by Michael E. Salla
June 2017

from Exopolitics Website









Part 1

U.S. Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrials

June 16, 2017

A new leaked Majestic-12 document was released on June 14 which describes a variety of extraterrestrial related encounters with humanity.


This document includes claims that Nikola Tesla's pioneering radio broadcasts into outer space in the late 1800's alerted distant extraterrestrials to humanity's existence, which led to them traveling to our planet, and later President Eisenhower established full diplomatic relations with these visiting extraterrestrials in 1954.


The 47 page document is currently being reviewed by a number of document authentication researchers, but the preliminary conclusion drawn by veteran researcher Stanton Friedman is that there is no evidence of forgery according to Heather Wade, host of the radio show Midnight in the Desert.

Heather Wade received documents last night from a trusted source. She immediately had Stanton Friedman take a look at these documents who said,

"I have never seen anything like this, this is new MJ12 information."

Stanton Friedman is going to continue examining these documents for authenticity, but at this time we can find no evidence of forgery.

Similarly, Dr. Robert Wood, another leading Majestic documents researcher, has also shared his preliminary view in an email that the "Stamps, markings, style, content, names" look genuine.


The documents was sent by an anonymous whistleblower source to Wade who revealed its existence during her June 14 show, along with details about the document's background.


Wade asserts that the whistleblower is known to her and is a reliable source, but she is not going to release the person's identity.


Additional information was provided to Linda Moulton Howe at that there are in fact two sources, both of whom are retired military personnel.


Wade plans to interview Howe and other UFO researchers to help ascertain the document's legitimacy and significance.


In the meantime, readers are encouraged to read the document for themselves. What follows is a description of the key points made in the document, and their significance.


An extensive analysis of the document will be provided in part 2 of this series.


According to a cover page, the documents is a "preliminary briefing" created by the Defense Intelligence Agency's Office of Counter Intelligence, on January 8, 1989.


The full title of the briefing package is "Assessment of the Situation - Statement of Position on Unidentified Flying Objects", and it is addressed to the Office of the President.





The briefing officer is described as "MJ-1″ who, based on historical precedent, has been the sitting CIA Director.





The CIA Director at the time of the 1989 briefing was William Webster, who served as Director from May 26, 1987 to August 31, 1991.


Previously, he was FBI Director from February 23, 1978 before heading the CIA under President Reagan. His Wikipedia entry mentions that he is the only person ever to have held both of these positions.

The briefing document refers to four groups of extraterrestrial visitors which are listed in order of importance to our planet, and cites whether they are friendly or not:

There are four basic types of EBEs so-far confirmed.


And they are listed here in descending order of their influences on our planet.


  1. Earth-like humanoids

    There are several variations more-or-less like ourselves. The majority of these are friendly and are the bulk of our EBE contacts.


    Most have a high degree of psychic ability and all use science and engineering of an advanced nature.


  2. Small humanoids or "Greys"

    The Greys, so-called for the hue of their skin possessed by most of this type, are a sort of drone.


    They are not unlike the worker ants or bees... They are mostly under the psychic control of the Earth-like humanoids who raise them like pets (or a kind of slave).


    Assuming the Greys are under benign control, they are harmless.


  3. Non-humaoid EBEs

    These are in several classes and come from worlds where dominant morphology took a different evolutionary course.


    Many of these are dangerous not for organized hostile intentions, but because such creatures do not hold human life as sacred...


    Thus far, contact has been minimal with only a handful of unfortunate encounters.


  4. Transmorphic Entities

    Of all the forms of EBE studied so far by Operation  Majestic, these are the most difficult to understand or even to give a description of.


    Essentially, such entities are not "beings" or "creatures"… exist in some either dimension or plane which is to say not in our space or time. They do not use devices or travel in space...


    In essence these entities are composed of pure mind energies… They are said (by other EBEs) to be capable of taking on any physical form that they "channel" their energy… as matter.

Source: page 40-41 of 'Assessment of the Situation'

As the above description suggests, most extraterrestrial interactions are depicted as friendly, particularly those involving the human looking entities.


They have engaged in a number of non-hostile interactions with humanity that date back to Nikola Tesla's pioneering radio and energy broadcasts in the late 1800's.


