The pharmaceutical industry's annual global sales already amount to over 1 TRILLION dollars annually.

Moreover, by 2018, sales of drugs are expected to reach a staggering 1.3 trillion dollars a year.
What interest could drug companies possibly have in eliminating CANCER as a scourge of mankind if doing so would simultaneously destroy the vast revenues they receive as a result of the disease's continued existence?







 -  Agentes del Gob. USA allanan Laboratorio para Apoderarse de Avanzado Tratamiento contra el Cáncer...


 -  Al Cáncer de Páncreas le Toma 20 Años Crecer Hasta Llegar a Ser Tumor(es) Detectable(s)


 -  Algunos Hechos Problemáticos sobre el Cáncer que Todo el Mundo Debe Saber


 -  A los Oncólogos No les Gusta el Tratamiento con Bicarbonato de Sodio para el Cáncer porque es...


 -  Another Government Lie? - The Overwhelming Evidence that Tobacco does NOT Cause Cancer


 -  Antineoplastons - A Cure for Cancer Ignored for 45 Years


 -  Amish Girl being Forced into Experimental Chemotherapy Taken Out of U.S. and Recovers with Natural...

 -  Antioxidant and Antiproliferative Activities of Extracts from a Variety of Edible Seaweeds


 -  A Secret Cause of Cancer


 -  Aspirin's forgotten Anticancer Function


 -  Australian Scientists Create Virus that Kills Cancer


 -  Autovacuna Para Curar El Cáncer - La Vacuna Contra El Cáncer de Seno, Colon y Estómago


 -  Baking Soda Molasses Protocol May Cure Many Cancers


 -  Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs benötigt 20 Jahre, um erkennbar zu sein - Wie er heute gestoppt werden kann


 -  Canadian Study gives More Evidence Cancer is a Lifestyle Disease largely Caused by Food


 -  Can an Alkaline Diet Successfully Treat Cancer? - Signs your Body is Too Acidic and What to Do About It


 -  Cancer and Fungus


 -  Cancer and Sugar


 -  Cancer, and Why the Profiteers Don't Want a Cure - The Biggest Moneymaker of All Time


 -  Cancer - Busting the Myths


 -  Cancer, Children and Cannabis


 -  Cancer Cured For Good


 -  Cancer Incidence Attributable to Lifestyle and Environmental Factors in Alberta in 2012


 -  Cancer Intelligence



 -  Cancer is a Fungus... and It Is Curable - Tullio Simoncini



 -  Cancer is an Infection Caused by Tuberculosis-Type Bacteria


 -  Cancer Patients report 'Miraculous Recoveries' from Ivermectin Treatment


 -  Cancer Research - A Super Fraud?



 -  Cancer - Unresolved Health Issues in the Biological Effects of EM Fields Radiation


 -  Can Conventional Cancer Treatments Heal Cancer?


 -  Chaparral Is Natural Medicine For Treating Cancer


 -  Chemists Find Help from Nature in Fighting Cancer - Research Update


 -  Chinese Plant Compound Wipes Out Cancer in 40 Days - Says New Research


 -  Científicos Encuentran que el Cuerpo Humano Espontáneamente Mata el Cáncer Diariamente


 -  Cientificos Koreanos Exitosamente Matan el Cáncer con Imanes - ¿Irán Pronto a Ser Censurados?


 -  Chlorine Dioxide and Cancer


 -  Cocktails for Cancer with a Measure of Immunotherapy


 -  Cómo provocan Cáncer las Vacunas COVID


 -  Conventional Cancer Treatments versus Alternative Cancer Therapies


 -  Corporate and Government Cover-Up of Low-Cost Pancreatic Cancer Cure - Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez Blows...


 -  Cost of Cancer Treatments - Natural Allopathic Vs. Allopathic


 -  Cure for Cancer - The Rick Simpson Protocol


 -  Death by Doctoring - Cancer Treatment


 -  De Cómo el Cáncer se Alimenta de Azúcar - Y Otras Grandes Razones para Evitar los Dulces Refinados


 -  Desarrollan un Fármaco que podría activar el "Mecanismo Suicida" de las Células Cancerosas


 -  Descubrimientos del Dr. Hamer - Germánica Nueva Medicina - Main File


 -  Día Mundial del Cáncer 2015 - Millones de Pacientes Muriendo por la Verdad


 -  Did You Know that Natural Cancer Treatments are Hidden from You - But Why?


 -  Doctors are One of the Main Causes of Cancer


 -  Edible Mushrooms - Nature's Most Researched Anti-Cancer Agent

 -  Effects of Honey and Its Mechanisms of Action on the Development and Progression of Cancer


 -  El Cambiante Paisaje del Cáncer


 -  El Cáncer, Los Niños y El Cannabis


 -  El Cáncer No Es una Enfermedad sino... ¡Es un Gran Negocio! - Secreto 'Descubierto'


 -  El Cáncer y El Azúcar


 -  El Cáncer y La Nueva Medicina


 -  El Cáncer y Porqué Los Especuladores no Quieren Una Cura - Los Mayores Hacedores de Dinero de Todos...


 -  El Extracto de Semilla de Uva Supera a La Quimio Matando Células Cancerosas Avanzadas


 -  El Fraude del Cáncer


 -  El Gran "Adelanto" de La Vitamina C en La Guerra Contra El Cáncer


 -  Encubrimiento del Gobierno y Empresas de Una Cura Para el Cáncer Pancreático de Bajo Costo


 -  El Yodo - Una Medicina Universal


  - ¿Es la Ivermectina una Solución al Cáncer?


 -  Estudio Canadiense ofrece más Pruebas que el Cáncer es una Enfermedad del Estilo de Vida Causada...


  - ¿Existe Una 'Cura' Natural Para El Cáncer?


