by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Cassiopaea Website
265 years ago, a 28 year old German
woman named Johanna Sophia Schmied who lived in the village
of Taucha near Leipzig, gave birth to a monster that is unlike any
other. This monster has become popularly known as the "Chicken Man."
Fate magazine's February (2000) issue recounts the facts of
the case as preserved by the attending physician, Dr. Gottlieb
Friderici. The physician witnessed the event and preserved the
fetus in formaldehyde along with an extensive report of his autopsy,
including drawings and the medical history of the mother.
During the autopsy, the doctor noted that the oversized head did not
have the characteristics of hydrocephaly and the tumor like
outgrowth was completely filled with brain matter. The heart did not
have a pericardium, but was instead, embedded in a "peculiarly thin
The bone structure was also very different in significant ways from
that of normal human beings. Neither the lower arms nor the lower
legs consisted of two bones as would be present in humans.
The kneecap was also absent.

The author of the Fate Magazine
article, Hartwig Hausdorf, points out some similarities in
the story of the mother of this monster and
modern day abductions. He asks the
obvious question:
"...Do we have surprising evidence
for a case of targeted genetic manipulation by
extraterrestrials, abandoned when the results did not meet
their expectations?"
This creature is truly monstrous, and it
is difficult to even feel pity for it when observing that nothing in
either its interior or exterior configuration corresponds to that
which is considered to be human.
Mr. Hausdorf writes:
"There are discrepancies in number,
size, and above all, certain components are entirely missing
while others appear to be 'extraordinarily developed."
This story and the accompanying
photographs, were so curious that I decided to ask the
Cassiopaeans for a few remarks at the end of a session last
month. I thought the comments were interesting, and maybe you will
Q: Now, we have this bizarre picture here of this absolutely
strange creature in a museum in Germany. What is this 265
year old creature that has been kept in formaldehyde all
these years?
A: Hybridized conception/gestate.
Q: Was there hybridization and
genetic manipulation going on almost 300 years ago?
A: Most done this way are miscarried.
Q: Did it live at all after
A: No.
Q: Who was responsible for this
A: It was not an experiment. It was the result of Reptoid
Q: So, the mother was raped by
a reptoid. Why do reptoids
rape human women?
A: We have discussed motives.
Q: Yes. They feed on the fear,
terror, or absorb some substance emitted by the sexual
organs and/or chakra as a kind of "food," and in some cases
they are "changing the genetic program." But, in general,
when we have discussed this, it has not included
impregnating human women with Reptoid sperm. How often does
this activity result in impregnation?
A: Rarely.
Q: So, in this case it did, and
here is the result. Pretty horrible.
Going in another direction, a photograph
was recently sent to my by a correspondent. I shared this photo with
our discussion group, and a number of members declared outright that
it was a fake because they could "detect" anomalies.
Ark and I did some experiments
with photos that we crumpled and drew on the back of, and these
experiments produced precisely the effects that the critics were
claiming were proof that this photo was not "real." We subjected the
photo to various filters and enhancements, and even though we are
not experts, we had expert guidance.
In the end, we came to the conclusion
that we could not discard it as "faked."

You can see a crease across the photo
which is consistent with the fact that the story I was told was that
it was carried around in someone's pocket for quite awhile.
There are some odd geometric markings that show up with enhancement,
but, as noted, we did some experiments with drawing on the back of a
photo and then scanning it, and the same effect is produced. It
looks like someone drew a map on the back of the photo.
Now, the thing that struck me forcibly about this photo was the
hands, elbows and feet of the creature. Look at them closely and
then look again at the creature in the jar above.
Is it real? Do any readers have more info on it? I would appreciate
any further data if it is available.
Update August 2002:
Several readers have written to inform
me that the above "creature" was/is "a creature carved into the rock
at Cheddar Gorge," a tourist attraction in England. The gorge system
has many mythical creatures carved into its rock, and this "imp"
photo has been doing the ufological rounds for ages before someone
pointed out what it actually was!"
When I received the first email with this information, I attempted
to confirm it with the folks at the Cheddar Gorge attraction. No one
there seemed to be aware of it or the claims that it was supposed to
be in the cave.
Nevertheless, another reader not only wrote with the above
information, he tracked down the source of that information:
Fortean Times magazine. He also forwarded an image of the

Even though it now seems that we have
proof that the photo is a hoaxed monster, so to say, I must add that
the folks at the Cheddar Caves refute the above claim:
From: mailto:caves@visitcheddar.co.uk
Cheddar Caves
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 3:39 AM
Unfortunately, this particular plaster goblin is not one of our
exhibits. However we do have plaster goblins, but perhaps not as
evil looking as the picture you sent! If you have any further
questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me.
