by Andrew T. Hennessey
11 February 2004
RumorMillNews Website
Enoch in his Gospel suggests that this
Kingdom of Ruling Aryans,
proud, arrogant and cruel were stockpiling weapons of immense
sophistication and power for conflagration - the Satans - or
Saturnians as referred to in the
Ethiopic Book of Enoch were
fomenting rebellion and conflagration.
Amongst them, the Cabiri
necromancers who created abominable things led by the group of
fallen angels such as Azazel, Samael etc.
The War between the false
Gods of Eden and the Powers lasted 13 years it is said, and Greek
myth shows Athene dragging off shape-changing giants. The Titans were
defeated finally when 2 great meteorites struck the Atlantean
kingdom of Thule, reversing climate and ocean and the continental
That place now known as Scotland, the epicenter Scotlands
western isles at Staffa - near to where the evil capital was said to
be - is now very cold and wet.
Still commemorated in the local place names -
Ben Cruachan, Argyll - Mount of the Bloody Serpent.
Or the land of Mhor/giants - Morayshire.
What we thought we knew about
Egypt according to Beaumont is the
result of the more contemporary migration of 1 million
'Scottish/Thule' survivors - taking their surprisingly similar
legends of floods, high tek and alien hybrid unions to every corner
of the planet - and the memory that somewhere in the land of the
pharaoh a nordic word for chief or prince or Aryan or noble - are
the real Faroe islands or the isles of Fergus, to the north of
Scotland. [not Egypt - a land named after a latter day King]
As Roman Historian Pomponius Mela said,
'the pharusii dwelt by the
Atlantic where they stretched as far as the hesperides' [hesperides
= farthest ultimate west] (North American).
Vitrified Forts blasted by
laser and
nuclear activity scatter the globe and are found in Moray
in Scotland - the land of the giants - at the Center of the universe
- eastern Scotland.
The Pictish pre Celtic stones eg. Golspie stone
illustrate the twin meteorite strike - whilst the Tartan wanderers,
the displaced turn up in stone dolmens all over the world taking
their tartan even to China.
Io, or Isis, the Mother of the race as it were is commemorated by
the holy isle of Iona very near the epicenter of the strike on the
corrupt capital, an unassuming island next to the holy of holies on
the Isle of Mull.
Homer states that the saved
Noah and his crew rested in Boggie and
indeed Tap O Noth is Glen Noe in the Bogie District of Scotland now
a massive vitrified fort on a 2000 foot high artificial hill.
Another claim to linguistic ancestry comes from the claim that the
Ethiopians were the first men and women that knew sex/gender
differentiation - but Beaumont suggests that it was an error by
Herodotus that placed them in Africa and denoted them negroid. He
suggests that the Ethiopians of legend were Red haired, bronzed and
ruddy sailors. Akin to the Canaanite sailors.
They were the Anthropoi, the earliest race, the Adamites, Atlanteans.
Britain in myth was always known as the land of the dead or Hades
and it is suggested that Hades, the isle of Skye, the Styx and many
western place names and practices are still commemorated in place
names and folklore. The earliest race/Aryan/ reds/ Ethiopians - were
also collated under other names such as Meropes, Meru, Meroe [Merovingians]
and merope it is suggested is the root of Europe.
Lenormant in his
L'Histoire Ancien de L'Orient suggested that the human race
originated in Upa Meru - Northern Europe. The source of evil Aryan
splendor that corrupted the Garden of Eden with gorgons, titans etc
is said to be North Scotland, moray and the Orkney islands or Orcus
- the dragon family.
The Culhua -
serpent race or giants/Aryans/Ethiopians/Phoenecians/reds/Edomites
- may have had it coming. The leader of the Satans was
imprisoned underground, though the evil machinations of the dark
Cabiri sorcerers that practiced later in Denmark and founded the
very early practices of masonry with which Solomon and David would
become familiar - may yet to this day plan their revenge on the
offspring of that very first interracial marriage.
