Brian Desborough
February 21st, 2004
HyddenMysteries Website
I was then simply a young
inexperienced “naive idiot” in a very very sophisticated and
successful covert psychological warfare operation run by the late
Brenden O’Regan of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and the late
Harold Chipman who was the CIA station chief for all mind control
research in the Bay Area in the 70s.
Jack Sarfatti
(former director of the
Physics/Consciousness Group at the Esalen Institute).
“But I don’t want to be among mad
people,” Alice remarked.
“Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat:
“we’re all mad here. I’m mad, you’re mad.”
“How do you know I’m mad?” said Alice.
“You must be,” said the Cat, “or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Lewis Carroll
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Imagine, if you will, a chaotic mental institution where the
patients are in charge of the administration. In actuality, such an
entity really exists: it’s extremely large and is known as
the New
Age community. This community purportedly is involved in the study
of spiritual and scientific matters of an esoteric nature, which
would be very commendable if it really were the case.
Sadly, the commercial sector of the New
Age community is a multi billion dollar enterprise which in turn has
spawned a massive outpouring of books and lectures promulgated by
unethical persons, who are more intent upon making a fast buck and
enlarging their egos than in conducting meaningful esoteric
research, prior to writing or lecturing. In consequence, the New Age
community has been inundated with a seemingly endless stream of
false esoteric dogma and mediocre scholarship, which has had a
profound effect on the belief structure of most New Agers.
That this is so is well demonstrated by
the fact that globally, hundreds of thousands of New Agers,
including prominent business persons, scientists and members of the
intelligence community, have abandoned their ability to discriminate
between fact and fiction and instead implicitly believe in the
existence of a supposed group of non-physical entities collectively
known as
the Council of Nine.
The Council of
Nine Myth
The saga of The Nine began in 1952, when neuropsychiatrist
Puharich invited Indian mystic Dr. D.G. Vinod to his parapsychology
group known as the Round Table Foundation. Vinod purportedly
channeled entities who proclaimed that they were the “Nine
Principles of God.” Puharich later, in 1971, gave Israeli stage
magician Uri Geller the post-hypnotic suggestion that a supposed
astral entity named Spectra, channeled by Geller, was connected with
The Nine. Not surprisingly, the hypnotized Geller readily affirmed
that this was so. After parting company from Puharich, Geller stated
that if The Nine were indeed extraterrestrials, they were “a
civilization of clowns.”
Following Geller’s departure, wealthy British racing driver Sir John
Whitmore became associated with Puharich, who allegedly relieved him
of a considerable portion of his fortune. The pseudonymous “Bobby
Horne” and the noted psychic the late Peter Hurkos, channelled for
Puharich for a while; Phyllis Schlemmer was then appointed by
Puharich to be the official channeler for a purported entity who
called himself “Tom.” Tom claimed to be the spokesperson for The
Nine. Many of the channelings concerned ancient Egypt; Tom
repeatedly refused to state the purpose for which the Great Pyramid
was constructed.
As I stated in my book “They Cast no
Shadows,” the Great Pyramid originally contained stone check-valves,
the remains of which mysteriously disappeared and the sockets which
accommodated the check-valve trunnions were cemented over in the
twentieth century of the present era. Scale models of the Great
Pyramid have been constructed in America and Austria and both pumped
water very efficiently (Herodotus reported that the Great Pyramid
was surrounded by water when he visited the site and that a tunnel
connected the pyramid and the Nile). In view of such a mundane
function, why were The Nine so reticent in disclosing the pyramid’s
Puharich’s group attracted many influential disciples, including
European nobility, members of the Bronfman liquor family, James Hurtak (who became Puharich’s principal aide),
Gene Roddenberry of Startrek fame and Supernature author Lyall Watson. Not surprisingly
perhaps, Watson was evicted from the group at the request of the
purported entity “Tom” after Watson began to suspect that The Nine
was an elaborate hoax orchestrated by Puharich.
Another group member, Ira Einhorn, later
stated that he had concluded that Puharich himself was “humanly
directing” the Nine communications.1
The previously mentioned Sir John Whitmore introduced another
channeler of The Nine named Jenny O’Connor to the prestigious Esalen
Institute. Under the influence of O’Connor and The Nine, the
Institute underwent a major restructuring, which included the firing
of its financial officer. Disturbingly, seminars held at Esalen
involving channelings of The Nine were attended by Russians who
later held important positions in the Gorbachev administration.2
Puharich, who developed a dental
microchip implant for use in the
CIA’s MKUltra mind control program,
was not the only person with connections to a major intelligence
agency who duped gullible New Agers. As I mention in my book "They
Cast no Shadows,” Helena Blavatsky was the protégée of Lord Bulwer
Lytton, who was head of British Intelligence and also Grand Master
of the Scottish Rite Masonic Order. The dreaded Russian intelligence
agency known as the Okrana was involved in the founding of
Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society.3
In private correspondence with her
sister, Blavatsky revealed that her so-called “Ascended Masters”
were, in actuality, merely nicknames she had assigned to the various
wealthy Freemasons and Rosicrucians who were patrons of her
Theosophical Society.
Thus “Koot Hoomi” was really a Russian
spy, while “Master Hilarion” was a Cypriot named Ooton Liatto.
Another supposed “Ascended Master” was the notorious Indian Raja
named Baba Khem Singh, who was noted for holding drunken orgies and
for keeping a harem! Near the end of her life, an angry Blavatsky
wrote to her American friend Charles Southeran that phony psychics
were claiming to channel her non-existent “Ascended Masters.” 4
Social Engineering
and Mind Control
In actuality, the New Age movement is a
gigantic social engineering project that was established for the
purpose of fostering an acceptance of a
New World Order.
