by A. True Ott, Ph.D.
June 28, 2010
The architects of
cap and trade included former BP CEO. The sales of stock
on the dawn of the BP Gulf disaster were of the oil
portions of the company, not the solar/wind portions.
Goldman Sachs and BP stand to make trillions through cap
and trade. Obama is the top recipient of BP PAC and
individual money over the last 20 years.
With edits by
Sterling D. Allan for
Pure Energy Systems News.
The views expressed are those of the author and not
necessarily those of the
New Energy Congress
colleagues and advisors. |
Some have called "BP" (aka British Petroleum, or "Beyond Petroleum")
"Beyond Pathetic".
Perhaps in light of this expose' paper,
it should today be re-named and re-branded "Beyond Ponzi", and
CRIMINAL CHARGES should immediately be filed AGAINST ALL BP
EXECUTIVES. Connect the following timelines and readily available
information "dots" - and then decide for yourself.
First of all, let's define a "Ponzi"
The term itself originated from the
escapades of a master swindler by the name of Charles Ponzi,
an Italian Mafioso who began luring investors by promising large
financial returns based on bogus international "postal credits"
during the "roaring 20's".
Ponzi quickly became a multi-millionaire, living a lavish lifestyle
on other people's funds. He was a master at "robbing Peter to pay
Paul" - basing his entire "pyramid" on non-existent international
"credits" that he alone invented and accounted for.
To be completely successful, a modern "Beyond-Ponzi Scheme" must
have the following components:
A Smooth-talking salesman who
appears totally credible in every way.
Complete control over the
"credits" that is the basis for the scam
Authoritarian figures placed in
government (i.e. police and regulators) that have been
bribed to never investigate, nor ever to prosecute the
Total control over all
the media.
Friends, nothing better fits the description of a "Ponzi Scheme"
than the so-called "Cap
and Trade" program. It is based on a lot of questionable
and cooked data about
anthropogenic climate change, which
was exposed last Fall.
It's not that humans don't have an impact on the environment or
shouldn't take care to live sustainably, for obviously they do and
should. But much of this science has become politicized, twisted and
exaggerated in order to give impetus to garnering adequate support
for such drastic measures.
"Cap and Trade" legislation, (most notably the Waxman-Markey bill,
H.R. 2454 which passed the U.S.
House last year) is very close to becoming LAW!
All that appears to be needed for
clearing the Senate is a final, camel-breaking straw in the form of
a massive ecological disaster to convince gullible Americans that
such an extreme measure as cap and trade is necessary to speed our
recovery from our oil addiction - a false solution to a true
The architects of "cap and trade" include Mr. Ken Lay, ENRON
CEO, and "Lord" John Browne, the "Baron Browne of Madingley";
the CEO of British Petroleum (who was forced out of BP in 2007
following a scandal over committing perjury in testimony concerning
his young homosexual partner/lover Chevalier.)
In August, 1997, Lay and Browne met with
President Bill Clinton and VP
Al Gore in the Oval Office -
and therein conspired and developed "official U.S. administration
positions" for the Kyoto Japan "summit".
Of course, the Kyoto summit resulted in
an international treaty to "regulate greenhouse gas emissions" by
means of "carbon credits" issued by Browne, Lay, and
Goldman Sachs!!
The U.S. Senate voted 95-0 NOT to ratify
the Kyoto Treaty in 1997, but the cap and trade proponents
have persisted..
Remember what Charles Ponzi did back in 1920? He created a false
"postal credit" system that he "sold" to investors. (Taking money
from Peter, to pay a portion out to Paul.)
So-called "carbon credits" issued by
Browne, Lay, and promoted by lackeys such as Al (inventor of
the internet) Gore are no different.
Here's basically how BP, Obama, and Gore's "Cap and Trade" Ponzi-scheme
is designed to work.
The conspirators convince the federal
government to enact legislation that places a ceiling or "Cap" on
"greenhouse gases". Each private business, and citizen, would then
be given a FIXED QUANTITY of something called "carbon credits" based
on the make and model of car driven, or the type of A/C or furnace
in the home, or the type of factory equipment utilized.
For instance, one "credit" would be
issued for a small, fuel-efficient "hybrid" vehicle as the
benchmark. If somebody preferred to drive an older SUV, then that
person would have to purchase additional "credits" - or face paying
stiff fines or even jail sentences for "non-compliance".
This is all in the name of "saving the
planet" of course.
What this Ponzi-scheme does is create a false, artificial scarcity
in the right to produce energy. You see, the "carbon credits" sold
by government-sanctioned "brokerage firms" will then be transferred
to companies in payment for their "green products" such as solar
panels, natural gas (which BP controls) and wind turbines.
The "green companies" will literally
earn TRILLIONS in windfall profits.
