Or, The Conspiracy Against Reality -- Page #2
[7th edition]
Compiled by ’The Group’
Edited by ’Branton’
As a result of this war, according to
Meier, a leader by the
name of Pleiore allegedly led a mass exodus of surviving refugees
from the Lyran system in an effort to reach and colonize the
Pleiades, the Hyades and Vega. Even today as we’ve seen previously, some ’Contactees’ have reportedly encountered the
modern-day Vegans, as well as the Pleiadeans. Whether Tau
Ceti was colonized as a result of this exodus, or whether it was
an original ’link’ in an apparent colonization by ancient Eartheans
of the Lyran system, is uncertain. It is interesting however
that, when viewed
from earth, the
three constellations of Taurus
(Pleiades, Cetus, and Eridanus) are ADJACENT to each other
(click image left) and in the same sector of the sky. At this point in time,
was told, the Pleiadeans were part of a union of interstellar
colonists and civilizations numbering over 127 billion humans.
One interesting thing that Meier was told is that the ’Nordics’ or ’Pleiadeans’ were approximately 3000 YEARS advanced over us
in technological development!
(This extreme closeness in
development when compared to the multi-billion year history of
the galaxy may seem highly unusual, as well as the fact that
nearly all human cultures in this sector of the universe who have
contacted eartheans claim to be no more than a few thousand
years advanced over us. The most likely explanation is that
human life in this part of the galaxy appeared on one single world
and quickly spread out to other systems, adapting themselves
to their new environments, especially after "hyperspace" travel
became a reality).
Are there any other accounts that might support the above
In the Spring, 1991 issue of "UFO JOURNAL OF FACTS"
(Box 17206., Tucson, AZ 85710), researcher Forest Crawford
gives a very remarkable description of a crash-recovery of a
disk which was reported by a former deep-level government
employee who Crawford refers to only as ’Oscar’. For reasons
which should be obvious, ’Oscar’s’ last name was not given.
His story, as quoted by Crawford, is as follows:
"’...The eggs had their typical lack of firmness and the
sausage tasted more like greasy rope than pork links. The
order to mobilize saved me from this breakfast experiment. We
proceeded down six flights of stairs below the COMTRAPAC submarine base in San Diego to ’shoot-the-tubes.’ After placing
a few pieces of jewelry in a container I climbed into the cylinder
to travel the tunnels to an unknown assignment. I wondered
what was so important to upgrade our pay from E-3 to E-6 before
we left and besides that, we could not even finish breakfast.
"’As I am told of our departure, a familiar uneasy feeling
comes over me. When you push down on the accelerator in
your car, one can feel the tug of inertia sinking you into the seat.
When you travel the tubes there is no feeling of motion but you
know when the door opens you will be in another place hundreds,
even thousands of miles away. For some comfort I checked to
see if the watch hidden in my pocket was still there. I quickly
looked to see if it is still running. It seems to be working
normally, so why no jewelry? Because of electrical charge
buildup perhaps?
"The soft clang of the door opening made me tense again. I
did not even feel us stop! Peeking at the watch I noted only 30
minutes had passed. We must be in California, Nevada or
Arizona, I thought. As I stepped from the windowless capsule I
heard a military policeman murmur ’Turners’ Rangers.’ Our
reputation had preceded us. As I readorned my jewelry the first
surprise of this assignment was about to come.
"’A high-ranking Naval O.S.S. Officer informs us that we
will not be allowed above ground while in North Dakota. NORTH
DAKOTA! Several of us were led to a large hanger-like room
that had been quickly set up to function as a laboratory. Resting
on heavy jack stands in the middle of the room was a large disk-
shaped craft. The chief scientist present was introduced as
Professor Bear. As his briefing and some discussion proceeded,
I rapidly developed rapport with this talented, open minded and
gentle man.
"’The craft had crashed near Phoenix, Arizona and was moved
to this North Dakota base. Two dead alien bodies with fatal
radiation exposure were found outside the craft. I reflected on
my O.S.S. Training for crash retrieval and remembered thinking.
’Why bother, we will never get a chance to be involved in anything
that exciting.’ Well, not only was I involved, I was the security
team leader. This meant that when the craft was opened I would
be the first one inside! After all, one does not send in a high
ranking officer or a chief scientist to possibly encounter an alien
booby trap or extraterrestrial virus. Come to think of it, the
prospects did not excite me either. As Professor Bear prepared
his ultrasonic sound generators for opening the craft, my
apprehension turned to intensity; after all, this was what my
training was for.
"’As ’the Bear’ tuned his equipment the smooth solid metal
surface of the craft began to ripple like when you throw a stone
in the water. When the ripples seemed to gain harmonic stability
the now liquid metal parted in a circular iris-like fashion. As
I stepped inside I noticed a fresh pine scent and a strange
smoothness to everything. The interior was rounded off and
continued with no seams or rivets. It was as if the walls, floor
and ceiling were formed out of one piece of metal. Even a table
in the center of the craft looked as though it had been pushed
up out of the floor. What appeared to be control panels had
no knobs, switches or dials. There were strange symbols
highlighting these futuristic yet simple consoles.
"’The outside of the craft had no apparent damage yet the
interior showed some distortion, possibly from the crash. Next
to one of the panels I could see something that would challenge
my training and change my perceptions of reality forever. The
craft was just another piece of hardware, but seated next to the
panel was a human! It’s gender was obviously male. Aside from
his unusual dress he could have walked past you at a grocery
store and not command much attention. Upon noticing some
injuries about his head I instinctively and quickly moved toward
him to help. His skin was a bronze color, reminiscent of
Mediterranean or South American cultures. His hair was similarly
brown and very short in a Roman or crew style cut. The only real
difference in appearance from earth humans were that his ears
were slightly pointed. He reminded me of pictures of
Quetzalcoatl, the deity of the ancient Toltecs
(Note: This mythic
being which was also known as the ’feathered serpent’ may have
been either human or serpentine, depending on the different
’depictions’ given by the ancient Mayas, Toltecs, etc. - Branton).
"’He was conscious and in great pain. One leg was partially
pinned by the shifting interior. I was examining cuts on his
cheek and lip when I first touched him. An overwhelming feeling
of compassion came over me as I heard his voice in my head. I
could understand him clearly even though his mouth did not move.
The communication was strictly telepathic..."
Note: In this case he mean
’empathic’. There is little evidence
that actual mind-to-mind ’thought reading’ is a reality, at least
without the aid of sophisticated technology. Even if it were
possible the ’words’ formed in the mind of the human encountered
by ’Oscar’ would most likely be in a language completely
unfamiliar to him. Most people who experience this phenomena
claim that ’thought words’ are not involved, but that so-called
’telepathy’ instead involves the empathic ’feelings’ or ’images’
BEHIND these words. Emotions are the most common ’universal
language’ between the various different human races wherever
they may be.
Many experts claim that ’words’ make up only
about twenty percent of the actual ’communication’ which passes
between people. Sometimes body language, facial expressions,
feelings, eye contact, and attitudes tell more about what a person
is thinking than mere ’words’ can. This is because humans have
a duel physical and spiritual nature. Just as an astronomer can
determine the chemical makeup of a star by looking at it’s
spectrograph, human beings are like ’lights’ in themselves who
can to a large extent be ’interpreted’ by others who are sensitive
to the feelings, expressions and words-attitudes which they
are projecting. For instance emotions, sight, and even thoughts
result from a combination of the physical and spiritual natures
of human beings. So with this interjection, we now continue
with ’Oscar’s’ account:
"’I perceived his fear of being harmed and told him that I
would not let anyone hurt him. Suddenly, a voice from the
doorway refocused my attention on the duties at hand.
"’I called back that we had a live one. The craft filled
with gloved and masked medical personnel to help free the
occupant. He was quickly carried outside and placed on a
gurney. I remarked that he felt heavy for his size and a few
others that had assisted agreed. As the alien was whisked
off for medical attention, Professor Bear examined the inside
of the craft. He found what he thought was a star map
depicting the constellation Eridanus and wondered if that
might be where the alien was from. After a brief discussion
concerning the nature of the communications, Bear asked
me to accompany him to the medical lab. As we talked
along the way I referred to the alien being as ’Hank.’ The
professor asked if that was the name the alien had given me.
"I explained that it was not and that I had chosen that
nickname based on it’s native American reference to a
’troubled spirit.’ The professor smiled and said, ’Hank it is,’
and the name seemed to immediately stick. In the
antiseptic, impersonal medical room Hank’s discomfort
was compounded by his complete undressing. While still
in great pain he was examined from head to toe. No
stone was left unturned, so to speak. They treated him
as if he were a baby of some rare animal species being
first born into captivity. It became evident that Hank could
not communicate with everyone involved so I was asked to be
translator. I had no trouble understanding that the normal
anesthetics we were administering had little or no effect.
Suddenly, with Hank’s discomfort still a concern, everyone’s
attention became divided between the being and a new person
arriving on the scene.
