by John Michael Mallon MSc.
June 2009
TheHealingUniverse Website
(Newtonian-science) understanding of DNA is that it contains the
biological genetic instructions necessary to build an organism.
The sections of DNA which contain
instructions for some specific function, such as making a protein,
are called genes. Genes are like islands of information in the
overall DNA molecule that are intermittently sequenced along the
Additional vast sequences that exist
between the gene islands, are referred to as "junk" by genetic and
molecular biologists.
so-called "junk" DNA accounts for
98% of the total DNA molecule!!!
In 1957 a "Central Dogma of DNA" was institutionally endorsed which
proclaimed that organisms are hardwired in their genetic makeup, and
that their environment has insignificant influence on the structure
and function of their genes.
This "unquestionable truth" served to
endorse and reinforce the "establishment's" existing
chemical/mechanical model of biology. Unfortunately, the research
funding that all researchers and academics depend on for their
professional advancement and personal incomes is controlled by this
This has meant that, for the past 50
years, open enquiry on DNA has been blocked, with research focusing
exclusively on mechanistic manipulations of DNA.
The results from the past 50 years read
more like an account of "rape by industry", rather than "science
serving mankind".
We have witnessed the cynical
absurdity of patenting isolatable genes as human inventions.
We have witnessed a global
proliferation of
GM foodstuffs that are proving disastrous
for mankind, for wildlife and for our planet Earth.
We have witnessed
animals, involving the horizontal transfer of genes between
different organisms and species that would never interbreed
in nature.
We have witnessed a rapid
explosion in
new diseases and epidemics combined with the
parallel fostering of a fear mentality.
Examples of
the 'fruits' from 50 years of genetic DNA research...

Dolly, the first
mammal clone, had to be euthanized at the age of 6 (barely 40 in
human terms)
as she was crippled from arthritis and lung disease.

Pigs, engineered with a human growth hormone gene
to make them grow
faster are predisposed to arthritis, ulcers, blindness, and

Salmon that grow 50 times faster than normal salmon,
behave as
cannibals when crowded.

Naked chickens, that cannot stand,
have a hatchling-to-slaughter
time of only 42 days.
Genetic hybrids of plants and animals are rapidly displacing and
contaminating all natural species. And still there is no
cure for
cancer, no cure for
AIDS and no means to cure tuberculosis.
In fact there still is no cure for any chronic condition!!!!
based understanding of DNA ...
1. DNA emits and absorbs light:

Low-level light emissions are a
common property of all living cells with up to 100 photons of
light emitted every second for every square centimeter of area -
equivalent to the intensity of a candle at a distance of about
10 kilometers. [24]
DNA is the source of this photon emission.
2. DNA light has laser-like

Laser light is coherent,
which means that it produces diffraction patterns when
transmitted through crystalline structures.
Clear distinctions appear between healthy cells and cancer cells
in the coherence-quality differences of their emitted light.
By light (photonic) transmission, cells absorb the virtual-state
charge structure of their environment, and emit their own
internal virtual-state charge structure to their environment.
This effect has been observed in both infrared and ultraviolet
frequencies (IR to UV be taken as a single harmonic interval -
an octave, musically speaking).
The same effect can also be reproduced in any other harmonic
interval of the electromagnetic frequency spectrum.
3. DNA behaves as a liquid-crystal:

Liquid Crystal is a state of
matter between crystalline and liquid which exhibits many of the
properties of liquid and many of the properties of crystals.
DNA Liquid Crystal |
Laser light produces diffraction patterns (holograms) when
transmitted through DNA. |
DNA holograms exhibit spiral fractal characteristics. |
Fractals are repeating fragmented geometric shape that can be
subdivided into smaller parts each of which is a perfect copy of
the whole.
Fractals can be found everywhere.
Fractals are created mathematically by repetitive iterative
Fractals are an example of 'infinity lying within finite space'.
4. DNA contains captive light waves:
Slow light waves, called
soliton waves, circulate continuously within the superconduc
DNA, facilitating absorption and radiation of information. [28]
A soliton is an ultra-stable wave with a simple closed shape
which can persist in a slow or stationary state for long periods
of time. It exhibits
wave/particle duality and can carry
information (is used in quantum computing).
The soliton waves travel back and forward along the DNA helix
with spiral polarization matching the helix twist of the DNA
Equivalent in concept is the slowly moving laser which
follows the spiral track in a CD, reading the information
encoded by the pit/land sequences.

