Interview with Robert Dean on November 8, 2001


Soon after completing the interview with Bob Dean on October 17, 2001, I had a nagging feeling that I had overlooked something of great significance. So I called Bob, once again, and asked him if he was willing to conduct another session.


The result was the following important exchange on November 8, 2001.


Martin: I thoroughly enjoyed our interview, and it really is a good read. Our subscribers will love it; it’s excellent. But as I was going through it, I realized that the one subject we didn’t talk about was the Underground, the whole plethora of subjects concerning the Underground Railroad, the Underground Bases, the Genetic Manipulations, all of those kinds of things. Can you comment on the Underground, at all?

Dean: What are you talking about, “their” underground or “our” underground?

Martin: Both.

Dean: [Laughter]
When I say “theirUnderground, Rick, we’ve learned for a long time, as I said earlier, there apparently are more than one group involved. And, apparently, they have had installations, bases, operating facilities on this planet for a very, very long time.

Our intelligence people have been somewhat suspicious of some of these areas that they have discovered, but they never said very much about it. They just went about their business, and kept monitoring, and kept collecting information, and kept putting data together. We learned over the years that there were, apparently, four, very possibly more, major facilities on the planet that were being operated by off-worlders, off-planet intelligences. And, apparently, these facilities had been here for a hell-of-a-long time.

When we first began to do some real intelligence work, intelligence gathering, and I say that [laughter] with tongue in cheek—

Martin: Sure.

Dean: For a long time a lot of our intelligence people were not using their heads. They were a bunch of silly paranoids, playing games. When they first began to really put some of it together, they learned that there was a facility in Alaska, apparently located under a large mountain in the Southeastern portion of the state. And it was a facility that Ingo Swann, literally, had been told about and taken to. Are you familiar with who he is?


Martin: No, and please explain for our readers who don’t know.

Dean: Ingo Swann was probably, IS—he’s still alive—one of our top remote viewers. The man is an absolute genius. He’s an artist who lives in New York City. You may want to just mention his name because he worked with the Stanford Research Institute for a very, very long time. As a matter of fact, Ingo was one who helped put the SRI Remote Viewing Program together. Now, the Stanford Research Institute was the organization that, literally, created the Army’s Remote Viewing Program, which later became known as Star Gate.


Martin: Now, was Ed Dames part of that?


Dean: Ed was trained to be a remote viewer while he was in the Army. Now, Ed was not in on the beginning of this thing. I know Ed, and I don’t necessarily agree with everything Ed has been talking about in the last few years. He’s been on Art Bell [Art Bell’s very popular late-night talk-radio program] a half a dozen times, maybe more. He’s made some predictions that are way, way the hell out.

Martin: Yes. A lot of them have not happened.

Dean: Including a lot of stuff that didn’t take place. And, of course, it gives you the importance of how difficult it is to make predictions about some of these programs, because none of these programs are cast in iron. Anyhow, Ingo Swann helped put the program together at SRI, and he had done some remote viewing on his own because the subject of alien presence—and I hate that damned word.


The word “alien” just is not a good word at all, because it really doesn’t tell us who they are. But, apparently, Ingo had done some work, and there was another one by the name of Pat Price, who was world known at one time. Pat’s gone home. He’s not around any more.


But, Ingo and Pat Price had done some remote viewing of this facility in Alaska. And, at one time, one of the agencies had picked up Ingo and invited him to go with them, and took him up to this facility, near this facility in Alaska.

[Editor’s note: For those of you who may not know, Pat was a very interesting and talented, yet down-to-Earth guy. At the time he was a subject of studies in the early days of the Remote Viewing project at SRI, in approximately 1974, he was retired from his regular job—police commissioner of Burbank, California. During his career in law enforcement, he had regularly used psychic powers to catch criminals.


Even within the SRI Remote Viewing program he rattled the cages that the scientists were working within, figuratively, by sometimes PREDICTING where the target-person of the Remote Viewing experiment WOULD BE in the future.


So we’re not talking here about simple Remote Viewing of where some target-person WAS—say sitting on a bench, looking at a fountain on the Stanford University campus—but where the person WOULD BE, say twenty or thirty minutes later, once the target-person finally chose a spot and sat down after randomly walking around for the specified length of time.


And Pat was sketching and describing this FUTURE location from an isolated laboratory room at SRI that was usually many miles away from the target. Not bad, huh?!]

Martin: We’re talking about an underground facility?

