by benjamin
June 28, 2010
BenjaminFulfordBlogShinobi Website
As the Washington D.C. Corporation heads for bankruptcy, a power vacuum is
emerging in the US, tempting various groups into trying to fill the void.
The Bush/Clinton faction is now pushing hard to
make Hillary Clinton the new president. Another group seeks to create
an imperial Roman Caesar in the form of General David Petraeus.
Then there is a group aiming to make Ron Paul an interim president to
preside over the return of the US to constitutional rule.
Also, we have
Al Gore and General James Jones
seeking to undo the illegal elections that have taken place since
George Bush Junior was fraudulently put into office.
Finally, of course Obama and his handlers
continue to struggle to keep him in office. The general impression is one of
increasing anarchy heading towards civil war.
The group that backs a Hillary presidency has, according to a close
associate of Bill Clinton and a senior MI6 source, a strong chance of
pulling off their coup. Their plan is to have Vice-President Biden
resign in the near future for “health reasons.” Obama would then
either be assassinated or else ousted because he is foreign born and thus
not allowed to be president.
Hillary would have the support of a large
faction of
Khazarians and thus can expect a positive
media environment for her power grab.
The Petraeus faction seem to support a meritocratic, military government
fashioned along the lines of the world government seen in the TV series Star
Treck and other future world or “Galactic Federation” governments portrayed
in science fiction.
They have a lot of support in the various
secret government agencies and in the pentagon, according to various
alphabet soup agency sources.
The Ron Paul faction has also has a lot of support within the military as
well as within the political establishment, especially outside of the
Washington beltway. They probably need to align themselves with the Al Gore
faction if they hope to gain traction.
Of course all of these factions still need money and it is the secret battle
over the control of world finance that will largely determine which of these
various factions gets the job of trying to restore and repair the sick and
wounded creature known as the United States.
The Obama faction continue to try to bolster the
Federal Reserve Board and Wall Street even as they pretend to
promote “financial reform.” The latest “financial reform” bill they have
concocted provides good written evidence of their absolute moral
The bill does not end leverage, does not end
foreclosures, does not limit usury, does not stop fraudulent derivatives and
is basically a complex and confusing fog designed to preserve business as
usual even as it fools the dwindling pool of gullible “journalists” into
believing it represents “reform.”
This group is also proceeding with their horrific plans to create a
massive environmental emergency in the Gulf
reason by combining hurricanes with oil as an excuse for martial law. The
degeneration of the US political structure into criminal insanity is
something historians will ponder for a very long time.
The real question is will the various factions that have military support be
willing to give up personal ambitions in the name of the greater good.
If Petraeus is smart and ambitious, for example,
he would join forces with the Ron Paul faction as well as the Al Gore group
and push for a restoration of the Republic and a return to Democracy. He
could then later run for office and establish himself either as a modern
Caesar or a new Washington or Jefferson.
The Hillary Clinton group will try to curry favor with the military and
portray themselves as representatives of stability and a smooth transition.
They will also promise Petraeus the post of Caesar after a Hillary
The financial world, meanwhile, remains locked in secret warfare. The Swiss,
the British and the Chinese have been trying to exercise their lien over the
bankrupt Federal Reserve Board with limited success. The $24 trillion or so
Federal Reserve Board fiat dollars created since the “Lehman shock”
remain quarantined from the rest of the global financial system.
Those still brainwashed by the corporate media
need to ask themselves how the US dollar could remain strong if those $24
trillion “fiat” dollars created out of thin air had been allowed into the
international financial system. Most of the Bush/Clinton and other funds
stolen by previous administrations in the US have also now been frozen and
rendered worthless. However, the announcement of the new financial system
remains delayed by constant sabotage on the part of
and the D.C. criminals.
The result is a continuing decay of the US
economy that no amount of feel good talk can hide.
We are still hearing sane heads will prevail and we still keep our fingers
crossed that the US establishment will provide the American people with
something real to celebrate on July 4th.
Even if not, the rest of the world will continue humming along just fine
while the US and Europe burn.
The Europeans, for their part, are starting to show signs of sanity. There
is an ongoing campaign to cleanse the
Catholic Church of pedophiles and Satanists
as evinced most recently by the multiple police raids against the church
that started in Belgium last week.
The Germans and the British are also now realizing that sometimes the only
way to deal with excess debt is to spend less and save more. Pain now, gain
later is better than continued doses of morphine that allow the ultimate
disease to grow to fatal proportions.
The Euro may or may not survive depending on whether or not they are
able to obtain gold backing for their currency.
The White Dragon Society promised the Europeans gold would be made
available to back the Euro provided the Europeans supported a campaign to
end poverty, stop environmental destruction and release the suppressed
The Black Dragon Society is Now Renamed the
White Dragon Society
May 26, 2010
BenjaminFulford Website
Recently I discovered in Tokyo an ancient shrine that has been
sealed off from public view.
When I entered the Shrine I
felt a powerful subjective sensation of white light and power. I was
with a Japanese psychic whose family has long guarded secret Shinto
knowledge, including of the
Goddess Benten.
She also claims to have seen a
white light and experienced unusual power there. At the entrance to
the shrine we found a stone pillar with the inscription 白龍王 meaning
“the White Dragon King.”
In legend the Goddess Benten was supposed to have married a powerful
white dragon in order to stop it from killing children. Because of
this unusual occurrence (yes I really did find such a place by
accident), we have decided to rename the
Black Dragon Society as the
White Dragon Society.
The White Dragon represents warriors who obey the rules of Chivalry
and Bushido. That is to say, they will never strike the first blow,
they will never attack women, children and non-combatants and they
will fight to defend the weak and the downtrodden.
We remain sympathetic to the philosophy of the original Black Dragon
Society founded by
Mitsuru Toyama and others.
However, while the Black Dragon
Society had an Asian orientation, the White Dragon looks to protect
the entire planet, including the weakest living creatures. |
In any case, the rest of the world is enjoying
economic boom times and can thus afford to wait quietly until the chaos in
Europe and the US comes to a climax and the Western world once again regains
its sanity and its moral standing.
People in the West still ask the White Dragon Society, “where are the
Ninjas,” when the answer is lying right in front of them: look at the
non-Western world.