by Hesh Goldstein
January 05, 2013
NaturalNews Website
Spanish version
About the author
I have been doing a weekly radio show in Honolulu since
1981 called "Health Talk".
In 2007 I was
"forced" to get a Masters degree in Nutrition because of
all the doctors that would call in asking for my
credentials. They do not call in anymore.
Going to
enables you, among other things, to listen to the shows. |
The natural healing approach to curing health related issues is
always in the direction of self-cleansing, self-repairing, and
positive health.
This philosophy maintains that even
acute disease is a manifestation of the body's efforts in the
direction of self-cure.
Disease, or downgraded health, may be eliminated only by removing
from the system the real cause and by raising the body's general
vitality so that its natural and inherent ability to sustain health
is allowed to dominate.
So, a question arises:
If all disease is a self-repairing
effort aimed toward health, then why bother to treat disease at
all? Why not just lie back and wait for our pneumonia, ulcer,
heart disease, or arthritis to simply go away?
The obvious answer, according to common
sense, is that just aren't going to happen.
The general flow of life's energies is in the direction of positive
health. But, if that flow is hindered or obstructed in any way, the
outcome stands a good chance of being less than perfect.
When we talk about health, we are talking about the normal and
harmonious interaction of the elements and forces that make up the
human being on the physical, mental, and emotional planes, in
conformity with the fact that every living cell in an organized body
is endowed with an instinct of self preservation. In other words,
the general flow of life's energies is in the direction of positive
So, disease then, is an abnormal or inharmonious
interaction of the elements and forces that make up the human
In the perfectly normal individual, if
all aspects of life were kept in harmony, the body would live
forever. But the ordinary individual is constantly being subjected
to influences that upset his or her inner balance.
Normal internal and external changes in the physical environment are
easily compensated for because the body is equipped with
sophisticated defense mechanisms that have evolved over ions. As
such, it is designed to maintain a healthy internal environment and
can protect itself from reasonable adversities.
Unfortunately, modern humanity can no longer be considered either
normal or ordinary, as nearly every aspect of modern living
causes disharmony on all levels of our existence.
In the blink of an eye, we are exposed
to radical changes, internally and externally, to our environment.
The physical body, designed for and requiring demanding physical
exercise for its optimum functioning, now does stuff that never
breaks a sweat.
Our diet, which used to be one of whole,
unrefined grains
raw fruits
fresh vegetables
pure water,
...is now made up of,
refined, devitalized grains
highly salted nuts
frozen, canned, or poisoned
fruits and vegetables
complex protein meals poisoned
by all sorts of drugs, chemicals, and growth hormones
harmful liquids like coffee,
tea, soda, fluoride, and alcohol
Even the air, with
its chemtrails and toxic emissions,
is no longer pure. It's no wonder that the body reaches a point when
it can no longer safely deal with this vast array of poisons.
Mental and emotional stresses have increased rapidly as well, such
as employer-employee relationships, divorce, peer pressure, children
being bullied, and on and on and on, causing the body reach a point
of no return.
Our saving grace is that we are equipped with various mechanisms,
which clear the body of a normal amount of unneeded, unwanted, or
toxic substances. But if those channels are clogged, overburdened,
or suppressed, harmony can no longer be maintained and disease
Even so, this disease is still an
activity designed to create balance or harmony.
So, with disease being the result of a healing effort of nature to
create balance, it is fundamental to better understand and
appreciate basic causes of disease.
Accumulation of toxic material within the body due to improper diet,
poor circulation, poor eliminations, and lack of demanding exercise
is a major factor in almost all disease.
While it is acknowledged that other
causes do exist, most factors that predispose to disease result in
accumulation of poisonous substances in the body which, when the
channels of elimination cannot adequately do their job, will
invariably initiate a disease process ultimately leading to changes
within the cell and eventually the whole body.
Incorrect or unbalanced diets lead to reduced vitality, nutritional
deficiency, toxemia, poor eliminations, and local tissue
Modern food processing and refining and
the thrusting upon us
of GMOs, leads to an unbalanced,
low-fiber, unnatural diet which drastically decreases the nutrient
value of food.
High-yield fertilizer usage upsets
the natural balance of the soil, depletes the essential mineral
sulfur, and produces nutritionally inferior and deficient food.
Pesticides and additives place a further burden on the body to
detoxify unwanted and poisonous substances, causing improper diet to
be a major cause of nearly all forms of disease.
Improper posture and body mechanics, due to habit, poor muscle tone,
accident, or injury, may interfere with normal nervous activity or
the circulation of blood and lymph, leading to tissue degeneration
and defective function.
As the normal curves of the spine are
altered by weak abdominal muscles, high heels, spinal trauma, or
poor body mechanics in sitting or standing, the normal relationship
of internal organs and their nervous, blood, and lymph supply, and
consequently their nutrition, are severely affected. These changes
may lead to poor local nutrition, reduced drainage, and reduced
tissue vitality.
The end result is congestion, toxic
accumulation, and disease.
Destructive emotions such as,
lack of tolerance
lack of forgiveness
...can affect the body by upsetting,
blood flow
hormone balance,
...and the general biochemistry
of the entire body.
