by Adrian Salbuchi
October 21, 2010
ASalbuchi Website

Patagonia is the name of the southernmost region
of Argentina comprising the provinces of,
Río Negro
Tierra del Fuego,
...together with their Chilean counterpart regions
on the Pacific Ocean side of the Andes Mountains.
This article highlights the growing signs that
this South American Region has been targeted by the Global Power Elite and
will be lost by both Argentina and Chile.
The Elite plan, in fact, can be traced back to
over a century ago.
No surprise when you consider that Patagonia has
incalculable wealth - oil, gas, minerals, food, water, fish, grains, cattle…
Since the end of World War II, most of
the world has come under the indirect control of a veritable
Government which, although not legally binding, does anyway have the
power of enforcing and imposing its objectives and interests all
over the world.
The key factor to be highlighted is that
the world has gone through a far-reaching privatization of Real
Power where the
Global Power Elite (GPE) has (re)organized itself
increasingly around small but extremely powerful structures that
enable it to wield its power, influence and leverage over the entire
In fact, the greatest challenge we must
all deal with in every country and region, is the fact that very
small usurping minorities wield gigantic power over the vast
majority of us
in finance, the economy,
academia and
the media (i.e., PsyWar) and in the
social, technological and military spheres.
The GPE have, through the decades,
achieved this thanks to what the "Report
from Iron Mountain" (a Hudson Institute think tank report
purportedly prepared for the Pentagon in 1967 when Lyndon Johnson
was president and Robert McNamara secretary of defense), aptly
described as a global "War System".
I.e. we all live under a political,
economic, financial and media military-industrial system that
imposes perpetual war over the entire planet, which they believe is
fundamental and necessary to ensure the "correct" management of
financial flows, economic growth, social behavior, political
dialectic, exploitation of resources and many other factors that
will promote and achieve the GPE's medium and long terms plans and
This highly authoritarian, vertical and
pyramid structured power system, created an increasingly strong,
consistent and effective structure made up of a network of
interlocking and interfacing think tanks (i.e., geopolitical
planning centers), where the top of the pyramid is controlled by
entities like,
...and others.
In Argentina, their local counterparts
or subsidiaries include,
the CARI (Consejo Argentino para
las Relaciones Internacionales)
the Americas Society (which
operates the Latin American network for the CFR in New York
very powerful local Zionist
militant entities, AMIA (Asociación Mutual Israelita
Argentina) and DAIA (Delegación de Asociaciones Israelitas
...amongst others.
Today, our world is immersed in a highly
complex, violent and volatile transition which is dragging mankind
from the stage of so-called "Globalization"
(i.e., an unofficial World Government), towards an increasingly
legally-binding and coercive
World Government.
Naturally, this is being increasingly
imposed on global public opinion using sophisticated, powerful (and
very expensive!!) Psychological Warfare techniques, that are bent on
convincing us all that World Government is "good" for us.
That it will protect "mankind", promote
"democracy", "human rights" and "progress", whilst it ensures
"peace" and "protection" from all the bad guys out there that "hate
us", because we have "democracy", "human rights"… well, you know the
All of this Newspeak covers up the fact
that World Government is being imposed upon us by the GPE to protect
and promote the interests of a usurping, authoritarian violent,
illegitimate and regressive minority over the vast majority of us.
I have explained this complex process in
various videos available on YouTube including:
Whilst I write from Argentina and will
now describe a rather specific Argentine problem referring to
implicit threats upon our territory, the mechanisms described herein
have their counterparts in just about every other country in the
If World Government is coming, then we
all need to be alert because, although it is a truism, Argentina -
as every other country - is on this planet, so we had better start
understanding what the true consequences of a legally enforceable
and extremely power World Government mean for every country in the
Let's continue with the case of
We have a population of around 40
million people, however our territory is at least five times larger
than, for example, that of France with a population of 65 million
The time will surely come from the
Global Power Elite will send us the
clear message from the power capitals - Washington, New York or
London - saying that we have "too much" territory, and that we must
accept "a more balanced reallocation" of it (naturally, in the name
of "Mankind", "peace" and "democracy").
