by Daisy Luther
April 21, 2012
TheOrganicPrepper Website

Imagine being able to announce your
intention to kill 900 million people.
Imagine devising a plan so cunning that
people line up to be complicit in their own murders.
Imagine having the resources to put that
plan into action and the power to publicly share your intention without
any fear of repercussions.
This is pure psychopathy.
Psychopathy is
defined as “a
personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard
for the rights of others and the rules of society. Psychopaths have a
total lack of empathy and remorse, and have very shallow emotions. They
are generally regarded as callous, selfish, dishonest, arrogant,
aggressive, impulsive, irresponsible, and hedonist.”
Bill Gates, the mega-rich founder of
Microsoft, could be defined as a classic psychopath.
Following in the jackbooted steps of his
father, William Gates Sr., Bill Gates has been a long-time proponent of
population control. Gates Sr. has long-time ties to outspoken eugenicist
David Rockefeller, as well as Planned Parenthood (which was founded by a
member of the American Eugenics Society).
In 2010, Bill Gates spoke at a TED
convention, where he stated, While reproductive health care and birth
control can obviously steer the population downward, how would health
care and vaccines DECREASE the population unless by design?
“The world today has 6.8 billion people…
that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job
on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could
lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
This was a clear public announcement of
Gates’ plan to kill off hundreds of millions of people.
And yet, this announcement of mass murder
has resulted in no punishment. No prison time has occurred, no criminal
charges have been filed and no one is suing the pants off of the Gates
Gates has proclaimed this as “The Century of
the Vaccination”, unrolling plans that 90% of the world be vaccinated.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has “philanthropically” subjected
hundreds of thousands of children in India to a polio vaccine that was
banned in the United States because it caused the very disease it was
purported to prevent. Over 47,500 Indian children given this vaccine
have since developed a polio-like paralysis.
If Gates can’t poison you directly via
vaccines, he has developed a secondary plan, and this one has the added
bonus of lining his already-stuffed pockets. Under the benevolent cloak
of promoting agricultural advancement, Gates has provided the farmers of
the Third World with Monsanto seeds.
Gates has recently invested heavily in
Monsanto, the GMO giant. Monsanto is responsible for the genetically
engineered seeds with pesticides built right in. The seeds can only be
used one time and the food that results from the seeds is nutrionally
inferior to unmodified seeds. Despite (or perhaps because of) the lack
of nutritional value and the inability to save seeds from one year to
the next, Gates is gifting these toxic “terminator” seeds via the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In effect, by giving these seeds away, Gates
and Monsanto are like the drug dealers that give someone the first hit
for free. If the user wants to keep getting high, they’re going to have
to buy the drugs after that first freebie. The fact that these GMO seeds
are self-terminating makes this the gift that keeps on giving, because
as Third World farms convert to these self-terminating seeds, the
farmers will have no choice but to continue using the Monsanto seeds -
new seeds must be purchased every year, which puts Monsanto well on the
road to creating a global agricultural monopoly.
In Gates’
“annual letter” he outlines his plans under a humanitarian guise. He
mentions agricultural technology, vaccines for every child, and his
plans to get others to give “gifts” to the Third World.
The depopulation plans of Bill Gates are
chilling when they are presented to the world as “philanthropy” but it’s
even more disturbing that Gates makes public statements about the
reduction of population.
He has clearly announced his plans….they are
insidious. It’s infuriating to hear people say, “Oh, he didn’t mean it
like that!” He clearly did mean it “like that” because every move he
makes is another step towards his stated goal of depopulation.
Part of the game for a psychopath is
manipulation. The challenge of convincing people to be complicit in
their own deaths and enslavement is part of the entertainment. The
psychopath manipulates and deceives just to see if he can get away with
it. He is ruthless and utterly without conscience.
The only way to combat people like this is
with information. Expose the plan by sharing this information. Let the
world know about this evil
NWO agenda of depopulation and control.
The bottom line? The Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation promotes mass murder, involuntary sterility and agricultural
monopoly that will ultimately lead to control of the world’s food
supply. Announcing their intentions only makes the game more
interesting for them.
