Neil Freer
SapiensRising Website
For the
most part, UFO researchers try to deal with the micro,
they are event oriented. That is important, but someone
also needs to be looking broadly, excluding nothing.
Scott Jones, Ph.D.
Potential Foundation
The most successful tyranny is not the one that uses
force to assure uniformity but the one that removes the
awareness of other possibilities, that makes it seem
inconceivable that other ways are viable, that removes
the sense that there is an outside.
The Closing of the American Mind |
Addressed to:
Arlington Institute
British UFO Research Association
Brookings Institution
The Center
For The Study Of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
Extraterrestrial Phenomena Political Action Committee
The Fund
For UFO Research
J. Allen
Hynek Center For UFO Studies
The Human
Potential Foundation
des Hautes Etudes de Defense Nationale
International Association For New Science
McClendon Study Group
The Mutual
UFO Network
National Institute For Discovery Science
National UFO Reporting Center
Right To Know
for Extraordinary Experience Research
The current context
within which The Alien Presence Paradigm is viewed and dealt with is
too narrow and limited.
The Alien Presence Paradigm should be seen
as having two parts, separate but related:
1.- the
recognition of the presence of an alien culture or
cultures from
outside our solar system, and the ramifications of that presence
and contact. In this paper this part of the paradigm will be
called the UFO/Alien phase.
2.- the recognition and restoration of our true history
as a genetically engineered species, half
alien Anunnaki, half
indigenous Homo Erectus, according to the thesis paradigm of the
Sumerian scholar,
Zecharia Sitchin, and its ramifications for
our future. In this paper this part of the paradigm is called
the Human History phase.
These are two artificial
problems because the overwhelming evidence for both is patent but
the obstruction of both by vested interests prevents closure. The
same type, sometimes identical, patronizing vested interests and
authorities obstruct the processes of revelation of the alien
presence as obstruct the restoration or our half-alien history for
similar and identical reasons. The resolution of the latter
“problem” will relieve the political pressures on the obstructing
authorities and facilitate the revelation of the former “problem”.
Only by regaining our true species identity and a generic definition
of human nature will we attain the global unity and unassailable
integrity that will allow us to interact with an alien culture no
matter how strange. Without prejudicial religious or cultural
filters, we will be able to know what is good or bad for us and able
to understand what is good or bad for the alien species. We may not
be accepted into stellar society until we reach that level of
species maturity.
The two parts of the paradigm are defined, developed, their
ramifications examined, and their interrelationships explicated.
Practical measures for expediting and accelerating both processes
are outlined and suggested, and species beneficial goals, in keeping
with the fullness of human dignity and freedom, are defined in an
evolutionary progressive context.
The intention of the author in this paper is not to instruct but to suggest. The following is based on
fifty years of interest,
research, intense study, involvement, and reflection on the human
condition as a generic human and professional philosopher.
It is
respectfully submitted for consideration as a means of facilitating
a breakthrough to resolution of these matters which are now
effectively and detrimentally at a standstill.
The Status Quo Of The UFO/Alien Phenomenon
A preliminary caveat: it is fully recognized that some of the
sighted UFO’s, reported abductions, encountered “aliens”
may be not
alien but human action, technology and human events. This paper
focuses only on the actual alien presence, technology and
The position of the author regarding the UFO’s presence paradigm
agrees with that held by the majority of the organizations addressed
herein: alien civilization(s) from outside of our solar system have
been visiting the Earth for an indeterminate time, the current one
in focus being the gray type(s). The author has been intensely
interested in the phenomenon since 1947 when, at the age of 17, he
read the first report issued from Roswell, AZ of a saucer being
captured after crashing.
Some 50 years of research and study of the
subject leaves no doubt in the mind of this author that contact by
probably multiple alien races with humans has been made (the
military first because of the danger of aggressive response).
Information and technology has been exchanged, the population of the
world gradually acclimated to the alien presence by both the
and the human command structure given charge of the matter.
The entire UFO subject has been covered up and disavowed, at first
because of fear of the unknown and possible anarchy and chaos on the
part of the population, subsequently because of the difficulty of
revelation and taking of blame for cover-up.
The alien bodies that
have been examined, autopsied and the live aliens interacted with
have demonstrated that some are humanoid at least in appearance if
not in physiology and some are actually androids. The “problem” is
artificial in that it is only a problem because of the obstructive
denial by the government. The evidence for the alien presence has
developed to such a robust degree and the data is so vast
that the
government’s final acknowledgment is hardly needed.
Even though we have the testimony of:
...to name only a tiny government, military and NASA handful,
the supreme irony of this situation is that we continue to look to
the very government which has been covering up the phenomenon for
validation, verification and authentication.
The reason why we have
done so is due, to a great degree, to the conditioning, over
thousands of years, to submit to authority stemming from the
peculiar nature of our origins in subservience as brilliantly
elucidated by the thesis of the Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin.
The perpetuation of this subservience in the form of a sublimated
“fear of God” through the religious institutions founded on it has
shaped our world so profoundly that we fear to even reconsider it.
We therefore rely on authority when we should not and we tend to
look to anyone showing up here from off planet as masters or
A fundamental question, seldom considered due to our conditioning to
look to the three classic criteria bases, theology, philosophy and
science which are themselves brought into question by it: Is it
possible to arrive at a new world view which corrects, completes and
subsumes all our previous worldviews? Explains all our previous
explanations? The answer is, unequivocally, Yes.
But Kuhn, who
examined the nature of scientific revolutions is painfully correct.
We almost have to wait for the older generation to die off rather
than see an orderly and rational transition to a new paradigm. Those
with vested, academic teaching or scientific reputations or
religious, political or economic interests are not going to
acquiesce easily or at all.
We operate far behind the evolutionary
leading edge in this regard because of this inertia.