 -  Exposed Deadly Cancer Drugs that Make Cancer Worse and Kill Patients More Quickly


 -  Expuestas Las Mortales Drogas Contra El Cáncer Que Empeoran La Enfermedad y Matan Más...


  - "Fascinante" Posible Tratamiento del Cáncer


  - "Fascinating" Possible Cancer Treatment


 -  Fighting Radiation Damage The Natural Way


 -  Five Facts on Cancer that Conventional Medicine is Now Aggressively Claiming are Myths

 -  Flax and Breast Cancer - A Systematic Review


 -  Flaxseed Can Prevent and Kill Breast Cancer - Meta-Analysis Reveals


 -  Flaxseeds Can Reduce Primary Breast Cancer Risk by 18% - Study

 -  Frondoside A Suppressive Effects on Lung Cancer Survival, Tumor Growth, Angiogenesis, Invasion, and...


 -  Fungi Helps Fight Cancer Cells



 -  Garlic Kills Brain Cancer Cells Without Side Effects


 -  GcMAF for the Treatment of Cancer, Autism, Inflammation, Viral and Bacterial Disease


 -  Ginger - 10,000x Stronger than Chemo (Taxol) in Cancer Research Model


 -  Government Suppression of A Cancer Cure - Burzynski


 -  Glycosylated Oleic Acid/Vitamin D-binding Protein Suppresses Her2 Oncogene Expression in Human...


 -  Grape Seed Extract Outperforms Chemo in Killing Advanced Cancer Cells

 -  Graviola


 -  Harry Hoxsey - The AMA's Successful Attempt to Suppress My Cure for Cancer


 -  Healing Cancer with Organic Food


 -  Herbs and Spices in Cancer Prevention and Treatment


 -  Héroe Médico - Investigador de la Cura del Cáncer Dr. Tullio Simoncini


 -  Honey - A Powerful Anti-Cancer Agent



 -  Hongos que Ayudan a Combatir las Células Cancerosas


 -  How Cancer Feeds on Sugar - And Other Big Reasons to Avoid Refined Sweets


 -  Hoy En Día No Es Necesario Morir de Cáncer


 -  Iatrogenic Cancer


 -  If You Don't Mind Cancer Causing Radiation Passing Through Your Food, Keep Using a Microwave


 -  Il Cancro e Lo Zucchero



 -  Il Cancro e Perché Gli Speculatori Non Vogliono Una Cura - I Più Grandi Affaristi di Tutti i Tempi


 -  Il Veleno Dello Scorpione Per Combattere il Cancro



 -  Induced Remission Therapy - Our Best Hope Against Cancer?

 -  Induction of Apoptosis by the Medium-Chain Length Fatty Acid Lauric Acid in Colon Cancer Cells due to...


 -  Investigación del Cáncer… ¿Un Super Fraude?



 -  Investigador Revela que Monsanto ha Sabido desde 1981 que el Glifosato Promueve el Cáncer


 -  Is Ivermectin a Cancer Solution?


 -  Is the Cause of Cancer a Common Fungus? - Dr. Tullio Simoncini


 -  Is There a Natural "Cure" for Cancer?


 -  Is this Why Only Organic Fruit and Vegetables Stops Cancer?


 -  It Turns Out that 5G might cause Cancer After All

 -  Ivermectin - A potential Anticancer Drug derived from an Antiparasitic Drug


 -  Jengibre - 10.000 Veces Más Fuerte que la Quimioterapia (Taxol) en Modelo de Investigación del Cáncer


 -  Kalanchoe - Planta Antitumoral


 -  Korean Scientists Successfully Kill Cancer With Magnets - Soon Censored?


 -  Krebsforschung - ein Riesenbetrug



 -  La Alimentación Bio Disminuye el Riesgo de Cáncer


 -  La Cura del Cancer - Adenopatia


 -  La Dra. Johanna Budwig y su Protocolo contra el Cáncer


  - ¡La Germánica Nueva Medicina® No Sólo Para Los Hebreos!


 -  La Linaza - Semilla de Lino - Fármaco Natural Multiuso


 -  La Radiación de los Teléfonos Celulares Causa Cáncer Cerebral - Concluye un Masivo Estudio del Gobierno


 -  Las Maravillas de La Cúrcuma - Grandes Beneficios para La Salud


 -  La Sorprendente Causa del Melanoma  - Y no, No Es por 'Demasiado Sol'


 -  La Vacuna Cubana contra el Cáncer Pulmonar que Cuesta $1


 -  La Vitamina D Es Mejor Que Los Fármacos Para Tratar El Cáncer


 -  Look what Coconut Oil Did to Colon Cancer Cells in Just Two Days


 -  Los Muchos olvidados Beneficios de la Aspirina para la Salud


 -  Massive Government Study Concludes Cell Phone Radiation Causes Brain Cancer


 -  'Matando de Hambre' al Cáncer Quitando un solo alimento - El Azúcar Refinada


 -  Medical Hero - Cure Cancer Investigator Dr. Tullio Simoncini


 -  Melanoma Epidemic - A Midsummer Night's Dream


 -  Metabolic Theory of Cancer - Top Tips to Optimize your Mitochondrial Health


 -  Método de Diagnostico del Cáncer - Genio de 16 Años Exige "Acabar con La Aristocracia Científica"


 -  Millions of Patients Dying for the Truth - World Cancer Day 2015


 -  Miracle Mineral Supplement - Milagroso Suplemento Mineral - Main File


 -  Mira lo que Hizo el Aceite de Coco a las Células de Cáncer de Colon en Sólo Dos Días


 -   Moderna confirms Link between COVID mRNA Vaccines and Cancer


 -  Monsanto Herbicide in GMO Crops is Carcinogenic - WHO Full Report

 -  Morinda Citrifolia Edible Leaf Extract Enhanced Immune Response Against Lung Cancer

 -  Nobel Prize 2018 awarded to Cancer Immunotherapy Pioneers


 -  Nutrición, Enfermedades Malignas y El Cáncer



 -  Nutrition, Malignant Disease and Cancer



 -  Oncología - Calidad de Vida con Tratamientos de Fosfolipasas y Oligoelementos


 -  Oncologists don't Like Baking Soda Cancer Treatment Because it's Too Effective and Too Cheap


 -  Orthodox Cancer Treatments Don't Treat Cancer - 5 Prescription Drugs Doctors Had No Idea Could Hurt Their...


