by Benjamin Fulford
May 30, 2011
GramercyImages Website
A Western military invasion of Saudi Arabia’s
oil-fields is scheduled for this summer, according to CIA and MI6 sources.
The aim of this invasion will be to try to grab
control of the world’s oil supplies and simultaneously provoke Pakistan and
then China into starting a World War, the sources say.
Meanwhile, Western intelligence officials say that “Al-Qaeda” is planning to
hit the headquarters of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basle,
Switzerland with a Nuclear weapon on or around June 1st, citing a top “Al
Qaeda” official as his source.
The leaks of these and other dramatic “planned
events,” are probably posturing in preparation for the announcement of the
new financial system.
However, the Saudi Invasion plan has been corroborated by a broad variety of
sources within the BIS, the
Rothschild family and the agency sources
mentioned above, making it a high probability event.
This move is an attempt
by the money printing side of the leading
Khazarian families to maintain
control over
the financial system of the West by seizing the world’s key oil
They know Pakistan has promised to protect Saudi
Arabia and China, Pakistan, so clearly they are hoping this move will finally
set off World War 3 and their long sought “end-times” battle between “Gog”
and “Magog.” Such a war would stave off their imminent bankruptcy and loss
of power.
The threat to nuke the BIS is from a group that claims to be opposed to
these plans. We have been able to independently confirm that at least some
of the members of this group are connected to both intelligence agencies and
the international drug mafia.
Below is the text of e-mails received from them
and forwarded to various intelligence and police agencies:
There are 4 rogue nuclear devices which were
removed from
the Kursk Submarine back in 2000. Everyone must understand
that the nuclear devices controlled by various militaries around the
world are NOT at the disposal of our enemies.
All of those devices are accounted for,
every single last one of them, and all of the militaries around the
world are sitting on the fence waiting to see how this will play out.
So, one of the 4 devices was already detonated and caused
the Japanese
Earthquake. 3 remain.
My information is that one (or more) will
be detonated on June 1st, blamed on Al Qaeda in an effort by the Satan
worshiping Obama Administration to start WW3.
B.I.S. is about to turn to dust. This just came
in directly from the new Al Qaeda #1.
Firstly regarding the nuclear device which will be detonated imminently. The
best lead we have is that an individual called Bob Swan can provide
information leading to its discovery.
Our best information is that Bob Swan can be found at the following location: Flat 1, 2 The Mount. St. Leonards on Sea, East Sussex, TN38OHR, England.
Secondly, An informant from the USA Navy Air Craft Carrier Carl Vincent,
recently docked at Manila Bay, Philippines, the ship which allegedly dumped
Osama Bin Laden’s dead body at sea, has informed Mi6 Agent Peter Stevens
that the entire operation in Abottabat, Pakistan was a fabrication.
According to multiple sources including the NSA, FSB, and family, confirm
that Osama Bin Laden has in fact been dead since Dec13, 2001.
The current United States Administration is
little more than a fraud that does the bidding of Their Rothschild Masters
and are on the verge of initiating WW3 unless something is done.
A CIA source dismissed these warnings as bluffs and said they were not to be
taken seriously. However, it is very clear Japan was attacked with a sea-bed
nuclear weapon that triggered an Earthquake and Tsunami and these sources
did warn us beforehand that Japan was the imminent target of nuclear terror.
The warnings were dismissed at the time.
It is also worth noting many attacks can be prevented by issuing warnings
beforehand so even if nothing happens, it is worth passing on these
messages. It is further worth noting the sudden change in tone between
and the UK Government following his visit last week. The President who
returned a bust of Winston Churchill given by the UK and who was snubbed
from royal wedding invitation list was suddenly kissing British ass big time
and talking about Anglo Saxon solidarity.
There has also been a sudden change in the general attitude towards Israel
with Obama and practically everybody else (except for Canada’s shame, the
Zionist slave and arch-traitor Harper) has been twisting the Israeli’s arms
into finally reaching a peace agreement with their neighbors. This is a
sign of a clear loss of power by the
radical right wing Zionist lobby.
On a different note, G8 meeting last week failed to discuss, as originally
planned, replacing the US dollar with a new currency controlled by the IMF.
This plan was endorsed by Treasury Secretary
Geithner and other Federal Reserve Board Crime Syndicate members but has now
apparently been quietly trashed along with DSK’s career.
Instead, the dollar is now expected to be purged
of fraudulent book entries before becoming commodity-backed and melded into
the new financial system.
BIS attack cancelled
June 01, 2011
BenjaminFulford Website
The intelligence source that told us the BIS was going to be targeted with a
nuclear explosion says the attack has been cancelled because a $136 million
payment was made to the group making the threat.
Update Information
June 06, 2011
BenjaminFulford Website
The following photograph was sent to us by an unnamed source.
It is claimed to be one of three suitcase nukes
now hidden somewhere in Europe.