lulled to sleep while the flute
plays with the lies that the Serpent just means complete wisdom.
Yes the serpent has a lot of wisdom and it has been fooling man
and woman with it with the helps of Hybrids and Traitors.
Of course many men joined the cult of the Goddess imagining that
it was a haven for beautiful forest queens who when approaching
or should I say flowing towards you, bathed you in swells of
spring Marigolds as rabbits and dear bound behind them joyously
laughing and singing in delicate waves of Solfeggio.
Serpents could of course create that Illusion long enough for
the person to be lulled into the trap. They eventually become so
laden with negative Spirits they are deluded and confused. The
Masons, Rosicrucian, and Ishmaili
Hassassin’s are a primary
example of organizations that have tricked the spiritual arm of
men with this type of nonsense.
The most they could produce was
a debased Bacchanalia. I encourage woman to keep yourselves on
guard. Just to show you how much the serpent is suggesting that
it made things look at these words of power.
"S"piral: When you go out to the ocean and look at the shells
you will see the spiral force, when you watch waves of energy
you will see the spiral force, when you look at your fingerprint
you will see the spiral force, all the way to the "S"wirl" in
your head you will see a spiral force.
It’s safe to say our Creator uses a
spiral force when making things, no straight lines.
"S"pirit - The Ethereal Being
of consciousness.
"S"phere - Our cellular level
exists entirely of spheres.
"S"pin - Another word to
describe the spiraling motion.
- The life force
of heat, warmth, and vitality.
As discussed before the "S" is the
primary symbol of the Serpent in the English alphabet.
All of
these forces, like the Sun, Soul, and Spiral had other names
that did not begin with "S" it was simply motion, however, when
the 70 languages where introduced across the world they all
received this indoctrination of "S"’s vibration and thus a false
relation to the Serpent that has permeated the subconscious
This mind control technique makes it easier for us to go
with the story that is being told more and more which is the
serpents are our creators. A serpent has no voice box and can
only whisper thus everything they say sounds like Sssssss. They
are sometimes called the Whispering Ones.
A famous prayer in
Islam says "Allah protect me from the whispers of Shatian".

Reason 99:
ADDA NARI is androgynous and keeps a
serpent around the neck as most all Hindu figures. Hermes the
thrice born who is Thoth was also androgynous. The joining of
the masculine and feminine where taken to these vulgar "literal"
levels as another deterrent from true spiritual unity.
In Hindu
teachings one is taught to work from the root Chakra up, thus
much of their teachings are based on Tantrics and the
manipulation of sexual energy.
Many are now saying the proper
ancient teaching was from the crown Chakra down thus the person
escapes the traps of getting stuck in an animalistic carnal
phases which often happen when lower chakras are turned on
before the higher ones. This is also why many New Age leaders
such as Rael are heavily into sexual expression rather than
mental and spiritual enlightenment.
Their doctrines are based on
sexual freedom which feels good but does not feed the original
desire of enhancement.
To understand these Entities is to realize that the world is a
lot more diverse then they are revealing to you and we are not
the only intelligent life form here by far. Here is a big
When the United States went to the Moon, which happened
although not when they filmed it, the speech that was written
for Neil Armstrong read thus,
"one small step for man, one giant
leap for mankind".
What is this difference between man and
mankind that they must be separated? Could they be possibly
alluding to something here about another race like we pointed
out in Genesis? Furthermore what kind of man leaps? Of course I
know the answer but I’ll leave you to do the brainwork.
If you
can’t figure it out, read on and it will come to you.
In legend Isis is always with Anubis a dog-faced God sent to be
her protector. Nepthys Isis’s sister is said to be a female dog
also. What is also interesting about this tail were their
strange relations with one another. It is said that Osiris mated
with Nepthys by accident birthing Anubis. Nepthys was Isis’s
sister thus connecting Isis to also being part dog part serpent.
The child between Osiris and Isis became Horus/Horse/Mane/, Isis
did not suckle the child but instead allowed the child to suckle
from Anubis the Dog. Isis relocated to Byblos and wept that she
could not bring Osiris back to life after he was cut into 14
pieces by his brother Set, until a certain time since the 14
pieces signified the 14 phases of strength of the Moon.
The story continues, it was during one of these crying sessions
that a woman named Astarte appeared to her from the Court of the
God "S". Astarte is where we get the word star from. The
arrangements made between these Beings have always been kept a
secret until now, not to mention this whole story in completely
On the Masonic tracing board at the top of the
middle pillar sits a seven pointed star known as the Star of the
Pleiades also called the Seven Sisters or Seven Hathors.
becomes evident that there is actually a group of female
spirits, who are immortal, that are enlisted by the God "S" who
have been attempting to steer the destiny of the Human race,
these women are better known as the Fates.
These Fates are the key women who mated with the Nephalim and
produced the offspring of heroes and villains with various forms
and powers. Originally the cult itself was under APIS the Bull
thus many of these women where depicted as cow goddesses.
that morphed into something entirely different including them
now being looked at as some space faring group of Illuminating
Goddesses rather than a cult that would sacrifice a Bull while
the vestal virgins bathed in the blood.
How soon they try to
make us forget as old forms attempt to take on new ones but We
have the records as the Agents of the Most High will always
dictate faithfully.

Reason 100:
The inside story is the Initiates
were betrayed by the Goddess who sold them out to the Serpent.
As you can see by the Masonic tracing board this stems all the
way back to Mars.
There is no telling the extent of what is really going on and
what kind of trouble the Elite have gotten us all in to, even
worst their code of silence keeps their lips sealed.
Let us keep in mind men cannot bring forth child whether
immaculate or through inseminations thus the creatures that are
part humanoid resulted from the union of woman and various
It is no doubt this was sometimes done by force. Alchemy
was the title given to the Art of blending elements. These
elements were not always base chemicals, many where organic. The
blending of plants and animals to see the results was something
of a religious science in
This is why many of the
creatures have aquatic appendages.
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