by Bradley Loves
November 21, 2014
from JHaines6 Website
Spanish version
If we have any intention of freeing ourselves from the enslavement
in which we find ourselves, I believe that finding the courage to
read this article is totally necessary!
For me, it created an ah-ha!
moment. Now, it all finally makes sense.
Bradley, with the greatest
of love has been leading us towards this information. Of course,
since this is a
free-will planet, it is your choice to accept this
information. I know it will be extremely difficult for many of you,
so prepare yourselves, please.
I will not be publishing anything
else today, but will be here to field comments and discussion.
Remember, I have told you repeatedly to give yourselves time to
adjust - when your reality is almost totally upset. I'm suggesting
that this this could take a couple of weeks or more, and I think to
a greater or lesser degree this will upset most of our realities.
Much love to everyone! Jean
This piece is about to "bust" the doors wide open on the Occult
World and all that is hidden there.
Far, far deeper and far more
creepy than almost any one of us can fathom, it is the "worship" - the
"feeding off of" - and the harnessing of the HUMAN SEXUAL
ENERGY, that not only helps the MAGICIANS TO ENSLAVE US - but is the
"power" or the "juice" that runs their batteries - so to speak.
I say batteries, what I mean is that it takes an awful lot of raw
energy to create and to "maintain" a dark fictitious REALITY within
the confines of the magnetic hologram.
In physical terms - "energy" is: CURRENCY - JUICE - OIL & GAS which
is then tied back to CURRENCY, so that the two are almost
inseparable! (see
more on currency below).
This piece is going to be long - in depth - and super "graphic" in
both it's detail and descriptions, so get ready for that! No more
skipping around the topic, without taking a good, hard look at it!
No more taking it easy on everyone who still wants to
"lay in bed
and not wake up" to what's going on out there.
Out come the pots and
pans and the cymbals, (symbols) - and jumping up and down on the
mattress until you have NO CHOICE but to get your butt out of the
Everything I'm going to talk about goes back to the "grid" or the "lines" around the Earth! You need to keep that in mind!
lines, or "ley-lines" actually run in tandem! There are "earth-lines" which skirt the surface of the Earth, and then again
are re-created at about 60 miles above the Earth - they are
duplicates of the grid lines at the surface (as above - so below).
They are mirror images of each other!
The layer or area of space about 60 miles high is known as the
Ionosphere, but is also known by scientists to be the "collective
human consciousness", or "the collective mind"!
This is the place
where all of our minds connect as one! It is the "grid" which not
only allows us to communicate telepathically and psychically, but
also to know and remember who we are as a species. (Where does the
Secret Technology HAARP focus it's beam?)
Have they not said they
are using HAARP to "heat up" and to bend the Ionoshpere? Why are
they doing THAT?
The Magicians have known for thousands of years that whatever they
"do" to one of the grids - will have an immediate affect on the
other grid as well, since both grids work in tandem and respond to
one another.
As I have written previously, we "live" in a magnetic hologram, and
it is these two grids working in tandem with one another that
actually helps to "produce" the visual experience of our daily
lives, the visual (but necessarily REAL) experience of Earth's
prison-like Construct!
I was told personally that the Secret Military are deep into
I was also told that the Catholic Church is deep into Occult
Magic. I was also told that
the Freemasons (Illuminati/Cabal) are
deep into Occult Magic!
Having been told this personally (over and over again) by people who
are working in these separate fields - can anyone then "fault" me
for thinking that "Occult Magic" must have something to do with what
they are doing to us?
Call me crazy here, but am I just making too much of an unscientific
LEAP for some of you out there? Is my logical brain just working too
hard in the overdrive position and maybe spinning out of control to
come up with THAT CONCLUSION?
Currency is "electrical" - and the control of the
"currency" is
how our entire reality is being hi-jacked - enslaved - maintained - controlled! It is the path by which the Dark Magicians (Central
Bankers) OCCULTLY & MAGICALLY (magnetically) control all of us!
But "CURRENCY" is not only money! It is base energy! It is base
Currency is simply the descriptive word they use as (a symbol) to
telegraph to us what they are doing to us - which they are
cosmically compelled to do BY COSMIC LAW!
As above-so below (as below-so above). What ever they do here on the
ground level - will be duplicated exactly 60 miles high, in the
tandem grid which is the common mind of humanity, or the psychic
grid - which we are all - each and every one of us - connected to.
