by J.S. Chiappalone
Annwn2000 Website
recovered through
WayBackMachineBibalex Website
Every day, in every aspect of the media, you
will be reminded of the holocaust of World War II and the damage it did to
one group of people.
You are supposed to feel guilty and excuse away
anything these people, who are portrayed as the only victims, now do to
society. You are not to mention others, such as the Poles, Russians and
Gypsies who suffered equally if not more, for that would detract from the
lie with which the rest of humanity is being burdened.
Sure, terribly evil things happen in war, but it
is even more terrible to allow lies to be embellished and used to promote
guilt, misunderstanding, blackmail and more evil. Sooner or later, there
will be a worldwide confrontation arising from this deceit, and the liars
will come off second best.
It is for this reason I have reproduced a
section of one of our books here:
Alan Dershowitz believes that all
American Jews should think of themselves as victims of the Holocaust;
his rationale is that they were ultimately targets of the Holocaust.
But, the Holocaust is even bigger than that to the Zionists; they want
everyone to believe that all wrong is done to the Jews, and no
wrong is done by the Jews.
And, there is a reason for this.
Robert Faurisson observes,
"Elie Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize in
1986. He is generally accepted as a witness to the Jewish 'Holocaust,'
and, more specifically, as a witness to the legendary Nazi extermination
gas chambers...."
But in what respect is
Elie Wiesel a witness to the alleged
gas chambers? By what right does he ask us to believe in that
means of extermination?
In an autobiographical book that supposedly
describes his experiences at Auschwitz and Buchenwald, he nowhere
mentions the gas chambers. He does indeed say that the Germans executed
Jews, but... by fire; by throwing them alive into flaming ditches, before
the very eyes of the deportees! No less than that!
Here Wiesel the false witness had some bad luck.
Forced to choose from among several Allied war propaganda lies, he chose to
defend the fire lie instead of the boiling water, gassing, or electrocution
lies. In 1956, when he published his testimony in Yiddish, the fire lie was
still alive in certain circles. This lie is the origin of the term
Today there is no longer a single historian who
believes that Jews were burned alive. The myths of the boiling water and of
electrocution have also disappeared.
Only the gas remains.
The gassing lie was spread by the
The lie that Jews were killed by boiling
water or steam (specifically at Treblinka) was spread by the Poles
The electrocution lie was spread by the
Yes, these are all Holocaust lies.
"The fire lie is of undetermined origin. It
is in a sense as old as war propaganda or hate propaganda, just like the
false assertion of human (Jewish) skin being used to make lamp shades.
In his memoir, Night, which is a version of
his earlier Yiddish testimony, Wiesel reports that at Auschwitz there
was one flaming ditch for the adults and another one for babies.
He writes:
'Not far from us, flames were leaping
from a ditch, gigantic flames. They were burning something. A lorry
drew up at the pit and delivered its load - little children. Babies!
Yes, I saw it - saw it with my own eyes... those children in the
None of this ever happened.
And, yet, such lies have earned Wiesel the Nobel
Peace Prize, and made it "anti-Semitic" and even illegal to simply tell the
truth about the Holocaust.
Why have lies superseded truth? And, more specifically, who benefits from
the lie? As we have observed, every lie in the evil Zionist-controlled
system is designed to exploit; every lie keeps Yahweh's system of
evil securely in place.
In this world, everything of value is offered up
Yahweh by the Zionists, as a "burnt
"Holocaust" means burnt offering; it is the perpetuation of the illusion and
the elevation of the lie to the level of supreme truth, religiously.
The fact is, the Holocaust is about money, legitimacy for Israel, and the
total denial of any moral failings (or evilness) in the Jewish people. Jews
are outraged when it is mentioned that many gypsies and Russians suffered
the same fate as Jews, because to compare a sub-human to a Jew is
unspeakable. The Jewish scripture declares that the life of a Jew is the
most priceless thing to "god" and the life of a non-Jew or "goy" is
The Jews have a history of crying "holocaust".
The Talmud cites examples of many billions of Jews being killed (including
children being burned). Needless to say, there have never been that many
Jews on the face of the earth. The same falsification and embellishment is
true with regard to the "holocaust" of World War II.
Many Jews died, but not the six million
that is claimed. Perhaps a million died, none from gas chambers. Red Cross
documentation which Jewish controllers refuse to release, is suspected of
suggesting that some 100,000 were lost.
As historian David Irving and many others have rightly observed,
there never were gas chambers at the concentration camps. And, it would have
been impossible for the Germans to have gassed and then burned 12,000 Jews
every day.