Dean: We’re talking about an underground facility. Now, our people were never able to get into it, but they were able to get close to it. And this has all been brought out in Ingo’s book. He’s written one hell of a book, called Penetration. And it’s a book you would do well to read, if you ever get some time. I know you’re busy. But Ingo has come right out and laid a lot of it on the line. So, we’ve got a major facility in Alaska that was remote viewed, not only by Ingo, but by Pat Price, before he died. And Pat had a rate of accuracy that was about 85-90 percent.

Martin: Did they have any sense of which “group” that was?

Dean: No, apparently they didn’t grasp which group. Now, this is a great subject of, you know, you can discuss this now and forever, of who’s who.

Martin: The Greys, the Reptilians, etc.

Dean: Well, yeah. Now, there’s a word that I have to bring up at this time. Are you familiar with old Zecharia Sitchin’s work?

Martin: All of it.

Dean: Ok. The name Anunnaki keeps coming up again and again and again.
And the Anunnaki was the name of the group that, apparently, came here the first time, and the ones who genetically engineered us, and the ones who were present on our planet for several thousands of years. Now, the Anunnaki, apparently, are from the planet Nibiru, which we have discovered, again. Are you familiar with that?

Martin: Yes.


Dean: Alright. Robert Harrington, before he died, the Chief Astronomer at the Naval Observatory, literally called Sitchin in for an interview, and told Sitchin: “You know, Mr. Sitchin, I’ve been fascinated by your work. And one of the things that I wanted to chat with you about is, we’ve discovered the 10th planet; all we have to do is name it. We have no doubt that it’s there.” And Sitchin says: “It’s already been named. The Anunnaki named it a long time ago. It’s their home.”

Anyhow, the 10th planet figures prominently in this because it appears to be making its way back into the center part of our system. It’s on that enormously long orbit that it’s on.

Martin: 3600 years, is it?

Dean: 3600 years. And, apparently, it’s been seen, it’s been photographed, and is on it’s way back into the center of the system.
Now, there is one of the things that is going to blow the lid off of this whole subject.

Martin: That—the 10th planet—is going to be a frontpage feature story here in The SPECTRUM at some point following this ET story.

Dean: Listen, the presence and the reality of the 10th planet, that has been photographed by astronomers in Argentina already, exactly where Harrington said it would be seen and photographed first—because it comes out of a constellation that is seen only, primarily, out of the southern hemisphere.

You see, when we’re dealing with “Who are they?”, I have a feeling that the Anunnaki are major players. They may not be the ONLY group, because we know that there are other groups out there. But the Anunnaki, who look like us, who had a hand in creating us, or at least jumping us up, genetically, into what we are, have been major players in this thing, Rick, for a very long time, from the very beginning.

So, when you try to say, “Who’s on first here?”—

Martin: [Laughter]

Dean: —I keep thinking that it’s not really that easy to do, because the Anunnaki have been, from the beginning, one of the major players.

Martin: We keep hearing about the Pleiadians, the Arcturians, the Sirians.

Dean: And I don’t buy into all of that. You know, there are a lot of people who, supposedly—what do they call it?

Martin: Channel.

Dean: They get into these states and they channel. There may be a great deal of truth to some of it, but I’m a little bit dubious. I guess I was trained to be cautious.


Martin: Sure.

Dean: So, I don’t buy into all of that.
I know this: when I retired in ’76, intelligence agencies knew that there were, at least, a dozen different groups. And, you know, there could be as many as a hundred, for God’s sake. The “quarantine” is being lifted, slowly. We’ve been under quarantine for a long time.

Martin: Our planet?

Dean: Our planet, yeah. And I think when the quarantine is being lifted, we may end up encountering hundreds of advanced civilizations out there. I mean, I’m convinced, Rick, the universe is literally teeming with intelligent life.

Martin: Sure it is. How could it not be?


Dean: It’s a massive, infinite—well, the word infinite just about says it.

Martin: Unlimited.

Dean: Unlimited, exactly. I’m convinced that intelligence of every development, every level, from Stone Age, right up to the top, exists out there. So, anyhow, when you say, “Who’s who?”, it’s difficult to say. I have a feeling that the major bases are probably operated by the Anunnaki because they are the ones who have been here from the beginning of our history. We learned that there’s one in Africa, deep underground, in what used to be Rhodesia. I think it’s Zimbabwe, now.

There’s another one in the mountains of Southern France, Northern Spain, that’s been there for a very long time.

I’m trying to think of some of the other locations. Oh, this is interesting. There, apparently, according to Pat Price and Ingo Swan, there is a massive extraterrestrial facility, underground, in the center of Australia, very, very close to one of our major NSA [National Security Agency] facilities.

