Chapter 14
14.1 Funding Population Control
14.2 Aims and Methods
14.3 Environmentalism
14.4 Public Health Policy and Western Medicine
14.5 Cancer
14.6 Vaccination
14.7 Mind Control Technology
14.8 Junk Food
14.9 Fluoride
14.10 Germ Warfare
14.11 Depleted Uranium
14.12 Forced Abortion and Sterilization
14.13 GM Food
14.14 Weather Modification
14.15 Nanotechnology
14.16 Eugenics
Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between
rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different
species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an
organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating
mutton. -Bertrand Russell,
The Impact of Science on Society
With the restraints of moral conventions and democracy dispensed
with, the new utopia offers the holy grail of all dictators: Control
over life itself. Yet some of that control has existed for decades
in spite of our notionally free and democratic societies. Science
offers the great advantage that very few people can understand it.
Whoever pays for its conduct and its presentation in the popular
media can dictate the consensus on any given issue, simply by
asserting that his committee of experts are the most distinguished.
The less well funded and represented dissenters are labeled the
dangerous 'quacks' and 'junk scientists'.
And this is how the petrochemical-pharmaceutical cartel has killed,
injured, and sterilized millions of people over the last hundred
years. The same forces that supported Hitler have continued to
operate covertly ever since.
Population control is multi-faceted. It includes: Reducing the
number of people; eugenics; reducing intelligence levels; mind
control; increasing poverty; and creating financial dependence on
the pharmaceutical industry. Various facets of the population
control agenda can be served simultaneously by the same device.
Facing up to this 21st century holocaust merely requires an
acknowledgement of the moral position of its elevated sponsors. Some
might be unashamedly evil but most are Malthusians who believe that
the there is no sanctity in human life. To 'save the planet' we must
kill off most of the people, so said Jacques Cousteau in the UNESCO
Courier of November 1991:
The damage people cause to the planet is a function of demographics
-it is equal to the degree of development. One American burdens the
earth much more than twenty Bangladeshes ... This is a terrible
thing to say. In order to stabilize world population, we must
eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but
it's just as bad not to say it. (1)
Bertrand Russell, one of the twentieth century's most eminent
philosophers, said the same in his book, The Impact of Science on
At present the population of the world is increasing ... War so far
has had no great effect on this increase ... I do not pretend that
birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from
increasing. There are others ... If a Black Death could be spread
throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could
freely without making the world too full...(2)
Russell also supported the idea of engineering human beings to meet
social requirements:
Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy... It is to be
expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give
governments much more control over individual mentality than they
now have even in totalitarian countries. Fitche laid it down that
education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils
have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of
their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their
schoolmasters would have wished... Diet, injections, and
injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort
of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider
desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will
become psychologically impossible.
The Nazis were more scientific than the present rulers of Russia... If they had survived, they would probably have soon taken to
scientific breeding. Any nation which adopts this practice will,
within a generation, secure great military advantages. The system,
one may surmise, will be something like this: except possibly in the
governing aristocracy, all but 5 per cent of males and 30 per cent
of females will be sterilized. The 30 per cent of females will be
expected to spend the years from eighteen to forty in reproduction,
in order to secure adequate cannon fodder. As a rule, artificial
insemination will be preferred to the natural method...
Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between
rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different
species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an
organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating
mutton. (3)
The progressively dumbed down society described in Brave New World
is desirable to those in the ruling class who believe in 'command
and control'. However, with the internet serving as a counter-weight
to official disinformation, we can now afford ourselves some
protection against a health catastrophe we might otherwise endure at
their hands.
Displayed on Rockefeller University's website homepage on 3 December
2003, was a picture of a crowded city market with the following
caption beneath:
It took from the beginning of time until 1950 to put the first 2.5
billion people on the planet. Yet in the next half-century, an
increase that exceeds the total population of the world in 1950 will
occur, So writes Joel E. Cohen, Ph.D., Dr.P.H., professor and head
of the Laboratory of Populations at The Rockefeller University and
Columbia University, in a Viewpoint article in the November 14 issue
of the journal Science.(4)
Limiting population growth has been a preoccupation of the European
and American elite throughout the twentieth century. The Population
Council was established in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III. The
multi-billion dollar World Wildlife Fund is sponsored by British and
Dutch Royalty and the elite environmental think-tank, The Club of
Rome, counts several world leaders amongst its members.
The U.N.'s
population control activities receive funding from all the major
charitable foundations, especially the Ford Foundation and
Rockefeller Foundation. Ted Turner's $1 billion United Nations
Foundation and the $24 billion Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are
entirely devoted to population control activities although they are
disguised as public health campaigns.
The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) is the single largest
international source of overt funding for population and
reproductive health programmes. Since it began operations in 1969,
the Fund has provided nearly $6 billion in 'assistance' to
developing countries.(5)The UNFPA only manages one quarter of the
world's population control budget for developing countries, which is
in excess of $1 billion per year.(6) The Netherlands, Britain, and
Japan were by far the biggest funders of UNFPA in 2001, providing
almost 50% of the total $396 million.(7)
Meanwhile the U.S. Agency
for International Development (USAID) gives substantially more money
to population control programmes than to healthcare and food
The population control agenda is presented to the public as a
universal concern for planetary resources and environmental
pollution, and to a lesser degree, socio-economic deprivation,
women's rights, and reproductive health. Whatever the truth of these
arguments, the point is that population 'control' is coercive. The
policy papers on population control contain objectives that are so
extreme that coercion would certainly be needed to meet them.
1972 benchmark environmentalist publication,
The Limits To Growth,
predicted planetary meltdown by 2050 unless radical limits to
population growth were imposed. In 1974, this was translated into
hard U.S. national security policy by National Security Advisor,
Henry Kissinger. His lengthy National Security Study Memorandum 200
laid out the aims, timescale, and methods of U.S. foreign policy for
limiting the population growth of 'lesser developed countries'.(9)
Measures were to be taken to keep the world's population growing
beyond 8 billion, meaning 500 million fewer people by year 2000 and
3 billion fewer by 2050.
However, many suspect that this is nowhere
near the real target of the elite and their Malthusian
collaborators, which is to cut the world's current population in
half. The American population control think tank, Negative
Population Growth Inc., recommended in 1992 that the population of
the U.S. should be 125-150 million, requiring a 50% cut from its
current level.(10) In 1995, the same think-tank published a study
recommending an 80% reduction in global population. (11)
In NSSM 200, Henry Kissinger stated that no single approach would
'solve' the population problem. Multiple and seemingly unconnected
approaches are also less likely to attract attention. Here follows a
short-list of these approaches.
The environmental movement has been an important tool for justifying
population reduction. As The Daily Telegraph recently reported,
banning the pesticide DDT in the early 1970s was a huge victory for
the population controllers. DDT was introduced as an insecticide in
the 1940s and promised to eradicate malaria, one of the world's
biggest natural killers. Despite all the scientific evidence to the
contrary, the powerful environmental lobby declared it dangerous,
and so it was banned.
As a result, hundreds of millions of lives
have been lost to malaria unnecessarily.(12) Alexander King,
president of the
The Club
of Rome, confirmed the real purpose of the ban:
My own doubts came when DDT was introduced. In Guyana, within two
years, it had almost eliminated malaria. So my chief quarrel with
DDT,in hindsight, is that it has greatly added to the population
The pharmaceutical industry is a multi-trillion dollar business, and
healthcare spending consumes a significant proportion of Western
GDP. One family in particular has played a key role in the
development of the pharmaceutical industry - The Rockefellers. As
described in chapters 2 and 4, the Rockefellers invested in the
German chemical and pharmaceutical giant, I.G. Farben in the 1930s.
Sterling Drug, Inc., was the main cog and largest holding company in
the Rockefeller drug empire during the first half of the 20th
Today, Rockefeller owned Bristol-Myers Squibb Inc.
accounts for nearly half of the chemotherapy sales in the world.(15)
The five leading private medical research institutes in the U.S. are
either controlled by, or affiliated to,
the Rockefellers:
Rockefeller University
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Cold Spring Harbour Laboratories
These institutes conduct
cutting edge medical research which affects the world's entire
health care system.
A brief chronology of the establishment of health and educational
institutions by John D. Rockefeller:
1889 -1909 The University of Chicago
1901 The Rockefeller Institute For Medical Research, now Rockefeller
1909 Rockefeller Sanitary Commission for Eradication of Hookworm
1910 In partnership with the Harriman family, funded the Station for
Experimental Evolution and Eugenics Records Office in Cold Spring
1914 The China Medical Board (16)
The $65 million endowment of the Rockefeller Institute dwarfed the
budget of the Public Health Service in the first three decades of
20th century.(17) Rockefeller University is a world leading centre
for pharmaceutical medicine. Its website boasts:
In its history, Rockefeller has been associated with 22 Nobel
laureates and 18 Lasker Award recipients. Five faculty members have
been named MacArthur Fellows and 11 have garnered the National Medal
of Science, the highest science award given by the United States.
And, 34 Rockefeller faculty are elected members of the National
Academy of Sciences... Rockefeller forges collaborations with
biotech and pharmaceutical companies as needed to speed research
findings into development to improve patient care.(18)
The world's premier AIDS research institution, Aaron Diamond AIDS
Centre, is affiliated to the Rockefeller University by academic,
infrastructural, and administrative ties.(19) Established in 1991,
ADARC is the world's largest private research laboratory devoted
solely to biomedical research on HIV/AIDS and is currently
co-leading China's largest AIDS 'treatment programme'.(20)
Rockefeller owned Time magazine voted their man at ADARC, Dr David
Ho, 'Man of The Year' in 1996.
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute has worked in partnership with
the Rockefeller University since 1986.(21) Founded in 1953, at close
of financial year 2002, Howard Hughes Medical Institute endowment
was $10.3 billion making it the second largest philanthropy in the
USA after the $24 billion Bill Gates Foundation.(22) HHMI currently
employs seven Nobel prize winners. (23) Current Trustees include
James A Baker III and CEO of the Hughes Corporation, William R
Lummis. In 1987 World Bank President, James D Wolfensohn, was
elected as trustee. (24)
The Rockefeller University has close ties with Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.(25) During early 1970s Laurence S.
Rockefeller sat on the board of the Memorial Sloan -Kettering Cancer
Centre and was trustee of the Sloan Foundation.(26)The Rockefeller
University archive reveals that the Rockefellers provided
substantial endowment for Memorial Sloan-Kettering.
The New York
Cancer Hospital, founded in 1884, was one of the first hospitals
devoted entirely to the research and treatment of cancer. Later
known as the General Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied
Diseases (1899-1916), and then as Memorial Hospital, it was vastly
expanded and modernized in 1936 as a result of contributions by John
D. Rockefeller II and the General Education Board. The Sloan
foundation was founded in 1934 by Alfred P. Sloan Chairman of
General Motors.
In 1945, the Sloan-Kettering Institute was created
to conduct intensive research in oncology. In 1960 the Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center was formed to serve as an
administrative umbrella for the hospital and institute.(27)
Rockefeller's modernization involved relocating Memorial to a new
site just across the street from Rockefeller University. (28) Nelson
A. Rockefeller was a Member of Westchester County (NY) Board of
Health from January 1933 to June 1953.(29) Westchester became home
to the Phelps Hospital founded in 1952 with Rockefeller money.
a donation of 66 acres on the Hudson River and $500,000 by the
Arthur Curtis James Foundation, along with a pledge of $800,000
toward the project by John D. Rockefeller II, the new hospital was
born.(30) The Phelps Hospital is now one of the sites of Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre.(31) James Robinson III, Chairman of
the MSKCC board of Overseers and Managers, is also a director of
Bristol-Myers Squibb. Richard Gelb, Vice-Chairman of the MSKCC
board, is also Bristol-Myers Chairman of the Board. Richard Furlaud,
another MSKCC board member, recently retired as Bristol-Myers'
The Station for Experimental Evolution and The Eugenics Records
Office was endowed with funds from the Rockefeller and Harriman
families in 1910.(33) Since the 1970s, the re-named Cold Spring Harbour Laboratories have been home to the world's cutting edge
research programmes on cancer as well as research in neurobiology,
plant genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics. James Watson,
co-discoverer of DNA, was its Director from1969 to 1994 and it is
undertaking work to map the human genome on behalf of The Human
Genome Project.(34)
The early research into eugenics at Cold Spring
was mirrored by the Rockefellers' funding of racial hygiene research
in Germany at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry in Munich
and The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology,
Eugenics, and Human Heredity in Berlin in the late 1920s.(35)
However, the roots of this pharmaceutical stranglehold penetrate
deep into the American education system. In 1910, a report was
produced by the American Medical Association that changed the course
of medical history. Previously, American medical education had been
unregulated and suffered a bad reputation. Seeing an opportunity,
the Carnegie Foundation offered to produce guidelines and
qualifications for medical schools on behalf of the AMA.
The Flexner
Report, named after Abraham Flexner of the Carnegie Foundation,
included recommendations to strengthen courses in pharmacology.
Rockefeller and Carnegie then commenced to pour money into those
institutions which conformed to the new requirements. To date,
Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Sloan, Kellogg and other foundations
have showered over a billion dollars on the medical schools of
America. (36)
According to The Drug Story by Maurice Bealle, an investigation into
Rockefeller influence on medicine, the Rockefeller Foundation was
the single largest contributor to American medical education:
Harvard, with its well-publicized medical school, has received
$8,764,433 of Rockefeller's Drug Trust money, Yale got $7,927,800,
Johns Hopkins $10,418,531, Washington University in St. Louis
$2,842,132, New York's Columbia University $5,424,371, Cornell
University $1,709,072, etc., etc.(37)
The Rockefellers and their alumni have held key positions directing
American public health, and were directly involved with the
establishment of American public health institutions. In 1938 Jewish
German researchers fleeing Hitler were welcomed at the newly founded
National Institutes of Health, built on a private estate in Bethesda
donated by John D. Rockefeller.(38)This is still the home of the NIH
today. Nelson A. Rockefeller was Under Secretary of Department of
Health, Education, and Welfare from June 1953 to January 1955.
to this appointment he was Chairman, Special Committee on Defense
Organization from February to April 1953 and afterwards, Consultant
to Secretary of Defense on Organization of the Department of Defense
from January to April 1958. Between January 1953 and December 1958
he was Chairman of the President's Advisory Committee on Government
Organization. Rockefeller took the HEW job to reorganize the health
department to meet the secrecy requirements of U.S. biological,
chemical, and nuclear weapons programme which required substantial
testing on unwitting American and Canadian citizens, as described in
the section on AIDS below.(39)
Laurence S. Rockefeller was also on
the board of the Community Blood Council of Greater NY, funded by
the Sloan Foundation. (40) Rockefeller University faculty boasts 34
National Academy of Science members and eight of the New York
Academy of Sciences' Council currently work for Rockefeller
connected companies or institutions. (41)
Charges of genocide against the Drugs Trust are appropriate on three
1) Most pharmaceuticals do not cure diseases;
Pharmaceuticals kill and injure vast numbers of people;
Pharmaceuticals are forced upon the public by governments and
effective alternatives are denied.
