Karmapolis: We have been
discussing the idea that a parasite exists and rules our mind.
How can we demonstrate to our readership that this parasite
exists and that the idea of “mental infection” is not
JLL: Like an infection, the mental parasite would be detected by
its symptoms. Malaria, for instance, produces violent symptoms
caused by a foreign entity that invades the body.
To think
clearly about the parasites, we must consider that certain
behavior, and certain forms of thinking, in particular religious
ideologies, would be symptomatic of an infection or foreign
invasion of the human mind.
Karmapolis: What is the nature and the origin of this parasite?
Is it a interdimensional intelligence? Is it possible that it
takes an organic form?
JLL: According to the Gnostics, the parasites or
Archons, as they called them,
originate with the earliest phase of the formation of the solar
system, before the Earth coalesced as a planetary organism.
Their habitat is the solar system, exclusive of the Earth, moon
and sun. They are inorganic forms with intelligence of an
electrical nature - cyborgs, as we would say.
Karmapolis: The Gnostic Texts (Nag Hammadi Codices, NHC)
describe the Eons and the Archons. To explain it simply to our
readership, what are the differences between the Eons and the
JLL: In Gnostic cosmology, Aeons or Eons are gods, deities,
They are not creator-gods or point entities,
however. They are rather like massive alive, aware, currents.
They are the forces that form the central core of the galaxy we
inhabit, the Pleroma.
Archons are an anomalous species of
inorganic beings that arise outside the Pleroma, in the limbs or
arms of the galaxy.
They are called Archons (from Greek archai,
“elementary, from the beginning”) because they arise first,
before the Earth is formed. Their bodies are formed of
elementary matter (quantum fields) in a pre-organic state.
Karmapolis: Do you think that the flyers
described by
and the Archons of the Gnostics are really the same thing?
JLL: Yes, I am convinced they are the same.
Karmapolis: What was the personal event that happened in your
life that focused your attention on the idea that a parasite
like the Archons, the flyers or some kind of extraterrestrial
entities, affect our perception of the universe?
JLL: The sense that something distorts our perception has come
to me gradually, not triggered by a specific personal event.
However, I did have remarkable ("occult") experiences from the
age of four, such as lucid dreams in which I encountered magical
beings who came to assist or teach me, as well as other beings
who attacked me. I have been directly aware of both kinds of
intervention since that age.
Karmapolis: Do you think that some extraterrestrial beings like
the Anunnaki or
the Grays (or Greys) are the incarnations of this parasite,
or that those alien beings are more shadowed or possessed (than
us) by this parasite, this predatory intelligence?
JLL: I follow the Gnostic teachings that the primary predatory
intelligence facing humanity is the Archontes. I believe that
they are identical with the Anunnaki and the modern Grays.
Karmapolis: The Gnostics warned us about this predatory
creature: they described the Archons and told us how we can be
affected by them. Did the Archons create us? What is the legacy
they gave us?
JLL: The Gnostics taught that the Archons did not create us, but
they are caught in a delusion, and they think they are our
creators. One of their main goals is to convince us that they
created us - in effect, to get us to think as they do. As far as
I know, there is no “legacy” we have received from the Archon ETs.
They are inferior to us in will and intelligence, though
superior in navigational technology for travelling among the
planets, in telepathy and techniques of imitation (virtual
reality). I believe that the Archons are identical with
“Watchers” of Enoch, entities who are credited with teaching
metal-working and cosmetic adornment to humanity.
If the
Gnostics were correct, the Archon ETs attempt to take credit for
imparting certain skills like this to humanity, but the claim is
false, I believe. We ourselves have discovered these skills, but
forgotten how, so we are susceptible to accept the explanation
of a foreign or alien intervention.
Karmapolis: Do you believe that the Archons can take an organic
form to exist? Do you believe for instance that the Archons and
the Greys are the same thing?
JLL: In my understanding, the Archons are an inorganic species.