 -  Pacientes de Cáncer de Tiroides Convertidos en Sucias Bombas Caminantes Luego de Beber Veneno...


 -  Paleo Diet for Cancer-Free Living? - Research Says Yes


 -  Pancreatic Cancer Takes 20 Years to Grow Into Detectable Tumors - Here's How to Halt It Today


 -  Peruvian Tree Compound Graviola "10,000 More Effective" than Chemotherapy Drug

 -  Pink Army Cooperative - A Cancer Treatment Made Just for You - External Link


 -  Plants Cure Cancer, Not Chemicals


  - ¿Porqué Hay Tantos Tipos de Cáncer Ahora?

 -  Potential Therapeutic Efficacy of Curcumin in Liver Cancer


 -  Presidential Cancer Advisors Find Courage to Warn About Environmental Risks of Cancer Chemicals


 -  Propiedades Medicinales del Ajo que combaten diferentes Tipos de Cáncer


 -  Propuesta de Modelo para la Cura del Cáncer y el SIDA


  - ¿Pueden los Tratamientos Oncologicos Convencionales, Sanar el Cáncer?


 -  Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy for Cancer and Pain


 -  Químicos Encuentran Ayuda de la Naturaleza en La Lucha Contra el Cáncer - Investigación Actualizada


 -  Rabino Admite Que Han Ocultado La Curación del Cáncer a Los No Judíos - Pruebas en Argentina


 -  Radiation Exposure Chart Admits Cancer Radiotherapy Delivers Fatal Dose to Patients


 -  Researcher Reveals Monsanto has Known since 1981 that Glyphosate Promotes Cancer


 -  Revici Selenium Cancer Treatment


  - ¿Sabias Que en El Año 1931 un Científico Recibió el Premio Nobel por Descubrir La Causa Primaria del...


  - ¿Sabía que Los Tratamientos Naturales para El Cáncer Son Ocultados de Usted? - ¿Pero Porqué?


 -  Sapevate che Le Medicine Naturali per il Cancro Vi sono Tenute Nascoste? - Ma Perché?


 -  Scientists Find that The Human Body Kills Spontaneous Cancers Daily


 -  Sea Cucumber Found to Kill 95% of Cancer Cells and Shrink Tumors


 -  Seaweed Extract Outperforms Chemo Drug in Shrinking Breast Tumors - But Without The Toxic Side Effects


 -  Si No le Importa que La Radiación Causante del Cáncer Pase a Través de Sus Alimentos, Siga Usando...


 -  Sodium Bicarbonate Treatments - Main File


 -  Some Troublesome Facts about Cancer that Everybody Should Know

 -  Special Virus Cancer Program - Travails of a Biological Moonshot


 -  Spontaneous Remission of Breast Cancer Found to be Common - Shocking Study


 -  Starving Cancer to Death by Removing one Food - Refined Sugar

 -  Stem Cell Divisions, Somatic Mutations, Cancer Etiology, and Cancer Prevention

 -  Stop Cancer Before It Starts

 -  Stop Fighting Cancer


 -  Stop Nuking The Cancers


 -  Study Shows How Radiation Causes Breast Cancer


 -  Teoría Metabólica del Cáncer - Consejo para Optimizar tu Salud Mitocondrial


 -  The Breast Cancer Hoax Revealed


 -  The Cancer Cash Cycle - The Causes of Cancer and Ill Health


 -  The Cancer Fraud


 -  The Changing Landscape of Cancer


 -  The Consumption of Seaweed as a Protective Factor in the Etiology of Breast Cancer


 -  The Cuban Lung Cancer Vaccine that Cost $1


 -  The "Deadly Breast Cancer Gene" is a Myth - Lancet Study Confirms


 -  The many Forgotten Health Benefits of Aspirin


 -  The Number One Cause of Health and The Number One Cause of Disease


 -  The Stop Cancer Before It Starts Campaign



 -  The WHO's trumpeting of 'Cancer Vaccines' is a Smokescreen...!


 -  The Wonders of Curcumin - Health' Super Benefits


 -  Thirty Years of Breast Screening - 1.3 Million Wrongly Treated


 -  Thyroid Cancer Patients Turned Into Walking Dirty Bombs After Drinking Radioactive Poison As Cancer...


 -  Today Is Not Necessary to Die From Cancer



 -  Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods - Understanding what Causes Cancer


 -  Tratamientos Convencionales versus Tratamientos Alternativos del Cáncer


 -  Treating Cancer with Electrons


 -  Treating Cancer with Voltage, Alkalinity and Oxygen

 -  Treatment-Induced Damage to The Tumor Microenvironment Promotes Prostate Cancer Therapy...

 -  Triterpenoids of Marine Origin as Anti-Cancer Agents

 -  Turkey Tail Mushroom finally Being Studied in U.S. after 30 Years of Use in Cancer Treatment in Japan


 -  U.S. Govt. Agents Raided Research Facility to Seize a Breakthrough Cancer Treatment called GcMAF


 -  Veneno de Escorpión Contra el Cáncer


 -  Vitamin C 'Breakthrough' In War on Cancer


 -  Vitamin D Better Than Pharmaceuticals at Treating Cancer

 -  Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Cancer, Cardiovascular, and All-Cause Mortality


 -  What Went Wrong - The Truth Behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer


 -  Why Are There So Many Cancers Now?