Given the first two charges, it
might seem impossible for the third to be accomplished in a free
society. This is how it's done:
1) Laws and
controlling medical treatments, mainly administered by agencies such
as the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. and The Medicines
Control Agency in the U.K. mandate which treatments are safe,
effective, and legal;
2) Professional medical associations who
license doctors dictate what treatments can be prescribed;
3) The
British and European model of socialized medicine allows the
government health departments to decide health policy and purchase
treatment on behalf of the public which very rarely includes
non-drug based treatments;
4) Medical research bodies controlled by
the Drugs Trust and the government, influence the policies of the
previous three. 1, 2, and 3 are the enforcement arm of the cartel
whilst method 4 is the propaganda arm.
In this way western public
health-care system is the epitome of fascism: The corporations use
government to enforce a cartel at the expense of the public
Recent articles in the mainstream media and medical journals have
revealed the tip of the public death-care iceberg. Killing 250,000
patients a year, doctors are the third leading cause of death in the
U.S. according to the Journal of American Medical Association.(42)
A recent editorial in The Lancet (Vol. 359, No. 9313; 2002) warned
of the corruption of Western medicine by drug companies. The editors
of this most esteemed scientific journal asked, "Just how tainted
has medicine become [by pharmaceutical industry payoffs]?"
concluded, "Heavily, and damagingly so," urging "doctors who support
this culture for the best of intentions" to "have the courage to
oppose practices that bring the whole of medicine into disrepute."
(43)Up to half the articles on drugs which appear in mainstream
medical journals are written by ghost writers employed by drug
companies not the named authors.(44)
Congressman Dan Burton has been investigating vaccines for four
years as Chairman of the Dan Burton Committee on Government Reform
on The Status of Research into Vaccine Safety and Autism. He
believes that conflicts of interest at the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) are a problem, particularly on the vaccine advisory
This presents a real paradox when the CDC routinely allows
scientists with blatant conflicts of interest to serve on
influential advisory committees that make recommendations on new
vaccines, as well as policy matters... All the while these same
scientists have financial ties, academic affiliations, and other
vested interests in the products and companies for which they are
supposed to be providing unbiased oversight.(45)
Dr Matthias Rath, research colleague of Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling
and Director of Cardiovascular Research at the Linus Pauling
Institute in Palo Alto, California, is a world expert in nutritional
medicine.(46) On 14th June 2003, Dr Rath filed a complaint at the
International Criminal Court in The Hague against the pharmaceutical
The charges brought were 'genocide' and other 'crimes
against humanity', committed in connection with the pharmaceutical
industry's business with disease:
The accused willfully and systematically maintain cardiovascular
diseases, including high blood pressure, heart failure, diabetic
complications and other diseases, cancer, infectious diseases
including AIDS, osteoporosis and many other of today's most common
diseases that are recognized to be largely preventable by natural
means. The accused have deliberately caused the unnecessary
suffering and premature death of hundreds of millions of people.
The accused systematically and deliberately prevent the eradication
of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases by obstructing
and blocking the dissemination of life-saving information on the
health benefits of natural non-patentable therapies. Thereby, the
accused have deliberately caused further unnecessary suffering and
the premature death of hundreds of millions of people. The accused
deliberately and systematically expand existing diseases and
creating new diseases by manufacturing and marketing pharmaceutical
drugs with short-term symptomatic relief but with known and
detrimental long-term side-effects. Thereby the accused have
deliberately caused further unnecessary suffering and premature
death of hundreds of millions of people.
In 1996 the U.N. Codex Alimentarius Commission launched a
initiative to restrict access to natural medicines. The Codex has
been translated into hard law by the E.U.(48) In August 2005, The
European Food Supplements Directive will become law across the E.U.
including the U.K.. This will remove over 5000 vitamin formulations
from U.K. shops and dramatically cut the dosage of many others.
Herbal Medicines Directive under consideration by the European
Parliament will prevent any new herbal formulas ever coming onto the
market and remove any herbal product which hasn't had a proven track
record in the E.U.. The Pharmaceuticals Directive seeks to expand
the scope of the drug classification. In its current wording even
food or water can be included as a substance which 'restores,
corrects, or modifies physiological functions'.
The banning of over-the-counter natural medicine will create a two
tier planetary health system as the E.U. laws are imposed in other
countries under World Trade Organization 'harmonization' rules which
will include America. Natural Medicines will be available on
prescription only for those that can afford to pay for private
consultations whilst the state-run health-care systems will continue
to prescribe pharmaceuticals to the public. In this way, the elite
will blatantly deny most people access to ground-breaking
life-extension herbal and vitamin formulations that they themselves
will continue to enjoy.
Dr Rath states that,
'No sinister dark men stand behind the unethical
plans of the "Codex Alimentarius" commission, but unscrupulous
shareholders and investors of the pharmaceutical industry bank on
it'. (49)
However, the controlling stake in the pharmaceutical
industry is held by the same tiny cabal that controls all other
major industries. They are committed to planetary de-population as
their policy papers show. It is not, therefore, just about making
A challenge to the E.U. Food Supplements Directive is currently
being mounted in the European Court of Justice by the Alliance for
Natural Health (see
One in three Europeans and one in two Americans will get cancer. Ten
million people a year die of cancer worldwide.(50) Despite the
trillions of dollars spent on orthodox research and treatment for
cancer, the medical establishment is no further forward in finding a
cure. The reason is, of course, that the cancer industry is a hugely
profitable population control programme which depends upon patented
World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17, by
G. Edward
Griffin, was first published in 1974. The foreword to the 1997
edition states that absolutely nothing has changed since then,
except the actors in the plot.
The book details the astonishing fraud and cover-up of the
effectiveness of
vitamin B17 (laetrile), not least by the
Rockefellers' Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre. For five years
between 1972 and 1977 the effectiveness of laetrile was tested by Dr
Kanematsu Sugiara at MSKCC. On 13 June 1973, he produced a report
which strongly indicated its anti-cancer properties.
This did not
please his employer, who then set about denigrating his findings,
saying that no one else could reproduce them. By 1977, the propaganda
war was won. However in November 1997, Ralph Moss, the Assistant
Director of Public Affairs who wrote the propaganda, did an
extraordinary thing. He held his own press conference at which he
named the MSKCC officials who had collaborated in the massive
laetrile cover-up. He was fired the next day, but the media soon
forgot all about it. (51)
Since the FDA banned laetrile in 1971, thousands of Americans have
traveled to Mexico and Germany every year to be treated with it.
American doctors can have their licenses taken away for prescribing
it, or even face imprisonment in California due to its 'anti-quack'
cancer legislation. In the U.K., it is illegal for anyone other than
registered medical practitioners to claim they can cure or treat
Unfortunately it is the Rockefeller/I.G. Farben monopoly
treatment of cancer which is quackery: there is no evidence that
chemotherapy or radiotherapy increase life expectancy. In fact both
are extremely toxic and often lethal treatments which themselves
destroy the patient's immune system and cause cancer and death.
Dr. Lorraine Day is an internationally acclaimed orthopedic trauma
surgeon and best selling author. She spent 15 years on the faculty
of the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco
as Associate Professor and Vice Chairman of the Department of
Orthopedics. She was also Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San
Francisco General Hospital and is recognized worldwide as an AIDS
Ten years ago, she contracted breast cancer and reached the
terminal stage. However she refused orthodox treatment and devised
for herself a ten point plan which didn't involve drugs or even
vitamin supplements. Knowing that cancer is the consequence of a
dysfunctional immune system, poor diet, and lifestyle and
environmental factors, she cured herself by addressing these issues.
Dr. Day, like many thousands of others, is alive and well today by
taking matters into her own hands. She is roundly attacked in the
mainstream press for her crusade against the fraud of the cancer
industry and the drug industry in general.
Pictures of her tumor can
be seen at
It seems illogical that self-proclaimed population control advocates
would spend billions of dollars on vaccination programmes trying to
save the lives of millions of people in the Third World. The grim
reality is that they are covertly murdering and sterilizing these
poor people under the guise of public health. Launched in 1999, The
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization is a partnership of
the who's who in population control:
The Rockefeller Foundation
$24 billion Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
the United Nations
Foundation (a $1 billion endowment by Ted Turner)
The World Bank
The World Health Organization
Western governments (53)
The stated mission of GAVI and the Vaccine Fund, is to ensure that
'all the world's children have equal access to lifesaving vaccines'.
Unfortunately, the more malnourished a child is the more likely it
is to suffer a severe reaction to
immune-suppressing vaccinations, especially when they are given in
combination. Even the American Vaccination Adverse Event Reporting
Systems (VAERS) set up in 1990, gives some indication of the carnage
caused by vaccines. 90% of all adverse reactions go un-reported to
VAERS and chronic conditions which emerge months or years later,
such as autism, autoimmune diseases, allergies, cancer, and
neurodevelopment disorders, are not officially recognized as
consequences of vaccinations anyway.(54)
The report by United Press
International should be read bearing this in mind:
As of the end of last year, the system contained 244,424 total
reports of possible reactions to vaccines, including 99,145
emergency room visits, 5,149 life-threatening reactions, 27,925
hospitalizations, 5,775 disabilities, and 5,309 deaths, according to
data compiled by Dr. Mark Geier, a vaccine researcher in Silver
Spring, Md. The data represents roughly 1 billion doses of vaccines,
according to Geier. (55)
An investigative report by Roman Bystrianyk for, shows that there is little epidemiological
evidence for the contribution of vaccines to the widescale reduction
in death rates from infectious diseases.(56) The Vital Statistics of
the United States, published by the Bureau of the Census and the
U.S. Dept. of Health, contain death rates from infectious diseases.
From 1900 to 1963, when the measles vaccine was introduced, death
rates from measles had declined from 13.3 per 100,000 to 0.2 per
100,000 - a 98% decrease. From 1900 to 1949, death rates from
whooping cough declined from 12.2 per 100,000 to 0.5 per 100,000 - a
96% decrease.
From 1900 to 1949, death rates from diphtheria
declined from 40.3 per 100,000 to 0.4 per 100,000 - a 99% decrease.

fig. 1: Death rates from infectious diseases in the U.S.
Mortality data in England and Wales provided by the Office of
National Statistics in 1997 shows an identical picture. From 1850 to
1968, when the measles vaccine was introduced, death rates from
measles had declined from a
range of 52.11 to 26.6 per 100,000 to 0.11 per 100,000 - a range of
99.6% to 99.8% decrease. From 1860 to 1955, death rates from
whooping cough declined from a range of 43.73 to 60.86 per 100,000
to 0.2 per 100,000 - a 99.5% to 99.7% decrease.
Also note that scarlet fever and typhoid were eliminated in both
countries without any vaccination programme.
Public health experts have long recognized these facts.
Thomas McKeown was Professor of Social Medicine in the University of
Birmingham Medical School between 1950 and 1978. He is still
regarded as a major social philosopher of medicine, and known for
his important works on epidemiology and the practice and purpose of
His conclusion was that infectious diseases were declining
well before widespread vaccination:
The distinguished epidemiologist Thomas McKeown (1912-1988)
maintained that reductions in deaths associated with infectious
diseases (air-, water-, and food-borne diseases) cannot have been
brought about by medical advances, since such diseases were
declining long before effective means were available to combat them.
A paper published in the premier medical journal, The Lancet, in
January1977 by the Department of Community Medicine, also indicated
that vaccinations were not responsible for the decline in mortality:
Vaccination, beginning on small scale in some places around 1948 and
on a national scale in 1957, did not affect the rate of decline if
it be assumed that one attack usually confers immunity, as in most
major communicable diseases of childhood. … The steady decline of
whooping cough between 1930 and 1957 is predictive of a linear
exponential decay characteristic of a general and progressive
lessening in the volume and spread of infection among the
susceptible population. With this pattern well established before
1957, there is no evidence that vaccination played a major role in
the decline in incidence and mortality in the trend of events
An even a more recent editorial statement from the
Journal of
Pediatrics in December 1999 declared that proper sanitation was
largely responsible for the early large declines in infectious
...the largest historical decrease in morbidity and mortality caused
by infectious disease was experienced not with the modern antibiotic
and vaccine era, but after the introduction of clean water and
effective sewer systems.
Again, in the August 2001 edition of the
American Journal of
Infection Control, epidemiologists concluded that,
except for the smallpox vaccination, which was introduced in 1798
and made compulsory in England in 1853, the overall contribution of
medical innovations to the health revolution of the 1800s is
difficult to validate. Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine
arrived on the scene only after disease mortality rates already had
been reduced significantly; measles, rubella, and polio vaccines did
not become available until the middle of the 20th century
Because they do not trigger a proper immune response, vaccinations
give live viruses and other live vaccine contaminants a headstart in
the body. Normally microorganisms have to pass through the mucous
membranes in the mouth and gastro-intestinal tract which are lined
with Immunoglobulin A.
Interaction with IgA triggers a cellular
immune response which precedes the antibody/humoral response.
Injected microorganisms bypass the mucousal /cellular immune system
and directly trigger the antibody-producing plasma cells in the bone
marrow. This is why vaccine manufactures add immune system
stimulating 'adjuvants' such as aluminium, lipopolysacchride and
squalene. Live microorganisms also take advantage of significant
immune suppression caused by the vaccination itself.