The Status Quo Of The HH (Human History)
Sitchin Paradigm Of
Our Own Half-Alien Species History
The Sumerian scholar, Zecharia Sitchin, published his first work in
From his knowledge of Sumerian, the Semitic and other ancient
languages and his research and study of the archaeological and
Biblical data acquired over the last one hundred and fifty years he
put forth his thesis that the transcultural gods known to all the
ancient cultures were not mythological but real flesh and blood
humanoid aliens, very much like humans, who had come here from the
tenth planet in our solar system,
Planet X in the popular press,
Nibiru by the Sumerians.
They subsequently genetically
engineered our species, originally as slave animals to work in their
gold mines, by crossing their genes with those of Homo Erectus.
The Historical Background Necessary For An Understanding of
Sitchin’s Thesis
An introductory note:
Consider a typical reaction to this
analysis: what is said here by this author has been presented as
carefully and reasonably as possible. However, by the very fact of
it being an analysis of our history and, almost incidentally,
religion, it will often first be perceived as the breaking of a
taboo, perhaps a suspect attack, perhaps atheistic, or somehow less
than “American” in its spirit, perhaps even “against God” - even
though the evidence brought is no different in kind than that
brought against the UFO’s conspiracy and, perhaps, is even more
robust. The godspell is the deepest dye in the fabric of our
There was literally no such thing as the discipline known as
Archaeology in Western culture until the 1800’s. The
Roman Church controlled and determined the view of the past.
Bishop Usher’s view,
that the entire planet and life on it as described in Genesis came
into existence through the auspices of a cosmic creator in 4004
B.C., was doctrine and one could be branded a heretic for disavowing
Not until paleontological findings forced that view to be
reevaluated and Schliemann, a wealthy German merchant, refusing to
admit that the ancient cities and peoples were legend, dug up
was a window into the past opened and the mythic view questioned.
Scientific Archaeology as we know it came into existence only when
academics reluctantly had to acknowledge the past being dug up and
collected by amateurs in the Middle East.
Archaeologists came to be
mistrusted and hated by the religious institutions who feared
revelations that would contradict their teachings and the history of
the Old Testament.
The Demise Of The Mythological Explanation Of The Gods
(It is trivial that
quaint local myths concerning many subjects exist all over the
world among both more and less primitive peoples. We consider
here only the latter day interpretation of the transcultural
“gods” involved in human history as mythic, unreal. We note also
that the ancient civilizations did not call the Anunnaki “god” .
They referred to them as masters, lords, in the sense of
Those still holding the
mythological interpretation are in an unenviable position. They find
themselves having to hold that the same citizens of the first
civilizations who, they claim, invented -- or hallucinated -- the
gods through their primitive imaginings and naive proto-scientific
projections of personality on the great forces of nature were the
same primitives who somehow could build the
stupendous Giza pyramid;
somehow quarry, cut and move into place the one thousand ton stones
of the
Baalbek “temple” (rocket platform) which even our modern
technology cannot begin to lift; somehow know the great precessional
cycle of the heavens, the existence of all ten of the planets of our
solar system and how our solar system was formed (Enuma Elish
To escape this awkward dilemma, some fall back on the explanation
that there “must” have been an even earlier civilization, lost now
in the mists of time, the identity of which we cannot know which
“must” have been destroyed or declined --- but which somehow left
just enough technology and knowledge laying around to jump start the
early civilizations we know.
But they must hold this interpretation
against the clear declaration of the Sumerian and all other ancient
peoples that the gods were real flesh and blood, present to them,
who gave them civilization.
The physical locations of the ancient legends as mythic has been
gradually disproven beginning with the work of Schliemann (a German
merchant who refused to believe that the legendary ancient cities
were mythic and risked his money to go to the middle east with
ancient maps and dug up Troy, thereby breaking open the seal of
myth) and completed with the re-discovery of all the ancient cities
and centers on all continents.
The events involving the “gods” of ancient times and the technology
attributed to them, considered as myth and naive legend, has been
gradually disproven, beginning with the discovery of documents from
the most ancient cities and reinforced with the discovery of the
great library of Ashurbanipal at Nineveh and the gradual
accumulation of some two million pieces of artifact and document
confirming those events in great detail.
The discovery of
high tech tools, toys, artifacts, and technology along with
documentation of advanced scientific knowledge ostensibly out of
place in time along with astronomical knowledge of the entire solar
system beyond our current level has reinforced the negation of the
mythic interpretation.
The interpretation of the “gods”,
the Anunnaki themselves, as
mythic, unreal beings (academic mythologists) and Jungian archetypes
(Joseph Campbell) and the relegation of them to schizophrenic
hallucination (Julian Jaynes) has been gradually disproven
beginning with the acknowledgment of the reality of the events
attributed to them; the discounting of the arguments for their
unreality due to the seeming fantastic deeds attributed to them by
the development of our technology (rockets, lasers, radio
communication, genetic engineering, atomic and particle beam
weapons) that duplicate those feats.
This interpretation has been
implemented further by the pioneering exploration and questions
posed by von Daniken and then completed by the comprehensive and
brilliant demonstrations of Sitchin and
Laurence Gardner, the
English historian and genealogist.
The mythic
interpretation has been supported by religions because to recognize
the Anunnaki as real would be to open the door to a radical
reinterpretation of the entire phenomenon of religion and put into
question the real identity of the very deity at center of their
belief system. Gardner has brought to light, however, the fact that
there exists a robust, highly documented history carrying all the
way back to the Anunnaki, possessed by the heterodox tradition of
This tradition is the one branded heretical and
murderously persecuted by
the Roman Church before and during the
Inquisition. There was no Dark Ages for this tradition, only for
those whom the Church wanted to keep in the dark about the real
nature of human history.
Now that we have begun by walking on the moon and exploring the
solar system and have probes going starward, the possibility of an
alien civilization coming here is taken for granted and one coming
here from inside our solar system trivial, rather than unreal myth.