 -  World Cancer Day 2015 - Millions of Patients Dying for the Truth


Additional Information


 -  6-Shogaol Inhibits Breast Cancer Cells and Stem Cell-Like Spheroids by Modulation of Notch Signaling...

 -  Alkalizing Nutritional Therapy in the Prevention and Reversal of any Cancerous Condition

 -  A New Cancer Treatment has Given Terminal Patients a Second Chance at Life


 -  Antioxidant Vitamins May Cut Mortality Risk - EPIC Data


 -  Antitumor effects of Ivermectin at Clinically Feasible Concentrations support its Clinical Development as a...

 -  Apigenin Prevents Development of Medroxyprogesterone in Mammary Tumors in Sprague-Dawley Rats


 -  Are Chemicals in Drinking Water Giving People Cancer?


 -  Artificial Fruit Drink Creates its Own Cancer Causing By-Product

 -  Association of Frequency of Organic Food Consumption with Cancer Risk


 -  A Zombie Gene protects Elephants from Cancer


 -  Barbarism - Doctors Now Encouraging Patients to Remove Body Parts to "Prevent Cancer"


 -  Big Cancer Foundation Continues to Crumble - Mainstream Media Admits Most Cancer Studies Cannot Be...


 -  Big Pharma's Profits Over People and How to Hit Back



 -  Billones de Partículas de Plástico Cancerígenas llegan a nuestros Alimentos - ¿Una forma de Control de...


 -  Bioelectromagnetic Medicine - The Book


 -  BIRM - Una Promesa de Vida con Plantas Amazónicas


 -  Black Listed Cancer Treatment Could Save Your Life



 -  California Government Buried the Truth about Cell Phone Radiation causing Brain Cancer


 -  Cancer Causing Chemicals Found in Cola Coloring Ingredient


 -  Cancer Drug Only 'for Western Patients Who Can Afford It' - Says Bayer Pharmaceutical CEO


 -  Cancer 'Is Purely Man-Made' Say Scientists After Finding Almost No Trace of Disease in Egyptian Mummies


 -  Cancer Nanotechnology - Smoldering Nanoparticles


 -  Cancer Officially Number One Cause of Childhood Death in U.S.


 -  Cancer Risk Rising Around The World - Western Medicine Failing Globally - World Health Organization said


 -  Cancer Still a Mystery to Medical Science


 -  Cancer Surges in Body Scanner Operators - TSA Launches Cover-Up


 -  Can Hazardous Waste Be Safely Removed For Our Bodies?

 -  Carcinogenicity of Tetrachlorvinphos, Parathion, Malathion, Diazinon, and Glyphosate


 -  Car Mechanics, Oncologists and Physics


 -  Cell Phones and Health


 -  Células Atascadas exponen la Física del Cáncer

 -  Chronic Stress Accelerates Pancreatic Cancer Growth and Invasion - A Critical Role for Beta-adrenergic...


 -  City Warns of Cell Phone Link to Cancer


 -  Consentido Hasta la Podredumbre - Información y Detalles Sobre la Desintoxicación


 -  Decloaking Pathogens With Low-Frequency Sound


 -  Does Everything Cause Cancer Nowadays?


 -  Eating Raw Garlic Can Cut Lung Cancer Risk in Half


 -  EE.UU. Amenaza a Colombia por Querer Rebajar el Precio de un Medicamento Contra el Cáncer


 -  El Ajo y la Cebolla vinculados a Disminución de Riesgo de Cáncer de Intestino


  - "El Cáncer es nuestro Nuevo Covid" - CEO de Pfizer, Albert Bourla


 -  Electromagnetic Field Intolerance - An Epidemic in The Making


 -  El Poder Curativo de Los Pensamientos - Entrevista a Bruce Lipton


 -  Endogenous Viruses


 -  Energy Saving Bulbs 'Release Cancer Causing Chemicals'


 -  Energy Saving Light Bulbs 'Contain Cancer Causing Chemicals'


 -  Enfréntese a La Industria del Cáncer y A Su Mercachiflismo de Celebridad y Poder


 -  Enough Personalized Cancer Medicine to Make You Sick


  - ¿Es el Cáncer un Antiguo Programa de Supervivencia Desenmascarado?


 -  Essentials of Natural Chelation


 -  EU Releases All Data on GM Corn Linked to Cancer



 -  FDA Attacks Alternative Clinics - Cancer Patients' Lives Threatened


 -  FDA Dupes Interpol to Achieve Illegal Kidnapping and Deportation of Herbal Formulator Greg Caton

 -  Fighting Cancer with Phytochemicals from Allium Vegetables


 -  Garlic and Onion linked to Decreased Bowel Cancer Risk

 -  Garlic Compounds Generate Reactive Oxygen Species Leading to Activation of Stress Kinases and...

 -  Global Cancer Statistics 2011


  - "Good" Medicine - Do as Much Nothing as Possible...


  - ¿Ha Estado Expuesto A Radiación? - El Aparato Médico Que Produce 30 Mil Casos de Cáncer Cada Año


 -  Have You Been Exposed? - The Medical Device That Causes 30,000 Cancer Cases Each Year


 -  Health Effects of The ORMUS Elements


 -  How Elephants Beat Cancer


 -  Is Cancer an Ancient Survival Program Unmasked?



