William Dean
Wovoca Website
I was raised a
materialist-ultraliberal-atheist-evolutionist and was on the
extreme–left of the Democratic Party for the majority of my life
until a series of traumatic events and spiritual experiences changed
me. Now I am a constitutionalist politically and a Christian
What is wrong with being in the National Rifle Association and being
a conscious environmentalist at the same time? I want to keep our
guns, keep our jobs; but, also, keep our trees and fresh water. It
seems like our political parties say we have to think only one way
or the other. What is wrong with seeing angels, demons, believing in
metaphysical apparitions and expecting spiritual messages from God?
Although, the Prophets of the Bible’s Old Testament and the
Disciples of the New Testament experienced metaphysical occurrences,
today’s American-Europeanized Christianity denounces it as evil or
existing only in the minds of the mentally ill. Why is it we are
always handed down only two religious and two political options with
a struggling third alternative that only assures a monopoly of the
first two? In this writing you will learn that once again, both the
New Age Movement and Christianity are being duped by the realm of
dark forces and UFO’s play a major part in it.
After my eye opening experiences on a clandestine
government–civilian college meta-science project, I, eventually,
woke up to this duality and saw the two heads of the Beast. I see
certain truths in all and everything, but a hidden evil agenda
waiting for it all to cohesively mix. I find myself revolting
against a new system of government and religion that is falsely
presenting itself as the "Great Humanitarian" and the "Master Of
In reality, the
New World Order and Parliament of World
religions are wolves hiding under a sheep’ skins. The
New World
Order was originally conceived by men and women with good
intentions; but, it will be assumed later on by the absolute power
of evil itself.
Having explained my theological world view, I will now tell my
personal experience:
At age 30 I had some paranormal experiences with my girlfriend; she
was from a family of witches. This threw me into a nervous breakdown
and almost destroyed me. When an atheist sees objects flying across
the room and a witch teaching her daughter demonology it changes his
mind. Needless to say, I left my live-in black-witchcraft girlfriend
and headed for the hills as fast as I could before being eaten by a
I then met my wife to be, a Christian, who put humpty-dumpty back
together again. She introduced me to the Bible and other ancient
writings that spoke of angels, demons, and a variety of
interdimensional beings. I proceeded to study - especially prophecy
- at a fanatic’s level sticking to my own opinions and not what some
man-made denomination tried to tell me.
This study, meditation and prayer somehow opened a door to a
different more spiritual life style, spiritual insights and
coincidences. It also opened the door to seeing visions and
interdimensional entities - angels and demons. At times, they were
very vivid and as physical as the chair you are sitting in right
I also saw visions such as the Berlin Wall coming down 6 months
before it actually happened and the Chernobyl nuclear accident 3
days before it happened and to the exact location. I have had many
visions that have already happened and some that are presently
happening and some that are to come in the future. Please do not ask
me to look into a crystal ball and do not start writing me out
checks – I am neither "a preacher- for- profit", a
"money-mongering-monk" nor a "gold–getting-guru." Turn off your
television and don’t waste your money on them. It is better to give
it to the poor in your neighborhood–at least you know the food made
it into their mouths.
I bounced from church to church with great disappointment. The
so-called "spiritual people" believed in nothing spiritual-if that
makes any sense! They are into emotional sensuality with great
charismatic speakers and tear-jerking musicians. In a way it is a
carnal materialistic self-seeking lust for entertainment almost like
pornography! If the real Jesus walked in the front door, they would
leap out of the windows! I fell into the New Age Movement on the
project; because, they would at least listen to me. A few years
after the project, I realized my plague of demons were a result of
the Black Arts New Age Movement.
I had to force myself to study the
Bible again. Gradually, the dark veil lifted and I was liberated. I
am not an evangelist or a spiritual saint. I am only struggling to
stay out of the darkness. Only self-study of the Bible,
self-mediation and reaching God through prayer saved me from
destruction. The New Age Movement, the pragmatic humanitarians, and
traditional Christianity were all totally useless.
Several years ago, I went to the Edgar Cayce Foundation at Virginia
Beach and took some ESP tests. My wife and I aced the tests. The
participating crowd and the staff were amazed. They took our names.
We then went upstairs to the library to look around.
While I was reading a Masonic book, I overheard a conversation
between several men around the wall. They said that they had just
come back from Moscow and were talking about a secret experiment
that was conducted in Sweden. It involved CIA and
KGB agents in an
underground radio/television wave-proof room trance-channeling to
the dead. For the first time, they were able to bring from the dead
Albert Einstein and display him on television and ask him questions.
