Aches to Quakes
- Sensitives Who Predict Earthquakes Suffer Pain and
Acknowledging and Dealing With the Fear of PSI
A Convergence of Science and Real
Español |
Algunos Estudios Científicos 'Paranormales' que le Harán
Cuestionar la Verdadera Naturaleza de la Realidad
Altered States
Experiences -
Main File
Anomalous Realities - The Cosmic
A Pocketful of Miracles
- extracted from 'The Holographic Universe'
Question of Extraterrestrial And Human Telepathy
- Penetration
Beyond the Five Senses - The Powers Latent in Humankind
Biological and The Silicon
- Modifying Humans for Space
Español |
Biopoder en la Era del 'Gran
Biopower in the Age of the 'Great
BSRI - Its History, Science and
Use in Psychic Warfare
The Superpowers Be Trained?
- The Coming Importance of A Question
Channelers and Channeled Information -
Main File
Co-Creation - 5 Paths Toward
Personal Power
COINTELPRO - Counterintelligence
Program -
Main File
Español |
Comprendiendo y Conquistando al
Parásito Mental - Wetiko
Español |
Conciencia, Resonancia y Lo
- Nadando Sincronizadamente en El Océano Quántico
Consciousness, Resonance and The
- Synchronized Swimming in The Quantum Sea
Controlled Offensive Behavior -
Español |
Control Mental
Main File
Could Multiple Personality
Disorder Explain Life, the Universe and Everything?
Covert Operations of The U.S.
National Security Agency
Español |
Déjà Vu - Aquí y Ahora, Allí y Entonces
Vu - Here and Now, There and Then
Español |
Descubrimientos Rusos del ADN Explican Acontecimientos
Humanos 'Paranormales'
- El ADN es...
Español |
El Potencial Humano -
Capacidades Asombrosas se Encuentran Dormidas en Tu
Español |
- ¿Es
Esta Una Evidencia de Que Podemos Ver El Futuro?
ESP and Remote Viewing are Actually 'Complementary
Cognition'? |
Everyday 'Clairvoyance' - How Your Brain Makes
Near-Future Predictions
Español |
Experiencias de Estado Alterado
Main File
Feeling The Future
- Experimental Evidence for
Anomalous Retroactive Influences on Cognition and Affect
Español |
Físico Comparte Información
considerada 'Demasiado Polémica' - Prohibida por TED
Español |
- 'Gaslighting'
- La Psicología de Moldear la Realidad del Otro
Half Past Human
- Telephone Interview With Clif High
Holographic Universe
Main File
Español |
Humanos Psíquicos - Reconocimiento
de Su Realidad
- Marielalero
Ingo Swann - And
His Work -
Main File
Interoception - The Sixth Sense we
use to read Hidden Signals from our Body
Is a Mass Psychosis the Greatest
Threat to Humanity?
This Evidence That We Can See The Future?
Español |
Japón Da Un Paso Más Hacia La 'Telequinesis'
Español |
La Función Biológica del Tercer Ojo
Español |
Mitología como Viaje Interior
Español |
Psicosis del Mundo Moderno - ¿Estamos experimentando un
'Trauma Colectivo'...?
Español |
Implicaciones Científicas y Espirituales de Las
Habilidades Psíquicas
Español |
Las Psi-Ops y como Detectarlas
Español |
Verdaderas Aventuras de Un Espía Psíquico
Español |
La Zona A
- Marielalero
Español |
Lo que Un Chamán Ve en un Hospital
Lucid Viewing - The Way Forward in
Remote Viewing -
Main File
Magic helped us in Pandemics
before, and It can Again
Español |
Allá de los Cinco Sentidos - Los Poderes Latentes en la
Español |
Mentes Extendidas - Los Campos Mentales Dentro y Más
Allá de Nuestros Cerebros
Español |
Mitos de la Luz
- por Joseph Campbell
Español |
Mundus Imaginalis - Crear el Mundo
Research Suggests Humans Can Sense Future Events Without
Any Known Clues
- John B. Alexander,
The Pentagon's Penguin
On-Going Scientific Discovery of
Sensory Receptors
Which Account for Many Subtle Perceptions
Español |
Paradigma Holográfico Cuántico,
Quantum Lógico y Variables Físicas en relación con ESP y
Pavlita Generators - Psychic
Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain
Physicist Shares Information deemed 'Too
Controversial' - Banned by TED
Español |
- ¿Podríamos
ser todos Psíquicos? - Nuestro Cerebro actúa como un
Filtro que limita nuestras Capacidades...