Thus the racist and anti-semitic
overtones espoused by Blavatsky were echoed by
the Lucis Trust
(formerly the Lucifer Publishing Company) founded by Alice Bailey
and her thirty third degree masonic husband Foster. Both Blavatsky
and the Bailey’s promoted eugenics and the notion that people of
color were mentally inferior to the Aryan race (a prominent trustee
of the Lucis Trust has been former US Defense Secretary and World
Bank President, Robert McNamara).
The mind control of unsuspecting victims is a major component of the
aforementioned insidious social engineering project. Many people who
believe that they were abducted by extraterrestrials are unaware
that they have been victims of the Operation Greenstar mind control
project, in which they have been electronically programmed to
believe that they were abducted by E.T.’s. Sadly, most hypnotists
are too inexperienced to effectively elicit the true facts by means
of hypnotic regression.5
Not surprisingly perhaps, some people
who lecture and author books about UFO’s are members of an
intelligence disinformation group known as
the Aviary. Some Aviary
members are assigned the task of interviewing members of the public
who believe that they have been contacted by E.T.’s in order to
ascertain whether the subjects are existing mind control victims or
genuinely have been in communication with benign extraterrestrial
Only E.T.’s who are willing to reveal
technology of a military nature are permitted to enter our planetary
air space; E.T. craft originating from benign realms are attacked
upon approaching planet Earth, either by means of scalar weaponry
initially tested under Project Sealight at Port Hueneme, California,
or by means of the wedge shaped electrogravitic interceptor craft
which patrol deep space from their base at Vandenberg AFB,
The Turkey
Farm Children
What, you may ask, has the above to do with the Indigo children?
Simply that the infamous Dr. Puharich subjected children (some as
young as nine) from seven different countries to intensive hypnosis
at a facility known as Puharich’s “Turkey Farm.” The purpose of the
project was to determine whether the children possessed the ability
remote view targets of military and intelligence interest. A
secondary purpose of these insidious and unethical experiments was
to ascertain whether the children’s psychic abilities emanated from
an extraterrestrial source.
The hypnosis experiments ended in
August,1987, when the Turkey Farm burned down during an arson attack
and Puharich fled to Mexico. Significantly perhaps, the arson
occurred only one month after Puharich filed a patent claim on a
very successful hydrogen generation system for powering automobiles.
Such an invention, which would have permitted vehicles to use water
as an energy source, is anathema to the international energy cartel.6
Sadly, Puharich’s unethical treatment of
the children who participated in the hypnosis experiments left some
of them traumatized. This is reminiscent of children who were badly
traumatized while attending a daycare center in Southern California
which was a front for an intelligence agency’s mind control project
(one of many in America).
At the same time that Puharich was conducting his hypnosis
experiments at the Turkey Farm, scientists in the Peoples Republic
of China were studying the amazing psychic abilities of a young boy.
Soon after, they discovered other Chinese children who were
similarly gifted. The 1970’s also was a decade in which scientists
at UCLA discovered that some highly intelligent children possessed
more DNA codons than most humans; these particular children also
suffered from Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (a misnomer
since such children possess a rare intelligence gene and
consequently become quickly bored unless intellectually stimulated).
A high degree of intelligence together
with attention deficit disorder, are typical characteristics of
young children who also are suffering from multiple personality
disorder which has been induced during
mind control programming (the
mind control programming of infants frequently takes place at
intelligence agency facilities fronting as religious day care
centers). Such programmed children are later triggered to perform as
high school shooters, to become intel couriers or to be sex slaves
for high level politicians—many of whom are pedophiles.7
Exploitation of the
Indigo Children
Mind control programmers don’t waste
their time and financial budget attempting to program children of
low intellect. As soon as word of the UCLA discovery entered the
public domain, New Agers began publicizing (and profiting from) the
situation, calling the kids “Indigo Children” or “Crystal Children”
(all human cells contain liquid crystals). To make matters worse,
some unthinking New Agers (possibly born with their brains located
in the lower extremity of their bodies) began establishing groups
where parents of such gifted children can take their offspring to
socialize with kindred souls.
The establishment of such groups for
“Indigo Children” was manna from heaven for mind control
programmers. No longer do they have to laboriously search for such
potential hapless victims, all they have to do is to infiltrate such
groups as “helpers.” At the present time, there are at least six
hundred such groups for Indigo Children throughout the world. I am
personally aware of one well known New Age writer and lecturer who
is involved with Indigo Children on behalf of a certain intelligence
agency; doubtless there are others.
The writing is clearly on the wall, dear
reader—if you have a very intelligent child who suffers from
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder through being bored at
school, intellectually stimulate the child, striving to make him or
her a renaissance thinker, equally adept at the arts and sciences
while at the same time maintaining a very low public profile. Never,
under any circumstances, allow your child to join an Indigo Child
group. I’ve spent many years in a support capacity, assisting
traumatized survivors of mind control programs; I don’t want to be
burdened with traumatized Indigo Children whose New Age parents were
too indolent or irresponsible to think for themselves.
It appears to be the consensus of New Agers that the Indigo Children
are a new race of beings whose function will be to effect a paradigm
shift to a higher dimension for humanity to enter into.
