by William R. Lyne
DavidIcke Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
My book (Pentagon
Aliens - Formerly 'Space Aliens From The Pentagon')
is related to the following list of little-known, officially
suppressed or publically unknown facts:
An American citizen
Nikola Tesla (an
atheist and a capitalist), invented the flying saucer,
before 1900, and reduced it to practice by 1915.
The American government helped
the Nazis steal the invention from Tesla (who hated the
Nazis), and by 1937, the Nazis were secretly developing it
at Los Alamos, New Mexico (then called the "p2" project),
under the direction of the Baron Wernher von Braun,
who also collaborated in rocket research with Dr. Robert
Goddard at Roswell, funded by the American Rocket
Society (The Smithsonian Institution and the Guggenheim
The American government later
helped Wernher von Braun, the Nazis, and the
Trilateral Commission and
Illuminati (who still
retain control) remove the "KT-p2" Projekt ("KT" is for "Kreisel-Teller"
[German, for "Gyrating Plate"], and "p2" is the electronic
designation for an "oscillating electromagnetic dipole") to
Germany, after 1937.
The Nazis, who attempted to
develop and use the flying saucer during the war (called "Foo-Fighters"
by us, "Fireballs" and "Flying Turtles" by them), were
unsuccessful in developing appropriate weapons for it until
too late, and finally traded it back to us during the
stalemate of 1945, in exchange for amnesty for numerous
persons (including many war criminals), and for other
concessions and guarantees (many of which are too numerous
or incredible to mention here).
The U.S. government (NSA, OSI),
on behalf of the Trilateral Commission, continues with and
enforces a Nazi-originated "Big Lie" program, in which it
perpetuates the hoax that flying saucers ("UFOs") are:
extraterrestrial in origin
psychological phenomena
("collective consciousness archetypal images", ala C. G.
swamp gas
"free-floating plasmas"
piezo-electric effects
other natural phenomena
unknown life forms
hoaxes by attention-seekers
the products of hysteria,
insanity, etc., etc.
The German navy surrounded the
U.S. with 24 U-boats, armed with (V-6?) ICBMs, having
celestial guidance systems, and armed with neutron bomb
warheads, trained on key American cities and centers, in
a 1945 stalemate. German Admiral Karl Doenitz
negotiated a secret truce and amnesty agreement with
American authorities, under which he was required to order
all 24 U-boats "...scuttled, with all hands on board...",
under the agreement, pursuant to which Nazi skippers opened
the hatches and the subs and all men on board went to the
Operation Paperclip, all
Nazi scientific research materials, most of their important
scientists, and the "KT-p2 Projekt" technology, were
transferred to the U.S. and to the Trilateral Commission
corporations, thus attempting to insure that the Illuminati
would retain control of the materials. Certain unusual
security procedures were initiated to insure this, including
the "sacrificing" of some major German scientists to the
Soviets, to plant misinformation, and to insure that the
hoax was successful.
During the war, German
scientists bypassed development of the "atom bomb", and
built and tested the neutron bomb. German field Marshall
Erwin Rommel and the Afrika Korps were originally
sent to North Africa to test the neutron bomb, as well as
Tesla's "death ray"
(which freezes whole armies); this technology was
acquired by American corporations, held chiefly by
David Rockefeller, and
was later sold in part back to the U.S. government and
tested in the '60s, and the same technology was again sold
to the U.S. government again in the '70s and '80s, as "star
wars" technology.
Over 15,000 German military,
technical, intelligence, and support personnel were brought
to America (mostly New Mexico-Manzano Base, Sandia Base,
White Sands Missile Range, Alamogordo, Holloman A.F.B., Los
Alamos, etc.) with the "KT-p2" project, in Sept., 1945, at
which time, under Operation Paperclip,
Wernher von Braun became
Director of Research, U.S. Army Ordnance, Ft. Bliss, Texas;
he and his 116 top rocket scientists commenced rocket (and
flying saucer) R.& D. at nearby White Sands Missile Range,
and Alamogordo.
Howard Hughes "Glomar Explorer"
was built to retrieve the 24 scuttled German U-Boats, before
terrorists or unfriendly governments found and retrieved the
subs, missiles, bombs, and related technology, and because
the WW II German U-boats were powered by a type of
magnetic-electric generator (invented by an American named
Dort of Virginia) which was superior to nuclear power.
Further details about the German
'ship', the Graf Zeppelin are included in this book; Adolf
and Eva (Braun) Hitler were daringly rescued from the Berlin
Bunker by flying saucer, piloted by test pilot Hanna Reitsch
and long distance flight expert Hans Ultich Rudel. The
couple were later protected by the secret amnesty agreement,
live their remaining lives under protection of the NATO
alliance, in Kassel, Germany, ironically the home of an
international monument to the Holocaust.
