Agenda 21 policy calls for dramatically
increasing urbanization and forcing indigenous populations
out of rural areas and into densely populated stack and pack
micro apartments controlled by technocrats with the ability
to control every aspect of one’s life.
When completed, this
lifestyle will be a hell on earth.

Part One above, I
detailed how the Chinese government, under the direction of
global corporations like Goldman Sachs, is instituting a
mass relocation of its population from rural to urban.
the point of a gun, the Chinese military is forcibly
removing one million Chinese farmers per month from their
rural homes and forcing them into the massive ghost cities
from which China has spent nearly $3 trillion to construct.
The Chinese government, Hank Paulson and
other globalists falsely claim that the mass relocation of
Chinese farmers is necessary to fuel the Chinese economy.
Yet, there are no jobs available to these Chinese farmers
when they arrive in the ghost cities.
Strong industry and
the need to fill positions is what drew Americans into the
cities during our industrial revolution, not the other way
around as the globalists are claiming is the case in China.
What we are witnessing in China is the beginning of the
implementation of the Agenda 21 creation of massive
megacities complete with stack and pack micro apartments.
As in China, there is a decided plot to move
American farmers off of their land and into urban areas and
this plot commenced nearly two decades ago and is currently
picking up momentum.
The American and Chinese methods for
depopulating rural areas are different, but the net effect
is exactly the same.
Can you imagine if the US military, as is
happening in China, were to forcibly relocate American
farmers to urban areas under the threat of violence from the
The US would witness the outbreak of widespread
violence. Unlike the Chinese farmers who are being forced by
gunpoint off of their land. American farmers are being
nudged off of their land by market forces created by covert
government policy.
When both countries achieve virtual
depopulation of the rural areas of their respective
countries, only the government subsidized corporate farms
will remain. Local communities and their individual citizens
will lose total control over all food and this is a
prescription for disaster.

"I will
determine what and how much you may drink"
Mayor Bloomberg
If you wonder why New York City Mayor
Bloomberg and Michelle Obama have been trying to control the
size of sodas, the amount of salt one can use and are
dictating what school children will eat for lunch, the
answer is that they are conditioning the American public
that the government controls all food intake.
The reasons
for these new controls over diet will become painfully clear
after reading the following paragraphs.
Rural Flight In the United States
I know that this will come as a shock to many
reading this article because they did not learn of these
events from FOX or CNN.
However, in actuality, the process
of moving the United States towards a complete Agenda 21
style of
has already commenced and it began nearly 20 years ago.
In 1994, the US became official participants
in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),
which was a ‘liberalized’ trade agreement between Canada,
the U.S. and Mexico.
Under NAFTA, farmers’ income in all
three countries has plummeted and millions of small farmers
have lost their land, while agribusiness corporations (i.e.
large government subsidized corporate farms) have reaped
huge profits.
NAFTA has had
dramatic effects on farmers in North America
and all three effects further the cause dense urbanization
as outlined in Agenda 21 documents.
The Roots of Illegal Immigration
The first notable effect of NAFTA is that it
immediately bankrupted over three million farmers in
northern Mexico and this group became the vanguard of
millions of Mexicans illegally entering the US in search for
subsistence work of any type.

"Damn NAFTA!"
Depopulating Rural Areas By Bankrupting US
The second dramatic impact of NAFTA lies in
the fact that it has had catastrophic consequences for US
farmers as a record number of small farmers have lost their
farms and have gone through foreclosure while the government
subsidized corporate farms have thrived.
NAFTA, the
average annual growth of the
trade deficit
been 45% higher. Since
NAFTA took effect, about 170,000 small family farms have
gone bankrupt which represents a
of 21% of family farms in the US.
The 21% of America small
farmers who have been bankrupted since the advent of NAFTA,
represents a higher percentage of displaced American farmers
than what is happening with forced relocation of Chinese
farmers to the ghost cities.
what happens to American small farmers who have lost their
livelihood? They either work on their former competitors
corporate farms as hired hands, or they relocate to urban
areas in search of employment.
American Farmers - Death By a Thousand Cuts