Reports by concentration camp survivors that
tell of the guards going into "gas chambers" as soon as one batch of Jews
had been killed, clearing out the bodies, and then filling the room again
are patently false - the guards (none of whom was reported to have worn a
mask) would have instantly died, since cyanide does not dissipate or
disappear in a few minutes.
Also, there would have been bones and ashes to
show, with cyanide residue. None of this is found. Even the Auschwitz
Memorial which once stated that six million Jews had died now states
that perhaps a million died. The plaque has been altered from six to
one million. That being said, even a million dead people is a lot.
The degree of suffering they experienced, and
the treatment they received from hateful, evil Nazis was a fact.
Yet, that does not excuse all of the evils and
wrongs committed by the victors, who fire-bombed civilian populations in
Germany and Japan, and dropped atomic bombs on cities in Japan,
before ending the war. The intentional massacring of millions of civilians
by the Allied victors was certainly a war crime, and perhaps of larger
impact than what happened to the Jews.
War is a terrible thing, and though it is an unwritten and unspoken policy,
civilian populations are targeted and slaughtered in the worst way, to
weaken the morale of the opposition. War is not just fought by soldier
against soldier, with some kind of boundary against civilians.
Yet, it is always the victors who write the history; they are always in the
right, and the losers are always in the wrong. War is not black and white,
truth is its first casualty, and what is written in history and in the news
has little correlation with the truth.
bankers funded the Nazis, and the Zionists fiercely pressured
Western nations to keep Jews from being able to leave Germany before the war
For perverse political and economic reasons, the
Zionists did not want the Jews to go to free nations, but rather had the
single-minded objective of claiming Palestine as the Jewish state.
Because they could not force the creation of
Israel before the war, they readily sacrificed the lives of their "lesser
brethren" for the "greater cause": Israel.
There are many people who hold that all major wars in the last few centuries
have been instigated by, funded by, and profited by, the Zionist
international bankers.
First, they instigate wars
Then, during the war, they loan huge
sums of money, and make enormous profits in their
military-industrial production
After the war, they buy up property and
industry at pennies on the dollar in the loser nations
This policy of economic conquest is not
only a factor in war; it is how the everyday economy operates, worldwide,
The Zionists control the economies,
governments, and agreements/conflicts between major nations
They control the daily economy,
inflation, and deflation
They engaged in economic war in creating
the Great Depression in the US, in which they obtained vast amounts
of property and business by foreclosing on mortgages and debt
And, they have plundered the resources
of Third World nations, via the issuance of debt (loans) which
cannot be paid back due to usurious interest rates
We need to understand that nothing in this world
"just happens", especially not global events.
Everything has a reason and a purpose behind it.
There are forces that control all that happens in this world, and there is
an unseen "shadow
government". It uses the masses or "sheep" as cannon fodder
during war, and to gain sympathy and financial aid.
We are told that we cannot forget the Holocaust, though we dismiss all other
genocide that has occurred to all other racial groups throughout history.
Why is that?
Why is there no motto to remember the
millions of Native Americans slaughtered by white settlers?
Why is there no public relations action
to memorialize the millions of Africans who were slaughtered in the
slave business?
Why is there no mention of the millions
of Cambodians - nearly half their population - who were slaughtered
by Pol Pot; or the twenty million Russians killed in World War II?
Why is it that what happens to these
other groups doesn't seem to matter?
For the answer, we need to only look to
Jewish propaganda and scriptural dogma:
the life of a Jew matters, only a Jew is a
human being; the non-Jews do not matter, their lives are worthless.
media are controlled by the Zionists, and
because most of them are Jewish they are greatly invested in the story of
the Jews.
They readily promote fiction over fact, the lie
over the truth in all other areas, so why not in this area - in which they
have such strong emotional and financial interest?
Contradicting the Holocaust lies is illegal in some countries (called
an act of racial hatred and vilification, defaming the dead, and
The media quickly label any less than glorifying
truth about the Jews as anti-Semitism. And, this, more than anything, has
given the evil Zionists the greatest cover and freedom from public scrutiny.
They are able to go about their agenda of world domination and control with
immunity from media attention.
If you doubt this, just check to see the last
the Rothschilds and
Rockefellers headed the Forbes list of
richest people in the world. Rather than holding down the top spots due to
their enormous and cunningly concealed wealth, they are not even on the
The media refuse to acknowledge the power, wealth, authority, and control
that the Zionists truly have in this world, because if they did, then some
attention would be directed their way when people discuss what is wrong with
this world - and why. They have set things up, and controlled things so
well, that they never receive this bad publicity.