So, it is with this KNOWLEDGE, that I started to read about, study
about, and try to understand all about "Occult Magic". What I found
out was that this was the very foundation of what they are doing to
us, and HOW they are using VERY OLD, ANCIENT ESOTERIC TECHNOLOGY - BLACK MAGIC to literally
"create" a low consciousness and bastard-ized
version of reality all around us that is not only far removed from
what we used to have, but it is actually helping to keep us all
enslaved in such a way that we may NEVER GET FREE!
You are going to have to keep your mind open for this information to
be able to connect all of the dots! You are also going to have to be
ready to LEARN that everything you've ever been taught or told was a
LIE - (usually by those you trusted the most) - in order to train
you to be complicit in your own enslavement.
SEX is NOT what you think it is!
A more proper description of that "idea" is:
SSEK-SSSSSSSSS, or sssek-sssssssssss! And when you say that word,
think of a evil lizard with a slithering tongue flapping up and down
as he (the lizard) speaks the word of our enslavement.
Sssek-sssssssss is the base "energy" that they (the reptilian
hybrids) are using, creating, harvesting and feeding off of,
each and every day of our lives in THEIR REALITY to assist them in
maintaining their strangle hold on our ability to escape this
"magically" (magnetically) created prison, which we call OUR
THE CATHOLIC CHURCH was not the start of it all, but has been the
"modern purveyor" of the worship of "sex" into our material
(illusionary) world.
This of course has been HIDDEN in every way
possible from the masses. This is why those who are into the Occult
(that which is hidden) have both a PUBLIC MASS(ES), and then a
That which is Public, is publicly available to the masses. That
which is hidden, is hidden from the masses.
In the public mass - it is all allegory - symbolism and wink-wink, nod-nod. No one in the public is supposed to know what's really
happening - they are just spoon fed a "story", which they are told
they "must" believe.
So in the Catholic Public Mass, you participate in "celebrating" a
ritualistic blood sacrifice each and every weekend (so that the
public can then be weakened) and their energy of focus
(consciousness ) can be easily siphoned off and redirected by those
who are the practitioners of the Catholic Mass down into
the Earth
grid (the ley lines), which then transport that consciousness energy
to the VATICAN.
Every major Catholic Church, Government Building or
University sits on top of Major Intersecting Points along the
"ley-lines" or the Earth grid. I was shown a "map" of this.
The words - take this, my "body" and eat of it, take this my
"blood", and drink of it - are so totally creepy to the max, that
anyone who is still sane must be having second thoughts when they
first hear it!
Oh, but the "cover story" that they hand out to you is that the
participant is eating and drinking the body and blood of CHRIST - which makes it okay??? The Christ is actually
"the christos" which
means "oil", and what part of the planet are we sacrificing every
day? THE OIL.
I told you this was NOT going to be easy! Don't get all upset
because I am finally "DECODING" for you what they have been required
to show to you - at least symbolically - by the Cosmic Intelligence.
The RULES say they must tell you (in some form) of what they intend
to do here - lest they be cast down by Prime Creator himself - for
not showing you what they are attempting to do.
But it goes far, far deeper, and in order to walk through all of
this you are going to need a very strong stomach indeed, because the
LIE IS SO BIG - that it will be difficult to assimilate at first.
The hidden Mass, where the ACTUAL mass happens, is usually held in
sub-sub basements under major churches or major cathedrals, and this
is where there is a true and real BLOOD SACRIFICE! It is the occult
version of what they are doing above ground! (as above, so below - as
below, so above).
In that "hidden mass" - which is the true and real reason for the
allegorical blood sacrifice that the mass(es) are participating in
above ground - they actually do lay out young, helpless, and naked
little children on a large stone alter - both boys and girls - usually between the age of 2 years to 6 years old, and then first
sexually rape them to produce within that child the thoughts, the
ideas, and the strong emotions of "sex" (sssek -sssssssss) - just
before those unfortunate kids are ritualistically sacrificed!
At this time, the participants of this "hidden" MASS, are allowed
(or perhaps even required) once again, to "eat of the body" and "drink of the blood"! However this is not imaginary body and blood
- it is all TOO REAL.