Perhaps silicon and mercury, as Kerner suggests. The Greys are
cyborgs, resembling human form - or, to be precise, the form of
a premature fetus. Gnostic texts describe the production of the
Archon species as an abortion, hence the form of a premature
human body.
The Archons are only body, they have no soul. Yes, I
am convinced that the Gnostic Archons are identical with modern
Greys of the embryonic type.
Whitley Streiber observed that the
Grey ETs exhibit a high degree of neotony - that is, they have
the form of an entity that is not fully formed when it is born.
Karmapolis: In their interpretation of Gnostic texts, scholars
outline the crucial role played by an individual they call Jesus
Christ. This character warned us about the Archons. Is this the
same Jesus known from the New Testament? Why is the message
from Jesus contained in the New Testament and in the Nag Hammadi
Codices so different?
If it is not the same character, is the
“Christ” in Gnostic writings a power that possesses some people
(such as “prophets”), and is the power described in the NHC
texts completely different from the one described in the New
JLL: These are big and troublesome questions. Some of the
language in these questions reflects the typical confusion - or
disinformation, if you will - about Gnostic materials. In fact,
the name Christ never occurs in the Nag Hammadi Codices, nor
does the name Jesus. Rather, there is a recurring code: Coptic
XC or XRC (translated CHS or CHRS) and IC or HC (translated IS).
For instance, in The Tripartite Tractate (117.10) you find HC in
Coptic, and the translators modify this to H(COY)C, “Esous,”
then translated into the name Jesus. You can see how far
scholars must go to manipulate the codes and make them fit a
preconception. Most Gnostic texts use the terms “the Savior,”
the “Lord” and the “Revealer,” with no specific mention of Jesus
or Christ at all.
Scholars who come from a Christian background and consider the
NHC to be early Christian writings routinely decode XRC as
Christ, or sometimes as Chrest, and IC as Jesus. There is,
however, no clear or firm basis for this convention. I am
convinced that these codes do not refer either to “the Christ”
of Saint Paul or the “historical Jesus” of the New Testament.
The codes are used precisely to avoid those identifications. The
term “the living Jesus” found in the NHC refers to an inner
guide or psychic entity, not a historical person.
To Gnostics
“the living Jesus” indicated a spiritual force that does not
die, hence it could not be a real human person. Jesus Christ in
the NT says things that would never have been said by a Gnostic
initiate. His words and acts are inconsistent with an illumined
teacher from the Mysteries. The Gnostic Christos is not the
Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of God, in the theology of John
and Paul.
The Gnostic Christos is an Aeon, a divine force that
does not assume human form. Gnostics denied the Incarnation. In
their view, no human person has the privilege to incarnate an
Aeon, a Divinity.
Karmapolis: Do you see a tendency (even very small) in the Roman
Catholic church to recognize the legitimacy of the Nag Hammadi
texts, including the existence of the Archons, or in fact to
deny the content and the pertinence, the relevance of the Nag
Hammadi materials?
JLL: I see no tendency to recognize the genuine non-Christian
character of the NHC, and certainly no tendency to recognize the
Archons. Bear in mind that Gnostic teachings attribute Roman
Catholic religion (the salvationist belief system) to the
deviant mental influence of the Archons.
If Catholic authorities
were to recognize the Gnostic message, they would be admitting
that their belief system is an extraterrestrial implant in the
human mind!
Karmapolis: People often compare the importance of the discovery
of the Nag Hammadi texts with the Dead Sea Scrolls. As far as
you know, can we find in the Dead Sea Scrolls the same warning
about the Archons, about the fact that the creation of the
universe is a mistake contained in the NHC?
Who wrote the
Sea Scrolls and who wrote the NHC? Were they enemies?
JLL: Great question. This connection, between the DSS and the
NHC, is crucial. To my knowledge no scholar has indicated the
cross-references between these ancient texts, but they do exist.
Let me elaborate.
