



 -  Ancient Atomic Warfare - Main File


 -  Andromeda Council Sonic Beam Destroys Reptilian Base - Magnitude 5.0 Gulf of Aden Quake


 -  And There Was War In Heaven



 -  Antiguas Guerras Atómicas - Main File


 -  Armas de Rayos Sónicos del Consejo de Andrómeda Destruye Base Reptiliana - Temblor de Magnitud 5.0...


 -  A War in The Heavens - In The Far Reaches of Outer and Inner Space


 -  Cambios Dramáticos en Nuestro Sol - Main File


 -  Conflicto Cósmico y Las Guerras de DA'ATH



 -  Cosmic Conflict and The Daa'ath Wars


 -  Del Concejo Extraterrestre - La Guerra Contra Los ETs Grises-Dracos Reptilianos Ya Se Ganó


 -  Destrucción de Bases Submarinas Reptilianas en El Oriente Medio y China - Concejo de Andromeda


 -  Destruida Base Reptiliana Submarina - Terremoto Grado 6.9 en El Mar Oriental de China


 -  Dramatic Changes in Our Sun - Main File



 -  East China Sea 6.9 Quake - Undersea Reptilian Base Destroyed - Andromeda Council


 -  El Conflicto Cósmico Resumido - Los 'Dioses' Anunnaki


 -  ET Council - War With Grey-Draco Reptilian ETs is Won - No False Flag ET Invasion


 -  Galactic War III



 -  Guerras Extraterrestres


 -  Inter-Galactic War


 -  La Batalla en Curso sobre los Reinos Materiales y Espirituales - ¿Qué es la Materia y que es el Espíritu?


 -  La Guerra de Las Galaxias - de "Encuentro en Las Pléyades" por P. Nichols & P. Moon


 -  La Guerra de los Titanes y la Destrucción de la Original Terra


 -  Las Grandes Guerras Galácticas



 -  Las Guerras Cósmicas desde una Perspectiva Védica



 -  Las Guerras Galácticas Comenzaron en el Vacío...


 -  Los Conflictos Secretos de Otros Mundos - Historia Ignorada


 -  Los Vimanas - Main File


 -  Negumak vs. Ciakahrr - Is a Galactic War Brewing?


 -  Removing Reptilian Undersea Bases from Middle East & China - Andromeda Council


 -  Secret Space War


 -  The Ancient Draco vs. Negumak Conflict - Its Impact on Earth Joining the Galactic Federation


 -  The Big UFOs Battle Around The Sun


 -  The Cosmic Wars from a Vedic Perspective


 -  The Final Countdown! - Cosmic Conflicts - Clarity of Thought...


 -  The Galactic Wars Started in the VOID...


 -  The Grays, The Nordics, And Interstellar Conflict - extracted from 'The Dulce Book' by Branton 


 -  The Great Galactic Wars


 -  The Ongoing Battle over the Material and the Spiritual Realms - What is Matter and What is Spirit?


 -  The Vimanas - Main File


 -  The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness 


 -  UFO War Expands - Heavy Action In Antarctic Ocean


 -  UFO War Explodes Through Entire Pacific Ocean - Now A Coalition War


 -  UFO War - Forces Disbanding, Wrong Blobs "Escape" S4


 -  UFO War in Antarctica - Fact or Fiction?


 -  War of the Titans and the Destruction of Original Terra


 -  War In Heaven - War On Earth - Main File


 -  Y Hubo Una Guerra en El Cielo



Additional Information


 -  A Declaration from 'The People of Planet Earth'


 -  Battleship - Is An Extraterrestrial Invasion Possible?


 -  Charter of Terra Exigo - A Declaration of Earth's Sovereignty


 -  ETs and the Spiritual War in the Heavens


 -  Fake Invasion - The Fake Rapture (The Alien Agenda: Coming Soon)


 -  Is Humanity an Ontologically Homogenous Entity?


 -  Kettler Defends Alien UFO War Claims - Truth Teller or Disinformation Asset?


 -  Recuerdo de Cosas Pasadas - El Nuevo Ciclo Galáctico Post-Ascensión


 -  Remembrance of Things Past - The New Galactic Cycle Post-Ascension


 -  The Armageddon Chronicles


 -  The Art of InterDimensional War



 -  The Brookings Report - Main File



 -  The Cosmic War against Human Civilization - Situation Update, Feb. 23, 2021


 -  The Fake Alien Invasion



 -  The Master Race and The Family of Light - Conflict, Spiritual Purification and Bio-Political...


 -  U.S. Alien Treaties Exist According to "Veterans Today" Senior Editor


 -  WWIII - A War Between Hostile ETs and Humanity, Has Started - Whistleblower Says




 -  Cosmic Explorers - Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a Message for Mankind - by C.Brown

 -  EARTH - An Alien Enterprise - The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-up in... - by Timothy Good

 -  Inter-Galactic War - by Chris Thomas


 -  La Guerra de Los Dioses y Los Hombres - por Zecharia Sitchin


 -  Libro del Conocimiento - Extractos - by J.J. Hurtak - Outside link


 -  The Cosmic War - Interplanetary Warfare, Modern Physics, and Ancient Texts - by J.P. Farrell


 -  The Wars of Gods and Men - Startling Documentary Evidence of The Extraterrestrial... - by Zecharia Sitchin




 -  How to Fake an Alien Invasion


 -  Symbols of An Alien Sky - The Video



Related Reports


 -  Disclosure - Life in The Universe - Main File


 -  Galactic Diplomacy - Main File


 -  Galactic Federations-Councils - Main File


 -  Humanity's History and Ancient Civilizations - Main File


 -  Matrix - Main File


 -  The Saga of Flying Objects - Main File