(This merger of the CIA and KGB happened several months before the
Berlin Wall came down – thus the Cold War was still on, but, only in
the eyes of the public. For mass media mind control see their own
brainwashing manual written for newspaper editors and TV networks -
called "Electronic Colonialism" written by Thomas McPhael,
The men attending were Oleg Jefimenco, a West Virginia University
Professor and Telekinesis Expert; Dr. John Sutton, Technical Officer
of Goddard Space Flight Center; C. B. Scott Jones, NIS/NSA and
President of the Human Potential Foundation;
Colonel John Alexander,
Leader of the Non-Lethal Weapons Division, of the D.O.D., and
Lynn Cayce, Jr.
A few years later, Dr. Spaniol of West Virginia State College at
Institute, West Virginia, was on a campaign to bring a "new wave"
industrial triangle to the state. We organized seminars with
politicians, businessmen, the captains-of-industry and the federal
government to initiate "research and development triads" with
inventor’s incubators – for a "new science." (One all day meeting at
West Virginia State College – in collaboration with NASA
- was filmed
and televised as the "Day of Discovery." I have a copy of the entire
If you were to listen to the NASA scientists on my videos talking to
the college professors and politicians, there is a "double-speak."
It clearly indicates NASA is not interested in looking for life in outerspace, but rather
in the inner earth and the
inter-dimensions around us. (On the "Day of Discovery" video
Gerald Suffon openly states that this is the "Esoteric Crew of
Goddard… and they are much more interested in the inner-earth than in outerspace!")
Hollywood and the media in general have pounded the public with the
"life in outer space" theme, the "Crash at Roswell", the "Alien
Autopsy", physical aliens being cloned and reverse engineering of
flying saucers. The real truth lies in what certain rogue
departments of the government are doing silently on their own. What
I learned is not from some conspiracy web-site or good science
fiction novel, it is from doing work for NASA on a civilian level.
Being a "test-rat" or "guinea-pig" in some of their esoteric and
microwave experiments. While the major book publishers and Hollywood
drum-up more nonsense for both the skeptic and believer to mislead
them under the long-standing management of the intelligence
agencies, we in the know squealers are totally ignored and labeled
"kooks"! (This "test rat" escaped the cage, took the mad professors
notes with him and ate the cheese on the way out and can and will
prove it!)
In December of 1992, I was approached by Dr. Spaniol to enter a
"project within a project". West Virginia State College had an
EARTH WAVE PROJECT sponsored and funded by NASA. I worked on
extremely low earth frequency analysis – E.L.F. - on campus 20 hours a
week and then worked on a clandestine NASA/NSA field project in the
rural countryside near my home another 20 to 40 hours a week. The
majority of students and staff associated with the project stayed on
campus and were unaware of the secret project. A minority of the
students and staff worked with me in the field on weekends. During
the week, I – a staff person - was "in-the-field" by myself making
contact with a variety of entities – some were from UFO’s (flying
saucers, etc.).
In December of 1992 the same group of men, that I met years earlier
at the Edgar Cayce Foundation, were at the meeting with others
including Dr. Steve Basset and
Dr. Greer. They all met somewhere in
Virginia either at Langley or at the Edgar Cayce Foundation. I do
not know for sure because they lied to me so much I was left
confused and misinformed most of the time. They had a government
paid psychic, Anna Himalayan, probably a fake name.
She was trance
channeling the Ascended Masters down to meet me in West Virginia.
This all happened before I even knew that I was the "chosen-one." (I
have most of the audiotapes of the conversations and
trance-channeling sessions Dr. Craig Spaniol recorded. By the way,
all videotapes and audiotapes have been copied and hidden in many
locations over the past several years. I only pass out to the public
a little of each topic I discuss which includes UFO film shots, team
meetings, personal ID cards, and other proof documented on 30 hours
of video.)
A couple of years earlier, I moved to Liberty, West Virginia,
between Ghost Hollow and Loom Tree Hollow. In the dictionary the
second definition of "loom" means UFO
- an unidentified light or
illuminated object moving on the horizon! Thus, we could then call
it "UFO Tree Hollow – refer to a Sissonsville Quadrant map of this
area. I had to figure that one out on my own.
Keeping me in the dark was a very important feature of their little
game. The Black Operations compartments of the departments of the
federal government always tell the naive corporations and colleges
that they are doing "A" when in reality they are working on "B"! Who
is going to volunteer to be microwaved into the next dimension - as
in "Beam me up Scotty?"
The untold contract also includes follow-up
visits (in the future) by "damage–and–control" to finish you off
with what will appear to your relatives and the public as a natural
cancerous death or heart attack. If you are a "chosen one", like
myself, expect to be shadowed by white vans, black helicopters and
snipers in the bushes outside your home radiating your body with
deadly E.L.F. until they kill you.
What I thought was amusing is that Dr. Greer and Dr. Basset were
head of an organization that was supposedly "lobbying" Congress and
the President to force the CIA to admit that they have a crashed
(physical) saucer and dead (physical) aliens. But, here they are
involved in communicating to the spirit-realm via mediums or witches
called psychics to bring the interdimensional "Etherians" to earth.