What will we tell them? And if the
Argentine people were to grasp that the GPE's plans are not good for
our own interests and our own future, what will we be able to do to
stop them when they decide to come down upon us?
In the case of Argentina, as with many
other countries in Latin America and in other continents, successive
cowardly and treacherous governments over the past thirty or forty
years have left us all but defenseless.
The catastrophic policies of so-called
"democratic" governments since 1983 to date, have not only destroyed
our military capabilities but, what is much worse, through PsyWar
perpetrated by the mainstream media that is in their hands and our
eroded educational systems, they have confused and weakened our
people's national, cultural and territorial awareness; and eroded
our traditional values, especially amongst the younger generations.
The people responsible for this are the
very ones whose political careers and campaigns are systematically
and lavishly financed with the GPE's money, and in our country, are
symbolized by the successive presidencies of,
Raúl Alfonsín (1983-89)
Carlos Menem (1989-99)
Fernando de la Rúa (1999-2001)
Eduardo Duhalde (2002-2003)
very especially Néstor Kirchner
(2003-2007) and now his wife Cristina Kirchner (2007 to
As a result, today Argentina is no
longer an independent nation.
Countries are sovereign and independent
because of their own decision and will, to remain free and
However, if today Argentina has not been
not invaded or come under the total control of the GPE, it is only
because they - the Global Power Elite - have decided that the time
for imposing full control over us has not yet come, and not because
we defend and guarantee our own Sovereignty.
The day the GPE decides to "do something
different" with Argentina, there will be absolutely nothing that we
can do to stop them…
Argentina has gigantic natural resources
and enormous, incalculable material wealth. In economic terms, how
much is Argentina "worth"? That is incalculable!
And in geopolitical, social and
political terms? Unimaginable…
Its physical beauty - snow capped
mountains, enormous pampa grasslands, thousands and thousands of
kilometers of coastlines and beaches, waterfalls, rivers, canyons…
Argentina is very much like a pretty 18
year old girl. Very attractive and there are many roaming wolves
around her. As good parents, "We, the People" of Argentina would
definitely do very well to watch over her and protect her!
Argentina could easily be the home to
140 even 240 million people, and yet... we are only 40 million
Argentine Citizens (mind you, this represents only 0.7% of global
population, and yet we have the sixth largest territory on the
One would imagine that with so much
wealth and such a small population, Argentines should be living like
kings!! Not so: over 50% of our population languishes in extreme
poverty, in material terms.
And in cultural and spiritual terms, we
are even more impoverished!
A sure sign of how well the GPE's
Geopolitical and Social Engineering Plan works to keep our country
on our knees, biting the dust thanks to the crimes and mismanagement
of the Money Power Elite's favorite local politicians, who act as
managers for the New Work Order…
Clearly, this is no coincidence.
This is being engineered since many
decades ago. Argentina must be kept under-populated and
demographically unbalanced. For example: one third of our total
population lives in the city of Buenos Aires and its sprawling
Whilst 80% of Argentines live in the ten
largest cities: Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Rosario, Tucumán, Mendoza, La
Plata, Santa Fe, Mar del Plata, Salta and San Juan…
The Southern Patagonia Region, however,
is all but uninhabited: less than 1 inhabitant per square kilometer
("uninhabited" according to the UN).
Today, the five Argentine provinces in
Patagonia - Río Negro, Neuquén, Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del
Fuego - have a combined population of 1.600.000 people, whilst the
small but densely populated and mostly poor Buenos Aires suburban
county of La Matanza, has a population of… 1.600.000 inhabitants!
So, a tiny dot on the map of Argentina -
La Matanza county - has the same population as all of Patagonia!