I personally don’t subscribe to this elitist belief, for at the
present time, the human race has devolved to an exceedingly low
level, as is evidenced by the barbarous wars of the past century and
the incredible environmental damage currently being perpetrated to
planet Earth. As that marvelous maverick scientist Professor James
Lovelock has so rightly stated, any species which inflicts major
harm to planet Earth is doomed to extinction. In my book “They Cast
no Shadows,” I present astrophysical and historical evidence which
suggests that a major celestial event involving Venus and Mars
wreaked havoc for planet Earth six thousand, eight hundred years
ago, in the form of a simultaneous global flood and ice age,
destroying most of the human race in the process.
This may help to explain why geologists
postulate that the present Martian landscape is less than ten
thousand years old, judging from the lack of eroded rocks, despite
violent Martian sandstorms.
The Shemsu Hor
In the aftermath of this calamitous celestial event, most humans
devolved into being merely hunter-gatherers. In order to
“jump-start” a new civilization, an amazing race of beings appeared
on Earth. Known as the “Shemsu Hor,” (meaning disciples of Horus)
noted Egyptologists such as the late Schwaller de Lubicz (1891-1951)
found that pre-dynastic Egypt had no evolutionary development, but
rather received its civilization intact from elsewhere. Ancient
texts have revealed that these great civilizers were the Shemsu Hor,
some of whose skeletons have been discovered at Saqquara, in Egypt.
The Shemsu Hor were a fair haired, blue eyed race and taller than
the indigenous Egyptians. Curiously, their skulls possessed an
astonishing physical characteristic: unlike conventional human
skulls, the front and rear halves of the Shemsu Hor skulls did not
knit together. In consequence, as the brain grew during infancy, the
rear half of the skull was forced backwards. This pronounced
deformation caused the skin to become very taut, thereby giving the
Shemsu Hor the facial appearance of a serpent! Very significantly,
the deformed Shemsu Hor skulls have been found in regions of the
world where ancient structures were constructed with massive stone
blocks, e.g. the Giza Plateau, the pyramids of Central America and
Hal Saflini Hypogeum in Malta.
The term “Shem” is of Akkadian
derivation, being derived from the Babylonian term “shamash,”
meaning “serpent,” Akkadia being the former name of Kurdistan. It is
also in these particular regions that Mother Goddess figurines have
been found who bear the facial features of a serpent. Interestingly,
the Dead Sea scroll entitled “The Testament of Amran,” bears the
phrase “… his face was that of a viper.”
According to my own research, the Shemsu
Hor descended upon a mountain (almost certainly Mount Hermon) during
the global flood and later became known as the
Annana, Annanage,
Annunakki or Nephilim. According to Sumerian texts, they resided
upon the upper slopes of the mountain for many years at a valley
they called “Edin,” where they taught various skills to a group of
humans known as
the “Watchers.” After the floodwaters receded, the Shemsu Hor migrated to Mesopotamia, where they introduced
agriculture and other skills to the native hunter/gatherers.8
Egyptologists claim that the Great Pyramid was constructed circa
2500 BCE.
In order to validate the claim of Edgar
Cayce that the pyramid actually dates from 10,500 BCE, the Cayce
Foundation commissioned the Radio Carbon Dating Laboratory at
Southern Methodist University to determine the construction date,
using mortar samples taken from the Great Pyramid (the samples
contained charcoal fragments from the cooking fires of the
construction workers, thus enabling carbon dating to be used). For
accuracy, the samples which were calibrated by means of the tree
ring procedure, revealed a construction date for the Great Pyramid
of 3000 BCE, i.e. prior to the period of the pharaohs but during the
Egyptian sojourn of the Shemsu Hor.
The Royal
Order of the Dragon
The magnificent civilizing era of the Shemsu Hor in Egypt appears to
have ended circa 2250 BCE when a necrophilic priesthood known as the
Royal Order of the Dragon became the overlords of the Egyptian
populace. From that time on, the Egypt of antiquity lost the
technology necessary for constructing buildings incorporating
massive stone blocks. The Order of the Dragon cult still exists at
the present time. Membership has included Vlad the Impaler (Count
Dracula) and the 17th Earl of Oxford, Edward de Vere, who wrote a
poem entitled “Romeus and Juliette” at the age of eleven for Queen
Elizabeth 1st and who almost certainly was the principal author of
the Shakespearian corpus, not Shakespeare nor Sir Francis Bacon.
When the Shemsu Hor disappeared from the
pages of early Egyptian and Maltese history, some of the local
inhabitants began the custom of binding the skulls of their babies
between two flat boards, in order to simulate the elongated skulls
of the Shemsu Hor overlords who had re-introduced civilization in
the wake of the global flood.
At approximately the same time period that the era of the Shemsu Hor
ended in Egypt, the Olmec people of Central America were still
primitive jungle farmers until, according to Mesoamerican history,
the Olmecs were visited by a tall white-skinned individual
possessing fair hair, blue eyes, a white beard and an incredibly
elongated head—a perfect description of a Shemsu Hor. In a
remarkably short time period, the Olmecs developed a very
sophisticated culture and skills which enabled them to construct the
first pyramids in Mesoamerica.
With the knowledge imparted them by this
mysterious stranger whom they revered, the Olmecs constructed a
fortress incorporating cyclopean stone blocks at La Venta. Near the
site, American archaeologist Mathew Stirling discovered a large rock
sculpture bearing the image of a Shemsu Hor, replete with elongated
head and sporting a long beard (full-blooded Mesoamericans were
unable to grow beards).
