by Adrian Salbuchi
June 15, 2014
NewDawnMagazine Website
excerpted from New Dawn No. 131
(March-April 2012)
political analyst, author, speaker and radio talk-show host in
Argentina. He has published several books on geopolitics and
economics in Spanish, and recently published his first eBook in
English: The Coming World Government: Tragedy & Hope? which can
be ordered through his web site
www.asalbuchi.com.ar, or
details can be requested by E-mail to arsalbuchi@gmail.com.
Salbuchi is 58 years of
age, married, with four adult children, and works as strategic
consultant for domestic and international companies. He is also
founder of the Second Republic Project in Argentina, which is
expanding internationally (visit:
www.secondrepublicproject.com). |

Man's task is to become conscious
of the contents that press upward from the
Masses are always breeding grounds of psychic
Carl G. Jung
Mind Control. It's easier than you think! Anybody can do it. Don't believe
You don't think everybody has the power to
control hundreds, thousands, even millions of other people's minds? Then
watch this little experiment we're about to make: I shall now control your
Yes; wherever in the world you are reading this, I hereby order you to think
of the Eiffel Tower on a rainy evening being struck by lightning. OK?
Thinking about that image? Right… Now try to stop thinking about the Eiffel
Tower on a rainy evening being struck by lightning. You can't? Try harder!
Still can't? Ha! I'll tell you why: because I am controlling your mind!
You see? It's that easy to implant ideas and images into other people's
Now, imagine that I did this "little experiment"
on global TV to an audience of say, 1 or 2 billion people. And imagine too
that instead of my innocent "Eiffel Tower" image, I "ordered" you to watch
and think about something far more powerful… like the
World Trade Centre
imploding, or Osama bin Laden firing his machine-gun at an unseen "target"
(Western babies, perhaps?), or Prince
William's wedding as he is groomed to
become "the Once and Future King"?
Harnessing Collective Psychic
What are the effects and the perils of
making hundreds of millions - even billions - of people
see and hear exactly the same thing
at exactly the same time all over the world, repeated time and again
and again?
What, if any, is the aggregated effect
on the collective psyche, on physical brains and even on the
physical world of all that psychic energy?
Can the collective psyche unwittingly
precipitate physical events?
Thanks to global TV, radio, and Internet, these
collective effects are unprecedented in history.
We are treading unexplored territory; we just
don't know whether or not such effects exist; whether we might be opening a
veritable Pandora's Box by tapping into deep recesses of the Collective
Even more:
Is it possible this aggregated effect
generated by untold hundreds of millions of human brains could be
consciously tapped by unseen controllers to generate certain
effects, phenomenon or circumstances that fit their agendas?
Could such a subtle effect even be used
to materialize ideas and events and thus used to influence worldly
Clearly, these are leading-edge questions for
which we have no answers today, however, if ever there was a time to start
investigating such possibilities, now is definitely the time, irrespective
of whether you think this may or may not be possible.
If it should someday be discovered these phenomenon do exist, and the Global
Power Elite think tanks -
Tavistock Institute allied with
the CIA,
MI6 and others - harness such unconscious collective psychic energies for
their own ends and purposes using masses of human beings everywhere (at
least everywhere there's a TV screen) to psychically materialize their
objectives, then we had better investigate this sooner rather than later.
What an irony if they were to use our own minds against ourselves to enslave
us to their objectives and needs! In other words, can the Collective Psyche
be harnessed to (mis)lead Man onto paths of social, political, cultural,
economic and intellectual destruction?
A lot of this is happening today, as any student
of PsyOps and PsyWar well knows.
Levels of
The upper echelons of power often interact and communicate through a totally
different system of symbolic language that, when properly understood, lends
credence to
Illuminati Tradition and the impact of
Freemasonic Orders.
Don't be fooled: they are not just playing
around with signs, symbols, "words of power" and dates. They know only too
well the intrinsic power of Kabbalistic numbers, for example, and use them
in many of their "tricks of the trade."