Research found
that 20% of measles vaccines recipients have chronic measles
infections in their brains later in life indicating that live virus
vaccines create greater risk of developing the disease.(57) In the
New England Journal of Medicine of July 1994, a study found that
over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted
whooping cough had been fully vaccinated against it. (58)
Archie Kalokerinos is a Life Fellow of the Royal Society for
Health, a Fellow of the International Academy of Preventive
Medicine, Fellow of the Australasian College of Biomedical
Scientists, Fellow of the Hong Kong Medical Technology Association,
and a Member of the New York Academy of Sciences. In 1978 he was
awarded the A.M.M. (Australian Medal of Merit) for 'outstanding
scientific research'.
On the subject of vaccines he comments:
My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business
[medicine] is that the unofficial policy of the World Health
Organization and the unofficial policy of the 'Save the Children's
Fund' and... [other vaccine promoting] organizations is one of
murder and genocide... I cannot see any other possible
explanation... You cannot immunize sick children, malnourished
children, and expect to get away with it. You'll kill far more
children than would have died from natural infection.
"It was similar
with the measles vaccination. They went through Africa, South
America and elsewhere, and vaccinated sick and starving children...
They thought they were wiping out measles, but most of those
susceptible to measles died from some other disease that they
developed as a result of being vaccinated. The vaccination reduced
their immune levels and acted like an infection. Many got septicaemia, gastro-enteritis, etc, or made their nutritional status
worse and they died from malnutrition. So there were very few
susceptible infants left alive to get measles. It's one way to get
good statistics, kill all those that are susceptible, which is what
they literally did."(59)
American children receive up to forty vaccinations before the age of
two. Dr. H.H. Fudenberg, world-renowned immunologist with hundreds of
publications to his credit, made the following comments:
One vaccine decreases cell-mediated immunity by 50%, two vaccines by
70%…all triple vaccines (MMR, DTaP) markedly impair cell-mediated
immunity, which predisposes to recurrent viral infections.(60)
Like HIV, the measles virus is particularly immune suppressing hence
the danger of the live virus measles vaccine. In 2001, GAVI launched
an initiative to vaccinate all 200 million children in sub-Saharan
Africa against measles, despite the fact that HIV infection is
rampant there.(61)
As well as the dangerous assault on fragile immune systems by the
vaccine's active ingredients, there are live contaminants in
vaccines. Microorganism contamination, is a relatively common
finding in many commercial vaccines. One study in the journal
Vaccine in 1986, found that ~6% of commercial vaccines tested were
contaminated with a tiny bacteria called mycoplasma.
Most U.S. military personnel deployed to the Gulf in 1990 received up to
30 vaccinations in a two to three day period, some probably
experimental and administered without proper informed consent.
Recent studies by the Institute of Molecular Medicine found that
~40% of veterans with Gulf War Illness were infected with mycoplasma
fermentans.(62)100% of Gulf War Illness patients who developed the
motor neuron disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, tested positive
for systemic mycoplasma infection.(63)
The polio vaccine administered to thirty million Americans during
the late fifties and early sixties was contaminated with the monkey
virus SV40. This is believed to be responsible for an epidemic of
cancers.(64) When SV40 was discovered in rhesus monkey kidney cells
during the early 1960s, the manufacturers switched rapidly to cells
from African green monkeys. However Dr John Martin, an FDA scientist
discovered in 1972 that these cells were also contaminated, this
time with a cytomegalovirus.
To date his requests to have the
vaccine properly tested have gone unanswered by the FDA because the
manufacturers can hide behind 'proprietary interests'. Dr Martin now
works as an independent researcher studying the role of this
'stealth' virus in whole range of chronic debilitating illnesses.
The World Health Organization has a twenty year history of
developing contraceptive vaccines. These work by creating immunity
to the body's own fertility hormone, human chorionic gonadotrophin
(HcG).(66) A BBC documentary entitled Horizon: The Human Laboratory
aired 5 November 1995, revealed that the W.H.O. started using these
vaccines to sterilize women in the mid 1990s.
They got caught giving
it to women without informed consent in the Philippines, by putting
in the tetanus shots.(67)(68) After the recipients of the vaccine
started having miscarriages a study conducted by the Philippine
Medical Association on behalf of the Philippine Department of Health
revealed that almost 20 percent of the tetanus vaccine sampled
positive for HcG.
A UNICEF campaign to vaccinate Nigeria's youth against polio may
have been a front for sterilizing the nation, according to Dr.
Haruna Kaita, a pharmaceutical scientist. In March 2004 he reported
that, using WHO-recommended technologies like Gas Chromatography
(GC) and Radio-Immuno assay, he found evidence of serious
contamination. "Some of the things we discovered in the vaccines are
harmful, toxic; some have direct effects on the human reproductive
system," he said. Asked why he thought manufacturers would do this,
he replied:
These manufacturers or promoters of these harmful things have a
secret agenda which only further research can reveal. Secondly they
have always taken us in the third world for granted, thinking we
don't have the capacity, knowledge and equipment to conduct tests that would reveal such contaminants. And
very unfortunately they also have people to defend their atrocities
within our midst, and worst still some of these are supposed to be our own professionals
who we rely on to protect our interests. (69)
First manufactured in the 1930s,
thimerosal is a mercury compound
containing 49.6% ethyl mercury by weight. Since then it has been
used in some multi-dose vaccines as a preservative. Autism was
relatively uncommon before 1990, averaging around 1 in 10,000
American children. Today it averages 1 in 150. (70) 7 out of 10
autistic children have an I.Q below 70 points, low enough to create
'learning difficulties'.
Congressman Dan Burton predicts that if
current trends continue, there could be 4 million autistic Americans
in the next decade. (71) Researchers believe that when the number of
vaccines given to children was increased in 1990, the public health
agencies failed to take into account the cumulative mercury
A United Press International investigation into the vaccine
controversy reported that, depending on what vaccines a child got
during that period, a visit to the doctor during the 1990s may have
exposed some children to 125 times the limit on mercury set by the
Environmental Protection Agency. Since the mid-1980s the CDC has
doubled the number of vaccines children get, up to nearly 40 doses
before age 2. (72)
On 7 July 1999, The American Academy of
Pediatrics and the U.S. Public Health Service issued a joint
statement calling for the removal of thimerosal from vaccines
following a risk assessment by the FDA. Although manufacturers did
take steps to remove it from many vaccines, there is no requirement
for them to do so because the CDC will not take action.
Dr. Mark Geier, an expert witness on vaccine cases, states that major
manufacturers are still using thimerosal and that children were
being injected with more mercury than ever in 2003.(73) Fluzone by
Aventis Pasteur, is provided in multi-dose vials that still contain
25mcg of thimerosal, 25 times the safe level of mercury suggested by
the FDA.(74) For this reason, Congressman Dan Burton and Dave Weldon
have introduced Bills to ban thimerosal use in vaccines.
Institute of Medicine, which advises the CDC on this issue,
refuses to acknowledge the dangers of thimerosal. This is in spite
of Dr Mark Gaier's study published in the Journal of American
Physicians and Surgeons in April 2003(75) which concluded that there
is a strong link between thimerosal exposure and neurodevelopment
disorders such as autism, speech impediments, and attention deficit
disorder. Gaier noted that one in eight American children requires
special education due to brain impairment and that number is
expected to rise to one in five.
In February 2000, Dr Thomas Verstraeten of the National Immunization
Program of the CDC produced an analysis of the CDC's Vaccine Safety
Datalink, a patient record database that includes information on
children vaccinated who developed neurological disorders. These
findings were never made public but they were discussed at a secret
CDC conference held on 7-8th June , 2000 at the Simpsonwood Retreat
Center, Norcross, Georgia.
This was top level assembly of 51
scientists and physicians, of which five represented vaccine
manufacturers (Glaxosmithkline, Merck, Wyeth, North American Vaccine
and Aventis Pasteur). Minutes of this conference were obtained by
Congressman David Weldon through a freedom of information request.(76) Verstraeten's findings showed
a risk of autism 2.48 times greater for infants who received the
highest amounts of mercury in vaccines. The delegates agreed that
these findings should be kept secret and went on to discuss how they
could manipulate the data to conceal the association.
In November 2003, Verstraeten et al. published a study in Pediatrics
which denied the association. The Journal did not disclose the fact
that since the meeting in 2000, Verstraten had been working for
Glaxosmithkline. In December 2003, Congressman Weldon got Dr. Mark
Gaier access to the same Datalink database and he was able to
conclude that the earlier findings were correct. (77)
Dr Russell Blayock is a neurosurgeon and expert on excitotoxins. He
warns that mercury is not the only vaccine additive which can cause
brain damage including autism.(78)(79) Substances called adjuvants
are added to vaccines in order to stimulate an immune response.
These include squalene, aluminium, and lipopolysacchride.
problem with current heavy vaccination schedules is that these
substances remain in the tissues, continually stimulating the immune
system. This is particularly bad for the brain because its immune
system cells called microglia, once activated, begin to move about
the nervous system, secreting numerous immune chemicals (called
cytokines and chemokines) and pouring out an enormous amount of free
radicals in an effort to kill invading organisms. The problem is,
there are no invading organisms.
It has been tricked by the vaccine
into believing there are. Unlike the body's immune system, the microglia also secrete two other chemicals that are very destructive
of brain cells and their connecting processes. These chemicals,
glutamate and quinolinic acid, are called excitotoxins. They also
dramatically increase free radical generation in the brain. Studies
of patients have shown that levels of these two excitotoxins can
rise to very dangerous levels in the brain following viral and
bacterial infections of the brain. High quinolinic acid levels in
the brain are thought to be the cause of the dementia seen with HIV
A recent study by the world-renowned immunologist Dr. H. Hugh
Fudenberg, found that adults vaccinated yearly for five years in a
row with the flu vaccine had a 10-fold increased risk of developing
Alzheimer's disease. He attributes this to the mercury and aluminum
in the vaccine. Interestingly, both of these metals have been shown
to activate microglia and increase excitotoxicity in the brain.
In the early 1970s the medical establishment came up with a
diagnosis of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Shaken Baby
Syndrome (SBS) to hide the fact that vaccines might be killing
thousands of babies all over the world every year. After their baby
fell victim in 1997, Alan and Francine Yurko launched The Yurko
Project, to expose the real cause of their son's death. (80)
successfully rallied an army of scientists and doctors from around
the world and overturned Alan Yurko's wrongful conviction for shaking his son to
death in August 2004, after he had spent seven years in prison. A
series of high profile cases in the U.K. have thrown the whole
diagnoses of shaken baby syndrome and other spurious allegations of
infanticide into disrepute.(81)(82)(83)
Most of the parents who contact the Yurko Project for help state
that their child's problems began within days of vaccination. This
reflects the official data on SIDS and SBS. There are approximately
2500 SIDS cases and 1300 SBS cases per year in the U.S.. The Center
for Disease control acknowledges that the peak age for SIDS - 2 to 4
months- coincides with the first round of vaccinations. (84)
bacterial vaccines which contain endotoxin, DTaP and Hib, are
particularly suspect. In its latest review, The Institute of
Medicine has been unable to rule out the connection between DtaP and
SIDS.(85) The mean average age for SBS cases is 2.2 months.(86)
The connection between vaccination and inflammatory disease is
strong. Inflammatory diseases plaguing Western nations include: Type
one diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, hay fever and other
allergies, multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre, amyotrophic-lateral-
sclerosis/motor neuron disease, Stevens-Johnson's syndrome, Lupus,
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, Crohn's colitis and
irritable bowel syndrome.
In the U.S., asthma in children has doubled in the last twenty years
coinciding with the doubling of childhood vaccines. (87)
In New Zealand there was a 60% increase in juvenile diabetes
following a massive hepatitis B vaccination programme for newborns.
In Finland the incidence of juvenile diabetes increased 147% in
children under five after the introduction of three new vaccines for
children in the late 1970s. Then in the late 1980s addition of a
live MMR vaccine and an experimental vaccine (Hib) resulted in
another 62% increase in the incidence of juvenile diabetes in
children 3 months or older who received the new multiple vaccines.
Interestingly, a former NIH investigator, Dr. J. B. Classen, has
proposed that the increase in type 1 juvenile diabetes associated
with multiple childhood vaccines may be avoidable by changing the
regimen by which multiple vaccines are given in childhood.(88)
Merck & Co.'s documentation on the adverse reactions to its
Hepatitis B vaccine is published in the Physician's Desk Reference.
Some of the inflammatory and autoimmune diseases listed include
Guillain-Barre, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, lupus and
Stevens-Johnson's syndrome.(89)
In 1998, France became the first country to terminate a hepB vaccine
program. The French Ministry of Health acted when complaints of
multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and other illnesses in
patients who received the hepB vaccine were reported. Up to 900
cases of MS may have been linked to the vaccine. (90)
Immunization with the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine trebles the
risk of developing multiple sclerosis according to new U.S. research
based on UK statistics. Published in Neurology, a study by the
Harvard School of Public Health estimated that HBV immunization was
associated with a 3-fold increase in incidence of MS within 3 years.
The 2002 the 'Madsen study' of 537,304 children in Denmark concluded
that there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism. This
study is cited by public health agencies around the world as
definitive proof that MMR is safe.
However in Autumn 2004, an article was published which contradicted
these findings.The Madsen study monitored the progress of vaccinated
children in Denmark for only four years. Dr Fouad Yazbak and Dr
Goldman looked at the same data but over a longer period of time and
found that prevalence of autism among children aged from 5 to 9
stood at 8.38 cases per 100,000 in the pre-vaccine years 1980 to
1986, and then rose to 71.43 cases by the year 2000. (92) (93)
SmithKline Beecham produced a vaccine for Lyme disease called
Lymerix in 1996. By October 2000 it had been given to 1.4 million
people according to the Centers for Disease Control. However, the
company pulled the vaccine off the market in February 2002 after
large numbers of recipients developed chronic arthritic
The science of immunology is extremely complex but vaccination
critics believe that the fundamental problem with vaccines is the
injection of foreign substances directly into the body. Heavy
childhood vaccination schedules may permanently skew the immune
system towards a humoral response. Immune systems biased towards
humoral immunity are associated with autoimmune diseases and
Autoimmune diseases can also be caused by the virus itself as well
as by modification to the cellular/humoral balance of the immune
system. Viruses and other live vaccine contaminants such as
mycoplasmas frequently have surface proteins which are similar to
those in the human body, particularly in the brain and nervous
system.(95) It is well established in the scientific literature that
genes can be transferred between microorganisms and human cells. Any
slight genetic changes to the surface proteins of human cells by
genetic transfer from microorganisms or vice-versa can lead to an
autoimmune response. (96) (97)
Many adverse reactions to vaccines can prove fatal in the long term.