Martin: Pine Gap.

Dean: Pine Gap, yeah. I have a nagging suspicion we probably built Pine Gap where we did because of the location of the extraterrestrial facility. So, when you say “underground”—

Martin: Well, I’m talking, also, about the Underground Railroad, the magnetic-levitation high-rail system.


Dean: We built a great deal of that. I’ll tell you a story, and you know, you get me started and it’s hard to shut me up.

Martin: I don’t want to shut you up. We’ve got lots of time.

Dean: I went to school at Camp Mercury, some years ago. Are you familiar with where that is?


Martin: I don’t have a clue.

Dean: Camp Mercury is in Nevada. It’s our original atomic test site. When I was working at FEMA, I was sent off to school at Camp Mercury, for a time. I was involved in radiological emergency accident response, and we had a series of courses that were taught, up there, by the Department of Energy.

So I went to school at Mercury. And while I was there, we were several weeks in the course, and we used to spend the weekends there at the Camp, because the only other place to go was expensive, and that was Vegas. And I’m not a gambler, and I don’t chase the ladies that much. So, a lot of us would stay at Camp Mercury for the weekend, and we’d get a chance to talk in the dining room with a bunch of the old construction guys who were working for the Department of Energy, who were tunnel diggers. And they were digging tunnels all over the damn place for the underground tests.

You know, we signed the Test-Ban Treaty, so we wouldn’t pop anymore stuff on the surface, with the Russians. And so, we were digging these enormous underground facilities and we were popping nukes underneath.

These guys used to tell some of the damnedest stories about how they were digging these massive underground facilities. The technology was a lot farther advanced than most people realized. They had had machinery, first of all, that they had built, and they bought a lot of it from the Swiss, who had been foremost in this research for many years, of tunnel-digging.


They had things that could go down and go into the ground and dig tunnels that were unbelievable—40 feet in diameter tunnels, all over the damn place! This was back in 1978-79, when I was going to school there.

The state-of-the-art of tunnel building was far beyond anything anybody had understood, and I knew, from being in FEMA, that we had had underground facilities all over the East. We had Camp Weather, which we had built back East, there in Maryland. Underground places in case of a nuclear war, and some of these facilities were unbelievably refined and sophisticated.

Well, these guys who were building the tunnels were talking about, and they were proud of, their work. They said that the one thing they had always gotten excited about, that they had never gotten any answers for, is that while they were digging a deep tunnel, one time, there at Camp Mercury, near Area 51, interestingly enough—because 51 used to be just an extension of Camp Mercury. And that’s something a lot of people don’t know, that the old infamous Area 51 was simply one extension of the original atomic test site.

Anyhow, these guys were drilling their tunnels one day, with their machinery and all, and they ran into another tunnel system that they had not built! This tunnel system was so damned sophisticated, and so unbelievably beyond anything that they could do, that they wondered “Who the hell built this?”

They told their superiors about it, and said:

“Look, we’d like to take a jeep and get down there, and take some water and lights, and get into this damn tunnel and find out where it goes, and find out who the hell built it.” And the superiors said: “Stay the hell out of that!”

Martin: [Laughter]

Dean: “Don’t go any further into that. Leave it alone.” And, apparently, they closed-up their access to that particular tunnel.

These guys were talking about it, and they said: “This was better than anything we’ve ever built. This was so sophisticated, the walls were slick and shiny; they almost reflected light like a mirror. And these tunnels went, apparently, on for miles and miles, and they wanted to find out where they went, and where they started, and who built them.


And the superiors, the “authorities” in the Department of Energy, said:

“Stay the hell out of those, and don’t even mention them again.”

So, what we’re looking at here, we’re looking at, I think, our tunnels builders ran into one of “their” tunnels.


I think that our tunnel builders hit one of those alien facilities, deep underground in Nevada. Well, there are rumors, and I just don’t like talking about rumors unless I’ve got a little bit more information to verify. But I think that’s part of the bigger picture. Not only have we built facilities all over the damn place, we’ve even got some underground facilities here in Sedona, Arizona which might interest you.

Martin: Out in Boynton Canyon, or where?


Dean: There are rumors about that particular canyon, and a question rises: “Why is it that no one is allowed to go up into some of these canyons?”

Martin: Well, I’ve been all the way back into Boynton. I used to live in Sedona, back in ’87. I know exactly what you’re talking about, and I felt it at the time. In fact, I was close with people who were asked to leave, who were very prominent channels. In fact, they were escorted out.


