by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
July 21, 2011
Examiner Website
Spanish version
George Kavassilas, a life-long extraterrestrial contactee and expert
on the “ascension” process of a possible “dimensional shift” of
- The Living Planet Earth - from her 3rd dimension of time-space to
a 5th dimension of living Light, has declared in an in-depth
ExopoliticsTV interview that
approximately one-half of current humanity will accompany Earth on
its dimensional shift, to occur on the equinox of March 21, 2013.
ExopoliticsTV interview with George Kavassilas
George Kavassilas - Extraterrestrial contactee
Mr. Kavassilas acknowledges himself as a life-long extraterrestrial
“The journey began for George as far back as his memories
of this current life allow, to around the age of five.
He has
memories of being taken from his bed at night onto ships, and being
taken to other places on the planet and to other worlds. His
interactions with other Beings on many different levels of realities
have been occurring throughout his life.
These experiences were both
with benevolent Beings, of which George calls his “Greater Family”,
and malevolent others who have the ability to appear in many
“In 2003 George was to have an experience that changed everything.
His galactic family visited and picked him up and took him to a
large ship situated closer to the Sirius Star System. They
facilitated an experience that saw George take a journey with his
conscious spirit up through the dimensions of our Universe and he
got to rediscover what life here in this Universe is all about.
was able to once again know who we all are, where we come from and
where we are headed.”
About the import and magnitude of the events to occur around March
21, 2013, Mr. Kavassilas states:
“The time of THE GREAT CHANGE is
upon us, and is the outcome for those who embarked on a journey eons
All who have chosen to be here at this time are about to
experience a transformation of a magnitude that few on Earth can
currently comprehend, and of which multitudes in the Universe regard
in the highest esteem.
The transformation of our Divine Mother Earth
and her Humanity into Beings of Light and Universal Creators.”
Alternative models for human consciousness shift
George Kavassilas’ model of the coming consciousness and dimensional
shift for humanity and for the planet Earth joins several
alternative models for a significant evolutionary shift in
consciousness and in planetary dimensional energy frequency that
Earth is appears to be currently undergoing, according to diverse
experts and commentators.
“Planetary ascension to the 5th dimension” Model
Two leading commentators and self-reporting experiencers advocating
the model that Earth will experience a quantum leap from the 3d
dimension of time-space to a 5th dimension of living Light are Mr.
Kavassilas and Dr. Georgi Stankov, a Bulgarian scientist living in
Munich, Germany.
Mr. Kavassilas asserts this event will occur on the
equinox of March 21, 2013, and Dr. Stankov asserts that this event
will occur on the solstice of Dec. 21, 2012. Interestingly, both
commentators use the phrase “Ascension is the Separation of the
Wheat from the Chaff” in describing the ascension process.
It is important to note that Mr. Kavassilas states in the
ExopoliticsTV interview that,
"should these events [the March 21,
2013 ascension] not come to pass, please know that I am not
intentionally trying to promote disinformation. This is what I feel
in my heart at this time."
Mr. Kavassilas has set out the basic science of his model in a
2-part essay on his website entitled: “Harmonic Equation of
Dr. Stankov has likewise developed a science-based approach to his
model of ascension by humanity from the 3rd dimension of time-space
to a 5th dimension of living Light.
Dr. Georgi Stankov has released a 182-page book “The
Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction - Why and How the World
Economic Order will collapse in 2011!" demonstrating that universal law supports
collapse of the world economy starting in 2011, coupled with the
start of mass ascension of awakened humans in 2012, with the trigger
date being
December 21, 2012.
In his book Dr. Stankov writes,
“All evolved souls will ascend. This
will include all star seeds (light workers), indigo, crystalline,
and rainbow children (old souls), and most adult souls.
According to
the working model of soul age, as developed by the author, all adult
and old souls will ascend. His estimations are that there are
currently about 4-8% old souls and about 25-30% adult souls on
Open extraterrestrial "disclosure" will occur, according to Dr.
Stankov, in the 5th dimension between advanced interdimensional
intelligent civilizations and the ascended "5th dimensional" human
Universal Law Supports Collapse of Economy in
2011, Ascension in 2012
- Scientist Says
The role of Earth changes in the “Ascension” process
Both Mr. Kavassilas and Dr. Stankov state that massive
Earth changes
- tectonic plate shifts, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. - will
accompany the ascension process of Earth’s dimensional shift to the
5th dimension.
In his ExopoliticsTV interview, Mr. Kavassilas indicates that
ascension will be accompanied by such Earth changes as an axis
shift. From the 3rd dimension, the ascended Earth will appear as a
magenta-colored star, Mr. Kavassilas states.
Humanity that has
ascended with planet Earth will experience Earth in a 5th dimension
of Light.