Dr. Russell Blayock points out the relationship between inflammatory
disease and cancer. Medical research found that 76% of cancer
patients had developed an inflammatory disease 7-13 years
before.(98) These findings were the cover story of Time Magazine on
23 February 2004. Inflammation produces large amounts of
free-radicals that damage DNA. (99)
In July 2004, The Independent newspaper reported that vaccines which
block sensations of euphoria associated with narcotics and smoking
are under development. The British Government has backed the
research in the hope that soon, doctors will be able to vaccinate
children to prevent them experiencing the pleasure associated with
taking drugs. Given that vaccines are already strongly suspected of
reducing children's' intelligence, any attempt to interfere with
their emotional responses has to be viewed with concern. Will the
new vaccines create a generation of emotionally impotent automatons?
Orwell predicted that The Party would abolish the orgasm, after all.
(100) (see 'Killer
Vaccines - Vacunas Que Matan')
America's consumption of psychotropic drugs is so great that
has made its way into the water supply and is contaminating fresh
water fish. Not satisfied with this achievement, in July 2004,
President Bush's 'New Freedom Commission on Mental Health'
recommended screening all American school children for mental
illness with a view to possible treatment with new antidepressants
and anti-psychotic drugs. George Bush Sr. sits on the board of
Lilly, which manufactures Zyprexa, one of the anti-psychotics
recommended by the Commission. (101)(102)
Ritalin is prescribed to about two million American children. It has
become the standard way for teachers and parents to deal with unruly
children even to the point where children are being threatened with
expulsion or being taken into care if they do not take it.(103)
Ritalin is an ideal mind control drug because it suppresses the
natural energy and spirit of young people often leaving them
robotic, lethargic, depressed, or withdrawn. It also introduces the
idea at an early age that drugs are an acceptable way of dealing
with social problems.
Europe is not being left behind on the quest for 'soma'. Nearly one
in four French people are on tranquillizers, antidepressants, anti
psychotics, or other mood-altering prescription drugs. An average of
40% of men and women aged over 70 in France were routinely
prescribed at least one of this class of dependence-creating drug,
as well as some 4% of all children under nine.(104)
As discussed in chapter 11, the U.K. draft
Mental Health Bill
creates powers to compel medication for a whole range of 'disorders
of the mind.'
Prozac and other SSRIs are capable of inducing psychosis and
suicidal depression. In the U.K., certain SSRIs have recently been
banned from being prescribed to children after a string of suicides.
The active ingredient in prozac and many other drugs is fluoride,
which has been linked to brain damage and loss of I.Q. (see Fluoride
The future of mind control and even body control, lies in electronic
implants which are currently under development. The U.S.
military-directed research of implantable microchips and their war
fighting applications was discussed earlier in Chapter 12. Some
recent news articles describe medical applications of microchips
with mind and body control potential. The BBC reported that patients
with chronic migraines could one day have an electric device
implanted into their foreheads to control the pain.
Doctors in the
United States have already used the treatment successfully on one
woman, who was suffering from constant headaches.(105) The BBC also
reported that U.S scientists writing in Nature Materials describe a
drug-containing microchip which can be implanted in the body. This
releases the medication slowly so the patient no longer has to take
any pills. (106)
With satellite linked implantable microchips being developed by
Applied Digital Solutions Inc., the prospect of remote controlled
medical implants may not be too distant.
Congressman Dennis Kucinich's 2001 Preservation of Space Act calls
for a ban on:
the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using
radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies
directed at individual persons or targeted populations for the purpose of
information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations.
Kucinich was referring to technologies he had learned about during
his chairmanship of the House Armed Services Oversight Committee.
Private researchers, such as Dr. Nick Begich, have turned up some
remarkably frank discussions of mind control published by the U.S.
The Mind Has No Firewall, by Timothy L. Thomas, published
in the spring 1998 issue of the U.S Army War College's quarterly
Parameters, describes decades of research in the U.S. and Soviet
Union focused on manipulating human behavior.
Propaganda is
considered a key tool of psychotronic warfare, including tactics
such as 'information overload'. Certain electronic devices are
completely undetectable, e.g. the "Russian Virus 666" which can
broadcast subliminal images. This can put viewers of television or
computer screens into a trance and change their perceptions.
Dr. Begich obtained documents from the Scientific Advisory Board of
the Air Force in which researchers envisage the development of
electromagnetic weapons which can prevent voluntary muscular
movements, control emotions, produce sleep, interfere with memory,
and delete experience. Russian army Major I. Chernishev writing in
the military journal Orienteer of February1997, describes the
development of a pyschotronic generator capable of broadcasting
through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and
incandescent lights.(107)
Even more disturbing is the use of high
power microwaves in the gigahertz range to beam sounds directly into
human brains and literally talk to them. As early as 1933, Soviet
scientists had discovered that microwave irradiation caused central
nervous system changes and affected behavior even at low intensity.
Physiological disturbances include immune suppression, hormonal
imbalances, sleep impairment and sterility.(108)
The new
British police radio system called TETRA, uses pulsed
microwaves at 17.6Hz, a frequency in the 13Hz to 20Hz beta range of
the human brain's electrical activity. Unlike ordinary mobile phone
masts which only respond on demand and produce a continuous
microwave signal, TETRA masts are permanently active. TETRA is a Ł3
billion system initiated by the Home Office that will be adopted by
all British police forces by the end of 2005.(109)
Interference with the alpha wave of brain activity is threatened by
the U.S. Defense Dept.'s High Frequency Active Auroral Research
Program (HAARP), a gigantic electromagnetic frequency generator in
The alpha-wave frequency of the human brain is known to be between
eight and twelve hertz... The ionospheric wave-guide oscillates at
eight hertz, making it a good harmonic carrier of low frequency
sound (LFS) waves. In the June 17 1976 issue of New Scientist, Dr
Frank Barnaby, Director of the Stockholm International Peace
Research Institute, warned that if methods could be devised to
produce greater field strengths of such low-frequency oscillations,
either by natural or artificial means, then it might become possible
to impair performance of a large group of people in selected regions
over extended periods.(110)
There are equivalent projects elsewhere in the world -
Incoherent Scatter Radar site (EISCAT) in Tromsoe, Norway and SURA in Nizhny
Novgorod, Russia.
The Western diet is a 'slow kill' which largely goes undetected.
Three major components - sugar, caffeine, and hydrogenated vegetable
oils- open the door for every type of disease by playing havoc with
the body's metabolism and immune system. On top of this are the
neuro-toxic and cancer causing flavour enhancers which are added to
the majority of processed foods and soft drinks especially in the
A report, Adolescent Health, published by the British Medical
Association, in December 2003 stated that the present generation of
children and teenagers will turn into the most obese and infertile
adults in the history of mankind.(111)
Refined sugar is extremely immune suppressing and is the first item
that should be cut out of the diet of anyone suffering from chronic
illness or wanting to avoid it. A suppressed immune system opens the
door to every serious disease including cancer. Caffeine exacerbates
this effect. (112)
For decades the public health authorities persuaded the public that
animal fats were bad and that they should consume healthier
poly-unsaturated fats found in vegetable oils. The current hysteria
regarding cholesterol stems from research done during the 1940s and
1950s by the manufacturers of the new margarines and 'healthy' fats
made with hydrogenated vegetable oils. The suggestion was that
cholesterol (specifically LDL-cholesterol) was responsible for heart
disease, which was even then beginning to increase, due to the
relatively high-fat diet enjoyed by most westerners.
This is not
borne out by the facts. Western diets had always contained a
relatively high proportion of red meat. In 1978, Dr. Mary Enig also
proved that cancer rates were directly related to consumption of
vegetable oils (including hydrogenated vegetable oils) and total fat
intake, but not related to animal fat consumption.
This research is
often ignored by the cholesterol lobby, despite the fact that it has
been confirmed by other researchers. When food manufacturers heat
vegetable oil at very high temperatures 250- 400 C and usually in
the presence of catalysts, they undergo hydrogenation which turns
them into saturated fats. The melting point of the oil is raised,
turning many previously liquid oils into solids. Shelf-life is
increased, as the resulting oil is less susceptible to degrading
over time.
All nutritional value in the original oil is lost. The
texture of the resultant solid can be made to resemble that of
natural animal fats. However, during this process, 'trans-fats' are
formed which are found to cause significant increases in blood
cholesterol. Most processed foods in supermarkets that contain fat
will therefore be laden with these potentially lethal trans-fats.
Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) was virtually unknown until the 1940s,
when hydrogenated vegetable oils were introduced. Now it is one of
the biggest killer in the Western world. The dangers of trans-fats
were recognized as long ago as 1958, but the vegetable oil industry continues to bad-mouth safer
natural animal fats.
Announced on the front page of The Daily Mail on 5 July 2003,
threats of legal action have caused major multi-national food
companies including Cadbury, Kellogg, Nestle and United Biscuits to
reduce or eliminate hydrogenated vegetable oils from their products.
Fearing litigation like that taken against cigarette companies, the
food companies decided to take drastic action.
On 11th March 2003, Denmark passed a law banning all but the tiniest
amount of trans-fat from food. (114) On 12th January 2005, the U.S.
Government issued guidelines to manufacturers and consumers to
reduce trans-fat intake and has forthcoming legislation on mandatory
labeling. (115)
There are a growing number of clinicians and scientists who are
convinced that a group of compounds called excitotoxins play a
critical role in the development of several neurological
disorders, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, by neuro-surgeon Dr.
Blaylock, describes how the common flavour enhancers monosodium
glutamate, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and
Aspartame/Nutrasweet are extremely neuro-toxic.
They literally put holes in the brain,
and cause neurological diseases and cancer, as proven in an enormous
body of scientific research. Brain tumours grow rapidly in the
presence of the concentration of glutamic acid. Fully aware of these
facts, the public health regulators have allowed hundreds of
millions of people to consume excitotoxins for over fifty years.
The sweetener Aspartame would never have been approved by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration in 1981 without lobbying by G.D. Searle
Inc.( since bought out by Monsanto) headed by Donald Rumsfeld. The
FDA regulators who approved Aspartame went on to take jobs in the
multi-billion dollar Aspartame industry. In addition to the FDA
Commissioner who left to take up a job with G.D. Searle, four other
FDA officials connected with the approval of Aspartame took
positions connected with the Aspartame industry between 1979 and
1982: The Deputy FDA Commissioner, the Special Assistant to the FDA
Commissioner, the Associate Director of the Bureau of Foods and
Toxicology, and the Attorney involved with the Public Board of
Inquiry. (116)
The Food and Drug Administration once listed 92 adverse reactions
from 10,000 consumer complaints and would send the list to all
inquirers. In 1996 the FDA stopped taking complaints and now denies
existence of the report.
In September 2004, a $350 million class action lawsuit was filed
against Monsanto. The suit charges the defendants with manufacturing
and marketing a deadly neurotoxin unfit for human consumption, while
they assured the pubic that aspartame products are safe and
healthful, even for children and pregnant women. Donald Rumsfeld is
mentioned throughout the lawsuit. (117)
Worse still, regulations allow food manufacturers to label their
foods 'contains no flavour enhancers' if the MSG content is less
than 99% pure. MSG can be described as anything the food companies
like such as 'spice extracts' or 'natural flavourings'.(118) (119)
Most savory processed foods purchased in supermarkets contain
either MSG or hydrolyzed vegetable protein.
In 1924 soybean production in the U.S. was only at 1.8 million acres
harvested. Today, the soybean is America's third largest crop
(harvesting 72 million acres in 1998), supplying more than 50
percent of the world's soybean demand.
Most of these beans are made into animal feed and are manufactured
into soy oil for use as vegetable oil, margarine and shortening. For
more than 20 years now, the soy industry has concentrated on finding
alternative uses and new markets for soybeans and soy byproducts. It
can now be found disguised as everything from soy cheese, milk,
burgers and hot dogs, to ice cream, yogurt, vegetable oil, baby
formula and flour.
These are often marketed as low-fat, dairy-free,
or as a high-protein, meat substitute for vegetarians. But soy isn't
always mentioned on food labels. Today, 60% of the food on America's
supermarket shelves contain soy derivatives (i.e. soy flour,
textured vegetable protein, partially hydrogenated soy bean oil, soy
protein isolate). (120)
All soybean producers pay a mandatory assessment of one-half to one
per cent of the net market price of soybeans. The total - something
like US$80 million annually - supports United Soybean's programme to
strengthen the position of soybeans in the marketplace. Public
relations firms help convert research projects into newspaper
articles and advertising copy, and law firms lobby for favorable
government regulations. IMF money funds soy processing plants in
foreign countries, and free trade policies keep soybean abundance
flowing to overseas destinations. The push for more soy consumption
has been relentless and global in its reach. (121)
On 25th October 1999, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
decided to allow a health claim for products "low in saturated fat
and cholesterol" that contain 6.25 grams of soy protein per serving.
The best marketing strategy for a product that is inherently
unhealthy is, of course, a health claim.
Two senior U.S. government scientists, Drs.
Daniel Doerge and Daniel
Sheehan of the National Center for Toxicological Research, broke
ranks with the FDA, claiming that soy could increase the risk of
breast cancer in women, cause brain damage and thyroid disorders,
and cause sexual abnormalities in infants. They wrote an internal
protest letter warning of 28 studies revealing toxic effects of soy,
mostly focusing on chemicals in soy known as isoflavones, which have
effects similar to the female hormone oestrogen. (122)
They pointed
to a major study of 3,734 Japanese American men which found that soy
consumption was associated with increased brain shrinkage in middle
age, increased cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. (123)
Soy has the highest level of glutamic acid of any plant food,
therefore it has an excitotoxic effect on the brain. (124)
In May 2003, the U.K. Government's Committee on Toxicity of
Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment issued a
report on phytoestrogens and health. It concluded,
After reviewing the data and conclusions in the report relating to
soy-based infant formula, SACN considered that there is cause for
concern about the use of soy-based infant formula. Additionally,
there is neither substantive medical need for, nor health benefit
arising from, the use soy-based infant formulae (125)
The Committee also noted that, exposure to oestrogen in infants can
lead to menstrual problems in females and low sperm count in males.