The briefing document continues:

In 1899, the Yugoslavic electrical scientist, Nikola Tesla, most noted for his introduction of alternating current to electrical power transmission and a laboratory device named after him (the Tesla coil) embarked on a number of researches that have made this the saucer century.


Tesla had long proposed that it was possible to directly broadcast pure electrical energies at a distance without loss of power and without wires.


By 1899, and with… government and private scientific backing, Tesla had chosen a site near Colorado Springs, Colorado to conduct a massive and never repeated experiment...


Tesla's purpose to gather the Earth's own magnetic field and to use the Earth as a huge transmitter to send signals to outer space in an attempt to contact whoever might be living there.


Tesla had no idea that the specific type of power he had generated was coursing through space and caused great havoc many light years away.

Without realizing it, Tesla's use of the Earth's magnetic field to direct radio transmissions into space had created a disruptive energy weapon - essentially the world's first Directed Energy Weapon, but at a planetary scale!


The effect of doing this was analogous to the development of Warp Drive in the fictional Star Trek series, and humanity was now on the Galactic radar for the first time.


The briefing document describes what happened as a result of Tesla's experiments:

The extraterrestrial intelligence (EI's) attempted to respond to his transmissions in a form of binary code that they routinely use for long range communications (evidently these energies act instantly at a distance and are not limited to the speed of light) and ask that he cease sending.


Of course, Tesla had no way of understanding the message he received back from space.


Fortunately, the anger of local residents at the side-effects of his research forced him to shut down the Colorado Springs experiments in the same year he began them.

Significantly, the briefing document is acknowledging that communications were instantaneous, and that the speed of light is not an absolute limit, at least for the kind of communications used by the aliens.


Critically, it was Tesla's experiments, according to the briefing document, which ushered in the flying saucer age due to the powerful effect of his energy transmissions which had used the Earth's magnetic field:

This, then, was the actual start of the so-called "flying saucer age" in our times.


As it became clear that our people were on the verge of an explosion of technical progress, the EI's decided on a long term program of carefully calculated and seemingly random contact with the eventual goal of raising our awareness of our place in the galactic community.


With the advent of the Atomic Age, this program was escalated to included eventual diplomatic contact with many of Earth's governments.


The same approach of staging apparent "accidental" contact was chosen for its low psychological impact on the human race.


This was the situation in the case of the United States of America (re: Roswell and Aztec, New Mexico files, this briefing).

The briefing document refers to the famed 1947 Roswell UFO Crash, and the national security mechanism that had been developed to investigate it, and maintain a secrecy system.


While the Roswell Crash is well known, the next case described in the document is not.


There was a "controlled landing" of a flying saucer on March 25, 1948 in Aztec, New Mexico, which the briefing document describes:

The controlled landing occurred in a small desert canyon on the private grazing land of a local farmer and rancher… about 12.2 miles northeast of Aztec New Mexico.


The ship was determined to be 99.983 feet in diameter. Inside the upper cabin... the team found the bodies of two (2) small humanoids about four feet in height strapped into seats like those in a jet cockpit…


The extraterrestrials were dead.

Source: page 19 of 'Assessment of the Situation'


The briefing document reported that the extraterrestrials had died because of an atmospheric leak caused by impact with a nearby cliff face.


The report then described the discovery of cryogenic tubes with human-looking bodies in the lower level, four of which were successfully resuscitated:

A closer look at the sealed tubes which looked like the doors of clothes dryers at a laundromat revealed that they were a complex form of refrigeration system.


Two were empty and twelve contained the bodies of what looked like human adults and small children as well as infants, all frozen as if preserved for specimens...


Eventually the medical team was able to resuscitate one adult Earth-like humanoid male and three (3) Earth-like humanoid infants, all about six (6) months of age: two male and one female.


The rest of the infants and one more short, gray-skinned, large-headed OBE, perished.

The adult survivor, according to the briefing document, looked human but was clearly an extraterrestrial who though human looking, had physiological differences, which included having two livers.


The document describes how diplomatic negotiations began the surviving adult extraterrestrial:

After a hasty tele-conference with President Truman, it was explained to the visitor that if his intentions proved to be non-hostile and he cooperated in an information exchange, he would be granted diplomatic status and soon be repatriated to his own kind when the arrangement could be made.