"’This new person was obviously important yet seemed
to make everyone uneasy. Even Hank recoiled in fear when
he came close. He barked a few stern orders and several
people, myself included, marched into a nearby conference
room. The man introduced himself as Frank Drake and
told us he was the head of the operation. The reports
would hence forth be titled ’Project OSMA’ (with an ’S’). As the sound of his
continued briefing faded into a day- dream, I thought about how my
regimented life had just jumped track and was now speeding off in a
totally new direction...’
Forest Crawford, commenting on the incident, states:
"This extraordinary story, according to the witness, is not
fiction. Oscar is a simple country person from rural Missouri
where he lives with his wife, three children, and a menagerie of
stray animals. His life is seemingly uncomplicated and
unhurried. However, his eyes reflect a clarity indicative of
inner knowledge and understanding.
"We first came to meet this man as the result of a lead from
nuclear physicist and renowned Ufologist, Stanton Friedman.
At the ’Show-Me UFO Conference 1989’ in St. Louis, Friedman
asked Bruce Widaman, State Director of Missouri MUFON, if
he would attempt to locate a witness that called responding to
the ’Unsolved Mysteries’ show on the Roswell crash. The person
in question had possibly been involved in a crash retrieval while
in the military. The tip had come from a former neighbor of
"Widaman of course agreed to follow up since
Friedman felt
that the witness did not have a phone. So with little else than
a name, town, and rumor to go on, the search began. Widaman
and Alex Horvat, Public Information Officer for Missouri MUFON,
arrived in the small town near St. Louis after dark. After
questioning a girl at a local convenience mart no further leads
were found. Horvat suggested checking the local bar. This
produced a description of a front yard that might be that of the
elusive witness. After driving up and down the lane several
times, one yard seemed more appropriate than the others so
they hesitantly stopped. Stepping from the car into the
country night proved harrowing enough as several large dogs
snarled and barked from the surrounding darkness.
was further unnerved when a large black dog began licking
his hand as he knocked on the door. Not knowing whether
he was being greeted or tasted by the animal, Widaman was
relieved to see someone answer. After a brief explanation
of who or what our investigations were, an invitation to sit
and talk came as a positive sign. The stranger said he did
not know where ’Bill,’ the name given Friedman, was, but
that he was his brother. After Widaman and Horvat explained
their purpose and some of their feelings and ideas he finally
conceded that he was in fact the man they were looking for.
He explained that his real name was Oscar and that the
name ’Bill’ had been given so he would know where any
inquiries were coming from.
"As Oscar told the story that began this article it became
obvious that, because of his military background, the name given
was for his protection. The account unfolded further to reveal
horrible injustices to Hank and to Oscar himself. At the
direction of Drake the team conducted medical experiments
such as spinal taps, marrow sampling, taking organ specimens
and other exploratory surgery on Hank WITHOUT anesthesia.
Oscar had spent many hours over three months communicating
with and growing close to the alien. One day he stepped
between Drake and Hank with his .45 cal. pistol drawn and
demanded an end to the torture. Drake withdrew but the next
morning Oscar had new orders to depart immediately for Saint
Albans Hospital in Radford, Va., where he was incarcerated
for debriefing. He remained isolated for several months until
the efforts of Lt.(?) Charles Turner, Oscar’s Commanding
Officer, got him to move to a psychiatric ward. His family,
who had now been out of touch with him for almost three
months, was told that Oscar had suffered a head injury during
a submarine accident. After spending time under psychiatric
care, which would damage his military record, he was oddly
enough given an honorable discharge.
"After having returned to civilian life he and his father
embarked on a hiking trip to North Dakota. They purposely
entered the restricted area surrounding the base where Oscar
had been stationed. Perimeter patrol picked them up for
removal from the area. While in their company Oscar asked
how Hank was doing. One of the guards confided that the
alien had died several months earlier.
"The next trip out to the country included myself and
Rapp, a physicist with 13 years experience in the aerospace
industry and also Director of Investigations for Missouri MUFON.
Because of our backgrounds in science the discussion focused
on technical questions about Oscar’s experiences..."
As for the alleged home of ’Hank’s’ people,
Crawford states:
"The pattern from the panel inside the ship was confirmed by
Rapp to match stars of the constellation Eridanus as seen
FROM EARTH. It was later confirmed by Hank that the stars
of origin of his people were Tau Ceti and Epsilon Eridani. In
later sessions Oscar discussed some reasons for the presence
of the aliens. He said THEY DO NOT LIKE THE SITUATION
WITH SOME OF THE SMALL GREY ALIENS (emphasis ours - Branton). He corrected us when we used the term ’grey’ and
said that they are actually white. The Tau Cetians feel that
the abductions being carried out by some of the Greys ARE
He added that our government’s involvement with the grays IS
ADAMANT that the bug people (i.e. Oscar’s term for these
creatures - Branton) are using HUMAN FLUIDS FOR
SUSTENANCE. They feed by immersing their arms in vats
and/or rubbing the fluids on their bodies. HE CLAIMS THAT
To our knowledge ’Oscar’ had in no way at the time been in
contact with John Lear nor any other researcher who has alleged
this exact same thing. Oscar’s claim that these creatures are
more whitish or albino in color would seem consistent with
accounts concerning SOME branches of the ’serpent race’.
As Oscar alleges, not all ’grays’ have been described as
having the same coloring. Some have been described as plain
gray, others blue-gray, gray-green, or grayish white! One source
suggests that the ’coloring’ has a direct connection with the
amount of ’protein formula’ which they have access to. Also,
Oscar’s reference to the ’bug people’ may be based on the
fact that the reptilian branch known as the grays and others
branches of the ’serpent race’ are often said to resemble
’praying mantis’ like creatures in that their eyes are sometimes
bug-like and protruding, and their long arms which often reach
down below their knees often appear mantis-like when in their
folded or reposed position - elbows pointed downwards and
clawed-hands positioned above. In fact, some of the early saurians such as the
Tyrannosaurus Rex kept their arms in
such a position, elbows pointed down, although many of the
modern sauroids possess arms which are now much longer.
But a more likely explanation is one that has been given
by researcher Ray Keller. Keller’s sources indicate that
reptilian grays from Reticuli have created a sub-race by
assimilating genetic materials from another intelligent (and
malevolent) alien species of Insectoids. Therefore some of
the "grays" being observed by abductees may actually be
reptilian-insectoid genetic hybrids. John Lear stated in his
infamous UFO document (which he posted on the Paranet
Computer Bulletin Board) that some of the beings recovered
from the earlier crashed disks were mantis-like and reptilian-skinned.
The possibility of little children being abducted and used for
their ’secretions’ and body organs is almost too horrible to
contemplate. There MAY be other indications that such is the
case, whether one chooses to believe it or not. For instance:
Bill English, son of an Arizona state legislator and
a former Green Beret commander allegedly viewed the top-
secret "GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO. 13" years after
he investigated a downed aircraft which radioed an encounter
with a UFO, and whose occupants were later found mutilated.
He stated that this secret document contained eyewitness
descriptions of children who had been abducted by ’grey’ type
entities, one of them being abducted on a farm right in front
of the parents, and never seen again.
2) The Aug. 1940 issue of
the disappearance of 30 children and their teachers in some
catacombs below the island of Malta. Sources contemporary
to the event stated that they had entered a ’burial’ chamber in
the third or lowest level of the ’Hypogeum of Hal Saflienti’, an
orifice which was rumored to lead to ’deeper’ catacombs.
The ancient catacombs were discovered below the small village
of Casal Paula in 1902 when workmen literally fell into it while
digging. They discovered over 30,000 bones and evidence of
ancient human sacrifice conducted by an old Neolithic race.
Witnesses to the disappearance said that a sudden ’cave-in’
had blocked the opening after the last child had gone through,
but the rope they used to tie themselves to the lower room
was found to be clean cut, and many reported hearing the
crying and wailing of children from below ground weeks after
the disappearance. According to researcher Riley Crabb of
the ’Borderland Sciences Research Foundation’, a British
Embassy employee by the name of Miss Louis Jessup entered
the ’lower catacombs’ a few days before the disappearance,
catacombs which she described as being immense. She
allegedly encountered a sudden and mysterious "wind" which
blew out her candle, following which she felt something ’wet
and slippery’ brush past her. Needless to say she left the
scene in a hurry. Nevertheless, this account indicates how
children sometimes tend to ’disappear’ in the presence of
aerial or subsurface phenomena.
John Lear also claims -- based upon accounts given to
him by several contacts of his in the intelligence community --
that there is evidence that a percentage of America’s missing
children have been taken by these creatures (the Grays),
suggesting that the ’aliens’ largely prey on the weak and
defenseless among the human race. It is uncertain however
what percentage of ’missing children’ might be involved here.
