by Europe
April 17, 2010
EUTimes Website

American Police State
A most chilling report circulating in
the Kremlin today prepared by the
Russian Academy of Medical and Technical
Science for Prime Minister Putin states that a
“mysterious die-off” in the United States has claimed over 2,000,000
lives since 2008 and is “more than likely” linked to a “crossover”
plant disease linked to
genetically modified grains and foods.
According to these reports this mysterious, and as yet unidentified,
lung disease responsible for this mass die-off began during the
spring of 2008 in the US agricultural State of Iowa where (very
ironically) at least 36 people attending a Lung Association event at
the Governors mansion were stricken.
Important to note about Iowa is that it is one of the largest corn
producing regions in the World harvesting over 2 billon bushels of
this valuable grain farmed on nearly 32 million acres of its
farmland, over 99% of which are genetically modified varieties made
by the US agricultural giant
Monsanto and identified by their
trade names of,
Not reported to the American people about these genetically modified
corn varieties made by Monsanto was the study released by the
International Journal of Biological Sciences warning that they were
linked to organ damage.
Monsanto quickly responded to this study,
stating that the research was,
“based on faulty analytical methods
and reasoning and do not call into question the safety findings for
these products.”
Russian scientists in these reports, however, call Monsanto’s claim
of their genetically modified Mon 863 corn as being safe for human
or animal consumption “totally without validation”, a finding
supported by the French biomolecular engineering commission, the
Commission du Génie Biomoléculaire (CGB) who stated in their report,
“with the present data it cannot be concluded that GM corn MON 863
is a safe product.”
Further supporting the findings of Russian scientists was Greenpeace
International, who in their report titled “MON 863
- A chronicle of
systematic deception” warned that the campaign to unearth and
evaluate data about this most dangerous of genetically modified
grains demonstrates, beyond all doubt, that MON863 is unfit for
Most unfortunately for the American people though, all of these
warnings have been ignored by their government masters who have
allowed the mass planting of these genetically modified crops to
such an extent that in the United States today fully 80% of their
corn and 93% of their soybeans are of these dangerous varieties and
leading one Russian scientist in these reports to warn that our
World is now on the verge of experiencing an ecological disaster of
“Biblical proportions”.
And according to these reports this ecological disaster is well
underway in the United States and supported by American death
statistics showing that of the nearly
2.5 million deaths reported by
them each year the number of “sudden deaths” has increased to 40%
equaling out to over 2 million “mysterious and unexplained” deaths
from early 2008 to March, 2010.
Now of these “mysterious and unexplained” American deaths, these
reports continue, nearly all of them are lung related and being
erroneously documented as being caused by influenza and pneumonia
type diseases so as not to panic these peoples, but have, instead,
been caused by as an yet unidentified plant virus that has
successfully jumped the species barrier to human beings.
Supporting Russian scientists in these conclusions is new research
being conducted by the Didier Raoult of the University of the
Mediterranean in Marseilles, France, where for the
first time in
human history a plant virus has been found to cause problems in
Russian scientists further claim in these reports that the United
States mass
vaccination of their population this past year for the
H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic was instead a “very clumsy attempt”
to stop the spreading of this mysterious lung disease by injecting
into these peoples a DNA “fix” to this genetically modified corn,
and which by all the evidence available, they state, appears to have
For those wondering how the United States government could ever
allow such a monstrous outrage to be committed on their citizens one
only need know that over the past 10 years Monsanto has paid over
$500 million in bribing those American officials responsible for
food safety while at the same time has joined US corporate giants
General Electric and Exxon Mobil in not paying any taxes despite the
billions in profits they have reaped.
And for those Americans believing that President
Obama will protect
them from these outrages they couldn’t be more mistaken, and as we
can read as reported by the Huffington Post News Service in their
article titled “You’re Appointing Who? Please Obama, Say It’s Not
So!” and which, in part, says:
“The person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and
death than anyone in history has just been made the US food safety
czar. This is no joke.
Here’s the back story.
When FDA scientists were asked to weigh in on what was to become the
most radical and potentially dangerous change in our food supply - the introduction of genetically modified (GM) foods
- secret
documents now reveal that the experts were very concerned.
after memo described toxins, new diseases, nutritional deficiencies,
and hard-to-detect allergens. They were adamant that the technology
carried “serious health hazards,” and required careful, long-term
research, including human studies, before any genetically modified
organisms (GMOs) could be safely released into the food supply.
But the biotech industry had rigged the game so that neither science
nor scientists would stand in their way. They had placed their own
man in charge of FDA policy and he wasn’t going to be swayed by
feeble arguments related to food safety. No, he was going to do what
corporations had done for decades to get past these types of pesky
He was going to lie.”
Even worse for these American people are those believing they will
be able to change their government in the upcoming National
elections to be held in the United States this coming November.
new reports are showing that Obama is also preparing for with
a special military unit called the “Consequence Management Response
Force” said ready to deploy during these elections at his command
from his White House fortress the Washington Post writes has now
become more like “Soviet-era Moscow” then the house of the people it
used to be should these Americans begin to rise up against the
growing corporate-run police state surrounding them.
New reports from America are also warning that Obama’s growing
police state government is further moving against its own citizens
by ordering their Internet giants to turn over all emails written by
every citizen in their country, an insidious move Yahoo, for one,
has vowed to fight.
To the final outcome of all of these events it is not in our
knowing, other than to note that in the same week that one of
Obama’s Federal Courts has outlawed all Americans from celebrating
their National Prayer Day, and Obama has vowed to rid the United
States of all of its nuclear weapons, President Putin, on the other
hand, stated that Russia’s internal and external security depends
upon two things,
...leaving no doubt whatsoever that our World has, indeed,
turned upside down as the US descends into tyranny and Russia moves
toward freedom.