The "Hitlers" even visited
America on the invitation of L.B.J. to visit "Hemisfair",
the World's fair at San Antonio, Texas, in 1967.
Part of the original deceit was
under way at Wright-Patterson A.F.B., Ohio, even before the
German surrender:
Edgar Cayce was already
employed as a technical writer, to revise, adapt, and
resume the propaganda work pioneered by Hans
Hoerbiger, Hitler's personal guru and astrologer,
the official "father of parapsychology", and designer of
the Nazi "Big Lie" system, in which the public's
credibility 'window' is wallowed into a giant hole,
allowing the indiscriminate acceptance if faceless
authority and whatever the government says
the U.S. government even
hired an Ohio naval law professor (and genius) to revise
and popularize "Astara" ("Ostara" to Hitler), the Nazi
religion based on the Bonpas (Tibetan black magic)
religion, imported from Tibet to Germany by general
Karl Haushofer, an ordained Bonpas priest, as the
basis for the S.S., financed and setup on instructions
of the British-American
CFR, in 1919
the S.S. Bonpas worshipped
"Kali Ma" ("Bloody Mother"). This cult founded the
ancient Thugee cult of India, and was the basis for the
Society of Assassins
the concepts of this weird
religion related to the mass extermination of people,
through many means, including assassinations,
exterminations, and war, the basis for all 20th century
totalitarian movements.
Most forms of mass communication
are primarily controlled or produced by the Illuminati:
through the secret agencies
of our government, to brain wash the public, in the most
monumental hoax in history, to socio-economically
control the world, and to perpetuate lies designed to
obscure the flying saucer's man-made origin and use (as
well as to steal and conceal or monolithically control
all other advanced technology)
the government hires
consultants, contract script writers, and teams of
Ph.D.s, to create and disseminate "Big Lie" propaganda,
in countless pulp magazines and newspapers, and finances
and produces books and movies of the "Close Encounters
of the Third Kind" ilk, to perpetuate the
"extraterrestrial" myth
the government controls and
manipulates the press, hires lecturers, and organizes
and funds UFO groups
the government stages
"abductions", using actors, drugs, and sets
Blue Book" was set up at Wright-Patterson
A.F.B. to retrieve leaked information and plug leaks,
disseminate misinformation, falsely represent "expert,
objective, scientific opinion", and to ferret out
'problem people'
mystical organizations (such
A.R.E. - "Association
for Research and Enlightenment"- part of the Edgar Cayce
Foundation, of Virginia Beach, Virginia [conveniently
close to the C.I.A. headquarters]) - are created for the
same purposes, and set the stage for the type of mass
psychological control of the public required for
totalitarian control by mystical cults, such as
"Communism", "Naziism", "Synergy", or "psychic" cults.
Flying saucers operate on basic,
simple, sound (but very carefully obscured) scientific
electrical and physical principles, known for over 100
Sir George Clerk Maxwell's
famous equations were 'edited' to remove certain
information from 'unclassified' access, and all public
sources were thoroughly scoured by the F.B.I. in 1942
the flying saucer uses the
electromagnetic interaction (which is on a magnitude of
"1040 (10 to the 40th power) x 2" times
greater than the gravitational interaction), to move
huge saucers at fantastic speeds in defiance to gravity
and inertia, with almost no net energy consumption
flying saucers can be
powered by unlimited electrical energy extracted from
ordinary atmospheric air, based on Tesla's ca. 1900
this book tells how to
build your own flying saucer)
"E.S.P." and "psychic
phenomena" movements (based on Hans Hoerbiger's
original Nazi "parapsychology") are orchestrated and
promoted by the NSA, as part of the continuation of the
original Nazi "Big Lie" program, to dupe and brain wash the
public, and to induce unquestioned faith rather than reason;
this clandestine manipulation by the government is an
unconstitutional abridgement of the U.S. Constitutional
First Amendment prohibition against the government's
recognition or promotion of an "establishment of religion"
(i.e., generally, a mystical belief system based on faith
rather than reason).
As an underlying cause of the "Holocaust",
a proposal was made by the U.S. Government to the Treaty of
Versaille Committee, in 1919. In a document known as
"Morgenthau's Pastoral Policy", signed by president
Woodrow Wilson (drafted by his Illuminati advisor,
Hans Morgenthau, Sr.) and presented at Versaille.
Under it, the U.S. attempted to
make, as one of the provisions of the German surrender, the
extermination of all Germans, as an "inherently warlike
race", and the "reduction of Germany to a pastureland". The
document, examined by me in 1968, was among the papers of
former president Lyndon Baines Johnson, now kept in
the Sid W. Richardson Research Center, at U.T., Austin.