Lear, in his ’Press Release’ of June 3, 1988, stated in reference
to human abductees and victims of human mutilation:
various parts of the body are taken to various underground
laboratories, one of which is known to be near the small New
Mexico town of
Dulce. This jointly occupied (CIA-Alien) facility
has been described as enormous, with huge tiled walls that
’go on forever’. Witnesses have reported huge vats filled with
amber liquid with parts of human bodies being stirred inside...
he secretions obtained are then mixed with hydrogen peroxide
and applied on the skin (of the grays) by spreading or dipping
parts of their bodies in the solution. The body absorbs the
solution, then excretes the waste back through the skin."
REPTILES excrete waste through the shedding of their ’skins’ - Branton) This would confirm
’Oscar’s’ claims to this effect.
William Cooper, who was formerly a chief
Petty Officer and Intelligence Worker in the Pacific Naval fleet,
pointed out at the 1989 MUFON Conference in Las Vegas that
over 3000 children disappear without a trace yearly in one part
of Manhattan alone. We might relate this to other obscure
though evident indications that Manhattan literally sits atop vast
underground caverns which have been confirmed by different
sources, including CON EDISON when they broke into a vast
cavity at a depth of 200 feet while drilling in a Manhattan Park.
Cooper also claimed to have seen top-secret reports stating that
sections of human bodies were found stored on disks retrieved
from crash-recovery sites, and that the government was extremely
disturbed by this aspect of the alien activity.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, of accounts of women
who had been a few months along in a pregnancy, most often an
unexplained pregnancy, only to find after a UFO abduction
experience that their babies suddenly ’disappeared’. These
accounts are a reality. It is very unlikely that hundreds or
thousands of women would collectively use the same ’bizarre’
identical excuse if they themselves aborted a child and did not
wish others to think that they did so, especially when many of
these women were the ONLY one’s who knew of the pregnancy.
Although many of the children who are allegedly abducted
and never seen again are of the homeless or unwanted type,
’street’ children of prostitutes, and so on -- children who will
not be ’missed’ as much as others -- it also appears that
thousands of children who belong to middle-class families are
also being abducted, IMPLANTED and returned. Since the
disappearance of these would cause far more ’waves’ than a
child without a guardian, they are used instead for purposes
of manipulation. It appears that these infernal creatures are
EXTREMELY cautious and cunning, and have hidden their
tracks and even their very existence well, at least up until
the 1970’s-1980’s when ’abductions’ started to make the news
in a profound way.
Forest Crawford continues:
"...He (Oscar, based on what ’Hank’ communicated to him) claims that they are also
kidnapping children. The Tau Cetians have been preyed upon
by these aliens before and they are working with other races
and communities that were also victims. ONE SUCH RACE
(emphasis ours - Branton) THAT OSCAR CLAIMS WAS
He claims, because of his ongoing contacts, he was made
aware of the
Billy Meier case in Switzerland and swears that
is a real contact...
"I find all these comments interesting especially when you
consider one investigative detail of this case. I have seen
Oscar’s house, his Mother’s house, his work shop and truck,
and at no time were any books, magazines, transcripts or
movies about any subject, let alone recent UFO material,
found... Could he be an avid reader of the latest and most
controversial UFO documents and just be hiding them when
we come over? This is highly unlikely since, without a phone,
our visits were always unannounced.
"...(Oscar) wants people to know that if they are contacted
by the Tau Cetians (humans such as he described) to not be
afraid because they are here to help.
"This attitude is reflected in correlations with a totally
independent case involving a woman near Springfield, Illinois.
Jill Waldport (relates) an ongoing and very serious involvement
with grey aliens. After Budd Hopkins (whose research inspired
the May, 1992 CBS Network mini-series, INTRUDERS - Branton)
spoke to her at length the case was recommended to John
Carpenter, State Section Director of Missouri MUFON, and then
to myself. The intensity and detail of the case is reminiscent of
Debbie Tomies’ (Cathy Davis) experiences.
"In my first interview with Jill she asked if anyone had
ever been abducted/contacted by more than one race or group of
aliens. I told her that it was reported with some frequency and
asked her which other one she had seen with the Greys. She
said it was a totally separate contact and that they did NOT like
the Grays.
"When asked about their appearance she reported that they
were human, approximately about five and a half feet in height,
180-200 pounds but not fat, tanned looking skin with short hair
cuts that laid flat against their heads. I asked her to describe
their eyes, ears, nose and mouth. She said all features were
essentially normal except the nose was broad and flat and their
eyes were brown. Oscar reported the weight of Hank to be 190
pounds and five feet seven inches tall, he also noted the broad,
flat nose (even this aspect is not unusually ’alien’ to earth, being
that many of the dark races posses broad facial features - Branton).
"Jill informed me that
the aliens told her they didn’t like
what some of the aliens were doing to her without her consent.
They had come to help her learn how to overcome the
DECEPTIONS of the Grays and to protect herself. They
explained that she needed to psychically build a shield around
herself, like a brick wall, when they came for her. This would
help keep her from being deceived by their MIND TRICKS.
She tried it the next time the Grey’s came or her and it
’seemed’ to work."
According to many accounts, mere
’will power’ does not
always guarantee that one will escape the overlapping deceptions
and psychic manipulations of the serpent race or the Grays.
DIVINE INTERVENTION is, according to some, the only FAIL
SAFE way to ensure oneself from being entangled by their
deceptions, which are often deep, complex, and extremely
subtle. There are actually accounts where people on the
verge of being abducted began to pray, at which point the
potential abductors left the scene. Also Clifford Stone, a high-
level Military officer based at Roswell, New Mexico who has
received much criticism from his higher-ups for his insistence
on telling the public what he knows about the Grays, says that
several ’skirmishes’ between U.S. troops and alien Grays broke
out in the jungles of southeast Asia during the Vietnam war,
some of them ending in tragedy on our side.
However one
case involved a soldier who was a reborn Christian, who had
a girlfriend in a particular village. During one visit he came
upon a landed craft and some ’Grays’ that were trying to entice
some of the townsfolk to take a ride -- possibly a permanent
one -- aboard their ship. The soldier came between the villagers
and the Grays, and although his semi-automatic weapon had
little effect against their bullet-proof uniforms, the Bible he
carried and the cross he wore DID have a definite adverse
and weakening effect against the intruders, which immediately
left the scene. Stone also confirmed that there have been
many ’dogfights’ between the ’Nordics’ and the ’Grays’ that
the government is aware of (source: article by Robert W. Boyajian in UFO UNIVERSE, Spring 1988).
In reference to ’Jill’,
Forest Crawford continues:
"...At this point the
correlation counter in my mind was working overtime, so I decided to go for
gold and ask her if they told her where they were from. Believe it or not
she replied, ’Tau Seat-eye, does that make any sense?’ Later I mentioned
to Oscar that I was investigating a case that involved intense
interaction with Grays and Tau Cetians showing up to help. He
asked where the case was from and I told him near Springfield,
Illinois. He rattled off a very accurate description of Jill and
said he was aware that she had been contacted.
"Horvat showed several pictures of people from the archives
of ufology, one of which was Drake; Oscar immediately picked
Drake’s photo from the stack and one could see the anger come
over his face at the sight of this man. Follow up research by Horvat produced an interesting set of circumstances. The crash
in question happened in 1961. Some of you will remember that
Drake headed the OZMA program, the predecessor to S.E.T.I. In
1961 Drake announced that OZMA, in it’s search for intelligent
extraterrestrial radio signals, would first look to the stars Tau
Ceti and Epsilon Eridani..."
During one interview with
Oscar, Crawford became concerned
about the ’logistics’ of a tunnel system stretching from
California to North Dakota to Washington D.C., etc., attempting
to correlate this with their background in science. According to
what Oscar revealed to Crawford and his research companion:
"...it became evident that this was not feasible. With careful
questioning it was discovered, according to Oscar, that the
tunnels went only a short distance and did not actually connect
to the North Dakota base. The capsule shuttle was accelerated
and then a time/space window was opened. The ’exit door’ of the
time/space window simultaneously opened at the prescribed
destination where the capsule would appear in a tunnel and
One must wonder why an entire half hour was necessary for
such an instantaneous transit, unless a tremendous speed was
necessary to attain the subspace jump. There are accounts as
given by researcher William Hamilton and others that some of
the subterranean societies beneath America, the Telosians for
instance, possess a tube-shuttle system. From his description it
appears however that the Telosians utilized actual vacu-tube
shuttle tunnels which stretch for hundreds if not thousands of
miles. Perhaps the early shuttle systems constructed by ancient
technically-advanced societies were of this variety, and were
replaced or upgraded with time/space windows later? Is it
possible that the government’s eventual and alleged discovery of
ancient tunnels, leading to this particular subsurface colony,
has led to a JOINT Telosian-American use of the ancient
sub-shuttle systems? Or are the tunnels referred to by Oscar
entirely U.S. government constructions? Also, a similar network
of vacu-tube ’shuttle’ tunnels is also said to converge below Dulce, New Mexico, according to many sources. These are
allegedly used mostly by the Grays, and possibly by certain
mind-controlled ’CIA-MIB’ type groups who may be working for
"The technology (for the teleport-tunnels described by
- Branton) was supposedly a combination of our own knowledge,
rooted in the
Philadelphia Experiment, and acquired alien
technology. Oscar also talked about the geological location of
time/space/dimension doors. These places allow an easy entry
of extraterrestrial craft into our atmosphere. Two such large
natural doorways were reported to be just northeast of Seattle,
Washington and south of the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior...