- See more at: http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/is-bill-gates-a-psychopath-04212012#sthash.MFF20liE.dpuf
Imagine being able to announce your
intention to kill 900 million people.
Imagine devising a plan so cunning that
people line up to be complicit in their own murders.
Imagine having the resources to put that
plan into action and the power to publicly share your intention without
any fear of repercussions.
This is pure psychopathy.
Psychopathy is
defined as “a
personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard
for the rights of others and the rules of society. Psychopaths have a
total lack of empathy and remorse, and have very shallow emotions. They
are generally regarded as callous, selfish, dishonest, arrogant,
aggressive, impulsive, irresponsible, and hedonist.”
Bill Gates, the mega-rich founder of
Microsoft, could be defined as a classic psychopath.
Following in the jackbooted steps of his
father, William Gates Sr., Bill Gates has been a long-time proponent of
population control. Gates Sr. has long-time ties to outspoken eugenicist
David Rockefeller, as well as Planned Parenthood (which was founded by a
member of the American Eugenics Society).
In 2010, Bill Gates spoke at a TED
convention, where he stated, While reproductive health care and birth
control can obviously steer the population downward, how would health
care and vaccines DECREASE the population unless by design?
“The world today has 6.8 billion people…
that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job
on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could
lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
This was a clear public announcement of
Gates’ plan to kill off hundreds of millions of people.
And yet, this announcement of mass murder
has resulted in no punishment. No prison time has occurred, no criminal
charges have been filed and no one is suing the pants off of the Gates
Gates has proclaimed this as “The Century of
the Vaccination”, unrolling plans that 90% of the world be vaccinated.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has “philanthropically” subjected
hundreds of thousands of children in India to a polio vaccine that was
banned in the United States because it caused the very disease it was
purported to prevent. Over 47,500 Indian children given this vaccine
have since developed a polio-like paralysis.
If Gates can’t poison you directly via
vaccines, he has developed a secondary plan, and this one has the added
bonus of lining his already-stuffed pockets. Under the benevolent cloak
of promoting agricultural advancement, Gates has provided the farmers of
the Third World with Monsanto seeds.
Gates has recently invested heavily in
Monsanto, the GMO giant. Monsanto is responsible for the genetically
engineered seeds with pesticides built right in. The seeds can only be
used one time and the food that results from the seeds is nutrionally
inferior to unmodified seeds. Despite (or perhaps because of) the lack
of nutritional value and the inability to save seeds from one year to
the next, Gates is gifting these toxic “terminator” seeds via the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In effect, by giving these seeds away, Gates
and Monsanto are like the drug dealers that give someone the first hit
for free. If the user wants to keep getting high, they’re going to have
to buy the drugs after that first freebie. The fact that these GMO seeds
are self-terminating makes this the gift that keeps on giving, because
as Third World farms convert to these self-terminating seeds, the
farmers will have no choice but to continue using the Monsanto seeds -
new seeds must be purchased every year, which puts Monsanto well on the
road to creating a global agricultural monopoly.
In Gates’
“annual letter” he outlines his plans under a humanitarian guise. He
mentions agricultural technology, vaccines for every child, and his
plans to get others to give “gifts” to the Third World.
The depopulation plans of Bill Gates are
chilling when they are presented to the world as “philanthropy” but it’s
even more disturbing that Gates makes public statements about the
reduction of population.
He has clearly announced his plans….they are
insidious. It’s infuriating to hear people say, “Oh, he didn’t mean it
like that!” He clearly did mean it “like that” because every move he
makes is another step towards his stated goal of depopulation.
Part of the game for a psychopath is
manipulation. The challenge of convincing people to be complicit in
their own deaths and enslavement is part of the entertainment. The
psychopath manipulates and deceives just to see if he can get away with
it. He is ruthless and utterly without conscience.
The only way to combat people like this is
with information. Expose the plan by sharing this information. Let the
world know about this evil
NWO agenda of depopulation and control.
The bottom line? The Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation promotes mass murder, involuntary sterility and agricultural
monopoly that will ultimately lead to control of the world’s food
supply. Announcing their intentions only makes the game more
interesting for them.