To this he readily agreed, provided he was not asked to give away any scientific secrets that could alter the course of our natural cultural development.

What comes next details the year-long diplomatic exchanges between the extraterrestrial visitor and the Truman administration, before he was returned to his people:

Altogether, the Aztec EBE lived under our protective custody on the Los Alamos complex for nearly a full year, from late April 1948 - until March of 1949.


After that, he was sequestered at a private safehouse set-up by Army Intelligence… during which time he met with the President and other top government and military administrators, prior to his being returned to his people in August of 1949.


He gave the scientists and military debriefers a great deal of mostly non-technical information about his civilization and it's motives for being on our Earth.


A total of six hundred and eighty-three (683) pages of transcripts were made of recorded conversations.

The briefing document goes on to explain how technology given to U.S. military authorities would be given to the Soviet Union also by the extraterrestrials:

The EBE saw little harm in allowing us to keep the remains of his spacecraft for study, since he felt our understanding of it would only gradually develop.


He did suggest that his people would "probably have to drop one in similar condition in the laps of the Soviet Union - just for the balance of things to be sustained," and "You are welcome to take this up with any higher authority you can find willing to listen to you, if you do not approve of this..."

In 1948, the U.S. and USSR were the world's only known nuclear powers and leaders of the two most powerful political blocs, so it makes sense why they were specifically helped in this way.


Yet more startling is what the extraterrestrials said about the alien infants:

The team of scientists were told that the human-like infants were destined for our world anyway, and we were welcome to keep them.


On 21 August 1949, the Aztec EBE was returned to his own kind at a meeting site southwest of Kirtland Air Force Base… and arrangement were made for a future meeting at the same location, to open diplomatic relations.

In gifting three human-looking extraterrestrial infants to U.S. authorities, the apparent intent was that the aliens would be raised in human society and in the future help establish friendly relations between our two worlds.


Presumably, the same thing happened in the USSR. By 1989, when the briefing document was prepared, the alien children would be 40+ year old adults.


Were there alien children residing in the U.S. and USSR, and were they a factor in the end of the Cold War?

In 1954, the briefing document refers to President Eisenhower traveling to Kirtland Air Force Base where he established full diplomatic relations with the human looking extraterrestrials:

The preceding diplomatic treaty was drafted by the director of the Majestic-12 operation and a joint committee of extra-terrestrial visitors and representatives of the U.S. Diplomatic Corps, as a statement of intent.


It was ratified and signed at Kirtland Air Force Base… on July the eighteenth, 1954 by President Dwight B. Eisenhower and an individual on the behalf of the EBEs.

As mentioned earlier, authenticating the briefing document has only just begun but so far experts have spotted no sign of fraud.



Former FBI/CIA Director William Webster

photographed in 2016



The weight of this document's significance is particularly extraordinary because a number of senior officials are named. If William Webster was MJ-1 at the time of the briefing then this would be highly significant.


He is currently Chairman of the Homeland Security Advisory Council, and is in a position to go on the official record about the genuineness of the briefing document. 


If Webster does confirm or hints at its legitimacy, and/or his direct involvement, this will have a powerful effect on the prospects of official disclosure.

In part two of this series, I will provide an exopolitical analysis of the alleged MJ-12 document's contents, how it compares to information disclosed by a number of secret space program witnesses, and its potential impact on world events....










Part 2

Historic UFO Best Seller

June 19, 2017





The newly released Majestic-12 briefing document (
Assessment of the Situation - Statement of Position on Unidentified Flying Objects) contains much information about the beginning of diplomatic relations between the US government and human looking extraterrestrial visitors that began after the famed 1948 Aztec flying saucer incident.


Part one above, of this series discussed the document's content explaining how a surviving adult alien from the Aztec landing began the diplomatic process, and left behind three extraterrestrial infants brought to our world to stay as a goodwill gesture.

The information revealed in the leaked briefing document can be compared to what is publicly known about the Aztec landing.


If a high degree of consistency is found in the comparison, it will help build confidence that the briefing document is based on factual information, which was part of a 1989 classified briefing prepared by the Defense Intelligence Agency for the Office of the President.