THIS body and blood they are consuming, are the body and blood of
innocent young children who PRODUCE huge quantities of the needed
dark psychic energy, which is then channeled directly into the EARTH
GRID (as below) and the into 60 mile high grid (as above) - which
helps our controllers in their ability to maintain the illusionary
prison reality that we all find ourselves in.
You could call this
prison reality either "THE MATRIX" or simply what it truly is: A
See everything
written here to learn about the
church and blood sacrifice.
So, the tandem grid - the Earth grid and the grid 60 miles above the
Earth are both receiving duplicates (positive/negative) of this
psychic energy and information which then goes into the mass
consciousness of all of humanity, which filters down into our
subconscious mind as TRAUMA - and remember how I wrote in
this article, that the spilt in a persons mind (subconscious mind) creates
"alters" - and that "alters" are created though the process of
It was the NAZI's who studied this in the 1930s and 1940s, but then
as a result of the CIA's "Project PaperClip"- those very same NAZI's were brought back to the USA,
especially Dr. Death himself, Joseph Mengele, and were allowed to continue doing their research
trauma based Mind Control using mostly young children.
Now under the control of the CIA, the NAZI's worked both in the USA
and in Canada - (McGill University in Canada is one of the foremost
and leading Universities which were sponsoring research on young
children in this regard).
They have continued the study of both MIND
CONTROL and CONSCIOUSNESS CONTROL, in order to learn more more
effective ways in which they could change or control both the lower
Earth grid and the higher Ionosphere grid!
Thus, they were and are
working on "scientific ways" that they could more permanently affect
our individual and collective MINDS using not only dark occult or
BLACK MAGIC methods, but also using new advanced "technologies"
which are and were constantly being developed and then immediately
studied to see how these technologies could be integrated into the
MIND CONTROL of all of humanity!
See and read
this article.
However, before it was the NAZI's it was the Catholic Church (in the
form of the Inquisition) that studied Trauma Based Mind Control in
their research into consciousness and how it affected their control
of the masses.
NOTE: It was written in the diary of Joseph Bonaparte
Brother" that when his army reached SPAIN - the home of the Catholic
Inquisition - that when the dungeons were finally emptied of over
50,000 prisoners of the Catholic Church - EVERY MANNER OF DEVICES
It was the Priests that were DOING THIS! Not
only that - they kept meticulous records of each torture and who it
was given to - to observe the result! Over 300 wagon loads of bound
books were taken from Spain back to Paris!
When the Pope's army once
again marched on France to defeat Napoleon, it was said that the one
and only thing that MUST BE RETRIEVED at all costs - were the
torture records stolen from Spain!
Only 30 wagon loads were ever recovered!
No matter WHAT you've been told, or taught, or shown to be the so
called truth, it's ALL BEEN A LIE! ALL OF IT! In order to mislead,
beguile, and throw you off the track!
This stuff is old! It is very old and has been going on for a very
long time.
Because everything that you have learned is a lie! In the mental
prison we live in (where everything is wink, wink, and nod, nod) by
those BLACK MAGIC Occultists who rule over us - everything has a
double or triple meaning!
No matter what meaning they tell you - it's a lie
- and the real meaning is still hidden.
These days the
television is their TOOL OF DECEPTION - and you can bet that NO ONE
THING you are ever told is the truth! Whatever happens in this world
- there is the real meaning - and the meaning they tell us, the
masses, over the television!
This one is going to be especially hard to digest and here I must
apologize in advance. It is truly graphic - and even perverse!
However if I did not tell you this - how would you know the real
truth? Remember who is running this world!
The BELL is not of symbol of liberty - but it is in truth a symbol
of enslavement!
When a young boy child is naked on his hands and knees and about to
get anally accosted by a Priest or Practitioner of Dark Magic - the
view of his genitals from behind make the exact shape of a Bell!
Unable to provide a picture or a drawing of what is obvious - you
have to use your understanding of anatomy to realize that this is
completely true. With most of his penis hidden, and just the leading
end visible and hanging below - it gives you the "ringer" of the
And thus the SYMBOL of a "BELL" to the occultists symbolize
the genitals of a young male child before he is about to be
ritualistically "had" by one of them.