According to one source,
"The minimum mass required for spontaneous
fusion [of a planet into a star] is about 1028 Kg [around 20x the
mass of Jupiter]. Assuming the composition is amenable to fusion
[lots of hydrogen], the core would ignite once the former planet
accumulated the necessary mass."
Ascension model
What happens to humans that do not chose, or are
not qualified, to “ascend”?
Under the ascension model, humans that do not chose or are not
attitudinally or evolutionarily qualified to “ascend” to the 5th
According to both Mr. Kavassilas and Dr. Stankov, stratification of
souls and their destinies occurs with the process of ascension.
Mr. Kavassilas and Dr. Stankov agree that those souls who are
attracted to
the “matrix”
way of life:
the permanent war economy
the debt money system
the exploitation of the masses by the wealthy
the dualistic conflict-based materialistic society,
... will not
And that those souls who are easily deceived by the
controllers of the matrix will not ascend as they require further
karmic development.
In his ExopoliticsTV interview, Mr. Kavassilas states that the
remainder half of humanity that does not ascend ends up on different
planets, pursuing karmic life paths more suited to their completion
of a time-space agenda.
December 21, 2012
- The emergence of Planet A and Planet B
Dr. Stankov postulates that there is a bifurcation of time-lines or
realities, and that two planets Earth will emerge around the
solstice of Dec. 21, 2012,
planet A and planet B.
Dr. Stankov
“With the beginning of this year [2011],
humanity has fully entered the process of transgression from one
soul age into the higher one.
This process is not truly comprehended
by most light workers, and it is a non-entity for the rest of
mankind. This must change radically this year. A major objective of
this essay is to expand human consciousness and to make the people
aware of this astral process that now takes place behind the
curtain, but will very soon unleash its force on mass psychology and
“Some young souls will successfully manage their transgression into
the adult soul age in the End Times and will qualify for Ascension.
Others will return to the 5th dimension as excarnated souls and the
rest will remain on planet B. Some of these entities, who belong to
the current Elite, may become the new Elite on this planet, provided
the fact that they have survived the shift and the turmoil
“There will be some small waves of Ascension of star seeds, who have
sufficiently progressed with their light body process before
December 2012. This event will trigger a true spiritual revolution
and evolution in the minds of most human beings. It will urge the
people to rapidly make their minds to ascend with earth at the end
of 2012.
However, not all of them will be prepared for Ascension on
December 21, when our planet will be in alignment with the central
sun of the galaxy and with the other planets of the Galactic
Federation, and a huge photon wave will flood earth.
“Some of them will stay on planet B for a while and will have the
possibility to enter the 5th dimension at a later stage. In the
meantime, they will have to live on a catastrophic earth. This
circumstance will eventually facilitate their decision.
“In the post-shift period of 3-4 years, the two planets A and B will
still have energetic interceptions that will allow the establishment
of portals, which can be used by these entities to enter the 5th
dimension. They will receive much help at this difficult time from
the Forces of Light and from some highly evolved incarnated entities
that have already ascended.
“After that the two earths will irreversibly separate, Planet A will
move definitely in the 5th dimension and planet B will go along the
path of greater density and separation from All-That-Is. This is the
experience, which some very young souls will prefer to make in the
course of their incarnation circle. One should accept their choice
without expressing false moral prejudices.
“The splitting of earth and humanity in two streamlines of existence
during the End Times is summarized in the famous statement “The
separation of the wheat from the chaff”.
The portion of mankind that
will decide to remain on Planet B will have for a long period of
time no idea of God or even religion, as there will be no more
highly evolved souls on this planet that will be beacons of light,
as most light workers are nowadays. There will be also no incarnated
souls that will be ready to play the role of the martyr and give
these young souls the possibility to commit all kinds of atrocities,
while learning their karmic lessons. All entities on planet B will
be equally evil.
“The society on planet B will constitute entirely of entities who
will behave according to their egoistic, fearful view of total
separation from each other and the Whole. They will consider all
other entities as foes and will not be able to follow any moral or
ethical principles whatsoever.
Human life will have no value on this
planet, and all kinds of heinous criminal acts will represent the
normal way of living in this debased society. These entities will
have to discover anew the Light in their own personality, before
they can begin to evolve and experience Ascension in eons of time.
This is the normal cycle of incarnation on earth and many other
planets in the solar universes of 3d-space-time.
“The entities who will ascend on planet A will stay in the 5th
dimension for another 2000 years. Each individual will have the
possibility to progress at his own pace. Death will no longer be
necessary in order to leave this plane of existence - the entity
will be able to de-materialize his light body at his own discretion.
Many will soon be able to create and dissolve their light bodies
whenever they wish.