Español |
Porqué Los Indios Americanos Se Dejaban El Pelo Largo - El Pelo
es Una Extensión del Sistema Nervioso
Español |
Porqué Todos Tenemos Poderes Psíquicos
- De Cómo las Premoniciones y la Telepatía son Más...
Español |
Psico-Poder - En 'Conformidad con
Robots' y 'Libertad', en un Mundo post-COVID
Psionics - Practical
Application of Psychic Awareness
Psionic Terrorism
Español |
Finalidad del Proyecto |
Mission Statement
Psychic Vampires and the Use of Etheric Energy
- 'Automaton Conformity' and 'Freedom' in a Post-COVID World
Main File
Quartz Amplifiers
- Science of The Future
Español |
Realidades Anómalas - La Grieta
Remote Viewing
- The ESP of Espionage
Remote Viewing - The Last Frontier
Main File
Russian DNA Discoveries Explain Human 'Paranormal'
Events - DNA Is Reprogrammable
by Words and...
Secrets of The UFO
Seven Types of Spirit Guides and
how to Connect with Them
Español |
Tipos de Guías Espirituales y cómo Conectarse con Ellos
Some 'Paranormal' Scientific Studies that Will Make You
Question the True Nature of Reality
Synchronicity - The Key of Destiny -
Main File
Synthetic Telepathy
- The ESP of Espionage
Cancelled his Talk - Now the Physicist Hired by the CIA is
Exposing the Reality of ESP
- The Preeminent Penetration Modality
TGD Inspired Model for
Biological Function Of The Third Eye
The Four Types of Spirit Guides -
According to a Psychic Medium
Hutchison Effect
The Misinformation Virus
The New Reign of Biopower - The
Rise of Control-Biology
Psychosis of the Modern World - Are we experiencing a
'Collective Trauma'...?
Scientific and Spiritual Implications of Psychic
Self-Aware Universe - A Synopsis of Amit
Goswami's Theory of Physics and Psychic Phenomena
The True Adventures of a Psychic Spy - An Interview with
David Morehouse
The Truth About Dave Morehouse and
Psychic Warrior
UFO Extraterrestrial Problem - Excerpts
The Untapped Potential of Autism
Tim Rifat and PSI Science
Main File
Español |
Tu Salud Mental no es una
Mercancía - Es un Compromiso Contigo Mismo
Español |
Una Convergencia de Ciencia y
Magia Real
Understanding Addiction illumines
the Madness in Our World
Understanding the Root Cause of Depression so We Can
Deal With It
Español |
Vampiros Psíquicos y el Uso de la
Energía Etérica
Español |
Vision Remota
Main File
What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital |
American Indians Keep Their Hair Long
- Hair Is An Extension of The Nervous System
We All Have Psychic Powers
- How Thought
Premonitions and Telepathy are More Common Than...
Wonder Weapons
- The Pentagon's Quest for Nonlethal Arms...
Additional Information |
5th Dimension Consciousness
Español |
Anatomía Multidimensional Humana
An Unconventional Friendship - Duncan O'Finioan and
David Corso - A Project Camelot Interview
A Parasite of A Different Order
- A Psychic Tapeworm
Perceptual Channel for Information Transfer over Kilometer
Distances -
Historical Perspectives and Recent...
We All Living in The Future Now? - New
Studies Suggest...
Are We All Multiple Personalities
of Universal Consciousness?
We Possessed?