“Mythinformation”, after two hundred years of failure, although
still hiding behind tenure in the university, is a dead issue.
The Essence Of The Sitchin Paradigm
Working from the same archaeological discoveries, artifacts,
and recovered records as archaeologists and linguists have for two
hundred years, Sitchin propounds – proves, in the opinion of this
author --that the Anunnaki (Sumerian: “those who came down from the
heavens”), an advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our
solar system, splashed down in the Persian gulf area around 432,000
years ago, colonized the planet, with the purpose of obtaining large
quantities of gold.
Some 250,000 years ago the recovered documents
tell us their lower echelon miners rebelled against the conditions
in the mines and the Anunnaki directorate decided to create a
creature to take their place. Enki, their chief scientist and
Ninhursag their chief medical officer, after getting no satisfactory
results splicing animal and homo-erectus genes, merged their
Anunnaki genes with that of Homo-Erectus and produced us, homo
sapiens, a genetically bicameral species, for their purposes as
slaves. Because we were a hybrid we could not procreate. The demand
for us as workers became greater and we were genetically manipulated
to reproduce.
Eventually, we became so numerous that some of us were expelled from
the Anunnaki city centers, gradually spreading over the planet.
Having become a stable genetic stock and developing more
precociously than, perhaps, the Anunnaki had anticipated,
Anunnaki began to be attracted to humans as sexual partners and
children were born of these unions. This was unacceptable to the
majority of the Anunnaki high council and it was decided to
wipe out
the human population through a flood that was predictable when
Nibiru, the tenth in our solar system and the Anunnaki
home planet,
came through the inner solar system again (around 12,500 years ago)
on one of its periodic 3600 year returns.
Some humans were saved by
the action of the Anunnaki, Enki, who was sympathetic to the humans
he had originally genetically created. For thousands of years we
were their slaves, their workers, their servants, their soldiers in
their political battles among themselves. The Anunnaki used us in
the construction of their palaces (we retroproject the religious
notion of temple on these now), their cities, their mining and
refining complexes and their astronomical installations on all the
They expanded from Mesopotamia to Egypt to
India to
South and Central America and the stamp of their presence can be
found in the farthest reaches of the planet.
Around 6000 years ago they, probably realizing that they were going
to phase off the planet, began to gradually bring humans to
independence. Sumer, a human civilization, amazing in its “sudden”
and mature and highly advanced character was set up under their
tutelage in Mesopotamia, human kings were inaugurated as
go-betweens, foremen of the human populations answering to the
Anunnaki. Some humans were taught technology, mathematics,
astronomy, advanced crafts and the ways of civilized society. The
high civilizations of Egypt and Central America arose.
The Anunnaki became somewhat more remote from humans.
By around 1250
B.C. they had gone into their final phase-out mode. The human
population and the foremen kings, now left on their own, began to
fend for themselves. For some three thousand years, subsequently, we
humans have been going through a traumatic transition to
independence. Proprietary claims made by various groups of humans as
to who knew what we should be doing to get the Anunnaki to return or
when they returned, perpetuated the palace and social rituals
learned under the Anunnaki and sometimes disagreement and strife
broke out between them.
Religion, as we know it, took form,
on the “god” or “gods”, clearly and unambiguously known to the
humans who were in contact with them as imperfect, flesh and blood
humanoids, now absent.
It was only much later that the Anunnaki were
eventually sublimated into cosmic character and status and, later
on, mythologized due to remoteness in time.
What Evidence Supports The Sitchin Thesis?
The Astronomical
A key underpinning of the Sitchin paradigm is the existence, now
or in the past, of the tenth planet in our solar system, the
home planet of the Anunnaki with the size, orbit,
characteristics described, as Sitchin has demonstrated, in
the Enuma Elish and corroborated by Harrington.

Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930. Christie, of the U.S. Naval
Observatory, discovered Charon, Pluto’s moon, in 1978.
characteristics of Pluto derivable from the nature of
demonstrated that there must still be a large planet
undiscovered because Pluto could not be the cause of the
residuals, the “wobbles” in the orbital paths of Uranus and
Neptune clearly identifiable.
The IRAS (Infrared Astronomical
Satellite), during ’83 -’84, produced observations of a tenth
planet so robust that one of the astronomers on the project said
that “all that remains is to name it” -- from which point the
information has become curiously guarded. In 1992 Harrington and
Van Flandern of the Naval Observatory, working with all the
information they had at hand, published their findings and
opinion that there is, indeed, a tenth planet, even calling it
an “intruder” planet. Andersen of JPL later publicly expressed
his belief that it could possibly be verified any time.
search was narrowed to the southern skies, below the ecliptic. Harrington invited Sitchin, having read his book and
translations of the Enuma Elish, to a meeting at his office and
they correlated the current findings with the ancient records
and Harrington acknowledged the detail of the ancient records
while indicating where the tenth planet may now be in the solar
The Technological Evidence
Ooparts is the term used to describe the purportedly out of
place in time artifacts, toys, tools, technical devices,
depictions and documents which have come to light through
archaeological excavation or discovery.
Almost everyone is
familiar, through published works or documentaries, with the
clay pot batteries
still containing the electrodes from the
Iraqi desert dated at 2500 B.C., the
flyable model airplane from
a pyramid tomb, the sophisticated machining of stone requiring
the most advanced techniques we know today, the 1000 ton
precision cut blocks of stone in a temple foundation that we
could not even handle, an ancient relief frieze from an
Abydos temple depicting rockets, airplanes and even a helicopter, etc.
The most recent and quite amazing oopart is the rediscovery of
monoatomic gold by David Hudson (Monoatomic are superconductors
at room temperature, have anti-gravitic properties and are only
now being investigated by the advanced physics community) Hudson’s discovery, correlated with the bringing to light, by
Gardner, of the suppressed discovery of
the Anunnaki gold
processing plant on Mt. Horeb
Sir Flinders Petrie in 1889
demonstrates that the monoatomics were already known at least
3000 years ago.
