by Buck Rogers
September 30, 2015
WakingTimes Website
Spanish version

"Learning about water is
like an exploration
to discover how the cosmos
and the crystals revealed
through water
are like the portal into
another dimension."
Dr. Masaru Emoto
Human beings are essentially made up of water, and in his pioneering
research, Dr.
Masaru Emoto demonstrated that the molecular structure
of water is greatly affected by non-physical events such as
thoughts, words, and intention.
In a series of ground-breaking studies
he applied mental stimulation to water and photographed it with a
dark field microscope, taking snapshots of the formation of ice
crystals to show how the application of different intentions to
water affected it's physical structure.
The results were nothing short of
phenomenal. It turns out that just as tone and intention affect
human-to-human communication, he proved that tone and intention
are received as communication by water.
Just as
plants are now understood to be self-conscious
and somewhat self-aware, Dr. Emoto's studies suggest that water also
exhibits signs of consciousness and intelligence.
Here's a look at the differences in a
sample before and after being prayed over by a Buddhist monk in one
of his tests:

The science of how intention affects
molecules of water is unknown, and the results of Dr. Emoto's work
leave the door open for some big questions about life and about how
life itself began on planet earth.
Of what is the universe
And why is water such a unique
element in our world, with such unusual properties?
In 2000,
a comet carrying enough water to
fill a small lake broke apart near the sun potentially validating
the theory that comets could have brought the Earth's supply of
water to the planet during its formational stages.
It was also
recently reported,
"…that 'a significant fraction' of the water on Earth was
inherited from interstellar space, and was there before the Sun
was formed some 4.6 billion years ago."
Therefore, the water on this planet was
here, or en route, before the planet itself.
This theory is something that the late
Dr. Emoto agreed with and mentioned in his book,
The Hidden Messages in Water,
noting that water appears to be conscious, reacting with
intelligence to it's environment, and foreign to planet earth.
Here are some of his thoughts on the
investigation into the mysteries of water makes me think that
water is something not of this earth.
Why do you think there is so much
water on this earth? Most explanations say that when the earth
was formed, some 4.6 billion years ago, water turned to steam,
evaporated and formed rain that fell on the earth, resulting in
the creation of the oceans.

But not all scholars agree with this
theory, and some offer radically different alternatives.
such scholar was Louis Frank of the University of Iowa, who has
proposed that water arrived on this planet in the form of lumps
of ice from outer space.
Professor Frank began his
investigation when he became puzzled by the fact that satellite
photographs showed black spots; he reached the conclusion that
these black spots were comets that were falling to earth.
These mini comets are actually balls
of water and ice weighing a hundred tons or more, and falling
into the earth's atmosphere at a rate of about twenty per minute
(or ten million per year).
The theory is that these balls of ice
bombarded the earth forty billion years ago, creating the seas
and oceans, and this same phenomenon continues today.
As the earth's gravity pulls these
ice comets into the atmosphere, the heat of the sun evaporates
them and turns them into gas.
As they fall fifty 0r five
kilometers from outer space, the gas particles mix with the air
in the atmosphere and are blown about, falling to the earth as
rain or snow.
If this new approach were to
gain widespread credibility, it would require many of the books
in the world's libraries to be rewritten.
It would have an impact on
almost all of the scientific theories related to life on this
planet, such as the origin of man and Darwin's theory of
is universally accepted that there can be no life without water,
and if we accept that water, the source of all life, was sent
from outer space, then logic leads us to the conclusion that all
life, including that of human beings, is alien to this planet.
But if we go along with this theory
water being extraterrestrial, then perhaps we can better
understand the many unusual characteristics of water.
Why does ice float?
Why is water able to
dissolve so much?
Why is a towel able to soak
up water, seemingly in defiance of the laws of gravity?
From the standpoint that water is
not of this world, these and other mysteries surrounding water
may seem a little less difficult to understand."
The Hidden Messages in Water, p.
With NASA now reporting evidence that
water is in fact
flowing on the
surface of Mars, we are challenged to wonder if the
acknowledgement of water on the surface of the Red Planet was in
some way a partial
disclosure by the government to the
public of the fact that we are accompanied in this universe by
extra-terrestrial life.
Was Dr. Emoto's intuition about the true
nature of water correct?
When you link what we know about
how ubiquitous water is in our universe, how important water is to
life here on planet earth, and the possibility that water is
conscious and is communicating with us in its own unique way, then
you open the door to the idea that water might be more than just a
substance found in space, and that it
in fact may be a
form, the most important form, of intelligent life in the
The following video is a beautiful
presentation of some of Dr. Emoto's photographic work:

Where there is water there is life, as
the saying goes, and if the theory that water was delivered to earth
by millions of water-bearing comets is accurate, then from where did
these comets of water originate?
If we are not from earth, then
where are we from?
Could the hidden message in water
be something along the lines of
'look upward to find
your home?'
Here is another short video clip from
the movie,
What the Bleep do We Know?,
where Dr. Emoto's work is explained in more detail.