 -  Italian Court Rules Cell Phones Can Cause Brain Tumors

 -  It Is Overtreatment, Not Overdiagnosis


 -  Ivermectin may Defeat Cancer and other 'Common Chronic Diseases of Aging'


 -  Jammed Cells Expose the Physics of Cancer


 -  Johnson & Johnson Baby Shampoo Has Cancer-Causing Chemicals - Group Says


 -  Jungle Fungus Eats Plastic and Beats Cancer


 -  Kids Get 7 Trillion Calories of Sugar from Cancer-Causing Beverages Each Year


 -  La FDA Finalmente Admite que en EE.UU. la Carne de Pollo Contiene Arsénico que Causa Cáncer


 -  La Inteligencia De Las Células



 -  Leaked Memos Show U.S. Threaten Continued Violence if Colombia Challenges Big Pharma Monopoly


 -  Lingzhi Mushrooms - Enough Science to Drown Doctors


 -  Long-Term Use of Mobile Phones May Be Linked to Some Cancers - A Landmark International Study Will...


 -  Los Potentes Nutrientes Antivirales Son Críticos Para La Prevención de La Enfermedad y La Longevidad


 -  'Magic Mushroom' Drug Shows Promise in Treating Addictions and Cancer Anxiety


 -  Mecánica de Autos, Oncólogos y La Física



 -  Medicinal Mushrooms Ease Anxiety and Mood



 -  Medicina Mitocondrial



 -  Microwave Cooking - Cancer for Convenience?


 -  Miniature Medical Robots step out from Sci-Fi...


 -  Mitochondrial Medicine


 -  Molecular Machines Open Cell Membranes


 -  Monsanto's Widely used 'Roundup' Herbicide Linked to Cancer


 -  Monsanto Technocrats Bullied Scientists to Hide Glyphosate Cancer Risks


 -  Most Cancer Research is Largely a Fraud - Says One of the Most Important Scientists in the World


 -  Nano-Fibres are Behaving as Nano-Blenders within Plant and Animal Structures Due to Electromagnetic...


 -  National Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society Skewered in New Book by Leading Cancer Expert


 -  New Vitamin D Recommendations Promote Nutritional Deficiency to  Protect Cancer Industry

 -  Neuropeptide Y Stimulates Proliferation and Migration in the 4T1 Breast Cancer Cell Line


 -  Nobody Wants to Talk About Radioactivity at Fukushima Japan


 -  Nuestro Caliente Mundo Radiactivo se Está Poniendo Más Caliente - Fukushima


 -  Ocean Medicine - The Miracle of Brown Seaweed Extract


 -  Oncologists Are The Worst People to Treat Cancer


 -  On the Association between Glioma, Wireless Phones, Heredity and Ionising Radiation


 -  Our Hot Radioactive World is Getting Hotter - Fukushima


 -  Outrageous False Claim - Frankenscientists Say Purple Medicinal 'GMO' Tomatoes Can Beat Cancer


 -  Perché la Medicina Occidentale Non Curerà Mai il Cancro

 -  Pilot Study of Psilocybin Treatment for Anxiety in Patients with Advanced-Stage Cancer


 -  Pitahaya - Fruta Rara que Quita la Anemia, Destruye el Cáncer y Regula la Diabetes


 -  Potent Antiviral Nutrients Are Critical to Disease Prevention and Longevity

 -  Price of Drugs for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), Reflection of The Unsustainable Cancer Drug Prices


 -  Probiotics Once Again Shown to Reduce Cancer Risk

 -  Putting Tumors in Context



 -  Radiation Scientists Agree TSA Naked Body Scanners Could Cause Breast Cancer and Sperm Mutations

 -  Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk - What We Can Do Now


 -  Report of Partial Findings from the National Toxicology Program Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone...


 -  Research Shows that 40% of Cancers are Entirely Preventable

 -  Rocket Fuel Medicine


 -  Rodent Feeding Study With Glyphosate Formulations and GM Maize NK603 - Séralini et al. (2012) Publication


 -  Scientists Create Molecular Nanodrills that Destroy Cancer Cells


 -  Scientists discover a New Human Organ hiding in Plain Sight


 -  Scientists discover Virus That Kills All Grades of Breast Cancer 'Within Seven Days'


 -  Should You Trust Your Oncologist?


 -  Since 1950, Reliable Research Has Been Suppressed to Keep Americans in The Dark About Trans-Fatty...


 -  Some Products Linked to Cancer that are Hiding in Almost Every Home


  -¿Somos Esclavos de Nuestro ADN o Tenemos La Posibilidad de Ser lo Que Nuestra Mente Nos Permita...?


 -  Sonidos de Baja Frecuencia Para Desvelar Patógenos


 -  Spoiled Rotten - Information and Details on Detoxing


 -  Stand Up to The Cancer Industry and Its Celebrity-Powered Hucksterism


 -  Stop Making Cancer... from The Inside Out


 -  Stress, Cancer and Sexuality


 -  Structure-activity Relationships of Diverse Annonaceous Acetogenins against Multidrug Resistant Human...


 -  Study Says 290% Increased Risk of Brain Tumor After 10 Years of Cellphone Use

 -  Swedish Review - Radiation from Cellular and Cordless Phones is A Probable Human Carcinogen

 -  Synthesis and Anticancer Activity of Epipolythiodiketopiperazine Alkaloids


 -  Tattoos Associated with increased Lymphoma Risk and Size doesn't Matter - Study


 -  Teoría Inflamatoria del Cáncer


 -  Tens of Thousands of U.S. Kids Subjected to Needless Cancer-Causing CT Scans


 -  The AMA's Charge on The Light Brigade - from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"


 -  The Aspartame Trap - You May Be Unknowingly Ingesting This Toxic Sweetener


 -  The Compound in The Mediterranean Diet that Makes Cancer Cells 'Mortal'


 -  The Dangerous Truth Behind Microwaves - Updated


 -  The Extraordinary Story of Healer Alfons Ven - Interview with Alfons Ven


 -  The FDA - from "Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries"


 -  The Mass Poisoning of Humanity - An Exploration of Human Stupidity


 -  The Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease and Cancer


 -  The Natural History of Invasive Breast Cancers Detected by Screening Mammography