If it is not
the EPA enforcing its Agenda 21
wetlands regulations with devastating consequences on
farmers, it is
the FDA harassing farmers for pursuing
time-honored farm related industries such as the raw milk
is plotting new attacks on the US farmer as I write these
words. Even
Amish farmers
have felt the wrath of the federal government. Average,
everyday Americans are being
for merely growing their own food.
Whether it is China or the US, Agenda 21
urbanization policies are designed for the purpose of
herding people into dense urban areas for reasons of control
and the primary method of control has to do with controlling
food production.
The US Government Is Gaining Control Over All
The Chinese government is working towards to
the control over all food in order to control the people.
an ever increasing basis, NAFTA is providing the US
government with the exact same ability. Therefore, the third
draconian impact of NAFTA is that it has led to even more
nefarious free trade agreements which led to the loss of
control for local communities over its own food supply.
Underlying the World Trade Organization, the
Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), and the Central
American Free Trade Agreement is the philosophy that all
food (i.e. from basic grains, meat, fruits and vegetables)
should be exclusively produced for international export.
This is a drastic departure from the time honored practice
where each country produced the majority of food its
citizens needed on local, small farms and only traded in
certain products that could not be successfully grown
If anyone wonders where this is headed, we only
have to look to Africa for the answer.
The very first great
wave of a
style of globalization in agriculture took place in Africa,
Asia, and Latin America as global corporations forced local
farmers to give up local food production, and shifted
production to plantations using enslaved Indigenous and
African labor to grow the luxury crops of coffee, sugar,
bananas, and cocoa for export to the colonizing countries.
The lesson here is, if the government
controls the food, the government controls the people.
Starvation Will Be Used to Enforce the Agenda
21 Depopulation of Rural Areas
The use of
food by the U.S. government has been a matter of official
U.S. governmental covert policy since 1974-1975.

In December,
1974, National Security Council directed by
Henry Kissinger
completed a classified study entitled,
"National Security Study
Memorandum 200 - Implications of Worldwide Population Growth
for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests -
NSSM 200
The study was based upon the unproven claims that population
growth in Lesser Developed Countries (LDC) constituted a
serious risk to America’s national security.
In November 1975 President
Ford, based upon the tenets of NSSM 200 outlined a
classified plan to forcibly reduce population growth in LDC
countries through birth control, war and
Ford’s new national security adviser,
Brent Scowcroft, in
conjunction with CIA Director,
George H. W. Bush, were
tasked with implementing the plan and the secretaries of
state, treasury, defense, and agriculture assisted in the
implementation of these insane genocidal plans.
NSSM 200
formally raised the question,
"Would food be
considered an instrument of national power?… Is the U.S. prepared to
accept food rationing to help people who can’t/won’t control their
population growth?"
Kissinger has answered these
questions when he stated that he was predicting a series of
contrived famines, created by mandatory programs and this
would make exclusive reliance on birth control programs
unnecessary in this modern day application of eugenics in a
scheme that would allow Henry to have his cake and eat it
too in that the world would finally be rid of the "useless
Third world
population control, using food as
one of the primary weapons,
has long been a matter of official covert national policy
and a portion of President Obama’s Executive Order (EO
National Defense Resources
Preparedness is a continuation
of that policy.
Only now, the intended target are not the LDC’s but, instead, the American people.

With the
stroke of his pen,
Obama has total and absolute control over
all food where his EO states:
resources" means all commodities and products, (simple,
mixed, or compound), or complements to such commodities or
products, that are capable of being ingested by either human
beings or animals, irrespective of other uses to which such
commodities or products may be put, at all stages of
processing from the raw commodity to the products thereof in
vendible form for human or animal consumption. "Food
resources" also means potable water packaged in commercially
marketable containers, all starches, sugars, vegetable and
animal or marine fats and oils, seed, cotton, hemp, and flax
fiber, but does not mean any such material after it loses
its identity as an agricultural commodity or agricultural
resource facilities" means plants, machinery, vehicles
(including on farm), and other facilities required for the
production, processing, distribution, and storage (including
cold storage) of food resources, and for the domestic
distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer…
NAFTA was merely the opening artillery
bombardment against the American farmer and the ultimate
depopulation of rural areas. The death of the American
farmer will ultimately come at the hands of EO 13603 and
I believe this will be fully implemented when Obama
declares martial law.
"Thank God That I Do Not Live
On a Farm"

