by benjamin
April 26, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
There are numerous signs of severe discord within the European and North
American secret governments these days.
What we seem to be witnessing is the very
dangerous death throes of the Nazi faction of the Western secret government.
They have launched a desperate counter-attack over the past week in order to
prevent the implementation of the new financial system.
This counter-attack has been triggered because
most members of the Washington establishment, top pentagon brass and members
European Royal Families have all been handed subpoenas by judicial
authorities in recent days, according to a member of the British Royal
family and an opposition source in the US.
The question of what this will ultimately mean depends on how the Pentagon
brass decide to react. The likely outcome is civil war in the US, according
to the wife of a major oil company CEO.
A source close to Bill Clinton
Perhaps a more
likely outcome will be regime change in the US.
What is becoming increasingly obvious is the huge split in the ranks. In the
US, this centered around the SEC’s actions against Goldman Sachs. The
corporate propaganda media immediately began a smear campaign against the
SEC saying staffers watched porno! (imagine finding a large organization
where nobody at all watched porno).
Then the Republicans came in and said
the charges were politically motivated. All in all it showed chaos and
splits in the US government ranks.
Much of the secret action was focused on Japan where both Henry Kissinger
and Bill Clinton showed up for secret lobbying visits. Kissinger offered the
Japanese underworld substantial sums in exchange for a purge of anti-New
World Order members of the Japanese establishment. The underworld people
told him they would no longer be subcontracting for
the N.W.O.
President Clinton also tried, unsuccessfully, to cash various instruments
during his secret visit here last week.
However, according to a source who
was on the plane with Clinton, we were wrong in reporting that his holdings
included the $134.5 billion worth of US bonds seized in Italy in June of
“Those bonds are still being held by the government of Italy, they are
asking now for 10% of their face value,” he said.
In any case, Clinton also
returned empty-handed.
However, our source in the Clinton plane says Clinton was offering to help
resolve the crisis in a manner that would not give him any profit
whatsoever. If this is true then he is basically saying he wants to
cooperate with the
Black Dragon Society. If so, he will be offered
protection in exchange for truth.
The recent leak of information about Clinton’s responsibility for
the Waco
massacre may be a sign that someone has decided to jerk his chain.
In any case, be it Clinton, Kissinger or Obama who does the begging, the
bottom line is that Japan will no longer finance the criminal Washington
D.C. regime.
President Obama’s secret visit to Iran last weekend was meant to encourage
the Iranians to depopulate Israel by using the neutron bombs sent in the
days of George Bush junior, according to a cousin of the former Shah of Iran
and an MI6 source. This was nothing more than a desperate attempt to revive
the old plan to use a small atomic war between Iran and Israel as an excuse
to set up totalitarian regimes in the West in preparation for a bigger
atomic war. He was turned down.
There also seems to be something serious happening under the surface in
Europe. The shut-down of European airspace came at the same time as some
kind of military air drill. The Icelandic volcanic eruption was just
a cover
used to justify the shutting down of European airspace.
The murder of the Polish government was also likely to have been a warning
to European governments by the Nazi faction. It is likely the Polish
government was murdered on the anniversary of the Katyn massacre by the US
criminal government in an attempt to curry favor with Putin or at least get
some money.
Much of this activity was carried out in the run-up to the G20 financial
summit in Washington this past weekend. The meeting has been down-played in
the corporate propaganda media and is also being largely ignored by anti-globalists.
Perhaps this is because they are ignoring the elephant in the living room:
the bankruptcy of the United States and the need for it to give up control
of the US dollar.
The IMF and its top brass were also making a strong pitch to justify their
continued existence. Among the promises they are making is to end national
quotas for staff (i.e. stop being a white man’s club), give more voting
rights to non-G7 countries (but not more than 50%) and be nicer to poor
people. It is probably too little, too late.
Although the meeting was still going on as I wrote this, my prediction is we
will see a repeat of last year’s headline from the International Herald
Tribune (April 3, 2009): "Talk of unity but G20 is split on how to
end crisis."
This crisis, by the way, is largely confined to the Western rich countries.
Basically, the rest of the world has decided to stop subsidizing their
living standards. End of story.
Meanwhile, in Japan the tenure of Prime Minister Hatoyama is expected
to end in May, according to Japanese secret government sources. The new
Prime Minister is expected to be Naoto Kan. However, the real power
is expected to reside with power broker Ichiro Ozawa and ex-police honcho
Kamei Shizuka.
Japan is probably headed for more political turmoil because of a deadlock
over control of the nation’s money printing apparatus. The old aristocratic
families from Choshu are reluctant to give up control. However, the current
set up is becoming dysfunctional and Japan will have hyper-inflation unless
they reboot their financial system.
The overall world scenario is of continued turbulence and dramatic events
until the new financial system is announced. The Western secret government
representatives keep saying, “very soon,” but so far it has been empty
promises. The most recent date we have been promised is April 29th but these
people have cried wolf too often. Believe it when you see it and not until
All the vulture has to do is wait until the lion dies.