 -  The Obsessed Culture of Lowering Cholesterol May Actually Be Causing Cancer


 -  The Persecution and Trial of Gaston Naessens


 -  The Profits of Cancer - American Society for The Control of Cancer


 -  The Real Cancer Killer - Big Pharma Giants


 -  There Is No Such Thing As Bad Cholesterol


 -  The Secret to Healing Virtually All Diseases - OneMinute Cure


 -  The World According to Hydrogen


 -  The World's Most Credible Medical Journal Outlines Bad News for Monsanto


 -  Tratamiento Prohibido Contra el Cáncer Que Podría Salvar Su Vida


 -  Unification Theory of Medicine


 -  United Nations Claims that Monsanto Pesticides Cause Cancer

 -  United Nations Review Claims Monsanto's Glyphosate 'Not' Carcinogenic...


 -  Vibrational Medicine - Scientists Kill Viruses by Blasting Them With Resonant Frequencies


 -  Watercress - A Garnishing Green That Provides Bountiful Health Benefits


 -  Why Western Medicine will Never Cure Cancer


 -  Why You Should Avoid Taking Vaccines


 -  Widely Popular Nanoparticles Could Be Giving You Cancer and Nutritional Deficiencies


 -  World Health Organization Sees Cancer Risk Rising Around the World


Antoine Priore


 -  A Non-Technical Description of The Priore Process


 -  Antoine Priore - The Bordeaux Magnetic Machine


 -  Energética - Medicina de Energía


 -  Energetics - Energy Medicine


 -  Healing Powers of Longitudinal Waves - from Scalar Wars


 -  The Kaznacheyev Experiments


 -  The Priore Machine and Phase Conjugation



B17 or Laetrile


 -  Apricot Seeds Kill Cancer Cells Without Side Effects


 -  Is Cancer Merely A Vitamin Deficiency Disease? - Vitamin B17 Laetrile Cancer Treatment Now Available...


 -  Vitamina B17 - El Gran Encubrimiento en la Historia del Cáncer


 -  Vitamin B17 - The Greatest Cover-Up in the History of Cancer


 -  World Without Cancer - Author G. Edward Griffin Exposes How Corrupt Politics Prevent Real Cancer Cures...

 -  World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17




 -  Alternative Cancer Therapy - G. E. Griffin Talking About Metabolic Cancer Therapy and Vitamin B17

 -  A World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17


External Links:


 -  Amygdalin Information - Vitamin B17 Laetrile


 -  Laetrile and Information on Vitamin B17


 -  Why are Laetrile and Many Other Substances Used in Alternative-Cancer Therapy not Readily Available in...?




 -  Big Pharma Attempting to Corner The Market on Medical Marijuana


 -  Cannabinoids - Potential Anticancer Agents



 -  Cannabis Oil a Saving Grace for Lake Country Woman after End of Life Diagnosis


 -  Cannabis Oral y Transdérmico


 -  Cannabis Prohibition Continues Because of Suppression of Cancer Killing Cannabinoids


 -  Cannabis Treats Cancer and Epilepsy


 -  Can Pot Treat Cancer Without the Devastating Effects of Chemotherapy?


 -  De Cómo el Aceite de Cáñamo Cura el Cáncer y Porqué Nadie lo Sabe


 -  El Aceite de Marihuana de Rick Simpson


 -  Federal Fanaticism Against Marijuana - Government's War on Its Own People


 -  Federal Government Unwittingly Admits Cannabis Kills Cancer


 -  Gobierno Federal Admite Involuntariamente que  el Cannabis Mata el Cáncer


 -  How Hemp Oil Cures Cancer and Why No One Knows



 -  How Weed Can Protect Us From Cancer and Alzheimer's


 -  If Cannabis Can Kill "Incurable" Brain Cancer, Why is it Criminalized?


 -  La Marihuana Mata las Células Cancerosas - Lo Admite el Instituto Nacional del Cáncer de Estados Unidos


 -  La Marihuana Reduce Los Tumores y Detiene su Crecimiento - No Es de Extrañar Que Sea Criminalizada


 -  La Prohibición del Cannabis Continua a Causa de La Supresión de Los Cannabinoides Que Matan El...


 -  Las Divinas Matemáticas del Cáncer



 -  Marihuana Médica en La Medicina Pediátrica



 -  Marijuana Compounds That Could Help Combat Cancer, Alzheimers, Parkinsons - If Only They Were Legal


 -  Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells - Admits the U.S. National Cancer Institute


 -  Marijuana Makes Tumors Shrink and Halts Their Growth - No Wonder It's Criminalized


 -  Medical Marijuana in Pediatric Medicine



 -  Medios Ignoran Impactantes Resultados de Expertos, que La Marihuana Ayuda a Prevenir el Cáncer de...

 -  Phoenix Tears - The Rick Simpson Story


 -  Politics vs. Science - Understanding Cannabis Therapeutics Before it is Censored


  -¿Porqué Es Ilegal La Marihuana? - Examinando los Aspectos Saludables del Cannabis


 -  Pot Compound Seen as Tool Against Cancer


  -¿Puede La Marihuana Tratar el Cáncer Sin Los Devastadores Efectos de La Quimioterapia?


 -  Research Says Marijuana Fights Cancer - Does Marijuana Cause Cancer?


 -  Si el Cannabis puede matar el 'Incurable' Cáncer de Cerebro... ¿Porqué está Criminalizado?