The first to write about the Aztec case was,

  • the author Frank Scully, a highly respected journalist, who wrote a book in 1950 based on what he had been told by two sources

  • an alleged scientist Dr. Gee (a pseudonym used by a local radio and television parts owner later revealed to be Leo A. GeBauer)

  • Newton Silas (a well-known oil prospector)

Scully's book, Behind the Flying Saucers, quickly became a national best seller with his account of the "first landing" of a flying saucer in 1948.



[Dr Gee] was the man who told us the whole story of the first flying saucer that had landed in the United States…


Two telescopes caught this unidentified ship as it came into our atmosphere. They watched its position and estimated where it would land. Within a few hours after it landed, Air Force officers reached the flying field at Durango, Colorado, and took off in their search for the object.


When they found it, it was in a very rocky, high plateau territory, east of Aztec, New Mexico…

Behind The Flying Saucers, pp. 138-39

Note that Scully was talking about a "controlled landing", not a flying saucer crash as reported for the Roswell incident which had received world-wide media coverage after the initial U.S. Army Air Force Press Release on July 8, 1947.



The Majestic-12 briefing document similarly refers to a "controlled landing" in the vicinity of Aztec that occurred on March 25, 1948:

The controlled landing occurred in a small desert canyon on the private grazing land of a local farmer and rancher… about 12.2 miles northeast of Aztec New Mexico. The ship was determined to be 99.983 feet in diameter.

"Assessment of the Situation", p. C-1-of-10

Regarding the diameter of the flying saucer, Scully gave the following information:

The overall dimensions of the ship were found to be a faction short of 100 feet in diameter. To be exact it measured 99.99/100 feet wide.

Behind the Flying Saucers, p. 138-39

Remarkably, Scully's precise measurement of the diameter of the flying saucer craft that had landed matches the 1989 briefing document's report on the size and nature of the landing.

Scully revealed important details about the scientific team sent to investigate the flying saucer:

Dr. Gee and seven of his group of magnetic scientists were called in to examine this strange ship. When they arrived on the ground they decided that the best thing to do was not to touch it or try to get into it.


They studied the ship from a distance for a matter of two days, bombing it with Geiger counters, cosmic rays, and other protective devices.

Behind the Flying Saucers, p. 138-39

Scully was told that eight scientists were involved in the preliminary analysis of the landed craft.


According to the new Majestic-12 document, the recovery team involved four scientific members of the newly created MJ-12 directorate, and an additional six scientists meeting at the Hart's Canyon landing site near the town of Aztec:

In order to fully follow the course of the Aztec, N.M. recovery and investigation it is important at this point to detail the names and the backgrounds of the members of the IPU/MAJICOPS team before returning to a chronology of the events at Harts Canyon.


Only four of these persons were on the MAJICOPs director.


These were,

  • Dr. Lloyd Berkner

  • Dr. Detlev Bronk

  • Dr. Vannevar Bush

  • Dr. Jerome Hunsaker…

The following were selected by the MJ-12 directorate to accompany the IPU/MAJICOPS recovery team to the Hart Canyon landing sites:

Dr. Carl A. Helland, Director and senior scientist of the Geophysics and Magnetic Sciences Laboratory of the Colorado School of Mines…

Dr. John von Neumann… His work on the Aztec disc eventually led to the binary computer language used today in all modern electronic computers….

Dr. Robert J. Oppenheimer… Acting for his friend, Dr. Bush, who had not yet arrived at Aztec, he selected most of the recovery team members and arranged with the U.S. Navy for storage in their facilities at Los Alamos until permanent sites could be prepared.

Dr. Johann von Roesler, an expert nitrogen chemist… Originally included as a consultant on the possible need to gain forced entry to the disc-craft by use of high explosives, he eventually worked with Dr. Detlev Bronk on investigating the liquid nitrogen cooled cryogenic suspension system used about the disc-craft by it's [sic] crew members.

Dr. Merle A. Tuve… Top pioneer in radio-save propagation in the upper atmosphere. Later was part of the Bell Laboratories team which developed the principles of laser light physics derived from study of systems found aboard the Aztec disc-craft.

Dr. Horace van Valkenberg... Was Director of the School of Metallurgy of the University of Colorado. ("Assessment of the Situation", pp. C-3&4-of-10)

According to the Majestic-12 document, there were ten scientists in total involved in the Aztec recovery.