Dean: You know, I’m an old soldier. I spent 27 years paying my dues, and I resent the fact of running into guys in black uniforms, with no identification. You don’t know who the hell they are, and they don’t identify themselves. All we know is that they’re heavily weaponed, and they’ve got the gall to tell people—normal guys walking around and looking and taking pictures and such—“Get the hell out of here and stay away.” I’ve never had that happen to me, but I’m afraid that, if I were to run into that sort of thing, there would probably be some newspaper headlines.


Martin: [Laughter]

Dean: Because this old bastard would probably get himself shot. And, you know, I don’t take it easily when someone starts ordering me around, with a gun in my face, particularly if I don’t know who they are.


Martin: I firmly believe there is a major base in Boynton Canyon.

Dean: There very well may be. You know, the average taxpayer, Rick, hasn’t the slightest idea what the hell is going on. But, anyhow, here in the Sedona area, we’re dealing with some of OUR stuff.

Martin: Is that where you are now?

Dean: I am here in Sedona, looking out at Thunder Mountain.

Martin: By any chance did you get to hear Zecharia last weekend?

Dean: I was at the conference.

Martin: I’m sorry, I found out about it at the last minute. I sure would have been there had I been given more advance notice.

Dean: I’ve known Zecharia for years, and I try to listen to him every time he speaks. The old codger gets very cagey, and he didn’t really tell us too much this weekend. His new book is coming out. It will be out, probably, in January. So, he’s setting up a conference in, I think, Los Angeles, where he’s not only going to release the new book but, hopefully, going to release a lot information that he’s come up with.

Rick, if we’ve all got Anunnaki genes and bloodlines in us, the entire human race, to an extent, I think, have got Anunnaki blood in us. We ALL have some Anunnaki blood, and I suspect that we’ve all got Reptilian blood, because I think there is a strong Reptilian strain in the Anunnaki genetic bloodline.

Martin: Along this underground subject, let me mention a couple of things to you and see what it triggers in you. Two-and-a-half years ago, I did a four-and-a-half hour interview, if you can believe that, long distance, on the phone, with the Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa.


Dean: Oh, Mutwa!

Martin: And I’m going to use part of that in this story [later, in Part III] because so much of what he said in that interview is so important. We did a front-page story on it at the time.

Dean: He is a brilliant man.

Martin: He is a very brilliant man. I’m looking at some of his interview now. He talked about Rhodesia and Zimbabwe, specifically that place, and he was specifically referring to them [the aliens] as the Chitauli. Now, those were the Reptilian beings, and he described some Greys, as well, so-called Greys. It’s interesting that, as you’re talking, it overlaps with what Credo was saying, a couple of years ago in a conversation.


Dean: I’ve never had the honor to meet Credo. I hope he’s still alive and well. I’ve heard that his health is not good.

Martin: His health is not good. He has severe diabetes, but he is alive still. He’s an amazing man. David Icke calls him the most intelligent man he’s ever met, which is quite a statement.

Dean: Yeah, that is. I know that Credo and John Mack are good friends.

Martin: Well, for Credo to talk about these things was potent. I knew, at least an hour into the conversation, that this guy couldn’t tell a lie if his life depended on it.


Dean: I would give anything to have access to some of your interview with Credo.

Martin: Oh, I’ll mail you the whole thing.

Dean: Would you?

Martin: Oh, sure.

Dean: That would be wonderful, because I do respect him and I’ve followed him and John Mack’s research, together. They spent some time together. I would love to know more because I respect the man, and I don’t think he has lied about anything, to anyone.

Martin: Oh, no. In fact, so many things that he’s said—I’ve done two interviews with him over the last two and a half years—and everything that he says just checks out; there’s nothing that doesn’t.

Dean: He’s had some very unsavory experiences with some of these people.

Martin: Yes, he has had some traumatic experiences.


Dean: And there are those who are involved with this thing that are, you know—this is one of the groups, I don’t know specifically who the hell we’re talking about. I don’t want to just say “the Reptilians” because there may be two or three branches of Reptilians.


Martin: Right. And David talks about that, too. How would WE know?

Dean: They don’t hate us, but they sure don’t respect us, as a species. And every time that somebody like Credo has an experience with them, I mean, it’s traumatic as hell. They don’t seem to worry about whether they’re going to imprint any trauma on us, or fear; they just do what they’re doing, and do it for their own damn purposes, and to hell with it.

Martin: Right.

