A History of Secret Human Experimentation
Anthrax Scare Initiates New Anti-Terrorism Plan
Español |
Banderas Falsas y el Amanecer del
Be Paranoid About Bioterrorism, Experts Say
Bioterror Busters Turn to N.Y. Team to Fight Smallpox
Bioterrorism - Can We Deal with It?
Bioterrorism Facts - Q&A
Bioterrorism Threat Finds New Urgency
Bioterrorism - WHO and What is
The Threat?
Bio-Terror Scare Hits Ottawa
Coronavirus and 'No Weapon Left
Behind' - The American Hybrid War on China
Countering Germ Warfare
Español |
- "Covid-19
- Un Acto de Guerra Biológica" - EE.UU. "Liberó
Intencionadamente el Virus en Wuhan", cumbre UE
was the 34th Terrorist Attack involving Biological Agents
from 1970 to 2020
Español |
Crimen Organizado - COVID-19 y
ANTHRAX-01 - Entrevista con Heiko Schöning
Crossing the Threshold
- The Increasing Threat of Biochemical Terrorism
Czech Molecular Biologist explains
in Layman Terms COVID-19 virus Originates from Lab in
U.S. not China
can be Engineered to Kill Individuals, Families or Entire
Español |
El Coronavirus y el 'Factor Miedo'... - Main File
Español |
El 'Oscuro Invierno' del Covid -
Cómo los Juegos de Guerra Biológicos nos Robaron la
Facing a Bio-Terrorism Threat
Italiano |
La Pista del Bio-Terrorismo Covid
riconduce ai collaboratori del PCC Anthony Fauci e Peter
Español |
La Próxima Amenaza - Explotación
del ADN
Español |
Malone sobre la Investigación de
Armas Biológicas en Estados Unidos - ¿Somos los Buenos o
los Malos?
Cyborgs, and Supersoldiers' - Report suggests Pentagon
exploring Biotech-Based Warfare
Prepare for Bioterrorism Attack, Military Doctor Warns
Español |
Rusia reveló cómo los Experimentos
Biológico-Militares de EE.UU. prepararon el Covid-19
Russian Military blows whistle on
Bill Gates' Bioterrorism Plot to 'Reduce Population'
Silicon Bugs - They're Half Bacterium, Half Microchip
Technocrats Prepare to Meet a
'Never-Ending Parade of Biological Threats'
The Coronavirus and the 'Fear
Factor'... -
Main File |
The Covid Bio-Terrorism trail
leads back to CCP collaborators Anthony Fauci and Peter
The U.S. is the World Leader of
Bio-Weapons - Research, Production and Use Against
The WHO's Proposed Treaty will
Increase Man-Made 'Pandemics' - Final version: Sept. 3,
Español |
Un Médico con Experiencia en Armas
Biológicas dice que las Vacunas Covid-19 son "Medicina
U.S. 'Intentionally released Covid
Virus in Wuhan' - EU Summit Told...
U.S. Still Unprepared for Bioterrorism
Vaccines and Covid-19 -
Gene Therapy
- Main File |
Español |
Vacunas y Covid-19 - Terapia Genética
- Main File
World War III - Depopulation,
Nuclear War vs. "Bio War"
Information |
Español |
Armas Biológicas Étnicas - Una
Amenaza Real
Español |
Armas Genéticas - ¿Una Pesadilla
del Siglo XXI?
Biological Weapons Amidst the
Biotech Revolution
- The End of A Looming Threat or A Nightmare...
Biotechnology - Genetically
Engineered Pathogens
Biotechnology, Weapons and
Humanity II
Bioterrorism - Plague as A
Biological Weapon
Bird Flu Research Rattles
Bioterrorism Field
Body of Evidence Suggests New U.S.