This ancient fear of menstrual blood and the occult practice of
drinking it, and its causal connection with contemporary anecdotal
and early mythological shapeshifting - may be one reason that in
masonic practice women are thought unclean vessels and not allowed
within the hallow of the Lodge - where some of the participants may
get a very nasty surprise if their best friend changes into a very
large Reptilian Being and tears all his good clothes.
It may be that
the Cabiri plan to reunite and repossess their
inheritance, to reclaim the territory that was taken from them as
punishment long long ago. To that end, they may incite all the
damned prejudice that fomented the Atlantean cataclysm so long ago
It may be that Edinburgh, Scotland, City of Theion and tribe of
Gad, the highest most noble Jewery may wish to reclaim all that is
best and noble in Interstellar Fraternity - and it may be as
Nostradamus predictedthat Michael will also await to gather
for a test of strength one more time as the Els of that most Noble
and High line strive to assert the Judgments of the Emperor God over
the darkness that comes to thwart it.
The prize is nigh and the Angels of Light have returned to counter the machinations of the
evil Cabiri.
Merovingians, Bloodlines, Theosophical Aryan
6th Root Races that are once again pure and hermaphroditic -
cleansed of the ancient flaws; culls, cleansing, world convulsions,
cloning, evil scientific practice and injustice - nothing may have
changed since those times - but lets not lose hope that nothing will
ever change.
We may have fallen in disgrace - but we shall rise again and touch
the stars, ignoring the pretension and vanity that keeps us from our
birthright. The human race may turn out to be the only reason this
planet could ever have been called a home.
But what of the Atlantean Kingdom of Thule, buried so long ago by
the revenge of the Gods for the desecration of their bloodline.
may note that all the columns and splendors of what we thought
Greece to be are but recent demonstrations of the art in a place
that was not historically called Greece, and that the majesty of the Cheops pyramid was built after the Scottish catastrophe - yet there
are only the remnants of nuked vitrified forts in the land of the
Giants at Moray in a place traditionally called 'the Center of the
We know from all subsequent renaissance art that the
Goddess IO of Iona, aka, Isis or Aphrodite is traditionally
represented as coming from the sea, the clam being her symbol. [even
L Ron Hubbard’s Wall of Fire Initiation in scientology maintains
that man is descended from clams - mind you he also said that DC10
airliners flew between the stars]
The aquatic connection of
and Scotland persists in the area of the detonation - 'the blue men
of the minch' [Kirk 1697AD], the folk myth 'I am a man upon the
land, I am a silkie upon the sea' and the connection of the God
Poseidon, God of the Sea depicted in his chariot pulled by aquatic
The Sidh or She tradition of Scotland remembers that the
most gifted seers with advanced powers of spirit resided amongst
Scotland’s Western Isles, the area of the Original palace of the
Gods. Scotland’s largest city in the west, Glasgow, takes its name
from the root of the Gaelic word for blue. And around the Hebridean
Isles, eg. The Flannan Isles there are still stories of the peoples
that stay underwater in the Minches.
Elsewhere in Templar records and in folk myth, there are records of
great technological stockpiles under the Scottish Mountains; robots
or 'dollmen', particle weapons, and great 'alchemical laboratories'.
It may be that much of the splendor of Atlantis was partially
submerged and inhabited by a semi aquatic species from which came
the princess of the original dynasty that mated with the original
The marriage of the Mero and the Vingians, and the
subsequent creation of humanity - a sexual gendered species happened
in Scotland. The symbol of the Bloodline and the Goddess descent is indeed
clamshell a device used by Robert the Bruce a King of Scotland.
Indeed the historic pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella in Celtic
Spain actually more anciently went farther to the port of Finistere
also known anciently as the End of the Earth - the pilgrim traveled
clamshell in hand to what must have been a muster point at which to
take flight to the stars.
