by Andy Lloyd
6th April 2010
DarkStar1 Website
The dates of the return of
Nibiru have been a controversial
point for decades.
I have always favored the model
originally put forward by
Zecharia Sitchin - that the visit by Anu in 3,760 BCE
was one definitive marker (it kick-started ancient calendars in the
Levant region). Another very likely marker was the catastrophe that
brought about the collapse of the last glacial period, thought to be
about 13,000 years ago.
This may have been the Biblical Flood,
a story that is featured in a huge number of the world's comparative
mythologies, and may have come down to historical writings through
oral transmission across millennia.
Ice ages come and go, and the
previous Ice Epoch lasting for some 4 million years was punctuated
by interglacial periods. We may, or may not, be in such a period
now. It's difficult to determine whether that marker around
11,000BCE was really the end of an Ice Epoch, or just the beginning
of the current warm period attributable to various planetary and
astronomical cycles.
An eminent astronomer, Professor Bill Napier, thinks that
there was a multiple comet strike on Earth at that time, which
brought about a catastrophic period of cooling:
"The cooling, by as much as 8°C,
interrupted the warming which was occurring at the end of the
last ice age and caused glaciers to re-advance. Evidence has
been found that this catastrophic change was associated with
some extraordinary extraterrestrial event.
The boundary is marked by the
occurrence of a "black mat" layer a few centimeters thick found
at many sites throughout the United States containing high
levels of soot indicative of continental-scale wildfires, as
well as microscopic hexagonal diamonds (nano-diamonds) which are
produced by shocks and are only found in meteorites or impact
These findings led to the suggestion
that the catastrophic changes of that time were caused by the
impact of an asteroid or comet 4 km across on the Laurentide ice
sheet, which at that time covered what would become Canada and
the northern part of the United States.
The cooling lasted over a thousand
years, and its onset coincides with the rapid extinction of 35
genera of North American mammals, as well as the disruption of
the Palaeoindian culture."
He argues that a large comet, which had
entered the planetary zone of the solar system some 20-30,000 years
ago, has been breaking up ever since, and has left a debris field of
rocky fragments in its wake. In this model, the debris field crossed
the path of the Earth's trajectory, and the North American continent
was hit by a deadly shower.
There are no craters to mark the event
because the comets struck the glacial sheet which covered much of
the continent at that time.
Could such a debris field be attributable to a more transient event
- like the movement of Nibiru through the planetary solar system? It
seems likely to me that any sizeable Planet X body would come with
its own retinue.
Given that I believe a sub-brown dwarf
lurks out there, moving along an elongated, elliptical trajectory,
then there is scope for a whole planetary system to accompany it!
A swarm of comets seems a reasonable
proposition as the Sun's planetary system plays host to the Dark
Star's at perihelion.
Such an event would not occur during
each transit - it would simply depend upon the positioning of the
Earth in the solar system, and how that relates to the belts of Dark
Star comets as they move through.
Dates? Well, if we take Sitchin's 3,600 year orbit at face value and
work backwards from 3,760BCE, then we get 7,360BCE and then
10,960BCE. The rough date of Napier's catastrophe is cited as
There are a number of possible scenarios
for the Dark Star's orbit, but this date in particular is a very
good candidate for a previous return.