Editor: Paula
Snyder - Editorial consultant: Peter Millson
First shown on Channel 4, UK
in November and December 1997
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Characterizing environmentalist ideology as unscientific,
irrational and anti-humanist, this acerbic and polemical three-part
series turns 'Green' ideas on their head.
Against Nature begins
by exposing the absence of scientific rigor behind
notions such as the greenhouse effect and global warming. It
goes on to contrast densely populated, industrialized First
World countries (much hated by the Greens), which have clean
air, clean water and long life expectancies, with sparsely
populated, largely pre-industrial countries (much loved by
the Greens), which have polluted water, terrible air and far
shorter life expectancies.
The second program exposes the myth of overpopulation
and points to the barbarism and racism of environmentalist
plans to reduce population levels in the Third World.
The last program in the series identifies
environmentalism as the new enemy of science, taking
over from religion. It argues that Green scaremongering
about genetics and fertility has led to valuable scientific
research being stopped.