The pilgrim route is known as the Milky
Way. From the Center of the Universe in the land of the Giants or Mero in Moray northeast Scotland to the End of the Earth - folk
history records that these people took ship to the stars.
It may then be that after the fall and the destruction - the
remainder of the architects of Eden took their skills and deployed
them amongst the cultures they then wandered into.
It is a truth that History belongs to the victors - and over the
millennia - much of what we take today for history has been
distorted and edited to glorify the interests of the strongest and
the few - usually covering up crimes of great magnitude.
The truth about the
Holy Land of Scotland went to print by an author
called Barry Dunsford - who amongst other things pointed out that
Pontius Pilate was born in central Scotland at a place called
Fortingale, near Killin. It always seemed strange that a family -
the Pilate family central to the destruction of one of Gods and
Histories central characters was located not very far from
Edinburgh, Scotland.
Dunsford’s source was the books by W.Comyns Beaumont on the riddle
of prehistoric Britain, and Britain - the key to World History.
It is therein suggested that the ancient
Merovingians wandered the
planet but that the origins of the Jews may well be rooted in the
Scottish Atlantean Mystery. After the deluge - the ruling tribe of
Aryans returned. These people were known historically as the People
of the Cat, the lion rampant their symbol - the popular flag of
Caledonia Scotland and also of the King of Norway - also anciently a
country part of Atlantean Thule.
Edinburgh, having a very sphinx
like hill later called Arthur’s Seat, which looks like a lion
couchant was also known as the City of the Lion. The patron Saint of
Edinburgh is David.
It is pointed out by these authors that the biblical references to
Jerusalem refer to a fertile land, full of mines and minerals and
crops with a seaport called Joppa. That fits exactly the locality of
Edinburgh - not the Jerusalem in Palestine - which has a very
distant port called Jaffa and whose only extract in a barren land
may be salt or potash.
Given that history favors the victor - then something sure must have
gone real wrong to make us all think the things we now think about
Jerusalem. But the records show that Rome built a boundary chain
around Jerusalem some 80 miles and indeed, there exists the chain of
forts called the Catrail that is almost exactly 80 miles.
The People
of the Cat, or the Gadeni or the Gad were the ruling tribe of Jews,
and the entire fertile area of Edinburgh and the Lothians was
populated by some 1 million people - a place which was biblically
recorded to be a hub of civilization. Today, all the Roman signposts
have been defaced and deleted - for something terrible happened in
At a time of serious instability in the Roman Empire,
the Jews of the tribe of Gad, the Silurians, revolted and the
retribution from Rome was terrible indeed. There was a massacre of
some 80-100,000 people by the Legions and the Emperor ordered that
not a stone remain standing and that salt be put on the Earth.
Beaumont’s book details the map of Edinburgh/Jerusalem as it was.
The citadel being Edinburgh Castle on the impregnable rock of 3
precipitous sides - more ably conforms to biblical descriptions than
our current understanding of the citadel in Jerusalem in Palestine.
The Dung Gate corresponds with the Cowgate in Edinburgh, the Temple
Mount on the way of God, Edinburgh’s Royal Mile, the Temple Mount
there stands St Giles Cathedral and a commemorative Heart in the
cobbles outside which signify the Heart of the Lothians.
Opposite St
Giles on the Temple Mount - the law courts. And one of the oldest
Masonic Lodges also stands near the Royal Mile, whilst the Mount of
Olives was Arthurs Seat, Golgotha was Gogar, and Holyrood Palace was
the Palace of Cedars - and Joppa has always been a port of
The broad estuary upon which Edinburgh stands, City of the Lion, of
the Gad, of the sovereign tribe of Jews, is called the Firth of
Forth, translates as the way of ways - and this crossing of a broad
estuary at Jerusalem is noted in the Bible.