"An interesting possible correlation with the predicted natural
time/space windows can be found in studying patterns on special
energy maps. One such map is the Bouguer gravity anomaly
map. Oddly enough A FAIRLY LOCAL low gravity area can be
found at... the locations mentioned by Oscar (Not only near
Seattle and the Apostle Islands, but also in Missouri where Oscar claimed to have had most of his subsequent contacts-
meetings with the Tau Cetians - Branton)... My research is finding
some interesting patterns emerging by comparing the location of
gravity anomalies, Indian reservations, military bases and cavern
entrances. These specialty maps can be purchased at great
prices from GEO-SCIENCE RESOURCES., 2990 Anthony Rd.,
Burlington, NC 27215..."
One last note on the above account.
William Cooper
describes another incident involving a reptilian ’gray’ which was
allegedly recovered from a crash-retrieval in the southwest.
Enormous efforts were taken to try to save the ’life’ of this
ugly little beast (which had a ’tendency’ to LIE its way through
subsequent interviews with Military Intelligence), yet when it
came to an actual HUMAN alien like ’Hank’, certain people could
apparently have cared less for his/their personal welfare. Cooper
also alleged that the ’secret government’ for a large part refused to
ally themselves with the ’Nordics’ or human-aliens who warned
them about the malevolence of the Grays, and chose instead to
go ahead and form an alliance with the reptilian ’grays’ since an
Illuminati-Gray alliance would seemingly help the cause of the
power elite (serpent cults?) who were making a ’killing’ off of
exploiting the masses, a practice which the Grays themselves
encouraged and assisted in. One claim is that the serpent
cultists working in the government already maintained an ages-
old pact with these draconian powers, and one can reason that
because of THIS they may have refused he advances of the
’Nordics’. Apparently these did not desire to accept the
’conditions’ required by the ’Nordics’, which included the
discontinuation of nuclear weapons proliferation and the
cessation of multi-billion dollar war efforts which, according to
many sources, have also filled the pockets of the secret
government (which covertly operates through secret societies in
nearly every country).
Such wars-conflicts-revolutions-etc., many believe, have
been directly influenced and orchestrated by the serpent-cult or
secret-society groups. The pathetic individuals responsible for
formulating the alliance-pact with the saurian grays (instead of
with our ’Nordic’ cousins who now make up an interstellar
’Federation’ of worlds very similar to the one depicted in ’Star
Trek’) literally sold-out our nations to ’the Beast’. Let’s pray that
the situation is not irredeemable.
For one’s information, a brief description of just what
’Illuminati’ is might be helpful at this point. Many researchers
suggest that the Illuminati is a
Jesuit invention or re-invention
simply because Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt who ’started’
the order in Bavaria, GERMANY was a Jesuit. Also, the ’Scottish
Rite’ of Masonry which advocates the destruction of National
Sovereignties in exchange for Illuminati government has allegedly
been traced back to the Jesuit college at Clermont in Paris, as
have been other Jesuit-initiated Masonic rites.
The Jesuits
themselves were founded by Ignatius Loyola, who had been
previously arrested in Spain for subversive activities as a gnostic.
The ’Order’ was admittedly founded mainly for the purpose of
crushing Martin Luther’s Protestant movement (which ’protested’
Rome’s denunciation of the plan of eternal salvation by grace
as it appears in the book of ROMANS).
This is evidenced by
the fact that the Jesuit oath (which advocated the killing of
Protestant men, the cutting off of the breasts of Protestant
women with shears, and the cutting open of the wombs of
Protestant women so that their unborn children could be
smashed against the rocks) - was fulfilled to the letter during
the well-documented and bloody Roman Inquisitions. These
took place during the Dark and Middle Ages of so-called ’holy’
Roman Empire rule which ’began’ when the last of the Emperors or ’Pontifex Maximus’ of the Roman Empire,
declared himself to be the FIRST official Roman ’Pontiff’ or
’Pope’. Constantine payed lipservice to ’Christianity’ yet
secretly held to the ancient Babylonean Mystery Religion of
which he himself was High Priest or Pontifex Maxiumus, one
in a long line of many which can be traced back to Nimrod,
the first King of Babylon, himself. (This statement may raise
anger in some who religiously defend man-made ’traditions’,
however history is history and facts are facts).
If one doesn’t believe that Constantine intended to carry on
his Roman Empire and it’s conquest of the world under the
veneer of ’religion’, then just remember what the Roman-Spanish
Conquistadors did to the Mayas under Cortez (who slaughtered
over 5 million of them - see: ’TRAVELS’, PBS network - Feb.
15, 1993), the Incas under Pizarro, and the Pueblos under
The Illuminati allegedly began in ancient Babylon
and is said to be a mixture of Cabalism, the ancient Babylonian
’Mystery’ religion, and ancient ’Baal’ worship. Their vision was
the same as that of Nimrod (aka Osiris, Baal or the ’Sun god’
and consort of Semiramis, Isis, or Ashtaroth respectively).
Nimrod was the original king of Babylon and the builder of the
Tower of Babel. Some sources allege that the CIA and the
NAZI movements were tied-in to the Illuminati, and that later
these two organizations under the "Cult of the All Seeing Eye"
joined forces in an effort to initiate
plans for a world dictatorship.
Part of this would of course involve working with the Grays and
other saurian species in underground bases in a joint effort to
establish absolute world despotism.
The Illuminati, or the ’Serpent Cult’ is allegedly infiltrating
political, economic, educational and religious institutions with
the help of the Grays (which have ADMITTED to some that
they have been the guiding power behind witchcraft and many
of the ancient occult lodges over the centuries), which have
’promised’ the Illuminati a part of ’the pie’ once this world is
under ’their’ control. This infiltration is allegedly carried out
through organizations like the ’International Working Man’s
League’, which according to World Economists such as Dr.
John Coleman ’molded’ Karl Marx and his future as a
Communist dictator. Another key figure in the Connection
between the Illuminati, Masonry and the
Jesuit Lodge was
the Jesuit Priest Giuseppe Mazzini, the second in command
to ’Universal Pontiff’ of Freemasonry Albert Pike, and who
according to some ’inside’ sources even went so far as to organize a branch of
the Mafia known as the ’Oblonica’ within
one of the 22 ’Palladium’ lodges which were initiated to
oversee world Illuminati revolutionary activities, carefully
hiding it’s connection with the Grand Lodge in England.
The Illuminati headquarters in America may be hidden
within the Masonic ’House of the Temple’ in Washington D.C.
(click image right),
(Scottish Rite Headquarters) which is curiously enough set
atop the pentagram-like street layout of the city itself.
Former 33rd degree Mason and Past Master of all Scottish
Rite bodies, Evangelist Jim Shaw (P.O. Box 884., Silver
Springs, FL 32668) tells of his own defection from the cult in
his book ’THE DEADLY DECEPTION’. Shaw reveals the fact
that the inside of the Scottish Rite headquarters is FILLED
with carvings, murals and many other representations of
serpents! The High Masons apparently revered the ’Serpent’
symbol in what might be considered worshipful awe. Thus
the name of their ancient cult, which William Cooper refers to
as the ’Cult of the Snake’ or ’Dragon’, a Serpent Cult which
was very active among the ancient Gnostic (serpent) cults of Pharaohic Egypt.
Even Gen. George Washington was a was a member of the
Stone Masons Guild early on, however when he learned that it
was being infiltrated by the Bavarian-German Illuminati he left
the Lodge. This infiltration was also confirmed by the Presidents
of Yale and Harvard Universities, who discovered that two
fraternities, Yale’s SKULL & BONES and Harvard’s SCROLL &
KEY had been infiltrated by this German occult lodge in an
attempt to gain highly educated initiates who would be used
to carry out their future plans for world control, plans which
included the destruction of nation states to be replaced by a
world dictatorship, which they called the ’New World Order’.
There are even allegations that SKULL & BONES grads helped
to finance the Communist and Nazi parties for the Illuminati’s
Machiavellian world scenario which included the orchestration
of world conflicts (pitting various nations or factions against
each other) for the purpose of eventually ’beating’ the nations
of the earth into a global dictatorship or NEW WORLD
ORDER ’synthesis’.
If this report is beginning to sound like an over-budget Spy
Movie or a Science Fiction Thriller, then... as they say, "you
ain’t seen nothing yet!"