Many thanks
Kate Walton
Personal Assistant Cheddar Caves and Gorge
More information about the hoax
While we are on the subject of monsters,
in the Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehistoric Art, I
came across a most unusual photograph.
It was in a chapter about
"Body Art," and the many ways our howling-savage ancestors decorated
their physiology. Many paragraphs are devoted to the subject of
tattooing, and some nice graphic images accompany these remarks. But
only a single, vague paragraph is dedicated to the subject of this
amazing photograph that I am going to show you.
The author, Paul G. Bahn, comments:
"Other forms of bodily art, such as
hairstyles and scarification, can only be assessed from
prehistoric human figurines and images, except for some
preserved bodies whose hair is preserved - for example, from the
Altai, the European bog bodies or the early Chinchorro mummies
of northern Chile. There is more evidence for skeletal
For example, it is known that the
deliberate deformation of the human skull, by binding the
brow of growing infants or applying pressure at regular
intervals, thus giving it a high sloping forehad or a broad flat
forehead, was widespread: the phenomenon may even exist among
the Neanderthals, and seems to occur in early Australian skulls
such as specimens from Kow swamp, 13,000 year old."
And that's it. Not another word about
Then, you turn the page and there is this picture. The caption on
the picture simply says:
"Deliberately deformed skulls from
the Ica area, Peru. Precise date unknown, probably early
centuries A.D."

And that's it. Nothing said about how
binding the head of an infant can deform the skull - but it cannot
make the skull grow bigger!
It seems pretty clear to me that these skulls are more than double
in cranial size of a normal human skull.
Well, I was pretty curious about this so I went looking to see if I
couldn't find out more about these skulls that were so casually
mentioned to be present in the "Ica
area, Peru."
I found an article on the web - which did not have the author's name
on it anywhere, so if anyone knows it, please let me know - where
there were photographs of the same skulls.
This gentleman wrote about the skulls in the following way:
Begin quoted article:
The movie "Stargate" has become a
popular video cassette rental. Its feature film release was met
with disappointing reviews, however, a sort of cult following
has ensued as people have started discovering the movie by word
of mouth. It deals with a touchy subject... Aliens that visited
Earth thousands of years ago.
I learned about the film from the
company that was producing a CD ROM about the movie called "The
Secrets of Stargate."
The associate producer of the CD
ROM, Joel Mills, had learned that I had in my possession
photographs that could prove that the movie "Stargate" was based
on historical fact. They wanted to include copies of the
photographs of the "unusual giant skulls" that my wife (Bea) and
I had collected over the past five years. It seems that the
movie deals with the theory that extra terrestrials
had used humans as slaves to mine metal in Egypt thousands
of years ago.
Mills felt these giant skulls were proof that the ancient
pharaohs the the same elongated skulls hidden under their crown
head-dress, and that, in fact, the "Coneheads" of Saturday Night
Live are based on fact, not fiction.
I pointed out to him that Egypt's King Akhenaton and his
daughters were proud of their distinct features (elongated
skulls) and the true facts of this royal family are shrouded in
controversy. Some historians point out that the giant skulls of
this family are a deformity caused by inbreeding. Others
discount this and claim that it is the art style of the
Armana period.
The secret society known as the
Rosicrucians place King Akhenaton on their highest pedestal
by reconstructing his statue and main temple at their head
office in San Jose, California.
Mills also asked permission to
use photographs of giant skulls that I had obtained while
filming at the Nasca lines in Peru.
Although "Stargate" did not deal
with a Peruvian connection, he felt the world needed to see the
photographs to understand that ancient skulls of extraordinary
dimensions could be found at other major archaeological sites
around the world, in particular,
the Nasca Lines and the ruins
of Peru.... in the shadows of the
Cheops pyramids in Egypt... and
the ancient Mayan ruins of Central America... The Triangle of
the Ancient Gods.
I was happy to send him the photos but warned him that the
photos would probably be too controversial for the general
public. He seemed surprised at this comment and wondered why he
hadn't seen pictures like this before. The complicated answer
took a great deal of time to explain! I will try to encapsulate
this answer and relate to you a brief history of these unusual
I first came across drawings of the skulls in a book by
Ignatius Donnelly called "Atlantis
- The Antediluvian World." The author tries to prove
that at one time there existed a Continent in the middle of the
Atlantic Ocean that sank into the sea. Before it sank, the
rulers left for Egypt, Mexico and Peru and became rulers of
these countries. He found information about these skulls hidden
in the Library of Congress in Washington.