Of course, Goldman-Sachs will be the controlling "carbon
credit" brokerage house - and will earn a hefty commission for each
"credit" sold or traded.
Following his meeting in the Clinton/Gore White House, Lord Browne
delivered a bombshell speech at Stanford University on May 19, 1997.
There, BP employees arranged BP-made solar panels (BP is the largest
manufacturer of solar panels and wind turbines in the world) in a
massive circle around the open-air Frost amphitheater.
Browne then proudly declared to the
"On this day, a Big Oil company
broke ranks with the rest of the oil industry. We took our first
tentative steps to going green."
Soon thereafter, with a huge splash of
publicity, Lord Browne launched a massive "rebranding" campaign.
What used to be British Petroleum became
merely BP - as Browne declared means "Beyond Petroleum". The
corporate logo then went from the classic Masonic shield, to a "helios"
symbol - a green and yellow sunburst. (The HELIOS is a figure of
Greek mythology meaning, literally,
Writing in his book, Beyond Business, the Lord Browne
"The new helios logo and the line
‘Beyond Petroleum' expressed the new identity of the company.
They gave a strong message that BP was intent on becoming a new
type of global energy enterprise. We meant to tell people that
we were ready to do more than they would expect when it came to
confronting the difficult issues, such as the conflict between
energy and environmental needs."
Yes indeed.
Cap and Trade is BP's baby and
they are uniquely positioned to make TRILLIONS of dollars as soon as
it is adopted worldwide. It has taken them 13 years to accomplish
this - but all they needed was a massive "spill" of epic
proportions to finalize their "plan".
In his book, Lord Browne admits:
"In order to know WHERE to reduce
carbon emissions, we wanted to develop a simple EMISSIONS
TRADING SCHEME within the company. It would become the first of
its kind.
And the person instrumental in
helping us set this up was Fred Krupp, head of the Environmental
Defense Fund, an environment NGO (non-government organization).
We had come full circle. This NGO had virtually single-handedly
halted the construction of the Trans Alaska Pipeline in the
early 1970's."
Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO)
finally was forced to sell its holdings to BP - who now owns the
Clearly, Lord Browne and BP - the
world's 4th largest multi-national corporation, is a
well-camouflaged viper hiding in the tall grass.
Follow BP's "green" money folks, and things start to become a bit
more in focus. What good is a corporate "rebranding" as a wonderful
"green company" without a PR firm to sell it?
BP and Lord Browne spent over $200
million to PR firms including Greenberg Quinland Rosner that brags
on its website that they helped BP,
"remake itself as a company focused
on transcending the energy-environment paradox."
It is also very interesting that
Stanley Greenberg enjoys a very cozy relationship with
Obama and his chief of staff,
Rahm Emanuel.
Shortly after Obama's inauguration, Andrew Malcolm of the
L.A. Times reported:
"Eyebrows rose slightly upon word
that, as a House member, Emanuel had LIVED FOR THE LAST FIVE
YEARS RENT-FREE in a D.C. apartment of Democratic colleague Rep.
Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut and her husband, Stanley Greenberg -
Malcolm also notes:
"BP and its folks were SIGNIFICANT
CONTRIBUTORS to the record $750 million dollar war chest of
Barack Obama's 2007-2008 campaign."
Moreover, according to Politico,
"Obama is the top recipient of BP
PAC and INDIVIDUAL MONEY over the last 20 years."
Little wonder then, that after touring
the oil-contaminated beaches of Louisiana on June 15, Obama declared
to the nation:
"The time to embrace a CLEAN ENERGY
Of course, a "clean energy future" is
synonymous with "Cap
and Trade" legislation.
I submit that there is nothing the socialist Cap and Trade
...love more than a nice, juicy,
oil-spill disaster to further their agenda.
Also, as
Rahm Emanuel has often stated,
they will never let a "perfectly good disaster go to waste" but will
milk it to the max.
Thus, logic demands that the bigger the
disaster, the more powerful will be the impact (and thus the
eventual profits) on ALL ASPECTS of "Cap and Trade". This is little
more than a monumental SOCIALISTIC TOOL designed to redistribute the
world's wealth and place more of it into the pockets of a select
group of
world elitists.
While BP apparently is poised to benefit handsomely from a move away
from oil, the other conspiratorial players who have used oil as
their tool for control, might not be so happy about this
move; and we could see some in-fighting among the power brokers as
they vie for control over the planet - all while losing their
grip as their days are numbered.
A new day is dawning, in which such corruption will not be
tolerated, but enlightened people will embrace technologies that
truly reduce our footprint on the planet - and increase our
individual empowerment by providing power at the point of use - free
energy, abundance, true sustainability.
The rising generation will not persist
in raping the planet in order to enjoy comforts today, but will seek
to live in harmony with nature, while living comfortably from her
replenishable wealth.