What a sharp contrast to what they are supposed to believe in and
what they really believe in. As usual, the radio and television
shows put these characters on and they continue to "hoodwink" the
public. (Some of these dis/mis-information officers are MC victims
themselves and the public just writes them off as eccentric
Next, the psychic said the Etherians wanted them to use the property
of a man that owns 6,000 to 12,000 acres. This "mystery-man" would
be open to UFO’s, the Esoteric, and the Occult. The "mystery man"
would also be a businessman, an ex-chemical engineer, and had a lot
of contact with UFO’s in the past. Later in the project, I proved
that the government-paid psychics were wrong on absolutely
everything that had to do with the UFO’s and the aliens.
The only
thing they were correct on were actual physical observations that
were derived through intelligence surveillance efforts. Thus,
proving the project to be an effort of the CIA to experiment with
electronic mind control, electronic occultism, and create a
holographic/ hologramic ‘benevolent space brother' New World Order
Religion. A strong delusion perpetrated by a collusion of high-tech
sorcerers and cosmic tricksters.
I had just moved to Liberty and met the ‘mystery man’, Bob Ranson,
storeowner and postmaster of Liberty. He was an ex-Army Intelligence
person; engineer and owner of an oil company that went bankrupt
because of
the Rockefellers, and owned 6,000 acres at one time in
the Liberty area. Bob knew where Ancient Adena and Poca Indian Holy
sites were located. He and his father used to dig up graves of the
Mound Builders. In fact, he invited me up to his house and we talked
about philosophy, politics and science. Being a Mason, he had a
tendency to be sort of esoteric and very eccentric. Bob claimed he
had powers and had also seen the "UFO folk" out in this area since
The Project Manager, Carl Anderson of Mt. Olive, West Virginia,
years later, told me similar things. Carl was also ex-army officer
during the early Vietnam–Era and based at airfields the "Air
America" CIA used in Cambodia. In civilian life, he worked as an
Industrial Engineer manager in California. He has mingled with a
variety of New Ager, UFO and healing groups. On several occasions,
he hinted that he had psychic abilities that were used by the
government-on and off-for quite some time. He contends he would not
join as an agent and totally sell his soul to the Devil as Doc did.
(I know that Dr. Spaniol continues to do 3-D secret work on
Department of Defense E.L.F. projects, which could possibly vary
from weather and mind control to cosmic communications or
microwave weapons.)
I personally have seen Carl do incredible feats
remote viewing and
psychic-parameter viewing; he is very talented
in feeling out earth energies and vibes from people. Carl lives near
one of the UFO portal-vortex hot zones and Bob lived near another
UFO portal–vortex hot-zone which was on his own 6000 acres of land.
See on the Internet Web the following:
and you will see why the World Futurist and Federalist Societies are
trying to eliminate people and make space for "The Gods!"
images recovered from
above non-working "link"
When I quit, after two years on the UFO contactee project,
Bob and
Dr. Spaniol tried to recruit other people. They all had the same
profile as me:
(1) Totally new to the area.
(2) Male.
(3) 5ft. /7
in. to 8 in
(4) Dark brown hair.
(5) Open to the occult.
(6) Have
seen interdimensional entities (angels and demons) and /or UFO’s.
(7) Were associated with Dr. Spaniol in some capacity.
(8) Had a
background as an electrician or electronic technician. (By the way,
Carl by this time had his own team working the areas closer to
This story goes on and on. I have made thousands of notes trying to
figure this out. I have spent countless hours in the woods making
close contact with a variety of
interdimensional entities. I have on
film the professors out in the field with UFO’s and me in the
background. I also have on video pre-field team meetings in Bob’s
store. It was obvious I was being "snowballed", "hood-winked" and
mislead from very critical information. I caught onto it all too
late to get the whole truth, but soon enough to set up a situation
that would prove the psychics and the government out to be
"witch-doctor social engineers."
Later in the game a team member, who was a NSA agent, put a sedative
in my drink and I was unconscious for several hours. After he left I
found a strange hole in my neck which I suspected was an implant. On
another occasion, I was with him on a camping trip and I was
supposedly abducted, according to him. Fortunately, I had left my
camera on as he took a device in a black bag and messed with it
while I was driving a truck through the most desolate area of this
state. I went into a "dumbed-down" trance and he drilled me.
I was
driving in a "black-out" mind set and on film I have him asking me
where I would hide when the New World Order takes over and comes
after me. (I didn’t even know about a New World Order back in 1995!
Nice to know what they are going to do! I wonder why? Are they
faking an invasion from outerspace with a real invasion from hell?
What is it that I know that makes me so dangerous to them?) He
insisted that I was abducted and that I had "missing time." The
video film footage proves otherwise.
