by Michael Salla
28, 2019
Exopolitics Website
Spanish version

Multiple independent sources have claimed that
the Deep State has
authorized disclosure of a buried civilization in Antarctica as a
means of distracting the mainstream media and general public from
looming mass arrests, which will involve,
charges of subversion
child trafficking,
...and a host of other serious crimes against
compromised government officials according to the military
group Q Anon.

A large Octagon shaped structure that is estimated to be 62 acres in
size and buried under 50 feet of ice near the
Beardmore Glacier (above image) in
West Antarctica appears to be the catalyst for such an announcement.
Two whistleblowers, a
Navy Seal and a US Marine Corps special operator, using the
Spartan 1 and Spartan 2 have emerged and shared their
testimonies with veteran UFO researcher Linda Moulton Howe about the
Octagon and the buried technological wonders of Antarctica.
Spartan 1 described entering
the Octagon in 2003 to extract a
scientist in a
video released by Howe on January 23, 2018.

Spartan 1's account of
the ancient age and advanced technologies found in the structure,
which had multiple layers stretching deep down into the two mile ice
sheet was covered in an earlier article.
In the
live streaming on February 20, where more of Spartan 1's
testimony was released, he described how a submarine was used to
travel from the coastline under the ice sheet to enter the structure
at an entry point approximately two miles beneath the ice.
This corroborates
historic claims that submarines where initially used by
Nazi Germany
to travel from the Antarctic coast line deep under the ice sheets to
establish hidden bases in naturally formed caverns since the early
Howe also released the testimony of Spartan 2 who referred to
Antarctica containing,
"wonders beyond what
most can comprehend" with "ties to space and technology beyond
[Timestamp 22:06]
New York Times
best-selling author
Wilcock released his own
video of Howe's stunning interview with Spartan 1
and 2, which quickly amassed over 300,000 views by time of writing.
After the release of the
video, it was told by 'his' insider sources that an official
announcement about the Antarctic discovery had finally been
'authorized' by the Deep State:
Additionally, just
since this video went live, we have gotten additional briefings
that the Deep State folks are apparently indeed moving forward
with the plan to do the Antarctic Atlantis and undersea ruins
disclosure in the near future.
We heard for some
time that they might do this when they are really in trouble,
and that time is now.
In early 2017,
space program insider Corey Goode
says he was taken to Antarctica
where he got to see first-hand the flash frozen civilization that
had been discovered in Antarctica.
Goode said that in 2002,
scientists and archeologists were allowed to visit the buried
artifacts and begin excavations and study the remains.
This is consistent with
what Spartan 1 later revealed about his August 2003 mission to go
and retrieve a government scientist who had been earlier dropped off
at the buried Octagon structure to study it.
Goode was
the first to claim that the Antarctic ruins and
excavations would be revealed in a partial disclosure initiative in
order to distract the mass media from looming mass arrests and
criminal cases involving Deep State officials:
The Partial
Disclosure plan includes…
The unveiling of ancient, high-tech
ruins in Antarctica that have been newly excavated. This will
prove that "Atlantis" was very real, and far more advanced than
we thought…
The rapidly-escalating
downfall of high-level elite human trafficking rings is bringing
these issues to the immediate forefront.
The Cabal has run out of
time - and they know it.
For many years they have planned on using a partial disclosure to
distract and inspire the public if the full nature of their crimes
were to become known.
Another researcher with his own independent insider sources about
recent discoveries in Antarctica is author Steve Quayle who told
radio host, Dave Hodges about what his sources are telling him about
an impending announcement, which was also a political deception
contrived by the Deep State.
Hodges announced in a
February 22 video
… there is a great
deception coming and it has to do with revelation about aliens,
but it's not going to be a real revelation, it's going to be a
fake revelation.
There is going to be
announced fossilized findings, geological findings that connect
Antarctica to Mars… It's a political purpose, it's great
deception… I don't know when they are going to release this.
Steve got a heads up
that it's coming from inside sources.
In sum, Goode and Quayle
all claim that an announcement about ruins discovered in Antarctica
are impending, and that this is related to a political deception of
some kind.
As to the question of why the time appears to have arrived for a
political deception involving disclosure of discovered Antarctic
ruins, we can turn
to Q Anon who has described the great changes
that are about to occur.
Q has posted (#2856) that once the Robert Mueller investigation
delivers its report of alleged Russian subversion of the 2016
Presidential election, that many long-awaited events will occur:
The Mueller Report is
expected to open the door to declassification [DECLAS] of multiple
documents including unredacted versions of the FISA applications
based on the contrived
Steele Dossier which was used to justify
surveillance of the Trump Presidential campaign.
This will not only expose Deep State officials involved concocting
an "insurance policy" in case Trump won the election, but will also
expose the
roles of Britain and Australia - not Russia - in
subverting the outcome of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election.
Next in Q's sequence of predicted events is the release of the
unedited original version of the June 14, 2018, Office of Inspector
General (OIG)
report on FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) actions
relating to the 2016 election.
The release of these and other documents will lay out the "Truth"
about the Deep State's effort to subvert the 2016 election, and the
criminal actions taken by compromised officials.
This in turn will lead to the final stage in Q's predicted sequence
of events, "Justice", which will involve the US Attorney for Utah,
John Huber, moving forward with the release of up to 60,000
This is expected to trigger the prosecution of
thousands of former officials and
Deep State figures involved in a
variety of crimes including,
human trafficking
...in both military and civilian courts.
In a February 18, post (#2803), Q outlined the ramifications of all
the information about to be released to the public:
809f7f No.5257078
Feb 18 2019 23:25:17 (EST)
Look for ‘Placeholder' updates @ /PatriotsFight
Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.
Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/
follow up criminal prosecution.
On February 26, as
President Trump landed in Vietnam for a summit with North Korea's
Kim Jung Un, Q posted [#2903] that the next 21 days were going to be
It's going to be
Planned long ago.
Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take
In conclusion, according
to Q Anon, we are on the verge of witnessing the collapse of the
Deep State's efforts to subvert the Trump administration, and the
exposure of the criminal actions of many former FBI and DOJ
officials in these efforts.
In addition, the role of
British and
Australian Deep State officials in the subversion efforts will only
serve to accentuate an anticipated world wide media frenzy over what
is about to be revealed.
This is an overview of the political context by which we can now
better understand why the Deep State has decided to move ahead with
disclosure of the discovery of a long-buried civilization in
Such announcements will help
distract the mass media and
the general public from what is about to be revealed in the coming
criminal and military trials of former government officials who
concocted an "insurance policy" to remove Trump from the Presidency.
The simultaneous public emergence of two military insiders, Spartan
1 and 2, discussing technological wonders discovered in Antarctica,
including a 62 acre Octagon shaped structure lying only fifty feet
below the ice, raises the possibility that this may be among the
first of the ancient artifacts about to be revealed by the Deep
While any official announcement concerning discovery of an advanced
ancient civilization buried in Antarctica is to be welcomed, it's
always important to be mindful of the political agenda behind such