There are also ooparts that date, apparently, to millions of
years ago that require serious evaluation and interpretation.
Relative to the purpose of this paper, however, consideration is
focused on that constellation of ooparts dating from no more
than 450,000 years ago, the approximate time of the first
Anunnaki arrival on Earth, and primarily on those from the time
of the first “sudden” civilizations, 6000 years ago. We have
accumulated almost an encyclopedia of such ooparts
These ooparts, coupled with evidence from many disciplines and
the historical records indicate that an advanced civilization
existed in those times possessing a high technology and that
that civilization was indeed the Anunnaki.
Sitchin has no doubt
that, all the evidence and the testimony of the early humans
themselves, indicate that that civilization was, indeed, the
The Documentary Evidence
The documentary evidence, i.e. the historical documentation for
the existence and deeds of
the Anunnaki, has been available to
us since the early 1800’s.
The excavation of the ancients sites
of Mesopotamia brought to light the amazingly advanced
civilization of Sumer and, with it, thousands of clay tablets
containing not only mundane records of commerce, marriages,
military actions and astronomical calculation systems but of the
history of the Anunnaki themselves. It is clear from these
records that the Sumerians knew these aliens to be real flesh
and blood.
The library of the ruler, Ashurbanipal, at
was discovered to have burnt down and the clay tablets held
there were fired, preserving them for our reading. Even to this
day, more and more records are discovered. One of the most
impressive finds, in very recent time, has been a sealed, nine
foot by 6 foot room in Sippar holding, neatly arranged on
shelves, a set of some 400 elaborate clay tablets containing an
unbroken record of the history of those ancient times, a sort of
time capsule.
Again, the evidence is so overwhelming and robust
that , if it weren’t for those with power enough to suppress, it
would have been accepted and our world view changed a century
ago or perhaps sooner.
The Genetic Evidence
The recovered records place the location of the Anunnaki
laboratory where the first humans were literally produced in
east central Africa just above their gold mines.
This falls
precisely on the map where the
mitochondrial DNA “search for
Eve” places the first woman Homo-Sapiens sapiens and in the same
time frame. The evidence of advanced genetic engineering is all
there in the ancient documents. Our rapid progress from
inception to going to Mars soon, after only 250,000 years, does
not correspond to the million year periodicities of slow
evolutionary development of other species such as homo erectus
before us.
The HH paradigm shows that the
Creationists were only
half wrong and the Evolutionists only half right:
there was a
creation event but it was a genetic engineering process; there
is an evolutionary process but it was interrupted in our regard
by the Anunnaki for their own practical purposes. We shall be
forced to introduce an additional category: a synthesized
species. |
Two Definitive
Protocols for Proving or Disproving the Sitchin Paradigm
A straightforward approach to prove or disprove the Sitchin paradigm
is available from astronomy. A thorough, professional search of our
solar system should be able with current technology to determine the
existence or non-existence of a tenth planet with the
characteristics of size, orbit, orbital periodicity, declination
from the ecliptic, as Sitchin has determined from the translations
of the ancient records and particularly the
Enuma Elish document.
that planet is not in our solar system or no evidence can be found
for an ejection or cataclysmic destructive event then the Sitchin
paradigm falls.
This search should be undertaken with highest

The matter is
sufficiently important to clearing up our historical situation that
the academic world should be involved as well as the scientific
community. It is the opinion of this author that, in light of the
evidence already obtained through the use of the Pioneer 10
and 11
and two Voyager space craft, the Infrared Imaging Satellite (IRAS,
‘83-84) and the data available to Harrington when consulting with
Sitchin that the search has already been accomplished, in fact that
the planet has already been found.
It is interesting that Harrington
dispatched an appropriate telescope to Black Birch, New Zealand to
get a visual confirmation, based on the data leading to the
expectation that it would be below the ecliptic in the southern
skies at this point in its orbit.
On Harrington’s early death the
scope was immediately called back --- as one observer noted, “almost
before he was cold”. To acknowledge a tenth planet is to open up the
possibility of the Anunnaki's existence. The reason for the
downplaying of the data, the difficulty of obtaining it, the
performance of the scientists publicly speaking about it, all have
the same flavor as the Air Force’s handling of the Roswell matter.
Obviously, even before any official confirmation of the existence of
Nibiru/Planet X in our system and certainly afterward, a focused
scan in its direction by a modified SETI type search that used all
appropriate parts of the energy spectrum including our own radio and
TV common frequencies would be productive in determining the
existence of intelligent life continuing to exist thereon. To
anticipate a possible mystery: even if the planet it confirmed, it
is possible that no intelligent signals may be received.
This is a
conjecture, only, on the part of the author but, in light of the
kind of summary withdrawal and lack of subsequent contact by the
Anunnaki, it is not inconceivable that any artificial signal output
has been masked.
This hypothesis is based on a conclusion that one
of the major reasons for their phasing off this planet was not just
because they needed a ballistic rocket launch window to reach their
planet when it came through the inner solar system last time but
because they had come to realize that we needed to be left on our
own to find our own species identity. A scan of this type should be
undertaken immediately. It should be assumed that our signals have
been monitored since their phase-off.
A second mode of proof or disproof is available through genetics. We
will shortly have the
entire human genome read out. That process and
the information available as a result should afford us the
opportunity to examine the entire genome for the evidence of the
merging of the two species gene codes, Homo Erectus and
Anunnaki. A
protocol for such a novel determination would have to be developed.
A potential problem may lie in the fact that the melding took place
some 250,000 –200,000 years ago.
A practical spin-off of the effort
may be not only the identification of the two codes or, at least,
the indication of the basic merging, but evidence for why we have
some four thousand cataloged genetic diseases and other species on
this planet hardly any at all. It is at least a reasonable
speculation that imperfections due to the complexity of the major
merging of the two genomes is the cause of those defects in the
first place.