With Pontius Pilate
staying just North of the Roman Fort chain which fenced the area in
like some ancient Ghetto comprised of one of the richest and most
powerful hubs of civilization in the ancient world with its lead and
silver mines, fertile lands and
rich people - the Scottish Jerusalem
was a powerful place. It is recorded that King David, on the run
from Solomon consulted a seer of Gad.
Edinburgh has had many names:
In 134AD, the Jews proclaimed a new
'messiah', Bar-Cocheba, son of the star, and the chief rabbi
anointed him King of the Jews.
A coin was minted showing him horsed
with a crown, and on the reverse side was a Thistle (image right) - the symbol of Scotland - the coin symbolized the first year of redemption.
Beyond the Boundary Forts, near the Pilate family residence that
place was known as Epidamnus - beyond the damned. The tribe of Illyna - the
Silurians were mercilessly and brutally put down by the
Romans in an ancient act of genocide - and the city of Edinburgh
today remembers those ancient constructions by its very old
underground workings, not the brickwork of the later city fathers.
Today, Edinburgh is still known for its seven hills, the ancient
lineage of the Aryans and Giants, the Earl of Orcus or Orkney,
descendent of Thule and Atlantis, keeper of the Bloodline and his
Rosslyn Chapel.
It may have been that the Templars brought vast treasure here to
rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem in the City of the Gad, and it may
also be that the prophesy of the Brahan Seer 'as Rome was, London is
and Edinburgh shall be' is part of the future of the destiny of
In popular press, Rosslyn Chapel is a repository of all the world’s
ancient artifacts; spear of destiny, cup of destiny, grail,
Excalibur, scrolls, treasure, but in reality the truth is far
stranger than the fictions.
My recent activity in Edinburgh,
Scotland has brought me a lot of
attention. MI5 Dept of Parapsychology, Special Branch - all seem to
be keeping tabs on me as my group continues to put stuff out about
shape-shifting reptoids - and the true historic and global
significance of Edinburgh, Scotland. Draco, Scotland, Edinburgh,
Bloodlines and MI5 all seem to go together.
Edinburgh was a holy
city at the time of
Atlantis - and the remains have been carefully
enshrined in masonic secrets and buildings in and around Edinburgh.
An 18th Century architectural folly on an aristocratic estate just
outside Edinburgh uses technology and design to calculate the
shadows of latitude. The Theory being that Jerusalem in Palestine,
nearer the equator produces a different length of shadow from a
cubit rod, than a Jerusalem in Scotland - due to the curvature of
the Earth - this shadow is called the Tena Brosa and all part of the
big secret of masonry and perhaps even the Scottish Rite itself.
It is most likely that the original dispute that sparked the war
amongst the shining ones or Els happened in Edinburgh - for that
part of Scotland was also once part of Thule of Atlantis. The author
Comyns Beaumont describes the real significance in his 1946 book
'Britain key to World History' the rights to which are owned by the
CIA and an International Esoteric Temple called the Star Temple.
is on the cards is probably that Scotland will again revert to being
an ancient priest kingdom and Edinburgh will again revert to being a
Holy City - in this
New World Order.
The Prophesies of the Brahan Seer 'as Rome was, London is and
Edinburgh shall be' and of Nostradamus of the political frost that
exists between the Windsor dynasty and Scotland, the UK-USA
agreement and the king of terror [stanzas 66-68] also predict the
return of the Els - the angels of god - which, by the way, many many
people are seeing in and around Edinburgh, NASA are filming them
etc etc.
The pearls of great price - the shining angels or star
beings of the Magi.
These Stars or Angels are interdimensional
beings - and witnesses and abductees alike note that they have
appeared in Edinburgh and elsewhere in Scotland - sometimes very up
and close. The witnesses say that these are the Angels of God -
returned to pass Judgment on the Earth and its various human and
non-human races.
So also being on top of the shapeshifter thing in the UK - we have
found ourselves the target of some mysterious enquiries. One such
happened recently.