Español |
Así es cómo un Psicópata siente la
Vida Normal
Español |
Psíquicos - Síntomas y Soluciones
AWARE - AWAreness during
REsuscitation - A Prospective Study
Behind the Veil
- A Look at the Phenomenon of Channeling
Brainwave Frequency Listing
Climate Cycles Linked to Civil War - Analysis Shows
Color Psychology - What does your
Favorite Color say about your Personality?
Español |
Conciencia de 5ª Dimensión
Technologies for Improving Human Performance
- Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information...
Cosmic Time Travel
Covid-19 as Quantum Phenomenon -
Searching for the Anti-Virus
Dan Sherman - Way Above Black
- A Video Interview With Dan Sherman
Deeper "Secret"
Demons Technology
Español |
El Asunto de la Conciencia
Español |
El "Secreto"
Mas Profundo
Español |
El Ultimo
Guerrero - Robert Duncan O'Finioan - Una Video-Entrevista con
Duncan O'Finioan
Español |
Energías Sutiles - El Antiguo Conocimiento
se Convierte en Ciencia Moderna
E.S.P. and L.S.T.?
Español |
- ¿Estamos
Español |
Exponiendo a Los Malévolos Dueños
y Señores de La Tierra
Exposing The Evil Overlords of
Español |
Formas de Pensamiento - Su Naturaleza, Origen y Creación
Español |
Fuerzas Negativas |
Harry Oldfield's Amazing Imaging
Human Multidimensional Anatomy
Multidimensional Potential
- An Introduction
Indigo Children
Español |
Inteligencia Apreciativa - La Capacidad de Conectar con lo
que es Valioso
Introduction to Cognition
Deficiency Myopia Disorder (CDMD)
Español |
Antena Humana
Español |
La Ayuda que Ayuda... y la Ayuda
que No Ayuda
Español |
Capacidad de Predecir
- Retos
Evolutivos del Siglo XXI
Español |
La Compresión del Tiempo y El
Español |
La Evolución de Dios
Español |
Telepatía, Teleportación, Visión Remota, Fenómenos
PSI... ¿Son Reales o No?
Español |
Los Espíritus Elementales de la
Español |
Los Individuos son 'Personalidades
Disociadas' de la Conciencia Universal - ¿La Mejor
Teoría de Conciencia?
Español |
'Pensamientos' de una Telaraña
World - The Life and Work of Baron Karl von Reichenbach
Manipulating Matter
- The Scientific Dictatorship as A Project in The
Reconfiguration of Reality
Matrix Brainwashing
- Artificial Synchronicity, Language Manipulation,
Kundalini and the Corners of Reality
Meditation and Resonance Effects
Metallic 'Spiders' and Giant
- Another Night in The Icke House
Español |
- ¡Mucho Más que Una Máscara!
Near-Death Experience in Survivors
of Cardiac Arrest - A Prospective Ptudy in the
Negative Forces
Español |
Niños Índigos
Español |
No Dormir tiempo Suficiente puede
tener Consecuencias Nefastas - Estas son algunas de
Español |
Cerebro Está Diseñado Para Percibir El Futuro
OBE And Parallel Worlds
On the Relation Between
Brain Potentials and the Awareness of Voluntary
Español |
Parásitos Mentales, Parásitos
Energéticos y Vampiros
Personalism and its Enemies
Phone Calls From Beyond The Veil
Psychic Attacks - Symptoms and
Psycho-Acoustic Medicine - The Science of Sound in Producing
Serotonin, Neurotransmitters and Health
Español |
- ¿Que
Es Una Canalización?
Español |
- ¿Qué
Son las Entidades Meméticas y porqué Podrías Estar
Creando Seres "Vivos" de Información en este...