Dean: And that’s the problem with an “advanced” species. And, do you see? Man can learn something from that, because we, ourselves, have that same characteristic, Rick.

Martin: I believe that; I’ve seen that.

Dean: We get smart-ass, and we get wealthy, and we get powerful. We tend to look down on people who aren’t, whether they’re Black, whether they’re Yellow, Brown, or whatever, if they’re different from us. We don’t seem to care very much about whether our contact with them is going to be traumatic, or not. I mean, they do what they’re damn well going to do, and to hell with it. We’ve got some “off-worlders”, I think, who feel the same way. It’s not all goody plum plum up there.

There’s an old, ancient saying that I’ve always believed in, and that is: “As above, so below.”

Martin: Absolutely right.

Dean: And, I think, what we see on our planet here is, pretty much, what you’ve got “out there”. As I’ve said, the evidence seems to be that the embargo has been lifted, the quarantine has been lifted. And a lot of them are coming and going, and some of them are not that nice. But we have to make ourselves face the reality that this is a much bigger picture than most people even dream about.


Most people don’t even want to confront the idea of extraterrestrial presence, let alone confront the idea that there are innumerable races out there, and some of them are not very nice. Well, all we have to do is read our history and we’ll find that there is an enormous amount of information there.

Martin: I’m reading a section here that’s going to be part of this article [in a later installment], and it is a section taken out of a book that was out of print for 20 years, now in print, called The Hab Theory, by Allan W. Eckert. He’s written 39 books, and has been nominated for Pulitzers, a very prolific man.

He writes about an Ecuadorian discovery of a series of 500-foot-deep tunnels. This was discovered 150 miles south of Quito, in the Province of Santiago, in the Ecuadorian Andes, a 1965 discovery. And it talks about a series of tunnels, at 500-foot depths, radiating outward, and in those tunnels were discovered metallic plates, if you will, which had to be deciphered.


Those have been shutdown by the government; there is no access. But apparently there is a lot of gold, and things like that down there, as well as written history. But it’s that kind of thing that gets you thinking.

There was another discovery here, that I will also be including later in this story, having to do with a region in China, and something called the Dropa stones.

Dean: Oh, yeah.

Martin: I don’t know if you’re familiar with that?

Dean: I am.

Martin: It’s the same kind of thing. Now, are these tunnels all connecting throughout the entire world?

Dean: You know, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.

Martin: And WHO are “they”?

Dean: This planet has been, literally, a laboratory, a research laboratory, for a variety of different reasons, from the beginning of recorded history. Not only has it become a genetic laboratory, a biological laboratory, because the human race is an incredibly rich gene-pool in itself.


There have been races coming and going, tapping into this and experimenting with us, but they’ve been digging minerals, and doing research here for, literally, millennia, long before we ever began to record our history. So, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised that there are deep underground systems that, literally, link one continent to another.

I know this: there is enormous traffic under the surface of the water, in the oceans. I learned that from kids in naval research in anti-submarine warfare.


Martin: You’re talking about the so-called Atmospherians?

Dean: We’ve got guys who are underground; we’ve got guys under the surface of the water; and then the skies are, literally, filled with them.
So, nothing would surprise me, Rick, honest to God. I’m 73; nothing would surprise me anymore. That explains a little bit of where I’ve been, and what I’ve learned. Nothing, literally, would surprise me anymore.


Martin: Another thing that we will be running in the first part of this story [in last month’s November issue] is Phil Schneider’s last speech.

Dean: Oh, I’d like to hear that.

Martin: That was before they took him out in ’96. And Phil Schneider writes about the Dulce Wars, and the underground base at Dulce, New Mexico. Now, again, do we just generally broad-stroke and say those are the Greys, working for the Reptilians? Or don’t we even go there?


Dean: Well, it’s hard to go there because I can’t provide you any real information that I would say is absolutely accurate. I hate to say anything to you that I haven’t learned, first hand, from my own experience.


Martin: That’s why we’re talking.

Dean: I know, and I appreciate your approach. And I hope you appreciate mine. I’ll tell you a lot of what I think I know, and what I’ve learned, but there are things that, to me, are only conjecture.

Martin: That’s a slippery slope.

Dean: It is. I know there is a facility at Dulce, but WHO runs it, and WHAT it’s all about—I won’t even get into that because I don’t have any first-hand information. All I’ve had is second-hand or third-hand, so I’ll tell you that there IS a facility there, and apparently we’re involved with it. And I say “us”, the United States government, and then, God damn it, anymore it’s even difficult to tell who the hell we’re talking about with THAT!