Put this map into your GPS, it
will tell where you soon cannot go.
Do you think that you and your family are
actually safe from the ravages of depopulating the rural
areas through economic blackmail and ultimate starvation?
Think again!
Unless you presently live in the core inner
city and occupy less than 500 square feet of living space,
your government, as I write these words, is actively
plotting to get you out of the suburbs and into densely
populated urban areas and this will be fully exposed in Part
three of this series.
Part 4
Depopulating An Entire Region of the Country
the first three parts of this series, it was demonstrated that both the
US government and the Chinese government are engaged in an
Agenda 21 motivated plot
to relocate rural and suburban residents to more densely populated urban
centers to live in overcrowded conditions where a person’s every
movement and every activity is monitored.
The previously described
policies are proving effective in moving populations into densely
populated urban centers in accordance with Agenda 21 policy. However,
the process is not as speedy as the globalists had hoped. The global
elite needed a game changing event in the United States.
In order to
speed things up, the elite bankers at Goldman Sachs masterminded
Gulf oil spill to this end.
Gulf Oil Spill Is a Depopulation Event of Epic Proportions
order to demonstrate the fact that the BP event was indeed planned event
and is part of a bigger scheme to depopulate the Gulf of its 40 million
residents, it is necessary to present a review of the money trail in the
Gulf which shows forethought, planning and motive as a precursor to more
important reasons on why the Gulf had to be destroyed.
Follow the Money

I first investigated the Gulf even in a
seven part series, I
believed I was looking at an event that was motivated by pure greed.
Although the major players (e.g. BP, Transocean, Halliburton, Goldman
Sachs) did make huge sums of money from this planned catastrophe, I have
since discovered the event was not just perpetrated for purposes of
greed alone.
net effect of the Gulf event is that it is a depopulation event and the
government is in league with perpetrators of this event to achieve this
It is
not just possible to demonstrate that the Gulf oil explosion was a
planned event, it is possible to pinpoint the date when the wheels were
put into motion which would make it nearly impossible for any
investigation to get to the bottom of the event by American authorities.
The subsequent cover-up for this event began in 2007,
three years before
the event, as Goldman Sachs reorganized Transocean, the owner of the
destroyed oil rig, into a
Cayman Island corporation.
In doing so, it made Transocean virtually impossible for Congress to
investigate and subsequently discipline the perpetrators.
Unashamedly, Goldman Sachs and Transocean instituted a “put option” on
Transocean’s stock for
Transocean insiders, the very morning of
the explosion.
Transocean boldly walked away with a
$270 million dollar profit
immediately following the explosion because they had doubly indemnified
the rig only weeks prior to the explosion through Lloyds of London. This
alone should have been enough to trigger a massive investigation.
Within three weeks prior
to the oil rig explosion, Goldman Sachs dumped the lion’s share of their
BP stock.
Just another
coincidence, you say? Then explain why BP CEO
Tony Hayward sold 40% of his BP
holdings in the weeks prior to the spill and paid off his mortgage on
his estate in Kent, England, avoided staggering losses.
And true to form
involving the pattern of perpetuating a false flag event with media
complicity, on June 8, 2010, less than six weeks following the oil
BP bought Google and Yahoo Search Terms,
related to the oil spill, in an obvious attempt to conceal as much of
the truth as possible from the public.

There are yet more
financial coincidences.
At the time of the oil rig explosion,
Halliburton was drilling at the base of
the Deepwater Horizon. Very
coincidentally, only 11 days before, on April 9, 2010, Halliburton
purchased Boots and Coots for a quarter of a billion dollars.
Just who
Boots and Coots?
Coincidentally, they are the largest oil clean up
firm in the world And when the explosion took place 11 days later,
wasn’t it fortunate that Halliburton was there armed with Boots and
Coots as they capitalized on their timely good fortune.
profits increased 83% in just 3 months
following the Gulf Oil Crisis subsequent to the
clean-up efforts. It was simply raining coincidences!
The top five dumping
institutions of BP stock just prior to the spill included Goldman Sachs
Asset Management, L.P., Wachovia Bank National
Association and it is important to note that Wachovia is a
subsidiary of Goldman Sachs, thus, making this one tight little family
of co-conspirators.
We also see massive dumping of Sanders Capital, LLC
and PNC Bank, National Association brings noted globalist
George Soros into the
conspiracy as well.
Identified As a Profiteering
The late Bob Chapman,
while appearing the Alex Jones Show in June of 2010, revealed that
Obama’s only asset holder, Vanguard I and Vanguard II, dramatically
sold off BP stock only few weeks before Gulf oil explosion.
Chapman also
revealed that,
“According to this FSB report the largest seller of BP
stock in the weeks before this disaster occurred was the
American investment company known
Vanguard who through two
of their financial arms (Vanguard Windsor II Investor and Vanguard
Windsor I Investor) unloaded
over 1.5 million shares of BP stock
saving their investors hundreds of millions of dollars, chief among them
was President Obama.
The FSB further estimates in this report that
through Obama’s three accounts in the Vanguard 500
Fund he stands to make another $100 million over the next 10
years as
their largest stock holding is
in the energy giant
Exxon Mobil they believe will eventually acquire BP
and all of their assets for what will be essentially a “rock bottom”
price and which very predictably
BP has hired Goldman Sachs
to advise them on.”
Watch the entire interview below:
complicity on the part of the President explains why EPA director, Lisa
Jackson, refused to hold BP’s feet to the fire for using the most deadly
and least effective
oil dispersant, Corexit.
BP and Goldman Sachs hold
the controlling interest in Nalco.
Nalco is the manufacturer of Corexit.
...made money on the clean up from the spill.
participation ties together the link between these rogue corporations
and the government.
now have to ask yourself. When it comes to this event, are you a
coincidence theorist or a well documented conspiracy theorist? More
importantly, this event is much more than a financial conspiracy.
conspiracy is more motivated by the desire to depopulate the Gulf Coast.
Eventual Depopulation of 40 Million Americans From the Gulf