The Olmec empire mysteriously collapsed circa 100 BCE, some of the
Olmecs relocating to Belize and the Yucatan Peninsula to become
known as the Maya, while other Olmecs travelled west to Central
Mexico, where they founded the Toltec Empire. The elongated skulls
of the Shemsu Hor have been discovered in both of these areas.
A Major
Russian Scientific Discovery
A strange anomaly of the major pyramids in both Egypt and Central
America is that their entrances are offset from the pyramid
centerline by a distance of 7.3 meters—obviously not by happenstance
but by design. But why? The answer to this puzzle is to be found in
a box of research papers marked Sovershenno Sekretno (State Secret)
and displaying the number 27086 in the archives of the Institute for
Scientific-Technical Information, which is a branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences.
It appears to be the intent of the
Russian government never to release the contents of the papers into
the public domain, for they are based upon experimental data which
not only disproves Einstein’s gravitational theory but also renders
much of presently accepted theoretical physics unacceptable. In
other words, the world of theoretical physics requires a major
overhaul. The suppressed research papers were the efforts of the
brilliant German physicist and mathematician
Dr. Hartmut Müller
while working at the Institute for Cosmic Research in Russia, during
the 1980’s.
The basis of Dr. Müller’s research was the discovery of a
non-electromagnetic interaction between physical biotic systems. It
was later found by Russian scientists that this previously unknown
“biofield” interaction even occurred between supposedly inanimate
objects such as rocks or interstellar material.
Later, in 1988, microbiological
experiments conducted aboard the Mir spacecraft determined that the biofield was actually gravitation and amazingly, modulated
gravitation possessed the unique capability of transmitting
biological data—a fact independently verified by the distinguished
physicist and Sumerian scholar George Merkl, PhD. Russian
experiments conducted during the 1960’s and subsequently suppressed
by the Russian Academy of Sciences, revealed that gravitational
waves are able to travel at a minimum of twenty times the accepted
velocity of light and that a “biofield” pervades the entire
After examining this extensive corpus of scientific data, Dr. Müller
was able to deduce that a logarithmic scalar gravitational standing
wave pervades the entire universe. “So what?” you may be wondering.
Simply that this standing gravitational wave confers appropriate
resonant data to every biotic system within the universe, thereby
imposing an enduring effect upon planetary evolution. Contrary to
popular scientific belief, Dr. Müller’s research reveals, much to
the chagrin of human genome geneticists, that genetic information is
not contained in DNA strands.
Instead, DNA and RNA molecules generate
optical holograms which are in resonance with, and driven by,
specific frequencies generated by the universal standing scalar gravitational wave. Every living cell resonantly receives the
appropriate data in the form of weak electromagnetic coded signals
from the universal scalar wave necessary for biochemical processes
such as protein synthesis.9
Remarkably, in order to shield advanced
biogenetic knowledge from the eyes of the profane, the simplistic
images depicted on Sumerian clay texts by the Shemsu Hor, contain
encoded data appertaining to protein synthesis and the manufacture
of an elixir which repairs damaged cells and restores dead cells to
life. Some 50,000 Sumerian clay texts contain coded images of
cytoplasm, black protein, nucleotides and reticulated endoplasm. The
Sumerian textual code was broken by the late George Merkl, PhD, that
incredible genius whose suspicious death does not appear to be from
natural causes.
Living cells reject external electromagnetic fields which lack
biologically relevant data, thus enabling cellular growth to proceed
in a controlled manner. Unfortunately for all life within our
biosphere, much of the electromagnetic smog generated by high
voltage powerlines and telecommunication systems contains
arbitrarily chosen frequency spectra of biological significance,
thus pervading and polluting the biosphere with energy fields not in
attunement with the cosmos. It’s not so much the intensity, but the
biological information content of electromagnetic smog that is so
damaging to all biotic cellular processes (the gigahertz frequency
spectra of computers and cellular phones for instance, transmit
frequencies which are resonant with human bone marrow cells).
The Shemsu Hor not only introduced a new civilization to Egypt,
Malta, Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica, they also left us clues that
they had an in-depth knowledge of the universal scalar gravitational
standing wave and its importance in the cosmological scheme of
things, for in addition to offsetting the entrance of the Great
Pyramid, the dimensions of its Grand Gallery, King’s Chamber and
so-called sarcophagus, are resonant with the geometry of the
universal scalar wave, as are the magnificent Gothic cathedrals of
The latter were designed by initiates of
a Mystery School known as the Fraters Solomonis, who not only
designed the cathedral interiors to be resonant cavities, but also
encoded into the church architecture numerology, alchemy and
astrology. By studying the sacred geometry encoded in the
architecture of the world’s major pyramids, it becomes self-evident
that the profound legacy bequeathed us by the amazing Shemsu Hor is
that in order to endure, humanity must establish a civilization
whose cultural and technological foundations incorporate a cosmology
which is in attunement with the universal logarithmic scalar
gravitational standing wave.
If planet Earth and perhaps even the entire universe is to survive,
modern science and particularly that sector of it beholden to the
military industrial complex, must abandon its present irresponsible
ways and display competent global stewardship, learning to
understand and work with the cosmos instead of against it. Hopefully
dear reader, my lengthy and semi-lucid mutterings are beginning to
reveal to you the probable future role for which the Indigo Children
have incarnated. Before their coming of age however, several global
catastrophic events will almost certainly occur which will, for all
practical purposes, terminate our present so-called “civilization”
(an obvious oxymoron).