Martin: Which faction?

Dean: Yeah, which group. You see, as I’ve said many times, the government the people think they’ve got is not the government that is.

Martin: Right, absolutely right.

Dean: And most people haven’t the slightest clue about it. But you were talking, earlier, about “underground”—theirs or ours? Well, there are both. We’ve got a massive underground facility. The “off-worlders” have, well, unbelievable capabilities and technology. So, it’s a very thin line between which is which.

And, if we are, indeed, co-operating with at least one of these groups, and there’s a hell of a lot of evidence that we ARE, that we have a relationship, a semi-unofficial, official relationship with one of these groups, you can’t really say anymore: Is it ours, or is it theirs? It could be both.


And, you know, if I were to see David [Icke] again—I haven’t seen him for a time—I’d sit down and say:

“Hey, guy, you better cool off, because the Reptilians are running everything.”


Martin: [Laughter]

Dean: I haven’t read his new book. It’s on the stands here in Sedona, and I was thinking of picking up a copy. But I would, jokingly, say to him: “Hey, David, it’s worse than you imagine.” I’m sure that would throw him.


Martin: I’m sure that’s true, too.

Dean: Well, it IS true. The story is EVEN BIGGER. But that’s one of the reasons, Rick, why the lid is being kept down on this.
Can you imagine if the average Joe Blow out there, the average guy who sits there in front of his tube, watching the world series, if he were to get exposed to some of this, what would it do to him?

Martin: He might pop a cork.

Dean: He might pop a cork, yeah. And there’s a lot of people running lose out there with popped corks right now.

Martin: [Laughter]

Dean: I read about them in the paper. And you run into them, now and then, on the streets. I say this, not cruelly; I’m not trying to be cruel. But there are a lot of people living “on the edge” out there.

I’ve almost come to the point where I have to agree with some of the guys who I run into in the intelligence agencies, who say:

“Hey, no, we can’t let this out; it’s too God damn big. People aren’t ready for it, yet.”

Well, I’m almost to a point of agreeing with them on some of this, Rick. I really do. There are people out there who just aren’t ready for HALF of what we’re talking about.

Martin: We’re talking on the outer fringes here.


Dean: You bet we are. And I commend you for the work you are doing. People like you, and people like David, are bringing light into the room, at least. So keep up what you’re doing, guy.

Martin: I’m not planning on stopping any time soon.


Dean: Don’t get discouraged. You may, one of these days, run into some people who will decide to say to you:

“Hey, knock it off. You’ve done enough.”

And I don’t want to say that. I’m not trying to predict here, but you may run into some of that one of these days. I’ve run into a couple of them myself.

Martin: How did you handle that?

Dean: Well, I’m so God damned ornery, you know, my infantry background.

Martin: [Laughter]

Dean: I don’t take it lightly when somebody sort-of subtlety threatens me. And I’ve said to a couple of them that I pack iron, and if you want to mess with me, go ahead, but it would be terrible if you send some good kid with a wife and kids after me, and I blow him away. I carry guns. I was trained to use them. And in Arizona you can pack iron, any time. All you’ve got to do is have a permit to cover it up. Well, I’ve been known to carry mine around everywhere. Not that I’m paranoid, now. [Laughter]

Martin: With your background—

Dean: I feel it’s prudent to carry a gun. Anyhow, I’ve had a couple of them, subtly, threaten me. And I’ve said “Well, go right ahead.” I’ve lived a long life, and I’ve seen a hell of a lot, and if you guys want to mess with me, fine. But just be careful.

Martin: You’re trained.

Dean: I’m a ticking bomb. I joke about it, but it’s the only thing I can do. I came out of Korea with posttraumatic stress syndrome. And then I picked up another dose while I was in Nam. And so, I jokingly share this with friends, and I say “You know, I got two doses of this, so I’m a ticking bomb. Don’t mess with me.”


And I told these guys. I had a few phone calls, and a couple of visits. And I’ve said “Screw-off, because I can’t be trusted. I just might shoot one of you guys and that would be terrible, because I don’t want to kill anybody else before I die.” I don’t want to carry that on my conscience.

Martin: Well, that’s fair notice.

Dean: And they have, generally, left me alone. I think they figure that I’m basically harmless.


Martin: Well, obviously Bill Cooper is no longer on the planet.


Dean: I haven’t heard from Bill in a long time.

Martin: He was taken-out a couple of days ago.

Dean: Oh, really? Where did this happen?

Martin: At his home.