Bob Ranson was like a UFO tour guide through a
was as if he was "conjuring-up-the-spirits" on the Ancient Adena
Indian lands that the government secretly protects. Since the 1920’s
"spiritualist days", major highways and airports have been turned
down from going in at Liberty. According to union construction
"That Bureau of Land Management (Federal) stopped
everything we have ever tried to put through there!"
Hence, many
so-called civilian lands are federal in disguise. You can hunt and
fish on Farmer John’s Pond but the hillside may have a nuclear
missile silo or a manmade saucer bunker in it. The real
Groom Lake
Area 51’s and Cheyenne Mountain NORADS are "Top Secret" and are
scattered about. Wake Up America! Or is that too much for your TV
set subliminal messaged massaged minds and E.L.F. pickled brains to
At times, I thought my nightly "close-encounters" were optical
illusions created by holograms/ holographs by the NSA. At other
times what appeared before me was definitely etheric or
interdimensional. On other occasions what I saw and filmed was
without a doubt man-made and a horrible reality. The job became more
confusing and I became very paranoid.
On many reconnaissance occasions, we actually saw trucks and vans go
into different mountainsides and disappear. After seeing this, some
of us started thinking the UFO’s were man made and the government
was in collusion with the aliens. What they were telling me, I
didn’t believe anymore. The riddle became much more confusing and
truth seemed further away. The government psychics were not
communicating with the Etherians, as they claimed. The outcome of
events was always different from what the psychics predicted. (I
have the psychics on audiotapes that Dr. Spaniol recorded in their
"Round Table Meetings.")
Wherever Bob pointed, there was a UFO. I would have to use
binoculars at first. He could see them with the naked eye instantly.
It was as if it were all staged for my benefit to get me hooked,
trained, initiated or convinced I had supernatural powers. I am
still baffled by most of it. (A few times alone with him in his
store when he was talking about ghosts, spirits, and hauntings,
doors would open or shut on their own - just feet away in plain view
with no wind or strings to do tricks. He would just laugh as I made
ready to bolt for the doorway and run outside.) Bob had more
telekinesis powers than the government paid psychics ever had – he
was a real live wizard.
Years later while reviewing my film footage, I saw that Bob was
leading us away. It was kind of like the "Raiders of the Lost Ark".
The Nazis at NASA wanted it but the NSA Nazis had it and refused to
give it up to the UN New World Order Nazis. I felt like I was
surrounded by Coptic Order Luciferians and Fascists from all sides
and they were tearing me apart to get this "technology transfer."
They wanted the ultimate "war machine" …they wanted one of "God’s
Chariots of Fire." With that type of technology they though they
could defeat any enemy even the coming of Christ. They can not do it
with man-made saucers or with the "Hell Wagons" of
Lucifer that they
presently are utilizing. That was one of the reasons they were using
Judea-Christians for this project. (Christians are their enemy, but
the churches do not know it yet and don’t want to know it, even when
you try to warn them.)
When the "naïve human guinea pig" had outlived their usefulness, it
was time for "Act Two" of the project - as the "agent" told me. They
experiment with hitting the Christian with a barrage of psychic-demonic-cannon attacks. If that does not destroy the "test-rat",
they move on to all out
microwaving E.L.F. techniques. If they can
not force the individual into committing a mass murder, suicide
and/or both, they will force them into auto accidents via E.L.F mind
If none of this works, they move in at night while the
individual sleeps and use the extremely dangerous so-called
"non-lethal" weapons to microwave them into a heart attack or
of cancer. Of course, if none of the above works, they must resort
to framing the individual into a Federal prison to finish him/her
off or arranged a physically forced suicide at the victim’s home.
I noticed Bob did not issue out hunting permits on his northern
lands. I then triangulated silver-looking saucers going into and
leaving the area of Painterfork Hollow and Sigmon Ridge. Before he
died, he told me that he was with the ones that "had it" and I
assumed he meant Spaniol or Anderson "wanted it." This told me that
one end of our government knows what it is all about and "has it";
but, the other end of the government "wants it". He also told me
some of the
UFO’s are "etheric" but others are "physical" man-made,
but, not reverse engineered as the CIA media had brainwashed the
masses. He told me everything from the "Roswell" to the "Alien
Autopsy" was all a well-orchestrated reverse-psychology Black Ops/Psy-Ops
warfare creation of the "Invisible Government" and the public
swallowed it all "hook-line-and-sinker".
A few minutes later a NSA agent that I recognized from a previous
job showed up with his young blonde (Aryan) bodyguard-dressed as
civilians. He tried to get into the back of his office but I
directed him to the front. He said, "I haven’t seen Bob in awhile".
I knew it was time to leave by the look on his face and the twirling
of a knife by his bodyguard. Bob knew him but acted frozen in fear.
I left and pulled my truck from the office over to Bob’s store next
door and watched what was going on for Bob’s safety.