A Scenario for
Global Warfare
The British Museum has archival correspondence which passed between
the 19th century Illuminists Giuseppe Mazzini and Albert Pike. The
letters discussed Illuminati plans for three World Wars. The first
World War was for the dismantling of the German Empire and the
creation of the Soviet regime. The intent of WW II was the collapse
of the British Empire and the creation of a Jewish homeland. Both
wars occurred exactly as intended.
The scenario for WW III calls for a
nuclear war in the Middle East in which all major nations take
sides, thus eventually escalating it to a global affair, after which
China becomes the major global super power and the human survivors
become so disenchanted with existing religions that they readily
embrace a new Luciferic religion which currently is being planned at
a retreat in Crestone County, Colorado.
Russia, Japan and China are presently in the process of conducting a
major armaments build-up for the purpose of launching a nuclear
first strike and invasion of America, as a precursor to WW III.10
There is a joker in the deck of cards
the Illuminati war planners apparently overlooked, however.
Dr. Alexey Dmitriev is the leading Russian authority on Global
Ecology and Fast-Processing Earth Events. He and his scientific
staff have discovered that as our solar system travels through
interstellar space, it has recently encountered a region of highly
charged ions which have permeated throughout the solar system. Dr. Dmitriev hasn’t suggested a source for this massive influx of
additional energy, but I suspect it may largely be the result of the
implosion of a super dense neutron star which occurred on August
28th,1998. According to NASA, it released energy estimated to be
equivalent to the total energy output of the sun during the past
300,000 years.
Be that as it may, the result of this
energy field currently permeating our solar system is creating major
geophysical changes: magnetic pole shifts have occurred on Pluto and
Uranus, the magnetic field intensity of Jupiter has doubled and an
atmosphere is forming on Mars and the Moon. The Russian scientists
have observed that this energy influx is currently entering the
poles of planet Earth, drastically effecting the electromagnetic
structure of the planet, resulting in major irreversible
environmental changes to our biosphere.
Earth changes recently observed by the
Russian team include a heating of the earth’s crust, a major
increase in geomagnetic pole shift and increased evaporation of sea
water off the African coast which Dr. Dmitriev suggests may cause a
reversal in Gulf Stream direction. He also attributes the recent
increase in solar activity, catastrophic storms and earthquakes to
this influx of interstellar energy and predicts probable changes in
ocean depths due to major mountain building. He states that these
major environmental and geophysical changes will impose special
adaptive challenges to all the various life forms on planet Earth,
possibly resulting in a total revision in the range of species, and
life, on Earth.
A possible major geophysical threat
which may have been initiated by this influx of celestial energy (or
by geophysical scalar weaponry) is the recent volcanic activity
occurring in Wyoming at Yellowstone National Park. The park is the
site of a supervolcano which, according to volcanologists, has
caused the world’s most catastrophic upheavals during the past two
million years and is overdue for another major eruption.
Unlike typical volcanoes, whose lava is sufficiently fluid so as to
vent to the atmosphere without creating a major explosion, the magma
underlying supervolcanoes is too viscous to flow harmlessly to the
surface and form a lava cone. Instead, the magma flows laterally for
several miles before erupting. Supervolcano eruptions are
characterized by an initial release of superheated steam to the
atmosphere, followed by a catastrophic explosion accompanied by a
tremendous discharge of pyroclastic ash. The last time the
Yellowstone volcano erupted (640,000 years ago) the pyroclastic ash
cloud was 2,500 times greater in volume than that discharged by the
Mt. Saint Helens eruption and covered the entire western half of the
United States in a thick layer of ash which extended as far south as
the Gulf of Mexico.
At the present time, the surface
temperature at Yellowstone Park over an area seven miles wide by
twenty eight miles long is two hundred degrees Fahrenheit.
Geologists have discovered a bulge one hundred feet high in the bed
of Yellowstone Lake; large quantities of fish have died in the lake
and streams and animals are fleeing the park, indicative that a
cataclysmic eruption will occur in the near future. Such a massive
disaster would undoubtedly precipitate the economic collapse of
The Mayan Long Count Calendar
In order to comprehend the relationship between the Indigo Children
and our narrative of impending danger for the human race, it’s
necessary to study the origin of the well known Mayan calendar and
its doomsday prophecy. Some New Age writers and lecturers have
stated that according to the ancient prophecy, the world will end
cataclysmically on December 21st in the year 2012. This is a total
fallacy—it will not be the end of the human race.
The Mayan Long Count Calendar and its so-called doomsday prophecy
actually originated with the Olmec peoples, not the Maya, using the
advanced astronomical knowledge bestowed to them by their Shemsu Hor
civilizers. The calendar is even more accurate than the one we
commonly use today! There were two other Mesoamerican calendars
which, when used in conjunction with the Long Count Calendar, reveal
not only the Shemsu Hor knowledge of planetary precession but also a
means for accurately forecasting celestial events spanning millions
of years.
Accompanying the Olmec calendar was a
creation myth that was recorded in the codex known as
the Popul Vuh,
which became the bible of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica. The
creation myth was an account of a battle between the forces of good
and evil. The serpentine dark area of the Milky Way whose
Mesoamerican name is Xibalba Be, was believed to be the road leading
to the domicile of evil beings. The myth revolves around the death
and resurrection of a warrior known as Hun Hunahpu, whose name
symbolizes the December solstice.