The DSS do not warn us about the Archons because they were
written by an extremist sect who were manipulated by the
The Zaddikim (“Righteous Ones”) of the Dead Sea was a
violent, apocalyptic sect dedicated to celestial beings, called
the Kenoshim, who appeared to them in shining chariots.
Some DSS
texts (notably, 4Q405, in the Sabbath Songs) describe the
appearance and movement of flying saucer type UFOs exactly as
they are described in modern sightings. In short, I am convinced
that the sect at Qumran was an apocalyptic cult of UFO
contactees, like the suicide cult, Heaven's Gate.
South of
Qumran was a Gnostic encampment of a group called the Archontics
- who took this name, I believe, because it was their mission to
spy upon the Archons who were controlling the Zaddikim.
In one
Gnostic text, the
Apocalypse of James (25.15), the Revealer
“Jerusalem is the dwelling place of many Archons.”
I am
certain that many Gnostics from the Mystery temples in the Near
East were aware of the intrusion of the Archons.
They detected
the aliens and their effect, a mental or psychic infection that
took the form of religious madness. Jerusalem was highly
infected, and so was Qumran.
The NHC does not say that “the universe is a mistake.” It says
that the world system we inhabit, our planetary system, is an
anomaly due to the presence of the Archons who impinge upon life
on earth. Gnostic cosmology explains the emergence of the
Archons at the cosmic level, so Gnostics understood the origin
and behavior of these alien entities.
The Dead Sea sectarians
were completely duped by the Archons whom they saw as celestial
They believed that the Archon leader, Jehovah, was their
creator God. Gnostics viewed these beliefs as religious madness
due to the ideological virus spread by the Archons. Several
passages in the DSS scrolls refer directly to Gnostics who are
considered to be arch-enemies of the Zaddikim.
To my knowledge,
no scholar has pointed out that the Dead Sea cult targeted the
Gnostics in this manner. The Zaddikim wanted to completely
destroy the Gnostics. If my theory is correct, we can understand
One more point: the Nag Hammadi Codices were discovered in
December 1945, but their importance was not recognized until the
summer of 1947, exactly when the Dead Sea Scrolls were found.
Readers will of course realize that the summer of 1947 was the
time of
Kenneth Arnold's UFO sighting of flying saucers, and
Roswell incident.
It is amazing that ancient materials written
by an ET/UFO cult, as well as other materials, exposing the
nature of that cult, surfaced at the exact moment of the 1947
wave and the Roswell incident. This is truly “cosmic
Karmapolis: Why was the Roman Catholic Church so stubborn, and
so reluctant to give access to the Dead Sea Scrolls? Was it the
same reaction for the Nag Hammadi materials?
JLL: The Vatican controlled the international team of scholars
associated with the Ecole Biblique in Jerusalem. These scholars,
such as de Vaux and Milik, withheld the DSS materials because
they show the true origins of Christianity in a very negative
The DSS texts reveal that the ideology of salvation in
Christianity did not originate with Jesus, but came through the
Zaddikim cult. This is a nasty blow to Christian belief in the
uniqueness of their religion.
With the Nag Hammadi materials, a different team of scholars was
engaged. They did not delay or dissimulate. However, it must be
noted that the usual interpretation of the NHC is very favorable
to Christianity, or made to look that way. Consequently, the NHC
are less threatening to Christian faith than the DSS.
in my radical interpretation of the Gnostic teachings, the
message of the NHC is clearly anti-Christian: that is, against
the ideology of divine redemption, not against love, kindness,
and good works, of course. (But then, love, kindness, and good
works are not the monopoly of Christians, are they?)
Karmapolis: Anthropologists like Michael Harner or
Castañeda gave the same kind of description of a mysterious
creature: Harner saw in a vision the Maninkaris, a black
creature, a mix between a whale and a reptile (pterodactile).
These creatures need to hide themselves and are considered by
the Indians of Amazonia to be the source of all life on earth.
Castaneda describes the flyers as horrible black and huge fishy
creatures that eat the consciousness of mankind. Can we compare
those creatures? Do you think that they have the same nature?