The contact with other souls from the soul
family or past friends can be established anytime. Matter will be
more fluid, and immediate Creation upon imagination will soon be
possible for many ascended entities. Karma will no longer exist. All
relations will be heart-based and will express Christ consciousness.
The autarky of all entities will be fully guaranteed and abundance
will be the normal state of living, as immediate Creation will be
possible for all entities. Life in the 5th dimension, also known as Celestria, will be, indeed, Heaven.
“Therefore, the choice that mankind and every individual will have
to make in the next two years will be as follows: Ascend to Heaven
or stay on earth and live in Hell. Hardly a choice!
But as the
events will show, quite a number of human entities will eventually
decide to follow their current masters - the Powers That Be - and
will stay on earth B, where they can continue enjoying their heinous
plans to enslave mankind, without the meddling of some star seeds.”
Dr. Stankov book can be
downloaded here.
"Unity consciousness" Model
An alternative model for a human
consciousness shift
An alternative model for a shift in human consciousness is found in
unity consciousness and the time acceleration matrix developed and
popularized by scholars such as Dr.
Carl Johan Calleman.
Under this model of human consciousness shift, factors such as the
increased human perception resulting from activation of the now 97%
dormant human DNA (which Mr. Kavassilas and Dr. Stankov also refer
to) constitute the “ascension”.
Rather than a literal, physical “ascension” of the planet Earth and
humanity (or some portion of us) into a 5th dimension at a specified
time frame, the unity consciousness model holds that over time, the
mix of humanity on planet Earth will be individually upgrading it
universal consciousness and ability to perceive and
multi-dimensionally in a variety of ways, including:
Birth of new generations of infants (rainbow, crystal, indigoes)
with advanced multi-strand DNA and chakra systems
Activation of the 97% now dormant “junk” ET DNA that humans now
Activation of the remaining 3-12 strands of the 12 strand DNA
blueprint of homo sapiens as originally designed by advanced
intelligent ET civilizations
Some authors, such as Patricia Cori, state that a consortium of
advanced intelligent upper-dimensional extraterrestrial and
inter-dimensional civilizations
originally developed Homo sapiens as
an intelligent being with12-strand DNA, and a species that was to
have been a guardian of the 3rd dimension of time-space in our
dimensional ecology on Earth.
Time acceleration matrix
A shift toward unity consciousness
The unity consciousness perspective states that humanity has entered
a portal in linear time when the singularity at the core of our
universe has begun to emanate a wave of universal, ‘enlightened
universal consciousness’ that began on March 9, 2011 and ends on
October 28, 2011.
From then on the singularity at the core of our
universe will emanate constant ‘enlightened universal
The singularity at the center of our galaxy (the galactic center
‘black hole’) modulates this universe consciousness energy wave as
well, to which all of our souls and minds have access.
Universal alternating energy wave movements have been a feature of
our universe, says Dr. Calleman, since the Big Bang, and it is these
wave movements that have shaped the nature of consciousness in our
universe over the past 18 billion years.
The final wave of singularity emanations (from March 9 - October 28,
2011) of ‘enlightened universal consciousness’ itself is the
culmination of all alternating energy wave movements since the
creation of our universe in the Big Bang itself.
After October 28, 2011, as Dr. Calleman stated in
a prior interview,
“the universal
alternating energy wave movements end, and Earth is set on a gradual
setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status - a
virtual ‘Garden of Eden’.”
That milestone marks the beginning of final preparations for entry
of Earth into a long-prophesized Golden Age of Utopia.
The ‘pre-wave’ - like all universe energy wave emanations, creates
the ‘meme’ or story content of our personal and our collective
reality. Dr. Calleman’s discoveries are suggesting that our highest
thoughts and ‘memes’ are/may in fact be sourced from the energy
waves of the universe singularity, mediated through the galactic
singularity - the black hole at the center of our galaxy the Mayans
Hunab Ku.
The singularity of our solar system is Sol, our sun - a dimensional
portal to other galaxies, according to physicist
Nassim Haramein.
These universe singularity energy waves serve as carrier waves of
‘the universe’s mind and spirit software’ - the way that the
intentional universe (some call it source, the ‘sea of Light’ or
God ) lets us know of its intention for consciousness in the entire
As a practical matter, it matters if we are tuned in and commit to
the 9th Universal consciousness universe energy wave. The universe
energy waves we humans tune in and commit to determine our planetary
status and how we reach our potential as a planet.
Will Earth be a dystopia or a utopia?
According to this analysis, the good news is that our universe
singularity is now emanating ‘utopia’ consciousness waves on its
alternating energy carrier waves.
The more we humans are individually and collectively tuned into the
universal energy wave of ‘enlightened universal consciousness,’ and
committed to achieving unity, non-dualistic consciousness, then the
stronger the ‘positive timeline’ becomes, and the more rapidly we
achieve our potential as a planet - “a potential to reach advanced
utopian planet status.”
