by Dr. John Singh
March 27, 2009
TheCanadian Website
Have you ever wondered about what kind
of God has been the source of the inspiration for genocide, suicidal
missions, oppression, racisms, sexism, homophobia along with
countless wars on our planet Earth?
Pagan Gnostics suggest that, God, as
presented in various organized religions, is a construct that has
been created by Manipulative Extraterrestrials.
Dr. John Lash
organized religions, with a particular reference to
Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as being "fronts" for an agenda of
alien dominance and control.
Activists, associated with the UFO
Disclosure Movement, complain that
there is a cover-up of on-going contact of aliens with human elites.
However, Pagan Gnostic insights suggest that the organized religious
construct of God, may simply be a pseudonym for an “overlord” that
regressive/demonic aliens have sought to rule over humanity.
Therefore, the mention of God,
may in itself, be a form of implicit 'disclosure', based upon
Gnostic insights. Dr. Lash documents Pagan Gnostic testimony of
"artificial man" having infiltrated elite-driven human institutions,
that have sought to anoint themselves with religious piety.
Based in part of Pagan Gnostic wisdom, once we begin to critically
appreciate what it means to be human, demands for “Disclosure”
become relatively moot. The Pagan Gnostics indeed witnessed the
nefarious activities of regressive aliens all around them, almost as
"plain as day".
Dr. Lash documents how Pagan Gnostics detected the ego-driven
artificial intelligence of regressive aliens, by elevating their own
consciousness. This elevation was achieved by embracing the human
spiritual interconnectedness, that Manipulative Extraterrestrials
have sought to repress through organized religion and transhumanism
(secularism, i.e. "Darwinian Theory of Evolution"), associated with
an alien-directed eugenics program.
Gerry Zeitlin reveals, by
repressing knowledge of actual human origins, through religious and
transhumanistic disinformation and obfuscation, "artificial man"
could then be freed to pursue various strategies in a social control
agenda against humankind.
Pagan Gnostics insights, suggest that oppressive ideologies, which
include those from capitalism to Nazism to totalitarian communism to
religious doctrine, are all alien constructs.
These ideologies are
apparently designed to undermine a mutualistic context to the
development of humankind, that would then create an "existential
positive energy matrix" that would be hostile to the ability of
regressive aliens to parasitically co-exist in our time-space
continuum on Earth. Indeed, that development would also be hostile
to a continuing pursuit of their alleged infiltration activities, as
Michael Cremo in a book called
Devolution suggests that so-called
modern humans have “de-evolved” from more socially advanced, and
spiritually interconnected beings.
Alex Collier, an alleged contactee of Ethical Extraterrestrials, alludes to an ancient war
between humans and regressive aliens. Alex Collier seems to further
suggest that Earthbound humans were abducted en masse as
intergalactic “Prisoners of War”, into a “holographic universe”
inhabited by lower-dimensional demonic entities.
The Pagan Gnostics referred to these lower-dimensional demonic
entities as "archons" or “artificial man”.
That is because these
cited regressive aliens are "soul-less" artificial forms of life.
Modern terminology might instead refer to such entities as
“cybernetic organisms”, that have allegedly been created through
violent “fractilizations” of matter. The demonic nature of these
entities, is allegedly the result of the formation of ego driven
consciousness spawned from violent matter-energy reactions.
Pagan Gnostics suggest that God as contrived by organized religion,
is a mechanism that is orchestrated by regressive aliens, to oppress
human spirituality. By imposing a system of commandments that is
reinforced by rituals, and of constructs like “sin”, regressive
aliens sought to pursue social control against humanity.
According to Pagan Gnostic insights, through the alien construct of God, Manipulative Extraterrestrials have sought to broadly condition
“collectively abducted” Earthbound humanity, into accepting “blind
faith and allegiance” to a non-accountable and arbitrary system of
authority. That is apparently why throughout human history in this
universe, religion has played, and continues to play a central role
in various authority systems.
Pagan Gnostic cite the God associated with the Judaic, Christian,
Islamic and other such
organized religions is formed out of a
delusional entity of an alien universe that a constituency of humans
have been captured in.
According to Pagan Gnostics, the regressive
aliens that inhabit this “holographic universe” lack the soul of
humans, and thus lack a creative consciousness. However, these
regressive aliens through their fractal origins, have the ability to
mimic the reality of biological races that it has conquered, and
that they do so through an ability to “shape-shift”.
This gives the ability of such entities to infiltrate human
institutions, and then disorient and control human institutions,
away from their constructive potentials.
Pagan Gnostics, also corroborate modern reports of regressive aliens
seeking to abduct human beings. By abducting humans, regressive
aliens could then re-introduce “alien controlled human biological
entities” (AC-HBE) back into human populations, as the “humanized”
faces of regressive aliens.
Such “AC-HBEs” and alien shapeshifters,
have been alleged by
David Icke, and African elders like
Credo Mutwa,
as prevailing over the invasive control and sabotage of human
sovereignty of our planet Earth.
Gary Zeitlin, suggests that the presentation of human origins that
is associated with God, as constructed by organized religion; and
the “transhumanism” that is associated with the Darwinian theory of
evolution, and with “Intelligent Design” theory (the idea that
humans origins lie with the genetic “creation” of humanity by
aliens), are apparently all alien deceptions.
Reportedly human
abducting regressive aliens through these deceptions apparently seek
to divert humanity from pursuing initiatives to critically
appreciate the de-evolved origins of humanity.
African Elder Credo Mutwa describes ancient knowledge of humans as
being a highly spiritually connected and telepathic beings, before
lower-dimensional aliens that descended from the sky, and captured a
constituency human beings in this linear space time continuum.
Pagan Gnostics, suggests that humanity needs to liberate itself from
the alien constructs of ‘God’, and “transhumanism” (that encompasses
the idea that humans are actually "progressing" through the apparent
oppressive technological development of society), that itself links
the course of human progress, to the technologically circumscribed
“template” of the regressive aliens.
Could indeed the
recent economic downturn being linked to the
organized efforts of regressive aliens through AC-HBE toward a "New
World Order", as testimony from Alex Collier alleges in
Sacred Ground?.