JLL: No, I don't find this comparison to be valid.
The vision of
the Amazonian Indians is probably an ancestral memory of the
origins of human life. Gnostic teachings on this matter are
similar to those of indigenous peoples who claim that the “first
people” came from the skies. This is called
panspermia in modern
science: the seeding of the human species on Earth from an
extraterrestrial source.
In the imagination of native peoples
like those who initiated Harner, the seeds of life arrive in
huge canoes, worms, dragons, and other such forms. This is a way
to visualize panspermia. DNA itself can be visualized as a
coiling serpent.
Castaneda’s description of the flyers refers to a totally
different phenomenon, a type of predatory being that is bat-like
or dragon-like. Throughout history the dragon has been viewed as
a benign angelic figure, even a type of superior consciousness,
but the “reptilian” type of the Archon described by Gnostics is
We must exert some imagination and distinguish the
universal dragon “archetype” from the specific form of the
predatory alien, the reptilian Archon, called “drakonic” in the NHC.
Karmapolis: Why do you compare the Gnostic knowledge to
Did the Gnostics engage in research about cognition, and other
ways to perceive reality? Did they use hallucinogenic substances
like shamans use ayahuasca, peyote or psilocybin?
JLL: Don Juan says that sorcery (shamanism) is about shifting
the parameters of perception. I believe that Gnostics were
masters of this practice. They were heirs to a long tradition of
shamanism deriving from the indigenous peoples of Europe and
Asia going back to Paleolithic times.
In Gnosis, the path of
heightened perception (to use Castaneda's term), we see a
sophisticated method of shamanism, a kind of high-tech
shamanism, if you will. Techniques of paranormal perception were
taught and transmitted in the Mystery Schools founded and led by
gnostokoi, “those who know about divine or supernatural
According to the “Wasson thesis,” the ritual use of psychoactive
plants was the basis of all genuine religion on Earth.
Wasson and Albert Hofmann, the Swiss chemist who discovered LSD,
proposed that the kykeon, the sacred potion drunk at the
Eleusinian Mysteries, was a mixture of ergot fungus, the organic
basis of LSD. Hence, it was a psychedelic potion.
Much solid
research has been done that supports this idea.
the use of
psychoactive mushrooms in the Mysteries has also been proposed,
based on good research. It is now certain that ancient shamanic
cults such as the Mysteries used psychoactive plants to achieve
temporary ego-death and shift the parameters of perception. I
believe that the Gnostics were deeply skilled in the use of
psychoactive plants, including mushrooms.
However, I have not
found any direct evidence of this in the NHC materials.
Karmapolis: Some religions and philosophies state that our
material universe is an illusion and a trap and that our
consciousness is tangled in an entropic web of deception. If we
believe Castaneda, the human being is directed by a
consciousness that is not its own conscious mind, but the mind
of the predator.
This view can sound very dark and pessimistic.
What is the way out of this trap, this mess?
JLL: There is really no trap, but there is a confrontation with
the Trickster, the alien presence in our own minds. Gnostics did
not teach that the world, this physical planet and the realm of
the senses, is an illusion or a deception. They taught that it
is a deep and beautiful mystery, but we are blocked from
entering the mystery in depth and in a lucid way by factors in
our own minds.
The Archons can insinuate their alien
intelligence into our minds, but they cannot control or take
over our minds by sheer force. However, if we let ourselves fall
under their spell, they can entirely rule our minds.
This occurs
through our abdication of our own consciousness, not through
their domination, however.
The way out of the trap is to discern what is genuinely human in
our minds, and what is inhumane, stupid, mechanical, blind,
imitative - in short, we must understand human potential in
order to see how it is distorted and subverted. Imagine, for
instance, that you never heard Beethoven's 5th symphony played
as it really is, but only a distorted version with the notes
totally deformed.
You could only know that the music was
distorted if you knew the true, undistorted version.
we must realize our authentic minds, our true human potential,
in order to see how we are deviated. This is the challenge of
the predators.