Several weeks later the veins in Bob’s left arm collapsed. A few
weeks later he had a stroke. He was paralyzed on one side, but was
supposed to be released from the hospital to go home. The day before
the release he received an overdose of blood thinner and he
hemorrhaged. His wife who was at his bedside the whole time said two
unknown doctors came in and worked on Bob – afterwards he took a turn
for the worse and died May of 1998.
I was home at the time and something spiritual told me exactly what
had happened. The "Gate-keeper" died after being attended by doctors
his wife was not familiar with. Need I tell you my opinion? Well, a
warning to the "jack-boot" Gestapo: a chapter of my book will be
After hundreds of UFO’s documented on film and countless tries of
getting NASA’s "New Energy-Technology Transfer" with real
close-encounters, I decided it was time to get to the truth of it
all. I made a fake film right on my kitchen table on November 17,
1993. It fooled the film labs around here and NASA’s jet-propulsion
laboratories. Doctor Spaniol six months later was on his way to the
Isaac-Newton Conference in Moscow-again-to give a presentation on
NASA making the closest contact ever for a technology transfer of a
new energy. (That speech would have put a target on my back for
every oil baron in the world to shoot at; so, I had to tell him the
truth that the film was fake).
I had proved the psychics and their space brother religion to be a
lie. I had proven that many of the abduction scenarios are created
by both
E.L.F. electronic mind control and, also, demonic high-tech
occultism-enhanced by E.L.F. Yes, it was a NASA-NSA E.L.F. project
but the NWO/ UN/World Federalist CIA was trying to make a
Religion out of it. It was a staged play and I was making the actors
stumble and forgetting their lines. It was the CIA-SETI-PSYHIC–SATANIC–SCAM
Dr. Sutton was going to put a picture of the fake film on the front
cover of the NASA in-house magazine. What does all of this tell you?
They are seriously anticipating such a similar event and so are the
Russians. Hence, the "haves" in this are teasing and feeding the
"have-nots" with just enough data and proof as to lead them on. What
the NASA Esoteric-Engineers are thinking and what is really going on
may be two entirely different things. After all, how are the
Rockefellers going to feel about being plunged into bankruptcy and
how is it going to affect the rest of the world? (Laurance
Rockefeller funds many of the UFO organizations like
C.B. Scott
Jones’ Human Potential Foundation and Dr. Steve Greer’s
wonder why?)
Before I saved the NASA scientists from embarrassment, they had two
different psychics review the "Great Technology Transfer Encounter"
film, the fake November 17, 1993 video. One was Anna Himalayon and
the other was Lea Stancil from Lewisburg, West Virginia.
Lea and her husband, a Federal employee, just moved here from
Washington, D.C. I have both psychics on audiotapes interviewed
twice, on two separate occasions, concerning what happened on the
night of November 17, 1993. After reviewing the video separately at
different times, they gave their psychic readings on what the aliens
were doing and what happened to me during the abduction.
One said that it was a 600-foot ship with 10-foot tall aliens with
60 of them aboard this "mother-ship." According to the other
psychic, I was supposedly abducted and the aliens took the camera
and were doing the filming themselves. Both psychics made absolutely
ridiculous statements about the fake film and both psychics were
100% wrong. (I have the audiotapes recorded by Dr. Spaniol, but was
unable to get the video of these psychic sessions.)
How were the psychics so incredibly accurate in finding the
"mystery-man", Bob Ranson, for the project and repeating everything
that took place in my hypnosis sessions with Ph.D. and hypnotist,
Holly Forrester Miller, Dean of Psychiatry at the West Virginia
College of Graduate Studies. The answer is "surveillance" by the
Federal intelligence department that is trying to create a New
Religion out of UFO folklore, holograms, E.L.F. mind control
techniques, witchcraft and trickery –"Electronic-Occultism!"
fact, Dr. Spaniol and Project Manager Carl Anderson had electronic
technicians to go in and repair the sound studio and camera room,
which records the sessions in the hypnosis room – prior to my "filmed"
hypnosis sessions. No wonder their great psychic knew everything I
said while under trance. It was transmitted via satellites (NASA/NSA)
back to the "company" at Langley, Virginia! (If these guys knew that
I was this observant and can act as dumb as an ox, they would have
never hired me. A definite profiling mistake of the intelligence
After I told them that the Nov.17 film was a fake, the project’s
agent sent me on a "spirit quest" to rid myself of the demons
within. He said the psychics told him, to tell me, to go out back
over the mountain on a "spirit-quest" and the aliens will come to me
– after I was "purified." Previously, he told me it was necessary to
dump the others because they had selfish motives. My gut feeling
said to forget the "cosmic crusade" and stay inside.
This is another
trick that might have cost me my life. My "guardian angel" must have
been working overtime because that night, at the very location I was
instructed to sit, two cows dropped dead right next to each other
and the veterinarian could not figure out what killed them. (Was it
an electromagnetic pulse E.L.F. microwave weapon or an ice-bullet?
One thing is for sure, it was meant for me; but, the assassin left
mad and took it out on the cows!)