At times, they function as signposts and markers for their Strategic
Planning and
False Flag operations knowing that the
majority of people's untrained eyes will miss them altogether or, worse
still, will just consider them innocent whims; a play of no importance.
They function as did the spies of old who would
send instructions to their covert agents in a foreign land by publishing
some small ad in the classified section of a local newspaper: right out in
the open; innocent and innocuous and yet… so important!

With hindsight, we now realize the numerous
tell-tale signs from Hollywood that
was being planned and that, somehow, it had to be "communicated"
to "friends in the know."
There we have it in plain sight:
In the City of New York versus The
Simpsons episode (aired 21-Sept-1997) America's favorite family
decides to visit the World Trade Centre after Bart and Lisa show a
brochure saying "9/11"
Later a hobo on the subway gives his
address as "Jesus c/o The Pentagon"
Or, the 1997 movie
The Matrix: when Neo (Keanu Reeves)
is arrested, his passport's expiry date is… 11 September 2001 (above
Or the Deputy NSA Director's (John
Voigt) birth date in
Enemy of the State (1998) is shown
as… 11 September 1940 (below image)
Or the launch episode of the series The
Lone Gunman (FoxTV, March 2001)
The plot? Insiders plan to ram a jetliner into
the WTC and blame it on "terrorists…"

There's even a strange, out of context scene in
The Devil's Advocate (1997), showing an ultra high-speed day-night video of
the WTC Towers with the gothic-style Woolworth Building in the forefront…
Clearly, behind the most innocent looking things
there are signs to be read.
To understand what is happening today is
analogous to driving on a highway from one town to another, you need to
understand and properly interpret a whole host of signs, warnings and
notices telling you where to exit, when to step on the gas and, when to
We would all do well to understand such "signs"
and have the proper "maps" or - better still - our PsyOps "GPS" to find our
The Media is the
The human psyche has very deep archaic recesses where powerful dormant
forces await to be awakened.
Collective Unconscious about which Swiss
psychoanalyst Carl G. Jung spoke, is a powerful source of archaic,
collectively inherited, psychic tendencies embedded in man and rooted into
the very fabric of the Cosmos - Jung called them "Archetypes" - that, when
channeled in specific directions may unleash the "psychic epidemics" he
warned us about.
Towards the end of his long life, Jung feared that the uncontrolled
unleashing of just such epidemics would represent the greatest danger facing
mankind as the millennium drew to a close.
Only three years before his death in 1961, he
warned that,
"an archetype was stirring in a way that was
characteristic for 'the end of an era'," and of the upheavals and great
changes we can expect.
In fact, on 30 May 1961 - just eight days before
he died - Jung dictated to his daughter his last visions:
"I see enormous stretches devastated,
enormous stretches of the Earth. But thank God, not the whole
And Jung made a drawing, with a caption under it
that said,
last 50 years of humanity."
That points exactly to our time…
When he spoke of "the end of an era" he was
referring to psychic processes that play out very long-term - over thousands
of years - thought to be "synchronistic" (i.e., a-causally linked) to the
relative position of Earth, Sun and Stars.
As the constellations of the Zodiac are
"visited" by the Sun through a long-term process known in astronomy as the
"precession of the equinoxes," certain collective archetypes seem to
"awaken" and remain active for thousands of years, whilst others until then
active, fall dormant.
Global Power Elites know this only too well
and make good use of it, which might explain why Jung's psychology is much
less publicly talked about than the Elite's favorite son, Sigmund Freud.
Freud thought of the "subconscious" as basically
a trash can of repressed personal traumas; Jung thought of the Unconscious
as superior to the conscious mind and held that it was governed by inherited
psychic tendencies.
Freud thought his "laws" of psychology were
universally valid; Jung believed every race or ethnic group had blatantly
obvious psychological differences - as different as the physical appearance
of the,
Negro peoples.1
Clearly, it's high time we too wake up to the (not so) hidden signs being
used to unleash "psychic tsunamis" on us, taking advantage of these
unconscious energies, perhaps to even create self-fulfilling prophecies.