"The amount of phytoestrogens that are in a day's worth of soy
infant formula equals 5 birth control pills," says Mary G. Enig, Ph.D., president of the Maryland
Nutritionists Association. She and other nutrition experts believe
that infant exposure to high amounts of phytoestrogens is associated
with early puberty in girls and retarded physical maturation in
boys. A study published in The Lancet in July 1997, by Dr K. Setchell et al. found that in the blood of infants tested,
concentrations of soy isoflavones were 13000-22000 times higher than
natural estrogen concentrations in early life. (126)
A study of babies born to vegetarian mothers, published in the
British Journal of Urology in January 2000, indicated just what
those changes in baby's development might be. Mothers who ate a
vegetarian diet during pregnancy had a fivefold greater risk of
delivering a boy with hypospadias, a birth defect of the penis. The
authors of the study suggested that the cause was greater exposure
to phytoestrogens in soy foods popular with vegetarians. (127)
Early maturation in girls is frequently a harbinger for problems
with the reproductive system later in life, including failure to
menstruate, infertility and breast cancer. (128)
In short, soy is certainly nature's contraceptive and may also be
affecting the sexual characteristics and sexual orientation of
future generations. It is recognized that transexuality is a medical
condition caused by the effect of hormonal aberrations on the brain
of the developing foetus.(129)
On 20 January 2005, the U.K. Civil
Service website on Diversity reported that,
Estimates vary on the number of transvestite men in the population,
owing to the lack of any research data whatsoever. Informed guesses
have been as high as 1 in 20 adult males. Certainly estimates
between 1/100 and 1/200 would not be outrageous, if judged only by
the commercial success of businesses catering for the interests of
those people.
.... Depending where you draw the line in what to count, between 1
in 200 and 1 in 1000 children are born with a visible or concealed
ambiguity in their genitals, gonads and/or chromosomes which qualify
them as Intersex (130)
Soy is not the only substance linked to sexual changes in humans.
The National Geographic magazine reported that scientists are
warning that chemicals in pesticides, plastics and other products
are 'endocrine disrupters' which are having a serious gender
altering impact on both animals and humans. (131)
Water fluoridation has been rejected by most Western European
nations but the U.K. currently fluoridates 11% of its water supply
and the U.S around 60%. The 2003 Water Act requires British water
companies to fluoridate the water supply if requested to do so by
the local Strategic Health Authorities. However any decision by
health authorities must follow public consultation at the local
level. (132) (133)
A by-product of the nuclear power, fertilizer, and other heavy
industries, fluoride is more toxic than lead and only marginally
less toxic than arsenic. Dr. R. Swinburne Clymer tried to expose the
purpose of water fluoridation in his book, The Age of Treason
He wrote:
Charles Eliot Perkins, a research worker in chemistry, biochemistry,
physiology and pathology... was sent by the United States
Government to help take charge of the I.G. Farben chemical plants in
Germany at the end of the second world war. What follows are
statements from a letter which Mr. Perkins wrote the Lee
Foundation for Nutritional Research...
'...In the 1930s Hitler and the German Nazis envisioned a world
to be dominated and controlled by the Nazi philosophy of
The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching
plan of mass control which was submitted to and adopted by the
German General Staff. This plan was to control the population in any
given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies. By
this method they could control the population of whole areas, reduce
population by water medication that would produce sterility in the
women, and so on. In this scheme of mass control, sodium fluoride
occupied a prominent place.
We are told by the ideologists who are advocating the fluoridation
of water supplies in this country that their purpose is to reduce
the incidence of tooth decay in children... the real reason
behind fluorination is not to benefit children's teeth. The real
purpose behind water fluorination is to reduce the resistance of the
masses to domination and control and loss of liberty.
...there is a small area of brain tissue that is responsible for
the individual's power to resist domination. Repeated doses of
infinitesimal amounts of fluorine will in time gradually reduce the
individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and
narcotizing this area of brain tissue and make him submissive to the
will of those who wish to govern him. . . .
...any person who drinks artificially fluorinated water for a
period of one year or more will never again be the same person, mentally or physically.'
On 29th June 2000, Dr William J. Hirzy testified before the U.S.
Senate Subcommittee on Wildlife, Fisheries and Drinking Water.(135) He
represented the labour union of the professional toxicologists, biologists,
chemists, engineers and lawyers working at the headquarters of the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency. The union voted to oppose water fluoridation in 1997.
These are some of the points Dr Hirzy made to the committee:
According to a study by the National Institute of Dental Research,
66 percent of American children in fluoridated communities show the
visible sign of over-exposure and fluoride toxicity, dental
In 1998, the results of a fifty-year fluoridation experiment
involving Kingston, New York (un-fluoridated) and Newburg, New York
(fluoridated) were published. In summary, there is no overall
significant difference in rates of dental decay in children in the
two cities, but children in the fluoridated city show significantly
higher rates of dental fluorosis than children in the un-fluoridated
In 1990, the results of the National Toxicology Program cancer
bioassay on sodium fluoride were published, the initial findings of
which would have ended fluoridation. But a special commission was
hastily convened to review the findings, resulting in the salvation
of fluoridation through systematic down-grading of the evidence of
carcinogenicity. The final, published version of the NTP report says
that there is, "equivocal evidence of carcinogenicity in male rats,"
changed from "clear evidence of carcinogenicity in male rats." The
change prompted Dr. William Marcus, who was then Senior Science
Adviser and Toxicologist in the Office of Drinking Water, to blow
the whistle about the issue, which led to his firing by EPA. Dr.
Marcus sued EPA, won his case and was reinstated with back pay,
benefits and compensatory damages.
Since 1994 there have been six publications that link fluoride
exposure to direct adverse effects on the brain. Two epidemiology
studies from China indicate depression of I.Q. in children. A 1998
paper shows brain and kidney damage in animals given the "optimal"
dosage of fluoride, viz. one part per million. Another publication
links fluoride dosing to adverse effects on the brains pineal gland
and pre-mature onset of sexual maturity in animals
In three landmark cases adjudicated since 1978 in Pennsylvania,
Illinois and Texas, judges with no interest except finding fact and
administering justice, heard prolonged testimony from proponents and
opponents of fluoridation. None of them could find evidence
supporting fluoridation but all were convinced of its toxicity.
Judge Anthony Farris in Texas found: "[That] the artificial
fluoridation of public water supplies, such as contemplated by
{Houston} City ordinance No. 80-2530 may cause or contribute to the
cause of cancer, genetic damage, intolerant reactions, and chronic
toxicity, including dental mottling, in man; that the said
artificial fluoridation may aggravate malnutrition and existing
illness in man; and that the value of said artificial fluoridation
is in some doubt as to reduction of tooth decay in man
In recent years, two prominent dental researchers who were leaders
of the pro-fluoridation movement announced reversals of their former
positions because they concluded that water fluoridation is not an
effective means of reducing dental caries and that it poses serious
risks to human health. The late Dr. John Colquhoun was Principal
Dental Officer of Aukland, New Zealand, and he published his reasons
for changing sides in 1997. In 1999, Dr. Hardy Limeback, Head of
Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto, announced his change of
views, then published a statement dated April 2000.
There is epidemiological evidence showing elevated bone cancer in
young men related to consumption of fluoridated drinking water.
The scientific literature is full of studies that support Dr Hirzy's
testimony. Animal studies show decreased fertility and higher rates
of miscarriage in animals that drank fluoridated water. Fluoridation
leads to osteoporosis and increased fractures. Regions with high
levels of fluoride in the drinking water have 220% more fractures.
Fluoride accumulates in the thyroid gland and produces
Communities with fluoridated water have higher rates
of cancer than non-fluoridated communities. The incidence of osteogenic sarcoma in males is 70% higher in fluoridated regions.
Phyllis Mullenix showed the disastrous effect of water fluoridation
on the brains of unborn and newborn animals, and numerous studies
show a reduction of I.Q. in humans.
Fluoride is the active
ingredient in Prozac, Paxil, and several other widely used
psychotrophic medications. (136)
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has never approved any
fluoride product for the purpose of preventing tooth decay.(137)
In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a
deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve
-HRH Prince Philip,
reported by Deutsche Press Agentur (DPA), August, 1988.
By 2020 UNAIDS estimates seventy million people will have died from
AIDS. (138)There is scientific controversy over what causes AIDS.
Not all researchers agree that the HIV virus causes AIDS. Some
believe that AIDS is caused by the toxic drugs such as AZT used to
treat the infection or is a cumulative result of malnutrition and
other environmental and lifestyle factors.
However, it wasn't long after AIDS appeared in the early 1980s that
rumors of its man-made origins began to circulate. Most doctors
will dismiss this as lunacy, but both The National Institutes of
Health and Rockefellers' Exxon Mobil subscribe to a publication
dedicated to the idea -The Journal of Degenerative Diseases.
I have
subscribed to the journal since 2001, and am member of the Common
Cause Medical Foundation which publishes it. The Foundation was set
up by a retired Canadian professor named Donald Scott. He began
researching chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)/ Myalgic encephalomyelitis
(ME), but over a number of years he came to the conclusion a whole
range of chronic diseases had a common cause, and that this was most
likely a biological warfare agent developed by the U.S. military.
Much of the groundwork had already been prepared, not least by the
book Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola, published in 1996. Harvard
Public Health graduate and practicing dentist, Dr. Leonard Horowitz
documented how AIDS was manufactured in the laboratories of American
universities and U.S. military biological warfare contractors during
the 1960s and 70s.
The programme was secret until 1972, when it was
publicly named the 'War on Cancer'.
Dr. Horowitz's research confirmed the ideas of Californian
pharmacologist, Dr. Robert Strecker. In his film produced in the
late '80s, The Strecker Memorandum, Dr. Strecker states that HIV is
genomically very similar to the visna virus of sheep and the bovine
leukemia virus of cattle, and that this hybrid could have been
created in the laboratory. The documentation discovered by Horowitz
showed that the National Cancer Institute's Special Virus Cancer
Program 1964-1978, (called Special Virus Leukemia Program until
1968), involved recombining animal immuno-deficiency viruses and
cancer viruses. Self proclaimed co-discoverer of HIV, Dr. Bob Gallo,
was a senior SVCP scientist.
Most of the SVCP reports were shredded during the Watergate scandal
but many surviving copies of the 15 annual progress reports have
been retrieved. Horowitz concluded that HIV was introduced to gay
males in the U.S. and into blacks in Africa in the late '70s through
experimental vaccine programmes, in particular the hepatitis B
vaccine developed by Merck Sharpe & Dohm Inc..
Emerging Viruses contains an endorsement from Dr.
Garth Nicolson,
one of the world's leading microbiologists and researchers on Gulf
War Illness and former consultant to the U.S. Defense Dept:
One cannot fail to grasp the explosive significance of this book and
its main thesis, that biological weapons programs developed and
field tested immune-system-destroying agents that now cannot be
Dr. John Martin, a former Food and Drug Administration insider and
expert on the cover-up of animal virus contamination of human polio
vaccines wrote the foreword to the book.
However, Emerging Viruses did not address the key question posed by
the AIDS dissidents such as Dr. Peter Duesberg: Does HIV really
cause AIDS?
Donald Scott's research into the symptoms of CFS, AIDS
and other neuro-systemic diseases suggests that they are consistent
with chronic mycoplasma infection, a strain of tiny bacteria. Until
quite recently, most doctors hadn't even heard of mycoplasma even
though it is documented in the scientific literature going back a
hundred years. Mycoplasma fermentans was identified by
I.G. Farben
during WWII and was one of the biological agents tested on prisoners
in the concentration camps.
Unlike viruses and conventional bacteria, mycoplasma are dependent
on the uptake of pre-formed sterols from host cells. This means they
can feed off the vital hormones produced by the endocrine glands. On
page 39 of SVCP report no. 9,1972, the project leaders state that,
in order to 'activate' retro-viruses (HIV is one), it was first
necessary to suppress the immune system by, 'physiological
alteration of the endocrine balance'.
Certain pesticides and
chemicals were also noted to have this effect, which does lend
support to the AIDS dissidents belief that toxic drugs can cause
AIDS. Furthermore, on page 287, it is revealed that the National
Institutes for Health contract with Dr. Leonard Hayfick of Stanford
University to procure and study mycoplasmas was initiated in 1964,
when SVCP began.
World expert on mycoplasma, Dr. Garth Nicolson agrees that they
cause immune suppression and therefore enhance the pathogenesis of
Pathogenic Mycoplasma species may influence HIV pathogenesis by
specific and direct activation or suppression of the immune
Dr. Nicolson's professional expertise in Polymerase Chain Reaction
testing also brought him to the conclusion that similarities between
the surface components of both organisms enables mycoplasma
fermentans to bind to HIV. He was roundly attacked by scientific
colleagues when he suggested that the HIV -1 envelope gene had been
inserted into certain mycoplasmas in the laboratory:
Mycoplasmas possessing the HIV-1 env gene could allegedly have been
engineered to make them more invasive and pathogenic and more
difficult to find. The HIV-1 env gene encodes a surface
glycoprotein, gp120, that is involved in virus attachment and entry
into cells through receptors on the cell surface. This could result
in opportunistic cell attachment and penetration of many types of
cells and most tissues.(140)
The possibility that mycoplasma and HIV work together as a 'binary'
biological weapon is indicated by the existence of a U.S. Army
patent on mycoplasma fermentans incognitus strain, filed by Dr.
Shyh-Ching Lo in 1991.
Patent no. 5,242,820 gives the
Registry of Pathology proprietary rights over methods of detecting
the organism and development of vaccines for it.(141)
The patent gives some important background information on the question
of whether or not HIV causes AIDS. Dr. Lo states: 'the human
retroviruses have not fulfilled Koch's postulates, ie. producing
transmissible AIDS-like diseases in experimental animals'. When the
researchers infected human t-cells with HIV in the test tube, they
eventually recovered from the initial cytocidal effects and remained
persistently infected.
