by Benjamin Fulford
December 5, 2011
Jhaines6 Website
Spanish version
The word is that the Pentagon, the agencies and
the militias are on the brink of taking violent action against President
and the Senators who claimed the right to
kill and/or indefinitely imprison Americans without trial.
The criminal cabal
in Washington D.C. and Wall Street may be
able to pretend they are setting up a fascist/totalitarian dictatorship in
the US for a while longer but no serious armed group is going to support
The same is true in Europe were
Freemason P2 lodgers and
Bilderbergers will make a move towards
fascist control this week and will seem to be on the offensive but will
ultimately fail.
The simple fact of the matter is that these
fascists simply do not have any reality to back up the numbers they are
putting into their financial computers to bribe people and hire bully boys.
They are mathematically doomed.
The awareness in the thinking part of the population of Western countries
has reached a critical mass. The group that is sitting brainwashed in front
of their TVs is irrelevant because the contents of their TV mind-programming
will change once police and the military remove the criminals now occupying
the corporate media.
Anyone who still believes there is an ounce of truth or decency in the large
corporate media establishments has to ask themselves why these organizations
do not write 911 truth or about the murder of 2 million Iraqis or about the
vast bribes most top Washington D.C. corporate government officials have
They must ask why people are being railroaded
into an agenda of
war against Iran as a precursor to World
War 3.
More than anything else, they need to ask themselves why the so-called
governments of the West do not make any serious future plans for the
planet other than
fomenting war.
In signs of imminent revolution, the Senators who voted to kill and imprison
Americans without trial are being confronted in their offices by angry
constituents. The military has told Obama to buzz off, which is exactly what
he did by running off to Hawaii.
There are many militia groups, many with over 10,000 members each, that have
contacted the White Dragon Society and are just waiting for the word to take
up arms against the corporate federal government. White Dragon allies in the
Pentagon and the agencies are asking the militias to stand down because they
say the Washington and Wall St. criminals will be dealt with by the law.
Clearly, when a group of men who have been
bribed by foreign powers occupy the seat of government in Washington and
claim the right to murder and imprison Americans without trial, then
Americans can legally claim self-defense when preventing these scum from
carrying out their murderous criminal acts.
The question for the decent people in the Pentagon and the agencies is,
“Are you going to be like the German army
that just let Hitler take over or are you going to uphold your vows to
protect the US constitution and the American people?”
In Europe as well, there is going to be a
concerted move by the old world order people to enforce central government
The German chancellor, Angela Merkel,
reported to be Hitler’s daughter, has openly called for a political
union of Europe that will be dominated by Germany.
Also, the new Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti, Romano Draghi
the head of the European Central Bank and EU President Herman van Rompuy
are all Jesuit-trained, leaders believed to be linked to the fascist P2
Freemason lodge.
The summit meeting of 27 EU heads of state this week will feature a push
towards an unelected centrally controlled technocratic government. This will
be disguised as an effort to make sure there is “coordination of fiscal
What it will mean though is that the process of
compiling a national budget, main job of a democratically elected
government, will go unelected bodies. However, as mentioned before, the
European nations do not have enough money to finance the overall European
external deficits.
That means electorates in debtor countries like,
the Baltic States,
...will have a choice between being forced into
having extreme cuts in their standards of living dictated to them by
Eurocrats or renouncing their debts and going back to national
The most likely outcome given this scenario is
that the Euro will be reduced to a rump of 10 countries.
In Japan, meanwhile,
the Rockefellers and
the Rothschilds remain cut-off from
Japanese financing. This may be connected to an announcement by the Japanese
Financial Services Agency that Citibank, Japan will be facing penalties for
deceiving its clients.
These penalties are expected to include
separating the Japanese part of Citibank from the rest of Citigroup and
shutting down some of their operations.
This is the third time Citibank has been
penalized in Japan. The last time was a few years ago when they were caught
money-laundering for the
Goryo Kai, Yakuza gangster syndicate.
The head of Citibank Japan as well as the top executives of three other
major foreign financial institutions in Japan all quit in October. The
behind the scenes clean up in Japan will continue over the coming weeks and
Finally, it is worth noting that a full moon and a full lunar eclipse will
be visible on December 10th. The moon will be visibly red in the
sky. A red moon is a sign of war.
The Western criminal elite says the Red and Blue are paper tigers and that
the White Dragon Society is just a toothless entity.
They forget that patience and tolerance is not the same as weakness. Time is
on the dragon’s side and the Western elite’s system is falling apart without
any need for violence.
However, we are getting very close to the point
where it will be necessary to make some arrests to prevent war.