Psychological causes of disease are
increasing as society places greater pressures on the individual.
administration of suppressive drugs
vaccines, which inhibit the
eliminative efforts of the body and place further demands on it for
drug detoxification, are a major cause of disease. Many drugs, and
vaccines, in particular, can cause allergic reactions, chronic
allergies, and other long-term health problems.
incidence of drug-induced illness
is ever upon us, especially in older age groups where multiple
prescriptions cause toxic interactions.
Excessive use of alcohol, coffee, and tobacco are serious health
threats. These social drugs, although widely accepted and used, are
major factors in many disease processes. They can severely damage
the liver, lungs, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal glands, and other parts
of the body and mind.
Environmental causes of disease are
too difficult to avoid. The air, water, and soil have become
susceptible to pollution as population increases and we continue
to treat the earth without proper respect.
Occupational hazards also help cause disease. Chemical contact and
poor air quality are common factors in downgraded health. Some
substances that have been around for years, like asbestos, are
extremely toxic and pose a severe health risk. Work-related stress
may be the greatest cause of illness among workers.
Certain inherited factors or tendencies, congenital predisposition,
or abnormalities may also leave an individual more susceptible to
disease or unstable conditions. Often, however, these weaknesses
only manifest when the body comes under stress from one or more of
the other causes of disease above.
Parasitic, virus, or germ infection is not a primary
cause of disease but rather its result.
Even Pasteur, the recognized father of
germ theory, began to understand the true relationship of germs to
disease late in his life when he said,
"The germ is nothing, the soil is
...meaning that a germ can only thrive
in a suitable environment.
The body normally is hosting to millions
of microorganisms, some beneficial, others harmful. If harmful
bacteria are allowed to multiply, then typical symptoms of disease
In a healthy body several factors can keep harmful bacteria from
gaining a strong foothold. The normal healthy bacterial flora in the
digestive tract and vagina prevent others from proliferating. The
body's secretions also act to prevent bacterial infection by their
pH (acidity or alkalinity) and their other qualities.
Many mucous membranes are lined with
tiny cilia, or hairs, that constantly move debris and bacteria
toward the nearest exit.
Glandular structures such as the tonsils
are designed to screen foreign matter from the air, and internally
from the circulation. Other glands perform a similar process
throughout the entire lymphatic circulation, which filters the
body's internal fluids. Foreign invaders that do manage to break
through the body's first line of defenses are attacked by
antibodies, consumed by white blood cells, and either digested or
removed from the body.
As you can see the body is well protected.
Only when defenses are weakened can
harmful bacteria take hold. When one or more of the causative
factors predisposing to disease are present, the body is forced to
fight like hell to reestablish proper equilibrium.
Those various avenues of action by the
body to free itself of those burdens are as follows:
Fever increases the body's
metabolic rate and circulation of blood and lymph, speeding
the removal of toxins from the body, and sending nutrition
to diseased areas. The increased circulation also acts as a
carrier for the body's more complicated defenses such as
white blood cells and antibodies.
Fever also creates a less
favorable environment for either bacteria or viruses, which
generally have a very narrow temperature range for optimal
growth. As fever increases, these organisms begin to die
faster than they can reproduce.
Hippocrates said, "Give me fever
and I will cure any disease."
Sweating carries toxins out of
the system through the skin. It also helps keep the rising
temperature within a range that will not endanger the
long-term health of the body.
Mucous secretions also remove
toxic material from the body. Cells of some mucous membranes
protect against invasion by the action of the tiny cilia
that move particles of foreign matter and debris toward the
nearest outlet. External irritants, bacteria, viruses, or
internal toxins stimulate these cilia.
Inflammation, swelling, and
edema are actions by the body to localize a problem.
Inflammation indicates a local increase in metabolic
activity with increased blood and lymph supply, and an
increased capillary supply to aid in transport of
blood-borne defenses. Edema, or fluid accumulation, aids in
diluting an undesirable, toxic, or irritating substance.
Local infection results from a
breakdown of vital tissues into waste matter, which then
provides a suitable environment for bacterial spread until
the body's forces can remove the waste material. The reduced
vitality occurs first, the infection is secondary. Boils,
acne, and other local infections may also be the result of
an inner cleansing process.
Diarrhea and vomiting are
obvious attempts by the body to rid itself of toxic
substances. Local irritants may initiate this action, as
will systemic toxins.
Pain is a natural mechanism by
which the body draws attention to a problem area. Pain
indicates that the malfunction can no longer be tolerated
and that further persistent pain may result in severe
Sneezing and coughing are
serious attempts by the body to rid the respiratory system
of irritants and toxins. The coughing up of mucous can
reduce the spread of infection my preventing dead matter
from stagnating, and also can help prevent blockage of
smaller respiratory passageways. Sneezing effectively rids
the upper respiratory passages or particle and irritants.
This entire article is to provide
information regarding an innate intelligence by the body
to reestablish equilibrium and positive health.
As such they are corrective and
eliminative and should not be suppressed. What is commonly called
acute disease is really the result of nature's efforts to
eliminate waste matter or poisons from the body and to repair
injured tissues.
If the acute condition is not allowed to
run its natural course, or is
treated with suppressive methods
and not allowed to fulfill its intended function of elimination,
hello chronic disease...
And believe me, that isn't a good thing.