However when M. fermentans incognitus was
added, the cells died. Outside of the laboratory, the army
researchers reported that 26 out of 32 patients (81.25%) with HIV
and showing symptoms of AIDS were infected with M. fermentans
incognitus.(142) Dr. Lo concluded that this organism was indeed a
very likely co-factor in the progression of AIDS.
The patent also states:
Some of these patients who are infected with M. fermentans
incognitus will be patients who have been diagnosed as having AIDS
or ARC, chronic fatigue syndrome, Wegener's diseases, sarcoidosis,
respiratory distress syndrome, Kibuchi's disease, autoimmune
diseases such as as collagen vascular disease and Lupus and chronic
debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.
Dr. Nicolson's research on mycoplasma has also confirmed the
significance of a mycoplasma in a wide range of neuro-systemic
degenerative diseases. 100% of Gulf War Illness patients who
developed amyotrophic lateral sclerosis tested positive for
mycoplasma infection. 7 out of 8 were positive for mycoplasma
fermentans strain.(143) Overall ~40% of veterans with Gulf War
Illness were infected with mycoplasma fermentans.(144) He also found
mycoplasma infection in 50% of North American patients with
rheumatoid arthritis; in 51% of North American patients with CFS;
and in 69% of European patients with CFS.(145)(146)
The co-discoverer of HIV, Dr.
Luc Montagnier, warns that AIDS
research should not neglect the role of cofactors. In particular he
emphasizes the need to research the mycoplasma as a virulence factor
of HIV:
[i]t is a deplorable fact that to this day, the number of
researchers interested in this line of investigation worldwide
barely exceeds the number of fingers on both hands.(147)
The reason why official public health policy has ignored the role of
the mycoplasma and focused on HIV is because mycoplasma is a type of
bacteria and therefore can be treated successfully with long-term
administration of inexpensive antibiotics such as doxycycline. The
U.S. Army patent reads:
M. fermentans incognitus is known to be sensitive to a number of
antibiotics, including doxycycline, quinalones such as
ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline. Therefore,
effective treatment of any of the above implicated diseases should
include administration of antibiotics to which M. fermentans
incognitus is sensitive.
This is this is not a popular idea with the multi-billion dollar AZT
industry. PCR testing for mycoplasma is not offered by the U.K.'s
National Health Service, or indeed any public health service in the
world. Only a handful of specialist research laboratories offer
these tests. Dr. Nicolson's work on testing and treating Gulf War
Illness victims for mycoplasma infection has been rejected and even
sabotaged by the U.S. Defense Dept.(148)
Treatment for AIDS is being denied because mainstreammedical research is controlled by the
elite. On 30th April 2000, the Washington Post reported that the
U.S. National Security Council had declared AIDS a threat to
national security and therefore would be involved with directing
AIDS research, the first time it had ever been involved in fighting
an infectious disease.(149) Dr. Horowitz commented:
According to U.S. government watchdog groups, and related policy
analysts linked to JuriMed -- a North American alternative medicine
advocacy organization -- the new Clinton decree empowers the CIA to
act against scientific "dissidents" who raise concerns regarding
vaccination policies, as done in this article, as a threat to U.S.
national security.
The JuriMed communiqué heralded the likelihood of
increased "mainstream [media] blackouts on AIDS dissident
positions," and "global disease control" initiatives including
"wide-ranging vaccination programs" becoming more coercive. (150)
1) Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola - Nature, Accident or
Intentional ? by Dr. Leonard Horowitz DMD, MA, MPH; Tetrahedron
Publishing Group,1996. See
2) The Journal of Degenerative Diseases, especially 2002 Vol 3, no's
3&4 and 2003 Vol 4 no's 2&3. Write to The Common Cause Medical
Research Foundation, Box 133 Stn B, Sudbury ON, P3E 4N5, Canada; or
contact me if you live in UK.
3)Key Documents available from The Common Cause Medical Research
i) Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970. Hearings before a
Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of
Representatives Ninety-first Congress, First Session, 9 June 1969.
Download them from
This single most important document on AIDS was obtained under
Freedom of Information Act by Ted Strecker (Dr Robert Strecker's
brother) and Congressman Douglas Huff of Chicago. Both men died
mysteriously shortly afterwards in August and September 1988
respectively.(151) Page 129 of the Hearings records the most
significant statements on AIDS ever made.
Dr. Donald MacArthur,
Deputy Director of Research and Technology, Department of Defense
Research and Engineering told the Congressmen that,
Molecular biology is a field that is advancing very rapidly, and
eminent biologists believe that within a period of 5 to 10 years it
would be possible to produce a synthetic biological agent, an agent
that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity
could have been acquired... it would probably be possible to make a
new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important
aspects from any known disease-causing organisms.
Most important of
these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and
therapeutic processes upon which we depend to maintain our relative
freedom from infectious disease... A research program to explore the
feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a
total cost of $10 million... It is a highly controversial issue, and
there are many who believe such research should not be undertaken
lest it lead to yet another method of massive killing of large populations.
This is a functional description of AIDS which is currently killing
8000 people a day.
ii) Smallpox Vaccine "triggered Aids Virus", by Pierce Wright,
Science Editor, The Times, London, front page, 11th May1987.
Un-named insiders from the World Health Organization told The Times
that they believed the thirteen year long smallpox eradication
program in Africa awakened the dormant HIV virus. The programme
concluded in 1978, the same year the Special Virus Cancer Programme
ended and the first AIDS cases appeared:
The spread of HIV infection coincides with the most intense
immunization programmes... Brazil, the only South American country
covered in the eradication campaign, has the highest incidence of
Aids in that region. About 14,000 Haitians on United Nations
secondment to Central Africa, were covered in the campaign. They
began to return home at a time when Haiti had become a playground
for San Francisco Homosexuals.
This story was never mentioned again by The Times or any other
mainstream media outlet, indicative of frantic censorship. All
attempts to get mainstream media attention to the man-made theory of
AIDS are blocked. Journalists from mainstream news organizations
have approached Donald Scott but the story never gets past the
editor. The New York Times refused to review Dr. Horowitz's book
Emerging Viruses.
iii) United States Patent 5,242,820, Pathogenic mycoplasma, Lo, 7
Sept. 1993 (also available on-line at U.S. Patent and Trademark
iv) Special Virus Cancer Program Progress Reports of The National
Cancer Institute: 1971 (8), 1972 (9), 1976 (13) and 1978 (15). These
are referenced in Emerging Viruses and in The Journal of
Degenerative Diseases but the complete documents are available from
the Common Cause Medical Research Foundation.
v) The Scientific Paper Trail, by Don Scott. A collection of
important papers from peer-reviewed journals such as JAMA and The
New England Journal of Medicine. Many are referenced in The Journal
of Degenerative Diseases.
Whilst AIDS is depopulating the Third World, the West is being
plagued by a multitude of disabling diseases. As stated in Chapter
7, disease is an important tool for maintaining the social hierarchy
by two methods: firstly, by making people dependent upon the
petrochemical cartel for treatment, and secondly, by reducing living
standards. Certain disabling diseases, in which mycoplasma infection
plays a significant role, appeared in the West at the same time as
AIDS. These include CFS or Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.),
fibromyalgia and Lyme disease.
Even based on the public health authorities' very conservative
estimate of 0.4% prevalence, CFS/ME has disabled over a million
Americans and 250,000 British. The true figures are possibly double
these. No specific pharmaceutical treatment is being developed and
there has been a coordinated effort by the health authorities in the West to deny this disease even exists and
then to label it a psychiatric disorder despite the overwhelming
evidence of an infectious origin.
The current U.K. Science Minister,
Lord Sainsbury, the supermarket baron, and Cambridge psychology
graduate uses his family's Linbury Trust to fund purely psychiatric
research into both CFS/ME and Gulf War Illness. Many independent
researchers have come up with inexpensive, proven, and effective
treatment regimes but the health authorities refuse to recognize
The cover-up was documented in Osler's Web, a book written in 1996
by Hillary Johnson, a former Wall Street Journal writer and Life
staff reporter. Ms Johnson has since disappeared and the publishers
are now 'no longer allowed ' to print this book.(152)
The same public health policy is being applied to Lyme disease which
is very similar to CFS/ME. Even though it is recognized as being an
infectious disease, the authorities are blocking doctors from using
inexpensive long term antibiotic treatment which is proven to be
The lack of treatment of veterans of the first Gulf War is also
inexplicable. The American Gulf War Veterans Association estimates
300,000 of the 700,000 troops serving at the time of the Gulf War
conflict are sick as a result of their military duty, a prevalence
of 42%.(153) The Defense Dept. is refusing to acknowledge that there
is a Gulf War Illness, labelling victims as suffering from
"post-traumatic stress disorder" even though studies indicate 40%
are infected with mycoplasma fermentans and would therefore benefit
from antimicrobial therapy.(154)
A CIA press release entitled Darker Bioweapons Future confirmed the
viability of biological agents for economic warfare. It reports that
a panel of experts from the National Academy of Sciences studying
the future threat of biological weapons believed that a genetically
engineered stealth virus could be used to cripple a large number of
people in their forties and fifties with severe arthritis,
concealing its hostile origin and leaving a country with massive
health and economic problems. It also warned that, 'the effects of
these engineered biological agents could be worse than any disease
known to man' and that advances in biotechnology will be very hard
to police.(155)
Rebuilding America's Defenses, written in September 2000 by the
neo-conservative think tank, Project for the New American Century
(PNAC) hints that the U.S. may consider developing biological
weapons "that can target specific genotypes [and] may transform
biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful
tool "(156)
Depleted Uranium is a serious health hazard when DU munitions are
fired and burn up on impact. Radioactive dust blows around in the
air, enabling the DU to get into the body through the lungs and
broken skin.
On behalf of the U.S. Army, Major Doug Rokke led a 434 man depleted
uranium clean up team in the first Gulf War. The entire team became
sick from DU exposure almost as soon as they arrived in the Gulf. In
1994, he was appointed as depleted uranium project director for the
U.S. Army. Despite his warnings of the dangers of DU exposure, both
the U.S. army and coalition forces continue to use DU munitions with catastrophic effects on both their
own troops and civilian populations.
The table below shows statistics of permanent disability claims for
U.S. troops according to the Government's Veterans

Dr Rokke and many other researchers believe that the hundreds of
tonnes of DU dust deposited in Iraq, Afghanistan and the former
Yugoslavia, are responsible for an epidemic of cancers, birth
defects and an array of neuro-systemic degenerative diseases in both
Allied troops and native populations.This is, in fact, a covert form
of nuclear warfare, the effects of which may never properly be
As described in Chapter 4, thirty million women a year are forced to
undergo abortion or sterilization in China. Leading Chinese
dissident and Executive Director of Laogai Research Foundation Harry
Wu states that the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) cooperates
closely with the Chinese government in implementing the one child
policy. An independent Population Research Investigation studied a
UNFPA so-called 'model county' programme in China between 27-30
Sept. 2001.
It found that 'voluntary' family planning in the Sihui
County UNFPA programme did not exist. The team was told by Chinese
Family Planning officials that there was no distinction between
UNFPA's work in this county and their own. Chinese officials showed
PRI investigators the UNFPA office desk, which was located within
the local Chinese Family Planning Office.(159)
Norplant is an implant which prevents pregnancy for at least five
years. It can only be removed by surgery. The patent is held by the
Rockefeller funded Population Council. The BBC documentary, Horizon:
The Human Laboratory showed how these implants are not easily
removed, and in many cases the doctors refuse to take them out even
if they are causing severe side effects.
Despite this, it is being
tested on tens of thousands of women around the world. (160)
14.13 GM FOOD
The Ecologist magazine reported that adopting GM crops would place
farmers and the food chain itself under the control of a handful of
multinational corporations such as Monsanto, Syngenta,
Bayer, and
For U.S. farmers this has meant:
Legally-binding agreements that
force farmers to purchase expensive new seeds from the biotech
corporations each season
Having to buy these corporations'
herbicides (at a cost considerably above that of a generic
equivalent) for herbicide-tolerant crops
Paying the biotech firms a
technology fee based on the acreage of land under GM
The development of so-called
`traitor technology' crops on which particular chemicals will
have to be applied if the crops' GM characteristics (such as
their time of flowering or disease resistance) are to show
The invention of `terminator
technology' that stops GM plants producing fertile seeds; thus
farmers are physically prevented from sowing saved seed and have
to buy new seed from the biotech firms instead
Biotech firms buying up seed companies. This creates monopolies and
limits farmers' choices still further. DuPont and Monsanto are now
the two largest seed companies in the world. As a result of their
control of the seed industry, farmers are reporting that the
availability of good non-GM seed varieties is rapidly disappearing.
According to the UK Soil Association: ' All non-GM farmers in North
America are finding it very hard or impossible to grow GM-free
crops. Seeds have become almost completely contaminated with GM
organisms (GMOs), good non-GM varieties have become hard to buy, and
there is a high risk of crop contamination.'
The U.K. Government's
official adviser on GM, the Agriculture and Environment
Biotechnology Commission (AEBC), has said it would `be difficult and
in some places impossible to guarantee' that any British food was
GM-free if commercial growing of GM crops went ahead. In North
America, farmers can no longer be certain the seed they plant does
not contain GM genes. (161)
GM food scientists can increase the vitamin content of food, so
there is no reason why they cannot reduce it in order to increase
malnutrition, disease, and death on a large scale. For example, more
than $100 million has been spent over 10 years to produce transgenic
rice at the Institute of Plant Sciences in Zurich. The Zurich team
introduced three genes taken from daffodils and bacteria into a rice
strain to produce a yellow rice with high levels of beta-carotene,
which is converted to Vitamin A within the body.
As well as altering vitamin content,
over 300 open-field trials of 'pharma' crops have
taken place around the world since 1991. In California, for example,
GM rice containing human genes has been grown for drug production.
Pharmaceutical wheat, corn, and barley are also being developed in
the U.S., France and Canada. A biotech company called Prodigene has been working on growing edible vaccines in corn and in November
2000 began trials on an edible AIDS vaccine.(162)
By introducing drugs into food, GM technology has huge population
control potential.