Readers can continue to explore the unity consciousness perspective
Universe Singularity Now Emanating Pre-Wave
Energy For 'Enlightened Unity Consciousness'.
How to evaluate the “ascension” and “unity consciousness” models of
consciousness shift
Common sense, discernment and balanced perception - As time
approaches the 2012-13 threshold, common sense, discernment and
balanced perception seem to be the most valuable tools.
Beware of false flags and psyops - At the end of his ExopoliticsTV interview, George Kavassilas is emphatic that each of
us should be aware and on the lookout for the next false flag
operation or psyops.
Indeed, the contention of most analysts of the consciousness shift
is that false flags and psyops are created to slow down or
side-track the process of a positive shift in human consciousness
from duality to unity, from fear-based to cosmic-Love based.
Thus, this reporter has written that deliberate psyops are afoot
regarding “phenomena” associated with a positive consciousness
shift, such as
the coming passage of Comets Elenin, Levy and Honda
in the fall of 2011.
A subtle psyops - psychological warfare operation - intended to
engender public fear and apprehension around Comets Elenin, Levy and
Honda (all expected to pass near Earth in the Fall of 2011) may be
part of a future false flag environmental war attack on specific
human settlements and populations using the
tectonic and weather warfare system.
Statements by NASA officials, the White House, and specific
statements falsely attributed to operatives formerly associated with
NASA such as
Richard C. Hoagland infer or explicitly state that
Comet Elenin’s near passage to Earth may create an “extinction level
event (ELE)”.
NASA email and video to employees
Recently, NASA took the unusual step of
sending an explicit disaster
preparedness email to its employees, stating,
"NASA is the only
federal agency responsible for its people’s safety and well-being
here on Earth and in space and has a longtime commitment to safety
and emergency preparedness.
Over the past year, Administrator Bolden
has emphasized the importance of Family/Personal Preparedness for
the entire NASA family.
Family and personal preparedness plans are
key to protecting our families and communities during potential
emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes,
tornadoes, terrorist attacks and other unforeseen catastrophes.
White House letter - Smoking gun that Elenin is a threat or Psyops
On Oct 15, 2010, the White House issued a letter highlighting the
hazards of near earth objects including comets.
One fair
interpretation of the White House letter is that its timing may be
part of the Comet Elenin psyops.
Operatives Pushing Psyops Meme Around Comet
Elenin - NASA, White House
Massive Earth changes 2011-13 unlikely - The concept of “Massive
Earth changes 2011-13" may in fact be a meme with no factual basis.
One study evaluating the possibility for physical cataclysm in 2012
2011-13 & Catastrophobia
There appears to be a collective fear
of earth changes and cataclysm in human society based on the
historical prior cataclysm of 11,500 years ago triggered by a
galactic super wave that triggered the Vela supernova, a fragment of
which entered the solar system. For a variety of reasons, the year
2012 has been front-loaded with memes that trigger humanity’s catastrophobia.
2011-13 Solar flare Carrington event
A repetition of the 1859
Carrington event in 2011-13 is unlikely. One possibility is that the
Web Bot technology predicting a future large solar flare may be
detecting the presence on the Internet of an escalating meme
regarding a “repetition of a Carrington-type event during the
2012-13 solar maximum,” rather than an actual future event.
2011-13 Super-cataclysm memes
2012 Pole shift, super solar
flare, galactic super wave-caused super nova fragments appear to be
memes propagated by catastrophobia, and are extremely unlikely to
materialize in 2012.
2011-13 cataclysm memes and social manipulation
2012 cataclysm
memes appear to be used by a variety of institutions, ranging from
covert military intelligence, governmental and other agencies to
organized religion for purposes of social control.
Environmental warfare false flag operations
In fact, most major
Earth changes in the 2000-2011 period have been, by the forensic
evidence, triggered as environmental warfare events by the
HAARP-chemtrails tectonic/weather warfare system.
2012 - Cataclysmic Breakdown or Y2K makeover? ET/UFO Contact?
DNA/Consciousness Transformation?
A 2012-13 positive or catastrophic future is a personal and
collective choice - Some readers write to this reporter questioning
whether is it wise to reveal, for example, the true extent of
radiation poisoning occurring on the planet at this time because of
Fukushima and depleted uranium weapons.
My position is that creating a positive or a catastrophic future
a personal and collective choice for all of us, and foremost, it is
an informed choice.
The deeper the reality understanding of our souls wisdom and
decision to chose a positive time line for ourselves individually,
the more force and reality in turn our decision carries and the more
impact it has on the reality we create.
These principles are set out in a
two-part series of articles on the
2012-213 positive and the catastrophic timelines that illustrate why
and how one can identify and chose a positive timeline for oneself
and for one’s real world.