The ’Knights of Malta’ and the
’Club of Rome’ are also,
according to Conspiracy Researchers, players in the "End
Game" in which the meek of the earth are the pawns. Both have
advocated Genocide to curb the ’population problem’ -- since a
true world socialist dictatorship can only survive if the population
is kept to a ’controllable’ minimum. The KOM and COR are
essentially outward arms or branches of the Illuminati, according
to many. There are even rumors that tunnels and Catacombs
beneath Rome connect or at one time connected with others
beneath the Island of Malta, and that a similar subterranean
system utilized by the Western Illuminati exists beneath
Washington D.C. as well.
In fact, Dr. John Coleman, in his report:
AND THE ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT’ (c/o World Intelligence
Review., P.O. Box 507., Chalmette, LA 70044), wrote BEFORE
the AIDS threat became widely known among the public, that
a secret society equivalent to today's ’Illuminati’ believed that it
was their duty as the self-anointed ’gods’ over humanity to keep
the population of the world from getting out of control so that
they could be more easily controlled. These ancient ’Alchemists’,
Coleman alleges, were responsible for the Black Plague and
other scourges which killed millions. He was convinced that
they were preparing to wipe away millions more through ’viral’
According to Coleman (who claims to be an ex-Intelligence
worker for the British Government who ’defected’ when he
learned the Horrible Truth), the ’Illuminati’ consists of the duel
lodges of Jesuitism and Freemasonry. He also documents all
manner of infiltration of religious, political, and economic
movements by the Illuminati of Jesuit-Freemasonry, as well as
their seemingly endless manipulations of the nations by their
behind-the-scenes orchestrating of economic turmoil, revolutions
and wars.
In 1988, in apparent confirmation of this, a former high-
ranking military officer by the name of F. P. Farrell, Lt. Col.
Retired, U.S.A.F., released a disturbing report to several
’PATRIOT’ organizations which alleged this very thing. Lt. Col.
Farrell was a 1st Lieutenant, Captain and Jet Fighter Pilot in
Korea; and a Lieutenant Colonel and Air Liaison Officer, 1st
Infantry Division (’The Big Red One’) in Viet Nam. In essence,
Farrell accuses the UNITED NATIONS as being a trojan-horse
cover for world socialist revolution, which intends to weaken and
eventually destroy the INDEPENDENCE of the American
Farrell accuses the
U.N. of being a Socialist-Communist
controlled organization, and names at least 13 United Nations
Secretary Generals who have been Communist Nationals. It was
decided long ago, Farrell states, that no-one who was loyal to
the U.S. constitution was to ever be UN Secretary General. He
also provided documentation that the UNITED NATIONS ’police
action’ into which young Americans were drafted betrayed the
American troops at every turn, by intentionally leaking U.S.
the Communists. This is why, he explains, both of these no-win
’wars’ were lost to the Communists. In relation to Gen. MacArthur (who interesting enough publicly predicted that
World War III would be fought against aliens in space!) Farrell
states that:
"When General MacArthur WOKE UP
TO THE TREASON OF PRESIDENT TRUMAN and the Soviets in the United Nations, he
made one of the greatest military performances ever ventured in modern
warfare. His dangerous but magnificent military engagement and sea landing
at ’Inchon’ on Sept. 15, 1950,
enabled his military forces to slaughter the communist forces,
destroy their massive supply dumps, and put the Red Chinese,
North Koreans, and their Soviet advisors on the run.
"MacArthur never asked for permission from the
Nations Security Council (Soviet General Zinshehko) to perform
this secret military operation. MacArthur hand picked close
and loyal military officers in doing so, and they kept the lid on
the entire operation. Originally, our forces were to never win
any battles as planned by the Soviet Generals at the United
Nations. But General MacArthur REALIZED THE TREASON
"For this ’positive action’,
General Douglas MacArthur was
relieved of his command of the United Nations fighting forces in
Korea by the traitor President Harry S. Truman, who met with MacArthur on the Island of Guam.
MacArthur had figured out
the whole picture OF TREASON and had to be relieved of his job.
"Truman feared MacArthur so much that just prior to
Douglas MacArthur returning to the United States from Korea,
the traitor Truman, hid out at Camp David for over three weeks in
fear of being arrested by General MacArthur who was a Five Star
General and in command of all military forces in the United
Now you know the
real truth as to what really happened ’behind the scenes’ during
the Korean Conflict between the ’traitor’ Truman and General
Douglas MacArthur, THE REAL HERO!! Robert W. Lee, in his
book entitled ’THE UNITED NATIONS TODAY’ (CPA books.,
33836 SE Kelso Rd, #6., P.O. Box 596., Boring, OR 97099),
states on pages 20 and 21:
"’I (General MacArthur) was...worried by a series of
directives from Washington (Truman) which were greatly
decreasing the potential of my air force. First I was forbidden
’hot’ pursuit of enemy planes that attacked our own. Manchuria
and Siberia were sanctuaries of inviolate protection for all enemy
forces and for all enemy purposes, no matter what depredations
or assaults might come from there. Then I was denied the right
(by Soviet General in United Nations) to bomb the hydroelectric
plants along the Yalu River. The order was broadened to include
every plant in North Korea which was capable of furnishing
electric power to Manchuria and Siberia.’"
Most incomprehensible
of all according to MacArthur was the REFUSAL to
let him bomb a supply target which was NOT in Manchuria or
Siberia, "’but many miles from the border, (it) forwarded supplies
from Vladivostok for the North Korean Army. I FELT THAT STEP-
"This is exactly the same type of
’treason’ that occurred
against our military forces in Viet Nam. But Viet Nam was far
more vile and dirty in the length or time that our soldiers were
betrayed. MacArthur continues on page 21:
"That there was some LEAK IN INTELLIGENCE was evident
to everyone. (Brigadier General Walton) Walker continually
complained to me that HIS OPERATIONS WERE KNOWN
TO THE ENEMY IN ADVANCE through sources in Washington...
information must have been relayed to them, assuring that the Yalu River bridges would continue to enjoy sanctuary and that
their bases would be left intact...
"General MacArthur then referred on page 21 to an official
"’...I would never have made
the attack and risked men and military reputation if I HAD NOT BEEN
GENERAL MACARTHUR from taking adequate retaliatory measures against my
lines of supply and communication.’
"J. Ruben Clark Jr., former Undersecretary of State and
Ambassador to Mexico, who was widely recognized as one of
the nation’s foremost international lawyers, stated on page 27
of the book entitled: ’THE UNITED NATIONS TODAY’:
"Not only does the Charter
Organization NOT prevent future wars, but it makes it practically certain
that we shall have future wars, and as such wars it takes from us (The
United States) the power to declare them, to chose the side on which we
shall fight, to determine what forces and military equipment we shall use in
the war, and to control and command our sons who do the fighting.’
"In fact, A Soviet General in the
United Nations still writes
the plans for employment of United States troops all over the
world, even in the Persian Gulf today. Former President John
F. Kennedy also felt the wrath of the United Nations Charter
(that Truman and the U.S. Congress signed) during the ’Bay
of Pigs’ invasion of Cuba against the Communist Castro. The
Soviets in the United Nations would not allow Kennedy to
directly use the United States military forces available in
destroying Castro. The Soviets stated that in using United
States military forces at the Bay of Pigs WITHOUT THE
APPROVAL OF THE SOVIETS in the United Nations, would
be a violation of the United Nations Charter THAT THE UNITED
"By now you should have come to realize
’why’ there were
so many restrictions on our soldiers during combat in Korea
and Viet Nam and ’why’ WE WERE NOT ALLOWED TO WIN...
"...The Viet Nam war was also allowed to continue to weaken
the resistance of the people in the United States against any
type of war or fight against communism. To accept ANYTHING
would be better in the minds of the masses... than (to accept)
war and having their sons killed. Even if it meant the ’merging’ of
our entire government with that of the Soviet Union."
Other evidence which tends to confirm this
connection, as exposed by Dr. John Coleman and others, comes
from an essay titled: ’THE TWIN PINCERS: MASONRY AND
CATHOLICISM’, written (understandably) anonymously. The
manuscript stated:
(1) Thirty-five years BEFORE
the Jesuits were kicked out of
France by a Roman Catholic king, Pope Clement XII issued his
Bull against Masonry. The Bourbon French King, Louis XVI and
his queen Marie Antoinette, were beheaded by an Illuminati
inspired mob of masons and terrorists. Why was this Catholic
family, the Bourbons, so opposed to the Jesuits? It is, by the
way, very interesting that a family like the Bourbons who had
opposed the JESUITS, were brought down eventually by the
French Revolution’s ILLUMINATI-MASONIC reign of terror,
pointing to the almost obvious fact that the Jesuits ordered the
Masons to carry out the revolution.
(2) Why did...
Frederick (the Great of Prussia) REFUSE to
have the (so called) enemies of masonry, the Catholic Order of
Jesuits, banned in Prussia in 1773? Could the insiders of the
Jesuits ALSO BE Masons?