Biological Warfront Opening
Español |
Científico Aboga por la
Eliminación del 90% de la Humanidad Mediante el Ébola
- Noticia del año 2006
Fatality Rate' lower than Expected - Close to Flu's 0.1%
says Study
Español |
Crear Laboratorios Biológicos con
Fines Militares - Plan de Estados Unidos en la Amazonía
Español |
Cynthia - Peligrosa
Bacteria Sintética Carnívora Descontrolada
Dancing the Apocalypso
with the Microbial Gestapo
DARPA Blue Angel Project to
Develop a Vaccine Surge Capacity for Flu Viruses
Español |
- ¿Demasiado
Poco y Demasiado Tarde? - India Enfrenta a la CDC
Dengue Fever Outbreak Leads Back to CIA & Army
Did The Alternative Media Force U.S. Government to Block
Deadly Bird Flu Study?
Ebola Outbreak May Already Be Uncontrollable
- Monsanto Invests in Ebola Treatment Drug Company as...
Italiano |
Ebola - Pandemia, Bioterrorismo o Operazione Falsa?
Ebola Virus - The Global Elite’s Bio-Weapon Scheme for
90 Percent Depopulation
Español |
Ébola - ¿Pandemia, Bioterrorismo u Operación de Bandera
Español |
El 'Nuevo Cuento' de la OMS -
Gripe Aviar en Humanos...
Viruses Created in Government Labs Validate Mass
Español |
Estados Unidos usa América Latina
para Desarrollar Armas Bacteriológicas
Español |
- ¿Estamos
al Borde de Una Gran Epidemia?
Español |
Esta Prueba Demuestra que el
SARS-CoV-2 fue Creado en Laboratorio
Ethnic Specific Weapons
Evidence of The Use of Pandemic
Flu to Depopulate U.S.A.
- Bioterrorism |
Español |
Experimentos Médicos en Seres
Humanos en Los Estados Unidos - Impactante Historia de
La Medicina...
Genetically Engineered Viruses are
Next Generation of Warfare
Global Depopulation, Eugenics
Agenda and HIV
The President's DNA
How We Can Stop the WHO's Horrific
Pandemic Treaty
Human Ebola Virus Species and
Compositions and Methods Thereof
Human Medical Experimentation in
The United States
- The Shocking True History of Modern Medicine and...
as Bioreactors - How DARPA pioneered the idea behind mRNA
Is it Wise for Obama to Send
Thousands of U.S. Troops into The Ebola Death Zone?
Is the Coronavirus Scare a
'Psychological Operation'?
Español |
Laboratorios Biológicos de Estados
Unidos - ¿Una Nueva Era de Control Mundial?
Lack of Security at Labs Handling
World's Deadliest Pathogens Could Lead to Epic Pandemic
Español |
La Guerra del Futuro - Las "Bombas
Español |
La Guerra Genética - El Nuevo
Escenario de Confrontación de Estados Unidos
Español |
La Nueva Amenaza de "Pandemia" de
la que todos Hablan - ¿Debería Preocuparse?
Español |
Más Conocimiento Previo de esta
Actual Plandemia
Mass Bio-Terror Pandemic by
December 21, 2012
- Secret Revealed
Español |
Más Sobre Guerra Genética - Laboratorios Secretos el
Pentágono en Georgia
More Plandemic Foreknowledge...
New Report Predicts Source of Next
Officials Warn of Weaponized H5N1
Bird Flu Pandemic Amid Debate
Preventing The Bio-Weapon HIV - New Test Uses Cancerous
RNA Viruses are Being Exposed as 'Man-Made' and Vaccines
are the Carriers Spreading Disease without...
Scientists Brace for Media Storm Around Controversial
Flu Studies
Scientists Engineer Bioterror
Special Virus Cancer Program -
Travails of a Biological Moonshot
The Coming Pandemic
- Expect All Protective Systems to Fail
The 'Coronavirus 5G Connection'
and Coverup
The History of Biological Warfare
The Midwest Respiratory Crisis -
Infected Chemtrail Beta Test?