By using the three calendar system, the Maya were able to predict
that April 21, 1519 heralded the dawn of nine terrible periods
spanning 52 years each, in which the Maya would lose their freedom
and disease become prevalent. This was the fateful date when Cortez
and his conquistadors arrived in the New World. This particular
period ended August 16th, 1987. According to the Maya, we are
presently in a transitional era of social unrest, war and major
geophysical changes.
The present era will change when we
enter the Fifth Sun—the Mayan doomsday, on 4 Ahau 3 Kankin—December
21st, 2012. This is the day when, for the first time in almost
26,000 years, the sun will conjunct the Milky Way and the plane of
the ecliptic. This forthcoming celestial event does not result in
the annihilation of life on Earth, as claimed by some New Age
writers, but rather the beginning of an era in which humankind will
be able to subdue the forces of evil if it elects to live in a
harmonious manner, instead of waging war.
The Kwajaghan
As we have seen in this narrative, the Shemsu Hor arrived on Earth
at a period when humankind had devolved to the level of
hunter-gatherers, in order to create new civilizations in Egypt,
Mesopotamia, Malta and Mesoamerica. We are presently entering an era
of major earth changes and global warfare which is destined to once
more reduce humanity to the level of hunter-gatherers. Does this
imply that the Indigo Children have incarnated at this time period
in order to usher in a new civilization, like the Shemsu Hor did in
I don’t believe that this is the divine
plan. Similarly, I wouldn’t expect to see a return of the Shemsu Hor,
otherwise they would have already arrived for the purpose of
establishing the precursor to a new and very advanced civilization.
The intervention into human affairs by
the Shemsu Hor was a noble and timely gesture, even though their
bizarre physical bodies were unsuited to life on planet Earth, for
the enormous size of their skulls would have made walking upright
very difficult and painful due to the Earth’s high gravitational
environment. In all probability, the Shemsu Hor came from a planet
where the gravity was considerably lower. Similarly, we can’t expect
the arrival of extraterrestrial space craft bearing benevolent
beings, since it is the formal policy of the United States National
Reconnaissance Office to order the interception and destruction of
any extraterrestrial craft whose occupants are unwilling to provide
advanced weapons technology.
All is not lost however. For many centuries, a little known côterie
of humans known as the Kwajaghan have intervened in global affairs
periodically in order to disseminate culture in regions where it is
lacking. Headquartered in Afghanistan, members of this secret
society possess remarkable telepathic powers and receive
communication from a non-physical directorate. After studying with
them, Abelard of Bath brought astronomy to the western world in the
8th century C.E. and Sufism was spawned from the teachings of the Kwajaghan. Something more than an injection of fresh culture will be
needed however, if the Illuminati succeed in fomenting World War III
and the earth changes predicted by Dr. and his Russian
scientists become a reality.
The Downfall
of our Global Overlords
There is an upside to such calamitous happenings however.
A vast
global network of interconnected very large subterranean facilities
have covertly been constructed for the purpose of safely
accommodating the global movers and shakers, together with their
treasonous law enforcement and military lackeys when the planned
World War III goes nuclear. Even though deep underground facilities
are very earthquake resistant, they will not be able to withstand
the extensive mountain building predicted by Dr. Dmitriev’s
scientists. Such massive geophysical earth changes are consistent
with the doomsday prophecy of the Maya.
Between now and the year
2012, the
planet Venus will transit the Sun—an occurrence which historically
has resulted in violent earth changes and severe weather patterns.
This is why the ancient Egyptians regarded Venus as an entity which
punishes humanity for its lack of spirituality. The Venus transit
tends to culminate with a prolonged period of minimal sunspot
activity and extremely cold weather.
If such calamitous earth changes do in fact occur, they will
facilitate a cleansing of planet Earth. Governments and
transnational corporations will cease to exist. The global monetary
system—the lifeblood of the global movers and shakers will have
collapsed and public utilities will not be operational. Such a
massive planetary cleansing will provide humanity with the
opportunity to implement advanced energy and pesticide-free
agricultural technologies which are not dependent upon fossil fuels
or artificial fertilizers.
This does not imply that we have to
resort to primitive energy concepts such as solar energy or wind
power (which annually kills many birds) for advanced free energy
technology can be utilized in order to provide inexpensive and non
polluting electrical power (unsightly overhead power lines will be a
thing of the past).
This will be an era when allopathic medicine and
pharmaceutical companies will become a redundant barbarism and
people will be able to lead disease free lives.
Help from
beyond Planet Earth
In order to accomplish the transition from our present global
war-based “civilization” to one which will enable humanity to live
peaceful and prosperous lives after the period of planetary
cleansing, a team of non-human beings from another realm began
arriving on planet Earth during the 19th century.
The souls of these beings entered the
bodies of babies whose souls voluntarily departed during a near
death experience. It is essential to differentiate between these
non-human beings and opportunistic human souls known as “walk ins”
who incarnate into a body whose soul has departed for other reasons.
One of the first of these non-human beings to arrive on earth
entered the body of a young boy who had been born in Eastern Europe
in 1857.
The boy was adventurous but displayed no
remarkable talents. One day he attempted to fly by leaping from a
considerable height with the aid of an umbrella. Badly injured, it
was while he underwent a near death experience that his soul
apparently was replaced by that of a non human. As soon as the body
had recovered from its injuries, the boy suddenly displayed a talent
for mathematics and physics and later was awarded some 1200 patents
for his inventions which included the AC dynamo. He also laid the
foundation for free energy systems and anti-gravitic devices. This
incredible inventor and towering intellect was
Nikola Tesla.