Continuing with the anatomical construction of almost all of the
"buildings" which we call CHURCHES - and even early government
buildings - they have both a "steeple" which represents the fully
erect male phallus (just as does an Egyptian Obelisk) and just below
the steeple (on a church) you have the "bell tower" or the "ball
tower" where the BELLS (BALLS) are kept - which is the laughable
wink, wink, nod, nod of the occultists as they giggle at our
In the old days, human beings were called to "worship" each and
every Sunday, by the "ringing of the bells" (the ringing of the
balls) which was our "signal" (symbol) to immediately come running
to the Church to worship along with the satanic "controllers" of the
BELLS (the balls), where our SEX energy (consciousness energy)
would then be "harvested" from us, by the focusing of our mental
intentions and our prayers directed toward the "ALTER" - the above
ground symbol of ritual for the masses - where the allegorical blood
sacrifice - the eating of the body and the drinking of the blood - took place.
This "MASS" consciousness energy now collected
- and
thus harvested ritualistically - (and very freely given up, by the
way, by all of the participants involved) - would then be
re-directed and sent magically (magnetically) into both the Earth
Grid (the ley-lines) and into the Ionospheric Grid (the psychic
consciousness grid) in order to help BLACK MAGICIANS stabilize and
to POWER UP (with OUR OWN Juice/electricity/currency) - the
illusionary reality of the MATRIX or the magnetic hologram that is
both entrapping and enslaving us all.
In the days of Babylon - The "dark magicians" worshipped their
pagan god "Baal" or "ba-al" or "ba-el" where "EL" literally means "pagan god". Thus you have the words
"EL- der" or "El - dar" which
represents those who are the chosen ones of the pagan god - BA-AL!
In all government offices, you have the "el-ect" or those who are "el-ected" and thus who are in service to the pagan god
"ba-al" or "ba-el" Those who are the "el-ect" are chosen by the process of an
"el-ection" which is the way that all who are in service to the
pagan god "ba-el" are chosen for their positions of AUTHORITY!
Or, "election" is the process where by those who are the enforcers
of the edicts of "ba-el" are placed into positions of their
All those who are "el-ected" by means of an "el-ection" are then
placed in charge of the COLLECTION of the "juice", or the collection
of the "el-lectricity" - or the collection of the "currency" which
belongs to the pagan god "ba-el" and is truly necessary to have or
COLLECT - in order for those who are
the "el-lites" (elites)
to maintain the illusion of our 3-D holographic MATRIX and
keep us totally enslaved and imprisoned to it:
SO THIS is why BELLS are made in the shape of little boys testicles,
(as seen from behind, when they are on their hands and knees) and
why in slang terms kids seem literally compelled to call them their
In ritual sacrifice, the Satanic Priest or Practitioner who
rapes a boy is literally "ringing the boys bells" or "ringing
his balls" from a very graphic and visual and quite perverse
standpoint when he practices forced anal inter-course with the boy.
Remember also this is ANCIENT, ANCIENT stuff! It goes all the way
back to BABYLON! Long before the "Bell" was invented!
Using the Babylonian terms, you could say that his "ba-els" are
being rung, or his "ba-als" are being rung. AND AGAIN FORGIVE ME - THIS IS ALL VERY SATANIC AND PERVERSE!
But tell me,
How are you
going to know this stuff if someone, somewhere does not point it out
to you, so that you can finally see the wink, wink and the nod, nod
of the hidden symbolic meanings we are faced with in our world
everyday, and FAIL TO SEE?
Don't you wonder why - and this is very important to know
required to participate in, or are at least be intimately exposed to
This includes:
Government leaders/including Presidents, and Prime Ministers as well as leading members
of Congress
High Ranking Military Officers
High Ranking Judges
which includes those sitting on National and Inter-national Courts,
as well as many District Attorneys
High Ranking Officials within
Police and Law Enforcement Organizations
CEO's of large
multi-national corporations
Leading Scholars with Major
owners and operators within News Organizations,
...and finally agents within all levels of the CIA/FBI/DHS and in
England MI-5 and MI-6 - and in Israel the Mossad, and in Russia - KGB/FSB
- while in China who knows what they are called.
How do you
think that "we" are ever going to uncover all of this if we refuse
to look at it straight on?
Now are you starting to get it?
As the boy said to the "Terminator"
in the movie: "ARE WE LEARNING ANYTHING YET?"...
I can only show you the truth here.
I can not make you understand
or believe it - digging out the truth of this is YOUR JOB!