by Benjamin Fulford
November 15, 2011
Kauilapele Website
Despite seeming bad news on several fronts last week, insiders assure us
that plans for a new financial system are going ahead on all fronts.
Instead of perpetual war and genocide on behalf
of an inbred elite, the people of the planet are choosing to end poverty,
stop environmental destruction and push for a new life-centered scientific
and technical revolution.
Major assistance emerged as a 59-nation group
claiming to represent the Red Dragon Society or Maiona, offered its
support to the new system.
The Red Dragon is headed by Admiral Heemi Hau,
Paramount Chief of
the NGAPUHI in New Zealand and links 59 countries plus
2700 tribes mostly in the South Pacific Region. They back their words with
treaties with the British Empire going back to the 1700’s as well as older
treaties going back to 804 CE [CE = "Common Era"].
This is yet another step in the unstoppable global awakening that will
forever take control of the planet out of the hands of the gangsters who
have been terrifying us for so long.
Here is a part of what the Maiona group proposes:
Our objective is to overcome scarcity and
provide for the needs of all the world’s people through the creation of
a sustainable, living, vibrant civilization that will eliminate all
wars, fears, poverty and hunger.
Resources will be assessed globally that we may cover the needs of the
total populations requirement for housing, food, water, health,
transport, education and recreation, and will also be coordinated in
with the needs of other species that make up the web of life on the
Sources of energy will be explored and developed, but not be limited to,
wind, ocean tides, currents, temperature differentials, falling water,
geothermal, electrostatic, hydrogen, algae, biomass, gravity, bacteria,
phase transformation, thermionics, magnification and fusion energy.
Cities can be constructed circular, linear, underground, floating or
underwater, but will all be built utilizing better resource and
construction techniques. These cities would all have the ability to
supply their own nutritional requirements, giving independence and
Geometrically elegant arrangements, parks, gardens, reefs all designed
to operate with efficient uses of energy and resource that co-exist with
their natural surroundings.
Design and development must work in with the
environment providing clean air, water, food, health, nutrition,
entertainment, accessibility, care and education.
That is the sort of thinking that the gangsters
who took over the global financial system have proven themselves to be incapable of.
They talk instead of never ending,
...while pouring all of
the planets free resources either into a massive military-industrial murder
machine or a decadent lifestyle for a tiny elite.
These gangsters, for their part, made a big push last week in an effort to
make it seem they were still in charge. In Europe they placed cabal flunkies
in power in Greece and Italy after threatening the previous democratically
elected leaders into resigning.
This show of force, however, is still not
backed by any show of money.
Rothschild/Rockefeller cabalists remain
bankrupt and any attempts at asserting control in Europe will fail.
In fact, the Greeks have contacted the
Dragon Society to inform them they will pretend to go along with the
cabalists in order to get a new hit of paper money but that when the time
comes to pay back, they will, as the Irish did, demand proof the bankers had
a legal right to lend that “money,” in the first place.
In Japan as well, there were signs that all was not well.
J. Rockefeller,
one of the masterminds of the
Tsunami, earthquake and nuclear attacks
against Japan was spotted making a tour of the disaster zone and promising
At the same time, the monster-toad
Henry Kissinger was paraded
on Japanese TV on November 11th, talking to Japanese Prime Minister
Yoshihiko Noda.
However, Noda lived up to his name, which means
“no-da, does not give,” in Spanish, and Kissinger and Rockefeller left Japan empty
IMF Director Christine Lagarde also returned empty-handed from her week long
begging tour of Russia, China and Japan. No doubt had it explained to her
that the 1.1 billion people who did not have enough food to eat were a
greater priority than underfunded pensions for prematurely retired
While here, Kissinger also tried to hire gangsters to kill this writer but
found no takers, according to Japanese underground sources. Now that his
fraudulent mirror account trading platforms have been shut down it would
seem his funny money is no longer accepted by the underworld here.
In other news, an informant approached this writer last week with new
details about the 1995 incident in which the
Shinrikyo sect released
poison gas in the Tokyo subway system.
The informant claims she was kidnapped, drugged, raped and tortured into
becoming a
MK-ultra type agent for North Korean gangsters.
She said the North Koreans were taking orders
from Jewish Al-Qaeda type agents.
The entire subway incident was engineered to
“terrorize the Japanese,” she claims. The informant provided this writer
with specific names and contact information for the gangsters involved.
According to her and other sources, these same gangsters had foreknowledge
of the March 11, 2011 tsunami, earthquake and nuclear attacks on Japan.
The White Dragon Society is contacting these
gangsters to try to see if they will be willing to testify about 311 and the Aum incident in exchange for immunity.
Needless to say the Japanese security police have also been informed.
However, according to sources among both the yakuza and Japanese military
intelligence, senior members of the Japanese police forces have also been
working for the cabal and have been bribed and blackmailed in the past so it
is unlikely we will see any official police action on 311 just yet.
Nonetheless, the Japanese
police/military/gangster nexus is now refusing to accept new assignments
from the cabalists. Most are sitting on the fence and waiting to see how the
battle for control of the global financial system turns out.
On that front, the only thing that is certain is that the old system is
mathematically doomed.
The criminal cabal in,
...know their time is
up but they remain arrogant, stubborn and dangerous.
Nonetheless, over 107 countries have agreed to the new financial system
discussed in Monaco in August. In addition, the 59-nation Red Dragon group
is also working with the White Dragon. That means at least 166 nations now
support the new system.
The global human awakening will not be stopped.