A very strange lady on the pretext of wanting to find out about the
angels and shapeshifters, describing herself as a freelance
researcher met me at lunch time today - and she asked me various
questions. She appeared to know nothing about anything - but asked
many many almost personal questions about aliens, my abduction, the
angels, Edinburgh and tried to get all the evidence I had for
shapeshifters in the UK.
An attempt to see what we had. She parted
on the note that how did I get into all of this - I said that many
heavy people over the course of the years who have accused me of all
sorts of dirty criminal deeds made me curious for it was as if I was
supposed to know something that I didn't know and that this made me
find out the stuff that has made me today what I am - 'ah its come
full circle' she said.
But I wasn't convinced that this was a spook
agenda and when I got home I felt so tired and weary that I fell on
my bed and started having a lucid dream as if I was being scanned.
And I'm pretty sure I heard her say that she was going to tell the
truth, and was interested in the Humans and the North Star. It’s
true that in my eyes at night when I close them, I see the
constellation of Orion and that these light move and coalesce into
one pearly shining light.
The old temple mount of Calton Hill in Edinburgh had Greek style
temple pillars erected there in the 18th century to signify
Disgrace of Edinburgh - as is there an architectural folly on the
outside of Edinburgh that shows Edinburgh s position as the
Jerusalem of Atlantis.
I am hoping beyond hope that these light, these beings being seen
now by many of us around here, are the returning forces of good.
was told by Russell Penman - who calls these beings down from the
sky at will in front of witnesses that when the cataclysm came we
should walk towards these lights and be saved or translated i.e.
beamed up - so it may be that various parties are starting to
catch on to the possibility of something incredible happening again
in Edinburgh as it rises from its Age Old disgrace.
The returning King is celebrated by
Tolken in his Lord of the Rings
and not to be confused with the disinformation newly published in
Laurence Gardner’s book on the Ringlords.
The returning King and
EL called Aragorn/Elessar of the tribe of
elder people called the Dunedain [the ancient name for Edinburgh]
retake the Earth after the last battle, their Kingship returned from
the last of the human stewards or Stewarts. This 'alleged fiction'
actually fits in with the various prophesies AND the architecture,
geography and ancient history of Edinburgh/Dunedain.
politics in Edinburgh have just taken a new step forward.
Thus I had to ask myself that if she was interested in the Humans
and the North Star - so who might the North Star be??
All the Stars
may well be Angels - the Els - some may have power to materialize -
some may just be physical, some shape-shifters, all, powerful. The
pearly stars may have guided the Magi to Bethlehem, and recent
research points to the burial place of Mary in the Isles of Britain.
I've heard about Stars in the East, the West, the morning star and
the evening star, usually always associated with the Satans and the
bad guys and the Fallen Angel Lucifer, so the North Star had to be
the exiled leader of the Merovingians, the returning 'Christ' or
King, Leader of the Peoples of the North.
Lets hope that this is the good guy, maybe its
Uriel - guardian of
the gates of Hell, for it was said that hell or Hades referred to
the underground prisons and damnation of the fallen in Scotland and
perhaps the El called Uriel - is a guardian of the interests of
Humanity policing the Underground society as it strives to regain
For their punishment, the Fallen were put underground - the
Satans/red peoples were put in 'hell'.
The other part of the enigma
is the red dragon that will point many researchers to the two
meteorites and their fiery tails. However, the secret thirteenth
house of astrology, the red serpent points to the constellation of Serpens - a fact secretly commemorated in star maps as making all
constellation plus or minus to the ground zero of the Serpens
Ophiucus, its other name was the 'Greek' God of
medicine - depicted as a big guy in a toga with a serpent coiled
around him.
It is possible that the Reptoid bluebloods from Serpens were red in
color, and that this may be a fact commemorated by the Red of the
Lion Rampant of the Peoples of Gad, Scotland.
Lets hope that the North Star returns soon, he is probably not the
El called Michael who most likely will or has returned with the
Interstellar contingent - but the North Star probably refers to the
exiled King, the Fallen Angel who has worked to redeem the sins of
Atlantis over the millennia.
