Wetiko psychosis - which can be conceived of as being a mind-virus - is at the very root of every crisis we face:
Called by many different names throughout history, the spirit of Wetiko renders every other issue secondary, for Wetiko is,
If we don't come to terms
with what Wetiko is revealing to us, however, nothing else will
matter, as there will be no more human species.
Being that totalitarian
forces are creeping all over the world, it greatly behooves us to
shed light on this totalitarian psychosis that is at the root of
this process in the world.
This mind-virus only has power over us to the extent it is not seen, however, which is to say that the way to heal it is,
Not constrained by the conventional laws of third-dimensional space and time, Wetiko is nonlocal.
Wetiko has the magical ability to extend itself out into the world and seemingly configure outer events so as to express itself and give itself living material form.
In other words, Wetiko doesn't just play itself out within our minds, but through influencing our unconscious and its reactions, manages to act itself out writ large - in full-bodied form - in the world.
This is to say that what is happening in the world - just like a dream - is a reflection of a process happening deep within the psyche.
Through this magical
ability to express itself through the medium of the outside world,
Wetiko is simultaneously hiding and revealing itself at the same
time, depending on our point of view and level of awareness.
When someone is taken
over by the Wetiko mind-virus, it is as if an alien, invading power
gradually subsumes all of the healthy parts of the body politic and
commandeers the executive function of the psyche so as to fulfill
its own agenda, which is why the person taken over oftentimes acts
in ways that are diametrically opposed to their own best interests.
Once the Wetiko virus becomes sufficiently entrenched within a human psyche, the prime directive coordinating a person's behavior comes from the disease, as it is now the one in the driver's seat.
As Wetiko colonizes the psyche - centralizing power and control in the process - it eventually incorporates a seemingly autonomous regime that establishes a brutal hegemony over the healthy parts of the personality and becomes a parasitic autocracy within the greater body politic of the psyche.
Once it gains a sufficient sovereignty, Wetiko forms something like a totalitarian regime - what Jung calls "a shadow-government of the ego" - within the psyche which then dictates to the ego.
This is why Jung, when referring to Wetiko, calls it the,
The internal landscape of the wetikoized psyche is mirrored in the external world through the totalitarian forces with its corresponding "shadow government" that comes along with it - with the ever-increasing centralization of power and control - that has infiltrated our democracy and is insidiously extending itself all over the globe.
Both within our psyche - and in our alleged democracy - we are allowed our seeming freedom, but only so long as it doesn't threaten the sovereignty and dominance of the archonic "ruling" power.
An expression of its proclivity for wanting to usurp the executive function of any living system it inhabits,
Unless we are lost in denial, it is clear that we are living at a time in which totalitarian forces (though in its less familiar form of "soft totalitarianism") have re-emerged onto the political landscape.
To quote Henry A. Wallace, Vice-President under Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
There is something about the disease metaphor that so precisely maps onto what is actually happening in our world that indicates that it is not mere metaphor.
Mainstream media has even been using the term "The Authoritarianism Virus" to point to,
In a nation - and world - trending towards totalitarianism, it gets harder and harder to discern truth from fiction.
The disease of totalitarianism can only flourish when the boundary between fact and fiction make people lose their ability to perceive reality.
Fascism's "greatest threat to the United States," to again quote Wallace, will manifest,
In other words, the greatest threat to our democracy will not come from external forces, but from forces originating within our own body politic.
This is a mirrored reflection of how the greatest threat from Wetiko disease - the totalitarian psychosis that threatens us all - is not from outside, but arises within our own psyche.
If we don't realize that our current world crisis - with its trend towards totalitarianism - has its roots within and is an expression of a process going on deep within the human psyche (which is to say, within each one of us), we will be doomed to unknowingly offer ourselves into its sinister hands.
As if having a recurring
dream, our totalitarian nightmare will then endlessly amplify itself
in more and more terrifying forms, until we receive the message it
is freely offering us.
This is to realize that
the inner and outer are simultaneously co-arising and reciprocally
co-evoking each other.
This realization unlocks previously unimaginable "creative" (in contrast to "destructive") powers within us that we didn't know we had.
This is the very process that dispels Wetiko's hold over us, putting in our own hands the very creativity-generating tools we need to start to dismantle the totalitarian psychosis within our world.
Our world depends on