by benjamin
September 13, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
The group of people who have been secretly running the governments of the
West for thousands of years are determined to fulfill biblical prophecy
before relinquishing power, according to high level secret government
As a part of their plans, they have reached a
secret agreement with Muslim countries to rebuild the
Temple of the Mount in Jerusalem in a
manner that will leave the Muslim holy site, the
Dome of the Rock, intact.
In addition, it has been agreed that Jerusalem
will be turned into an international city so that it can be a capital for
both the Jews and the Palestinians, the sources say.
“The architectural plans have already been
drawn up and we want to rebuild the temple in 2012,” one senior Zionist
source says.
Unfortunately, conversations with multiple
senior members of the secret government reveal that most of them truly and
sincerely believe biblical prophecy to be true and inevitable, including
Armageddon and the death of a large portion of the human race.
White Dragon Society has made it very clear
to the leaders of the Western secret government that they will be hunted
down if they actively try to kill billions of people in their efforts to
make the prophecies come true.
Fortunately, it appears many of them have gotten the message and have agreed
to carry out the biblical prophecies as part of a great show that will not
lead to mass murder. The
Gulf of Mexico “oil spill” psy-ops may well
be part of the ongoing show but because of the cloud of disinformation
surrounding this incident, we say this only as a matter of speculation.
In the meantime, preparations for the big changes in how the planet is run
are going ahead full steam behind the scenes.
As mentioned last week, the dominant plan now seems to be replace the US
dollar with a gold-backed Amero.
The Amero bills have already been shipped
to central banks around the world. The rate at which governments will be
able to exchange their dollars for Ameros varies from country to country
based on their negotiating power with the US secret government.
One big road block to carrying out the plan is what to do with all the
dollar denominated bonds that have been issued around the world over the
Sources involved in the negotiations say there
will only be a short period during which these bonds can be redeemed in
Ameros. Also, gold-back bonds with compound interest creating astronomical
theoretical value will only be redeemed for the value of the underlying
This writer was offered the chance to buy an old $1000 Mexican gold-backed
bond with a theoretical cumulative interest of $500 billion for the sum of
$20,000 which is probably about how much the gold is worth.
The meeting this past weekend at
the BIS was supposed to sort this issue
out. However, it appears what they have done is simply promise to fix their
problems by implementing Basel III by 2017 when in fact they do not have
that much time.
There is also now a huge split in Washington created by the death of
Joe Bendana and
the investigation in the Daniele Dal Bosco $1 trillion missing bonds
The trail has led to Davos and the UN, where
things have come to a stop for now. There is a big fight going on whether to
carry out a detailed forensic autopsy of Joe Bendana with a view to starting
a murder investigation. Many very powerful forces in Washington are trying
to ensure his death is treated as being one of “natural causes.”
Clearly the investigation is getting too close
to the core of the Western secret government.
There is also still a lot of tension surrounding the September 16th
meeting in Washington aimed at helping the corporate D.C. government meet
its September 30 fiscal year end obligations. China’s Hu Jintao is in
Washington for these discussions, according to a source directly involved in
the negotiations.
Overall, it appears the disarray in Western power corridors is getting more
intense by the day. Britain seems to be a major threat to the secret
establishment because investigations into the
death of Dr. David Kelly are expected to
ultimately to
implicate Tony Blair
and many other powerful people.
The British Press is no longer subjecting itself to the total media control
seen in the United States and this is threatening the ability of the secret
government to maintain a lock-hold on English speaking global public
At the same time, Pope
Ratzinger remains under heavy siege as
investigations into systematic child rape point directly to his
involvement in the cover-up of these crimes.
This combined with the Dal Bosco investigation,
is leading to the heart of the secret government.
911 Truth movement is yet another big move
threatening the secret establishment. The
End-Game for all of this is going to have to be full disclosure
of the hidden truth to the people of the planet.
This is now certain to take place but the
secret government is determined to postpone
it until after
2012 so they can build their temple.