Was this understood by that elusive character known to students of
Gnosticism as "Fulcanelli" (an Adept? A Brotherhood?) who, after writing his
beautiful treatises on occult alchemical symbolism in temples and buildings
of France and Spain -
The Mystery of the Cathedrals (1926) and
Dwellings of the Philosophers (1930) -
disappeared after World War II, only to unexpectedly reappear in 1999 with
what is believed to be his long-promised third opus:
Finis Gloria Mundi?
In this last work, Fulcanelli describes how the Global Power Elite are
manipulating their own Satanic occult agenda parodying Gnosticism's Opus
Magnus, which is
Thoth/Hermes' Emerald Tablet, perverting it
from a profound esoteric Gnostic Treatise into an exoteric Power grabbing
As many know,
the Emerald Tablet is a very short text
which opens saying,
"It is true, without a lie, certain and most
true: That which is below is as that which is above, and that which is
above is as that which is below, to perform the miracles of the One
Thing. And as all things were from the One, by means of the mediation of
the One, thus all things were born from the One, by means of
Fulcanelli's explanation of today's
materialistic prophecy-come-true parody is based on subsequent parts of the
Emerald Tablet sequentially "acted out" by the Elite.
"Its father is the Sun" (this is why the
Elite built the A-Bomb: to show the world in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
in August 1945 that they had harnessed the power of the Sun)
"Its mother is the Moon" (then, in July
1969 they "harnessed" the Moon with the Apollo Moon Landing)
"The Wind carried it in its belly"
("wind" being a metaphor for both the Global Media which flows
everywhere and HAARP Climate Control)
"Its nurse is the Earth" (Fulcanelli
points to the criminal meddling with DNA in the vegetable and animal
kingdoms, and the Human Genome Project)
Here, again, we find dates being used
When "harnessing" Sun and Moon, the Global Power
Elite's first nuclear test at Alamogordo New Mexico took place on 16 July
1945, whilst
Apollo 11's "Moon landing" journey lifted
off from the Kennedy Space Centre on 16 July 1969.
This is more than just playing with symbols, dates and words.
Instilling a
long-term far-reaching, all-inclusive global strategy and action plan with
deep roots dating back untold millennia to the Egyptian God Thoth may have
more subtle and profound consequences than we can fathom.
For years now,
the Elite have been drilling into our
collective psyche that we are facing the impending "end of the world."
Together with their staunch servants and
operatives in Hollywood, the major TV producers, Fox, Disney, DreamWorks,
Universal, MGM, Paramount, they have prepared our collective psyche to "be
ready to accept the end of the world."
This all seems to serve three goals:
make us all feel increasingly helpless
(I mean what can you do if an asteroid is about to hit Earth?)
instill a powerful "something big
is-a-coming" expectation of sudden change
remind us that there is always "an
enemy" out there - a really big, nasty one bent on our destruction
So, we need to have a really big, powerful -
even if harsh - protector to shield us from impending calamities.
It's today's version of programmed Feudalism: you want food, shelter,
protection? Then you'd better obediently and loyally serve your Feudal
Lords, even if it means surrendering your sons and daughters, otherwise,
you're really in for a hard time!
Today, the Elite is the Feudal Overlord whom we
either obediently and diligently serve for which we are fed, housed and
"protected", or else… well, you know: it's the basic "you're either with us
or against us" Baby Bush Syndrome.
Big, nasty, scary enemies are Rule No. 1 to ensure domination over large
masses of people. Yesterday it was Hitler, the Japs, the Red Menace… Today
it's Global Terrorism, Muslim Fundamentalists and Osama's throngs…
As "The Report from Iron Mountain" explained back in the sixties, an enemy
need not be real in order to be useful to the Elite; an enemy need only be
perceived as real by the majority of people. Credibility, not reality, is
what counts.