We recommend that this investigation be implemented
again with highest priority for the sake of proving or disproving
the Sitchin paradigm.
The Negative Factors Still Operant In Human Cultures
From Our History As A Genetically Engineered, Subservient Race
The First Factor -
Background Of Conditioning to Subservience
The overwhelming evidence from the Sitchin paradigm demonstrates
conclusively that we were genetically engineered by the Anunnaki
and treated as slaves and then limited partners but always as
subservient to them.
The major ramification (Neil Freer:
Breaking the Godspell) of the Sitchin explication is that
“religion”, as we have known it, is the transmutation, the
transmutation of the Anunnaki-human relationship of
master-subject servitude, of slavery and then limited,
subservient partnership. The Anunnaki phased off this planet at
the latest around 1250 B.C.
Since then, we have been going through phases of a traumatic
transition to species maturity and independence.
The major
characteristic of this process has been the transmutation in all
cultures of them, in particular Enlil/Jehovah in Western
culture, into a cosmic deity, commonly called “God"
in the Judaeo-Christian tradition.
Is this
atheism? No, not as such. It simply is a long
overdue correction of some local, intra-solar system
politics, relatively rather pedestrian in cosmic
perspective. Garden variety atheism can now be
understood as an early sign of precocious species
adolescent rebellion and questioning of the
authority of the obviously all too humanoid
characteristics of the particular local
Nefilim "god" of the
Hebrew tribe and Christianity,
The new paradigm,
once the ancient, subservient godspell is dispelled,
simply frees us to go one on one with the universe
and to seek directly whatever unthinkable or
thinkable ultimate principle is behind it. |
In a later phase we have mythologized them into unreal
beings and then, more “sophisticatedly” into psychological
Only with cumulative evidence and restored history
through modern scholarship have we now been enabled to grasp the
true nature of our genetic creation, our traumatic transition,
and the opportunity to emerge from species adolescence and
amnesia into species maturity.
The Second Factor - The Babel Factor, The Splintering Of The
Human Race Into Hostile Religions
And then they phased off the colony planet. Pretty much just
left without closing the laboratory door, apparently beginning
around 1250 B.C.
The foreman-kings are suddenly depicted in the
stone carvings standing where they used to stand when listening
to instructions from the master pointing to the master’s now
empty chair in utter dismay.
The laments are still engraved in
the clay tablets,
"What do I do when my master is no longer here
to instruct me... what shall I tell the people."
We went into
grief, despair, denial. We blamed ourselves and looked to the
sky for their return. The good kings did their best, the leaders
sometimes were told to go up the mountain to get some
instructions long distance from space or make a wooden box lined
with metal just so to act as a receiver. "Now hear this".
Finally we were alone and in confusion, beginning to fight over
who still knew what the master really said, really meant, what
we really should be doing if he did show up.
Service at their
table transmuted into ritual sacrifice of food, attendance at
their baths turned into bathing and clothing of surrogate
statues of them and gradually the routine services turned into
cargo cult rituals and their palaces became empty temples. And
the less than good kings began to take advantage, began to
swagger. Sometimes they got away with it on their own. Sometimes
the people, in desperation, raised their king to a symbolic god.
And the god-king and the seed of the notion of the divine right
of kings became. And the chief servants went along with it
because it was to their advantage to become known as priests or
to preserve their jobs and status. And those who had been
taught, seeing that the advanced knowledge of technologies and
science and the arts, learned as part of their function, of
writing, mathematics, astronomy, science, metallurgy, and the
fine crafts in general was being lost set an agenda to preserve
it. In the face of misunderstanding and threat they disguised
it, withdrew it, hid it. And the "occult"
Eventually, the situation evolved to a very macabre stage. In an
effort to demonstrate our subservience and zeal to make things
right if they would just come back we kept the rules, we
maintained the routines of service but , after a long time of
disappointment, we reached a point of abject, abysmal
desperation where we would do anything to get them to come back
-- and we did.
the Nefilim males’ attraction to our
young women, we began to cut their hearts out on top of the
empty pyramidal palaces in a collective craven pleading shriek
to the heavens from whence they had come and gone. But that
unspeakable and unappreciated horror could not last: we began to
doubt, to entertain frightening cynicism, secret thoughts of
independence and why bother.
Slowly a classic dissociative process developed due to
separation in time and we began to sublimate the flesh and blood Nefilim into
cosmic absolutes and their personalities into
mythic archetypes. Looking back over the history of our species
the traumatic transition we have gone through might well be
characterized as the creation of the concept of a cosmic God by
us, through a series of psychological mutational phases.
Eventually, we simply began to forget.
The transition from species amnesia to species maturity has been
a very traumatic passage. Breaking the godspell has seen us go
through the stages of abandonment to dissociation, to
transmutation to religion to rebellion and now to
recovery. It
is analogous to the dysfunctional family syndrome on a planetary
So, down to our day, incredibly, we have remained still
Babel-factored for good crowd control, broken into tribes each
proprietarily telling the other that ours is the only accurate
tradition of what some particular “god” intended, what rules to
follow, what we should be doing to demonstrate we are still
loyal and docile servants. Sometimes we just kill each other
over it.
And persecutions, Crusades,
Jihads, Inquisitions, evil
empires, the saved and the damned, the martyr, the
infidel, the
saint, the protestant, the fundamentalist, the
atheist, became
-- and remain.
The Third Factor - A Tradition Of Absolutism, Suppression and
It is the nature of the historical events by which
Yahweh/Jehovah became the monotheistic (single, supreme -- and
alien) “god” of the Hebrews which furnishes the third key to how
the UFO/Alien and the Sitchin Human History Paradigm
Modern scholarship, working on the foundations laid as far back
as the German school, has reassessed the Old Testament. When the
Mesopotamian records began to be unearthed in the 1800’s, it was
realized that the history revealed from 4000 B.C. forward, was
the source of the history of the Old Testament.
allowed to be confined to captivity by the Babylonians by their
“god” Jehovah, had drawn on that history and committed forgery (Sitchin)
by rewriting it to their need to establish Enlil/Jehovah as
their supreme ruler.