Clearly, this absurd and dangerous demographic imbalance reflects
the geopolitical and social engineering emanating from the above
mentioned think tanks, and implemented locally through successive
"democratic" governments whose main job has been to obediently
implement the measures and strategies imposed upon us by,
the IMF
World Bank
Intern-American Development Bank
the Washington Consensus
geopolitical planners in the
United States, Britain and Israel, always working together
with circumstantial local managers - i.e., Alfonsín, Menem,
Cavallo, De la Rúa, The Kirchners…
And almost always using one of their
favorite excuses to be able to impose all of this upon us:
(See video in Spanish: La Deuda Externa
de Argentina:
That Fraudulent Foreign Debt allows the
GPE Shylocks to extract their pound of flesh from us year after
year, decade after decade, generation after generation…
This process is fully backed by constant
Psychological Warfare emanating from the local and international
mainstream media in the GPE's power, coupled with the degradation
and dumbing down of our educational system on all matters pertaining
to political, historical, social, economic and financial issues and
In this way, they have imposed a
catastrophic generalized lack of proper awareness and understanding
among the population.
With time, this will enable them to take
over huge chunks of our territory without even having to fire a
single shot, and getting it just as they want it: unoccupied and
free of trespassers, where the "trespassers" are the We, the
Argentine People ourselves.
To manage that territory to their own
best interest, they need no more than a small group of locals - say,
2 or 3 million well trained and specialized local Argentine managers
to run their affairs efficient and loyally.
The remaining 37 million Argentines are
nothing more than "useless eaters", to be disposed of within the
scope of the Global Depopulation Agenda.
When you understand this plan, it then
becomes clear why Argentine politicians and the local media recently
IMPOSED on us their so-called "Gay Marriage Law" (I call it the "Sodom
Law", referencing it toe to Sodom and Gomorrah: perversion on a
biblical scale), as well as the soon to come pro-abortion law.
Both clearly AID depopulation in an
already depopulated country…
A key year in the History of the
Americas and of the World
4th July
The 13
Original Colonies of North America declared their independence from
what was then the most powerful empire: England. A truly heroic
undertaking. North Americas fought and won and, since then, grew and
grew to become today's 50 states and a planetary hegemon.
1st August
King Charles III created the Viceroyalty of the River Plate, a
gigantic geopolitical entity spanning the from the Atlantic to the
Pacific oceans, that included all of present-day Argentina, Uruguay,
Paraguay, Bolivia, and parts of Chile and Brazil, all centered on
Buenos Aires.
But contrary to what occurred in North America, down
here since 1776 we broke up into pieces becoming a mere handful of
weak, inconsistent so-called "independent" countries, falling under
the aegis of Britain and later the U.S..
Argentina's final map even
took the shape of T-Bone steak, something very much to the liking of
19thand 20th Century British meat packers…
Two "coincidences"
2nd March 1776
- Adam Smith published "An Inquiry into the Wealth of
Nations", liberal capitalism's Bible since then
1st May 1776 -
Adam Weishaupt, a mysterious almost mythical character,
founded the Masonic Lodge of the Illuminati of Baviera, in
line with the Gran Orient Lodge that merged in London some
years earlier, thus consolidating growing power of political
The GPE's Interest in our part of the
World has always been centered on Argentina. Then, at the end of the
19th century, International Zionism made its
appearance, becoming a key factor
International Zionism
Since its founding by the Russian Jew
León Pinsker (whose main writing was "Self-Emancipation") and
Viennese lawyer Theodor Herzl, these founding fathers of Zionism
thought in terms of creating TWO Jewish States:
one in Palestine
(finally imposed by force in 1948 by Zionist terrorist groups,
notably Irgun Zvai Leumi, Stern Gang and Hagganah, with the support
and abetment of the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union)
the other in Argentina
Pinsker called the former the "ideal
State" (i.e., in Palestine which they claimed as a Jewish homeland),
and the latter as the "practical state" (i.e., in Argentina).
In his seminal book founding the
militant International Zionist Movement, called "The Jewish State",
(published in 1896), Herzl wrote a chapter that carries the eloquent
title of "Palestine or Argentine?" in which he says (the
highlighting is ours),
"Which shall we choose,
Palestine or Argentine?…
Argentina is, by its nature, one
of the richest countries in Earth, with an immense
territory, scarce population and moderate climate. The
Argentine Republic would have the greatest interest to cede
to us a part of its territory.
