by Zen Gardner
19 January 2012
BeforeItsNews Website
German version

Let's face it.
This isn't reality.
a fleeting world of voluntary make believe only adopted by
self-numbing drones too afraid to even ask questions any more.
And they do it willfully. We all do. Whatever any of us do is a
willful act of varying degrees of acceptance or non-compliance.
As the old adage goes,
"Either we're part of the problem or
we're part of the solution."
Now apply that to all of the economic,
societal, interpersonal and spiritual levels we operate on and
there's where we'll find an inspiring and meaningful, or dead and
conforming, life.
None of This Has To
There are no poor, ignorant masses. Ignorant perhaps, but not so
poor they can't wake up. We all have the spiritual resources at any
given time to have absolutely thrilling and fulfilling lives.
The point is we choose our reality, even if one's imposed on us. If
it's comfy cozy enough, the rut fits OK, or people are sufficiently
intimidated and allow themselves to be disempowered, most will
actually be happy to trudge through their assigned trench rather
than stick their heads up even for a moment to wonder where they're
going and why they're doing what they're doing.
Oddly enough.
And this apparent propensity for illusion rather than reality gets a
lot of help. By whom?
Not just those addicted to a sleepy "don't
rock the boat" way of life, but this tendency lays humanity wide
open for conquest. Some smarty pants power pushers seem to know
about this inclination to trust and follow rather than exercise
discernment, critical thought and independent behavior.
And heck, like any good discovery or invention, or as the ravenous
fascio-corporatist system teaches... let's take advantage of it and
stick it to them.
The Weaponization of
If some parasitic force was so self-serving as to actually live off
of the inhabitants of a land or planet,
What world would they create to
better control the population?
An awake and aware one that knew
it was being used and harvested and kept from the truth of
their potential?
One where love and spontaneity
and loving interaction created a utopian society with plenty
for all, as it could and will be one day?

Would be nice, but I don't think so.
They would need to be "ignorant" of what's truly going on.
If you want to know what psychopathic
elitist power freaks would do,
just look around at the world today. Something's been completely and
systematically laid out and reinforced at every level for a long,
long time and mistakenly we think we have something to say about it.
All by design.
Unfortunately, what it boils down to is the only freedom you think
you have is virtually the freedom to roam around your jail cell, and
sometimes the mess hall and exercise yard.
Not a nice thought, but virtually true... But only for those who
subscribe to it. Which is almost everyone, to varying degrees.
what makes this apparent approach so effective? Everyone thinks
they're free, but all within carefully defined and confined
And the sheeple have no idea.
Synthesized World
If you were to describe the way to herd a society, what would you
I know, sounds Machiavellian, but that's how these types
think. You got to realize there are people like this - they exist,
they thrive on your energy, and they're using you!

See if these few symptoms fit the world we live in:
An inherent need for hierarchy
If the people assume there are those deemed to be their
masters who know better and are somehow superior, be it the
royalty scam, or the plethora of commercial, political and
religious overlords,
control is a slam dunk.
Economic stranglehold in a world
of scarcity
If there is a fear of not having enough in an
imposed system of controlled means of exchange you can play
the masses like a fiddle at the touch of their scrambling,
fearful nervous systems.
War brings peace and security
Ah, we do need a common enemy to keep
the war machine
churning out weapons, burning up fuel and money, and sending
its youth to the meat grinder. That should keep everyone
Survival of the fittest and
domination by the rich
Again, we deserve to be ruled over.
Pound this one hard. And while you're at it, dumb down your
populace with
altered food and
a poison environment.
Bread and circus
What, me
worry? Everyone's happy on Super Bowl Sunday! Bamboozled
baboons belching beer and bratwurst while the world burns.
What If
Everyone Just Woke Up?
This whole present day system we perceive is a smoke and mirrors
charade consisting of manipulated levels of information to create a
controllable, presupposed existence.
That the great hoards of inhabitants
sway to the same rhythms and participate in such things as barbaric
wars, an obviously controlled banking and economic system, and
blinding, debasing
religious dogmas and rigmarole says it all.
And yes, you can argue it's still a reality.

So is the torturous
world of someone who is mentally disturbed.
Would you call that
If not, what in you is telling you it is something more
than that poor tortured soul's version?
And to what degree are all
of us tortured or deprived souls compared to some vastly greater and
more wonderful reality?
Get the picture?
It's consciousness watching through you!
What happens when someone comes
along to dare mention we're looking at shadows in the cave
versus the light, as Plato taught?
Aren't these the very ones
decried as troublemakers, whack jobs and conspiracy freaks?
It's Time To
Flee the Coop!
Ken Kesey's classic "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest" tells the
The "live ones", the truly sane, are
locked up and managed by psychopathic power freaks who will stop at
nothing to control their subjects.

Those who dare to challenge not
only their authority but their whole viewpoint, as symbolized by the
mental institution, will be given even greater doses of mind-numbing
drugs, electric shock treatments and even lobotomies.
In the end, the silent Native American named
Chief Bromden can't
stand to see his full of life liberating friend lay there in his
lobotomized state and performs a mercy killing.
Thanks to McMurphy's constant
encouragement to his friend to make a break for freedom, in spite of
the big Indian's admitted tendency to just enjoy the comforts of
security, he then picks up a large piece of furniture, smashes it
through the caged window, and runs to freedom.
That's where we are today.

The chief couldn't
stand it any longer.
Neither should anyone.
Don't just stand there. Break out of the
prison... physically, mentally, spiritually. It's time.
To delay is to deny.
A beautiful,
fully conscious Universal reality based in
Love and
Truth awaits, but you got to act on it. And it's not some mental
state. It's whole-istic, meaning everything about you and your world
needs to jump in however you're led.
Get there. And soon...
It's your only refuge and place of protection
and empowerment.