I had learned from the Peruvian government that these unusual
skulls could be found in many museums in Peru and excavations
were uncovering them even now near the Nasca Plateau. I had read
Erich Von Daniken's "Chariots of the Gods?" and
remembered his theories of ancient astronauts landing in this
desert area. A few years ago, we were invited to film and
photograph these skulls and other discoveries that Peruvian
archaeologists are currently unearthing. These skulls are so
numerous in the area of the Nasca desert that you can find small
makeshift museums in the backyards of the locals. They dug up
their ancestors so you can view their remains for a small fee.
Some skulls show the evidence of ancient brain surgery that
prove their ancestors possessed certain abilities that modern
science has just recently discovered. Stunned, we wondered why
we had not seen photographs of these skulls before. Our guides
explained their church leaders feel these skulls are the work of
the devil, the offspring of the fallen angels in
the Bible.
In Mexico we found the same types of skulls in a museum in
Merida, a city close to the ruins of Palenque.
Lord Shield Pascal had the same
elongated skull, an image which is found engraved on his tomb.
Erich Von Daniken has described the drawings as Pacal sitting in
a rocket ship. The conquering Spaniards found the natives
deforming their heads to make them appear more "god like" and
the priests declared them devil worshippers.
Meanwhile in Egypt, King Akhenaton was also regarded as a
heretic and all information about this king was obliterated
until just recently. These finding prove that the rulers of
these advanced societies all shared the common bond of huge
skulls and brains that probably provided them with superior
intelligence. This information has been shared by secret
societies and religious leaders for hundreds of years and up
until now they had decided to keep these secrets for themselves.
All who first see the pictures
"They show proof of beings from
another world."
It seems that these conclusions were
deemed to be too shocking for the average person and that these
skulls were to be dismissed as deformities and hidden far from
public view. That is, until President Fujimori took power
in Peru. He had decided to allow the skulls to be photographed
and has brought them to the attention of the world.
Resistance to publishing the photographs has remained, and there
appears to be a world wide cover-up of the skulls true origins.
The only answers seems to be that public knowledge of "Fallen
Angels" or
ancient astronauts would
disrupt society and the world's religions.
I told Joel Mills he would probably face the same
struggle to get the photos published in the CD ROM, just as we
have encountered with the various news media. He felt sure that
the time was here and now to wake up the world, and that the
movie "Stargate" was just the beginning. I wished him luck and
success with the idea and sent him all the material I had in my
possession to document the facts he needed.
Several months passed and then one day he phoned to tell me he
had left the CD ROM production team and that none of the skull
photographs would be included in "The Secrets of Stargate".
After several run-ins with executives in Hollywood, the pictures
wee deemed to be unsuitable for inclusion in "The Secrets of
He was much happier with his new job promoting a public speaker
that teaches the history and wisdom of ancient Egypt and
again asked for permission to use the photographs, but this time
for private presentations only.
He had learned first hand about
the powers that have kept these pictures hidden from the
End quoted article.
Now, just to give you some other views,
here are more photographs:
This is
the second skull from the Cambridge Illustrated History
that I scanned. Again we ask: what could cause a skull
to be so severely enlarged?
It is
clearly not just "deformed." |
If we were
to place an image of a normal, "deformed" skull on top
of this specimen, I think we would find that there is no
comparison in terms of cranial capacity. Again, we might
think that something other than "head binding" is in
operation here. |
Are these
"alien" skulls? |
Just to try to put the thing in perspective, I searched for an
example of "real" head-binding in order to see if the above examples
could, conceivably fall into this category.
I found a discussion on the subject of
"body art" and the following paragraph:
The practice of deforming the head
was much more common in Mesoamerica than was mutilation of the
teeth. The practice of head deformation has a very wide
distribution and dates from antiquity. It is an enduring
practice known from many parts of the world.
Plateau Indians in
North America created a flattened forehead by pressing a board
against the padded forehead of a infant swaddled in a
cradleboard. Many Indian groups, particularly in the Northwest
employed this procedure.
Plateau Indians in Washington state
and Idaho created a flattened forehead by pressing a board
against the padded forehead of an infant swaddled in a
cradleboard. The most famous were known as the 'Flatheads.' In
Mesoamerica, deformation was also done by head binding. The Maya
used head boards and head binding to produce a distinctive shape
which denoted social status and rank in society.
A person of
high status would have mutilated teeth, a conical shaped cranium
and crossed eyes (produced by dangling shiny objects close to
the infant's eyes).
image accompanied this article which was a drawing and not an actual
What we see here is clearly that the head binding
practice did not alter the volume of the skull. It merely
changed the shape.
In the "alien" skulls above, this is not the case. These skulls
are almost double in cranial volume.
Considering these distinctions, it is singularly curious that more
research isn't being done on these things and that more information
about them is not available.
Something so startling and so strange
ought to be investigated scientifically.
But then, maybe they have. Maybe that's why we don't hear about them
or see them more often.