Once people believe an enemy "exists," the rest is a piece of
People will then willingly march and yell and
ship their sons and daughters off to Vietnam, Europe, Japan, Iraq, Korea,
Panama, Libya - anywhere - to "fight the enemy"; to "defend our country."
It's all a Question of
Why this is coming to a head just now is intimately related to our concept
of Time. Time is of the essence; everything we do is
based on Time.
You're meeting somebody? Achieving that always
comes in two dimensions: Space (e.g., my house coordinates) and Time (e.g.,
Monday, 16 July 2012, 8:30AM). This, however, is the materialistic, secular,
"Western" use of time: Chronos.
Time is etched into our collective psyche in other more subtle ways. Again,
we turn to Carl Jung who spoke of Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
as being beyond Space and Time, and governed by cosmic forces difficult to
perceive because their manifestation spans many generations.
In his formidable book
Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self,
Jung analyses the activation of the Archetypes relating to one of the twelve
2,160 year-long (average) "Platonic Months" or "Ages": our now ending Age of
Under Pisces, Christianity was the governing
"tonic note" or leitmotiv so to speak, that gave life to the Christian
ICHTYS fish symbolism, balanced by its feminine (and astronomical)
counterpart, Virgo: the Virgin Mary.
Today, as we enter the Age of Aquarius, a new
Archetype is dawning and the old Archetype - Pisces - will fall "asleep" and
be "sacrificed."
We have many examples of this every 2,200 years or so (the average period of
each Platonic month). When Pisces dawned around two millennia ago, the
previous "month" - Aries the Ram - had to be "sacrificed" (Angus Dei qui
tolis pecata mundi); the Lamb of God who takes the sins of the world was
duly sacrificed on the Cross.
2,200 years before that, when Aries dawned we
saw Jason and his Argonauts follow the Aries Archetype all the way to the
Colchides on their Quest for the Golden Fleece; just as millennia later
Parsifal, Lohengrin and Titurel would embark on the Quest for the Holy
Then, it was the Taurus Bull's turn to be sacrificed, as the Age of
Taurus (so important to ancient Egypt and Crete) fell dormant and was
"sacrificed" - Iberian bull fights and Mithras's bull-slaying being psychic
vestiges that reached our own time, and so on.
Here, modern languages again play us a bad card because today we only have
one word for the concept of "time," whilst in Classical times there were
three very distinct ones:
Chronos referred to so-called physical
"chronological" time used to record and coordinate worldly affairs
Kairos was used to represent significant
moments in time, i.e., what today we would call "milestones"
Aion - a venerable god to the Romans -
was used to describe very long periods of time that no human could
ever experience first-hand; from there comes our word Eon
Today, we are so shortsighted that we forgot the
importance of understanding long periods of time - Eons.
They mark the psychic chords and tonic notes
from which we cannot stray too far because, like it or not, the "signs of
the times" will always impose themselves on us.
The Elite's Achilles'
Heel - They Need You to be a Willing Accomplice
They need you to be passive; they need to buy your acceptance to do what
they want you to do; they need you to "sell your soul" to them. Literally!
They need you to "sign" a virtual "contract" in
which you say,
"yes; I will obey your Feudal Elite
Overlords if you will allow me to live and enjoy 'rights'."
Now this Truth is as old as Mankind.
In his play Faust, German playwright Johann von
Goethe shows us a knowledge-thirsty over-intellectualized professor - Faust
- "signing a blood contract" with Mephistopheles - the devil himself - in
exchange for the minor glories of worldly fame and shine.
Now, have you ever asked yourself why should the
devil need anybody to "sign a contract" with him? Easy: the powers of
Darkness, the forces of Evil, need you to serve them of your own Free Will.
It seems there's a cosmic rule that even Old Man Devil himself cannot
override, which says that his victims must serve him of their own free will.
That's the Elite's Achilles Heel that we must exploit to the utmost.