Weather modification technology exists in America and Europe. The
ability to deploy this technology for global depopulation without
detection must be extremely tempting for the Malthusians since
droughts, hurricanes, and floods can be blamed on natural weather
variability, solar flares, and global warming. A study of future
military strategy called Airforce 2025 was drawn up by the U.S. Air
University in 1996.(163)
In the section entitled Weather as a Force
Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025, the authors state that
altering weather patterns will eventually become an,
"integral part
of U.S. national security policy with both domestic and
international applications".
By 2025 the Air Force fully expects to
be able to influence the weather
"on a mesoscale (<200 sq km) or
microscale (immediate local area) to achieve operational
"Achieving such a highly accurate and reasonably
precise weather-modification capability in the next 30 years will
require overcoming some challenging but not insurmountable
technological and legal hurdles," the report said.(164)
"The lessons
of history indicate a real weather-modification capability will
eventually exist despite the risk (because) the drive exists. People
have always wanted to control the weather and their desire will
compel them to collectively and continuously pursue their goal," the
report concluded.
The military also aim to deny an enemy satellite
communication capabilities by modifying the Earth's ionosphere.
One of the stated objectives of the U.S. Defense Dept.'s High
Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is to, 'simulate
and control ionospheric processes that might alter the performance
of communications and surveillance systems'.(165) The HAARP
ionospheric Research Facility was established in Gakona, Alaska on
18th October 1993. HAARP can beam 3.6 Gigawatts of high frequency
radio energy from earth based antennae into the ionosphere.(166)
According to the HAARP website factsheet:
Interest in the ionosphere is not limited to the US: a five-country
consortium operates the European Incoherent Scatter Radar site
(EISCAT), a premier world-class ionospheric research facility
located in northern Norway near Tromsř. Facilities also are located
at Jicamarca, Peru; near Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod ("SURA") and
Apatity, Russia; near Kharkov, Ukraine and in Dushanbe,
Airforce 2025 does not specify HAARP as a weather modification
device and it is not one of the HAARP's official purposes. However
the U.S. patent on HAARP's technology states that it can serve as a
giant ionospheric heater:
In such experiments, certain regions of the ionosphere are heated to
change the electron density and temperature within these regions.
This is accomplished by transmitting from earth-based antennae high
frequency electromagnetic radiation at a substantial angle to, not
parallel to, the ionosphere's magnetic field to heat the ionospheric
particles primarily by ohmic heating. The electron temperature of
the ionosphere has been raised by hundreds of degrees in these
experiments, and electrons with several electron volts of energy
have been produced in numbers sufficient to enhance airglow. (168)
The disclosure section of the patent adds:
The production of enhanced ionization will also alter the
distribution of atomic and molecular constituents of the atmosphere,
most notably through increased atomic nitrogen concentration. The
upper atmosphere is normally rich in atomic oxygen (the dominant
atmospheric constituent above 200 km altitude), but atomic nitrogen
is normally relatively rare. This can be expected to manifest itself
in increased air glow, among other effects....
This invention has a
phenomenal variety of possible ramifications and potential future
developments. As alluded to earlier, missile or aircraft
destruction, deflection, or confusion could result, particularly
when relativistic particles are employed. Also, large regions of the
atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpectedly high altitude so that
missiles encounter unexpected and unplanned drag forces with
resultant destruction or deflection of same.
Weather modification
[emphasis added] is possible by, for example, altering upper
atmosphere wind patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by
constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will
act as a lens or focusing device.
HAARP is clearly one of the weather modification technologies known
to the authors of 2025. The world's foremost independent investigator of
HAARP is the author of Angels Don't Play this HAARP, Dr. Nick Begich from Alaska.
He explains:
HAARP zaps the ionosphere where it is relatively unstable. A point
to remember is that the ionosphere is an active electrical shield
protecting the planet from the constant bombardment of high-energy
particles from space. This conducting plasma, along with Earth's
magnetic field, traps the electrical plasma of space and holds it
back from going directly to the earth's surface, says Charles Yost
of Dynamic Systems, Leicester, North Carolina. "If the ionosphere is
greatly disturbed, the atmosphere below is subsequently
Dr. Begich also considers the role of weather modification as a
weapon of mass destruction:
In 1966, Professor Gordon J. F. MacDonald was associate director of
the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University
of California, Los Angeles, was a member of the President's Science
Advisory Committee, and later a member of the President's Council on
Environmental Quality. He published papers on the use of
environmental-control technologies for military purposes. MacDonald
made a revealing comment:
"The key to geophysical warfare is the
identification of environmental instabilities to which the addition
of a small amount of energy would release vastly greater amounts of
MacDonald had a number of ideas for using the environment
as a weapon system and he contributed to what was, at the time, the
dream of a futurist. When he wrote his chapter, "How To Wreck The
Environment", for the book Unless Peace Comes, he was not kidding
around. In it he describes the use of weather manipulation, climate
modification, polar ice cap melting or destabilization, ozone
depletion techniques, earthquake engineering, ocean wave control and
brain wave manipulation using the planet's energy fields. He also
said that these types of weapons would be developed and, when used,
would be virtually undetectable by their victims. (170)
It is worth noting that this book was written two years after The
Report From Iron Mountain. This report identified environmental
disaster as a credible substitute for war for the purpose of
preserving social hierarchy, once world government had established
permanent peace.
In response to Dr. Nick Begich's testimony to the European
Parliament's Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Security and
Disarmament 6th February1998 in Brussels, Swedish MEP, Mrs. Maj
Britt Theorin, put forward a motion for an independent international
inquiry into HAARP a year later. The resolution describes HAARP as a
weapons system which disrupts the climate and, virtue of its far-reaching impact on the environment to be a
global concern and calls for its legal, ecological and ethical
implications to be examined by an international independent body
before any further research and testing; regrets the repeated
refusal of the United States Administration to send anyone in person
to give evidence to the public hearing or any subsequent meeting
held by its competent committee into the environmental and public
risks connected with the HAARP programme currently being funded in
In October 2001, a similar bill was introduced to the U.S. Congress.
Dennis Kucinich, Democratic Congressman and former head of the Armed
Services Oversight Committee, proposed to the 107th Congress, The
Preservation of Space Act, HR2977. This called for a ban on space
based weapons with specific reference to HAARP in section (c):
The term 'exotic weapons systems' includes weapons designed to
damage space or natural ecosystems (such as the ionosphere and upper
atmosphere) or climate, weather, and tectonic systems with the
purpose of inducing damage or destruction upon a target population
or region on earth or in space. (172)
In the same bill, Dennis Kucinich listed 'chemtrails' as one of the
space based weapons to be banned. This is a high altitude aircraft
spraying programme in the U.S. and Europe, observed with increasing frequency over the past
two years. Unlike normal jet engine condensation trails - which form
when hot engine exhaust momentarily condenses in the frigid
stratosphere like exhaled breath on a cold day - chemical trails
linger for hours, turning clear skies into milky haze in a process
the U.S. Air Force calls "aerial obscuration".
What is being sprayed
isn't clear, only the milky streaks across the sky often forming
grids, are evidence of the programme. The U.S. Airforce's Boeing
KC-135s appear to be the main source of chemtrails in North
The Hugbes Aircraft Company hold a patent on a
mechanism for spraying the atmosphere with aluminium oxide via jet
engine exhaust fumes.(174) Some researchers believe that some of the
metals being sprayed, especially barium, are designed to interact
with the electromagnetic frequencies being generated by HAARP.
Finally, in relation to possible martial law scenarios and the
recent and bizarre power outages that affected 50 million Americans
and Canadians in August 2003, and then hit London, Italy and Denmark
a month later, HAARP's website reads:
Ionospheric disturbances at high latitudes also can act to induce
large currents in electric power grids; these are thought to cause
power outages.(175)
Hailed as the new industrial revolution, the ability to manipulate
matter at the atomic level and create microscopic machines that can
scour the human body is already well advanced.(176)The U.S.
Government has allocated almost $700 million to military and
civilian government departments for nanotechnology R and D. (177)
There is obvious potential for introducing nanorobots into
the bloodstream via routine vaccinations for undetected biological
manipulation and genocide.
The foundations for the genetic manipulation of humankind envisioned
in Aldous Huxley's Brave New World have already been laid.
'Rebuilding Americas Defenses' by the American think-tank PNAC
states that race specific bioweapons could be a 'politically useful
tool.' Furthermore the epidemiology of the global AIDS pandemic
indicates that the population control agenda does have a bias
against blacks.
70% of the world's 42 million AIDS cases are in
sub-Saharan Africa. Africa makes up only 14% of the world's
population. 40% of American AIDS victims are black; blacks make up
only 13% of the American population.(178)
A cloned human embryo does not result from the random union of sperm
and egg, but from a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer, in
which the nucleus containing DNA from a cell of one individual is
put into an egg whose nucleus has been removed. The resulting cloned
embryo becomes virtually genetically identical to the individual
whose DNA was inserted into the enucleated egg. (179)
In October
2003 ITN news reported that at the University of Kentucky the first
cloned human embryo was ready to be implanted into a surrogate
mother for the purpose of cloning children.(180)
Polls show that most people favour assisted suicide, believing in
the right to die with dignity. However, other side of the coin is
that the elite want the right to terminate us and to legalize
euthanasia for this purpose. In December 1999, a senior consultant
at a London hospital voiced concern that there was a policy of
"involuntary euthanasia" by depriving elderly patients of food and
water. (181)
The British charity Age Concern states that there is a
policy of not resuscitating seriously ill elderly patients. (182)
The chilling expose of euthanasia in the U.S. Forced Exit by Wesley
J. Smith, reveals how people entering hospital sign "living wills"
allowing the hospital not to resuscitate them if they fall into a
coma, only to find they are used by the hospital to deny patients
treatment.(183) In the U.K. doctors can and do put 'do not
resuscitate' on patients medical records without their consent.(184)
Some of the work on the
Human Genome Project is being done at The
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY. This was the old Station for
Experimental Evolution and The Eugenics Records office and was
endowed with funds from the Rockefellers and Harriman families in
1910. It was dedicated to scientific research of racial differences.
Like the RIIA, the Bilderberg Group, The CFR and Trilateral
Commission, The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory host secret
conferences. Its Banbury Center meetings are off -the-record
discussions on molecular biology and genetics, human genetics, and
science policy by the world's leading scientists.(185)
Alongside the physical science of genetic engineering emerged the
social science of 'bioethics', the discipline which decides what is
ethical medical practice and research. UNESCO established an
International Bioethics Committee in 1993. What used to be called
genocide will masquerade as social engineering administered by
pseudo-scientific committees.
In matters of life and death, the
ruling elite will have the final word.
Chapter 14 End Notes
Stanley Monteith MD, The Population Control Agenda, See
Stanley Monteith MD, Radio Liberty Newsletter, November 2004. See
he Rockefeller University website. See
United Nations Population Fund website. See
UNFPA Funding. See
Top 20 Donors to UNFPA in 2001, UNFPA. See
USAID MAP OF SHAME, Population Research Institute. See
Henry Kissinger, National Security Study Memorandum 200, 1974. See
onald Mann President, Negative Population Growth Inc. Why We Need a
Smaller U.S. Population and How We Can Achieve It, Position Paper, July
1992. See
J. Kenneth Smail, Confronting The 21st Century's Hidden Crisis:
Reducing Human Numbers by 80%, Forum Series, Negative Population Growth, May 1995.
Terence Kealey, "DDT is Safe", The Daily Telegraph, London, 19
July 2001.
Marjorie Mazel Hecht, Bring Back DDT, and Science With It!, 21st
Century Science and Technology Magazine, Summer 2002 issue. See
Hans Ruesch, The Drug Story. See
Dr. Alexandra Niedzwiecki, Presentation to the Hague Tribunal, 14
June 2003. See
Rockefeller Foundation website. See
17 Dr Leonard Horowitz, Death In The Air, Tetrahedron Publishing
Group, 2001 p. 46. See
Quick Facts, Rockefeller University website. See
About Us, Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Centre website. See
New International Partnership will improve AIDS Treatment in China,
The Clinton Presidential Center, Press Release, 6 Nov. 2003. See
21 Research and Clinical Initiatives, Rockefeller University
website. See
22 About HHMI, Howard Hughes Medical Institute website. See
23 Howard Hughes: Patron Of Science?, CBS, 23 Nov. 2003.
24 About HHMI, op cit.. See
25 Quick Facts, Rockefeller University, op cit.
26 Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola, Nature, Accident or
Intentional? Dr Leonard Horowitz, Tetrahedron Inc 1996, p.476
27 Rockefeller University archive. See
2000 Annual Report, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. See
Nelson A. Rockefeller, 1908-1979, Rockefeller University archive.
Phelps Memorial Hospital Center, The North County News, 1 August
Memorial Sloan-Kettering at Phelps Memorial Hospital Center,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre website
Dr. Alexandra Niedzwiecki op cit.
History, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories website. See
Ibid., Historical Highlights. See
Horowitz, Death in the Air, op cit., p.357
G. Edward Griffin, World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17,
American Media, second edition 1997, pp. 262-264
Hans Ruesch, op cit.
Horowitz, Death in the Air, op cit., p.347
Rockefeller University archive, op cit.
Horowitz, Emerging Viruses, op cit., p.476.
President's Council, New York Academy of Sciences website. See
42 Barbara Starfield, Is US Health Really the Best in the World?
JAMA. 2000;284:483-485. See
43. Just How Tainted Has Medicine Become:The Lancet (Vol. 359, No.
9313; 2002). See (source by
Dr Leonard Horowitz
44 Antony Barnett, Revealed: how drug firms 'hoodwink' medical
journals, The Observer, London, 7 Dec. 2003. See,6903,1101680,00.html
51. Mark Benjamin, United Press International Investigates: The
vaccine conflict, 20 July 2003, copy on See
Dr. Matthias Rath - Biography, Dr Rath Health Foundation website,
Dr Matthias Rath, Complaint Against Genocide and Other Crimes
Against Humanity Committed in Connection With The Pharmaceutical
'Business With Disease' And The Recent War Against Iraq. See
EU Legislation,Alliance for Natural Health website. See
Dr Matthias Rath, The Documentation About "Codex Alimentarius" Who
Is Behind The Codex Alimentarius?
