by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.
Spanish Version
extracted from
The Medical Mafia
Whale Website
What is the objective of
the world authorities in destroying people's health, both in
industrialized countries and in the Third World?
It is always difficult
to presume the intentions of others, particularly when one is not
close to them. And this is true in this instance. But there are
certainly advantages for someone, somewhere, to so doggedly keep-up
the campaign for vaccinations, by any and all means possible.
They must profit
someone, somewhere.
One thing is certain. It
is not to our advantage.
In order to determine
what these advantages are, and for whom, let us stop and look at the
CONSEQUENCES of these massive vaccination programs and draw our own
Vaccination is
expensive and represents a cost of one billion dollars
annually. It therefore benefits the industry; most notably,
the multinational manufacturers. One sells the vaccines. The
other then provides the arsenal of medications to respond to
the numerous complications that follow. Their profits
increase while our expenses go through the roof. To the
point where we have simply had it up to here and are ready
to accept the unacceptable, such as socialized medicine in
the United States, for example.
stimulates the immune system, the body's defense mechanism.
Repeated, vaccination exhausts the immune system. It gives a
false sense of security and, in doing so, it opens the door
wide to all kinds of illnesses. Notably, to those related to
AIDS, which can only develop on ripe ground, where the
immune system has been disturbed. It causes AIDS to
explode. It ensures that the illness flourishes
leads to social violence and crime. What better way to
destabilize a country than to disarm its inhabitants, and
reinforce police and military control? The authorities
subtly create situations of panic and fear among the
population which, in turn, necessitate the reinforcement of
"protection measures", including forbidding citizens from
owning weapons.
The authorities
then come across as saviors and strengthen their control. It
is certain that, in order to impose a single world army, one
must first disarm the citizens of every country. One must
therefore create violence, if they are to achieve this
disarmament, particularly in the United States where the
right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution.
encourages medical dependence and reinforces belief in the
inefficiency of the body. It creates people who need
permanent assistance. It replaces the confidence one has in
oneself with a blind confidence in others, outside
It leads to loss
of personal dignity, in addition to making us financially
dependent. It draws us into the vicious circle of sickness
(fear - poverty - submission) and, in this way, ensures the
submission of the herd so as to better dominate and exploit
it. And then lead them to the abattoir. To slaughter.
Vaccination also encourages the moral and financial
dependence of Third World countries. It perpetuates the
social and economic control of Western countries over them.
camouflages the real socio-political problems of poverty of
some due to exploitation by others, and results in
techno-scientific pseudo-solutions that are so complicated
and sophisticated that patients cannot understand them.
In addition,
vaccination diverts funds which should be used to help
improve living conditions, and channels them into the banks
of the multinationals. It widens the gap between the
dominant rich and the exploited poor.
Vaccination decimates populations.
Drastically in Third World countries. Chronically in
industrialized countries. In this regard, the former
President of the World Bank, former Secretary of State in
the United States, who ordered massive bombing of Vietnam,
and member of the Expanded Program on Immunization,
Robert McNamara, made some very interesting remarks.
As reported by a
French publication, "j'ai tout compris", he was quoted as
enables the selection of populations to be decimated. It
facilitates targeted genocide. It permits one to kill people
of a certain race, a certain group, a certain country. And
to leave others untouched. In the name of health and
well-being, of course.
Take Africa, for example. We have witnessed the almost total
disappearance of certain groups. Some 50% dead, estimate the
most optimistic. Some 70% dead, according to the less
optimistic. As if by chance, many were in the same region,
such as Zaire, Uganda, the extreme south of the Sudan.
In 1967, at
Marburg in Germany, seven researchers, working with green
African monkeys, died of an unknown hemorrhagic fever. In
1969, also by chance, the same sickness killed one thousand
people in Uganda. In 1976, a new unknown hemorrhagic fever
killed in the south of Sudan. Then in Zaire.
It is noteworthy that sincel968, virologists (virus
specialists) have installed their sophisticated equipment in
certain hospitals in Zaire.
At a CIA hearing, Dr. Gotlieb, a cancerologist,
admitted having dispersed, in 1960, a large quantity of
viruses in the Congo River (in Zaire) to pollute it and
contaminate all the people who used the river as their
source of water.
Dr. Gotlieb
was named to head up the National Cancer Institute!
A couple of years ago, Reuters reported:
"An illness
similar to AIDS has killed 60,000 in the south of Sudan.
They call the illness, the killer. Families, whole
villages, have disappeared. This illness, the Kala-azar,
takes the form of a fever and toss of weight. The
symptoms are the same as those of AIDS The immune system
is deficient and one dies of other infections."
It is obvious
that Africa, particularly those countries in the center and
to the south, contain fabulous resources that have always
incited westerners to crush their inhabitants to take over
their riches. And beware anyone who stands in their way.
The colonies
have disappeared. But not colonialism.
serves as a form of experimentation, to test new products on
a great sampling of a population. Under the guise of health
and the well being of the population, people are vaccinated
against a pseudo-epidemic with products that one wants to
The vaccine of
hepatitis B seems to be the choice of authorities to
accomplish this goal.
Yet, this
vaccine is manufactured by a process of genetic
manipulation. And it is much more dangerous than the
traditional vaccine because it inoculates into the body
cells that are foreign to its genetic code. Moreover; this
vaccine is produced from virus cultivated on the ovaries of
Chinese hamsters.
One can only
imagine what future generations will look like!
But there is
more. It is also reported to cause cancer of the liver.
Despite all
that, it enjoys great popularity among the authorities, who
impose it first on all those who work in the health field,
and then on the rest of the population.