The sky filled with black unmarked helicopters night after night
beaming down searchlights with their infrared ground strobe. This
went on day and night - on and off - for years! Strange piper cub
and Cessna aircraft circled my house at very low altitudes for hours.
(I have all of this on video!)
I finally figured it out that they are using the E.L.F mind control
transmitters on us. We had countless nights of no rest - strange
noises ringing in our ears. We were being pounded day and night by
vans and by helicopters with these so-called non-lethal weapons and E.L.F. mind control microwave signals. This electronic butchering
continues to this day – on and off! The farmers and neighbors out
here have seen black unmarked helicopters picking up and dropping
off men in military camouflage carrying equipment and weapons
heading for my backyard through the woods. E.L.F. can drive you
insane or cause a stroke, heart attack or cancer.
I had a minor stroke and my wife lost her hearing due to minor
stroke. We both dramatically aged in just a few years. What is so
prophetic and ironic about all of this is that the Charleston
Gazette and other newspapers titled the project over our pictures as
the West Virginia State - NASA - M.E.I.R.F - E.L.F Project; and I was
being tormented by E.L.F.! What a coincidence?
Fire on the Fascists and they will fire back. They will tell the
media that it was just a routine DEA, FBI, or
ATF "stake-out" based
on a rumor or tip and you fired on them first – justifying your
homicide to the commie-press and "dumb-bell " public! They know how
to stroke your egos and pamper your hedonistic comfort-zones. They
have hundreds of social-psychologists at their
Tavistock and
Stanford mass mind control think-tanks that work on lying to you and
stripping you of your Constitutional Rights. They have politicians
and judges committed to their own secret societies or just plain
bought-off. The only way to fight them is by their own games and
that includes a revolting public, firing E.L.F. back on them and
their families. That is why they stay "hooded!"
They are a secret
society, bent on violence against those they hate-just like the KKK -
and you cannot trace their families because you never see who they
are! But, such social action is just wishful thinking for America is
"DOOMED!" After they put your sister in the grave and your brother
in prison forever, all they have to do is toss you a six-pack of
beer and a football and you will forget all about it. For others,
all they have to do is tell them don’t worry your going to get a
free ticket on the "Rapture Train." It is a toss up, which crowd is
the most useless in regard to stopping this ongoing tyranny. Thus,
it is "business –as-usual" and "the beat-goes-on!"
My wife and I were exhausted and my dogs were constantly fighting
each other in 1995 and 1996. Our families and neighbors turned
against us for no reason. Our lives went into a "black-hole" and the
mountain we lived on became the Abyss of Appolyon - The Destroyer. The
ghostly aliens continued to appear and I would speak to them in a
strange language, that the New Agers call Enochian. The white
triangle craft with rounded corners continued to show up and park
just outside my bedroom window 3 to 4 a.m. every morning. The
choppers circled the house day and night.
(Dr. Spaniol said it was
only the DEA doing routine "pot-plant" searches. In the middle of
the winter? Snow Pot? The neighbors were calling the FAA, FCC and
FBI because the chaos was disturbing their television reception and
home appliances.)
In the book "Kundalini Tales" by Richard Sauder about
E.L.F. mind
control devices, you can see a variety of United States patents from
the Patent Office – electronic schematics and everything else. On
page 16 of this book, you will find a picture of astronauts eating
breakfast with a few NASA engineers. The unidentified scientist
second from the right was my boss on the West Virginia State College
NASA E.L.F. Project – Technical Officer of Goddard Space Flight
Center, Ph.D., Dr. John Sutton.
You will see the very same man in
the videos I filmed at the college and the videos Dr. Craig Spaniol
filmed at the Tesla Society and Issac Newton conferences in the U.S.
and in the U.S.S.R. You would also hear the same man’s voice on
audiotapes with Dr. Spaniol and the psychics talking about the
with their "Aviary Round Table" staff members. (See my article,
"Riders on the Storm.") The spider web of Masonry and its great
influence on NASA and the "intelligence agencies" is also pointed
out in the "Kundalini Tales." Your mind and your life are nothing to
these Fascist Luciferians. We are all destined to be "test-rats" in
their world of "Electronic-Witchcraft!"
I had to forget my career and ride with my wife on her job giving
seminars to professionals for the past several years. At one
conference, after helping her set up everything in the country club,
I rested out in the car as she gave a seminar. An extremely unusual
thought process entered my mind. It awakened me and was very
powerful. I suddenly got these mad thoughts of anger and almost
uncontrollable rage.
I went inside to the dining hall to get an
aspirin. My head was about to explode. I went down into the basement
where the locker room was at and the thoughts stopped. I went back
upstairs and remembered that out in the parking lot, a white van had
parked next to us. It was there for three hours. The occupants never
got out! They saw me starring at them from the plate glass door of
the country club, and then they quickly drove away.