I have a little phrase for this situation:
I say, 'Human
potential comes in a trickster package.'
Karmapolis: The “laws” of nature are based on predation and
fear. It is in fact the same thing for mankind, even if it is
more subtle. Everything is based on duality and struggle. Is it
possible that it is due to the influence or the manipulation of
the universe by the Archons or the flyers?
Without those
creatures, is it possible to think that the world could be
different, not dualistic and predatory, or do you think that
dualism is in the very essence of the universe with or without
the Archons?
JLL: This world, meaning life here on the Earth, is actually not
as you describe it. The description you propose is already a
result of deviant perception. There is as much evidence in
nature for symbiosis and cooperation as there is for predation
and fear - far more, in fact.
The way the Earth works is a
symbiotic miracle, and it is a magical event as well, and so
there is no question that it is due to “the influence or the
manipulation of the universe by the Archons or the flyers.”
Archons influence the way you perceive the world, not the world
itself. The primary power in the world we inhabit is the
indwelling divinity of the planet, the Gaian intelligence,
called Sophia by the Gnostics.
If you are aligned to the Gaian
intelligence, you do not see the world as a place of fear and
predation, but of beauty, bounty, and magic.
Karmapolis: In the Gnostic tradition, “Sophia” is the divine
entity who made a mistake and created the universe and the
Archons. How can we find and claim the connection with this
originator principle and avoid the contact with the Archons?
JLL: One way to reach Sophia is to surrender to the beauty and
majesty of nature, to enter the mystical presence of the Earth.
In nature the mystical and physical aspects of reality are
merged. Beauty is supernatural. The purpose of Gnostic practices
and related shamanic methods was to depart (Fr. sortir, hence
sorcery) from the human social realm, shed the filters of
conditioning, and commune directly with the planetary
intelligence, Gaia-Sophia.
I believe this was done through
temporary dissolution of the ego with the aid and guidance of
sacred allies, such as plant-teachers. There is no way to avoid
the Archons, but we can build an immunity to them by
strengthening our vital bond with Gaia-Sophia, the living
planet. The Archons are aliens who alienate us from Gaia.
Precise language is important in the expression of living
cosmology. Precise poetic terms, if you will. The Aeon Sophia
did not make a mistake and create the universe and the Archons.
She acted unilaterally, without pairing with another Aeon, and
projected herself beyond the galactic core. Aeons are formless
powers in the galactic core of each galaxy.
There are many
galaxies in the Universe. Sophia did not create the Universe,
she emanated the world order we experience as the triple system:
sun-moon-earth. Sophia did not make a mistake, but she
exaggerated her involvement in her emanation, her Dreaming.
Hence, she herself became embodied in
her Dreaming.
This is a
rare event, not typical of the way Aeons operate. As a side
effect of her excessive involvement in her Dreaming, Sophia
plunged from the galactic core. (Imagine a surge or spike of
luminous, foam-like matter from the galactic core into the
encircling arms.) The impact she made on the elementary matter
in the galactic arms produced an inorganic species, the Archons.
The Archons then proceeded to fabricate an inorganic planetary
system, a clockwork mechanism. The Earth, the living planet that
embodies Sophia, was then captured in that lifeless system.
is the “mistake” - or, better said, the anomaly of our world
Karmapolis: In the Gnostic tradition, as I understand it,
Sophia (wisdom) is not the only “Godhead” or source of eternity
and perfection. Can we compare Sophia to a very sophisticated
and elaborate advanced being, some kind of super
extraterrestrial intelligence? Or must we admit that the source
of everything is not an unique entity but more a polytheistic
JLL: In Gnostic cosmology, Sophia is an Aeon, a divinity at the
cosmic level, but she is not alone. She is part of a company of
Aeons, the gods of the Pleroma or Fullness. There are many
Pleromas, many galaxies, in the Universe.
The Gnostic myth of the Fallen
Goddess is about our galaxy and our planet,
not the entire Universe.