(Note: Mackey’s ENCYCLOPEDIA
OF FREEMASONRY states that Frederick ’...was initiated as a
mason, at Brunswick, on the night of the 14th of August, 1738...’)
(3) The Roman Catholic
’Stuarts’ WERE masons from
SCOTLAND... the Stuart, James II, tried to set up the Jesuits in
positions of power when he became King of England in 1685...
(4) Between the
STUARTS and the Jesuits at Lyons, France,
and the Jesuit college of Clermont, in Paris... the RITE OF
PERFECTION evolves; out of which, the masonic authorities have
quoted, trace today’s Ancient and Accepted SCOTTISH RITE OF
Rebold (a Masonic authority) and Mackey do not exactly
agree on the part Chevalier de Bonneville played in THE RITE OF
PERFECTION. Bonneville may not have been a Jesuit... but
when we look at the part he played in the RITE OF STRICT
OBSERVANCE... we see many indications that he was a
According to Burke McCarty’s book
LINCOLN’, several U.S. presidents who had come out in
opposition against Jesuit-Masonry had been targeted by the
Illuminati for assassination. McCarty states:
(1) President William Henry Harrison.
In 1841, General Wm. Henry Harrison of Ohio, was elected President by a large
majority. The loyalty of the Union (toward) General Harrison was
above question, and it was (the aim) of the power of Leopoldines,
a great Jesuit Spy System, to defeat him.
"In his inaugural address... President Harrison... said:
’We admit of no government by divine right, believing that so far as power
is concerned, the beneficent Creator has made no distinction among men; that
all are upon an equality, and that the only legitimate right to govern, is
upon the express grant of power from the governed.’
"With these unmistakable words,
President Harrison made
his position clear; he hurled defiance to the ’divine right’ enemies
of our Popular Government. Aye, he did more - for those words
signed his death warrant. Just one month and five days from
that day, President Harrison lay a corpse in the White House.
He died from arsenic poisoning, administered by
the tools of
Rome. The Jesuit oath had been swiftly carried out."
Note: For a copy of the
Jesuit Oath, refer to pp. 99-102 of
William Cooper’s book ’BEHOLD A PALE HORSE’, c/o Light
Technology Publishing., P.O. Box 1495., Sedona, AZ 86336.
The oath appears in chapter 3 - ’Oath of Initiation of an
Unidentified Secret Order’. Although Cooper ’suspects’ the
oath might have originated from the Jesuits or the Knights of
Malta, he is uncertain. However, Dennis Passero and other
researchers have published exact duplicates of the oath which
appears in Cooper’s book, and state that it IS the Jesuit oath,
thus confirming Cooper’s suspicions. It basically states that
the Jesuit is through all means moral or immoral -- the immoral
acts can supposedly be ’forgiven’ if they are done in the name
of the
Roman ’church’ -- to devote their life to bringing about the
destruction of the Protestant movement, and to bringing all
nations under the control of ROME for the glory of the ’Queen of
Heaven’, no doubt the same pagan goddess worshipped by the
ancient Babylonians -- none other than the ancient Queen Semiramis to whom we can credit the post-deluvian resurgence
of witchcraft.
Many allege that the Roman ’church’ is nothing more than
the continuation of the ancient Roman Empire which sought to
dominate the world, and that they merely donned religious
garb when they discovered that religious feeling was an
ENORMOUSLY effective way to control the masses. The fact
that Constantine was the last official Roman EMPEROR and the
first official Roman POPE is cause for great suspicion.
McCarty continues:
"Allow me to quote for you from U.S.
Senator Benton’s ’THIRTY YEARS VIEW,’ Volume II, page 21,
regarding the death of President Harrison:
’There was no failure of health
or strength to indicate such an event or excite apprehension, that he would
not go through his term with the same vigor with which he commenced it. His
attack was sudden and evidently fatal from he beginning.’
"And at the close of the chapter in Senator Benton’s book,
we read this significant bit of information which should be well
pondered concerning Harrison’s family: ’That the deceased President had been
closely preceded and was rapidly followed by the deaths of almost ALL OF HIS
numerous family, sons and daughters...’
"That is ’extirpation’ with a vengeance, is it not? (Note:
The Jesuit oath calls for members of the order to ’extirpate’ the
enemies of Rome - Branton)
(2) President Zachary Taylor
In his first message to
Congress, he said:
’But attachment to the UNION of states should be fostered in
every American heart. For more than half a century... this Union has
remained unshaken...’
"The arch-plotters, fearing that suspicion might be aroused
by the death of the President early in his administration, as in
the case of President Harrison, permitted him to serve one year
and four months, when on the Fourth of July, 1850, arsenic was
administered to him during a celebration in Washington at which
he was invited to deliver the address. He went in perfect health
in the morning and was taken ill in the afternoon about five
o’clock and died on the Monday following, having been sick the
same number of days and with precisely the same symptoms as
was his predecessor, President Harrison.
(3) Attempt on President James Buchanan
He was invited
to deliver an address on Washington’s Birthday, and made
reservation at the National Hotel (which by the way was the
headquarters of the Jesuit traitors), for himself and his friends.
"The gentleman had had his ear to the ground evidently and
heard the rumble of the Abolitionists, and when the committee
asked for a conference, he coolly informed them that he was
"The following quotations from the NEW YORK HERALD and
THE POST at the time chronicled what followed:
"’The appointments favoring the North by the
Jeff Davis
faction will doubtless be accepted, and treated as a declaration
of war, and a war of extermination on one side or the other.’
(Feb. 25, 1857)
"On Washington’s Birthday, Buchanan’s stand became
known and the next day he was poisoned. The plot was deep
and planned with skill. Mr. Buchanan, as was customary with
men in his station, had a table and chairs reserved for himself
and friends in the dining room at the National Hotel. The
President was known
to be an inveterate tea drinker; in fact Northern people rarely drink
(i.e. drank) anything else in the evening. Southern men preferred
coffee. Thus, to make sure of Buchanan and his Northern friends,
arsenic was sprinkled in the bowls containing the tea and lump
sugar and set on the table where he was to sit. The pulverized
sugar in the bowls used for coffee on the other tables was kept
free from poison. Not a single Southern man was affected or
harmed. Fifty or sixty persons dined at the table that evening,
and as best can be learned, ABOUT THIRTY-EIGHT DIED FROM
"President Buchanan was poisoned, and with great difficulty
his life was saved. His physicians treated him understandingly
from instructions given by himself as to the cause of his
illness, for he understood what was the matter."
Researcher Dennis Passero also quoted the above in his
’CONSPIRACY TRACKER’ newsletter (no longer being published).
Being the avowed Catholic that he is, we cannot say that Passero
had any particular bias against the Catholic church in his
exposition of the Jesuits, but that he saw the corruption in the
Roman Institution and exposed it. Passero has made some
interesting comments in relation to Jesuit-Masonry and the
assassination of one of the most popular Presidents in American
"...President Abraham Lincoln. The subject of Lincoln’s
murder is too vast to be covered here. McCarty believes that the
Jesuits and their tools, the KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE
were behind the crime. What is interesting is that President
Harrison, Taylor, Buchanan, and of course Lincoln, were all
strongly dedicated to the preservation of the Union -- and all
had made speeches indicating their stand. If the Jesuits wanted
the Union split, they were not alone. In 1876, Otto Von Bismarck
had this to say:
’The division of the United States into two
federations of equal force was decided long before the Civil war
by the High Financial Power of Europe. These bankers were
afraid that the United States, if they remained in one block and
as one nation, would attain economical and financial independence, which would upset their financial domination over the
world. The voice of
the Rothschilds predominated. They foresaw the tremendous
booty if they could substitute two feeble democracies, indebted to the
(European) financiers, to the vigorous Republic, confident and
self-providing. Therefore, they started their emissaries in order to exploit
the question of slavery and thus dig an abyss between the two parts of the
"While McCarty links the
Golden Circle with the Jesuits, Dr.
Stuart Crane says that the Golden Circle was financed by the Rothschilds.
(Note: Dr. John Coleman had stated in essence that
the old-line ’Blue Blood’ or BLACK NOBILITY families of Europe
who claim DESCENDENCE from the ancient Roman Emperors
make up the link between the Rothschilds, who control Masonry;
and the Jesuits, who control much of the Catholic world behind
the scenes - Branton)
"In order to create a rift using the slavery problem
Circle agents became known as Abolitionists in the North, and as
Secessionists in the South. Even the fiery John Brown, who led
the raid on Harper’s Ferry, was financed by the International
Bankers. Every member of the Southern cabinet belonged to the
Golden Circle -- as did every member of the Northern cabinet with
the exception of Lincoln and Secretary Seward.