Dean: I had no idea this had happened. Well, they had primed Bill, over the years, emotionally and psychologically they had primed him. I’m sorry to hear it. I liked Bill. We didn’t always agree on everything, but hell, nobody does. Sorry to hear that, that’s terrible. He left a family behind. God bless him. He’s got some answers now, no question about it.

Martin: While I have you on the line, it was such an eloquent and beautiful interview that we had last time, I don’t want to detract from that by over-doing it, or anything. Is there anything that we didn’t cover that you would like to talk about?

Dean: You know, honest to God, there is a hell of a lot, Rick, that we haven’t covered, but that’s par for the course.

There is so much out there, and there are so many ramifications to this reality, and it’s so complicated, and so devious, and it’s been going on for such a long time. And we have major groups within the United States Government power center, whoever the hell they are, who are involved with this, that there is no end to what you could discuss and theorize about.

Martin: Let’s talk about time manipulation.


Dean: Well, there’s no question that we’ve had it demonstrated; that’s been demonstrated to us repeatedly, how they can manipulate time. And when you consider that, Rick, that opens up a Pandora’s Box of absolute infinity, because our old-fashioned ideas of time are so set in stone, and so primitive, this idea that “linear time” is all there is, we can’t even begin to grasp the other possibilities.

Only quantum physicists can begin to grasp what time really is.

And then you have the mystics and the theologians who say that there is really no such thing as time. Time is simply a way that we humans have to, sort of, put a little order in our lives. There’s no limit where you can go when you realize that there are technologies out there that can manipulate time.

Martin: Al Bielek, in two recent interviews I’ve done with him within the last two weeks, he just flatly says “We are, right now, involved in a time war.” He believes there are two alien factions involved, but he can’t put any more together than that. And that SOUNDS so “out there” to the average person. To even make a comment like that, they call the guys in white coats.

Dean: I know Al. I hope he’s well. I hope he’s hanging in there. To my knowledge Al has never packed any iron, and he won’t end up like Bill, I guess.


Martin: In a way, I’m kind of surprised you haven’t been messed with.

Dean: Well, they have, subtly. Let me tell you something. And I’ve answered this, a few times, by people who have interviewed me. People say “How are you able to get away with what you do?”

And I said “The only thing I can give you is that I’m saying something that someone wants me to say, or I wouldn’t be getting away with this. And that someone, I won’t tell you whether they are at Langley, whether they’re at Fort Mead, or God knows where. I must be saying something that someone wants said, or I wouldn’t be getting away with it.


Because I’ve said quite a bit about our own underground “secret, classified” activities. You know, one of the things that I’m involved with now is, I’m trying to blow the lid on this thing in Antarctica.


Martin: That was another subject I wanted to talk to you about.

Dean: At Lake Vostok. The Lake Vostok scandal is a world-wide scandal.

Martin: Are you talking about the nuclear thing?


Dean: I’m talking about the lake that exists there, right near the Russian research facility in Antarctica. That’s an interview.

Martin: Let’s go there. [Laughter]

Dean: We were talking about probable locations of “off-worlders” on the planet, where they have their facilities.
You know, one of the facilities is, apparently, an R & R facility. Would you believe that?

Martin: That’s interesting to hear. It would make sense, wouldn’t it? Are you talking about the one in Cebu, Philippines?

Dean: I don’t know which one it is. Ingo Swann has said that they remote viewed all of them, or as many as they could. And every time they went into them, remote viewing them, the “off-worlders” knew about their presence, that they were there.

Martin: They were felt.

Dean: Yes, they sensed them. They knew that they were present. And he says, interestingly enough, one appeared to be like a resort, where off-planet intelligences go to relax and unwind. [Laughter]

Martin: Why not?

Dean: I can imagine—listen, if I were assigned to this planet, and I had to deal with human beings, I would need some R & R.

Martin: [Laughter]

Dean: I kid you not. I would need quite a bit of it.

Martin: Ok, let’s go back to Antarctica.


Dean: Well, apparently, this is what’s interesting. Our NASA people, and JPL, some years back, I think it was back in ’97, with some of their satellite remote viewing and remote sensing—you know, they’ve got some technologies that are absolutely amazing, that can take pictures underground, sub-surface radar. Some of our satellites are pretty incredible.


Well, apparently NASA had been doing some research, from space, over Antarctica, some time back. There’s a whole lot of different programs underway. One of them is the—what is it? The layer that seems to be getting smaller?

Martin: Ozone.