I caught them on several other occasions around us or behind us
whenever we wrecked. There is no doubt in my mind about who is
responsible for the insane postal shootings, the recent school
shootings, and the hazing gangs of guys chasing and raping girls on
beaches several years ago. This E.L.F. mind control is to create
chaos in order for the populace to willingly disarm themselves for
the future
New World Order takeover-which includes the genocide of
the majority of the world’s population. Historically and even in
recent years just before a mass killing of millions of one ethnic
group by another, the victims are ordered disarmed by the U.N.
We also lost the Korean and Vietnam wars; because, every U.N. leader
had as an U.N. advisor "Under-Secretary for Security and Political
Affairs" assigned to him that was Russian and/or communist which was
noted in an article on the web: "The Truth" by Lt.Col. Bud Farrell, USAF, rets.
The very people that want to save nature will destroy nature with
ELF, GWEN and other weapons of mass destruction. These
projects are not about saving nature. They are about saving Satan in
both a 3-D earthly battle and an inter-dimensional cosmic battle.
Everything else is just double-speak and conjecture as far as the
power-elite occultists are concerned. The more sincere
environmentalist evolutionist–atheists will soon witness in the near
future things that will drive them out of their materialist narrow
minds. History on occasion repeats itself and Genesis 6:1 and 11:
1-9 is about to repeat itself again. The high-tech Tower of Babel is
under construction again.
West Virginia University and Fairmont State College had a NASA E.L.F.
project also and sent representatives to J.P.L. (Jet
Propulsion Laboratory ) and they had another
group that was sent to Shasta Mountain in California. The UFO group
was directly linked to Barb Marx Hubbard’s
U.S. Army 1st Earth
Battalion. This group is led by the California Church of Set’s
satanic highest priest, Lt. Col. Mike Aquino and Lt. Col. Jim Channon. Contact results were given to political "power-elite" like
Maurice Strong, and Ex-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev who are
also in touch with the Ascended Masters.
At that time Gorby resided
at Camp Presidio – camp of the president - San Francisco, California,
with Satanists Aquino and Channon of the "New Ninja Night Warrior
Special Forces." This base was a spy language-training center.
Remember the "Ascended Masters" speak "Enochian?"
(See my article
on how they plan on taking over and the real connections in "THE
HIDDEN EVIL AGENDA"- the 4th Reich totalitarian police-state
dictatorship of the filthy high-tech Fascist Masonic rich.)
This is not even a fraction of my story. But, I will let it rest on
this. I wish for everyone that reads this to visit the following
Now go find a book called "THE AGE OF CATACLYSM", written by
Alfred Webre and Phillip Liss. This book calls for
everything that the Georgia Guide Stones calls for eliminating the
Congress and U.S. Constitution and the world population for a New
World Order and a Luciferian One World Religion. This book was
promoted by
SOCIETY and the psychics told them to tell the world leaders what to
do and the Ascended Masters told the psychics what to tell the
Who is really giving orders to whom? This book said on page
196 that this process of "cleansing" the world of the unfit and the
birth of a new age will begin after RUSSIA turns capitalist and
Berlin Wall comes down. How prophetic?
Barb Marx Hubbard suggested the same things recently at one of those
$5,000 plate dinners for Globalism. She was also the leader of the
World Federalist Society. At these World meetings, the elite stuff
their faces with gourmet dinners and talk about the need for us poor
slobs to carry food-rationing cards. The hypocrisy and double-speak
of the New Liberalism is right out of Hitler’s Mein Kampf!
The creator of the Church of Scientology, Dianetics and
Silva Mind
L.Ron Hubbard, was in a government sponsored esoteric
experiment. During WWII, Satanist
Aliester Crowley,
Hubbard, and
Parsons corresponded with Nazi Scientist,
Wilhelm Reich,
(Occult-UFO-Sex-Magician) in an effort to open another dimension (a
window) for the Ascended Masters to come into our dimension and
breed with women as in Genesis 6:1. What is strange is that these
experiments took place in the western deserts prior to the atomic
bomb blasts.
They were, also, connected to both the
Experiment and the Montauk Project. NASA was created and ran by the
German Fascists and Black Arts Occultists brought over here in
Project "Paper Clip." (Dr. Spaniol, who has worked on
non-lethal weapons, Haarp, ELF weather controls, and on the first
nuclear subs, told me this in an all night lecture.)
Read the books "The Gods Of The Lodge" by
Mike Haupt, or "The Dark
Side of Freemasonry" by Ed Decker, or "Freemasonry…The Invisible
Cult in Our Midst", by Jack Harris.
Read the book "Hitler’s Cross" by
Erwin Lutzer and you will see what
is happening in America today is exactly what was happening in
Germany in the 20’s and 30’s. The New Christianity will once again
be Hitler’s version of it, "cruel and intrepid."