That history shows clearly that two
Anunnaki brothers, Enlil and Enki had always been at odds with
each other personally and politically. Enki was the Anunnaki
scientist who, together with his half-sister scientist sister,
Ninhursag, had created humans and had always been favorable to
them. Enlil had always had reservations about humans and
dominated them with severity.
Gardner has made the case (Bloodline Of The Holy Grail,
Of the Grail Kings) that when the Old Testament referred to
Lord (Adonai, Enki) it was when good things were being done to
or for the Hebrews. When terrible things were being done or
allowed to happen to them, the reference was always to
Jehovah/Yahweh, (Enlil) and it was to Enlil’s dominance that they
finally capitulated and worshipped in fear.
Enki (The Lord, Adonai) initiated a bloodline of human leaders, further enhanced
with Anunnaki genes and taught the advanced scientific knowledge
they possessed (Gardner). This
royal bloodline, coming down
through David and the anointed messiehs (anointed ones) was
recognized but treated ambiguously by the large faction of the
Hebrews who paid allegiance to Enlil.
Old Testament, a
collection of books from which some considered unacceptable were
excluded because they would contradict the forgeries necessary
to establish Enlil as supreme, promulgates a religious attitude
based in subservience and “fear of God”. It is this attitude, an
extension of the ancient master-slave relationship which is at
root of Western culture and the pervasive looking to the holders
of power and dominance as ultimate and often absolute authority.
The scenario replayed itself when the strain of Judaism that
eventually became known as Christian allied itself with
Rome and
became the Roman Church. It perpetuated the
Enlil type fear of
God tradition and, in its turn, suppressed, persecuted and
brutalized the human-centered strain of Christianity springing
from the tradition fostered by Enki.
It was this powerful religion of the Bishops and the
which could torture, main and kill to dominate and control that
also controlled and dictated to the early Universities. Our
schools of higher “learning” still parade the trappings of the
Medieval university on ceremonial occasions and, unfortunately,
all too often still in their limitation of discussion to
approved subjects.
This policy and position of dominant absolute authority on the
part of the Roman Church extended itself gradually in the
modality of the Roman political and military way and controlled
and formed governments and government policies through kings and
queens whose crowns were bestowed by the Church. Its policies
unchanged, the Inquisition exists under the title of the
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).
The latter day solution to the religious mayhem,
always just under the surface, developed in the U. S.
Constitution, still saw it necessary to give deference to the
fearful God of the Judeo-Christian tradition, Yahweh/Jehovah
- Enlil the Anunnaki, alien “god”.
Similarities And Critical Interrelationships
Between the UFOA and
Sitchin HH Paradigm
The focus of the control and suppression of information
turns out to be identical: the existence and presence, action and
interaction of an alien, intra-solar system civilization in the past
and possibly contemporaneously (HH); the existence and presence,
action and interaction of an alien, extrasolar system civilization
in the past and contemporaneously (UFOA).
The type of authority and their agenda in enacting the control and
suppression are similar: the dominant power players in the Judaeo
and Christian contexts working to patronizingly consolidate a
proprietary religio-political regime in self-interest and corrupted
from the original ideal; the dominant power players in our society
working, probably sincerely at first but, subsequently,
patronizingly, to consolidate a political regime in self-interest
and corrupted from the Democratic ideal.
The methodology of the use of suppression of information,
manipulation of the pertinent history, deception, the use of threat
, intimidation, and force is similar and sometimes identical: the
billy-club slapped across the palm to emphasize the threat of death
to a witness’ daughter at Roswell echoes the Inquisitional threats
and execution of “heretics”; the
Project Blue Book agenda mirrors
the Egyptian Exploration Fund’s suppression and expunging of
Petrie’s publication of his find of the Anunnaki
gold processing
plant at Mt. Horeb (Gardner:
Genesis Of the Grail Kings)
It is not surprising, therefore, in light of our half-alien but
subservient slave background, that we have tolerated the patronizing
forgeries and abuses of authority that have been exercised by those
who have controlled the UFO/Alien situation since at least the
It is not surprising that so many react, almost reflexively, to the
possibility of another race coming here from the stars or a tenth
planet in our own solar system by immediately assuming their
superiority and benevolence or power to control. If we have been
looking to the sky for some three thousand years for Daddy to return
from where the Anunnaki went when phasing off the planet,
for their return to make everything right and tell us what to do, we
put ourselves in the dangerous and highly vulnerable position of
being taken over by anything that happens to show up here - even
if they are androids.
We must break this godspell to
become fully
effective and independent.
It is not surprising that even those who recognize the reality of
the alien presence now and the half-alien nature of our own genetic
background can still be taken in by demands for subservience. Some
New Age lecturers would lead people up the mountain where they
expect the space ship to land and the rescued to be incorporated
into some alien sub-culture. Some would claim that we should allow
ourselves to become GI-Joes in some alien conflict between purported
light and dark forces so that we can be rewarded by the victorious
light leader and given advanced technology at the victory picnic.
Consider even the U.S. Constitution in the godspell perspective: it
was constructed to create a society where a religiously pluralistic
population could coexist with the minimum of inter-denominational
mayhem. A result of this enforced acceptance of Babel-factored
plurality has been an uncomfortable protocol of avoidance of
discussion and an attitude that any criticism is automatically
partisan prejudice. This makes extremely difficult any impartial
reexamination and evaluation of the history of the race because it
is, in effect, inescapably, some denomination’s “religious”
The religious background and belief systems of UFO investigators,
politicians, scientists cause internal conflicts that often enervate
their efforts . The degree of evolvement of the consciousness of the
scientist, the scholar, the politician, the philosopher, the UFO
investigator determines the level of effectiveness of their actions.
