by Janet Phelan
November 15, 2011
ActivistPost Website
Janet Phelan is an
investigative journalist whose articles have appeared in
the Los Angeles Times, The San Bernardino County
Sentinel, The Santa Monica Daily Press, The Long Beach
Press Telegram, Oui Magazine
and other regional
and national publications.
Janet specializes
in issues pertaining to legal corruption and addresses
the heated subject of adult conservatorship, revealing
shocking information about the relationships between
courts and shady financial consultants. She also covers
issues relating to international bioweapons treaties.
Her poetry has been
published in Gambit, Libera, Applezaba Review, Nausea
One and other magazines. Her first book, The Hitler
Poems, was published in 2005. She currently resides
You may browse
through her articles (and poetry) at janetphelan.com
attacks of September 11 were
quickly followed by a biological weapons attack in which
government-grade weaponized anthrax killed five people and sickened
numerous others.
This attack, the genesis of which remains unsolved ten years later,
was used to justify the United States Congress pumping over $60
billion dollars into a “biodefense “ program which has failed in
every parameter that can be measured.
In fact, it appears that all purportedly protective measures,
developed nationally and internationally, have fatal flaws in their
design which may function to ensure the likelihood and success of a
biological weapons attack.
On The
Domestic Front
Even the commission created by Congress in 2007 to evaluate all
defenses for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats
gave our biodefense program a failing grade.
Ten years after
the anthrax mailings (which went to Congressmen who
might have voted against the USA Patriot Act, as well as to certain
media outlets), the U.S. has not even developed a second generation
anthrax vaccine.
Over 100 million dollars has been
allocated to develop this vaccine, but ten years after the
biological weapons attack on our country our vaccine stockpiles
consist of smallpox vaccines as well as the original anthrax vaccine
(reputed to cause Gulf War syndrome) and little else. (Source)
Authorized under the
Bush administration,
Project BioWatch has developed and
placed sensors in a number of large cities to serve as an advance
detection system for an airborne biological attack, but this program
has come under scrutiny and critics have alleged that this may be
useless due to prior knowledge of the sensor locations by terror
Since 9/11, there has also been a proliferation of what are called
“biosafety labs” (BSL’s) level threes and fours. The 3’s and 4’s, so
designated because of the enhanced safety protocols at use in the
advanced level labs, handle the most dangerous bugs known to man.
There are at least 17 such BSL-4’s now in the U.S. and, according to
documents released by the DOJ and DOE, over 1350 BSL-3’s.
These numbers are dramatically up since
the events of September 2001.
The U.S. government maintains a
list of pathogens and toxins which
have the potential of causing grave harm to human or plant life. The
Center for Disease Control (CDC)
is mandated to keep track of labs handling select agents, but is
very cagey in terms of releasing the information about the numbers
and locations of these facilities, preferring instead to tender
denials and offer false information
when confronted with the proliferation of these labs.
There is evidence that the U.S. has developed an aggressive biological
weapons program, despite our government’s insistence that we
abandoned our bioweapons program forty years ago, under President
The evidence may be found at
Sierra Army Depot (and other
military bases) where these weapons appear to be stockpiled.
Locking in on
the Threat
There is growing alarm among certain sectors that the U.S. may be
planning another “event” using biological weapons, and may attempt
to either blame this on terrorists or on some sort of “natural”
It therefore becomes imperative to
determine what sort of attack we may be facing and what we can do to
protect ourselves.
According to Dr. Kenneth Alibek, a Russian scientist who came
over to this side of the fence and is now working on biological
weapons issues at Battelle, there are essentially three ways in
which a biological attack could be launched.
Writes Alibek:
Biological weapons can deployed in
three ways:
contamination of food or water
supplies, which are then ingested by the victims
release of infected vectors,
such as mosquitoes or fleas, which then bite the victims
creation of an aerosol cloud,
which is then inhaled by the victims (or if the targets are
plants, the cloud then settles on and infects the plants)
The probability of a general airborne
attack is unlikely.
An airborne attack could not be easily
controlled and carries the strong likelihood of affecting unintended
targets. One must therefore look at other delivery systems that
carry an ability to lock onto the desired targets and pass over
those who have been predesignated to survive.
Work on reconfiguring the water system, countrywide, began right
about the same time as the U.S. signed onto the Biological Weapons
Convention (BWC)
in the early 1970s.
reconfigured “double line” water system
provides the opportunity for a nearly “surgical” attack on
predetermined targets.
Possibly advancing to the top of the list in terms of all-time
government deception was President Nixon's public announcement in
1969 that the U.S. was ending its biological weapons program.
It is now apparent that at the same time
that President Nixon disavowed our bioweapons program and the U.S.
ratified the BWC, plans were being developed and executed to lay
down a second main line in cities and towns throughout America, and
plans to use the water system as a delivery system were cemented.
A chemist in Eastern Washington State, Dave Duncan, had
volunteered in 2006 to run chemical analyses on samples of water
which had ostensibly come from the mixture of the two water mains.
His initial tests revealed that the specific gravity of the sample
was significantly skewed when compared to normal tap water.
