by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
August 11, 2010
NaturalNews Website
After months of stalling, the World
Health Organization (WHO) has finally revealed the names of key
pandemic advisors who influenced its decision to declare a phase six
pandemic last year - a decision that resulted in a financial
windfall for vaccine manufacturers.
As you'll see here, that list
includes at least five expert advisors received money from vaccine
Here's who received money from
Big Pharma and then influenced the
WHO decision to declare a pandemic:
Arnold Monto is a professor from the United States who has received
money from virtually all the major vaccine manufacturers: GSK,
Novartis, Roche, Baxter and Sanofi Pasteur. He has specifically been
given grant money by Sanofi Pasteur to study influenza vaccines.
Nancy Cox works for the US Centers for Disease Control, which
already maintains a pro-vaccine stance while utterly ignoring the
importance of vitamin D in halting infectious disease. Nancy took
funds from the International Federation of Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) to conduct work on vaccines.
John Wood works at Britain's National Institute for Biological
Standards and Control (NIBSC). They've taken money from Sanofi
Pasteur, Novartis and several other companies focused on influenza
vaccine research.
Maria Zambon is a professor at the UK Health Protection Agency
Centre for Infection. She has received money from Sanofi, Novartis,
CSL, Baxter and GSK.
Neil Ferguson is also a professor, and he has accepted money from
Roche and GSK Biologicals.
There may be more to this story, too:
The financial ties explained
here are merely the ones that these people chose to publicly
disclose to WHO.
There may yet be other ties that currently remain a
secret and will have to be dug up by some determined reporter...
What's the
problem with financial ties, anyway?
Why does it matter that WHO advisors took money from vaccine
It's simple: The decision to
declare H1N1 swine flu to be
a phase 6 pandemic was made by the WHO under advisement from these
very people who received money from vaccine companies. And that
decision, we now know, resulted in a windfall of profits for the
vaccine companies.
Those profits, in turn, were burdened by the taxpayers whose
expenditures were largely worthless because a huge portion of those
vaccines are now expiring and have to be destroyed. The money was
wasted, in other words.
It all has the makings of a grand global con:
The WHO enlists
advisors with financial ties to the vaccine industry to decide
whether a pandemic is under way and then conveniently follows their
advice in making a decision that many health experts around the
world have been questioning from the start.
It all has the
appearance of medical corruption, and it looks like WHO decisions
are based more on politics than medical science.
It was politically convenient, in other words, to declare a stage
six pandemic.
And if these WHO advisors have already received money
from vaccine manufacturers, it's certainly within the realm of
possibility that they would soon be financially rewarded with yet
more payoffs. (You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours...)
The appearance
of corruption
The unfortunate upshot of all this is that even if these WHO
advisors are completely innocent, their financial ties still create
the appearance of corruption.
And that means the WHO is losing
credibility that may compromise its integrity when a real pandemic
comes along. If the world can't trust the World Health Organization,
in other words, then who should countries look to for real answers
on pandemics and infectious disease?
Sadly, even
the CDC in the US has now clearly positioned itself as
an "anti-nutrition, pro-vaccine" organization, too.
huge importance of vitamin D and the support of the human immune
system, many CDC experts have also either been on the payrolls of
vaccine manufacturers or are looking to join Big Pharma when offered
a job.
The former head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, was
recently offered a position as the
president of Merck's vaccine
The frustrating fact is that modern medicine has been subverted by
Big Pharma. The vaccine industry practically runs the CDC and WHO - or at the very least, it heavily influences decisions by these two
organizations. As a result, the so-called "scientific" decisions
made by these organizations have very little to do with actual
science but everything to do with protecting (and expanding) the
profits of vaccine manufacturers.
And when public health policy is decided based on corporate profits,
the people will always suffer.
There was nobody on the board that brought a pro-nutrition point of
view to the discussions.
And you know why nutritionists and
naturopaths weren't invited to join the WHO advisory board? Because
the WHO has already pre-decided it doesn't want to hear those points
of view. It has stubbornly decided to entertain only vaccines as the
solution to virtually all infectious disease.
And if you only invite vaccine pushers to the table, guess what kind
of advice you're going to get? "Push more vaccines!"
Asking a bunch of vaccine experts whether you should declare a
pandemic is sort of like asking your insurance agent whether you
need more insurance. Well of course you do!
No wonder the WHO has lost so much credibility. It refuses to look
at real solutions that might work for poor nations (such as low-cost
vitamin D supplements) while strongly favoring the high-profit
operations of the vaccine industry.
That's why the WHO simply can't
be trusted anymore. It has now become a pawn of the pharmaceutical
industry that will always make decisions that favor the financial
interests of Big Pharma.
See the WHO list of advisors here:
List of Members of, and Advisor to, the
International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee
concerning Influenza Pandemic (H1N1) 2009