The infiltration of Jews that is
presently taking place these has not been to their liking,
naturally, and we will have to explain to Argentina the
radical difference that exists with the new Jewish

Clearly, we are confronted with a plan
reaching back many, many years, that is being engineering with
patience, diligently, with a sense of opportunism, flexibility and
It is supported by the ignorance and
help of the worst elements in Argentine society (i.e., our so-called
"political class"), who to this very day systematically have in
their grip the key political, economic, media, educational and
financial reins of this country, which they wield aligned to the
interests of the GPE, which means against the interests of the
Argentine people.
But that was all back in 1896…
So, let's
fast-forward to our present-day.
In 2002, when Argentina was in the midst
of its worst banking, financial and currency collapse that dragged
our country to a veritable social war that had exploded in December
2001 with the default on the public debt, the influential New York
Times, published an extensive article on 27th August 2002 with the
title "Some in Argentina see Secession as the Sole Solution to the
Problem of its Foreign Debt".
In it, they proposed that Argentina pay
its foreign debt by ceding the Patagonia.
A few weeks later on 2nd
September 2002, "Newsweek" echoed the same idea (both publications
are run and controlled by Zionist elements from the CFR, Trilateral
Commission and other GPE entities).
The idea thus started sounding
explicitly that secession and territorial break up were possible
options for our country.
Strange visits…
We will mention only in passing that for
many years there have been strong and insistent rumors that in March
1969, New York Rabbi Nahum Gordon allegedly visited Buenos Aires to
brief local Zionist militants on the need to break Argentina up, in
line with Zionist interests.
Whilst there is no supporting evidence
or documentation supporting this - which has since become known as
the "Andinia Plan", "Andinia" being a hypothetical future country to
be sliced out of Argentina's Patagonia (and Chile's, as well…) and
Andes Mountains territories, it does uncannily tie in with all of
what we describe herein.
5th January 1986
The traditional, prestigious and
conservative Buenos Aires daily newspaper "La Nación" published an
article, "Studies are Underway for the Settlement of a Jewish Colony
in the Province of Santa Cruz".
The article literally said:
"Alberto Levy, a spokesman for
the Israelis carrying out a survey in the area, stated that
'this is a project we have carefully nourished for a long
time and counts with the support of the Argentine
As has occurred since a number
of years, El Calafate - the main tourist town in the region
- this season received hundreds of Jewish "mochileros"
(i.e., young backpackers and hikers) which in their own
words are carrying out a survey, studying the local climate,
vegetation and animals, and the potential wealth of the
According to local townspeople
in the area and the mochileros themselves, this survey was
concluded with favorable results for such a settlement."
27th May 1987
Our of the blue, then president Raul
Alfonsín proposed - and Argentine Congress obliged and sanctioned
Law No. 23.512 which declared Argentina's New Capital City to be
relocated to Viedma/Carmen de Patagones in Patagonia.
This installed the idea of Argentina
having two capitals - present day Buenos Aires and future Viedma.
Though never actually carried out, the law is still in force and can
be reactivated at any time.
Surprisingly, before his "out of the
blue" plant, Alfonsin has allegedly met with Zbigniew brzezinski in
the Patagonian city of Bariloche…
Much more recently, former president
Nestor Kirchner (husband of present president Cristina Kirchner)
declared on 29th September 2010 in a speech in New York City that he
had supported the removal of our Capital to Viedma back in 1987 when
he was mayor of the city of Rio Gallegos (provincial capital of
Santa Cruz) and would consider reactivating the whole proposal.
18th March 2002
Finance Buenos Aires newspaper "El
Cronista Comercial" (page 12) published an article called "Debt for
territory" which described the proposal from a U.S. consultant to then
president Eduardo Duhalde of swapping public debt for government
land, adding that,
"the idea would be to transform
our public debt default into direct equity investment in
which creditors can become land owners where they can
development industrial, agricultural and real estate
In this way, the public debts
would be reduced and the economy reactivated. There could be
surprising candidates for this idea: during the Alfonsin
Administration, the Japanese studied an investment master
plan in Argentine land in order to promote emigration. The
proposal was also considered in Israel."
Only a few months later, the New York
Times article referred to above was published.