Instead, they portray themselves as
philanthropists and benefactors of all mankind - whom they think of as
animals, and gladly sacrifice as "burnt offerings" to their blood-thirsty
and evil "god" Yahweh (Jehovah).
The Nazis allowed a ship full of Jews to leave Germany, to see if another
country would be willing to accept Jewish refugees. But, every country,
including the United States, refused to let the passengers
disembark. Because of this worldwide Zionist policy of refusing to accept
Jews anywhere - because of their desire to claim Israel as the homeland of
the Jews - many Jews were sacrificed for the political Zionist cause.
The shipload of Jews was forced to return,
sacrificed as another burnt offering to the greater glory of Yahweh.
H.G. Wells noted,
"Zionism is an expression of Jewish refusal
to assimilate. If the Jews have suffered, it is because they have
regarded themselves as a chosen people".
The Zionist leaders of the Jewish community have
repeatedly, historically, ensured the suffering of their lesser brethren.
It is they who have sacrificed the good and
innocent among the Jews, willingly, consciously, methodically, so that they
could implement their own, self-serving, evil agenda.
A Letter from Peta Mansfield who lived through it all, as a slave in
a Nazi forced labor camp :
"Dear Dr. J. S Chiappalone
Thank you very much for your most helpful exposure of Zionism via your
Like so many others I always had an uneasy
feeling about Jews and you don't know whether to feel guilty or
justified about that. Few people realize that, as you pointed out, the
bad ontological Jews reflect badly on the ordinary innocent Jews. Like
Hitler, virtually everyone associates the bad Jews with the good ones,
which considerably increases the suffering of the good Jews.
So many hurtful jokes we tell about Jews are
at the cost of the good ones. Had we known the difference between these
types of Jews a lot more of them would have been protected and saved in
(To understand what Peta means by
good and bad Jews, you will need to read 'The Kingdom of Zion'
- ed.)
The bible made no sense to me.
But that written rot has trapped most
Western people into accepting Jews as a special people, and so many
well-willing and reasonable people like myself tried to find all sorts
of reasoned explanations and excuses for Jewish behavior and suffering.
Many have had unpleasant experiences with
Jews but, not being able to do all that research themselves, would fear
that all those nasty revelations about the power of the Jews that have
appeared from time to time, might be hateful exaggerations, especially
if they come from people who themselves are seen as suspect.
If one feels that the belief that Jews are a
superior people is a sort of reverse racism, one may be inclined to deny
that by pointing out that there are plenty of ordinary, often pretty
stupid Jews.
But in the end, do we have to accept that all those people who wrote
nasty things about the Jews and that all those societies and nations
that drove Jews out of their midst were ignorant, stupid and badly
prejudiced people? The Lutherans are, I believe, quite embarrassed over
what Luther wrote about Jews:
"He must have unthinkingly expressed the
nasty prejudices Christian people had of Jews at that time." !!!
But isn't it silly to say that of a man who
had the perspicacity and the courage to expose the evils in
Catholic Church? Do we expect
him to have been blind to the evil influence of those interloping
But we have been brainwashed into believing
that all Jews are the good, holy, chosen people of God, and that
if there appears to be any trouble with them it must be the fault of the
I do not like the term 'anti-semitism' and do not use it. I have heard
an explanation of how that term came about and I feel that this term has
been hijacked by the Jews. I have nothing against all the other semites.
How the concept of 'Holocaust' came to be applied to the situation in
Germany I will never know. I feel that the term is wrongly applied. The
claim of the Zionist Jews that they were exclusively the victims of the
holocaust is unsustainable.
The holocaust was the National Socialists' attempt to sacrifice anybody
and anything to their confused ideology. But the Nazi command structure
was based on that idiotic ideology and was very chaotic. There were
continual power struggles between the army and the Nazis; the army and
the SS, and among Nazi and non-Nazi organizations and individuals, and
amongst Nazis themselves.
There were plenty of ideological rantings
against opponents of National Socialism, and against the Jews, the Slavs
and others considered inferior, and against communists and plutocrats.
But there was no proper planning to achieve any definite goals.
There were a great variety of sub-plans, often with conflicting aims.
The attempted executions of any plans were
haphazard. Whatever plans there were they could not succeed because
there was not enough military hardware and not enough production of it
to sustain any initially successful actions. There was not enough
manpower, transport, medical supplies, food and clothing. These problems
of shortage were greatly exacerbated by allied bombings.