The local variation on the Global theme of the fall and the
desecration of the Blueblood princess has a variation in the
For King Lot of the Lothians [Tolken’s Lothlorien] was
given the title by King Arthur. Lot was a descendant of the
Atlantean Dragons and Magicians of Thule and Orkney [Tolken’s Orcs].
The princess has been called Enoch, or Thenew or Denw or Thanay, and
the prophecy goes as I read it, that it was said that the new hybrid
human dynasties would breed and out reproduce and outfight the Aryan
lines, and that the princess - mother of the human species was to be
destroyed by crashing her flying vehicle into a local mountain.
She escaped but was again caught and cast adrift on a raft to die -
but was saved by a contingent of her relatives who rescued her - and
probably took her to a ship from whence she headed back to the stars
This same story is told in countless ways in countless cultures the
world over - but all remember the Mother of the Human Race pictured
with Clams throughout history.
In Edinburgh, though, the Emperor
Hadrian instructed that the city
be raised to the ground AD70 and its name forever struck from
history and that Jerusalem would be somewhere else of his choosing.
It was decreed by the Emperor that the locality of Jerusalem would
be renamed - and it would then take its name from the farthest north
boundary fort at Falkirk, Scotland.
I don't know how that fares with the modern Jerusalem that we know
of today, other than the biblical descriptions accurately fit
Edinburgh - though I have always suspected that one day the
World Order will again claim Edinburgh to be the Spiritual Center of
the World after the destruction of christianity.
But the Jury of History is still out on that one.
Having been captured by overwhelming force, the reds or
Aryans or Nobles were imprisoned underground initially under the
remaining lands of Thule or Scotland.
Scotland was anciently known
as the land of the dead or Hades. The Exiled Star or Angel of the
North was set a task of watching and policing the Gates of Hell. His
was the wandering Nobility given that task that he may redeem
himself in the days and millennia that were to follow before the
return of the Galactic Empire.
The Fallen, however, were to regroup and re-organize, setting
themselves the task of revenge and the retaking of their Empire. In
the underground halls, they reassembled their social structure and
equipment, taking inventories - and set about the surreptitious task
of the recovery of their stockpiles and any and all high tech
equipment they could find.
Then became the task of rebuilding their manufacturing capacity and
arsenal for the day that they would again fight the war with the
In the meantime, Humanity, the freely spreading virus that they
foresaw would one day overwhelm them - Humanity the cause of the War
- was to be their next target. They reasoned that Humanity would
spread and populate the planets surface in the next few millennia,
so they made sure that that species would never come to the
knowledge that would make them HiTek and an outright competitor.
if that happened, then humanity would make Interstellar Allies and
representation before the Fallen were ready to fight.
So the ideas of bad beliefs and misleading cosmologies were planted
and the seeds of disinformation sewn. Everywhere, the physics of
free energy and interstellar travel arose - the inventors died, from
the 16th century till the 21st century - knowledge and truth would
die on the vine. Only the inner school of the Illuminati sorcerers
taught the truths of the cosmos, and many Humans there were that
paid dearly for those.
The ancient systems theory, holistic in its
approach was suppressed and even today modern science creates knots
and paradoxes by having been taught to reduce down and decontextualize.
Everywhere the hated Human Race would be encouraged
to war and be ignorant - for the enemy divided, could be conquered.
There the alleged forgeries of
The Protocols of The Learned Elders
of Zion ring true - for the political systems theory in use in the
protocols appears to be the ancient systems theory that have led
Plichta and others to
Free Energy.
A systems theory also
taught by the Secret School of the Theosophical Illuminati - these
alleged protocols speak of the body politic as an organism and its
means of operation in terms of a functional relativity that is
indeed highly advanced and never taught in any human University.
