by Julian Rose
August 14, 2012
ZenGardner Website
Spanish version
Julian is a British
pioneer organic farmer, writer and activist. He is
currently president of the ‘International Coalition to
Protect the Polish Countryside’ which is leading the
fight against GMO in Poland. He is author of “Changing
Course for Life - Local Solutions to Global Problems”
www.changingcourseforlife.info |

By all accounts time is speeding up and space-time is contracting.
As we move further into 2012 this
phenomenon is almost palpable. Just where do the hours and days go?
Terence McKenna, the late
psychedelics-inspired luminary, spoke of an imminent convergence of
time-lines that would bring about
a ‘singularity’ event:
the point where past, present and
future become fused into the vibrant chords of the ‘here and
Singularity - Terence McKenna
Just what might such an event portend?
Time is a human invention, a tool
for measuring the changing circadian paths of the planets, the
phases of the moon, the passage of night and day.
It is a useful
device, but can easily become the opposite when relied upon too
heavily. Indeed, the division of time into hours, minutes and
seconds has mostly been used to delineate the financial value of the
working day - a far cry from its cosmic origins.
McKenna’s singularity event describes the condensing of all ‘time’
(past events) into an ever more energized and suspended state of
For example, he speaks of the condensing
of the last 64 years into just 12 months. A process that captures
and passes through to us the vibratory ‘echo’ of significant
historical events that have taken place over the intervening
As these spiraling time lines pass ever closer to each other at ever
shorter intervals, ‘time’ appears to speed up and we are moved ever
closer to the ‘simultaneity’ event: an hourglass of tightly swirling
energy whose vortex we ultimately pass through, emerging out on the
‘other side’.
Now, you don’t pass through a vortex and remain the same person you
were when you went in!
Such is the dynamic that our vibratory
levels resonate at a higher frequency during this passage and at a
higher level of consciousness. It is what the Saddhus of India extol
their disciples to achieve: the state of “Be Here Now”. Westerners
may prefer to call this experience a ‘rights of passage’.
Those on this journey will get further
support by dint of our planet’s shifting into an alignment with the
centre of our Galaxy.
All this, you understand, is what I have gleaned (with added poetic
license) from the writings of others more fully versed in these
matters than I. However, I find their discourses trigger an
intuitive response which connects me up with thousands of others
probably having similar experiences and similar observations.
Are those of us who share such vibratory
signals somehow emerging as a new power on this planet?
I believe we are.
It is notable that our heightened
perceptions are running in tandem with parallel ‘scientific’ lines
of enquiry, such as the excitement generated among the scientific
community by their probable discovery of what has been termed the
‘Higgs Boson’ (the 'God' particle) at
the particle collider centre
near Zurich; the revealing of the manifestation of ‘intelligence’
within human cellular tissue in advanced biology circles and the
first delineations of the invisible forces that bind the universe in
the field of spiritual/quantum enquiry.
What this seems to mean is that we, who go out into the world to
confront the forces of destruction that are attempting to take
control over our planet, are now being endowed with new powers to
fulfill our task.
Put another way, we are in an accelerating process
of realization of the potential which has always existed in each one
of us to perform what one might term ‘superhuman’ tasks.
And let’s face it, the tasks we need to perform are superhuman if we
are to wrest back control over our destinies.
Those who stand behind the top-down control system and manipulate
events with their
occult and Masonic practices are aware of the
energy changes taking place at this time. They are trying to exploit
them for their own ends via such events as the recently concluded
London Olympic Games - a veritable coven of occult symbolism.
They wish to use such occasions to draw both human and non-human
energies towards the realization of their dark agenda, all the time
keeping popular attention on the mundane and surface spectacle of
‘the big show’.
Such techniques ensure that any manifestation of deeper truths will
be fogged out by the sheer size and intensity of the gladiatorial
spectacle. In the case of the London Olympics, billions have
demonstrated that they are only too pleased to show their
supplication for the ‘greatest show on earth’.
Central also to the ongoing agenda is
the attempt to foment a major war in
the Middle East and beyond.
However, the Illuminati manipulators cannot themselves pass through
the process of metamorphosis that we are experiencing, and this is
their Achilles heel.
As we become more conscious and further imbued with higher
dimensional awareness, the ambitions of the Illuminati become ever
more naked. Their despotic actions being revealed for what they are,
highlighted like ink spots on a white canvas.
The heightened powers that we experience
are the awakening of our own latent potentials. For some this may
prove a rather overwhelming experience, especially as it is
accompanied by the rapid absorption of a lot of far reaching
information which will inevitably contradict previously held
assumptions, such as those put about by
the world’s mainstream
To balance out this high voltage information intake it is
increasingly important to become properly ‘anchored’; our feet well
and truly on the ground.
Here, gardening, carpentry, bread making,
food preparation and manual pursuits of all sorts - yes including
the washing-up - should be performed on a regular basis as necessary
counterparts to the often heady vibrational load that can otherwise
overcome us.
This is the time to plot the practical sequence of events that will
the Illuminati and ultimately evict them from their
pedestals of power.