 -  Small Community Cancer Cure Crushed by Big Pharma


 -  Transdermal and Oral Cannabis


 -  Transdermales und Orales Cannabis


 -  Una Investigación Dice Que la Marihuana Lucha Contra el Cáncer


 -  Why Is Marijuana Illegal? - Examining The Health Aspects of Cannabis


 -  Biólogo Molecular Explica cómo el THC Mata Completamente las Células del Cáncer

 -  Cannabinoid Receptors - A Cure for Cancer - Videos


 -  Huya de la Cura - La Historia de Rick Simpson


 -  Molecular Biologist Explains how THC Completely Kills Cancer Cells

 -  Run From The Cure - The Rick Simpson Story


 -  The Power of Raw Cannabis






 -  Actualización de Cinco años de La Persona que Curó su Cáncer de Próstata Grado IV con Bicarbonato...


 -  Amazing Cancer Therapy Wipes Out Prostate and Bone Cancer


 -  Breast and Prostate Cancer Screenings Actually Cause Cancer, Don't Save Lives


 -  Brust- und Prostatakrebs Vorsorgeuntersuchungen verursachen Krebs anstatt Leben zu retten


 -  Fenbendazole Success Story - Prostate Cancer Remission


 -  Five Year Update on The Guy Who Cured his Stage IV Prostate Cancer with Baking Soda


 -  Prostate Cancer Screening Has Zero Benefit - Concludes 20-Year Study


 -  Prostate Cancer Surgery 'Has No Significant Survival Benefit' - Study Suggests


Royal Raymond Rife


 -  A History of Rife's Instruments and Frequencies - Updated June 04, 2008


 -  Dr. Rife and The Death of The Cancer Industry


 -  Royal Raymond Rife and The Cancer Cure That Worked


 -  The End of All Disease - Can Disease Be Cured Electronically?


 -  The Medical Genius of Royal Raymond Rife


 -  The Rife Microscope Cancer Cure Story




 -  The Rise and Fall of A Scientific Genius - The Forgotten Story of Royal Rife - Documentary Trailer


The Gerson Therapy


 -  Charlotte Gerson Speaks Out About The Cancer Industry and Natural Cancer Remedies


 -  Dr. Max Gerson's Nutritional Therapy for Cancer and Other Diseases - from "Suppressed Inventions and Other..."


 -  Gerson Therapy - Film Details Natural Cancer Cures


 -  Dying to Have Known


 -  La Hermosa Verdad - La Cura del Cancer del Dr. Gerson


 -  The Beautiful Truth - Dr. Gerson Cancer Cure


 -  The Gerson Miracle



Toxic Oncology - Radiation Therapy - Chemotherapy / Oncología Tóxica - Radioterapia - Quimioterapia

 -  30-Day Mortality after Systemic Anticancer Treatment for Breast and Lung Cancer in England


 -  Addio Chemioterapia! - Gli Spagnoli Sviluppano un Generatore che distrugge i Tumori


 -  ¡Adiós Quimioterapia! - Españoles Desarrollan Generador que Destruye Tumores


 -  Americans exposed to Atomic Bomb Levels of Radiation through Medical Imaging, CT Scans, Mammograms


 -  Avoid Mammograms like the Plague


 -  Brain Scan Study Finds Evidence of "Chemo Brain"


 -  Cancer Industry Desperately Needs Mammogram Screenings to Recruit Patients and Generate Repeat...


 -  Cancer - Mammograms, Chemotherapy vs. Alternative Cures - S.Somers Speaks Out Against Conventional...


 -  Cancer Radiation Treatments - Standing in Front of a Nuclear Firing Squad...


 -  Can Pot Treat Cancer Without The Devastating Effects of Chemotherapy?


 -  Chemo and Radiation Actually Make Cancer More Malignant


 -  Chemo Facts - Facts on Drugs Used in Chemotherapy - External Link


 -  Chemo Making Cancer Worse - Says yet another Peer Reviewed Medical Journal


 -  Chemotherapy and Radiation


 -  Chemotherapy can actually Trigger the Spread of Cancer in Adjacent Areas - How ironic, but Science...


 -  Chemotherapy Does Not Work 97 Percent of the Time and Continues to Be Used Only for One Reason

 -  Chemotherapy Elicits Pro-metastatic Extracellular Vesicles in Breast Cancer Models


 -  Chemotherapy - Fraudulent and Deadly?


 -  Chemotherapy promotes Inflammation and causes Cancer to Spread - Yet Another Study


 -  Chemotherapy Stimulates Cancer Growth


 -  Científicos Advierten que la Quimioterapia puede Promover Tumores Agresivos y Propagar el Cáncer


 -  Doctors, Scientists and Survivors Break their "Code of Silence" and Expose the Truth about Cancer


 -  El Jengibre - Propiedades Anticancerígenas y Quimioprotectoras de esta popular Planta


 -  Enzima de La Piña Es Superior a La Quimioterapia Para Tratamiento Contra El Cáncer


 -  Este 'Dúo' mata más Células Cancerosas que los Medicamentos de Quimioterapia


 -  Eugenics Alert - Oncologists Now Pushing Toxic Chemotherapy for Pregnant Women


 -  Evite los Mamogramas como si fuesen Una Plaga


 -  Five Facts on Cancer that Conventional Medicine is Now Aggressively Claiming are Myths


 -  Frucht der Stachelannone 100mal stärker für die Krebsbekämpfung als Chemotherapie


 -  Ginseng may Work Better than Chemo and Radiation - Here is How

 -  Global, Regional, and National Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost


 -  Growing Incidence of Cardiotoxicity and Heart Damage After Chemotherapy


 -  La Quimioterapia promueve la Inflamación y causa que el Cáncer se Propague


 -  Lo que La Industria del Cáncer No Quiere que Usted Sepa Acerca de La Quimioterapia y La Radiación


 -  Man Blogs About His Own Death From Chemotherapy



 -  Mandatory Chemotherapy for Children With Cancer?


 -  Metastasized Lung Cancer Suppression by Morinda citrifolia (Noni) Leaf compared to Erlotinib via Anti...


