by Jim Euclid

15 July, 2012
from Regolish Website

Spanish version

Deutsch version


As the photon belt approaches, circa 20/12/2012, there is a sense of unease in the spiritual circles, a certain lack of confidence in our work, indubitably a spiritual malaise of sorts.


The Vatican is under fire, its followers diminishing, other religions devaluing as quick as the dollar. Some especially feel insecurity about their intuitive skills regarding ascension. Is it all just bubble and squeak, a mere mountain out of a molehill, or is there a general evolution of spirituality underway, a new paradigm of grace unfolding?


In this time of changing unease, let us not put on a brave face at the expense of masking our feelings from others.


Let us not separate ourselves from others in order they do not see us cry. We are spirits having a human experience, or to quote Juliet Carter,

We are a genetic experiment, an immortal race trapped in a mortal paradigm, a solar race locked in a lunar reality, a stolen race on a stolen planet.*

* Carter, J & J (2007) Worldbridger, Sowelu Publish



But we are also immortals in the making, both figuratively and literally.


There is much to be hopeful about in these ‛interesting times’. It is not a curse to be involved in hardship, like Job, as suffering is the crucible through which humanity awakens to its higher calling.


The suffering will not be physical but psychological, as we let go of long-held fears and foibles in exchange for majesty of spirit.

How did we get here?


We were sold collectively as a sovereign planet to another species in the 1940s by the Illuminati (we’ll get to them later) who coerced President Eisenhower into signing an agreement with an alien extraterrestrial species, the Orion Greys. This ratification was an unlawful agreement for the United States to accept advanced technology in exchange for covert alien-abduction of humans for experimental purposes.


As well as ET technology, the zero-point energy and electrogravitics developed by Nikola Tesla were co-opted by Illuminati factions and very soon (at late as the 1950s), Lockheed Martin, Lear, Raytheon and others were developing interstellar and transtemporal technologies via black-budget CIA funding.


Listening to the prophecies of Gray ETs, based on their time-space technologies such as those used in Area-51’s 'Project Looking Glass', the Illuminati informed the US Government in the late 1940s that ‛a great calamity’ would occur around 20/12/2012, a date set to coincide with the Biblical ‛end times’ and Mayan end-of-calendar.


The Illuminati warned that this impending calamity was going to be catastrophic, with untold deaths of millions of humans through earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. They argued to the newly-created CIA that something had to be done; a classic problem-reaction-solution doomsday scenario.


As a consequence of this ‛false-flag’ disinformation (COINTELPRO), the U.S. government, in a classic knee-jerk reaction, instituted the DUMBs project:

a vast multi-trillion dollar subterranean ‛ark’, a network of interconnecting, intercontinental underground bases developed solely to maintaining a working government during and after the ‛apocalypse’.

What the US government was not privy to was that the true ‛apocalypse’ was not to be so much a calamity as a ‛spiritual revelation’.


The DUMBS project was merely to serve as a new base of Orion Grays and Illuminati generals, who would rule the New World Order’s post-apocalypse world; a world created through HAARP earthquakes, and a nuclear/biological WWIII; a world as dictated on the Georgian Stones.


The real apocalypse however, which is to be a spiritual revival as ordained by the Creator, was undertaken by benevolent ETs (such as Pleiadeans, Andromedans, etc.) who undertook the complex strategy of overthrowing earth’s oppressors in a number of ways.


Their most effective method is to infuse light-energy onto the planet, to start awakening humanity.


More complex methods include co-opting members of the dark-government and its allied agencies in order to dismantle the Grey agenda in piece-meal steps, slowly pulling apart the deception through ‛inception’ (similar to the famous movie).


‛Inception’ is a true revelation about the way in which benevolent ETs have through kinetic intentions changed the subterranean agenda of Orion Greys, using light to change the terrain of the Illuminati’s intentions, subversively burrowing through their regolith beliefs until the light emerged.


Other less known methods were military in manner, including destruction of Draco-reptilian bases, etc.

Around the 1980s, a global ‛bewilderment’ began as books and websites begin to disclose a new truth that large numbers of people worldwide were being abducted and abused.


Activists like David Icke and whistle-blowers such as the Camelot Project during the last twenty years took up the baton and began uncovering the covert mirage of deception.


An awakening began as people realized slowly that mass consciousness was being overtly suppressed by Orwellian government-based legislation, mass media control and plutocratic global economics.

How do the Illuminati fit into this nexus of deception? The Illuminati are the human-genetic representatives of another non-human species known as the Draco-reptilians. These ‛lizards’ have been an intimate aspect of recorded human history.


They arrived to earth via a planetary spaceship we call ‛the moon, and it is from this orbiting base that they have established control of humanity for use as spiritual fodder. They are the dark side to human nature, as intimate to our consciousness as if they were within us constantly. They feed spiritually on our fear, our anger, our suffering, our ignorance.


How ironic, David Icke remarked once, that the truth of our human history is stranger than fiction.


It doesn’t even make sense that dragon-like reptiles control us from a moon base, but then Mark Twain said only fiction needs to, not truth. The Draco-reptilians are in fact genetically linked to humanity through our genes.


As Carlos Castaneda explained about the Draco-reptilians,

‛In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver.


Stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind!’

We cannot overthrow that which is inherent in our nature, thus it is that the upliftment of 2012 is all about the evolution of the human brain to override permanently our reliance on a primitive archaic reptilian brain-stem that knows only the four Fs (fight or flight, food or f**k).


Although a vast majority of Reptilian bases have been reportedly destroyed by benevolent ETs, especially through the work of Procyon forces, our genetic evolution is also critical and cannot be undervalued. We have not only been liberated from our Reptilian and Grey oppressors, but also light-enabled to use our inherent genetic tools to liberate ourselves from our darker mental aspects.


What more could a sovereign species ask but to be allowed the freedom to pursue its own destiny with dignity? Exactly what will happen on 21/12/2012 will be, according to many cynics, ‛just another day’.


But if we remember history, just another day was reported on many monumental events. Recall what happened on 9/9/89 with the fall of the Berlin Wall, many cynics of the time failed to understand the significance of this 'hundredth monkey' effect, where East Germans rallied in relative small but critical number and were able to overthrow the Communist Regime.


Recall also the awakening to despotism and the false-flag of terrorism that occurred post-9/11. Let us project this into a near future where a small concerted effort of protesters threaten to overthrow a global empire by dismantling the euro-dollar wall.


Such a scenario is inevitable, knowing humanity's growing cynicism of how the global elite 'Big Brother' controls our lives, whose iron glove is pushing down and dumbing down the humble populous.

Where do we go from here?


An enormous off-world and on-world effort has been under-way from 1987 that will continue until 2017, when ascension or upliftment is complete. Although there are predictions that the photon belt will cause some regional crust displacements, volcanic eruptions and associated turmoil, the vast populations of the earth should not be affected.


Let us recall Shakespeare's (a.k.a Lord Oxford) well-coined phrase that ‛all’s well that ends well’.


All will end well, albeit the real end is growing more nebulous than we thought. I believe Churchill said it best, that this is not the beginning of the end, only the end of the beginning.


We must remain of good cheer and good faith, for regardless of what transpires during upliftment, we must carry ourselves with dignity and determination.


Some may leave the earth during this interim voluntarily, to view this galactic event from on high, leaving those remaining to soldier on the dawn of this new age, one free of tyranny, oppression and persecution, where truth is the currency in which we trade, where spiritual attainment is what we invest in, where individual freedom based on the golden rule is the broker of all deals.