Dean: The ozone layer, they’ve been studying that for a long time. We’ve evidently had a satellite poised, or several of them, poised over Antarctica that have been doing some picture taking for a long time.


Through the research with the Russians, we learned that there is AN ENORMOUS LAKE, not too far from the Russian Antarctica facility, which the Russians named. Now, this lake is UNDER THE ICE. And all I’ll tell you is what I’ve learned about it. But that strikes me as, probably, one of the MAJOR “off-worlder” facilities. This lake is 300 miles long. It’s 50 miles wide. The water level is, apparently, 2,000 feet deep, and it’s fresh water.

NOW, OVER THE LAKE IS AN ICE-DOME, HALF A MILE HIGH. Now, this lake is apparently “encapsulated”—if you get my picture. 300 miles long, 50 miles wide, 2,000 feet deep, and over the lake is an ice dome half a mile high. Now, that in itself is interesting. That’s why NASA has been fascinated. JPL has been up to their ears in this thing, trying to learn as much as they can about it.

Martin: Now, where is this in relation to the Nazi base?


Dean: Ah, well, you’ve done some homework. The question is: Is it the same place?

Now, they also learned that at one end of Lake Vostok is a massive magnetic anomaly, which is what they’ve described as an enormous concentration of metal, apparently. An enormous concentration of metal which, apparently, is so massive that it causes a magnetic anomaly, that they can sense it; they can see it from space, monitor it from space.


And the question arose: Could it be a city? Could it be a facility? Is there some kind of ongoing activity there, a facility, where all this metal is from?

And then, my first thought was, is that where the old Nazi sub-pins are? Because there’s no question in my mind that before the end of the war they were so advanced that these guys—there’s something like 100 submarines that were never accounted for. I don’t know whether that’s an accurate figure or not, but I’ve heard it said that there are 100 of their latest, top-line subs that were never accounted for.

So, this question about this magnetic anomaly at one end of Lake Vostok strikes me that we’re either dealing with an “off-worlder” facility, or a Nazi facility.


Martin: Or both.

Dean: Or both! [laughter] Because we know that the Nazis were getting some technology from some of them [extraterrestrials] before the end of the war.


Martin: Well, and the Nazis were involved in Montauk, too, directly.

Dean: Apparently so, yeah. But the Hanebu that the Nazis were flying, the Hanebu-4 was, apparently, an antigravity device, the line of circular disks that the Nazis were flying, toward the end. And the Hanebu-4 was big!


Well, I figured that they got a lot of their technology from the “off-worlders”. Not that they did it themselves, because they were brilliant enough. Old Wernher [von Braun, the rocket genius] knew that before he died. He even talked to a few people about it.

Martin: We haven’t run the story about Hitler dying in South America at a ripe old age, but we’ve talked about it among ourselves, quite a few times.

Dean: You’re dealing with a field, with an area that is, literally, unlimited, Rick. You open one door and there are 6 or 7 more right behind it.

Martin: [Laughter]

Dean: That’s why I take my hat off to you. You’re doing something, I think, well worthwhile. So keep it up, guy.

Martin: Thank you for your time. I’ll be sending you this story, including Credo’s interviews. I did a brief one with him a few months ago, in which he made a plea to the elite on the planet to stop the genocide in Africa. I’ll also be sending you a new interview I did with David Icke, which we published on September 11, of all dates.


Dean: I’d love to read any of that. Just in closing, you hit on—my mind is going a mile a minute here. Some of these programs, like what Credo was talking about, genocide—those are planned programs, Rick. Those are planned programs to cut the population down.


Martin: Right.

Dean: And they’re not only applicable to some of these pathetic people in Africa.

Martin: Oh, no, it’s global.

Dean: That’s a global program. Now, the question I have is: Is it our dark, black forces doing it? Or is it the “off-worlders” doing it? Or, are they involved together? We’re facing what appears to be massive, global genocide, and that really pisses me off.

Martin: I had heard, a number of years ago through a “channeled” source, that the planet will, in balance, hold about 600-800 million. And that seems to be the global elite figure, roughly in that ballpark.

Dean: They’ve done these studies and there’s some truth to it.

Martin: So they’re trying to prune it down from 6 or 7 billion. But that agenda seems to have been thrown askew, in part, through public exposure of that agenda. Although it’s still happening in Africa.


Dean: They’ll just take another tack. They’ll close that door and open a few others. It’s a hell of a tale, my boy, it’s a hell of a tale. And hang in there. And thank you for your courtesy.


Martin: Well thank you for calling me back. I appreciate it, very much.

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