Dr. Alexandra Niedzwiecki, op cit.
G. Edward Griffin, World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17,
American Media, second edition 1997, pp 40-41, 59-50
The Cancer Act 1939, U.K. See
The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization websites. See
Harold E Buttram MD, The Controversy of the Latent Period Following
Immunizations 21 Sept. 2001. See The Yurko Project website
Mark Benjamin, United Press International Investigates: The vaccine
conflict, 20 July 2003, copy on See
Roman Bystrianyk, The Real Truth: Vaccination Inefficacy in the
Reduction/Elimination of Infectious Diseases, copy on See
Dr Russell Blaylock, author of Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can
Save Your Life. See by
Dr Stanley Monteith on Radio Liberty, 2 December 2003. See
Vaccination Statistics, Dr Joseph Mercola. See
The See
Harold E. Buttram, MD; Susan Kreider, RN; Alan R. Yurko. Vaccines
and Genetic Mutation. 11 Oct. 2002. See
Measles meets its match, October 2003, Global Alliance for Vaccines
and Immunization. See
Dr. Garth L. Nicolson and Dr. Nancy L. Nicolson, The Vaccine
Controversy: Why Full Informed Consent Must be Instituted for All
Vaccines, Criminal Politics, February 2001. See
63.Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2002; 9:525-529. High Frequency
of Systemic Mycoplasmal Infections in Gulf War Veterans and Civilians with
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS).Garth L. Nicolson PhD1,2, Marwan
Y. Nasralla PhD1,3, Joerg Haier MD, PhD 1,4. See
Dr Joseph Mercola, SV40, Polio Vaccine, and Cancer: Now Beyond
Coincidence? See
The Center for Complex Infectious Diseases. See
Gordon L. Ada (Editor) P. D. Griffin (Editor), Vaccines for
Fertility Regulation:The Assessment of Their Safety and Efficacy,
Cambridge University Press, ISBN:0521392527, July 1991. See
67 see for the transcript
HcG Vaccine for Population Control, Tetrahedron Publishing Group.
UNICEF Nigerian Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Sterilizing Agents,
Scientist Finds, Lifesite news, 11 March
Mercury, See
Congressman Dan Burton, Press Release, California's Autism Caseload
Doubles in Four Years, 13 May 2003
Mark Benjamin, op cit.
Kelly Patricia O Meara, CDC Study Raises Level of Suspicion, Insight
on the News, 8 Dec. 2003. See
Press Release, Mothering Magazine warns Parents about Mercury in Flu
Vaccines, 5 July 2004
Mark Geier, M.D., Ph.D. and David. Geier, Thimerosal in Childhood
Vaccines, Neurodevelopment Disorders, and Heart Disease in the
United States, Journal of The Association of American Physicians and
Surgeons, April 2003. See
76.Congressman Dave Weldon MD, letter to the CDC, 31 October 2003
Lisa Reagan ,Institute of Medicine Meets A Second Time to Review
Vaccine/Autism Link, Mothering Magazine
Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.,What They Don’t Tell You About Vaccination
Dangers Can Kill You or Ruin Your Life, newletter, 12
May 2004.
Blaylock RL. Chronic microglial activation and excitotoxicity
secondary to excessive immune stimulation: possible factors in Gulf
War Syndrome and autism. J Amer Phys Surg 9: 46-51, 2004.
The Yurko Project. See
Viera Scheibner, Ph.D. Shaken Baby Syndrome Diagnosis On Shaky
Ground, Journal of Australasian College of Nutritional &
Environmental Medicine, Vol. 20 No. 2; August 2001. See
Robert C. Reisinger, D.V.M., SIDS: A final Mechanism. See
Wider cot deaths review considered, BBC news on-line, 20 January
84.Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Vaccination, CDC website
American Association of SIDS Preventing Physicians, website, March
Study Reveals Shaken Baby Syndrome Statistics in Scotland, Karen M.
Barlow, MRCP (UK), Royal Hospital for Sick Children
Mark Benjamin, op cit.
Dr. Garth L. Nicolson and Dr. Nancy L. Nicolson, The Vaccine
Controversy: Why Full Informed Consent Must be Instituted for All
Vaccines, Criminal Politics, February 2001. See
Horowitz, Death In the Air op cit., p.276
Report Criticizes French Hepatitis Vaccination Campaign, Reuters, 20
November 2002. See
Hep B vaccination trebles multiple sclerosis risk , Nursing Times, 9
September 2004,
MMR and Autism: The Link Really Has been Established, What Doctors
Don't Tell You, September 2004
Goldman GS, Yazbak FE: An Investigation of the Association between
MMR Vaccination and Autism in Denmark. JAmPhysSurg 2004; 9(3):70-75
Horowitz op cit., p.277
Garth L. Nicolson Ph.D. et al, The Pathogenesis and Treatment of
Mycoplasmal Infections, Antimicrobics and Infectious Disease
Newsletter (Elsevier Science) 1999; 17 (11): 81-88. See
Dr Leonard Horowitz, Autism, Allergy, Asthma and Vaccine Induced
Autoimmunity. See
Harold E. Buttram, MD; Susan Kreider, RN; Alan R. Yurko. Vaccines
and Genetic Mutation. 11 Oct. 2002. See
Dr Russell Blaylock, interviewed by Dr Stanley Monteith on Radio
Liberty, 2 December 2003.
Christine Gorman, The Fires Within,Time Magazine, 23 February 2004.,10987,993419,00.html
Sophie Goodchild and Steve Bloomfield, Children to get jabs against
drug addiction, The Independent, 25 July 2004. See
Over 5200 Concerned Adults Refuse to Comply with New Freedom
Initiative for Mental Health Screening in the Schools (PRWEB)
October 21, 2004
Jeanne Lenzer, Bush plans to screen whole U.S. population for mental
illness, 21 June 2004.
Schools in row over Ritalin, BBC, London, 24 July 2003. See
Jon Henley, Depressed, moi? Why the French are driven to drugs, The
Guardian, London, 8 Nov. 2003. See,11882,1080507,00.html
Implant 'could cure migraines,' BBC, London, 24 Feb. 2003. See
Microchip 'could do away with pills', BBC, London, 19 Oct. 2003. See
Horowitz, Death in the Air, op cit., pp.301-304 and Dr Begich's
article Star Wars, Star Trek and Killing Politely. See
Ibid., p.335
Does TETRA pulse? Does it matter?, Tetrawatch website,
Ibid., p.223.
Teen generation will be 'world's sickest adults', The Daily
Telegraph, London, 9 Dec. 2003. See
Garth L. Nicolson Ph.D. and Richard Ngwenya Ph.D, Dietary
Considerations for Patients with Chronic Illnesses and Multiple
Chronic Infections: A Brief Outline of Eighteen Dietary Steps to
Better Health. See
Health Risks from Processed Foods and The Dangers of Trans Fats Dr.
Mary Enig Interviewed By Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D. See
FX, the Campaign Against Trans Fats in Food
USDA / HSS 2005 guidelines : "Cut trans, TFX, the Campaign Against
Trans Fats in Food.
Dr Joseph Mercola, Aspartame: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You. See
Racketeering (Rico)Charges filed Against NutraSweet, Dr. Moser of
NS, American Diabetes Assn, Monsanto, Press Conf 9/16 A.M.
Sacramento, PRWeb, 17 September 2004.
119.. Dr Russell Blaylock, op cit.
Soy: Too Good to be True Brandon Finucan & Charlotte Gerson, Gerson
Institute Newsletter Volume 14 #3
Newest Research On Why You Should Avoid Soy
Sally Fallon & Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.
The Guardian, 13 August, 2000
The Trouble With Tofu: Soy and the Brain By John D. MacArthur
Dr Russell Blaylock, Interviewed by Dr Stanley Monteith on Radio
Liberty, 2 December 2003. See
Report examines impact of phytoestrogens on health, 01 May 2003
MacArthur op cit.
Fallon & Enig op cit.
FAQs on Transexuality, Inland Revenue Diversity and Equality Unit,
Transgender | Background / Facts & Figures, The Cabinet Office
James Owen, Animals’ Sexual Changes Linked to Waste,
Chemicals,National Geographic News 1st March 2004
132.Debbie Andalo, Public to make fluoride decision, The Guardian,
28 July 2004
Andy Kelly, We'll Fight Fluoride Tooth and Nail, Warns Council, Daily
Post, 02 August 2004
Stanley Monteith MD, Radio Liberty Newsletter. November, 2004. See
See Fluoride Alert website,
Stanley Monteith MD, Radio Liberty Newsletter. November, 2004. See
Dr David Kennedy, interviewed on Radio Liberty, 30 December 2004.
Listen on-line at
China, India face Aids disaster, BBC, London, 3 July 2003. See
Nicolson et al, op cit
Garth L. Nicolson Ph.D. et al, Summary of Persian Gulf War Illness
Pilot Study on Mycoplasmal Infections in Veterans and Family
Members, National Forum for CFIDS/ME, FMS, GWI, MCS 1998. See
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website. See
Ibid p.65 Example 23
Journal of Clinical Neuroscience 2002; 9:525-529. High Frequency of Systemic Mycoplasmal Infections in Gulf War
Veterans and Civilians with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
(ALS).Garth L. Nicolson PhD1,2, Marwan Y. Nasralla PhD1,3, Joerg Haier MD, PhD 1,4. See
144. Dr. Garth L. Nicolson and Dr. Nancy L. Nicolson, The Vaccine
Controversy: Why Full Informed Consent Must be Instituted for All
Vaccines, Criminal Politics, February 2001. See
145.FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 2002; 34:209-214, High Prevalence of
Mycoplasma infections among European Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
patients,Examination of four Mycoplasma species in blood of Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome patients.Jo Nijs 1, MSc; Garth L Nicolson 2, PhD;
Pascale De Becker 1, PhD; Danny Coomans 4, PhD;Kenny De Meirleir 1,
3, MD, PhD
146.Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 2003; 11(2): 7-19. Evidence
for Bacterial (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia) and Viral (HHV-6)
Co-Infections in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Garth L.
Nicolson,1 PhD, Marwan Y. Nasralla,2 PhD, Kenny De Meirleir,3 MD,
PhD, Robert Gan,2 MB, PhD and Joerg Haier,4 MD, PhD
147. Luc Montagnier, Virus: The Co-discoverer of HIV Tracks Its
Rampage and Charts the Future, ISBN 0-393-03923-4, New York, NY, WW
Norton, 2000. See
News, Institute of Molecular Medicine website. See
Clinton Administration declares AIDS a security threat, CNN, 30
April 2000. See
Dr Leonard Horowitz, CIA oversees "war" on AIDS, Idaho Observer,
July 2000. See
Horowitz, Emerging Viruses, op cit., p.537
Osler's Web, Hillary Johnson, Crown Publishers Inc. New York, 1996
ISBN 0-517-70353-X
Ellen Tomson, Gulf War Illnesses Affect 300,000 Vets. PioneerPlanet
/ St. Paul (Minnesota) Pioneer Press, 19 Sept. 2000. See
Garth Nicolson Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, News, Institute of
Molecular Medicine website. See
The Darker Bioweapons Future, The CIA, Press Release (reference OTI
SF 2003-108 ) 3 Nov. 2003. See
Michael Meacher, This War on Terrorism is Bogus, The Guardian,
London, 6 Sept. 2003. See,9115,1036688,00.html
Major Doug Rokke interviewed on Radio Liberty 12 Jan 05. Listen
on-line at
Leuren Moret, World Affairs - The Journal of International Issues, 1
July 2004
Steven W. Mosher, President Population Research Institute, The Case
Against UNFPA Funding, PRI Weekly Briefing, 11 January 2002 Vol. 4/
No. 2. See
102 BBC Horizon, op cit.
5 reasons to keep Britain GM-free, The Ecologist Magazine, 22 June
2003. See
ProdiGene Receives National Institutes of Health Grant to Study
Development Of Edible AIDS Vaccine, PRNewswire, 28 Nov. 2000. See
Airforce 2025, The Air University website. See
Ibid., Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025.
Also, synopsis by Jon E. Dougherty, Air Force's weather-modification
plans, 18 Jan.1999. See
Purpose and Objectives of the HAARP Program As stated in the
Environmental Impact Statement, HAARP website. See
Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D., GNSH, Background of the HAARP Project, Dr
Begich's EarthPulse website. See
167 HARRP Factsheet, HAARP website. See
Background Art, Method and apparatus for altering a region in the
earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere, U.S. patent no
4,686,605, 11 August 1987. Go to and type in the patent no. The
patent is held by Advanced Power Technologies, formerly ARCO Power
Technologies, a division of The Atlantic Richfield Oil Company
Dr Nick Begich and Jeane Manning, Vandalism In The Sky EarthPulse
website. See
Gordon J. F. MacDonald, Unless Peace Comes,1968, ch. How to Wreck
the Environment. See
Report of The European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs,
Security and Defence Policy, Minutes of 14 Jan.1999, Section 24, ref.
A4-0005/1999, European Parliament website. See
See Thomas, Legislative information on the internet, 107th Congress
and type in HR2977
Will Thomas, Chemtrails confirmed, See
Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming, go
to U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website and type in patent no.
5,003,186. See
HAARP website. See
Get Ready for New 'Nano' Products, Reuters, 23 July 2003. See,1282,59742,00.html
National Nanotechnology Investment in the FY 2003 Budget Request by
the President, The National Nanotechnology Initiative website. See
World HIV and AIDS statistics, See and Divisions of HIV/AIDS
Prevention, Centers for Disease Control. See and World Population, The World
Gazetter. See
Frequently Asked Questions about Human Cloning and the Council's
Report, The President's Council on Bioethics. See
'First cloned human embryo ready' ITV news, London, 19 Oct. 2003.
NHS euthanasia claims ludicrous', BBC, London, 6 Dec.1999. See
'Curb doctors' life or death powers', BBC, London, 28 April 2000.
Wesley J. Smith, Forced Exit, Times Books, 1997.
Patients must decide on resuscitation, BBC, London, 27 June 2000.
Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory website. See
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