While initially great military advances were made, these actions petered
out. Neither England nor the Soviet Union were taken. While here and
there systematic efforts were made to exterminate all the exterminables
such as the mentally inferior, gypsies, slaves, and Jews and great
numbers of them were murdered, lots of intended victims escaped, were
hidden, or were used and survived as slave labor.
A number of Jews bargained their freedom with the Nazis at the cost of
other Jews.
The Nazis and a lot of non-Nazis liked to
see Germany rid of Jews and they would have been happy to see them leave
of their own accord if any other country would take them. The claim of
Himmler, near the end of the war, that they had solved the
Jewish problem was exaggerated nonsense.
The German need of manpower saved also a lot
of Russian, Ukrainian and Polish men and women. But initially there had
been no definite plans to use exterminables as workers and to make
proper use of them as a workforce. The output of concentration camp
prisoners was very low.
The two aims of exterminating exterminables and winning a war on
multiple fronts were in conflict. The resources used in exterminations
were not available in warfare and vice verse.
The Germans did not even plan their war properly; they started it before
they were ready for it. They were ideologically too muddleheaded to
realize that you can't win a war with bluff and blitzkrieg. They failed
to back up their blitzkrieg and knock their enemies out for good. The
loss of army personnel was great and had to be replenished with Germans
withdrawn from the workforce.
Slave and forced laborers needed then to be
used as workforce.
While Albert Speer wanted the war supplies to be manufactured in
occupied countries Schaukel wanted to bring foreign workers into German
factories. Both systems existed side by side. There were a lot of
complex and incomprehensible commands and regulations about how German
civilians should behave toward foreign workers.
These rules were not known, not clear,
ignored or anxiously, fanatically or sadistically adhered to and
There were sets of rules and regulations on how prisoners in prison
camps, and prisoners and foreign workers should be treated in the
workplace, and on what foreign workers should be supplied with. But the
interpretation and the compliance with any rules was left to the
individual camp commander and Lagerfuhrer.
As the German authorities - Nazis and
non-Nazis - had their hands full with the war effort and with fighting
each other they gave little attention to what happened to the prisoners
and the foreign workers, who were left in a moral vacuum that got filled
with a great number of fanatics, criminals and sadists who did as they
As the Allied forces advanced, the evacuated prisoners swelled the
remaining, already overfull concentration camps where many thousands
died because of the worsening conditions in the chaotic last phase of
the war.
So, who are the victims of this Wagnerian holocaust?
I feel that we must make a distinction
between the purely national warfare and the National Socialists'
instigated violence. The German army commanders imbued with soldierly
honor balked at the criminal excesses the SS displayed before their
eyes. We must make a distinction between those who were victims of
warfare and those who were sacrificed to the Nazi ideology.
The German and Allied army personnel killed
in action were victims of warfare but not holocaust victims. Russian,
Polish and Italian prisoners of war were not holocaust victims but
became that when they were put into concentration camps as racial
inferior exterminables and died there. Or when they, as prisoners, were
simply gunned down en mass or left to die of cold and starvation.
Many civilians were just victims of warfare, but Russian, Ukrainian and
Polish villagers who simply were gunned down, burnt in their houses and
churches, or chased away to die in the wintry wilderness because they
were exterminable slaves, are holocaust victims.
Most Germans suffered badly during the war,
but one could argue that all those Germans who died in concentration
camps of one kind or another because they did not fit into the Nazi
ideology or were actively opposed to it, like Hans and Sophie Scholl,
were all holocaust victims.
Soldiers who were executed for breach of army discipline must be left
out of the count of holocaust victims.
But the 13,000 to 15,000 Wehrmacht soldiers
who were executed because they were regarded as having sinned against
the brutal and senseless Nazi discipline should also be considered as
holocaust victims.
Field Marshall Von Paulus, in possession of nine tenths of
Stalingrad, responsibly planned to break out when the Russians began
their pincer movement around the city. Had he succeeded, as he probably
would have, he could have destroyed the pincer movement and retaken
Hitler, with his Wagnerian fantasies,
however, ordered him to stay put and promised him supplies.
But as no supplies came, the 85,000 men who
died of starvation and deprivation can be said to be victims sacrificed
to Hitler's grotesque fantasies in which he expected Von Paulus to play
the role of Teutonic hero and shoot himself.
Many, many more of all sorts of other people
than the Jews were sacrificed to the Nazi ideology, and the claim of
Zionist Jews that the holocaust concerned only them is a brazen affront
and an insult to all the other holocaust victims, not to speak of all
those who were not killed but nevertheless suffered terribly.