All this energy we are receiving must be
turned into practical, pragmatic actions that lead to us wrestling
back control of our lives and be used in support of all planetary
beings suffering under the crash of a global dictatorship in the
making. Any residual elements of fear associated with taking such
steps will be burned off once we come together in various groupings
to build ‘The New Resistance’ and take on our oppressors.
As the simultaneity event draws closer, so do we gain clearer and
clearer insights into the steps that need to be taken to get this
process under way. Already, tens of thousands all over the world are
orienting themselves into life situations that will support and be
complementary to the new levels of awareness being acquired.
I used the term “New Resistance” to
describe a situation manifesting itself as ‘non compliance’ with the
dictates of an increasingly authoritarian state.
‘Non compliance’ in the face of ever
more brazen attempts to make us conform to the demands of a
corporate cabal and despotic leadership fully intent upon the
annihilation of our civil liberties and fundamental rights.
All good resistance strategies integrate both the components of
‘defence’ and ‘attack’. The defense of our fundamental needs and the
attack that will unseat the Illuminati are to go hand in hand in
this coming phase of campaign for an emancipated planet. The new
energies and consciousness with which we are being endowed are
specifically equipping us for this task.
The cosmic timing is impeccable and the Illuminati have no weapons
in their arsenal capable of suppressing the rising tide of universal
consciousness that is the central ingredient of
the deepening year
Our strategic planning for the battle in which we have no
alternative other than to become engaged demands concentration,
creativity and courage. It is already in movement, and we must
expect stiff resistance from those who deeply fear their coming fall
from power.
All the symptoms are already at play.
The almost daily,
introduction of new forms of
ever more onerous surveillance
unauthorized arrests
false flag dramas
Internet interferences
weather manipulations
the fomenting of new wars
genetic manipulation of the food
mind control
depopulation via designed
banking heists
political and corporate
...and much more.
All tools in the relentless drive to
achieve the long-term objectives of a
New World Order and absolute
control of all arteries of planetary life plus a vastly reduced
world population.
Sinister it most certainly is. But we have allowed this situation to
develop over decades through our passive acquiescence to each turn
of the screw. And that is no longer possible.
Ultimately, true resistance is born out of the combined elements of
a back-against-the-wall finality of the process of retreat, and the
timely cosmic alignments that endow humanity with a greater capacity
to confront and vanquish its oppressors. That is exactly where we
are today. The merging of convergent time lines has brought us to
the front line.
There can be no turning back. We each
have specific roles to play in this drama and these will emerge as
we commit ourselves to the cause.
There can be no sitting on the fence
anymore. The fence itself is collapsing under the dead weight of
decades of vacuous human intransigence. Words too. Use them
carefully from now on as they carry more and more power. Power to
build creative solutions and power to destroy.
All this, as the planet itself undergoes geological shifts and
transformations of increasing magnitude. Let us remind ourselves
that our Earth is a living being and is bound to show symptoms that
reflect the predominant human condition. This is not to rule out
cosmic influences; Earth is a place which reflects the inter-meshing
of cosmic and human influences.
It is the lack of comprehension of this
fact that has lead to the dissonant dialogues on global warming and
the overly simplistic conclusions of a tunnel vision oriented
science. Here we see how only a partial answer can come from a
partial comprehension.
It’s similar to the diagnosis of a Western
medical doctor in comparison with that of an Ayurvedic, Chinese or
homeopathic practitioner.
As we close in on the singularity event, we see the connection
between multiple elements and therefore become in an ever stronger
position to take action in the process of healing our planet.
This is an urgent task indeed and one that undoubtedly requires us
to respect this powerful Mahatma Ghandi
“Civilisation, in the real sense of
the term, consists not in the multiplication, but in the
deliberate and voluntary reduction of wants.”
Here must we all go, for this is a
profound truth that has been echoed down the centuries by the wisest
For us in the West, it is by pursuing an
agenda of ‘voluntary simplicity’ that we can best offer a healing
balm to planet Earth and to the overloaded material complexities of
our own lives.
Even as the,
Polar ice cap melts and the waters rise
the heartlands
of the USA burn to dust
wars rip apart Middle Eastern valleys and
mountain tops
earthquakes shatter communities and block vital
...our response should remain consistent and answer to the
deeper underlying causative agents that lie behind all these events.
We must forge ahead with the building of life-supporting ‘Arks’ even
as we simultaneously confront
the Illuminati bankster gangsters and
their corporate accomplices.
There is no time to lose. And anyway,
time itself is undergoing this profound metamorphosis which is
condensing all of history into a whirling vortex of cosmic cleansing
and reordering.
A reordering so complete that it will
ultimately leave us freed of
karma and in a place where there is
quite literally ‘no time left’.
That’s where we are all headed, so drop off your old skin, and face
the rising wind with the spirit of the warrior who kindles a flame
in the plexus and compassion in the heart. And be prepared to ride
out the storm and to come to the aid of those who need your helping
This journey is unprecedented; the possibilities infinite.
It is we who hold the outcome in our
hands. No one else...