A local consultancy in turn, Giacobbe y
Asociados, reported that they were carrying out a survey in
Patagonian Province of Chubut and other provinces, for an alleged
European Multinational Company which contained however questions
that were suspiciously unrelated to the economy and local markets
and were more of a geopolitical nature, such as:
"Would you agree that Argentine
should give up its rights over territories in Antarctica in
order to fully cancel our foreign debt?
Would you agree in ceding
government lands in Chubut to pay for the provincial public
debt? Would you agree that the provinces of Río Negro,
Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego should merge into
one sole Province or region?
What is your position on the
proposal that Argentina's economy should be managed by an
officer from the IMF or some other international entity?
Considering the dire situation
that reigns in Argentina, do you want to leave the country?"
29th September 2003
A media scandal breaks out, driven by
the local militant Zionist organization and pro-Israel lobby DAIA (Delegación
de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas) over alleged declarations by
the then Argentine Army Chief of the General Staff General.
Roberto Bendini made during a
presentation at the Argentine Army War School pointing to the danger
in Patagonia posed by the exceptional interest shown by Israeli
groups in the region.
The hysterical reaction of the local
mainstream media and their well-paid journalists and analysts
aligned to the GPE and of course from the DAIA itself.
Nevertheless, the local newspaper "La
Nacion" (30-Sept-03 - highlights are our) explained that,
"there is no doubt that there
are Israelis all over the Patagonia. They move around in
groups, they are young, speak in Hebrew amongst themselves.
For greater information, we can
say that a good number of them come from the military.
They have just taken off their
Israeli Army uniforms, although their plans to visit Volcano
Lanín and visit Lake Argentina and eventually travel through
the whole country over to Puerto Madryn have not, in
principle, been approved by (then Israeli prime minister)
Ariel Sharon… but rather by a local tourist guide: they are
twenty-something year old youths, who take their vacations
after leaving the Israeli Army and before going to college."
3rd July 2005
Again, the Buenos Aires daily, "La
Nación" in its Sunday edition published a notable article (Section
7, "Enfoques", page 6) under the title "Eduardo Elsztain: the Owner
of the Land".
Mr Elsztain happens to be this country's
largest landowner and his business and political profiles are,
indeed, very interesting, representing a good Case Study that helps
to understand how the Global Power Elite's influence, lobbying and
militancy work in practice our country (and in most other countries
Eduardo Elsztain is:
President of the local Real
estate giant IRSA, belonging to his family and which, since
1989, partnered with Jewish-American-Hungarian real estate
magnate and speculator multibillionaire George
Soros(director of the CFR/Trilateral Commission). For Soros,
Argentina has meant great business as in the ten years in
which he was involved in "investing" in our country under
president Carlos Menem's liberal policies, he was able to
siphon off 500 million dollars of local wealth into his
Elsztain is member of the
New-York-based Americas Society founded by David Rockefeller
(Exxon/JPMorganChase) and managed by William Rhodes (CitiCorp),
amongst others. Other Argentine members include Amalia
Fortabat (cement heiress), Marcelo Mindlin (see below) and
the criminal banker José Röhm (owner of the defunct Banco
General de Negocios, wanted by the Argentine Courts). The
Americas Society acts as an interface in Latin America for
the Council on Foreign Relations (whose headquarters happen
to be right across the street from them, on Park Avenue at
67th Street, in New York City).
In 2005, Elsztain was named
treasurer of the World Jewish Congress by its president, who
is also Mr Elsztain's friend and business partner Edgar
Bronfman (member of the Trilateral Commission, CFR, the
Jewish Masonic lodge B'Nai B'Rith, and the militant ADL
Anti-Defamation League of Nueva York). Owner of the Seagram
Distilleries, Bronfman is one of the wealthiest and most
powerful billionaires of the world.