CD Laser Reading Concept
Examples of soliton waves...
Tsunami waves Long rolling-cloud formations
Persisting dimples in flowing rivers Pulsing waves within
fluorescent lamps
5. DNA is an organic superconductor
which behaves as a Bose-Einstein condensate:
Bose-Einstein condensate is
the 5th state of matter.
It behaves both as a fluid and as a
coherent matter wave. Atoms in a "Bose-Einstein condensate"
coalesce so that one atom can no longer be distinguished from
Bose-Einstein condensate based detectors, called SQUIDS, are
used to record faint magnetic activity in the brain. |
Liquid helium (Bose-Einstein condensate) climbs out of any
container, defying gravity, because it somehow 'knows' that
outside the container it can reach a lower potential energy. |
Bose-Einstein condensates react to extremely small magnetic
fields that are 50 million times weaker than the Earth's
magnetic field.
6. DNA produces wormholes in space:
Wormholes are tunnel
connections between different areas in our time-space universe
and between our time-space universe and parallel universes,
through which information can be transmitted outside of the
constraints of space and time.

DNA can cause magnetized wormholes in vacuum space.
wormholes are microscopic equivalents of the
bridges that appear in the vicinity of black holes.[32]

Einstein-Rosen bridges close to black holes
Quantum tunnels (which are similar in concept to wormholes)
enable objects to pass through barriers that are impassable
according to Newton's classical laws of physics.
Quantum-tunnel effects are employed in the operation of
field-effect transistors and flash memory devices.
When DNA is irradiated with laser light a diffraction-type wave
pattern can be observed on a screen.
However, when the DNA
sample is removed, the wave pattern does not immediately
disappear but may persist for up to one month.
Energy from outside of space and time is continuing to flow
through the activated wormholes created by the DNA.
This is known as the "phantom DNA effect".

DNA accesses information via these wormholes, passing it to
'consciousness', so enabling one to gain access to information
that is outside one's knowledge base.
This process is known as
Inspiration, intuition, telepathy, and channeling are
manifestations of activated hypercommunication.
Hypercommunication frequently is accompanied by disturbances in
the local electromagnetic field, causing disruption to
electronic devices like CD players and personal computers.
In nature there are many examples of hypercommunication...
Flocks of birds and shoals of fish demonstrate activated
hypercommunication through
synchronicity of their groups'
7. DNA responds to focused
The placebo effect (when a
patient is cured by expecting or believing to be cured) is an
example of the power of focused intention.

Hypnosis, which is focused suggestion, demonstrates profound
effects on DNA.
Telling a patient, "You have only 3 months to live" acts like a
voodoo curse, producing rapid decline until the patient does
"die on time" and illustrates the destructive power of negative

8. DNA responds to music and spoken
The sequence of nucleotides
within DNA molecules mirrors the sequence of "syllables" in
human language and follows similar grammatical foundations. [24]

Human language appears to have actually developed from DNA.

DNA reacts to speech-modulated laser light and to other
electromagnetic waves.[24]

528 Hz - the middle note on the Solfeggio music scale has
reportedly been observed as having the ability to
repair broken
9. DNA-type double helixes are at
the core of Nature's greatest energy systems:
This Double Helix nebula is
located extremely close to the center of our Milky Way galaxy.