Duncan, a fundamentalist christian,
became concerned about the implications of his work, declaring that,
"if people were going to be killed
off, it must be God's will."
Shortly after vacating his work on
analyzing the water sample, Duncan succumbed to an aggressive form
of colon cancer.
Another delivery system has been uncovered, which may dovetail with
the double line water system, for the delivery of a lethal dose of
toxins or chemicals. For numerous medications being manufactured by
Big Pharma, there are now imposter
“death drugs” being quietly manufactured, as well.
These look-alike doppelgangers, which
appear identical to the,
other common medication, will produce a heart attack and/or stroke
and - most likely - subsequent death.
Both water as a delivery system and the imposter pharmaceuticals
bear the necessary targeting capability. The double line water
system provides the ability to selectively target households and the
pharmaceutical delivery system provides the ability to selectively
target individuals.
None of the 60 billion dollars pumped into biodefense in the last
ten years appears to be designated to address waterborne attacks.
A recent announcement from DHS Chief
Janet Napolitano
declared that “dangerous
terrorists” had infiltrated the utility companies and were planning
an attack. The Department of Homeland Security was
subsequently contacted and details were turned over to that agency
as to how this could very well occur via water utilities, given the
vulnerability inherent in the double line water system.
There has been no response from
Napolitano or the DHS.
On the
International Scene
It appears the wagons have also circled around the involvement of
the pharmaceutical companies in biological weapons work.
As there are no weapons inspectors or
any other implementation vehicle for the BWC, the pharmaceutical
companies can carry on their death work without the intrusion of any
Peeping Tom inspection team. The glaring failure of the BWC to
provide a means of implementing the treaty has resulted in a
complete lack of oversight as to what is going on in pharmaceutical
In the past, attempts to set up an
inspection capability for the BWC
have been vigorously opposed by the United States and also by... you
guessed it -
the pharmaceutical companies.
The development and production of biological weapons would
necessitate, of course, a laboratory to produce them. Certain
industries maintain such labs, such as pharmaceutical companies and
some food production companies.
Big Pharma has consistently objected to
the spectre of weapons inspectors coming into their labs, stating
that such weapons inspectors could, in fact, be industrial spies
bent on stealing proprietary drug information.
Bending to the stated necessity of
keeping the profits of the pharmaceutical companies secure along
with their proprietary formulas, the BWC has so far accommodated the
pharmaceutical companies in their insistence on the priority of
maintaining their privacy and profit margins, granting this
imperative more weight than the need to keep the world safe from
biological weapons.
However, given the revelation of the “death drug” imposter pill
program, we can see why the pharmaceutical industry would balk at
weapons inspectors peering over its shoulders.
This December, the BWC will be meeting again in Geneva, as it does
only every five years.
On the table will be strengthening the
“confidence building measures,” (CBM’s) which have taken the place
of inspection teams as a means to ensure treaty compliance. The
problem is that the CBM’s rely on the integrity of each nation to
accurately report on its own programs.
In plain language, that means that we
must “trust” the word of countries such as,
the United States
Great Britain
South Africa,
...to accurately report what is going on
in their labs.
The very term “confidence building measures” is possibly one of the
most offensive and misleading parts of the staged drama that is the
BWC. Forty years after the BWC treaty originally came into
existence, we still have no means of ensuring any kind of compliance
with the mandates of the treaty, other than the “word” of a possible
In a recent interview with a former CIA
contractor, who has asked his name not be used here, this top-level
scientist who worked for years as a CIA asset admitted that it was
known in intelligence circles that the old Soviet Union under
Yeltsin was violating the BWC.
This was never brought to the attention
of the international community through the BWC.
The three nations which serve as depositories of
the BWC
Great Britain
the United States
Great Britain may have recently ducked
an international scandal when a South African physician, Dr.
Wouter Basson, was exonerated of war crimes charges for his work
developing biological weapons with
Project Coast during the apartheid
Basson was purportedly involved in
developing a “blacks-only” bioweapon, which would only kill native
Africans and leave white people unscathed.
Sources in the U.S. government have
contacted this reporter alleging that such a weapon is now at play
and has been leaked into processed foods. The substance allegedly
bonds with melanin (which is present in darker skinned peoples)
producing hypertension and diabetes.
Indeed, the present epidemic of these
two "silent killers" is nearly unknown in Africa, where the native
population does not eat such a preponderance of processed foods,
relying instead on more natural food sources. Africa, as we know, is
being emptied out by
the AIDS epidemic.
Dr. Basson, it appears, was chummy with Dr. David Kelly, the
British biological weapons inspector
whose sudden “suicide”
may well have been an effort to obscure the evidence of a
cooperative effort between the South African bioweapons program and
Coming December, the Big Three,
Great Britain
the U.S.,
...will meet with other nations to
convene their deadly serious effort of making the world safe from
biological weapons.
Or, that is what they want us to
believe, anyway.
The reality is that, through its failure to enact implementation
protocols, the BWC is enabling the development of precisely the type
of weaponry that it is mandated to curtail.