The most expert of UFO investigators who is still looking for some
superior being to show up to help us out, "save" us,
instruct us,
is looking through an outmoded and restrictive, even submissive
The scientist who ignores or denies the evidence for the
alien presence, present and past, due to peer, grant, government or
religious pressures is just as limited. The denial or ignoring of
the evidence of alien presence, present and past and directly
connected with our own origins by SETI is analogous to the denial or
ignoring of the archaeological evidence for the presence and role of
the Anunnaki in our past by the sciences and religions of the world.
The attitudes we have exhibited, the ways in which we have acted and
the way in which we have let ourselves be manipulated by the
controlling powers with regard to UFO/Alien presence and
our own
species history and the postures we continue to exhibit clearly are
the direct offshoot of our ancient subservient godspell background
and history.
Integration Of The Two Parts Of The Alien Paradigm
Can Move Us
To A New Plateau Of Species Existence
It is the conviction of this author that, unless and until we
restore our true history, attain a generic, consensual definition
and understanding of what a human being is and step out of species
adolescence thereby, we shall not resolve the current UFO/alien
questions fully because we will not have the species maturity and
planetary unity to be able to interact gracefully with a strange
species, knowing easily what is acceptable and unacceptable for both
of us.
This is simply another facet of the reasoning by those who
felt desperately compelled, militarily and diplomatically, to deal
with the incoming alien grays elected to keep the matter as secret
as possible
Restoration of our true half alien history, however, will free us to
attain the unassailable species integrity to enable us to demand and
present credentials, determine intent, agenda, and negotiate
confidently so that we are accepted into stellar society with full
dignity. It will enable us to have the individual and species self
confidence and perspective that will prevent us from being
manipulated, intimidated or conquered by whomever is here or shows
up here in the future.
Only this kind of integration will allow us
to gain explanations and understanding of many details of both the HH and UFOA scenarios.
Practical Advantages Derived From the Integration of the UFOA
and HH Paradigms
The elucidation of the Anunnaki alien presence in the past
explains the presence of ooparts, the puzzles concerning “sudden”
civilizations, our non-standard evolutionary progress and our unique
gene code, and resolves the Creationist-Evolutionary conflict.
understanding of our bicameral racial heritages, homo-erectus and
Anunnaki and our genetic creation for pragmatic Anunnaki purposes
may explain why we have four thousand plus genetic diseases due to
imperfections in the genetic synthesis while other species on this
planet have few or none.
A more precise and complete overview of our past enables us to
differentiate between myth, mythic beings and
aliens of whatever
type have manifest or come here in the past and present and will aid
us in differentiating and dealing with aliens in the future.
That we
are literally half alien genetically throws the entire question of
the alien reality into a far different perspective.
Some Possible Scenarios Opened Up By The Recognition Of The
There are several possible reasonable scenarios presented by the
expansion of the alien paradigm. They are simply listed here,
without weighted evaluation, for the consideration of the reader.
A preliminary note: Not long ago, one could be in very serious
trouble with religious authorities by expressing belief that there
could be other races from other places -- much less other dimensions
(Giordano Bruno, a monk who claimed that was
burnt at the stake by the Church only a few years before the founding of Harvard
University). The notion of dimensions beyond our comfortable three
is relatively novel and still partially speculative; physicists
still holding for various actual counts. It is understandable,
therefore, that a sort of aura of mystery and awe, sometimes almost
transcendentally religious, is projected on “dimensionality”.
added precision of differentiation afforded by this expansion of
perspective removes the mystical halo from the concept of
“interdimensional” applied to some aliens.
It may well be true,
quite probably is true, that some aliens and their technologies and,
therefore, their relative consciousness, involve modalities which
use or operate in dimensions other than the three which we are
accustomed to perceive. Physics, human or alien, however, is still
physics – whether of this sub universe or another. It will be easier
to deal with whatever physics manifests or is discovered as the
subliminal mystical elements are dismissed from out thinking and the
knee-jerk – or, perhaps, knee bending – subservient godspell reflex
is eliminated.
Nibiru, the Anunnaki home planet and tenth in our solar system
still exists in orbit in our solar system (not having been involved
in some destructive catastrophic or ejection event) there is
reasonable expectation that the Anunnaki still exist. The evidence
gathered by the investigation using the IRAS in 83-’84 for that
planet still existing in our solar system was enough to convince
Harrington of the Naval Observatory.
The “ Nordic”
alien type
correspond in physical appearance most closely to the Anunnaki. It
is easily conceivable that they could, at this stage of their
technological development, come here, either as monitors or even as
tourists any time they wished (although, in earlier times,
apparently possessing only ballistic, rocket technology they were
limited to certain orbital constraints.)
Some greasy and other types may be found to be robots and androids
the Anunnaki, used as remote probes or perhaps routine monitoring
of this planet, as cautiously used envoys, perhaps sacrificed in
crashes as a safe, sterile and non threatening introductory
manifestation (Roswell). The correlation with the recorded
prophecies in the Mayan Codex of the appearance of many videotaped
UFOs over Mexico at the time of the 1991 eclipse of the sun and
subsequently, because of the association of the Anunnaki with the
Central American early civilizations, may point to these saucers
being Anunnaki.
Some grays and other types may be from extrasolar system societies
and fully humanoid or android and to be differentiated from Anunnaki
associated androids. Some extra-solar system types may be known to,
unknown to, friendly with, antagonistic to, have an active
relationship with the Anunnaki.
It may be that there is, as has been alleged or claimed by some,
direct cooperation/collusion with an alien species on the part of
some humans of socio-economic international influence, for the
purpose of controlling the population and, perhaps, even the planet.
In the cases where those aliens turn out to be
Anunnaki, the two
parts of the paradigm will merge completely.