Elsztain owners the majority
shareholding in the local Banco Hipotecario (a formerly
public mortgage bank serving the public that was privatized
by Carlos Menem in the 90's in George Soros' benefit), which
Elsztain in turn delegated onto Ms Clarisa Lifsic de Estol
(president), and which counts amongst its directors, one
Jacobo J. Dreizzen, co-designer of the criminal Sovereign
Public Debt Bond Mega-Swap carried out by him in June 2001
with then economy minister Domingo Cavallo, which only five
months later led directly to Argentina's full banking
collapse and default in December 2001 (however it increased
out foreign debt by over 50 billion dollars…).
Elsztain is a regular
participant in the World Economic Foru8m at Davos (presided
by Trilateral member Klaus Schwab)
He is also the owner of the main
shopping malls in Buenos Aires city (Alto Palermo, Patio
Bullrich, Paseo Alcorta, Design Center, Abasto) and other
major cities. He owns large agricultural establishments
throughout the country (collectively managed under his
company Cresud). He owns luxury hotels like the Llao-Llao in
Bariloche (Tourist capital of Patagonia), the Buenos Aires
Intercontinental and the Sheraton Libertador. He owns
emblematic Buenos Aires skyscrapers like the Rulero Building
in the Retiro district, Laminar Plaza in Catalinas, the
Microsoft Tower, and shopping malls in Caballito and
Neuquén, amongst many others. He owns a 100 Hectare farm in
the Quetrihué Peninsula on Lake Nahuel Huapi in Bariloche,
which extends from Villa La Angostura resort town to the
popular Arrayanes Forest tourist attraction in Bariloche.
The luxury Llao-Llao Hotel is usually completely shut off to
Gentiles during the Jewish Pessaj - Passover - Festivities
when it is fully occupied by militant Jews.
Amongst his business associates,
we find Sam Zell (one of the five largest real estate owners
in the U.S.), Michael Steinhardt (investment fund owner) and
Marcelo Mindlin (former vice-president of IRSA until 2003,
also member of the Americas Society and owner of the Dolphin
Investment Fund (focused on electric utilities).
President of the Argentine
Branch of the U.S.-based International Hiller Foundation that
supposedly "renders financial assistance to Jewish youths…"
We wonder whether that includes aiding the "cute mochileros"
who roam throughout all of Patagonia…
Elsztain is an active militant
in the Orthodox Jewish Movement Jabad Lubavitch.
1990 to date
It is a well-known fact in both
Argentina and Chile that enormous extension s of land have been
purchased throughout all of the Patagonian region by alleged
"investors" and billionaire "ecologists", all thanks to the
irresponsible and cowardly public policies of successive governments
in Argentina and Chile beginning in the nineties which totally
relaxed our laws.
These same policies also allowed the
likes of Nestor and Cristina Kirchner (our former and present
presidents, respectively) to acquire huge tracts of land at dirt
cheap prices, and later sell them for millions of dollars in the
tourist city of El Calafate, for instance, in the Kirchner's home
Province of Santa Cruz.
To name but a few of these foreign billionaire "investors" and
Carlo y Luciano Benetton
(Italian) - Owners of 900.000 Hectares. In the provinces of
Neuquén and Chubut
Ted Turner (U.S. - shareholder and
founder of CNN and TNT) - owner of over 5000 Hectares near
the city of Bariloche (where he went so far as to privatize
lakes and mountains that were formerly public tourist areas.
Douglas Tomkins (U.S.) - Focused
on acquiring land in the Chilean side of Patagonia,
virtually cutting that country in half as he acquired large
tracts of land running from the Pacific coast to the border
with Argentina.
George Soros (Hungarian-U.S.
Jewish "investor")
Joseph Lewis - (British) owner
of Planet Hollywood. Acquired huge tracts of land in
Patagonia and built a landing strip near the Patagonian
township of El Bolsón, as large as the main runway at Buenos
Aires City Airport. Clearly, the GPE need to have direct
access by air to Patagonia by large aircraft - both military
and civilian - which is now guaranteed by the fact that
there are several outlying major runways, including the one
that was inaugurated in 2001 in El Calafate (Santa Cruz)
just went we went into financial meltdown.
Daniel Lerner - (U.S.) President
of Walt Disney Enterprises for Latin America
Ward Lay…
23rd November 2009
Another interesting example is that of
the present mayor of Buenos Aires City, Mauricio Macri, a typical
example of Argentina's political class being fully functional to the
GPE and its Zionist controllers.
