by Galactic Anthropology
February 27, 2023
GalacticAnthropology Website

It was only yesterday that I got to know Daryl James 1 during an
interview 2 on Alisha Braché's channel, 3 where he did a round
table together with Rebecca Rose and Tony Rodrigues.
Because of my recent
interests in the possible benevolent role of Russia in our near
future I watched an interview Daryl James did on a Russian YouTube
channel, run by Tanya Gegina. 4
In April 2022 he had an
uplifting message about Russia's role, which I present at... 5
I will study more interviews that he did, because he seems
trustworthy and sincere to me. Not in anyway comparable to the
rather awkward story of Mary, which looked more like a SSP-parody
6 than a true
Secret Space Program testimony.
So, you can expect to be
hearing more from Daryl James on this website.
I checked to see if Elena Danaan, Dr.
Michael Salla and Dani
Henderson did an interview with him, but that doesn't seem to be
the case. 7
I like to expand 'The
Team' with more people in order to strengthen the validity of all
that we are discussing in this 'Danaanian' sector of the disclosure
Daryl James says that he was part of the
Solar Warden. 11
One important contact of
his was someone called 'Robert'. It must have been in a
communication with him that they talked about the current state of
Just like Elena Danaan
and Petersen 12 he affirms that the regressive alien forces had
been removed or were on the run.
The remaining 'headless'
chickens of
the Deep State could be removed, either by people from
Galactic Federation or by the military of our Earth, but Daryl
gives two reasons why it is not being done directly.
First of all, if the alien forces would take out the Cabal/Deep
State we wouldn't learn a lot of it.
We need to go through some
pains in order to see the cruelty and distortion of those who have
reigned over us all those years.
To fully realize the
extension of these awful practices.
He says that it would
need to 'get stored in our DNA' so that we will remember this for a
very long time.
If they would intervene the effect might last a
hundred years, but then we would already have forgotten and be
liable to fall into the same trap once again.
In the excerpt below he presents another intriguing reason:

Click image...
Daryl James on the
Necessity of the Current Deep State Opera.
In short he says that the current approach can be compared to the
difference between a death-sentence and life-imprisonment.
They could end the Deep
State easily, but instead they allow them to show the world their
plans, but with such a speed that the majority of the people would
see through the craziness that is being pushed on them.
This way they will be
caught red-handed and we can get rid of these freaks once and for
all. That would be the reason why we would be going through this
Of course this doesn't
mean that we can just watch tiktok-videos all day as Daryl reminds
Alex Collier has said something
similar in a 2018 webinar which was recently published. 16
In that webinar he was
asked if the Deep State,
'was allowed to play
their final hands so their moves can be used against them by the
White Hats...?'
He confirmed this 'whole-thumbly'
as you can see in the excerpt below:
Click image...
Alex Collier
from webinar #68
Daryl D. James
Gateway SSP Round Table ~ Daryl James, Rebecca Rose & Tony
Rodrigues hosted by Alisha Braché
Gateway YouTube Channel – She also has a telegramchannel:
Cosmic Gateway
Exploring the Russian Dimension – See the February 2022
additions at the bottom of that page
Would we Recognize a SSP-Parody?
It was only
after the recent interviews that Dr. Michael Salla did with
Mark Domizio (8) that I got to know this SSP-witness. It
turned out that Elena Danaan had already had an interview
with him in august 2021 (9), at a time that I hadn't even
heard of anyone called Elena Danaan :). As far as Daryl
James goes, there is something nice about him not yet being
'discovered' by Dani and her Spiritual Galactic Conference
my eyebrows get slightly raised by the way this Galactic
Spiritual Conference in Orlando is being presented by Dani
throughout the year (starting already in February) as
something that every true explorer and searcher needs to
attend. Although it can be nice to see other people in
person you shouldn't exaggerate its importance I would say.
I also sense the tendency to regard people like Elena Danaan
and the members of the Team as if they are a kind of new
Hollywood stars, that almost need to be worshipped as the
ultimate truth bearers. I love their work and the
information that they bring, but too much praise might
endanger our sense of being critical. I mentioned this
phenomenon once before at (10).
See the
latest article on this website about Mark Domizio, it
contains links to other articles that I have written about
his rather horrible experiences:
A Horrible Perspective on what might have Happened to
Malaysia Flight MH370
Mission (Aug 20/2021) Dulce & Diego Garcia survivor Mark
Psychological Factors Surrounding the Study of the work of
Elena Danaan
Solar Warden and Excelsior
John Petersen on the Removal of Malevolent Extraterrestrials
from Earth
JAMES – SSP. Interwiew for the Russian YouTube Channel
Alex Collier from Webinar #68,