That Tesla was no mere mortal is evidenced by the fact that upon
recovering from his near death experience, the boy began solving
mathematical problems with the aid of ternary logic. What’s so
unusual about that? Simply that human society has adopted a binary
code for the purpose of managing its affairs. Binary (Boolean) logic
upon which our present computer software industry is based, only
employs two values: one or zero, in other words binary logic only
provides for “yes” or “no” answers, without an alternative.
Ternary logic on the other hand allow
values to not only increase or diminish, but also to remain
constant. Because our computer software lacks a third logical
alternative, an abnormally large number of circuit elements are
required in modern computers, resulting in harmful high frequency
electromagnetic radiation, overheating and slow computing speeds.
Russian technologists actually developed a remarkable computer in
1958 which employed a ternary code and tri-stable memory elements.
Later ternary models were significantly smaller and faster than
present day P.C..’s, less complex, had simpler circuitry (consisting
of ferrite cores and diodes) and never overheated or crashed.
Marketing pressure perpetrated by Microsoft prevented Russia from
commercializing its superior computer technology.
When humanity begins to restart its new civilization sometime after
2012, it’s imperative that the world of commerce adopts ternary
logic in order to find true attunement with the cosmos, for both the
universal logarithmic scalar standing wave and all of nature
incorporates ternary logic. The universal standing wave for
instance, has zones of growth, stability and even decay, with which
all natural systems within the universe resonate.
A Role for the
Indigo Children
One hundred and six of these aforementioned non-human beings
presently are living on planet Earth for the purpose of
disseminating advanced cultural and technological concepts, so that
a new civilization can be implemented following the forthcoming
period of planetary cleansing. It is the legacy presently being
bestowed upon humanity by these non-human beings that is intended to
be adopted by the current generation of Indigo Children after
attaining adulthood, for they have the level of intellect necessary
for comprehension of these advanced concepts. After attaining
adulthood, what type of civilization will arise if the Indigo
Children implement these advanced and already experimentally proven
concepts in a wise and spiritual manner?
Disease will become a thing of the past
if the medical science encoded upon Sumerian clay texts by the
Shemsu Hor (and ignored by academia) is implemented. These amazing
texts not only depict facets of protein synthesis but also details
of an elixir which enables diseased human organs to be totally
restructured at a cellular level. When this seemingly magical elixir
was recently replicated, one drop of insulin added to a vial of the
elixir resulted in the creation of living pancreatic cells in the
New elements unknown to science will be achievable by a process
involving a reversal of proton spin direction, thus facilitating the
manufacture of new types of metals and gemstones. The implementation
of free energy systems will provide the planet with non-polluting
electricity and cost-effective and virtually silent transportation
Advanced agricultural systems not
dependent upon artificial fertilizers and free from pesticides, will
not only drastically improve the quality and quantity of crop
yields, but also will facilitate the much needed reforestation of
planet Earth. The present archaic and life threatening methods
employed for fighting forest fires can be replaced by a very
efficient phase conjugated electronic system.
The Mondragon
All of these proven concepts could already have been implemented
were it not for the satanic group of global overlords who have a
vested financial and political interest in the subjugation of
humankind. How are we to prevent this evil body from inflicting
another dictatorial and corrupt global bureaucracy upon us after the
period of global cleansing? In my book entitled “A Blueprint for a
Better World,” I suggest that this insidious problem could be
resolved through the establishment of a global network of
self-sufficient cooperatives.
Although cooperatives such as the
Israeli kibbutzes or those established under Marxist regimes have
proven to be very inefficient, the same cannot be said for the
Mondragon cooperative system of Spain, which comprises the eighth
largest Spanish economic entity, manufacturing products as varied as
industrial robots and ferryboats. The network has its own
educational and medical systems and a credit union with assets
exceeding one billion US dollars. What the remarkable Mondragon
system lacks however, is its own electrical and water utilities.
By adopting the Mondragon concept and
adding free energy and water utilities which possess the capability
of providing each household with structured water, a global network
of such cooperatives could provide a very high living standard for
all its members as well as equal voting rights for women, thus
eliminating the proverbial glass ceiling. Why would anyone elect to
live under a corrupt governmental system infested with political and
bureaucratic parasites, if a global network of cooperatives created
by the Indigo Children after attaining adulthood, offered humankind
the opportunity to live disease free and affluent lives in
attunement with the cosmos?
Sadly, the mists of time have obfuscated the fact that humans soon
forgot the remarkable technological legacy bequeathed them by the
great civilizers the Shemsu Hor, electing instead to perpetrate the
greed and barbarism which has perpetuated to the present time.
Hopefully the next generation of humans will exercise wisdom and
create a long-lasting benevolent and prosperous civilization,
utilizing the advanced cultural and technological concepts provided
by the group of non-human souls presently residing on beautiful
planet Earth.
References and
1. Communication between
Einhorn and Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince. Einhorn later was
convicted in absentia for the murder of his girl friend Holly
Maddox. His flight from law enforcement allegedly was aided by
Barbara Bronfman. Picknett and Prince are the authors of an
excellent book concerning “The Nine,” entitled “The Stargate
Conspiracy.” Berkley Books, New York, N.Y., 1999.
2. The Esalen Institute was created after its founders
visited a retreat in the Andes owned by Nazis who had fled
Germany at the conclusion of WW II. Esalen currently oversees
the activities of the Gorbachev Foundation. Incredibly,
Gorbachev is a member of the committee which selects US military
bases for closure!