However, Dr. Bush arrived later than the others at the scene. Scully was told that there were eight scientists at the site, which is very close to the actual number initially present (nine).


If another scientific member of the MJ-12 Directorate had accompanied Bush and also arrived late, this would correspond precisely with the eight working scientists at the outset of the investigation of the landed flying saucer, according to what Scully had been told.

Scully went on to describe how the recovery team was able to gain entry into the craft:

Apparently there was no door to what unquestionably was the cabin. The outside surface showed no marking of any sort except for a broken porthole, which appeared on first examination to be of glass…


Finally, we took a large pole and rammed a hole through this defect in the ship.

Behind the Flying Saucers, p. 139

This description of how the recovery team gained access closely matches what the MJ-12 document says occurred:

It was discovered that the original opening was forced at the lower corner of a sort of large rectangular window or porthole which had been cracked.


These portholes were not visible from the outside, but were extended all the way around the compartment in huge curved rectangles and separated by only a thin structural brace between them.


The exception was the cracked one by which the team gained entry.

"Assessment of the Situation", p. C-6-of 10

The MJ-12 document also refers to the use of,

"a long thin rod used to probe at what looked like levers or buttons inside" which corresponds to Scully description of a "large pole" used through the porthole.

Next we come to the number of occupants in the Aztec flying saucer incident. Scully was told by Dr. Gee:

[W]e looked into the interior.


There we were able to count sixteen bodies, that ranged in height from about 36 to 42 inches... We examined the bodies very closely and very carefully.


They were normal from every standpoint and had no appearance of being what we call this planet ‘midgets. They were perfectly normal in their development.


The only trouble was that their skin seemed to be charred a very dark chocolate color.

Behind the Flying Saucers, p. 139

We can now compare Scully's account of the 16 dead occupants with what the MJ-12 documents says:

Inside the upper cabin... the team found the bodies of two (2) small humanoids about four feet in height strapped into seats like those in a jet cockpit…


The extraterrestrials were dead.

["Assessment of the Situation", p. C-6-of 10

The briefing document reported that the extraterrestrials had died because of an atmospheric leak caused by an impact with a nearby cliff face.


The report then described the discovery of 14 cryogenic tubes in the lower level, 12 of which contained human-looking bodies - four of which were later successfully resuscitated:

A closer look at the sealed tubes which looked like the doors of clothes dryers at a laundromat revealed that they were a complex form of refrigeration system.


Two were empty and twelve contained the bodies of what looked like human adults and small children as well as infants, all frozen as if preserved for specimens…


Eventually the medical team was able to resuscitate one adult Earth-like humanoid male and three (3) Earth-like humanoid infants, all about six (6) months of age: two male and one female.


The rest of the infants and one more short, gray-skinned, large-headed OBE, perished.

Scully had reported 16 bodies were found at Aztec.


The briefing document had reported 2 small extraterrestrial bodies (found in the upper cabin) plus 14 cryogenic tubes (found in the lower cabin) - 12 of which were occupied by human looking aliens frozen in suspension.

What Scully had not been told, however, was that four of the extraterrestrials were still alive in their cryogenic chambers. Apparently his source, Dr. Gee, did not know that these four were later successfully revived.


The briefing document explains how those personnel at the site, without a need-to-know, were given a cover story that all the extraterrestrials had died:

The story was quickly circulated that, yes, bodies had been found - all deceased, and that these would be removed for later analysis.


The bodies of the two small "pilots" were show to some other members of the recovery team who had heard about them, and then sealed in dry ice chambers, as was the corpse of the EBE who had expired in the cargo hold after thawing.


A big display of this was carried out in full view of the other team members and other dry ice transportation capsules were secretly loaded with dirt and stone before the entire group was loaded into a refrigerator truck labeled "high explosives" for transport.

"Assessment of the Situation", p. C-3-of-10

What this suggests is the recovery team saw 2 short EBEs, and 16 dry ice capsules prepared for the 14 cryogenic tubes (12 of which were occupied).


Then they saw the two short EBE bodies from the upper cabin being loaded into two of the dry ice capsules, rather than empty cryogenic tubes. The natural assumption was that 16 short human looking extraterrestrial bodies had been recovered, exactly what Scully was told.