In 1986, the
medical authorities administered the vaccine against
hepatitis B to Native Indian children in Alaska, without
any explanation or the consent of their parents. Many
children fell ill. And several died. It seems there was
a virus called RSV (Rous Sarcoma Virus) in the
vaccine. (1)
American Indian tribes have been subjected to many
vaccinations. Let us be aware that they are difficult to
beat into submission, and they own vast tracts of land
which the authorities would like to have for their own
Recently when I met a group of Native women to chat
about health with them, the subject of vaccinations
cropped up. I was giving them some information on the
topic when, suddenly, the group's nurse confided in me
that the federal government had given her complete
freedom in the management of their health, but on one
strict condition.
That every
vaccination had to be scrupulously applied to all. The
silence was deafening. We all understood.
In 1988, the
Ambassador of Senegal gave a radio interview reporting
on the ravages of AIDS in his country where entire
villages were being decimated. A few years earlier,
scientific and medical teams had come to vaccinate their
inhabitants against hepatitis B.
In 1978, a
new vaccine was tested on homosexuals in New York. And
in 1980, on those in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver,
Chicago, and St-Louis. Officially, this "new vaccine"
was against hepatitis B and, as we now know, it caused
many of them to die from AIDS. It sounded the "official"
beginning of the AIDS epidemic in 1981.
The vaccination program of homosexuals against hepatitis
B was led by Saint W.H.O. (World Health
Organization) and the National Institute of
Health . There are reports of collaboration between
these two organizations in 1970 to study the
consequences of certain viruses and bacteria introduced
to children during vaccination campaigns.
In 1972,
they transformed this study to focus on the viruses
which provoked a drop in the immune mechanism. Wolf
Szmuness directed the anti-hepatitis B experiments
undertaken in New York.
He had very
close links with:
Blood Centre where he had his laboratory
National Institute of Health
National Cancer Institute
the FDA
Schools of Public Health of Cornell, Yale, and
In 1994 a
vast vaccination campaign against hepatitis B was
undertaken in Canada. It is both useless, dangerous and
costly. And what for? Is there a hidden agenda?
I note that
the Province of Quebec is a particular target, over the
course of three years.
vaccination against meningitis
re-vaccination against meningitis
vaccination against hepatitis B.
I was there in
1993. It troubled me to see that it was aimed at a whole
generation (1 to 20 years), in only one province. Since when
do viruses respect borders, and specially provincial ones at
The facts are:
There was no
epidemic, nor risk of one. Epidemiologists confirmed it
Not one but
three different vaccines were administered, each in a
designated area
nurses were selected and trained to administer a special
All children
were entered into a computerized data bank
The pressure
to vaccinate the children was enormous. Schools were
turned into clinics. Those who did not want to be
vaccinated were pointed out and treated as social
chased down parents at home who did not want their
pre-school children vaccinated.
I had a direct
account of one of these kids. The mother did not want her
child vaccinated. The nurse who came to the house made her
believe that it was compulsory. The mother gave in... The
child is now handicapped: physically and mentally (paralyzed
The vaccination cost $30 million.
Why was there such a murderous will. Like Native peoples,
the people of Quebec are also a "bother". They believe in
their cultural identity and in sovereignty. What is more,
Quebec with its Native territories, encompasses
reservoirs of water which many a multinational have their
eyes on. As an acquaintance of mine who sits on the
California water management board said, "Water today is
Could one think
of a more appropriate biological weapon to possibly remove
any impediments to accessing that resource?
permit epidemiological studies of populations to collect
data on the resistance of different ethnic groups to
different illnesses. It permits one to study the reactions
of the immune systems of large numbers of the population to
an antigen (virus, microbe) injected by vaccination.
Should it be
within the framework of the fight against an existing
illness, or one that has been provoked.
In 1987,
certain American laboratories and the Department of
Biotechnology of India signed an agreement authorizing
the testing of genetically manufactured vaccines on the
people of India. This agreement was met with fierce
opposition because it gave access to epidemiological and
immunity profiles of a population.
This data is
extremely important from a military standpoint. It is
even more valuable because India has never experienced
yellow fever. And, at time of writing this book, it had
known only a handful case of AIDS. Over and above all
that, the private American laboratories proposed to test
products on the Indian population for which they had no
right to test in the United States!
And the
Indian authorities acquiesced!
Vaccination is a
biological weapon at the service of biological warfare. It
permits the targeting of people of a certain race, and
leaves the others who are close by more or less untouched.
It makes it possible to intervene in the hereditary lineage
of anyone selected. A new specialty is born.
engineering. It is flourishing, enjoys much prestige, and is
receiving substantial research hinds. The challenge is
staggering. To find a vaccine which gives an illness against
which we already have the vaccine! In this way, we would be
able to send in troops who have already been vaccinated
against the killer vaccine, which they would then spread
among the enemy. It is absolutely crazy and insane!
Meanwhile, industrial theft is in full swing. Captain and
biologist of the US Navy at Fort Detrick, Neil Levitt,
reported the disappearance of 2.35 liters of an experimental
vaccine. A dose sufficient to contaminate the entire world.
Fort Detrick is a research laboratory which manufactures
vaccines. It is located quite close to Washington, in
Maryland, and it is attached to the National Cancer
Institute at Bethesda, a suburb of the capital.
It is hardly astonishing that, in every major vaccination
campaign, one finds the same tangled web:
Let us not lose sight of
the fact that:
In the name of the
defense of our countries, we manufacture the most murderous of
weapons. War; whether it be biological or not, is war. And
weapons kill. Biological warfare is a giant business, largely
financed BY OUR FUNDS, through the medium of the military,
research, and our donations. It is also financed, and without
our knowledge, BY OUR LIVES.
Those of our
children and of millions of innocents who have been sacrificed.
It is we, those who live in the Western world, who are
responsible for all the illnesses and acts of genocide in the
By our acceptance of
vaccinations, both at home and abroad.