- See more at: http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/is-bill-gates-a-psychopath-04212012#sthash.MFF20liE.dpuf
Imagine being able to announce your
intention to kill 900 million people.
Imagine devising a plan so cunning that
people line up to be complicit in their own murders.
Imagine having the resources to put that
plan into action and the power to publicly share your intention without
any fear of repercussions.
This is pure psychopathy.
Psychopathy is
defined as “a
personality disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of disregard
for the rights of others and the rules of society. Psychopaths have a
total lack of empathy and remorse, and have very shallow emotions. They
are generally regarded as callous, selfish, dishonest, arrogant,
aggressive, impulsive, irresponsible, and hedonist.”
Bill Gates, the mega-rich founder of
Microsoft, could be defined as a classic psychopath.
Following in the jackbooted steps of his
father, William Gates Sr., Bill Gates has been a long-time proponent of
population control. Gates Sr. has long-time ties to outspoken eugenicist
David Rockefeller, as well as Planned Parenthood (which was founded by a
member of the American Eugenics Society).
In 2010, Bill Gates spoke at a TED
convention, where he stated, While reproductive health care and birth
control can obviously steer the population downward, how would health
care and vaccines DECREASE the population unless by design?
“The world today has 6.8 billion people…
that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job
on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could
lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
This was a clear public announcement of
Gates’ plan to kill off hundreds of millions of people.
And yet, this announcement of mass murder
has resulted in no punishment. No prison time has occurred, no criminal
charges have been filed and no one is suing the pants off of the Gates
Gates has proclaimed this as “The Century of
the Vaccination”, unrolling plans that 90% of the world be vaccinated.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has “philanthropically” subjected
hundreds of thousands of children in India to a polio vaccine that was
banned in the United States because it caused the very disease it was
purported to prevent. Over 47,500 Indian children given this vaccine
have since developed a polio-like paralysis.
If Gates can’t poison you directly via
vaccines, he has developed a secondary plan, and this one has the added
bonus of lining his already-stuffed pockets. Under the benevolent cloak
of promoting agricultural advancement, Gates has provided the farmers of
the Third World with Monsanto seeds.
Gates has recently invested heavily in
Monsanto, the GMO giant. Monsanto is responsible for the genetically
engineered seeds with pesticides built right in. The seeds can only be
used one time and the food that results from the seeds is nutrionally
inferior to unmodified seeds. Despite (or perhaps because of) the lack
of nutritional value and the inability to save seeds from one year to
the next, Gates is gifting these toxic “terminator” seeds via the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In effect, by giving these seeds away, Gates
and Monsanto are like the drug dealers that give someone the first hit
for free. If the user wants to keep getting high, they’re going to have
to buy the drugs after that first freebie. The fact that these GMO seeds
are self-terminating makes this the gift that keeps on giving, because
as Third World farms convert to these self-terminating seeds, the
farmers will have no choice but to continue using the Monsanto seeds -
new seeds must be purchased every year, which puts Monsanto well on the
road to creating a global agricultural monopoly.
In Gates’
“annual letter” he outlines his plans under a humanitarian guise. He
mentions agricultural technology, vaccines for every child, and his
plans to get others to give “gifts” to the Third World.
The depopulation plans of Bill Gates are
chilling when they are presented to the world as “philanthropy” but it’s
even more disturbing that Gates makes public statements about the
reduction of population.
He has clearly announced his plans….they are
insidious. It’s infuriating to hear people say, “Oh, he didn’t mean it
like that!” He clearly did mean it “like that” because every move he
makes is another step towards his stated goal of depopulation.
Part of the game for a psychopath is
manipulation. The challenge of convincing people to be complicit in
their own deaths and enslavement is part of the entertainment. The
psychopath manipulates and deceives just to see if he can get away with
it. He is ruthless and utterly without conscience.
The only way to combat people like this is
with information. Expose the plan by sharing this information. Let the
world know about this evil
NWO agenda of depopulation and control.
The bottom line? The Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation promotes mass murder, involuntary sterility and agricultural
monopoly that will ultimately lead to control of the world’s food
supply. Announcing their intentions only makes the game more
interesting for them.