As far as the Protocols were used to encourage anti-semitism it is
fair to say that in reality NO HUMAN BEING could EVER be one of god's
chosen people - for the Master Race that probably wrote these
protocols are asexual, Hermaphrodites and Non-Human - these are
probably the only original Jews at least as far as they are
The protocols of Zion are the most hateful anti-human and
intelligent masterpieces of antiquity, forgery or not, they are
betrayed by their advanced use of an alien systems theory - and
therefore most likely the work of the Satans, the imprisoned Aryans
of Atlantis - the Hidden Masters of Theosophy.
Where that puts the whole Jewish thing - I am unsure - for I
suspect, as the prophesies tell, that the Satans will re-emerge soon
- and the whole matter of where Jerusalem really was - and why many
learned Human Jews believe what they do will come into question - as
part of a Satanic Takeover.
The Satans or Aryans or
the Fallen have not been idle as they
labored to divide and rule humanity for they also sought to forge
interstellar links with other civilizations. They were working to a
timescale - for they knew that Humanity would be destroyed by Earth
Movement - and had to ensure that they held all the keys by the
early third millennium AD - the schedule of the return date for the
Interstellar Civilizations they sought out would all have chips
on their shoulders and be sworn enemies of the Empire - however it
was never in the Satans minds that they would escape in ships for
the Interstellar Entities who uphold the Empire can reach
Intergalactic space in a matter of seconds and quite simply there
isn't a ship anywhere that could outrun them.
The stupid brute civilizations they wanted to engage the Empire
above the planet Earth were to provide merely a diversion - whilst
the Fallen made their escape through a portal or 'stargate', in the
meantime, the Human Race on the surface was partly used to supply
the allies of the Fallen as bargaining counters - produce, software,
hardware, DNA, artifacts - they sold it all.
The stockpile of
the Satans was supplemented and increased, and
their intelligence network kept tight control of human military
power and research, whilst suppressing every instance of the truth.
This in anticipation of the return of the anointed one - the
King of
the World - Chief Satan - Rex Mundii - as per the 19th Century Tibet
pronouncement at Llasa.
The Human Race, however, source of all their ancient hatred and
angst were to be set up for a hideous Cull - and indeed conspiracy
evidence of,
...has emerged.
Such poisons
would leave their ancient foe helpless.
But the ambitions of
the Satans may never be fulfilled for the
returning Empire would simply crush them as they had before.
Illuminati folklore is full of references to opening of ways and
gates - and its probable that the hermaphroditic Aryans - those that
are evil - intend to go.
They probably could have gone already, but their use of any gate
would have been detected and found them unready to create a
diversion or shield.
The shield invasion was more recently bought with Human Labor and
Like any couple of punks involved in a drug store heist caught by
the police - they would naturally want to hold a gun to the shop
keepers heads and demand a fast car etc.
They have some options however, and taking hostages is definitely
one of them. Recent leaks from US military intelligence suggest that
soul capture
technology has been recently manufactured, and this coupled with the
other forbidden technology that they salvaged would also create a
useful personal shield for the escaping thugs.
Where can they go -
time travel, dimension travel, intergalactic
travel, or a rusty old ship trying to outrun the Angels? Surrender
or peace was never on their agenda - and indeed their all-consuming
hatred may well be their undoing.
They may wish to completely destroy the planet when they leave,
What are the Empire options though - to infiltrate their ranks, take
hostages, sabotage their stargate project or their anti-human works,
or conduct a species specific technological or biotechnological
warfare of their own and maybe ultimately, making them an offer that
they can't refuse.
One thing is for sure - both sides will be lining up their targets -
organizers, administrators, politicians, leaders, lieutenants - all
put into lucrative isolation whilst they maximize their intelligence
for the coming conflagration.
There may be
Interstellar war above the Planet soon but it won't
last long - for the Fallen will be trying to make their escape -
perhaps even jostling for a place higher up in the queue at the stargate, for the first wave out may well be the last - for the
remainder will be swiftly taken for another head to head with the