Clearly, what the above suggests is that even in a highly classified retrieval operation such as what had occurred at Aztec, compartmentalization was very much in place. Information about live extraterrestrials being recovered was to be kept secret from many personnel in the classified retrieval operation.


All were told that the extraterrestrials in the 16 dry ice capsules were dead. An official disinformation campaign was already underway for the Aztec landing, and this did not stop with retrieval personnel.

Scully's two sources, Newton and Dr. Gee (GeBauer) appear to have been caught up in the disinformation campaign surrounding the Aztec landing.


According to Scully, Dr. Gee was a magnetic specialist on the Aztec recovery team:

In the summer of 1949 he [Silas Newton] met Dr. Gee, a magnetic engineer who had been released in July after seven years of government servitude on all sorts of top drawer projects.


He had become a master of magnetic energy…

Behind the Flying Saucers, p. 72

Both Newton and GeBauer had been attracting investors for various oil drilling schemes based on technologies they claim to have developed from their knowledge of the Aztec landing.


Eventually both were arrested by the FBI in October 1952 and convicted for fraud after a complaint from one of the oil investors, Herman Flader.



The backgrounds of both Newton and GeBauer were detailed in a highly critical 1956 article in True Magazine by J.P. Cahn titled, "Flying Saucer Swindlers".

Scully's account of the Aztec flying saucer landing was now thoroughly discredited, and he was widely ridiculed for being duped by two confidence men with criminal convictions related to the alleged landing.


The Aztec case was now accepted as a hoax, even though Scully continued to believe it was genuine up to his death.

The new Majestic briefing document contains a paragraph on what had happened with Newton, GeBauer and Scully, which provides valuable insights into actual events, and how all three were caught up in the official disinformation campaign:

Visiting with the rancher at that time and planning to hunt for game animals on his land, were the owner of a local radio repair shop [Dr. Gee/GeBauer] plus a unemployed oil hunter and inventor [Silas Newton].


These last two parties were later to get together and tell their story to a columnist from Variety Magazine named Frank Scully. This author later published a book in 1950 detailing parts of the Aztec recovery story.


This breach of security was… by the use of a cover story for the IPU/MAJICOPS workers that proved to be ineffective.


It was decided to disguise the Aztec efforts as an exploration for oil by a fictional drilling company, a fact that was not in agreement with the knowledge of the unemployed oil hunter who knew that there was no oil in that area.


Later both this independent oil hunter and the columnist Scully were discredited by facts leaked to a writer [Cahn] at True Magazine by covert operatives of the MAJESTIC Enforcement Division.


This action was unfortunate but very vital in light of the sensational nature of the Aztec discoveries.


Fortunately, Scully labeled this fortune hunting oilman as a "scientist" in his book and during the period of the book's sales, this adventurer was convicted of fraud for trying to peddle a device he claimed would find oil.


Mostly by luck, the security breach healed itself and the book was quickly forgotten with only minor help from MJ-12.

"Assessment of the Situation" p. C-2-of-10

Essentially, the Majestic briefing document reveals that a disinformation campaign had been successfully implemented to discredit Scully and his two principal sources:

Newton and GeBauer.

Scully's blunder was that he had incorrectly referred to GeBauer as a magnetic scientist, which made it easy for the disinformation campaign to succeed.

Given the extensive similarities between Scully's account of the Aztec flying saucer incident and what is found in the new Majestic 12 briefing document, it can be concluded with great confidence that they are describing the same event.


This leads to two possible conclusions about the briefing document, and its relationship to the previously discredited Aztec flying saucer landing.

The first is that it is disinformation based on Scully's account of the Aztec flying saucer incident as the means for a contrived document to once again confuse or disinform the UFO/exopolitics research community. The fact that the document emerged from the Office of Counterintelligence in the Defense Intelligence Agency does raise this possibility.

The second conclusion is that the briefing document is genuine and vindicates most of what Scully was told forty years earlier about the Aztec incident. Importantly, the briefing document confirms that Scully was not duped by two conmen.


Newton and GeBauer had in fact disclosed accurate information about the landing in what was deemed a major security breach by Majestic 12.


Scully's book had successfully revealed operational details of one of the biggest flying saucer secrets held by the national security establishment.

As to which of these two conclusions is more accurate, further study of the contents of the 1989 briefing document is necessary.