While the air is filled with vehement
arguments about whether there were gas chambers or not and how many Jews
died in them, what happened to all the other holocaust victims is
ignored and forgotten.
Lots of evidence as to what happened to them has been erased by the
Germans and the Russians soon after the war. And if any of it has been
rebuilt as a commemorative gesture it is now taken as evidence that they
are fakes, and that all the others are fakes and that in reality nothing
or very little has happened.
And while the world is overwhelmed with
Zionist gas chamber horror tales and the voices of Zionists are
clamoring loudly for compensations, the far greater number of
Nazi holocaust and war victims never get a word in edgeways
and never got any compensation, or if they did, it took them a long,
long time.
I have always assumed that there were gas
chambers but the only one I saw was in the Dachau concentration camp
museum. It had been installed late in the war but not been used. But to
me whether they existed and were used or not is neither here nor there.
There were worse ways of killing people and
those who died a quick death in a gas chamber were luckier than those
who died after years of totally destroying tortures.
Stories that lampshades were made out of the tattooed skins of victims
turned out to be false, as is now generally recognized. Some people have
disputed that there had been crematoria in use.
But as we know of our own society, cremating
dead and diseased bodies is often preferable to burying. It was one way
of getting rid of them. Where there were no crematoria they had to be
buried. Stalin's holocaust in which 20 million or so were
sacrificed to the insane and evil communist ideology, the Turks
slaughtering 25,000, or was it 50,000 Armenians, and so many more
holocausts hardly get a mention.
And while the Zionist Jews erect
holocaust museums everywhere, where are the museums to the other
In the end Hitler himself was a victim of
his own holocaust: an imitation of the Wagnerian Gotterdammerung."
A little more on this subject:
Why will the Zionists not release the
authentic Red Cross records of the time and locations, which show
who did escape, who did survived and who perished? Is it because
these records show some 100,000 perished in the 6 years from 1939 to
1945, not the six million as propaganda would have it? I am
not trying to excuse away the horribleness of what happened, I am
trying to expose the subsequent horribleness compounded by lies and
evil-inspired untruth.
If 6 million Jews died at the hands of
the Nazis, where did the 5.9 million who settled in Palestine,
America, Canada, the UK, Australia, South America, etc., come from?
If the 6 million figure is so sacrosanct
and precise, why did the Auschwitz Memorial reduce the figure, on
its own accord, from SIX million, to ONE million?
All this goes to show that Evil begets Evil.
Some 3,000 years ago, the special race created by
Jehovah, called the Zionists, began
plagiarizing information from others and then distorted it into a spurious
version, claiming it to be their own history, calling it "The Old
For "special race" reads "especially evil race".
There is no doubt of their evil covenant with the evil Jehovah however.
Acting as secretive elements in a new movement (spuriously called
Christianity, which it is not, of course) again started by Jehovah after the
assassination of Jesus, these same Zionists rewrote most of
the so-called "New Testament".
Why do they do this? Read "Death
of An Evil God" to find out why!
A clue is given in Chapter 8 of St. John's
Gospel (especially para. 44). That is why the Zionists hate John's
Gospel the most and this section in particular.
What the Zionists did with the Ancient Wisdom and various manuscripts at the
time of Jesus, and before, and for some 4 centuries after they
murdered him, they did to the truth of most other Avatars, including
Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Manichaeus and even Mohammed.
Today they are doing exactly the same thing with this section of history
they want to call the Holocaust. But they only fool themselves, and
the other fools who are the demons and robots of this dimension. But it does
not really matter when the spiritual bottom line is reached, for they, being
spawns of the Celestial Error, are all being corrected in a way they dread
the most - in the manner of Divine Justice!
The venom, hatred and arrogant ignorance of the bigotry in respondents who
object to this essay have to be seen to be believed!
A bigot is an indoctrinated fool who states,
"How dare you, or anyone else, have a
differing view of this subject, thereby upsetting the ossified view I
have already chosen to be the correct one for me and for everyone else?
What right have you to express a view at all?"
Indoctrinated bigotry manifests in the
unprovoked abuse of others and arises from the stupidity of the bigot, for
these, bigotry and stupidity, are inseparable partners of maliciousness,
while all the time the evil and all its sequel are poorly camouflaged in the
arrogance of vicious ignorance, programmed by no less a being than the evil
demiurge who has controlled this plane.
These things are just one more reason why this planet and all its evil must
be destroyed, are being destroyed, totally.
I hear many of you shout,
"Hooray, the sooner the better!"