Representations of some creatures in the Anunnaki time period in the
Middle East bear striking resemblance to the descriptions and
depictions of the gray type aliens known in modern times.
interpretations of some of these images and detailed descriptions
are that they were robots and androids developed and used by the
It is this author’s opinion that the alien presence matter is simply
old and, at the present stage of our collective understanding and
reaction to it, becoming rather boring. The progress we are making
with these artificial problems is far behind the leading edge of our
evolution and we suffer from the artificial retardation.
It is evident that those who found themselves with the
responsibility for handling the UFOA phenomenon from at least the
time of Roswell conspired to conceal it for the general purpose of
learning the technology for weapons and defense but equally because
of the concern that the general population would be devastatingly
Restoring our true half-alien history will remove the
naive, parochial and religious handicaps and afford a species
maturity, cosmic perspective and independence that may reassure
those charged with dealing with the UFOA matter that the disruptions
and chaos in the general public anticipated on revelation will
definitely not take place.
That they have been acting in a
patronizing way toward the citizens of this country is, in a real
sense, a reflection of their own limitations, a product of their
military type approach which, as Corso said, challenged on a simple
“friend or foe” basis.
They need an opportunity
to inform the public that will save enough face for them and this
could be the item that affords it. They will advance the argument
that the public had and has no concept of the dangers and threats
from the aliens, no concept of the strangeness of their science and
their society and their intentions and the degree of advancement of
their evolution over ours.
This level of species consciousness and
independence disengages the individual from subservience to and
reliance on this kind of patronizing authority and they will no
longer be even needed. We will see the inevitable struggle to
preserve their power on the part of the least evolved of them, a
graceful recognition of the requisite species maturation and
resultant resignation of that power on the part of the more evolved
of them.
It is not as if they have possessed exclusive knowledge of the
situation all along. The UFOA phenomenon has always manifest an
element of direct contact with the general public through physical
manifestations of craft, abduction,
direct communication of
information, quite clearly on a gradual, planned and orchestrated
basis at least on the part of some species.
Perhaps if those who
control realize that we will simply go on without them they will
understand that it is no longer either necessary to patronize the
general public or “protect” that classic fiction the “ordinary
The Next Step
The evaluations of the information contained herein and decisions
whether to consider and incorporate it into the agendas of the
various organizations addressed, ironically and paradoxically, will
be influenced by the same factors elucidated herein as
counterproductive and suppressive.
Some will look to academia or establishment science as a criterion
and reject it for fear of loosing contact with those worlds that
survive on government grants.
Some will deem it too difficult because the UFOA matter is already
so controversial that to incorporate it will, in their minds,
complexity the situation to the point of being unwieldy -- or too
politically incorrect.
Some will reject it simply because they feel it will offend
religious groups and alienate those who might otherwise give support
or at least be open to influence. It is a thing of great
mystification and awe to witness a champion of the UFOA cause who is
ready to take on any governmental authority cower before “religious”
institutional authority.
Some in the UFOA community will reject it, most ironically, because
it contradicts their personal religious or metaphysical or
philosophical or new age belief system without a serious
consideration of the facts.
There are, however, a growing number of those who have freed
themselves from the imprints and conditioning of their cultures and
their religions sufficiently to be able to integrate both halves of
the alien paradigm into their thinking and worldview. They have
reached the genetic enlightenment afforded by the restoration of our
true history and it has enabled them to expand to integrate the
This expansion has empowered them to think and decide for
themselves concerning the overwhelming mass of evidence for both the
UFOA presence and the HH Sitchin worldview, and to move beyond both
governmental and religious obfuscation
and obstructions. For them,
the Paradigm Clock has struck twelve long ago and they are about the
business of becoming their own evolutionary artists and preparing to
meet the aliens and prepared to restore relations with
the Anunnaki.
They have already experienced and passed beyond the profound
paradigm shift anticipated and predicted by so many. In a real sense
they are the paradigm shift: they are finished with this phase of
investigation, speculation, the forcing of revelation. The current
UFOA situation is like an old ‘40’s movie: the resistance to the
Sitchin phase like an academic soap opera in the faculty room.
are free to answer the question “What does it all mean?” with
“Whatever we wish to make it” because they are free to experience
the universe as a plenum of radical freedom in which interaction
with other species is only another significant activity.
If the aliens choose those with whom they will make first overt,
public contact it will most likely be from this group. They are
their own persons with an unassailable integrity and self knowledge
and confidence and sensitivity that will allow them to interact
easily and intelligently without fear, subservience or cramping
It is from within this group that the clarity of vision for the next
phase will come, is already manifesting: the simple, logical,
gathering and implementation of
contact ready teams. They know who
they are and they easily recognize their kind. They know that they
must be beyond the archaic divisions of parochial, national,
political, and social turf borders.
They know they cannot be without
a common human history, cannot be at odds with each other in their
basic conception of what a human being is, cannot be separated on
the basis of religious belief. They know they cannot wait for the
masses of the bell curve because they are the vanguard and they know
their genetic evolutionary role well.
It is this expanded, radically free, self confident and fully
independent consciousness that is the key to the next step: direct,
overt, contact and communication and species interchange with
whomever chooses to initiate it first in that mode. It may be a
species from outside our solar system, it may be a species from
inside our solar system and, therefore, most probably in that case,
the Anunnaki. It will make little difference to these
futant humans
because they will have the information and perspective to comprehend
and evaluate and interact.
The first project of these new humans will be the development of a
universal translator modality based on the principle of
self-reference. The general principles and practical application
have already been established.
The author intends this to be the
subject of a second paper.
Selected Reading
Freer, Neil
Breaking the Godspell (’87, ‘90’,
’93) God Games: What Do You Do Forever? (’98)
Gardner, Sir
Bloodline of the Holy Grail ( ’96)
Genesis of the Grail Kings (’99)
The Twelfth Planet
The Stairway To Heaven The Wars Of Gods and Men
The Lost Realms
When Time Began Genesis Revisited