Read the book "The Scientist" by
John C. Lilly, a testimonial of a
CIA volunteer contacting aliens through drugs and mental telepathy.
The Black Arts Occultists involved state that Christianity has
destroyed the environment of the earth. They have forgotten most of
Africa is paganistic or Muslim, most of Asia is Buddhist, Hindu, or
atheist communist and they are ecological disaster zones.
Post-Christian Europe and the United States are in very good shape
compared to the non-Christian countries; but, the hate for the Jews
and the real Christians are an outstanding spiritual trait of all
Anti-Christ political and religious movements. The whole New World
Order and One Religion theme is based on this as their bottom line.
It is in all of their books written by all of their favorite authors
and futurist visionaries.
Read "The Keys of Enoch" by
J.J. Hurtak and the Academy Of Future
Science. It is the hard cover New Age Bible to eliminate all
undesirables and bring in the Ascended Masters on a Mothership.
U.S. - the new Atlantis - is the major landing zone. Wonder why six
giant Masonic airports are being built geometrically across the
Read "The Messiah and The Second Coming" by
John Davis and Naomi
Rice. They state that the goals of the Federalists, United Nations,
and the Future World Society are all the same as Masonry and the
Age Movement. When achieved, Jesus comes back to us with a fleet of
flying saucers - UFO’s.
(I have an extremely rare book written in
1890 for the Masonic Lodge by DK – a demon with a variety of old
Masonic and New Age writings - called "Eye-Witness to a Crucifixion."
The almost extinct book says almost the same things as "The Messiah
and The Second Coming." They made one mistake. In one book,
lived 237 years and ascended from the top of the Great Pyramid. In
the other book, Jesus faked the crucifixion and died 6 months later
of grief because of the way things turned out for his ministry. If
possible, the Masonic writer – now dead - would probably like to get
his hands on that New Age writer for ‘dropping the torch!’)
Finally read the book "Mount Shasta California’s Mystic Mountain" by
Emile A. Frank, a UFO cult leader and Barb Hubbard fan. She does a
good job in proving that the UFO’s and E.T’s are from the
earth – not outerspace. She also clarifies that they are
spiritual – not physical beings. She demonstrates that all most Occultic organizations are
Masonic and Luciferian. She emphasizes in
several areas that in order for Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s, Ruth
Montgomery’s and her New World Order/New Age to come about with a
materialization of the Atlantian Ascended Masters – the Christians
and Constitutionalists must be "cleansed from the earth" - mass
genocide. See pages 116 and 128 those are only two examples of this
resurgence of the new Hitler-type crystal-jingling coffee shop
tie-die Fascists.
So, here it is. Psychics (witches) telling world leaders to unite
and exterminate the masses and enslave the survivors for a super
high-tech occultic Luciferian Age. An endless network of paganists,
masons, witches and occultists in an alliance with Nazis hired by
the CIA in Project Paper Clip 50 years ago. A secret government
sworn by oath to Satan itself to enslave the earth and destroy all
those that do not worship him. Their goal is to bring the King of
the Ascended Masters to Earth "in the physical" for all to see.
is why they called the CSETI project "Falling Star!"
The Alien Agenda is the same as the
Ascended Master Agenda.
The Ascended Master Agenda is the same as the
Psychics Agenda.
The Psychics Agenda is the same as the
World Federalist Agenda.
World Federalist Agenda is the same as the United Nations Agenda.
The United Nations Agenda is the same as the
Fema Agenda.
The Fema
Agenda is the same as The New Constitution of the United States
Through massive electronic networking and artificial intelligence
the mind frequency and soul-spirit harmonics will be altered to
allow a mass invasion of demonic ‘walk-ins.’ The world will explode
with chaos and madness. Remember that the Masonic slogan is "Ordo Ab
Chao" – out of chaos comes order and out of the ashes of the
Phoenix, the Serpent rises to power.
The aliens are the archangels of hell. The world leaders are taking
orders from witches and demons from Hell! This is exactly what is in
the book of Revelations of the Bible. Even the description of the
evil spirits that bring
the United Nations to the Battle of
Armageddon appearing as frogs or
alien reptoids is in Revelations
16:12-14 of the Bible.
The first wave of an alien invasion is out of hell. The second wave
of strange balls of fire and lights coming down in flashes of
lightning east to west is out of Heaven –do not be deceived!
When the skies light up with an alien invasion – that will be Satan
and 1/3 of the ex-arch–angels of heaven falling (materializing) on
earth. They will meet with
the Illuminati Brotherhood for a Harmonic
Convergence. The man-made police state hovercraft will come out of
their secret underground bunkers and will hunt the majority of you
down with these so-called non-lethal microwave weapons.
television may call it the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and
Rapture or something to that equivalent. Whether it is God’s
Tribulation Period or just another man-made Armageddon instigated by
cruel lying utopianists, take my advice: do not go outside and try
to….. "Catch A Falling Star!"