3. Prominently associated with the Theosophical Society
during its formative years was Russian military attaché Count
Muraviev-Amursky, who was an intelligence operative of Count
Alexander Ignatiev, whose family were the longtime controllers
of the dreaded Okrana—Russia’s pre-revolutionary intelligence
service. After the 1917 Russian Revolution, Soviet influence
infiltrated into several Theosophical and Ordo Templi Orientis
lodges in Europe, including the Viennese Blue Lodge of
Theosophy, with which both Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud were
The Carl Jung Foundation allegedly
has been linked to mind control cultic activities. Jung devoted
much time to developing ways to alter the mindset of the masses.
In addition, he lectured at The Children of the Sun at Ascona,
Italy—a learning center for Illuminati offspring. He established
a safehouse there for Lenin and Trotsky and lectured to Mary
Mellon, who later founded the Bollingen Center in America; this
center spawned several cults. Jung was not only an influential
advisor to Nazi sympathizer and CIA Director Allen Dulles, he
also instructed Alice Bailey, whose book “Education in the New
Age,” outlined a social engineering program which later was
adopted by the infamous Club of Rome. In it she wrote: “...the
science of eugenics will grow.”
4. Numerous present-day supposed channelers claim to
channel St. Germaine. He was the son of the postmaster at St.
Germaine and was employed by British Intelligence as an agent
provocateur— something British Intelligence has publicly
admitted. He spent several years in Russia under the name of
“General Weldon” and assisted in elevating Catherine the Great
to the Russian throne. Because he spent so much time travelling
around Europe creating political mayhem, British Intelligence
created the cover story that he had remarkable occult powers and
astrally projected to various European cities.
5. Initial programming is often accomplished by applying
a mixture of thorazine and DMSO to an object which the intended
victim will touch, e.g. a cocktail glass at a party or the
handle of a car door. Thorazine is known as “the hypnotist’s
friend” A powerful muscle relaxant, it is quickly transported
through the skin by the DMSO. An experienced mind control
programmer only requires five minutes to hypnotize a complete
stranger by this method and give post-hypnotic amnesia.
The victim is later given intensive
programming which includes placing a helmet on his or her head.
The helmet contains solenoids tuned to a frequency of 3.83
Hertz. A computer graphics program depicting Gray aliens is
encoded into the victim’s brain via the solenoids prior to the
victim receiving post-hypnotic amnesia and the suggestion of an
extraterrestrial visitation at a future date, which will appear
very real to the victim. This is why, in instances of hypnotic
regression, it is imperative that the hypnotist elucidates the
source of the data provided by the subject.
Mind control victims invariably are
programmed multiples who have been given several alter
personalities whose task is to defend the programming at all
costs by either intensifying the programming or attacking the
de-programmer. Past life regression is, in a similar manner,
frequently very inaccurate simply because the subject’s
unconscious mind has encoded information while the subject was
casually browsing through a history book or bible, possibly many
years previously. This is known as cryptoamnesia.
6. Puharich’s invention, for which he claimed an
efficiency of 115%, is detailed in my book “A Blueprint for a
Better World,” published by
7. UCLA has had a long and shameful history of mind
control research, much of it perpetrated under the direction of
the late Dr. Jolyon West. West “interviewed” Sirhan Sirhan prior
to his trial for the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy.
The Kennedy autopsy report claimed that he was shot from a range
of 1½ inches, whereas eyewitnesses saw Sirhan fire from a
distance of six feet.
According to a former LAPD
detective, Sirhan fired blanks. Sirhan was programmed in Costa
Mesa, California by two men, one of whom was disguised as a
priest. A religious fellowship in the same area serves as both a
mind control facility and as a center for local satanic cults,
whose members include law enforcement personnel.
8. According to the Sumerian texts, one of these great
civilizers was named Dinger en lil li (Enlil) whose name means
“Lord of Agriculture.” To the Phoenicians he was known as Tas Mi
Kigal or Mikal. After his death, the superstitious Sumerians
deified him as “Lord of the Air” and assuming that he could fly,
depicted him with wings and became Archangel Michael.
On pre-Roman British coins inscribed
with the name “Mikal,” he was depicted as having wings. This is
not surprising since many British monoliths bear Phoenician
inscriptions made by the Phoenician Bryt clan, who arrived in
Britain circa 2900 BCE. As Lord of Agriculture, he is celebrated
in Christian churches at Harvest Festival, which falls on
Michaelmas Sunday. The cult of angelology was not part of the
Judaic religious corpus until the Jews inherited it during their
Babylonian captivity.
9. The universal logarithmic scalar standing wave is the
only source of energy within the universe. All other physical
objects, ranging from the sun to human cells merely draw energy
from the universal wave by means of resonant coupling. Because
of this harmonic coupling, the universal wave determines the
physical form and growth characteristics of all living
creatures, from simple protozoa to mammals, thus invalidating
The distribution of matter within
the universe is controlled by the universal wave, allowing for a
flow of matter toward node points of the wave, thus preventing
random and uncontrolled galactic growth. The logarithmic wave
could be considered as the engine of God. We should honor both
Dr. Müller for his outstanding contributions to science and also
his German publisher Dr. Hans-Joachim Ahlers, who publishes Raum
& Zeit, which is the only independently published prestigious
scientific journal in the western world.
10. Two cabinet members of the People’s Republic of
China—the Minister of Defense and the Foreign Minister
respectively, have publicly predicted that war between America
and China will occur within five years