 -  Milk Thistle Protects Against Chemotherapy Toxicity, Prevents Cancer


 -  More Doctors Confessing to Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People with Cancer to Make Money


 -  Most Cancer Patients Die of Chemotherapy


 -  Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Induces Breast Cancer Metastasis through a TMEM-mediated Mechanism


 -  New Study confirms Chemotherapy Encourages Spread of Cancer


 -  New Study Reveals many Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemotherapy and Not the Cancer


 -  Noni Leaf Extract Superior to Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer - Preclinical Study


 -  Pineapple Enzyme Superior to Chemotherapy in Treating Cancer - Research


 - ¿Porqué las Cifras de Muertes por Cáncer No Paran de Aumentar si Tenemos Radioterapia y Quimio?


 -  Pregnant Women Now Being Dosed With Toxic Chemotherapy Drugs


 -  Quimioterapia y Radiación


 -  Radiation Treatments Generate Cancer Stem Cells from Less Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells


 -  Scientists Warn Chemotherapy Treatment may Encourage Aggressive Tumors and Spread Cancer


 -  Soursop Fruit 100 Fold Stronger at Killing Cancer Than Chemotherapy


 -  Study Accidentally Exposes Chemotherapy as Fraud - Tumors Grow Faster After Chemo!


 -  Study Shows Chemotherapy Killing Many Cancer Patients within 30 Days of Starting Treatment


 -  The Big Business of Cancer - 100 BILLION Dollars was Spent on Cancer Drugs Last Year Alone

 -  The Contribution of Cytotoxic Chemotherapy to 5-Year Survival in Adult Malignancies


 -  The Failure of Chemotherapy - As More Patients Abstain from the Treatment More Survive


 -  Top Chemotherapy Drug Dropped Due to 'Lack of Profits'



 -  Traditional Food puts Chemotherapy to Shame - New Study Reveals

 -  Treatment-Induced Damage to the Tumor Microenvironment Promotes Prostate Cancer Therapy...

 -  Vitamin C and Aspirin's forgotten Anticancer Function


 -  What The Cancer Industry Does Not Want You to Know About Chemotherapy and Radiation




 -  Cut-Poison-Burn - Toxic Oncology - Radiation Therapy


 -  La Semilla que Cura el Cáncer mejor que la Quimio

 -  Nicholas Gonzalez, MD Reveals the Truth About Chemotherapy

 -  The True History of Chemo and the Pharmaceutical Monopoly - The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest




 -  22 Ways to Cancer-Proof Your Life Today



 -  Cáncer - ¿Que Es y Que lo Causa?


 -  Cure Your Cancer - by Bill Henderson


 -  Death by Medicine - by Gary Null, Carolyn Dean, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio, Dorothy Smith

 -  Electromagnetic Fields and Life - by Aleksandr Samuilovich Presman


 -  El Emperador está Desnudo - por Jack Herer

 -  Murder by Injection - The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America - by Eustace Mullins

 -  Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About - by Kevin Trudeau

 -  The Emperor Wears No Clothes - by Jack Herer


 -  The War Between Orthodox Medicine and Alternative Medicine - by R. Webster Kehr

 -  Unconventional Cancer Treatments - by U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment

 -  World Without Cancer - The Story of Vitamin B17 - by G. Edward Griffin




 -  AIDS As Biological Warfare - A Possible Electromagnetic Solution

 -  Burzynski - Cancer is Serious Business - The FDA Tyranny

 -  Cáncer de Mamas - La Prevención Precoz Como Riesgo

 -  Cancer - The Forbidden Cures


 -  Cancer - The Quest for The Cures


 -  Cut - Poison - Burn


 -  Dr. Burzynski Movie - Burzynski - Government Suppression of A Cancer Cure

 -  Dr. Tullio Simoncini and The Cure of Cancer - The Shen Clinic - 2009

 -  El Origen del Mal - Entrevista al Dr. Ryke Hamer - PARTE 2


 -  Ganarle la Partida al Cáncer - Entrevista al Dr.Hamer


 -  Ivermectina - ¿Un 'Potente Medicamento' para combatir el Cáncer? - Un Vistazo a las Evidencias

 -  John Kanzius Machine - Cancer Cure With Radio Waves


 -   La Ivermectina contra el Cáncer y gana batalla contra la FDA

 -  Luz Tóxica - El Lado Oscuro de Las Bombillas de Bajo Consumo

 -  Medical Cannabis and Its Impact on Human Health - A Cannabis Documentary

 -  MMS, Jim Humble and The Miracle Mineral


 -  Monsanto and Cancer Milk - FOX NEWS KILLS STORY & FIRES Reporters

 -  One of the Most Corrupt Industries on Earth - The Cancer Industry - David Icke

 -  Rays of Rash - Toxic Light Bulb Investigation


 -  Reversing The Irreversible


 -  Six Ways Mushrooms Can Save The World - Paul Stamets


 -  Surviving Primary Liver Cancer


 -  The Beautiful Truth - Creating A Better World - Suppressed Cures For Cancer

 -  The Idiot Cycle - Cancer and Chemical Companies


 -  The Quest for The Cures… Continues


 -  The Rick Simpson Story - Healing Cancer with Cannabis

 -  The Truth About Cancer - Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides and Healing with Micro...

  - ¿Todos Contra Hamer? - Preguntas y Respuestas (1995)


 -  Treating HIV and Cancer - MMS in Africa - Jim Humble


 -  Uncensored About Cancer - Suzanne Somers and Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez on Robert Scott Bell Show

 -  What if Cannabis Cured Cancer?



External Links


 -  Alternative Cancer Treatments Comparison


 -  P.R.I.O.R.E.-CANCER - Medical Association For Research and Information About cancers and Degenerative Diseases


Related Reports


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