Three examples - a tragedy, a comedy and a drama - from the Hollywood Global PsyWar power house of films spell this out; that you must freely serve them,
in plain language:
A Tragedy
Devil's Advocate (1997) where young,
up-and-coming lawyer Kevin Lomax (Keanu Reeves) joins a New York law
firm only to finally discover that his bizarre boss John Milton (Al Pacino) is the Devil himself.
Reeves' wife Mary Anne realizes that
long before he does, but collapses mentally and physically into
suicide. In one key scene, Pacino tells Reeves,
"Go back to your wife for a couple
of weeks… she's sick, she needs you, take a break from the case
you're working on."
Reeves thinks for a few seconds and
"No, I'll carry on with our case!"
Whereupon Pacino/Devil shrugs his
shoulders and says,
"OK, do as you like."
At the end when Pacino unmasks himself
as the Devil, he reminds Reeves that he was given a choice but he
chose the company over his wife… of his own free will!
A Comedy
Bruce Almighty (2003) where Jim Carrey
plays a goofy loser complaining to "god" once too often, whereupon
"god" (Morgan Freeman) shows up in a most unpresuming garb and gives
Jim "almighty powers" to teach him just how difficult it is running
the Universe.
Carrey can then do anything he wants but
"god" tells him,
"One thing, though: you can't mess
around with free will."
So, when Jim wants to get his estranged
girlfriend to love him, she just turns around and walks away. Again:
Free Will!

A Drama
V for Vendetta (2006) where Hugo Weaving
plays a powerful mysterious freedom fighter known only as "V" who,
inspired by Eve (Natalie Portman), uses PsyWar tactics to fight a
future Orwellian totalitarian society in the UK.
In a splendid scene, "V" interferes with
all TV signals and broadcasts a message to the People, saying,
"… Words offer the means to meaning,
and for those who would listen, the enunciation of the Truth.
And the Truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this
country, isn't there?
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance
and oppression, and where once you had the freedom to object, to
think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems
of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your
How did this happen? Who's to blame?
Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than
others, and they will be held accountable, but again, truth be
told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into
a mirror.
I know why you did it. I know you
were afraid! Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease… There were
myriad problems that conspired to corrupt your reason and rob
you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your
panic, you turned to the now High Chancellor Adam Suttler.2
He promised you order, he promised
you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent,
obedient, consent."
Your Free Will…
Not surprisingly, in all three of these films,
the key that opens the door to liberation is Woman:
Mary Anne's death in Devil's Advocate
Jennifer Aniston's temporary rejection
of Jim Carrey in Bruce Almighty
Eve's strength and love in V for
Significantly, Goethe ends Faust with these
Das Ewig-Weibliche zieht uns hinan - "The
eternal feminine draws us upwards."
The "Mystery Factor"
We opened this article talking about how collective psychic energy can be
harnessed for matters pertaining to this world.
I'd now like to close with a more speculative
view of how subtle forces of Darkness may also be harnessing collective
psychic energies to achieve their "ends beyond this world."
Those who have read the Tibetan
Bardo Thodol - better known in the West as the Tibetan Book of
the Dead - know that when we depart this world, a subtle part of us - mind,
the psychic personality residue - remains "for a while." It is suddenly
left, however, without a physical brain and the senses to support it.
There are indications that psychic "residue" may continue to guide Soul onto
the next Incarnation as we still experience in the Beyond through the mental
body - the Ka of the Egyptians - however it has no control over the physical
world as we had when our live brains controlled our feet, mouth, hands
interacting with the world; i.e., to "do this" and "do that."
When we die, we no longer have those physical
organs, however in our soul's journey Beyond, the Ka still continues to
project ideas and concepts, and here lies a terrible danger.
When we are incarnate, mental projections are kept at bay because our
trustworthy senses immediately kick in with their logic to filter out or
buffer and separate what can from what cannot be.
So, even if my mind imagines a pink elephant
floating past my window, I will not actually "see" nor experience that
because my eyes-brain-senses kick-in to say "that's impossible!"
Another simple experiment: imagine that on a sunny day in a bar full of
people I told you,
"think about being all alone in a cemetery with crypts
opening and walking dead coming at you."