Radionics - Science of The Future
Research on Consciousness, PSI
Effects and Precognition
Rupert Sheldrake
- Los Campos Morfogeneticos
- Main File
Español |
- ¿Saborear
Colores y Ver Sonidos? - La Sinestesia podría tener una
Base Genética
Español |
Síntomas de Escepticismo
Español |
- ¿Somos
Todos Múltiples Personalidades de una Conciencia
Star Gate - A Remote Viewing
- Main File
Subtle Energies - Ancient
Knowledge Becomes Modern Science
Symptoms of Pathological
Taste Color and See Sounds? -
Synesthesia may have a Genetic Basis
Español |
Teletransportación, Materialización e Invisibilidad
Teleportation, Materialization and Invisibility
The Astral Plane
- Main File
The Conscious Universe
The Deeper "Secret"
Evolution of God
The First Earth Battalion
- Dare to Think the
Unthinkable, Ideas and Ideals for Soldiers Everywhere
The Hollographic Concept of
Human Antenna
Human Brain
Main File
The Interviews with Jack True -
One of The Most Innovative Hypnotherapists of Our Time
- by Jon Rappoport
The Militarization of Space
- Military Research Agendas For The Future
Omega Principle
- The Energy Which Patterns Randomness
The Poltergeist Machine
The Question of Consciousness
The Science of Sleep and Sleep Deprivation
The Wetiko Virus - A Malignant
This is How Normal Life Feels as a
Thought-Forms - Their Nature, Origin, and Creation
Time Compression and The
To Catch a Falling Star
To Heal Emotional Inflammation -
Let Distress Inspire Change
the Moon and Back, With Love
Español |
Trance-Formadores - Chamanes del Siglo 21 |
Tranceformers - Shamans of the
21st Century
UFOs - The Psychic Dimension
Ultimate Warrior - Robert Duncan O'Finioan
- A Video Interview With Duncan O'Finioan
Español |
Un Parásito de Orden Diferente -
Una 'Tenia Psíquica'
Dreams - Sueños |
Aquamarine Dreams - Ralph Ring and
Otis T Carr
Cosmic Drama - God's Dream
Español |
Despertando del Sueño - Las Causas de Estados Superiores
de Conciencia
Dream Manipulation
Dreams, Timelines and
Parallel Worlds
Español |
El Enigma
de Los Arcontes - Sueño Alienígena
How to Practice 'Dream Work' and
Decipher your Psyche
Español |
Los Sueños - Nuestra Vida Paralela
en El Holograma Tierra
Lucid Dreaming
- Main File
Español |
Manipulación Astral de Los Sueños
- Los Reptilianos
New 'AI-based Theory' explains
your Weird Dreams
Español |
Porqué Mucha Gente tiene Sueños
más Raros y Vívidos durante la 'Pandemia' de Coronavirus
Prophetic Dreams, Visions and the
Waves of Change
Español |
Sueños, Líneas de Tiempo y Mundos
Español |
Sueños Proféticos, Visiones y las
Olas del Cambio
The Enigma of The Archons -
Alien Dreaming
Matrix Manipulation of Dreams
Mind - La Mente |
Español |
Consciencia Maquínica -
Metaprogramación del Biocomputador Humano
Covid-19 is a Symbol of a Much
Deeper Infection - The Wetiko Mind-Virus
Español |
Cronestesia - Nuestra Mente Navega a Través del Tiempo
Extended Minds - The Mental Fields Within and Beyond Our
Mind Control -
Main File
Parasites, Energy Parasites and Vampires
Physics is Pointing Inexorably to
Español |
- ¿Qué
se ha Metido en Nuestras Mentes? - La Psicosis del Mundo
Moderno y la Búsqueda de Uno Mismo
Superpowers of The Human Biomind - The Coming Importance
of The Question: Can The Superpowers...
