This time, they had a lot
to catch up on in light
of Wetiko, the world situation, and
Paul's upcoming book "Wetiko - Healing the Mind-Virus that Plagues
our World."
They also tie in this
concept of Wetiko to the evil we see playing out on the world stage,
and the
globalist totalitarian take-over we see happening currently.
Furthermore, Paul gives
some practical advice about how you can counteract Wetiko
(within ourselves and within the world), and how to take our
creative power back, and the importance of not censoring ourselves
out of fear.
They discuss how Wetiko relates to the Shadow Government, and how it has infected the Left and the woke movement like a group occult entity, and how it can manifest in various "woke ideologies" (Critical Race Theory, Cancel Culture, etc.)
They also discuss how
Wetiko has infected the therapy space as well and how pathology has
become normalized, which creates even more trauma.
Furthermore, Paul shares about,
They also discuss the importance of building spiritual community, and much more...