If we do not know what's happening here,
locally, how can we know what's happening anywhere else in the
universe? The test is, to get our story straight, and then go
into the larger story.
Due to the peculiar intensity of her Dreaming, Sophia came to be
embodied in the planet earth and so She is, for us who inhabit
the Earth, the very godhead in which we live. She is the true,
living Matrix.
Sophia is the Godhead of Nature, theologically
speaking. What is She like? This is something we must come to
understand by practices, through a path of sacred learning,
Gnosis. All the Mysteries were dedicated to knowing Gaia and
serving the higher intelligence of the Aeon Sophia. The “source
of everything” is a Mystery.
Why speculate on what we cannot
know when we face the adventure of exploring what we can know?
Karmapolis: Despite the bad rumors and perception around
conspiracy theories, what do you think about the other
conception of parasitism represented by
David Icke, and the Zulu shaman
Credo Mutwa, who deeply believe
that the parasite is in fact a reptilian entity and that this
entity shadows or invades the bodies of the rulers of this
world, people like
George Bush?
JLL: I think that we need to train our imaginations to detect
the presence of alien entities, and distinguish what is real
from what is fantasy.
The alchemists had a rule:
according to nature, observing the workings of nature, and
perform the Great Work with the true powers of imagination, not
with fantasy thinking.
This is a matter of discipline we face on
the path of heightened perception.
I believe that some
indigenous sources such as Credo Mutwa have valid things to say
about the Archons. At the same time, I suspect that the
reptilian scenario is blown out of proportion due to fantasy
thinking and mental manipulation.
As far as I know, the alien
predators called Archons by the Gnostics can take two forms,
they cannot and do not possess the bodies of human beings.
There is an element of common sense that must be maintained in
considering paranormal and supernatural phenomena. George Bush
does not have to be a reptilian to be a monster.
We need to
recognize that human beings can act in monstrous ways because
they are deviated by the reptilian predators, without adopting
the fantasy that they are actually turned into reptilians. To me
the scenario proposed by Icke and others gives too much power to
the predators.
How then, can Icke and his witnesses offer
first-hand evidence of reptilian shapeshifting? Well, perception
is a construct. All perception. Bear in mind that the Archons
are masters
of virtual reality. In Coptic (the language of the NHC) this is called HAL, “simulation”.
Gnostic texts say that
the Archons “abduct souls by night.”
This is done through
virtual reality, VR simulation techniques. Of course, the “VR”
of the Archons is as real for them as our earth reality is for
us. The difference is, we cannot interact symbiotically with VR.
The other difference is, the Archons manipulate inorganic
quantum fields, but we manipulate the perceptual bands that
shape those fields. Gnostics taught that we are superior to the
Archons in thought, perception, and intention.
I would say that these reports are existentially true: the
witnesses have perceived shapeshifting, but the perception is an
effect of the reptilian powers of VR rather than a genuine
phenomenon, an event in nature. Serpents are born from eggs, and
they shed skins.
This is what nature shows us, and it can tell
us something about how reptilians behave if we approach this
matter with genuine imagination and not fantasy.
Karmapolis: Some authors (like Paul Von Ward) denounce
Yahveh as an advanced being, an extraterrestrial entity who
wants to rule our world with not really pure and nice
intentions. Do you believe that YHVH is an Archon or the
representative of the Archons?
JLL: Gnostic texts clearly state that Jehovah is the “Lord
Archon,” a reptilian type of alien predator who dominates the
hive-mentality of the embryonic or Grey aliens. Jehovah, whom
the Gnostics called
Yaldabaoth, is truly an extraterrestrial
being whose realm is the planetary system independent of the
earth, sun and moon.
He is not an “advanced being” (i.e., more
evolved than humans) but a demented alien with certain
superhuman or deific powers. Gnostics taught that Jehovah
infects humanity with the belief that he is their creator god,
but in fact he cannot create anything.