You'd just laugh me off because
there is no way you can even project such a preposterous image. Now, imagine
I say exactly the same words whilst we are both alone, at midnight on a
moonless night inside a real cemetery.
Your eyes cannot see but your mind's eye
certainly conjures up all sorts of horrific images!
Worse still, your ears are pricked…
"What was that rushing sound?"
"Did I hear a sinister whisper?"
"What was that shadow I thought I caught
with the corner of my eye?"...
By now, many people would start going into full
panic mode.
Why? Because when it's dark and silent, our
senses offer little protection against mental projections of the most
horrible images. That's when you REGRET having seen such and such a terror
movie whose images now come back to haunt you. That's when you start having
doubts about what may really be out there in the shadows of the night… which
are a symbol of the deepest recesses of your own psyche.
Well, my friends, when we die it gets even worse than that!
For we no longer have eyes and ears and a brain
to sort out and organize what we "see and hear"; it would seem that whatever
we project in the Beyond, becomes REAL, at least psychologically real.
Now I believe some of the folks running Hollywood know this. And the fact
that they have overloaded our brains with the most horrific images and
atavistic fears may serve the purpose of sending us all - literally - to
Because in
the Beyond, if in life you were scared of hornets, you will
project "real" hornets; if you were scared of the "waking dead", you will
project the "waking dead"; and if
the movie Aliens really made you
jump from your seat, well… get ready… many will actually run into it (by the
way, Aliens was the result of an investigation into Man's deepest atavistic
fears by Hollywood PsyOps experts).
By the same token, if we cherished and believe in Christ and the
Blessed virgin, they will greet us when we die. Same if you believe in
Allah… And departed mom, dad and your long-lost dog will be projected too.
Actually, initial projections are from the
"heart" and they are always beautiful and warm, but as the After-death
"Intermediate State" (Bar-do) progresses, projections from the mind begin…
That's when the soul can run into trouble…
Spanish painter Francisco Goya alludes to
this in his 1799 print "The
Sleep of Reason produce monsters."
So, maybe
the Global Power Elite are aiming at
controlling us here and in the Hereafter.
Why? I don't really know. Maybe it's part of a Satanic ritual whereby they
must feed their ghoulish "gods" or demiurge, rather: Beelzebub, Satan,
YHWH, Baphomet and other such bloodthirsty
- and soul-thirsty - cosmic ghouls.
The essence of Blood on "this side" of
Reality has its counterpart in psychic energy in the Beyond.
I know we are delving into much theory but this may also help to explain
many of the things that happen around us without any of us ever realizing
This may also help understand why the antidote
to such madness may spontaneously spring in sensitive and good people
naturally aligned with the Forces of Light - Sun, God - who "perceive" this
drama, as "messages from the Eternal Feminine": i.e., the many 'visions' of
the Virgin Mary throughout the last two centuries.
The "rules of the game" are there for all to see.
Don't deliver up your mind and soul. Don't be a
passive collaborator, because doing nothing is exactly what the Global
Power Elite wants from you: passive collaboration.
Biblical tradition says Lucifer shouted his rebellion to high Heaven
yelling "Non Serviam" - "I will not serve." In an uncanny twist of Fate, it
is now our duty to turn the table on the Evil One and shout back to him:
"Non Serviam" - I will not serve!
That's called Personal Sovereignty, which
is the very first step towards collective sovereignty for entire nations and
1. The collective psychic forces we are born
with form part of our DNA. Just as we get the color of our eyes and hair
from our parents and the way our veins cross in our hands and feet from
grandparents, so too we inherit psychic conformations and tendencies:
how we feel, think, react; what is harmony to us and what is not. Why
certain music is agreeable and others not; whether we will emphasize
Rhythm (as the peoples of Africa do) or Melody (as Orientals do), or
Harmony as Caucasians do (or did): Melody manifests inside time, Rhythm
marks out time; Harmony is beyond time.
2. A fictitious future Orwellian dictator in the UK.