by Michael Salla, Ph.D.
Honolulu Exopolitics Examiner
March 29, 2010
Examiner Website

Obama announces New Start Treaty on 3/26/10.
Photo: AP
On March 26, President
Obama announced
at the White House press briefing room,
“that after a year of intense
negotiations, the United States and Russia have agreed to the
most comprehensive arms control agreement in nearly two
The agreement aims to cut the nuclear
arsenals of the US and Russia by up to 30%, and represents the first
of a series of agreements on nuclear arms reduction.
The agreement marks the first tangible
achievement of Obama in his long term foreign policy goal of a world
without nuclear arms first outlined in Prague in April 2009, and
reaffirmed at his December 10, Nobel Prize Acceptance speech in
Oslo, Norway. An event one day before his Oslo speech, may have
contributed significantly to Russia’s acceptance of Obama’s nuclear
disarmament goals and a future world without nuclear weapons.
On December 9, a one-mile
wide Pyramid
UFO appeared over the Kremlin shortly after
a giant spiral of light
appeared over northern Norway.
Did the appearance of the UFO pyramid
influence Russian and US military negotiators to move forward with
nuclear arms reductions and their March 26 agreement?

Norway Light Spiral
Photo AP
The Norway light spiral was immediately
linked to the unsuccessful test of a rocket by a Russian submarine.
Most expert commentary speculated that
the rocket caused the spiral.
Others claimed that the spiral was
linked to a HAARP facility in northern Norway,
EISCAT, that was
operational that day.
A few even speculated that the
HAARP facility
may have caused the failure of the test rocket and signaled the end
of nuclear missiles as a strategic weapon.
A fourth possibility exists that
directly connects the Norway spiral with the simultaneous emergence
of the
UFO pyramid over the Kremlin.
The ‘test’ rocket was fired,
AFTER the appearance of the light spiral, to prevent the passage of
a UFO THROUGH the spiral.
Was the light spiral in fact an
interdimensional doorway through which UFOs appear?

Pyramid over the
This remarkable possibility directly
emerges from four related factors.
The emergence of the UFO
pyramid over Russia on the same day (December 9) as the
Norway light spiral appeared - one day before Obama’s Nobel
Prize speech emphasizing his commitment to a world without
nuclear weapons - implies a connection between the issues of
UFOs and nuclear weapons reduction.
Such a connection has been
demonstrated multiple times over the last six decades where
UFOs regularly appear over and even interfere with nuclear
weapons facilities.
The appearance of the
UFO pyramid over the Kremlin - Russia’s nerve center of
military power. Was this a power demonstration by an
extraterrestrial civilization to signify displeasure at
recent Russian military actions?
Arguably, Russia’s firing
of a rocket at the Norway spiral to prevent the appearance
of UFOs shortly before
Obama’s nuclear disarmament speech
was such an act.
Russia’s Pravda newspaper
unsuccessfully tried to delink the Norway spiral from the
UFO pyramid by giving a false appearance date of December 18
for the latter in a story published that same day.
Russian authorities anxious to prevent the public from
linking the mysterious pyramid appearance to the light
spiral and the rocket launch on December 9?
A whistleblower, Aaron
McCollum, has recently emerged claiming that
an interdimensional doorway has emerged over the Gulf of Aden,
and the world navies are monitoring what is happening in the
McCollum claims that international piracy is being
used as a cover to prevent the general public from learning
about events in the Gulf of Aden.
The Gulf of Aden scenario, if
McCollum is accurate, suggests that major naval forces
regularly monitor and/or take military actions against
interdimensional doorways when they appear in different
parts of the world. This strengthens the possibility that
the Norway light spiral was in fact such a doorway, and the
Russian navy was taking military action against it to
prevent the passage of UFOs through it.
The appearance of the pyramid
UFO over the Kremlin was therefore an extraterrestrial
action to make evident to the world public that such a
possibility was in fact very real.
The possibility of extraterrestrial
visitors in UFOs passing through interdimensional doorways and the
military of different nations acting in ways to monitor/prevent this
is something that directly arises from events related to the UFO
pyramid over Russia.
The fact that such an event occurred one
day before Obama’s Norway speech suggests that UFOs can appear at
significant world events to promote certain policy outcomes such as
nuclear disarmament.
Indeed, the appearance of the light
spiral may have been initially designed to encourage the Obama
administration to
disclose of extraterrestrial life as many had
predicted was being planned behind the scenes for the end of 2009,
and early 2010.
At Obama’s March 26 White House press briefing, no mention of events
just a day before his December 10 Olso speech was made. Obama simply
referred to the common security interests of the U.S. and Russia on
the issue of nuclear disarmament.
This was emphasized by Admiral
Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who pointed out
the importance of the agreement:
"Through the trust it engenders, the
cuts it requires and the flexibility it preserves, this treaty
enhances our ability to do that which we have been charged to
do: protect and defend the citizens of the United States."
Certainly, the U.S. and Russia have
common security interests in reducing their nuclear weapons
stockpiles, and working towards a nuclear weapons free world.
What perhaps they aren’t revealing is
how they are being encouraged to do so by
extraterrestrial visitors
who have for over six decades taken an active interest in nuclear
weapons and their elimination.