entire ecosystem of the Gulf has been
damaged beyond repair
because of the use of the controversial dispersant, Corexit, the people
in the Gulf are being exposed to poisoned air, water and food.
Much has
been made of the cleanup workers from the Exxon Valdez oil spill and
their ultimate fate. Most died before reaching the age of 51.
Wilma Subra and Kim Anderson
et al., have detailed how many people in the Gulf cannot expect to live
a normal lifespan because of the high rate of cancer causing chemicals
found in Gulf subjects
This makes the Gulf a depopulation event by

The Army
Corps of Engineers have been positioned to engage in a future and direct
Gulf depopulation action.
According to the Army Corps of Engineers, in
2007 the US government allocated $40
billion dollars for a project to depopulate the Gulf Coast region. The
Army Corps of Engineers spokesperson and project
S.I. Rees, downplayed the importance of the $40 billion
However, the funding is available for the express purpose of
relocating Gulf residents and was admitted to by Ries on air.
original document which detailed the Corps’ Gulf depopulation project is
now classified was done so after Jesse Ventura exposed the plan on his
Conspiracy Theory,
on December 10, 2010.
If you would like to actually view the cover page
and the first page of the document, simply Web Search Jesse Ventura and
the Louisiana Conspiracy video and move the time bar
to about 35
The Gulf
Region Is An Ever-Increasing Armageddon Ripe for Mandatory Evacuation
In addition to imperiling the food supply
and destroying the health of the residents, the Gulf disaster is
overwhelming the environment and threatens to bring disaster to the
southeastern portion of the United States on an unprecedented scale.
holocaust in the Gulf has grown to such proportions that the
European Union Times reports
issued a grave report which was prepared for President Medvedev
by Russia’s
Ministry of Natural Resources
in which the report warns that the BP spill will become the
environmental catastrophe in all of human history and will bring total
destruction to the Eastern half of the North American continent.
environmental damage has spread as far north as Memphis as local
report toxic rainfall,
containing Corexit, is falling on and damaging local farmers crops.
report aired over two years ago and was among the first indicators that
the evapotranspiration will cycle was impacted by the Deepwater Horizon
explosion and the subsequent use of Corexit to “disperse” the spilled

The oil which is still emanating from the
about 40% methane, compared
with about
5% found in typical oil deposits,
said John Kessler, a Texas A&M University oceanographer who is studying
the impact of methane from the spill.
Kessler et al, in June of 2010,
warned the public that methane was not going to dissipate on its own and
that it would continue to increase and come ashore with
unpredictable results.
Merchant Marine expert, Captain Kelly Sweeney, while appearing on
The Common Sense Show,
on July 10, 2010, made similar predictions in which he stated that he
and many of his sources feared catastrophic methane explosions near
several coastal cities which could be triggered by the right atmospheric
conditions combined with the high levels of highly flammable methane.
Listen below a 'Hour 1'
of this

Methane Explosion
There are also massive sinkholes and
enormous amounts of escaping methane gas from the Bayou Corne, LA.
disaster area is particularly concerning.
Local officials have made
repeated references to
"powerful underground forces" which are causing the monster sinkholes in the swampland, which has
already led to the
evacuation of 150 homes
and has led to a heated discussion regarding the likelihood of a
methane-bubble tsunami
from the 2010 Gulf of Mexico BP explosion.
Government officials have
warned the local leadership that these high levels of methane pose
serious risks to health,
fire and could even lead to large explosions. Officials have further
warned that local residents needed to obey any coming mandatory
evacuation orders.
There is
no defense against leaking methane
and this situation is spreading through the salt domes in the region.
Methane has been proven to enter structures through foundational cracks
or through sewer traps if the house or office is built on or near
landfills, and in the case of Louisiana, it can come through salt domes
where the oil and the Corexit has been accumulating for three years.
Methane gas can also be
Originally thought to be a remote
methane gas can migrate into the natural
water reservoirs.
Yet, this is exactly what has
happened. And these precise conditions are serving to impact the
drinking water supplies as well as the safety of area crops because of
the evapotranspirational cycle. This is not a predicted event in
Louisiana, it is exactly what is happening right now.
The Gulf is a poisonous powder keg designed
to get the people to either die prematurely or to force them out of the
Gulf in a mass exodus.
have asked if there was a central figure who coordinated this
To that question, I have to state that I cannot definitively
point to one single person.
However, if I were an unencumbered
investigator and not operating under the umbrella of an agenda, I would
want to look closely at a globalist named Peter Sutherland as the
possible mastermind.