The "cattle mutilations"
phenomenon is an ongoing program of the CIA's Special
Operations Division. 'Biological samples' are removed by
specially trained flying saucer crews, from thousands of
cattle grazing in remote areas, for analysis, to measure
radiation-caused auto-immune-deficiency and reproductive
sterilization effects, after the cattle have been subjected
to irradiation by "Death Ray" devices under development
since the 60s.
Since 1979, the saucers have
bombarded members of the public, under the
MK-NAOMI program of the CIA,
for purposes of "population control" (i.e.,
extermination). Government
scientists use special surgical devices, standard blood
coagulants, and cryogenic technology, enhanced by microwave
equipment, to remove the cattle blood (and ears, lips,
tongues, mammary glands, genitalia, anuses, etc.);
afterward, the carcasses are returned and air-dropped from
flying saucers, back into their original pastures; the
mysterious circumstances are misconstrued by
government-spread rumors of "extra-terrestrials", attributed
to "satanist cults" or other cults created by the
government, or "coyotes and other natural predators", etc.
(of course, MAN is a "natural predator".)
(For more on this, see Chapter
Meet a Government M.I.B. in Santa Fe: Hollywood on the Take",
and Chapter IV: "Sightings".)
The Antarctic "Ozone Hole",
which U.S. government scientists pretend to be at a loss to
explain-yet blaming it on 'aerosol sprays'-is probably the
by-product of three nuclear missiles, armed with hydrogen
bomb warheads, which were launched from the Antarctic by the
U.S. military, on Aug.27, Aug.30, and Sept. 9, 1957.
The warheads were detonated at a
300-mile altitude, to create a reflective spherical layer of
ionic particles surrounding the earth, to bounce radar
impulses between the layer and the earth. The Strategic Air
Command's global "backscatter" radar system, operated from
the North American Air Defense (NORAD) command
center deep beneath the earth at Cheyenne Mountain,
Colorado, thus became operational in 1957, in time to verify
that the Russians fired the rocket which launched Sputnik.
The NSA protracts a false
"national security" veil, to continue concealment of flying
saucer technology, creating false fears of 'rampant
anarchy', 'chaos', and other exaggerations and ruses, before
NSA, committees, to justify continued secrecy, and to
continue to deny public access to, or to declassify the
technology. (If society isn't ready for it, how can THEY
The true scientific principles
of gravity have been misrepresented, confused, and concealed
by "Big Brother", even in school books read by our children,
just to conceal flying saucer technology, to
protect the energy cartels and the mixed-economy
socialist political power structure from losing its
illegitimate parasitic grip on us.
In 1897,
Nikola Tesla, a
patriotic naturalized U.S. citizen, of Serbo-Croatian birth,
discovered and published a new theory of energy and gravity,
called the "Dynamic Theory of Gravity", which represented a
unified field theory. Tesla's energy equation, "C=E/R", and
Tesla's application to the Swiss Patent Office for his
flying saucer patent, was made while Albert Einstein was a
second class patent clerk there. Einstein's work was an
Illuminati conspiracy to obliterate Tesla's discoveries, so
the Illuminati could control flying saucers.
The government's policy of
looting and suppressing ideas from independent scientists,
inventors, and thinkers, on behalf of the
Trilateral Commission, is
related to this process, involving
stealing ideas from creative
destroying those
individuals' credibility, to conceal the sources and
ruining the lives of those
individuals (even murdering them if necessary), and
denying compensation or credit
exercising the option to
suppress the ideas under "national security laws", or
giving the discoveries to their corporate crook partners
for exploitation
abusing and misusing the
judicial system to carry out and enforce this
illegitimate, criminal process.
I am either correct in what I
say, or am entitled to a Nobel Prize for new discoveries in
gravitational theory and nuclear physics. The former is most
certainly true. Since Russia in fact acquired the services
of the top Nazi flying saucer scientist, and the top rocket
scientist, from the Peenemunde operation, in 1945, here is a
strong possibility that the Russians were privy to these
Some of you who have taken the time to read this letter, have
the means to verify what I say. Others, who are among the
guilty, will naturally be threatened. Others know me, and may
have even offered me a high government position, which I
refused. Some may shrug me off as a "harmless nut", while others
may seek to harm me even more.
Those who know the truth, and failed
or refused to use their power to restrain the abusive
government, criminals, courts, and lawyers, are responsible for
causing me to say these things, and have inadvertently liberated
this truth, which is my means of self defense, an inalienable
natural right.