"When things began getting rough for the Confederacy,
the Rothschilds even planned an invasion of the U.S. by British
troops swooping down from Canada, and by French forces
established in Mexico under the Emperor Maximilian, but this did
not come off because the Russian Czar (who’s government was
later to be overthrown by the Bolshevik Revolution - Branton) said
he would intervene on the side of the North if the European forces
attacked. According to Mag-Gen. Count Cherep-Spiridovich, the
Rothschilds had one of their agents in
the Vatican, a Jewish-
Jesuit named Father Fisher, convince the Pope that the Vatican
should finance Maximillian who would in return re-establish
Catholicism in Mexico, which had conveniently been abolished by Benito
Juarez, a Freemason.
Later, when the Civil War was over, the
guerrilla army branch of the Knights of the Golden Circle, headed
for Mexico to aid Maximillian who was running into trouble with
the Juarez forces. This guerrilla force was under the command
of Colonel William Quantrill, famous leader of Quantrill’s Raiders,
and of Col. Jesse James -- later the famous outlaw. LIKE ALL
THEY WERE THE TOP OF THE LADDER, never realizing that
there were higher-ups over them. For some reason, Jesse James
earned the wrath of
the Rothschilds -- and the reward money
later offered for his capture, came from coffers of the House of
Del Schroader).
"Abraham Lincoln was able to foil the conspirators at every
turn. He was aware of the activities of
the Jesuits (see:
YEARS IN THE CHURCH OF ROME, by Charles Chiniguy, c/o
Chick Publications., P.O Box 662., Chino, CA 91710). He took
the Union Army and turned it into the most powerful fighting force
the world has ever known. He issued the famous ’greenbacks’ --
refusing to accept loans from the High Financial Power. For
these reasons -- and because he would not go along with the
harsh measures of the Reconstruction -- it was decided upon that
He would die. John Wilkes Booth, a member of the Golden Circle
and of the Carbonari (another Jesuit-connected lodge - Branton),
was chosen as the tool to commit the crime. About a month
before the assassination, Booth had traveled to Europe for a
secret meeting with Napoleon III, also a member of the Carbonari
(Note: A 1991 episode of UNSOLVED MYSTERIES alleged
that Union sentries had been ordered to give Booth safe passage
out of the city following the assassination - Branton).
III was surrounded by Jesuit advisors [see: THIS ONE MAD ACT,
by Forrester, for a mention of the meeting].
"With Lincoln out of the picture,
Golden Circle member
Andrew Johnson became president. But, for some reason he
pulled an about face, and also failed to go along with the harsh
Reconstruction measures. Because of this he became the only
President to be impeached, though acquitted by one vote... It
appears that the Rothschilds intended the Reconstruction Period
to be the Civil War equivalent to the French Revolution’s Reign
of Terror. Not content with the outcome of the war, it became
necessary to keep the country divided via the injustices of the
Carpetbag Governments. The High Financial Power realized that
the South was really the heart and soul of the Republic. It was
desired to destroy the economic base of the North, but to destroy
the moral and spiritual base of the south. Individuality was the
enemy of the collectivist conspirators, then as well as now!
"To keep a continual animosity going between the two parts
of the country, it was decided that terrorism could be used
against the Reconstruction Governments. This terrorism could
be used as an excuse to further strengthen these bogus
governments. Terrorism could be used to frighten foes of
Abolition. Some of these terrorist acts included mutilation
murders perpetrated by John Brown and his boys.
"According to Dr. Stuart Crane, the Terrorist organization
born at this time was the KU KLUX KLAN, which emerged from
the Knights of the Golden Circle.
"However, it appears that there were two Klans operating at
this time. One was headed by Nathan Bedford Forrest. This
Klan sought only to save the South and to avenge crimes and
injustices. The other was the Golden Circle child. This second
Klan was founded by Judah P. Benjamin - a Rothschild relative
and Confederacy’s Secretary of State -, Kuttner Baruch, Albert
Pike - known as the Vice-Regent of Lucifer and as the Sovereign
Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry -, AND BY AN UN-NAMED
Further evidence in support of the allegations that
Illuminati is composed of both Jesuits and
Masons is given by Robold (the argument is that the Illuminati is a secret arm of
Jesuitism re-established by the Jesuit Priest Weishaupt, while
subversive 33rd degree Masonry is a secret branch of the
Illuminati. In other words Rome operates as the ’head’ of the
conspiratorial ’beast’, the Illuminati is the neck, Masonry is
it’s body and the many neo-masonic political, religious,
fraternal and economic cults are the ’tentacles’. Former 33rd
degree Mason Jim Shaw has even exposed dozens of Vatican
officials who are also high-ranking masons). Rebold, in his
reveals the following Jesuit-Masonic ’eggs’ that were hatched
during the 18th century:
"...RITE of the Old Daughter-in-law, by
Lockhart, an emissary
of the Jesuits... in 1749.
Templar system, founded by the Jesuits, and united in 1776, with
the SECULAR TEMPLARS, also a creation of the Jesuits...
"RITE of the Knights of the East, by
Pirlet, a Jesuit
Emissary... 1757.
"RITE of the Emperors of the East and West, Sovereign
Prince Masons. This was the rite which Herodum extended to
the RITE OF PERFECTION (from which the Scottish Rite of
Masonry is evolved) of about 25 degrees, by the Jesuits, and
propagated by Pirlet about 1758.
"RITE of the Flaming Star, founded by
Baron Schudy, an
emissary of the Jesuits in 1766.
"RITE of the Illuminati of Bavaria, by
Professor Weishaupt
(also a Jesuit)... in 1776."
Dr. William Campbell, M.D., a very knowledgeable virologist
who to our knowledge had not even heard of Dr. John Coleman
at the time when he first came out with his very disturbing
revelations, seems to nevertheless confirm Coleman’s suspicions
of mass genocide through virological warfare. Cambell claims
that in the course of researching the AIDS virus, he and his
associates stumbled across a conspiracy almost too horrifying
to believe. In an article titled "W.H.O. MURDERED AFRICA",
which first appeared in the HEALTH FREEDOM NEWS (P.O
Box 688., Monrovia, CA 91016), he presented a great deal of
documentation that the AIDS virus was not only ’manufactured’
artificially by ’splicing’ the bovine leukemia and sheep visna retro-viruses in a laboratory in
Ft. Detrick, Maryland, but that the
the Illuminati-affiliated
CLUB OF ROME according to
Dr. John
Coleman and others), as well as Socialist-Communist elements,
and the UNITED NATIONS played a central role in it’s creation
and INTENTIONAL release into the world population...
Is it possible that Communism, like the Jesuit-infested Nazi
Party itself, has acted as a secret weapon of the Jesuit-
Illuminati in it’s ongoing INQUISITION against Jews and
Protestants (as well as governments such as the United States
which through its CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS, and
DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE has challenged the world
socialists to their face?) Dr. John Coleman has stated:
"...Karl Marx was one of the earliest members of the radical
Mazzini movements starting in 1840... it is interesting to note
that Marx, an avowed hater of religion, should so passionately
espouse Jesuitism."
Also, cult expositor Dave Hunt, in his
1980) states:
"During the summer of 1988 on PBS a number of
representatives from the Kremlin were answering questions put
to them by a live American audience. One of the Americans
asked, ’What is the major cause of misunderstanding between
the Soviet Union and the United States?’ The LEADER of the
KREMLIN DELEGATION unhesitatingly replied, ’The major
problem is Evangelical CHRISTIANITY." (translated: Protestantism)
Arizona Pastor Lee Gerrard quotes from a Communist-Socialist
instruction book on psychopolitics:
"...You must recruit every agency of the Nation marked for
slaughter into foaming hatred of religious healing... that any
religious practice which might devote itself to MENTAL HEALING
is vicious, bad, insanity causing, publicly hated and intolerable.
You must suborn and recruit any medical healing organization
into collusion in this campaign."
Religious healing is largely a
Protestant phenomena, the
very group -- revitalized by the German Martin Luther -- whose
destruction the Jesuit order in it’s oath has sworn to carry out.
Now back to the subject of
’Illuminati’ conspiracy and
it’s alleged connection with aerial and subsurface phenomena. There are some researchers who believe, aside from the
revelations above, that there is a definite connection between
the ’Illuminati’ and the alien group known to many researchers as
the ’Men In Black’.
Jim Brandon, in his book ’OCCULT AMERICA’ tells of an
alleged underground installation below Washington D.C. known
as ’NOD’ -- suggesting that the antediluvian constructors of this ’Atlantean’ substructure may have been descendants of
(see: Genesis 4:16). The present inhibitors of this subterranean
installation are allegedly an underground race of ’power-trippers’
tied into the highest levels of the NSA-CIA, who are in turn in
contact with ’Sirius Star People’ or a group that some UFOlogists
believe is the extraterrestrial extension of the Illuminati, also
known as the ’Men In Black’ or the ’Nation of the Third Eye’. The
’NOD’ and other similar facilities are reportedly NOT inhabited by
ante-diluvians, but by people who later discovered these
abandoned underground installations as well as the ancient
technologies left there, which they learned to manipulate for
good or evil. Brandon also mentions ancient tunnels discovered
beneath Washington D.C. that have been investigated by
government scientists, some of which, according to still other
sources, contain walls with a glass-smooth but metal-hard glaze.