Its axis aligns with the intense magnetic field associated with
black hole (super wormhole) that exists at the galaxy's
Twisting tornado funnel Swirling water vortex
Spiral, helical and double-helix are used in scalar wave antenna
design for 'weather making' and 'energy-beaming' applications.
Overview of research
into the energy-influenced behavior of DNA...
Frog embryos can be transformed to become salamander embryos simply
by transmitting salamander embryo DNA information patterns to frog
embryos with a laser beam. [34]
Two samples of fertilized fish eggs, at different phases of
development, placed in optical contact with each other, exhibit
significantly accelerated development in the younger eggs. [24]

When a pathogen is introduced into one of two identical cell
cultures, separated by a sealed quartz barrier, the second cell
culture will display the same pathology within 2-3 days. [29] [33]

Any cellular disease or death pattern can be transmitted
electromagnetically, and induced in target cells.
Rats, injected with a lethal dose of a poison that destroys pancreas
(the hormone responsible for insulin production) develop type 1
diabetes (high blood glucose concentration level) and normally die
within 6 days.

If when they reach a critical condition
they are exposed to a healing wave information they are healed;
their blood sugar levels normalize and the destructed pancreatic
organs regenerate. [29]
When two onions are placed so that the tip of the root of one onion
points to the side of a root of the second onion a significant
increase in the rate of cell divisions (mitosis) occurs in the
region of nearest contact. [24]

When a laser hologram, generated from a healthy raspberry plant, is
transmitted to a raspberry plant tumor (callus) it causes the callus
to develop into a healthy raspberry plant. [29]
When part of a living leaf is cut off and the remaining part is
viewed by a
kirlian camera, initially an image of the whole leave
appears, with the phantom image of the cut part fading away after
10-15 seconds. [26]

Exposure to recorded DNA-wave information from living seeds, encoded
on radio waves, can resuscitate seeds that had been destroyed by
radioactivity. [35]

When a queen ant is separated from her colony, building still
continues fervently and according to plan. However, if the queen is
killed, all work in the colony immediately stops. [32]

Research, funded by a cigarette manufacturer, demonstrates that
smoking is not a cause of cancer because hamsters, subjected to
smoke, do not develop lung cancer, whereas independent research
demonstrates that mice, subjected to smoke, do develop lung cancer!!
Hamsters in nature live underground so they have no innate fear of
fire whereas mice live above ground and are life-threatened by fire.
Mice therefore experience intense distress in the presence of smoke
while hamsters remain calm!
DNA, removed many miles from a
biological donor, registers identical and instantaneous responses to
changes in the emotional state of the donor. [29]

The Universe
has the ability to change DNA...
The winter solstice,
21st December 2012, will see our solar system
come into perfect synchronous alignment with the galactic equator of
the Milky Way. This event will mark the synchronous completion of a
75,000 year galactic cycle and a 25,000 year planetary cycle.
This alignment event also marks the transition from the age of
Pisces to the age of Aquarius.

As we approach alignment, the Solar system is experiencing
substantial increases in energetic radiation, [37]

Years when our solar system aligns
with the galactic equator during
the winter solstice.
Galactic radiation has enormous influence on human life. For
example, our ESP ability peaks by 450% each day, during the period
when the galactic centre is overhead. [36]
We are already witnessing many effects of this increasing energy,
including increasing severity and heightened sense of panic in all
major world events ranging from human disasters to global politics,
economics and religion.
Dramatic changes are evident in Earth's behavior.
Major earthquake and volcanic activity have each increased by over
300% during the past 30 years. |
In our solar system we are observing a growth trend in cyclic
Sun is pulsating more energetically with
solar flare and sunspot activity.

In addition to planet Earth, other planets of our solar system,
Mars, Jupiter and Pluto, are also experiencing global
warming. [37]
In humans we are also observing changes. There are dramatic
increases in the numbers of
children being born with amazing
hyper-communication abilities and very strong sense of
individuality. [31]
Much has been prophesied about the significance of this coming
alignment event by ancient civilizations. Mayans, for example,
equated it with the ending of their own time-system and the arrival
of a Golden Age for humanity.
It is widely believed that the coherent group-consciousness of
humanity will become significantly raised and our DNA will be