Bureaucrats naturally underestimate the power of the individual,
since they are collectivists who lack a concept of
individuality, operating under the delusion of "the
invincibility of the state". I may not have become angry enough
to publish this expose', if they had not continued to harass me.
However, what I say I HAD to say,
and would have said it much sooner had it not taken me so long
to gain the opportunity between harassments. Even though I am
aware of the danger to me and my family, and since there have
already been several murder attempts, any one of which could
have succeeded, I say this while there is still an opportunity
to do so, and remove their motive from the equation. Besides, it
is really they who are afraid of the truth.
This letter is not intended to advance or affect any pending
litigation. Those of the judiciary have already proclaimed their
prejudice against me, all my pleadings having fallen upon deaf
ears. This letter should not affect rights which have already
been predisposed in the anti-individual bigoted courts,
according to them.
This letter represents my civil disobedience, freedom of speech
and expression of political opinion, declaring the right to the
disposition of the products of my own creativity, and to protest
the hypocrisies of our government and courts, as a citizen, a
human being, an American, and a Citizen of the World.
Nothing in this book was procured in violation of any law,
including "national security laws"; our government officially
denies a national security interest in flying saucers, denies
their existence, and we are entitled to take our government at
its word, albeit unreliable and false.
Those who deny the existence of flying saucers, or who falsely
assume that they are extraterrestrial, are either the victims of
government/corporate-state fraud, are irrational, brainwashed
dupes, or are government liars. Those who make the most rational
assumption-that "flying saucers are man-made flying machines" -
will eventually be vindicated by history, since the truth will
be known sooner or later, and it is already very, very late.
I would have invented the flying saucer if it had not already
been invented, since the concept occurred to me when I was a boy
studying electricity. At age 15, I prepared for a career in
aerodynamics, until I witnessed a flying saucer in broad
daylight, in the company of seven other intelligent witnesses.
Believing that aerodynamics would be an obsolete field by the
time I finished college, I cancelled my plans.
I would never have expected the
secrets still to be hidden over forty years later, with
aerodynamics still be a viable field, due to the continued
suppression. I had been building powered model flying saucers
for four years before my first close-up daylight sighting in
1953. I knew that flying saucers were real, man-made flying
contraptions, powered by electricity.
While saucers are visually
fantastic, with their brilliant electrical corona discharges,
emission of "metallic colors", and movement in rapid bursts,
changing directions instantaneously, there was nothing which
could not be explained by electronic and physical theory. I
could see concentric striations on a somewhat crudely spun metal
hull (probably a tungsten alloy), which was a crude, early form
of "stealth" radar evasion technology, which "extraterrestrials"
would have had no use for.
The spreading of confusion and lies shows something important to
hide, involving high priorities, and highly trained and
well-paid people. The patterns of this deceit reveals the
substance of hidden knowledge, extracted by a time-consuming
process. It is best not to believe anything until you have a
reason to believe it.
This chapter caps off over 17 years of overt judicial harassment
which ensued the moment
George Bush took power at
the CIA. Bush is a pal with fellow Trilateralist-Republican,
Robert O. Anderson, the man who controls the
North Slope of Alaska and
the HAARP project. Anderson
would now probably disavow any connection to ARCO, which he
created. He now claims bankruptcy.
Chapter 1 can be thought of as a
kind of "Revolutionary Manifesto of Laissez Faire Capitalist
Creatology"- (i.e., a manifesto of a radical, new artistic and
scientific religion, based on the "Science of the Creative
Process"). It is a non-mystical, rational religion.
In 1979, I acquired a "Peiltochterkompass" (German, for
"polar-daughter-[i.e., "slave"] compass"), a crude, 1943 , WW
II-vintage, German navigational device (the earliest type of
celestial guidance system), which was interconnected to a
"master compass" (a gyrocompass oriented to the north pole). It
triggered bi-polar pairs of electrodes in the hull of the
The flying saucer and its scientific
principle, is the world's greatest invention, which mankind has
been denied the benefits of for over fifty years, by the
coercive monopolists, through government harassment, murder,
secrecy, misinformation, hoax and other deceits.
It is now time to end this hoax upon the American people by
their own government, and to end corporate-socialism and
tax-slavery, and to return power to the individual.
It is time for creative mankind to
remove this yoke from its neck, and to move forward with a truly
new world order of creative, laissez-faire capitalist
civilization, with a free flow of beneficially creative ideas,
associations, and products among mankind, in a peaceful world,
peopled by creative, free, autonomous and self-sufficient
individuals, whose bounty can provide for all.
We have nothing to lose except
NOW LET IT BE KNOWN that those who are responsible for what I am
now saying, are supported by pillars of lies, and have set a
philosophical wrecking ball into motion, which will eventually
smash down their own foundations.