(The Macri Family have close
business ties with the local Jewish landowners Werthein, with
Israeli interests, and with the powerful Italian Agnelli family,
owners of the Fiat Car Plants and co-founders with David Rockefeller
of the Trilateral Commission).
When Mr Macri was recently confronted
with a major political scandal because he started up the new
Metropolitan Police by naming its first chief of police, Jorge "El
Fino" Palacios who a short time afterwards ordered a whole spate of
illegal wire-tapings.
When he went to a local TV talk Show -
"Los Tres Poderes" (AmericaTV, 23-Nov-2009) - to explain what had
happened and why he named Mr. Palacios who was suspected of having
unclear involvement in the AMIA terror bombing cover-up.
(See my video on the subject: 'False
Flag Attacks in Argentina - AMIA and Israeli Embassy Bldgs'
At that point,Macri responded by saying,
"Who are the people who have the
clearest picture of what is happening in Argentina regarding
The best intelligence services
in the world like the (Israeli) Mossad. So, we went to see
the U.S. Embassy and the Israeli Embassy and we told them 'can
you recommend the best policeman to us?'.
And those two embassies, without
even speaking to each other, both answered 'Mr Palacios'."
Then, Macri added that he named
Yet another example of how our local
politicians and "businessmen" are - knowing or unknowingly - but
pawns in the hands of International Zionist interests
(For those readers who can understand
Spanish, here is the link to that grotesque TV interview:
19th October 2008
Once again, we learn from the Buenos
Aires Daily newspaper "La Nacion" that a U.S. "Environmental NGO"
called The Nature Conservancy, chose the city of Bariloche to set up
its office in Argentina.
The article carries the title "Ecomillionaires
in Patagonia want to Recover our Temperate Grasslands".
The Nature Conservancy is financed by
major corporations, and the NGO's president is,
Henry Paulson (Treasury
Secretary during the George W Bush Administration and former
CEO of Goldman Sachs)
Roberto Hernández Ramírez
(president of the Banamex Bank in México)
Mark Tercek (Director, Goldman
Financing was received from, amongst
the MacArthur Foundation
Hewlett Packard
General Motors
American Electric Power
Procter & Gamble…
All, these multinational corporations
and multibillionaires are, no doubt, very concerned about what
happens with "Patagonia's grasslands…" (!!!)
The Patagonia Company, Inc
At least, that's what I call it… One can
envision that there will come a time when Patagonia itself will be
"privatized" (¿debt for territory?).
This could very well become a key
mechanism for territorial take-over. Some are already calling it PPP
(Public-Private Partnerships).
A day will surely when one of
Argentina's systematically treacherous governments will concession
out all of Patagonia to some suitably set up Joint Venture Company
(trading under the name of 'Patagonia, Inc.' or 'Patagonia, Ltd'?),
for a period of say 100 or 500 years (it makes no real difference),
with the "Mission" of "efficiently managing" Patagonia's huge
resources, of course, to "benefit Mankind".
It would be a revamped political,
economic and legal scheme of truly global proportions, consisting of
conglomerates of major transnational corporations and multilateral
It could include, for example,
oil giants like ExxonMobil,
British Petroleum, Repsol, YPF (today ceded by the Kirchner
government to their banker-partner Eduardo Eskenazi), Texaco
together with megabanks like
CitiGroup, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, and HSBC
together with industrial defense
contractors like Lockheed Martin, General Electric, General
Dynamics, United Technologies, Boeing, Halliburton and
British Aerospace
mining conglomerates like
Barrick Gold, all working together with the coming beefed-up
structures of the IMF, World Bank, governmental agencies
like the National Security Agency (NSA) of the
CIA, Mossad,
MI6, plus some representative from the Argentine State (just
to maintain a make-believe image of Argentina
Today, I would venture to say that
"Patagonia, Inc." might even have a Kirchner as its Chairman or
Chairwoman, as this represent for the Criminal Kirchner Couple, a
further step on the way to one of them eventually becoming
"president of the Patagonian Republic".