The NHC is very clear
that Jehovah-Yaldabaoth is the commander of the Archon species.
Karmapolis: The Gnostics denounce the role of the
Archons. Did you find the same kind of warning in other
religious traditions?
JLL: No, I can't say that I have found this information so
clearly and thoroughly stated in other religious traditions.
Bear in mind that Gnosis was a path of knowledge, not a
religion. The Mysteries were schools of paranormal knowledge,
not religious institutions.
I am convinced that all religion is
a deviant from human potential, but
the three Abrahamic
religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are potentially
lethal. They lead to terminal deviation of our species. You will
not find any religion that warns you that it is dangerous to
your mental health and your physical survival.
Gnostics saw in salvationist religion both the evidence and instrument of alien
Karmapolis: The Gnostic teachings and the Mysteries Schools are
the same thing, in our view. Conspiracy theorists like
Springmeier and Icke believe that satanic rituals came from
mystery schools and think that Mystery Schools are the roots of
Satanic and ritual abuses, the Illuminati and the Masonic
How and why do those authors make the relation
between mysteries schools, Illuminism and Satanism? Why do they
denounce with so much violence both the the Gnostic and
Mysteries Schools and Roman Catholic religion, when we know that
the Gnostics were persecuted by the Roman Catholics?
JLL: Icke and other conspiracy theorists who propose alien
intervention are unfamiliar with the Mysteries, I suspect, for
two reasons:
first, they do not have direct experience of egodeath and instruction by the Light comparable to the
experience in the Mysteries
second, they cannot distinguish
the methods and motives of the Illuminati from the genuine
The Illuminati were deranged initiates, who had deep
knowledge of Mystery practices but misused it to acquire social
and political power.
The Mystery Schools were not training camps
for Illuminati, as Icke believes. This is a grave error on his
part. Due to lack of direct experience, Icke and the others are
unable to realize that adepts of the Serpent Power (Kundalini)
were directly opposed to the Illuminati who made a pact with the
reptilian powers.
As I have explained in my articles, we are
given Kundalini as the force to repel alien intrusion. The
benign, healing Serpent is not a reptilian entity but an innate
component of our divine biological inheritance. Speculation and
research (even research as good as Icke's) cannot teach us to
make such distinctions. Only direct experience can.
Illuminati were strictly forbidden to participate in the
Mysteries, once they had been detected.
In other words, the
Illuminati were practitioners of occult sciences (mainly,
imprinting and mind control) who had to be expelled from the
Mysteries… but this is a story (an extremely important story, I
might add) of which Icke and the others seem to be totally
Karmapolis: What are the conceptions of heaven and hell in
Gnostic terms?
JLL: There is no conception of heaven and hell in Gnostic
Karmapolis: Clive Prince and Lynn Pycknett in a book called
The Stargate Conspiracy denounce the fact that with the New Age,
global manipulation will create a syncretism (a mix of Buddhism,
Hinduism, and the three religions of the Book), a new one world
religion based on old Egyptian cult and the worship of the
“Council of the 9.”
In this new religion, we find the book the
"Keys of Enoch” and people like James Hurtak and
Andrea Puharich,
the order of Melchisedech (that we find also in the Mormon
What do you think about this? Is it another manipulation
from the Archons?
JLL: I think all this is a fantasy shared by people desperate
for power and spiritual status, and some elements of these
scenarios may be affected by Archontic deviation.
The challenge
in facing the alien Tricksters is to discern what is really
deviant and dangerous, by contrast to mere folly and
foolishness. There is a lot of foolishness in new world order
conspiracy theories. There is a lot of spiritual phoniness and
pretence among people who channel “the council of the Nine.”
This has been going on for many years now… The problem here is,
the fantasy material is like quicksand: you just sink into it
and you cannot crawl out.
With the clear and precise indications
given by Gnostics about the Archons, we can begin to see what is
happening in our minds and correct the madness - although we
must do this one by one, individually, for we cannot correct the
madness in the minds of others.