by Ethan A. Huff
December 26, 2013
NaturalNews Website
The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued dire new predictions
about the spread of cancer throughout the world that prove the
Western model of medicine to be a complete failure.
Within the next 10
years, the public health arm of
the United Nations claims, cancer
rates will increase by more than 25 percent, with most of this
growth expected to occur in developing countries that have been
heavily infiltrated by Western influences.
By 2025, WHO claims, the annual number of new cancer diagnoses is
expected to increase by roughly 37 percent, rising from a current
annual total of about 14.1 million people to a shocking 19.3 million
The number of cancer
patients that will end up dying from the disease or its
corresponding treatment is also expected to rise by about 39
percent, jumping from a current total of about 8.2 million people
annually to 11.4 million people.
Specifically in the U.S., the annual number of new cancer cases is
expected to increase at a slightly lesser rate than that of the
world at large.
According to the data,
about 1.6 million people are added to the ranks of cancer patients
every year in the U.S., a number that is expected to rise by about
31 percent to 2.09 million people annually in 2025.
However, cancer deaths
are predicted to increase by about 38 percent during the same time
period, nearly matching the predicted global increase.
"In most developed
countries, cancer is the second largest cause of death after
cardiovascular disease, and epidemiological evidence points to
this trend emerging in the less developed world," reads a Q&A
section about cancer on the WHO website.
"This is
particularly true in countries in 'transition' or middle-income
countries, such as in South America and Asia. Already more than
half of all cancer cases occur in developing countries."
developing according to Western standards most prone to cancer
While cancer rates are admittedly rising all across the globe, some
of the most afflicted countries include places like China and India
that are developing according to Western standards.
In India, for instance,
U.S.- and European-based biotechnology companies have played a major
role in transitioning native cultures to genetically modified
organisms (GMOs), which are strongly linked to causing cancer.
The same is true in China, where many modern cities are being
patterned after American ones, including similar lifestyle and
dietary patterns.
Traditional ways of
living, including native foods and heirloom agriculture, are being
rapidly replaced with consumerism, materialism and
everything these things entail - lots of convenient "junk" foods,
minimal physical activity, and of course plenty of Western drugs
and surgery.
"It's by design,"
wrote one McClatchy commenter.
food causes cancer (and the prevailing
depopulationists and eugenicists
know it because they created the stuff). Same with
cancer-causing vaccines. Same
with polluted air. Same with
fluoridated water (fluoride is proven to increase
bone cancer risk).
BPA in the plastics, on printed
receipts, in our environment and in our very clothing are
estrogen-mimickers that increase breast cancer and can cause men
to be sterilized and feminized."
Not surprisingly, WHO
officials have been silent about all these known factors associated
with cancer.
And speaking on behalf
of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),
a similar international health organization, head of cancer
information Dr. David Forman told the media that tobacco and
alcohol - and basically nothing else - are the two primary drivers
of cancer, an ignorant and entirely preposterous notion that reeks
of an ulterior agenda.
"Western culture and
its associated illnesses are spreading across the globe," summed
up another intelligent McClatchy commenter.
World Health Organization Sees...
Cancer Risk Rising Around the World
by John
Foreign Staff
December 12, 2013
McClatchy Website
Women, minorities, and
migrants in the United States face a growing risk from cancers of
the lung, breast and thyroid, the World Health Organization
predicted Thursday and that illness and deaths from cancer will
increase by more than 25 percent over the next decade.
The projections are among new data released by the International
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),
the Lyon, France-based cancer research arm of the WHO.
The research agency also projected that cancer will surge around the
world by 2025, with 19.3 million new cases diagnosed annually by
the, compared to the 2012 number of 14.1 million.
By 2025, the number of
people expected to die annually from cancer is expected to increase
to 11.4 million from the 2012 figure of 8.2 million.
In the United States, the annual number of new cancer cases is
expected to reach 2.09 million annually from the the 1.6 million
reported in 2012. Cancer-related deaths are expected to climb from
617,229 in 2012 to 851,396 in 2025.
Last year, the most commonly diagnosed cancers worldwide were,
lung (1.8
million or 13 percent of the total)
breast (1.7
million, 11.9 percent)
colon cancer
(1.4 million or 9.7 percent),
...IARC said.
Lung cancer resulted in the deaths of 1.6 million people who died
from cancer last year, the report said - 19.4 percent.
Other major cancer
killers were,
liver cancer
(800,000 or 9.1 percent)
stomach cancer
(723,000 or 8.8 percent)
colon cancer
(694,000 or 8.5 percent)
breast cancer
(522,000 or 6.4 percent)
esophagal cancer
(400,000 or 4.9 percent)
cervical cancer
(266,000 or 3.2 percent)
The report said that
32.5 million people last year had survived at least five years after
being diagnosed.
The report analyzed the prevalence of 28 types of cancer in 184
Dr David Forman , head of cancer information at IARC, told
McClatchy in an interview, that while lung cancer rates have been
coming down considerably in men, they've been increasing for women.
Last year in the United States 75,852 women died of lung cancer -
25.9 percent of all women who died of cancer that year. Breast
cancer accounted for 15 percent of female deaths, about 43,000.
"I think the tobacco
control message needs to be made much stronger in high-income
countries among young women, and perhaps it has been very
successfully employed in young men," Forman said.
Forman said that while
U.S. cancer deaths are declining among whites, they are growing
among migrant populations from Latin America and Asia. Asia.
He noted that African
particularly from prostate cancer, and, among women, from breast
He said there was a
direct correlation between alcohol consumption and breast cancer in
"There is a
dose-response relationship, the more alcohol one consumes the
higher one's risk of breast cancer," he observed.
The global study
estimates that last year,
57 percent of
new cancer cases and 65 percent of cancer deaths occurred in
developing regions of the world
countries with the highest mortality were China and India,
IARC said
in South America
breast cancer and prostate cancer are epidemic, Forman said
The IARC said that while
the incidence of cancer has been increasing in most parts of the
"there are still
huge inequalities between rich and poor countries," with people
more likely to die in poorer countries "due to lack of early
detection and access to treatment facilities."
The agency estimated
that one in five men and one in six women will develop cancer before
the age of 75.
One of eight men and one
in 12 women will die from the disease, the agency projected.