In connection with the German Illuminati, it is said that
’they’ now possess aerial disks which may be capable of
leaving the earth’s atmosphere. These may explain SOME of
the accounts of ’Aryan’ saucer pilots, however Germans are not
the only ’Aryan’ civilization to exist (actually Hitler’s ’theory’ that
the Germans were descended from Aryan stock may be just
that - a theory), for instance there were the Aryans who ruled
ancient India thousands of years ago.
Nevertheless the ’German’ theory plays a definite role in UFOlogy, although if true it apparently makes up only a minor
percentage of encounters with humanoid or human-like entities.
The popular theory is that sometime before WWII, German
occultists -- the same one’s who gave rise to the Nazi Party,
recovered a crashed ’disk’ and began to study and eventually to
utilize it’s technology through various secret projects which
allegedly utilized underground bases and factories that were
used in attempts to duplicate the technology.
The top-secret
Nazi ’aerial disk’ research became more
advanced throughout the Second World War, and reportedly
utilized jet-turbine and later electromagnetic propulsions. As it
became apparent that the Germans were losing the war, they
allegedly transferred this technology to a base in Antarctica
which had been established years earlier, complete with
underground installations and all, and code-named the ’New
Berlin’. Throughout the entire duration of the war the Nazis had
allegedly shipped scientists, workers, technology and saucer
components to this Antarctic base or bases.
U.S. Rear
Admiral Richard E. Byrd some years later
conducted and led an "exploration" of the Antarctic region. The
strange thing about the "expedition" was that the massive
operation involved nearly 4,000 well-trained military Naval troops,
military vessels such as destroyers, subs, aircraft carrier and
aircraft. Upon arriving at the polar continent they reportedly split
into three separate groups and began a massive reconnaissance-
like operation. One source even claimed that Byrd’s Navy
encountered ’resistance’ there and that there was a photo-finish
FIGHT between American and Nazi forces there, with losses on
both sides.
When the Americans left two weeks later (also strange for a
’scientific expedition’) Byrd, after arriving home, reportedly went
into a rage and began demanding that the government turn
Antarctica into a nuclear test range. Byrd was sworn to secrecy
and his diaries are sealed to this day.
There are, in fact, some who claim to have encountered disks
containing a swastika-like symbol, or occupants who spoke fluent
German, yet these accounts are still relatively few in comparison
with accounts of other types of human cosmonauts encountered
in other incidents, suggesting that the majority of human-like
alien encounters may come from the so-called ’Federation’ which
consists of:
the Ummo People or Ummites from the star Iummo or
Wolf 424
the Vegans in Lyra
the ’Koldasions’, Hyadeans, and the ’Solarians’ with their alleged
’Tribunal’ on the moons of Saturn,
the Tau Cetians and Epsilon Eridanians
the Alpha Centurians
the ’Andromedans’ from the Andromeda constellation
and of course
the Pleiadeans,
all of whom claim ties with ancient societies on
As for the ’German-Aryans’, some sources indicate that
they may have at one time been in league with the Grays, but
that at least some of the second and third generations may no
longer adhere as strongly to Hitler’s mad obsession for global
conquest, and ’some’ of these may in fact now be in opposition to
the Grays! Certain accounts suggest that two ’German’ groups
may possess antigravity technology - one based on the scientific
developments of a group of German scientists who escaped
Germany before the rise of Nazism, and the other group which
consists of full-fledged Nazis!
Once again returning to ’Oscar’s’ references concerning time/
space windows... If Einstein’s theories concerning the possibility
of time/space anomalies are correct, then this might explain how
a civilization could possibly travel from one star to another in a
relatively short period of time. There is no evidence that time
could ever be reversed without canceling itself out in a "paradox"
(although some claim that reverse time travel is possible, but that
it is not possible to "change" the past), yet there is a theoretical
possibility that time/space might be SUSPENDED via some type
of ’hyperspace’.
There is allegedly much technical information
contained in the elusive "GRUDGE/BLUE BOOK REPORT NO.
13" describing this aspect of physics. Some ’contactees’ even
state that the FORWARD flow of time is different in other parts
of the galaxy, and that a day on earth could constitute a week
on another planet. In other words a spacefaring race might have left earth only
a few thousand years ago, yet the time differentiation might have allowed
10,000 years to pass in "their" time.
Others believe that the forward flow of time (or rather a particular
beings’ passage through time) may also be altered through the
manipulation of electromagnetic technology.
Also, in relation to the apparent
’tug-of-war’ between the
’Grey’s’ and the ’Nordics’/Tau Cetians, etc., over individuals,
as in the case of ’Jill’ which we’ve related earlier, we have an
apparently similar situation that was described in an ’Intelligence
Report’ released by ’Leading Edge Research’ (Formerly
Aerial Research). This report stated:
"One contactee that has been contacted by the blond/Nordic
race was captured and examined (by the greys) after it was
discovered by them that the blue beam used to paralyze people
failed to have an effect on him. The implant device that the
Nordics put in evidently neutralized the paralysis beam. It was
said that the Greys came in a football-shaped craft."
This is one more confirmation, among others, that actual
conflict if not warfare exists between various segments of the
’Nordic’ Federation and ’Gray’ Empire.
Now back to the ’center of the vortex’ whereas both
Gray and
Nordic activity is concerned, that is, the Mojave Desert.
The Mojave mysteries are NOT known only to small groups of
researchers who meet in secret to discuss their latest findings.
The subject of aerial as well as subsurface phenomena is gaining
more respect as more evidence and documentation comes to
light. Major motion picture studios are becoming interested in the
phenomena, for instance the Showtime and Speilberg productions
of ROSWELL. Television companies are also beginning to take
these reports of alien encounters seriously, and we have had
numerous documentary productions such as SIGHTINGS,
TV News Magazines and TV Talk Shows have responded to the
public interest. Even Radio Talk Show personalities who are
heard by millions coast to coast see the potential importance of
what is happening to untold thousands of people who are
describing essentially the same things. Art Bell has his
’DREAMLAND’ program, then there is Chuck Harder, Billy
Goodman and others...
According to an item which appeared in
EDGE Magazine, a well-known Los Angeles talk show host
by the name of Ken Hudnell announced over the air on November
3rd, 1989, his intention to take a group to visit one of the ancient
underground cities, which he says has an entrance 60 miles
from Anaheim, California.
In 1962, a researcher by the name of
Chuck Edwards
released some of his own discoveries concerning what might be
referred to as the ’Western Subsurface Drainage Network’, which
seems to cover parts of Utah, Nevada, and Southern California,
where are located many drainage systems which do not
ultimately flow into the Pacific ocean (via surface rivers, that is),
but instead make their way underground into a vast subterranean
drainage network. His letter appeared in issue A-8 of ’THE
HIDDEN WORLD’, one of the few specialized publications which
grew out of the Palmer-Shaver controversy of 1940-45 which
appeared in AMAZING STORIES science fiction/science fact
magazine. The ’controversy’ arose around Richard Shaver’s
claim’s to have inside knowledge of two subterranean races which possessed
aerial disks: the ’Deros’ which have been
variously described as a race of ancient out-of-control Atlantean robots,
degenerate human troglodytes, or a race of reptilian non-humans (or all
three) who were at war with another much more benevolent (and human)
subterranean race known as the ’Teros’.
The Deros were allegedly tormenting those on the surface of the
earth through psychic attack and electronic mind control from
their underworld lairs, in preparation for a possible future invasion
of the outer world.
The answers to the aerial-subsurface mystery remained
rather confused during the ’AMAZING STORIES-Shaver Mystery’
period, possibly because of Shaver’s perhaps well-intentioned
but unwise attempt to inform the readers about the world beyond
and the world below through science-fact-fiction stories (however,
the readers were never clearly instructed as to where the fact
ended and the fiction began), or because of editor Ray Palmer’s attempts to ’occultize’ many of
Shaver’s stories with his own
mystic-occult philosophies, which Shaver accused him of doing.
So it was in the wake of this period that investigators like
Mr. Edwards’ were born. Some of the researchers of this period
delved off into the metaphysical, seeking the answer to their
questions from ’channeled’ supernatural entities who tickled their egos, yet
whose intentions and revelations could not be physically substantiated.
The fact that many of these occultists ended up with severe emotional or
psychotic problems -- in essence seeing a ’Dero’ under every bed and degenerating into
schizophrenic paranoid behavior -- would indicate that the greater
majority of their ’sources’ were no doubt astral or alien deceivers
out to mislead these seekers after truth. Others however retained
their intellectual and analytical sanity and, although not discounting
the presence of evil influences, did not so easily open
themselves up to their lies and misleading propaganda but set out
to investigate the phenomena in a rational, sane, and intellectual
manner. It is with this in mind that we quote from Chuck
Edwards’ letter.