- See more at: http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/is-bill-gates-a-psychopath-04212012#sthash.MFF20liE.dpuf
Imagine being able
to announce your intention to kill 900 million
Imagine devising a
plan so cunning that people line up to be
complicit in their own murders.
Imagine having the
resources to put that plan into action and the
power to publicly share your intention without
any fear of repercussions.
This is
pure psychopathy.
Psychopathy is
defined as,
personality disorder characterized by a pervasive
pattern of disregard for the rights of others and
the rules of society. Psychopaths have a total lack
of empathy and remorse, and have very shallow
They are generally regarded as callous, selfish,
dishonest, arrogant, aggressive, impulsive,
irresponsible, and hedonist.”
Bill Gates, the mega-rich
founder of Microsoft, could be defined as a classic
Following in the jackbooted
steps of his father, William Gates Sr., Bill Gates has
been a long-time proponent of population control. Gates
Sr. has long-time ties to outspoken eugenicist
David Rockefeller,
as well as Planned Parenthood (which was founded
by a member of the American Eugenics Society).
In 2010, Bill Gates
spoke at a TED convention,
where he stated,
While reproductive
health care and birth control can obviously steer
the population downward, how would health care and
vaccines DECREASE the population unless by design?
“The world today has
6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9
billion. Now if we do a really great job on new
vaccines, health care, reproductive health
services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or
15 percent.”
This was a clear public
announcement of Gates’ plan to kill off hundreds of
millions of people.
And yet, this announcement
of mass murder has resulted in no punishment. No prison
time has occurred, no criminal charges have been filed
and no one is suing the pants off of the Gates family.
Gates has proclaimed this as
Century of the Vaccination”, unrolling plans
that 90% of the world be vaccinated.
The Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation has “philanthropically” subjected hundreds of
thousands of children in India to a polio vaccine that
was banned in the United States because it caused the
very disease it was purported to prevent. Over 47,500
Indian children given this vaccine have since developed
a polio-like paralysis.
If Gates can’t poison you
directly via vaccines, he has developed a secondary
plan, and this one has the added bonus of lining his
already-stuffed pockets. Under the benevolent cloak of
promoting agricultural advancement, Gates has provided
the farmers of the Third World with Monsanto seeds.
Gates has recently invested
heavily in
Monsanto, the GMO giant.
Monsanto is responsible for the genetically engineered
seeds with pesticides built right in.
The seeds can only be used
one time and the food that results from the seeds is
nutrionally inferior to unmodified seeds. Despite (or
perhaps because of) the lack of nutritional value and
the inability to save seeds from one year to the next,
Gates is gifting these toxic “terminator” seeds via the
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
In effect, by giving these
seeds away, Gates and Monsanto are like the drug dealers
that give someone the first hit for free. If the user
wants to keep getting high, they’re going to have to buy
the drugs after that first freebie.
The fact that these GMO
seeds are self-terminating makes this the gift that
keeps on giving, because as Third World farms convert to
these self-terminating seeds, the farmers will have no
choice but to continue using the Monsanto seeds - new
seeds must be purchased every year, which puts Monsanto
well on the road to creating a global agricultural
In Gates’ "annual
letter" he outlines his plans under a
humanitarian guise. He mentions agricultural
vaccines for every child,
and his plans to get others to give “gifts” to the Third
The depopulation plans of
Bill Gates are
chilling when they are presented to the world as
“philanthropy” but it’s even more disturbing that Gates
makes public statements about the reduction of
He has clearly announced his
plans… they are insidious.
It’s infuriating to hear
people say,
“Oh, he didn’t mean it
like that!”
He clearly did mean it “like
that” because every move he makes is another step
towards his stated goal of depopulation.
Part of the game for a
psychopath is manipulation. The challenge of
convincing people to be complicit in their own deaths
and enslavement is part of the entertainment. The
psychopath manipulates and deceives just to see if he
can get away with it. He is ruthless and utterly without
The only way to combat
people like this is with information. Expose the plan by
sharing this information. Let the world know about
this evil NWO agenda of
depopulation and
The bottom line?
The Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation promotes,
Announcing their intentions
only makes the game more interesting for them.