The Power of Fantasy -
Bioterrorism, ISIS and Ebola Mania
The Smoking Gun proving SARS-CoV-2
is an Engineered Virus
Top Scientist Advocates Mass
Culling 90% Of Human Population
Grail - The Quest for Genetic Weapons
Español |
Un Doctor de EE.UU. Denuncia algo Muy Sospechoso Sobre
el Ébola
U.S. Army Rejected Successful Ebola Drug Two Weeks
Before Outbreak - Doctor Says
Government Urges Scientists to Censor Findings on New
Strain of Bird Flu
Vaccine Inventor and Genetic
Engineer Jokes About Depopulation and Biological Warfare
Español |
Varios Ataques con Armas Químicas
del Gobierno de Los Estados Unidos de Los Cuales No
Quieren que...
Viruses - An Instrument in World Depopulation - Main File
Español |
Virus Genéticamente Diseñados son
Armas de Guerra de Próxima Generación
Español |
Virus - Un Instrumento Para La Despoblación Mundial - Main File
Government is Lying to You in a way that Could Lead to
your Death' - Says former Pfizer Vice President
- Armas Biológicas |
Español |
Al Menos 1 Billón de Muertos o
Discapacitados por el Arma Biológica CV-19 - Dr. Betsy
At Least 1 Billion Dead or
Disabled from CV-19 Bioweapon - Dr. Betsy Eads
Bill Gates funded Bioweapons
Experiments to spread Bird Flu to Humans
Bioweapons - At the
Breaking Point of What We Call History
Censored Autopsies Study confirms
Covid 'Vaccines' caused 74% of All Deaths
Doctor with Bioweapons Expertise
calls Covid-19 Vaccines "Weaponized Medicine"
Italiano |
Dottore Specialista in Armi
Biologiche definisce i Vaccini per il Covid-19 "Medicina
Español |
EE.UU. desarrolla un Arma
Biológica de Ingeniería Genética 'Universal'
Español |
EE.UU. trabaja en un Arma
Biológica 'Universal' Modificada Genéticamente -
Investigación Parlamentaria Rusa
Hillary Clinton privately warned
France that Wuhan P4 Lab may lead to 'Bioweapon
Research' - Leaked Cable
The HIV Virus Became The US Government’s Most Successful
Human Genome Project Opens the Door to Ethnically
Specific Bioweapons
Injection put into People's arms
Instructs the Human Body to Manufacture a Scheduled
Toxin - Bioweapon
Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?
Japan declares State of Emergency
after 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid
Japan declares State of Emergency
- 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid
Japan warns Self-Amplifying mRNA
Vaccines will Trigger Worldwide Disaster
Generation Bioweapons
- Genetic Engineering and Biological Warfare
Replicon - Big Pharma is preparing
the Next Bioweapon
Rise of the RNA Machines -
Self-amplification in mRNA Vaccine design -
by Jerome D.G. Comes
Scientists Weaponize Deadly Bird
Flu, Consider Releasing Results Necessary to Create
The Darker Bioweapons Future
U.S. Confirms existence of
Bioweapons Labs in Ukraine - Says Russian Attack may
Target them
Books - Treatises |
Bitten - The Secret History of Lyme Disease and
Biological Weapons
- by Kris Newby
- by J.D. Morvan and Huang Jia Wei - EU Publications
Microorganisms and Bioterrorism
- by Burt Anderson, Herman Friedman and Mauro Bendinelli
Multimedia |
2019 Biological Attack in UK?
Anthrax War
Español |
- ¿Ataque
Biológico en 2019 en Gran Bretaña?
Bioterrorism Evidence Against WHO
and UN
- Steve Quayle on Alex Jones TV
BioWar - Project Blue Angel
- Elite Develop Genetically Engineered Weapons to
Eliminate Ethnic and...
Español |
COVID-19 al Descubierto
Lies We Trust
- The CIA, Hollywood and Bioterrorism
Ukraine Bioweapons Funded by U.S.?
- Russia's Accusation Explained
Related Repoirts |
Ebola - Global Pandemic or Global
- Main File
Influenza - Virus H1N1
- Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism?
- Main File
Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...
- Main File