Synthetic Telepathy and the Early Mind Wars
The Extended Mind
by Andy Clark
and David Chalmers
The Mind Has
No Firewall
The Placebo Effect - The Triumph
of Mind over Body
Understanding and Conquering the
Mind Parasite - Wetiko
VALIS "Vast Acting Living
Intelligence System" - The Invasion of Philip K. Dick's
Español |
Wetiko - Psicosis Totalitaria en
Nuestro Mundo... y en Nuestras Mentes
Wetiko - Totalitarian Psychosis in
Our World... and Our Minds
What has Gotten into Our Minds? -
The Psychosis of the Modern World and the Search for the
Why 'Listening Well' can make
Disagreements less damaging
Books-Treatises |
21 Lessons for 21st Century - by
Yuval Noah Harari
- The Ringing Cedars Series - Book 1
- by Vladimir Megré
Astral Dynamics
- A New Approach to Out-of-Body Experience - by Robert Bruce
A Treatise on Astral Projection
by Robert Bruce
Autobiography of A Yogi
- by Paramahansa Yogananda
Español |
Cómo Mentir con Estadísticas
- por Darrell Huff
Cosmic Triger - Final Secret of The
Illuminati - by Robert Anton Wilson
Dianetics, a Modern Science of Mental Health
- by L. Ron Hubbard
El Colegio Invisible
- Guerra en El Cielo - Un Concepto Completamente Nuevo y
Rev... - por Kyle Griffith
Español |
El Universo Holográfico
- por Michael Talbot
Enhanced Mind-Matter Interactions
following rTMS induced Frontal Lobe Inhibition - by
Morris Freedman et.al.
Far Journeys
- by Robert Monroe
Español |
Guerra en El Cielo
- El Colegio Invisible - por Kyle
Illuminatus! Trilogy
- by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson
Journey Out of The Body
- by Robert Monroe
Español |
Jung y el Tarot
- por Sallie Nichols
Español |
Los Mitos - Su Impacto en el Mundo
- por
Joseph Campbell
PSI Spies
- The True Story of
America's Psychic Warfare Program - by Jim Marrs
and Metaprogramming in The Human Biocomputer - by
John. C. Lilly
Psychic Self Defense
- by Dion Fortune
Pyramid of Thoughts - by Daniela Giordano and
Jan Pajak
Black Box and Other Psychic Generators
by W.E. Davis
The Crack in The Cosmic Egg
- by Joseph Chilton Pearce
The Enlightenment
- A Handbook on Illusion - by D. Alan Holmes
The Holographic Universe
- by Michael Talbot
The Master and His Emissary - The Divided Brain
and the Making of the Western World - by Iain McGilchrist
The Matter with Things - Our
Brain, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World - by Iain McGilchrist
The Ringing Cedars of Russia
- The Ringing Cedars Series - Book 2 - by
Vladimir Megré
The Selfish Meme
- A Critical Reassessment - by Kate Distin
The Speed of Thought
- by Elizabeth A. Rauscher and Russell Targ
VALIS - Vast Active Living
Intelligence System
- by Philip K. Dick
War in Heaven - The Invisible
- A Completely New And Revolutionary Conception of... - by K. Griffith
Multimedia |
Between Science and The Supernatural
- The Angel Effect
Español |
El Ultimo Guerrero - Robert Duncan
Entheogenic Shamanism Ancient
Astronauts History
Gary - Young, Psychic And
History of Magic and Psychic Human Powers
Kakaram - Life Force
Español |
La Verdad sobre la Mentira
Español |
Matriz de La Vida
Reality and The Extended Mind
The Pineal Gland, Hyperborea, and The Spear of Destiny
The Secret Powers of Our Mind
Related Reports |
America's Subversion - The Enemy
Brainwave Frequency Listing
Brotherhoods and Secret Societies
Main File
Cannabinoids - The Secret Cure to
Help Heal Many Chronic Diseases
Main File
Main File
Ciencia Real
Main File
Dimensions and Hyperdimensions
Main File
El Universo de La Nueva Fisica
Main File
- Hypercommunication
- Main File
Main File
Indigo Children - Crystalline
Main File
Los Cambios Geneticos
Main File
Mind Control in The 21st Century
Prophecies, Predictions and The
Main File
Scalar Electromagnetics Technology
Main File
Main File
Ascension-Transformation-Evolution Process
- Main File
The Deadly Industry of Psychiatry
- Main File
Pineal Gland -
Main File
The Saga of Flying Objects
- Present and Past
Main File
The Wands of Horus
The Work of David Pratt
Main File
Time Travel
Main File
Tim Rifat
- And His Work
Main File
Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy
Main File