Whether they do this on the private or
public side of Patagonia, really makes very little difference. This
Model actually has its roots in the British east India Company
founded in 1600.
We must all beware of the signs that
this may happen in states of the U.S., municipalities, territories,
provinces and other territories.
The Argentine people are not Trustworthy to the
Global Power Elite
For them it seems that Argentina is
recurrently disobedient to their demands, we are too revolutionary
for their taste.
A bit of history: we started off "on the
wrong foot" (for the GPE) when twice in 1806 and 1807 the people of
Buenos Aires fought back two English invasions… and we won!!
in 1810, we were the first in South America to declare independence
from Spain and in 1816, we won!!
Then, during a long period of British
and French backed civil war from 1835 to 1852 a great Argentine
leader Juan Manuel de Rosas valiantly defended Argentina from the
British, the French and their local paws in Uruguay, Brazil and
This was symbolized in the Naval Battle
at Vuelta de Obligado on the Paraná River where on 20th November
1845 we blocked the Anglo-French fleet with huge chains laid across
the river and, eventually… we won!
In the 20th Century, president Hipólito
Yrigoyen did not bow to U.S. pressure for Argentina to enter World War
I, and we later rejected becoming members of the Society of Nations
because it was a tool of the U.S. and UK (after all, the Society of
Nations has been designed by the then just founded Council on
Foreign Relations).
Yrigoyen was later removed by a U.S.-UK
backed military coup in 1930. Even so, in 1943 a National Reaction
government again refused to embark on World War II on the U.S., UK,
Soviet side against Germany, Italy and Japan.
Starting in 1946, another great national
leader, Juan Domingo Perón, proposes to the whole world that Freedom
loving nations should like Argentina adopt the 'Third Position'
i.e., neither liberal U.S.-UK democracy nor Soviet communism, as a way
of sailing the dangerous waters of the post-war Bi-polar world.
At the same time, Perón rapidly
industrialized Argentina, focused on National Defense, and promoted
the best social legislation at the time. Again, in 1955 a U.S.-backed
military coup removed Perón and, since then, our country has slumped
into ever-increasing decadence, poverty and weakness.
On top of that, in 1982 another
irresponsible civilian-military regime took back the
Malvinas-Falkland Islands from Britain, sparking a short war that
must have surely lit some warning lights in the GPE's geopolitical
panel, because not only did the Argentinean people fully support
that war effort and our military, the Argentina's Air Force, in
particular, fought so well that they sank many British destroyers,
cruisers and other war ships and planes, and put England's two
flagship aircraft carriers "Invincible" and "Hermes", out of combat.
Clearly, if Argentines were able to do
this under a very bad government, what would they not be able to do
under a good government?
Special Punishment:
All of this resulted in our being meted
out "special treatment" by the GPE, by destroying us culturally,
falsifying our history, inverting our traditional values,
unilaterally disarming our military, and taking over our economy and
financial systems.
And they did this through local managers
on their payroll: i.e., the pro-U.S. Military regime of 1976-83, and
the so called "democratic" governments of presidents Alfonsín,
Menem, Cavallo, De la Rúa, Duhalde, and the Criminal Kirchner
Couple, all of whom are allied with anti-Argentine multimedia
outlets (with their disinformation and deculturalization agents and
a whole army of fraudulent, banal, cowardly, queer, decrepit,
decadent and stupid pawns, who are at the GPE's fullest service and
Today, Argentina's people are for the
most part confused, disoriented, and systematically punished.
We are kept under control by growing
insecurity in the streets, in our jobs and in our homes. We are
systematically attacked by our own government, who should be
defending and protecting us…
What better way to fully dominated and
control a country than to do it using their own worst human elements
as well-paid pawns and local managers? What better way to humiliate
us and make us bite the dust?
Spanish speaking readers can view a video version of this article in the
following links (an English version is in the works):
We also invite you to consider the way out of
this predicament by founding a Second Republic, which is a Project that can
be applied not only in Argentina, but also in just about every other country
in our Region and in the world:
Movimiento por la Segunda República Argentina