Peter Sutherland
Sutherland is an insider’s, insider.
is on the steering committee of the
Bilderberg Group, he is
an Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission (2010-present), he was
Chairman of the
Trilateral Commission
(Europe) (2001-2010) and Sutherland was Vice Chairman of the
European Round Table of Industrialists
Sutherland was also the former head of the World Trade
Organization and the related GATT. Sutherland is the ultimate insider.
More to the
point, from 1996-2009, Sutherland was the CEO of BP. In 2009, he
resigned from BP and assumed a “non-executive” CEO position with Goldman
Sachs, less than a year before the Gulf Event. As if this is not enough
to raise eyebrows,
here is where Sutherland becomes my primary person of
interest in this conspiracy.
In 2006, Peter Sutherland was appointed as
the special representative (SRSG) on
the United Nations
Migration and Development. The UN’s International Migration and
Development would be in charge of large scale population movements were
to take place in the Gulf region.
Remember the $40 billion dollar
relocation fund given to the Army Corps of Engineers to evacuate the
Well, guess who would be in charge? Peter Sutherland would be in
charge through his role with the UN. Sutherland was and is in the
catbird seat to coordinate this entire conspiracy in order to profit
from the spill and to depopulate the Gulf. Murderers have been convicted
on far less circumstantial evidence.
Yet, through all the fake
congressional investigations over this event, Sutherland’s name is not
listed in the Congressional Registry even one time.
Is it even possible
that one person sitting in his rural home in Arizona can find this
multitude of interrelated facts and a Congress with unlimited
investigative resources cannot?
From Regional
Depopulation to Continental Depopulation

The Gulf Stream is a strong interlinked
component of the Earth’s global network of ocean conveyor currents,
which drive the planet’s weather systems.
Dr. Gianluigi Zangari echoes
many scientists when they express concern over the fact that the Gulf
Stream, known as
the Loop Current, has all but stopped and has been
irreparably damaged by the oil spill.
This is why Europe has recorded
its two coldest winters in the last two winters.

The Gulf Loop
For this reason, Zangari’s concern is that
should the Loop Current fail to
restart, and it has not
to date, dire global consequences may ensue as a result of extreme
weather changes and many other critical phenomena as the result of a new
ice age caused by the loss of the mitigating effect that the Loop
Zangari states that the repercussions of which could trigger
widespread droughts, floods, crop failures and subsequent global food
shortages as well as a mini ice age in Europe.
As an
aside, I have had several of my European students tell me that since
2010, many European schools are teaching their young that Europe could
experience an ice age and the inhabitants would be forced to relocate to
the Southern Hemisphere, most likely in Africa.
I believe I have told
you just how this will happen. This would be population migration on a
massive scale.
are a myriad of ways that the Gulf is being rendered uninhabitable and
add to that the fact that economy in the Gulf has been devastated which
has forced even more to leave.
If the globalists were to do nothing else
to the Gulf, in 20 years, the Gulf would be unrecognizable.
The death
curve will surely spike to due to the invasive nature of the Corexit
poisoning in so many facets of the residents lives. However, I am
predicting another game changing event in the Gulf to exacerbate the
exodus which is already happening.
Some have noted that the
phenomenon will spread like wildfire and will nudge more people out of
the Gulf.
Yet, others have suggested that
HAARP will be used to ignite
methane in the Gulf waters near coastal cities which would force mass
evacuations. I do not know what their move is. However, what I do know
that within most of our lifetimes, we will see a mass relocation from
the Gulf into urban areas.
is one variable which is also underlying this entire event that I will
leave you with in closing.
For reasons that I will reveal in a future
article, the Gulf needs to be vacated on the coast to facilitate the new
energy business run by Soros, Gore and friends and it can only happen in
an ecological dead zone.
In achieving the goals of Agenda 21, the ends
always justifies the means.